Pana Vs Heirs of Juanite
Pana Vs Heirs of Juanite
Pana Vs Heirs of Juanite
FACTS: In its Decision dated 9 July 1997, the Post-marriage modification of such settlements
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Surigao City can take place only where: (a) the absolute
convicted Melecia Pana (“Melecia”) of murder community or conjugal partnership was
and ordered her to pay each of the heirs of the dissolved and liquidated upon a decree of legal
victims civil indemnity and damages. When the separation; (b) the spouses who were legally
said Decision became final and executory, the separated reconciled and agreed to revive their
RTC ordered the issuance of a writ of execution, former property regime; (c) judicial separation
which resulted in the levy of real properties of property had been had on the ground that a
registered in the names of Melecia and her spouse abandons the other without just cause
husband, Efren Pana (“Efren”). or fails to comply with his obligations to the
family; (d) there was judicial separation of
Efren and Melecia moved to quash the writ of property under Article 135; (e) the spouses
execution, claiming that the levied properties jointly filed a petition for the voluntary
were conjugal assets, not paraphernal assets of dissolution of their absolute community or
Melecia, and that their marriage falls under the conjugal partnership of gains. None of these
regime of conjugal partnership of gains, given circumstances exists in the case of Efren and
that they were married prior to the enactment Melecia.
of the Family Code and that they did not execute
any prenuptial agreement. Moreover, under the conjugal partnership of
gains established by Article 142 of the Civil Code,
The RTC denied their motion and ruled that it the husband and the wife place only the fruits of
was the system of absolute community of their separate property and incomes from their
property that applied to Efren and Melecia. In work or industry in the common fund. This
support of the said ruling, the RTC applied the means that they continue under such property
Family Code retroactively. regime to enjoy rights of ownership over their
separate properties. Consequently, to
ISSUE: WON the conjugal properties of spouses automatically change the marriage settlements
Efren and Melecia can be levied and executed of couples who got married under the Civil Code
upon for the satisfaction of Melecia's civil into absolute community of property in 1988
liability in the murder case. when the Family Code took effect would be to
impair their acquired or vested rights to such
RULING separate properties.
The Family Code cannot be given retroactive The conjugal properties of spouses can be
effect to change the property relation of levied and executed upon for the satisfaction of
spouses who were married prior to its the civil liability of one of the spouses.
enactment in 1988.
However, the Family Code provisions on conjugal
Efren and Melecia were married when the Civil partnership of gains supersede those under the
Code was still the operative law on marriages. Civil Code, pursuant to Article 105 of the Family
The presumption, absent any evidence to the Code, viz:
contrary, is that they were married under the
regime of the conjugal partnership of gains. "x x x
The conjugal partnership of gains that governed The provisions of this Chapter [on the Conjugal
the marriage between Efren and Melecia who Partnership of Gains] shall also apply to conjugal
were married prior to 1988 cannot be modified partnerships of gains already established
except before the celebration of that marriage, between spouses before the effectivity of this
pursuant to Article 76 of the Family Code which Code, without prejudice to vested rights already
states that “in order that any modification in the
acquired in accordance with the Civil Code or
other laws, as provided in Article 256."