Cestodes (Platyhelminthe) Table
Cestodes (Platyhelminthe) Table
Cestodes (Platyhelminthe) Table
Spirometra mansoni
Sparganum mansoni
Taenia solium
Pork tapeworm
Taenia saginata
Beef tapeworm
Globular, armed, has 4 cuplike suckers; conspicuous rounded rostellum armed w/ double rpws of large and small hooklets Unarmed scolex; 4 muscular suckers
INTERMEDIATE HOST st 1 int. Host copepods-cyclops & diaptomus nd 2 int. Host fishpike, salmon, whitefish, turbot st 1 int. Host Cyclops; nd 2 int. Host rodents, snake, frog Pigs
DISEASE Diphyllobotriasis; bothriocephaliasis; dibrothriocephalus anemia; fish tapeworm infection Edematous; ocular sparganosis; elephantiasis; acniform pustules
Bilobed mass; posterior rd 3 of proglottids bilobed mass; lacking accessory ovary lobe Single mass 330-400 follicles
Small intestine
Dipylidium caninum
4 prominent deeply cupped suckers & armed conical rostellum rose thorn shaped spines Rhomboidal scolex has 4 suckers and bears short, refractile rostelum armed w/ single ring 20-30 Y shaped spines Small club shaped scolex w/ 4 cupshaped suckers & rudimentary unarmed rostellum
Small intestine
Hymenolepis nana
Small intestine
Ctenophalides canis- dog flea; ctenophalides feliscat flea; purex irritans human flea Beetle
Pork tapeworm onfection; taeniasis solium; abdominal discomfort; chronic indigestioin; diarrhea; cysticercus cellulosae Intestinal disturbances & acute intestinal obstruction; towards the end of prepatent period diarrhea &hunger pain, loss of weight Dipylidiasis; dog tapeworm infection; loss of apetite; intestinal disturbance; pruritus ani diarrhea;
Find the white larvae in lesion by exp. Infec. Of animal -> Surgical removal; praziquantel(alternative) Stool analysis, scotch tape swab -> praziquantel; niclosamide; quanacrine
Bilobed ovary
3 round testes
Hymenolepis diminuta
Rat tapeworm
Small intestine
Sacular uterus
Ovoidal testes