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2 of 7 Tebruegge M, Pantazidou A, Curtis– N. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed (2010). doi:10.1136/adc.2009.178038
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local patterns. The figures provided by several key is thought that dimeticone acts by coating the
studies are summarised in table 2. lice and causing disruption of their ability to
In vitro studies have subsequently documented manage water44 45; airway obstruction and suf-
the emergence of resistance against these com- focation has been proposed as another potential
pounds in the parasite population and identified mechanism.46 Two clinical trials evaluating this
the underlying genetic basis.1 13 41–43 Worryingly, drug, both done in the UK, reported cure rates
relatively recent reports from the UK have around 70%.44 47 Notably, the cure rate of mala-
described simultaneous resistance against mala- thion, which was used as a comparator in one of
thion, phenothrin and permethrin,41 42 poten- the trials, was only 35%.47 A more recent study
tially rendering all over-the-counter insecticidal in Turkey that evaluated two dimeticone-based
products ineffective. Ultimately, knowledge of lotions (4% dimeticone and 4% dimeticone with
local resistance patterns may become crucial to 2% nerolidol) reported cure rates of 92% and
improve treatment success rates. 83%, respectively.48 The authors attributed the
In response to the rising number of treatment higher efficacy to the fact that the level of infes-
failures, a variety of strategies have been pro- tation was overall lighter than in the UK-based
posed. On a population level, one such strategy is studies. Another large randomised trial con-
to limit the use of pediculocides to one agent at a ducted in Brazil, in which a different dimeticone-
time and to rotate to another agent once treatment based formulation was used (92% dimeticone;
failure rates are increasing, heralding emergence identical to NYDA), reported a 97% cure rate,
of resistance. However, this approach is unfea- which compared favourably with the efficacy of
sible when a whole range of agents are available permethrin used as the comparator drug (68%
over the counter, as is the case in most countries. cure rate).49 Given the different mode of action,
Another approach is to use alternative forms of it is unlikely that previously identified resistance
treatment, such as topical non-neurotoxic agents, mechanism will have an impact on the efficacy of
oral drugs with pediculocidal activity, plant-based this compound. In addition, the product is odour-
compounds and physical methods. less, non-toxic and generally well tolerated.44
Finally, its use should be acceptable to parents
TOPICAL NON-NEUROTOXIC AGENTS who have concerns regarding the safety of neu-
Dimeticone, also used as treatment for infant rotoxic insecticidal compounds. In 2007, Hedrin
colic, was the fi rst therapeutic in this category to was the market leader among licensed head lice
be licensed for the treatment of head lice infes- treatments in the UK. 50
tation in the UK (4% dimeticone; Hedrin). It More recently, a further preparation in
this category, a 50% isopropyl myristate in
cyclomethicone solution (Full Marks Solution),
Table 1 Topical pediculocides currently available in the UK has been introduced in the UK. The only two
Class Generic name Trade name Formulation published trials of this product, which were both
sponsored by the manufacturer, are summarised
Organophosphate Malathion Derbac-M Liquid 0.5%
in a single paper. 51 The authors report that
Quellada-M Liquid 0.5%, shampoo 1%
77% of the 111 patients treated with isopropyl
Pyrethroids Permethrin Lyclear Cream rinse 1%
myristate/cyclomethicone were free of head lice
Phenothrin Full Marks* Liquid 0.5%, lotion 0.2%,
at the end of the treatment period, which com-
mousse 0.5%
pared favourably with a cure rate of only 19%
Non-neurotoxic agents Dimeticone Hedrin Lotion 4%, liquid gel 4%
with the comparator drug. However, the trials
Dimeticone NYDA Spray 92%
were discontinued early and had methodological
Isopropyl myristate/ Full Marks Solution, spray
cyclomethicone limitations, as participants were not blinded
Plant-based Coconut, anise and Lyclear SprayAway Spray and treatment was applied by investigators. In
ylang-ylang oils addition, the choice of comparator drug in these
studies has been criticised previously, as the for-
*Production discontinued in the UK.
mulation (a 1% crème rinse) used in these trials
was known to have low efficacy. 50 Notably, a
Table 2 Efficacy of topical head lice treatment in clinical key trials trial in the USA, which included 30 patients
Range of reported efficacy* (%) treated with a different preparation of isopropyl
Pre-1999 1999 to present References myristate, reported cures in only 17 (57%),
despite participants having received up to three
Conventional Carbaryl 78–92 – 86 87
treatment courses. 52
pediculocides Malathion 83–93 17–98 47 79 82 88–91
Phenothrin 88–96 13–75 44 81 86–88 In April 2009, the US Food and Drug
Permethrin 97–99 10–72 70 82 89 90 92–94 Administration (FDA) approved a further prep-
Other pediculocides Dimeticone – 69–97 44 47–49 aration in this category, a 5% benzyl alcohol
Isopropyl myristate – 57–93** 51 52 lotion (Ulesfi a), which is currently not available
Coconut, anise and – 82–92 75 77 in the UK. According to the FDA, the safety and
ylang-ylang oil efficacy of this lotion have been demonstrated
combination in two clinical trials comprising more than
*Note different methodologies and definitions for efficacy were used in different studies. 600 participants, with cure rates in excess of
**Upper limit based on a small non-randomised trial (n=30) that did not include a comparator drug. 75%. 53 The results of the phase II and phase III
Tebruegge M, Pantazidou A, Curtis– N. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed (2010). doi:10.1136/adc.2009.178038 3 of 7
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clinical trials have been summarised in a recent Notably, one randomised study in children,
publication. 54 which used a 10-day regimen, reported cure rates
of 83% and 78% at 2 and 4 weeks post-treatment,
ORAL TREATMENT respectively. 70 Although the treatment was gen-
A range of oral agents for the treatment of head lice, erally well tolerated, a small number of children
including the antiparasitic drugs albendazole, 55 56 (4%) in this study developed allergic drug reac-
thiabendazole, 57 levamisole58 and diethylcarbam- tions, while others experienced gastrointestinal
azine (DEC), 56 have been studied in recent years. side effects.
All four compounds were shown to have some To summarise, although several compounds
activity against head lice, but their effectiveness have shown activity against head lice in a clini-
in clinical trials was generally disappointing, with cal setting, oral treatment is currently not rec-
reported cure rates well below 70%. ommended for fi rst-line therapy. The use of
Another antiparasitic compound, which has ivermectin for head lice infestation unresponsive
shown more promising results, is ivermectin. In to topical treatment requires further evaluation,
1991, Dunne et al reported that the prevalence as its role in routine practice remains uncertain.95
of head lice infestation in children treated with Sufficiently large trials, independent from com-
ivermectin during a study on oncocerciasis was mercial involvement, are needed to assess safety
significantly lower than in a control group that and efficacy in greater detail. Systemic treatment
had received placebo. 59 A subsequent small phase carries a greater risk of side effects, and in view of
II clinical study reported that a single oral dose the availability of safe and effective topical treat-
was curative in some patients with head lice ment options, the risk/benefit ratio requires care-
infestation.60 A recent study in school-aged chil- ful consideration.
dren in India that investigated the efficacy of a
single dose of ivermectin combined with another
antiparasitic drug (DEC or albendazole) reported
that more than 90% of the participants who
Several in vitro studies have evaluated the pedic-
had received ivermectin were free of head lice at
ulocidal activity of a variety of natural com-
15 days post-treatment. 56 A more recent double-
pounds. Among the more promising substances
blind, randomised controlled trial by Chosidow
are eucalyptus, 71–73 lavender72 74 and tea tree
et al, which included both adults and children,
oil.74 None of these substances have been eval-
reported that two doses of ivermectin given
uated in published clinical trials, and currently,
1 week apart was effective in eradicating head
they can therefore not be recommended for the
lice in 95% of the participants when assessed
treatment of head lice infestation. However,
on day 15.61 This was higher than the 85% cure
three recently published studies, one investigat-
rate observed in the comparison group, who
ing a coconut-derived emulsion shampoo and
were treated with malathion lotion. However,
two evaluating a coconut anise spray (marketed
the inclusion criteria included failure of previous
as Lyclear SprayAway in the UK and as Paranix
treatment with a pyrethroid- or malathion-based
in continental Europe), have reported encourag-
topical pediculocide. This is important because
ing results.75–77 Nevertheless, the available data
this approach may have led to the selection of
are still limited, and the clinical efficacy of these
participants with malathion-resistant parasites,
agents remains to be confi rmed in larger, well-
thus inevitably resulting in a lower cure rate in
designed studies that are done independent from
the comparison group. Furthermore, it is of note
commercial involvement.
that the manufacturer had significant involve-
ment in the study and the reporting of the results.
Ivermectin is reported to have relatively few side PHYSICAL METHODS
effects in settings where it has been used to treat Wet combing
oncocerciasis.62 However, the dose used for this Wet combing as a treatment for head lice infes-
purpose is considerably lower (150 μg/kg) than that tation has been reviewed by ourselves in detail
used in the study by Chosidow et al (400 μg/kg). in this journal previously.78 In brief, a number
Also, it is disconcerting that an earlier publica- of different combing kits are currently commer-
tion reported an unexplained increase in deaths cially available for this purpose, including the
in elderly patients treated with ivermectin for Bug Buster kit (Community Hygiene Concern,
scabies.63 In addition, several publications have Milton Keynes, UK; available on NHS prescrip-
reported encephalopathy and other neurologi- tion) and the LiceMeister kit (National Pediculosis
cal abnormalities (including dysarthria, inconti- Association, Newton, Massachusetts, USA). This
nence, abnormal tendon reflexes and seizures) in method relies solely on the physical removal of
patients with Loa loa fi lariasis who received iver- lice and eggs by means of a special comb, which
mectin, although this has been attributed to the is fi ner toothed than regular and detection combs.
parasite, rather than a side effect of the drug.64 65 Simultaneous use of shampoo or conditioner,
Accidental poisoning with ivermectin results in which merely acts as a lubricant, facilitates the
abnormal tendon reflexes and coma.66 process. It is recommended to carry out treatment
Another drug, which has been investigated by sessions every 3 days for the duration of 14 days
several groups, is the antibiotic cotrimoxazole.67–70 (ie, five sessions in total).
4 of 7 Tebruegge M, Pantazidou A, Curtis– N. Arch Dis Child Educ Pract Ed (2010). doi:10.1136/adc.2009.178038
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The cure rate in individual efficacy studies consistently been shown to have high levels of
ranged from 38% to 75%. 31 79–82 However, most efficacy. The majority of these interventions have
studies were small, and one study also had a very been insufficiently assessed and consequently
high drop-out rate (40%).80 In addition, in one cannot be recommended at present. In contrast,
study, the wet combing was performed by a spe- both topical treatment with dimeticone and wet
cifically trained research nurse,81 therefore not combing have been shown to be viable treat-
reflecting a “real-life” situation. ment options. Both methods have a high level of
A comparatively large study by Hill et al in the parental acceptance and practically no potential
UK reported a cure rate of 57% with wet combing, side effects. Topical, plant-based compounds are
which compared favourably with a cure rate of another promising option, although clinical effi-
only 13% in children treated with pediculocides cacy data are still relatively limited. Nevertheless,
(malathion or permethrin).82 However, the study for most interventions, cure rates are suboptimal,
design has been previously criticised, as the allo- highlighting the need for continuing research into
cation concealment was inadequate, which may novel, more effective treatment strategies for head
have skewed the results significantly.83 lice infestation.
Nevertheless, there is sufficient evidence that
wet combing alone can be an effective form of USEFUL WEBSITES WITH FURTHER
treatment when used correctly and consistently. INFORMATION
The clear advantage of this method is the absence ▶ Head lice (pediculosis). The Health
of potential side effects. Additionally, there are Protection Agency (HPA). Available
some data suggesting that parents frequently prefer at: http://www.hpa.org.uk/webw/
wet combing to treatment with pediculocides. 31 HPAweb&Page&HPAwebAutoListName/
Hot air ▶ Clinical topic: head lice. NHS Clinical
To date, only one trial has evaluated the use of Knowledge Summaries (CKS), previously
hot air as a treatment for head lice infestation.84 Prodigy. Available at: http://cks.library.
The authors investigated six different methods nhs.uk/head_lice/.
of delivery, including a conventional hand-held ▶ The prevention and treatment of head lice
blow-dryer and a newly designed device the inves- (2005 edition). The Department of Health
tigators called “LouseBuster”. For the majority of (UK). Available at: http://www.dh.gov.uk/en/
the 169 patients, the authors used an unconven- Publicationsandstatistics/Publications/
tional method to assess efficacy: following treat- PublicationsPolicyAndGuidance/
ment, the lice and eggs were collected and their DH_4006669.
viability was assessed in the laboratory. The most ▶ Head lice information. Pollack RJ. Harvard
effective method, the LouseBuster, was reported School of Public Health. Available at:
to have killed 80% of the lice and 98% of the http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/headlice.
eggs. However, only 11 children treated with this html.
method had a follow-up assessment, and valid ▶ Head lice information sheet. Speare R.
conclusions about the clinical effectiveness of this James Cook University. Available at:
intervention can therefore not be made.85 A fur- http://www.jcu.edu.au/school/phtm/
ther significant limitation of this study is that the PHTM/hlice/hlinfo1.htm.
authors excluded all subjects with a “high proba-
bility of reinfestation” (those with infested family Acknowledgements MT is supported by a Fellowship award
from the European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases,
members or classmates) from follow-up, which an International Research Scholarship from The University of
may have had a significant impact on the results. Melbourne and research funding provided by the Murdoch Children’s
Research Institute.
Electronic devices Competing interests None.
A plethora of electronic devices, such as electronic Provenance and peer review Commissioned; externally peer
combs, are enthusiastically advertised and mar- reviewed.
keted, particularly on the internet. Despite the
claims made by most manufacturers that these REFERENCES
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