Bacteria Charts
Bacteria Charts
Bacteria Charts
Bacteriology Summary
taBleS and trigger WordS
Summary: Gram-Positive Bacteria
OrGaniSm DiSeaSe FeatureS iDentiFicatiOn PathOGenic FactOrS tranSmiSSiOn PreventiOn/treatment*
Actinomyces spp. Abscesses with Gm(+); filamentous; Unknown (normal Endogenous spread Débridement and
draining sinus anaerobic colonizer of upper across mucosal penicillin
tracts, especially in Seen as macroscopic respiratory and GI barriers after
cervicofacial region “sulfur” granules in tracts) trauma or disease
Mycetoma clinical specimens
Bacillus anthracis Cutaneous anthrax: Gm(+) rod; spore- Exotoxin consisting Spores from animal Attenuated vaccine for
ulcerated lesions former; nonmotile; of a protective products or soil at-risk groups
and septicemia aerobic factor, edema factor, through skin or by Penicillin, ciprofloxacin,
Pulmonary anthrax: Medusa-head colonies and lethal factor; inhalation doxycycline
often fatal on blood agar antiphagocytic
Gastrointestinal polypeptide capsule
anthrax (developing
Bacillus cereus Food poisoning: Gm(+) rod; spore- Heat-stable exotoxin Preformed toxin Refrigeration of foods
emetic disease (early former; motile (emetic disease); in reheated rice Supportive therapy
vomiting); diarrheal Aerobic heat-labile exotoxin (emetic form);
disease (later onset) (diarrheal disease) spores in meat and
Traumatic eye vegetables
Clostridium Classic botulism: Gm(+) rod; spore- Heat-resistant spores; Preformed toxin Discard bulging cans
botulinum weakness, bilateral former; anaerobic A-B type toxin in canned foods of food; no honey for
descending paralysis inhibits release of (classic); spores, infants
Infant form: floppy acetylcholine often in honey Trivalent antitoxin IgG;
baby syndrome, (infant) Trivalent antitoxin
constipation Respiratory support
Wound form: similar Penicillin (infant and
to classic but longer wound)
Clostridium Pseudomembranous Gm(+) rod; spore- Growth after antibiotic Opportunistic Cessation of causative
difficile colitis with bloody former; anaerobic; depletion of intestinal flora; antibiotic
diarrhea: associated ELISA detection of competing intestinal nosocomial Metronidazole or
with antibiotic use toxin in stool flora; enterotoxin A spread vancomycin
culture, antigen in (fluid loss); cytotoxin
stool B (mucosal damage)
Clostridium Myonecrosis (gas Gm(+) large, boxcar- Cytolytic alpha toxin; Spores in food and Proper cooking and
perfringens gangrene), Cellulitis shaped rod; spore- heat-labile enterotoxin soil; endogenous refrigeration of foods
Food poisoning (watery former; aerotolerant (fluid loss); other spread from GI Wound cleaning and
diarrhea) anaerobe toxins (increased tract to sterile débridement
Double zone of vascular permeability, sites Penicillin
hemolysis tissue necrosis)
Clostridium tetani Tetanus: lockjaw Gm(+) small rod A-B type exotoxin Spores via cut or stab Toxoid vaccine (childhood
(trismus), (tennis racket); (tetanospasmin) wound DPT vaccine); booster
spastic paralysis terminal spore; strict blocks release every 10 years; Antitoxin
(opisthotonos), anaerobe of inhibitory immunoglobulin
grinning expression neurotransmitters to neutralize toxin
(risus sardonicus) (e.g., GABA, glycine) Penicillin
190 Microbiology and Immunology