Bba General Syllabus 2017-18
Bba General Syllabus 2017-18
Bba General Syllabus 2017-18
First Semester
BBA/GEN/ Business 0
101 Organization 4 - - 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Business 0
102 Mathematics 4 1 - 5 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Financial 0
103 Accounting 4 1 - 5 4
- 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Computer 0
104 Fundamentals DCC/
3 - 2 5 4 - 25 75
BBA/GEN/ Presentation 0
105 &
3 1 - 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
tion Skills-I
BBA/GEN/ Micro-
106 economics
for Business 3 1 - 0 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
4 2 0 27 24 125 25 450
*Note: Any one subject from the list of MOOC subject is to be qualified during the Semester-1 to
Semester-V through Svayam Portal of UGC. For this subject, the Institute or the Department
concerned will appoint a coordinator to track the activities of the student and will ensure that all
students of the programme have qualified the MOOC subject in the specified time period.
Presentation &
BBA/GEN/205 Communication
4 1 - 0 5 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Business
206 Statistics 3 1 - 0 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
21 4 2 0 27 24 125 25 450
Nomenclature of Codes
S.No. Abbreviation Description
1 DCC Discipline Core Course
2 SEC Skill Enhancement Course
4 MAC Mandatory Audit Course
5 OEC Open Elective Course
Cost and
BBA/GEN/ Management
301 4 2 - 0 6 5 25
BBA/GEN/ Marketing
302 Management 4 - - 0 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Capital
303 Markets 3 2 - 0 5 4 25 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Introduction
304 to DCC/
3 - 2 0 5 5 -
Information 75
BBA/GEN/ Indian
305 Business 4 - - 0 4 4 25 75 DCC
306A-C Mandatory
Course* 2 - - 0 2 0 25* - 75* MAC
20 4 2 0 26 22 100 25 375
2. Introduction to Psychology 2
3. Health Psychology 2
Hours Credits MARKS
Paper No Title of
L T P S Total Internal Practic External
Financial 5
Management 4 2 - 0 6 - DCC
401 25 75
BBA/GEN/ Human 4
402 Resource 4 - - 0 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Business 5
403 Research 4 2 - 0 6 25 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Data Base 5
404 Management DCC/
System 3 - 2 0 5 - 25
BBA/GEN/ Human 4
406 Rights and
Values 4 - - - 4 25 - 75 DCC
23 4 2 29 27 125 25 450
BBA/GEN/ Computer
503 Networking & DCC/
3 - 2 0 5 5 25 -
75 SEC
BBA/GEN/ Consumer
504 Behaviour 4 - - 0 4 4 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Cyber Security DCC/
505 4 - - 0 4 4 25 - 75
BBA/GEN/ Open Elective
506A-D Course 4 - - - 4 4 25 - 75 OEC
Income Tax 5
4 2 - 0 6 25
BBA/GEN/ System 5
602 Analysis & 3 - 2 0 5 25 - 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Foundation of 4
603 International 4 - - 0 4 25 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ E-commerce 5
604 3 - 2 0 5 - 25 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Consumer 4
605 Protection 4 - - 0 4 25 75 DCC
BBA/GEN/ Environmental 4
606 studies 4 - - 0 4 25 75 DCC
Forms of business organization, Sole proprietorship, partnership, joint stock company,
types of company cooperative societies; multinational corporations
Entrepreneurship Concept and nature; entrepreneurial opportunities in contemporary
business environment; process of setting up a business enterprise; choice of a suitable
form of business organization, feasibility and preparation business plan
Government and business interface; stock exchange in India; business combination
concept and causes; chambers of commerce and industries in India FICCI, CII
Indices & logarithms, arithmetic and geometric progressions and their business applications; sum
of first n natural numbers, sum of squares and cubes of first n natural numbers.
Permutations, combinations and binomial theorem (positive index), Quadratic equations.
Matrices – Types, properties, addition, multiplication, transpose and inverse of matrix; properties
of determinants, solution of simultaneous Linear Equations; differentiation and integration of
standard algebraic functions; business applications of matrices, differentiation and integration.
1. Sancheti, D.C., A.M. Malhotra& V.K. Kapoor, Business Mathematics, Sultan Chand & Sons,
New Delhi
2. Zameerudin, Qazi, V.K. Khanna& S.K. Bhambri, Business Mathematics, Vikas Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi
3. Reddy, R.JayaPrakash, Y. Mallikarjuna Reddy, A Text Book of Business Mathematics, Ashish
Publishing House, New Delhi
Meaning and scope of accounting, nature of financial accounting principles, basis of accounting;
accounting process – from recording of business transaction to preparation of trial balance.
Rectification of errors; preparation of final accounts (non-corporate entities) along with major
Bank Reconciliation Statement; accounts of non-profit organization, Single entry system
Joint venture accounts; consignment accounts.
1. Gupta R.L. , Advanced Accounting Vol. I, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
2. Grewal T.S. and M.C. Shukla, Advanced Accounting Vol. I, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
3. Monga, J.R., Financial Accounting, Margin Paper Bank, New Delhi
4. Maheshwari S.N., Advanced Accounting Vol. I, Vikas Publications
Introduction – Digital and analog computers, evolution of digital computers, major components of
a digital computer, hardware, software, firmware, middleware and freeware, computer
applications; Input devices, output devices, printers, plotters, other forms of output devices; main
memory, secondary memory and backup memory.
Decimal number system, binary number system, conversion of a binary number to decimal
number, conversion of a decimal number to a binary number, addition of binary numbers, binary
subtraction, hexadecimal number system, octal number system.
Introduction to Operating System, history; functions, types, structure, memory management; file
management system.
Computer applications in offices, use of computers in books publication, desktop publishing
system, application of computers for data analysis, application of computer in education,
application of computer in banks, medical field.
Lab Work:
Commands of MS-DOS, MS-Office (MS-Word, MS Excel, MS-Power Point).
Practical grammar basic fundamental of grammar and usage, how to improve command over
spoken and written English with stress o Noun, Verb Tense and Adjective. Sentence errors,
Punctuation, Vocabulary building to encourage the individual to communicate effective and
diplomatically, common errors in business writing.
Business letter writing: Need, Functions and Kinds. Layout of letter writing. Types of letter
writing: Persuasive letters, Request letters, Sales letters, Complaints and Adjustments.
Departmental Communication: Meaning, Need and types: Interview letters, Promotion Letters,
resignation letters, news letters, Circulars, Agenda, Notice, Officememorandums, Office orders,
Press release.
Aids to correct Business writing, Practical Grammar (basic Fundamentals), Sentence errors-
Punctuation, Vocabulary building.Business Etiquettes Business manners. Body language gestures,
Etiquette of the written word, Etiquette of the telephone, Handling business meetings. Role play on
selected topics with case analysis and real life experiences.
Nature and scope of micro economics, determinants of demand and law of demand, price, cross
and income elasticity of demand, law of supply, elasticity of supply, competitive equilibrium;
consumer’s equilibrium- utility and indifference curve approaches.
Short run and long run production functions, laws of returns; optimal input combination;
classification of costs; short run and long run lost curves and their interrelationship; internal and
external economies of scale, revenue curves; optimum size of the firm; factors affecting the
optimum size, location of firms.
Equilibrium of the firm and industry – perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition,
discriminating monopoly, aspects of non-price competition and oligopolistic behavior.
Characteristics of various factors of production. Marginal productivity theory and modern theory of
distribution. Determination of rent; quasi rent. Alternative theories of interest and wages.
1. D. Salvatore, Microeconomic Theory, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Mark Hirschey, Managerial Economics, Thomson, South Western, New Delhi
3. R H Dholkia and A.N. Oza, Microeconomics for Management Students, Oxford University
Press, New Delhi
4. P.L. Mehta, Managerial Economics, Sultan Chand, New Delhi
Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: Concept, evolution, importance and relationship with
other Fields; Contemporary challenges of OB; Individual Processes and Behavior differences,
Personality- concept, determinant, theories and applications; Values, Attitudes and Emotions,
Perception- concept, process and applications, Learning and Reinforcement; Motivation: concept,
theories and applications; Stress management.
Interpersonal Processes- Work teams and groups- Definition of Group, Stages of group
development, Group cohesiveness, Types of groups, Group processes and Decision Making; Team
Building; Conflict concept, sources, types, management of conflict; Power and Political Behavior;
Leadership: concept, function and styles.
Organizational Processes and structure: organizational design: various organizational structures
and their effect on human behavior; Organizational climate; Organizational culture; Organizational
change: Concept, Nature, Resistance to Change, Change Management, Implementing Change and
Organizational Development
1. Robbins, S.P. and Decenzo, D.A. Fundamentals of Management, Pearson Education Asia, New
2. Stoner, J et. al, Management,New Delhi, PHI, NewDelhi
3. SatyaRaju, Management Text & Cases, PHI, New Delhi
4. Kavita Singh, OrganisationalBehaviour: Text and cases. New Delhi: PearsonEducation
5. Pareek, Udai, Understanding Organisational Behaviour, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi
6. Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T.A., Organisational Behaviour, Prentice Hall of India, NewDelhi
Nature and scope of macroeconomics, circular flow of income; national income – alternative
concepts of income and their interrelationship, measurement of national income, stock and flow
variables, aggregate demand, supply and macroeconomic equilibrium, nature of a trade cycle,
causes of booms and recessions.
Macro analysis of consumer behavior, cyclical and secular consumption, income consumption
relationship, absolute, relative and permanent income hypothesis, simple Keynesian Model of
income determination; multiplier analysis.
Nature of fiscal policy, fiscal deficits, fiscal policy in relation to growth and price stability, basic
issues in fiscal deficit management, nature and management of public debt; business taxes – types,
rationale and incidence.
Money supply measures; credit creation process and money multiplier, instruments of monetary
policy; promotional and regulatory role of central bank; Inflation – types, causes, effects and
control measures.
1. Gupta, G.S., Macroeconomics – Theory and Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
2. Edward Shapiro, Macroeconomic Analysis, Galgotia, New Delhi
3. Gupta S.B., Monetary Economics: Theory, Policy and Institutions, S. Chand, New Delhi
4. Vaish, M.C., Macroeconomic Theory, Vikas Publications, New Delhi
5. D’souza, Errol, Macroeconomics, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Debentures; issue of debentures, methods of redemption of debentures, underwriting of shares and
Statutory provision regarding preparation of company’s final accounts, preparation of profit and
loss account and balance sheet of company as per the requirement of Schedule VI of the companies
act, state the basic features of accounting standards 4, 5, 15, 17 18 and 29; company liquidation
Valuation of Goodwill and shares, banking company accounts.
1. Gupta R.L., Advanced Accounting Vol. II, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
2. Grewal T.S. and M.C. Shukla, Advanced Accounting, S. Chand & Sons, New Delhi
3. Jain, S.P. & K.L. Narang, Advanced Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
4. Monga, J.R., Corporate Accounting, Margin Paper Bank, New Delhi
5. Maheshwari S.N., Advanced Accounting, Vikas Publications
Introduction to Computers – History, basic anatomy, operating system, memory, input/output
devices; types of computers, classification of computers; hardware and software.
Networking – Advantage, types, devices and network connection, wireless networking; virus and
Introduction to information technologies; www, search engines, web browsers, IP addressing, web
hosting and web publishing, Internet applications in business, chatting and e-mailing; computer
applications, advantages and limitations, use in offices, education, institutions, healthcare.
Data, information and types; Information systems, types – MIS, TPS, OAS, DSS, expert systems,
executive information systems.
Multimedia applications in business; marketing and advertising; web applications of multimedia.
Lab Work:
Lab will be based on basic and practical exposure of computer application in management.
Project and report writing, and proposals – how to write an effective report, basics ofproject
writing, paragraph writing, paper reading and voice modulation, basics of project presentation.
How to make a presentation, the various presentation tools, along with guidelines of effective
presentation, boredom factors in presentation and how to overcome them, interactive presentation
& presentation as part of a job interview, art of effective listening.
Resume writing skills, guidelines for a good resume, how to face an interview board, proper body
posture, importance of gestures and steps to succeed in interviews. Practice mock interview in
classrooms with presentations on self. Self introduction – highlighting the positive and negative
traits and dealing with people with face to face.
Leadership – quality of a leader, leadership quiz with case study, knowing your skills and abilities.
Introduction to group discussion technique through debate and extempore. Audio Video recording
and dialogue sessions on current topics, economy, education system, environment, politics.
Statistics: Meaning, evolution, scope, limitations and applications; data classification; tabulation
and presentation: meaning, objectives and types of classification, formation of frequency
distribution, role of tabulation, parts, types and construction of tables, significance, types and
construction of diagrams and graphs.
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion: Meaning and objectives of measures of central
tendency, different measure viz. arithmetic mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic
mean, characteristics, applications and limitations of these measures; measure of variation viz.
range, quartile deviation, mean deviation and standard deviation, co-efficient of variation and
Correlation and Regression: Meaning of correlation, types of correlation – positive and negative
correlation, simple, partial and multiple correlation, methods of studying correlation; scatter
diagram, graphic and direct method; properties of correlation co-efficient, rank correlation,
coefficient of determination, lines of regression, co-efficient of regression, standard error of
estimate. Association of attributes (up to three attributes).
Index numbers and time series: Index number and their uses in business; construction of simple
and weighed price, quantity and value index numbers; test for an ideal index number, components
of time series viz. secular trend, cyclical, seasonal and irregular variations, methods of estimating
secular trend and seasonal indices; use of time series in business forecasting and its limitations,
calculating growth rate in time series.
Introduction: - Objective, elements of cost, cost sheet, importance of cost accounting, types of
costing, installation of costing system, difference between cost accounting and financial
accounting. Material Control: - Meaning and objectives of material control, material purchase
procedure, fixation of inventory levels – Reorder level, EOQ, Minimum level, Maximum level,
Danger level and Methods of Valuing Material Issues.
Labor Cost Control: - its importance, methods of Time Keeping and Time Booking; Treatment and
Control of Labor Turnover, Idle Time, Overtime, Systems of Wage Payment – Time Wage System,
Piece Wage System and Balance or Debt Method; Overhead – classification, allocation and
apportionment of overhead including machine hour rate. Methods of Costing – Job, Batch and
Contract Costing, Process Costing Fundamental, Process Losses & Gains.
Management Accounting: - Meaning, nature, scope, objective and functions; marginal costing and
profit planning, practical application of marginal costing techniques. Responsibility Accounting: -
types of responsibility centers, performance evaluation criteria, responsibility reporting; budgeting
– role of budgets and budgeting in organizations, budgeting process, operational and financial
Nature and types of Financial Statements; techniques of financial statement analysis, ratio
analysis, fund flow and cash flow analysis, techniques in performance measurement. Management
accounting information for activity and process decisions; basic capital budgeting techniques.
1. Jain & Narang, Advance Cost Accounting, Kalyani Publishers, New Delhi
2. Mittal, S.N., Cost Accounting
3. Bhar, B.K., Cost Accounting
4. Prasad, N.K., Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting
Introduction to Marketing; difference between marketing and selling; core concepts of marketing;
marketing mix; marketing process; marketing environment.
Product and product line decisions; branding decisions; packaging and labeling decisions; product
life cycle concept; new product development; pricing decisions.
1. Kotler, Philip, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha, Marketing
Management, Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. Dhunna, Mukesh, Marketing Management, Text and Cases, Wisedom Publications, New Delhi
3. Sakena, Rajan, Marketing Management, McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. Zikmund, William G, Marketing, Cengage Learning, New Delhi
5. Panda, Tapan K, Marketing Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
Meaning, nature and role of capital market, features of developed capital market, reforms in the
capital market, regulatory framework of capital market, capital market instruments and innovation
in financial instruments.
Primary capital market scenario in India, primary market intermediaries, primary market activities,
methods of raising resources from primary market; secondary market scenario in India, reforms in
secondary market, organization and management, trading and settlement, listing of securities, stock
market index, steps taken by SEBI to increase liquidity in the stock market.
Meaning, need and benefits of depository system in India, difference between demat and physical
share, depository process, functioning of NSDL and SHCIL Importance of Debt market in capital
market, participant in the debt market, types of instrument treated in the Debt market, primary and
secondary segments of debt market.
Role and policy measures relating to development banks and financial institution in India, products
and services offered by IFCI, IDBI, IIBI, SIDBI, IDFCL, EXIM Bank, NABARD and ICICI
Meaning and benefits of mutual funds, types of mutual funds, SEBI guidelines relating to mutual
1. Pathak, Bharati V, The Indian Financial System, Pearson Education
2. Khan, M. Y, Indian Financial System, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Bhole, L M, Financial Institutions and Markets, Tata McGraw Hill
Documentation using MS WORD; Tool bars, menus, creating and editing documents, format,
header and footer, drop cap, auto text, auto correct, spelling and grammar tools, dictionary, page
formatting, mail merge, macros, tables, file management and printing.
Electronic spreadsheet: - creating and editing, formatting, moving and copying data, functions,
types of graph, creating graph, formatting cells, macros, conditional formatting.
Presentations using MS-PowerPoint; creating manipulating and enhancing slides, excel charts,
word art, layering and objects, animation and sounds, inserting pictures, inserting sound.
Introduction to Tally.
Lab: Practice in Ms-Office and Tally Accounting Package
1. Saxena, Introduction to Information Technology, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Williams and Eawyer, Using Information Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
Nature, components and determinants of business environment; basic nature of Indian economic
system; growth of public and private corporate sector; social responsibility of business; economic
reforms since 1991 – an overview.
Review of industrial policy developments and pattern of industrial growth since 1991; industrial
licensing policy; public sector reforms; privatization and liberalization trends; growth and
problems of SMEs; industrial sickness.
Development banking: an overview and current developments; regulation of stock exchanges and
the role of SEBI; banking sector reforms; challenges facing public sector banks; growth and
changing structure of non-bank financial institutions.
Trend and pattern of India’s foreign trade and balance of payments; latest foreign trade policy;
India’s overseas investments; policy towards foreign direct investment; globalization trends in
Indian economy; role of MNCs; impact of multilateral institutions (IMF, World Bank and WTO)
on Indian business environment.
Human Values, Morals Values, Values and Ethics, Positive Attitude and beliefs, Balanced approach
towards professional and personal Life.
Ethics in the workplace: Respect for each other, Obedience to the organization, Dignity of labour,
Excellence in action.
Concept of Trusteeship: Everything belongs to society, Man is only a caretaker, our responsibility to
ensure welfare of all.
Suggested Readings::
1. John R Boatright, Ethics and the Conduct of Business, Pearson Education, New Delhi.
2. Edmund G Seebauer and Robert L Barry, Fundamentals of Ethics for Scientists and
Engineers, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
3. Hartman , Laura P. and Joe DesJardins, Business Ethics: Decision-Making for Personal
Integrity & Social Responsibility. McGraw-Hill/Irwin
4. Arthur, John. Studying Philosophy: A Guide for the Perplexed. Pearson/Prentice Hall
Stress and Coping: Nature of Stress; Sources; Stress reactions; Factors that influence reactions to stress.
Coping with stress: Modifying environment; Altering lifestyle.
Introduction to Health Psychology: components of health: social, emotional, cognitive and physical aspects,
mind-body relationship, goals of health psychology.
Behaviour and health: Characteristics of health behaviour; Barriers to health behaviour; Theories of health
behaviour and their implications.
Health Enhancing Behaviour: Exercise, nutrition, safety, pain, stress management. Health and Wellbeing:
Happiness; Life satisfaction; Optimism and Hope.
Suggested Readings
Evolution, scope and function of finance managers, objectives of financial management, profit vs.
wealth maximization, time value of money.
Investment Decisions; brief introduction of cost of capital; methods of capital budgeting; ARR,
PBP, NPV and IRR, capital rationing (simple problems on capital budgeting methods).
Financing decision: operational and financial leverage; capital structure theories – NI, NOI and
traditional approach; EPS-EBIT Analysis.
Dividend decision and Management of working capital; determinants of dividend policy; Walter’s
Dividend Model; Operating Cycle, brief discussion on management of cash, receivable and
inventory (simple problem on operating cycle and inventory management).
1. Pandey, I.M., Financial Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Khan and Jain, Financial Management, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Kishore, R., Financial Management, Taxman’s Publishing House, New Delhi
Introduction – nature and scope of human resource management, HRM objectives and functions,
HRM policies, HRM in globally competitive environment; strategic human resource management,
HR outsourcing – BPO, KPO.
Acquiring human resources – human resource planning, job analysis and job design, employee
involvement, flexible work schedule, recruitment, selecting human resources, placement and
induction, right sizing.
Developing human resources – employee training, training need assessment, training methods and
evaluation, cross-cultural training, designing executive development programme, techniques of
executive development, career planning and development. Employee retention, Succession
Enhancing and rewarding performance – establishing the performance management system,
establishing rewards and pay plans, employee benefits, ensuring a safe and healthy work
environment. Balance Scorecard, Competency based HRM.
1. Bohlander George and Scott Snell, Management Human Resources, Thomson Learning,
2. Bhattacharyya, Dipak Kumar, Human Resource Management, Excel Books, New Delhi
3. Cascio, Wayne F., Managing Human Resources, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
4. DeCenzo, David A, and Stephan P. Robbins, Fundamentals of Human Resource Management,
Wiley India, New Delhi
5. DeNisi, Angelo S, and Ricky W Griffin, Human Resource Management, Biztantra, New Delhi
Business Research – Meaning, types, managerial value of business research; theory and research –
components, concept, constructs, definition variables, proposition and hypothesis, deductive and
inductive theory; nature and process and importance of problem definition, purpose and types of
research proposal, ingredients of research proposal.
Research Design – Meaning, classification and elements of research design, methods and
categories of exploratory research, basic issues in experimental design, classification of
experimental design; concept and their measurement, measurement scales.
Sample design and sampling procedure, determination of sample size, research methods of
collecting primary data, and issues in construction of questionnaire.
Statistical techniques of data analysis, nature and types of descriptive analysis, uni-variate and
bivariate tests of statistical significance, meaning and types of research report, ingredients of
research report.
1. Shekharan Uma, Business Research Methods, John Wiley Publications
2. Zikmud, Business Research Methods, Cenage Publications
3. Copper, Business Research Methods, Tata McGraw Hill
Introduction to data base management system – Data versus information, record, file; data
dictionary, database administrator, functions and responsibilities; file-oriented system versus
database system.
Database system architecture – Introduction, schemas, sub schemas and instances; data base
architecture, data independence, mapping, data models, types of database systems.
Data base security – Threats and security issues, firewalls and database recovery; techniques of
data base security; distributed data base.
Data warehousing and data mining – Emerging data base technologies, internet, database, digital
libraries, multimedia data base, mobile data base, spatial data base.
1. Navathe, Data Base System Concepts 3rd, McGraw Hill
2. Date, C.J., An Introduction to Data Base System 7ed, Addison Wesley
3. Singh, C.S., Data Base System, New Age Publications, New Delhi
Law of contract: meaning and essentials of a valid contract; offer and acceptance; capacity to
contract; consent and free consent; consideration; void agreements; quasi contract; different mode
of discharge of contract; remedies for breech of contract.
Purpose and meaning of the contract of the guarantee; kinds of guarantees; rights and obligations
of creditors; rights, liabilities and discharge of surety; contract of indemnity; Definition of bailment
and its kinds; duties and rights of a bailer and a bailey; rights and duties of a pledger and pledgee.
Contract of agency; definition of agent and agency; creation of agency; duties and rights of agent
and principal; principal’s duties towards agents and third parties; termination of agency; power of
attorney. Law of sale of goods – definition and essential of a contract of sale, conditions and
warrantees, passing of property in goods; performance of contract; right of unpaid sailor; remedies
for breach of contract.
Negotiable instrument act – Meaning and essential elements of a negotiable instruments; types of
negotiable instrument; holder and holder in due course; negotiation of negotiable instruments;
dishonor of negotiable instruments. Meaning and scope of information technology act; digital
signature; electronic governance; regulation of certifying authority; digital signature certificates;
duties of subscribers; penalties adjudication and offences. RTI Act 2005 : Purpose, Right to
Information and Obligation of Public Authorities, Exemption from disclosure of information
1. Kapoor, N.D., Business Law, Sultan Chand & Sons
2. Gulshan, S.S., Mercantile Law, Excel Books
3. Kuchhal, M.C., Mercantile Law, Vikas Publishing Pvt. Ltd.
4. Chadha, P.R., Business Law, Galgotia Publishing
5. Aggarwal, S.K., Business Law, Galgotia Publishing Company
6. Maheshwari S.N. & Maheshwari, Business Regulatory Framework, Himalaya Publishing House
Concept of Human Rights, Indian and international perspectives of Human Rights, Evolution of
Human Rights, Human Rights movements in India, Classification of Human Rights and Relevant
Constitutional Provisions to Right to Life, Liberty and Dignity, Right to Equality, Right against
Exploitation, Cultural and Educational Rights, Economic Rights, Political Rights and Social
Redressal Mechanisms for Human Rights Violations: Violation of Human Rights by State.
Violation of Human Rights by Individuals and groups, Nuclear Weapons and terrorism.
Government systems for Redressal, Judiciary, National Human Rights Commission and other
Statutory Commissions, Media Advocacy, Creation of Human Rights Literacy and Awareness.
Concept of Human Values: Aim of education and value education; Evolution of value oriented
education; Concept of Human values; types of values; Components of value education. Character
Formation Towards Positive Personality - Truthfulness, Sacrifice, Sincerity, Self-Control,
Altruism, Tolerance, Scientific Vision; Value Education towards National and Global
Development, National Integration and international understanding.
1. Alam, Aftab ed., Human Rights in India: Issues and Challenges (New Delhi: Raj Publications,
2. Bajwa, G.S. and D.K. Bajwa, Human Rights in India: Implementation and Violations (New
Delhi : D.K. Publishers, 1996)
3. Grose. D. N – “A text book of Value Education’ New Delhi (2005) Dominant Publishers and
4. Mani, V.S., Human Rights in India: An Overview (New Delhi: Institute for the World Congress
on Human Rights, 1998)
5. NHRC, Know Your Rights Series (2005)
6. NHRC, Human Rights Education for Beginners (2005)
7. NHRC, Discrimination Based on Sex, Caste, Religion and Disability (2004)
8. Ruhela S. P – “Human Value and Education” New Delhi – Sterling publishers
Production economics: introduction, evaluation, major long term and short term decisions;
objectives, importance and activities, differences between products and services. Meaning and
types of production systems: production to order and production to stock; plant location; factors
affecting location and evaluating different locations.
Production planning and control, objectives, advantages and elements. PPC and production
systems, sequencing and assignment problems. Inventory control: objectives, advantages and
techniques (EOQ model and ABC analysis); quality control: meaning and importance, inspection,
quality control charts for variables and attributes.
Stores Management: meaning, objectives, importance and functions, stores layout; classification
and codification; inventory control of spare parts; materials logisticswarehousing management,
materials handling, traffic and transportation; disposal of scrap, surplus and obsolete materials.
1. Dobler & Burt, Purchasing and Supply Management: Text & Cases, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi
2. Nair, Purchasing and Material Management, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
3. Gopal Krishnan, P., Handbook of Materials Management, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New
4. Gopalakrishnana, P. & Sundarshan, M., Materials Management: An Integrated Approach,
Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi
5. Bhat, K. Shridhara, Materials Management, Himalaya Publishing House
Share capital- Shares, issue and allotment of shares, types of shares, alteration of share capital,,
buy-back of shares, surrender and forfeiture of shares, bonus shares, Debentures- Meaning and
kinds, debenture trust deed and duties of trustee.
Company administration and Meetings- Board of Directors- qualification, appointment, duties and
remuneration, meetings- Statutory meeting, annual general meeting, extra-ordinary general
Prevention of oppression and mismanagement. Winding up- types of Winding up, appointment of
liquidator, conduct of winding up.
Introduction to network, advantages and disadvantages of network, network topologies, analog and
digital signal, analog and digital transmission, transmission media, network categories, wireless
OSI model and TCP/IP model, protocols and their classification, flow control and cryptography,
ranking, Firewall.
Overview of internet, internet service provider, setting windows environment for dial up
networking, search engine, searching web using search engine, audio on internet, newsgroup,
subscribing to news groups.
Intranet concepts and architecture, building corporate world wide web, HTTP protocol, intranet
infrastructure, fundamental of TCP/IP, intranet security design, intranet as a business tools, future
of intranet, protocols of communication.
1. Forouzan , Data Communication & Networking, TMH, N.Delhi.
2. Miller, Data and Network Communication, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Shay, Understanding Data Communication and Networks, Thomson Learning, Vikas Publishing
House, New Delhi.
4. Tannenbaum, Computer Networks, PHI, N.Delhi.
5. Uyless Black, Computer Networks, PHI, N.Delhi.
Attitude - models and theories of attitude, tri-component attitude model, behaviour intention model
and change in attitude; Personality and self-concept: nature of personality, theories of personality
(Freudian, Jungian, Neo-Freudian and Trait theory), personality and understanding consumer
Consumer decision making: four views of consumer decision making; types of consumer
purchasing decision; Basic models of decision making Engle-Kollatt-Blackwell model, Howard–
Sheth model, Nicosia model; e-business and its effect on consumer decision making.
1. Consumer Behavior Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk, Prentice Hall Of India
2. Consumer Behavior Dr. S.L. Gupta and Sumitra Paul, Sultan Chand and Sons Educational
3. Consumer Behavior Henry Assael (HA) Asian Books Private Ltd.
Concept of information society, knowledge society, cyber space, digital economy, critical
infrastructure. Critical information infrastructure, internet as global Information infrastructure.
Cyber terrorism, terrorist atrocities, the role of IT by terrorist, the power of cyber terrorism,
characteristic of cyber terrorism , factors contributing to the existence of cyber terrorism, real
examples of cyber terrorism, political orientation of terrorism, economic consequences.
Cybercrime, types of cybercrime: hacking, virus, worm, Trojan horse, mall ware, fraud and theft,
cyber homicide, current cyber-attack methods, criminal threats to IT infrastructure, web security,
basic cyber forensics , internal penetration, external penetration, your role on cyber-attacks.
Cybercrimes and law, cyber jurisdiction, Indian IT ACT.
Fundamental concepts of information security, information warfare, levels of information war, cost
of information warfare, cyber disaster planning, why disaster planning, companywide disaster
planning, business impact analysis.
1. Walter Laqueur, Yohana Alexander, “the terrorism reader: a historical methodology”.
2. “Cyber terrorism and information warfare: threats and responses” by Yohana Alexander &
micheal s. swethan.
Floods- flood plains, drainage, basins, nature and frequency of flooding, flood hazards,
urbanization and flooding, flood hydrographs, dams barrages and rivers diversions, creation of
reservoir, influence on micro-climate, impact on flora and fauna. Landslides- landslide analysis,
determination of stability and safety factor. Coastal hazards- tropical cyclone, coastal erosion, sea
level changes and its impact on coastal areas and coastal zone management. Climate change-
Emissions and global warming, impact on sea level in south Asian region environmental
disruptions and their implications.
Earth quakes- preliminary concepts, seismic waves, travel-time and location of epicenter, nature of
destruction, a seismic designing, quake resistant building and dams. Tsunamis- causes and location
of tsunamis; disturbance in sea floor and release of energy, travel time and impact on fragile
coastal environment volcanoes-causes of volcanism, volcanism materials, geographic distribution
of volcanoes.
Introduction to retail: retail in India; retail models and theories of retail development;
understanding the retail consumers; ethical issues in retailing
Retail marketing strategy; retail franchising; retail store location and site selection; retail store
design and visual merchandising; customer relationship management in retailing
Basics of retail merchandising; the process of retail merchandising; the method of merchandise
procurement; retail pricing and evaluating merchandise performance; retail communication mix
Retail store operations; servicing the retail customers; retail human resource management; financial
aspects of retail management; retail information system; supply chain management in retailing
Suggested Reading:
Unit – I
Entrepreneur and Entrepreneurship: Concept of Entrepreneur, Manager, Intrapreneur Definition
,meaning and functions of an entrepreneur, Concept of Manager, Roles and Responsibilities of
Manager, Concept of Intrapreneur,Need and Importance of Entrepreneurship,Enterprise v/s
Entrepreneurship, Self Employment v/s Entrepreneurship ,Problem of Unemployment and
Importance of wealth creation , Entrepreneurial career as an option.
Unit - II
Business opportunity Identification and Preliminary Project Report (PPR): Opportunity Search:
Divergent Thinking Mode:Meaning, ObjectivesTools and Techniques: Environmental scanning for
businessopportunity Identification
Opportunity Selection: Convergent Thinking Mode: Meaning, Objectives
Tools And Techniques: Market SurveyPreliminary Project Report (PPR)
Unit -III
Business Plan: Meaning and, Objectives of Business Plan Elements of Business Plan
Business Planning Process - Self Audit, Evaluation of Business Environment, Setting Objectives,
Forecasting Market Conditions, Stating actions and resources required, Evaluating Proposed plan,
Assessing Alternative strategic plans, Controlling
the plan through Annual Budget
Unit- IV
Institutional Support to New Venture (Students are expected to study the assistance scheme of
following institutions) District Industries Center (DIC)
Reference Books:
1. Desai Vasant: “Management of Small Scale Industries” - Himalaya Publishing House
2. Taneja Satish and Gupta: “Entrepreneurship Development-New Venture Creation” -
Galgotia Publishing Company, New Delhi
3. Jain P.C: Handbook For New Entrepreneurs Entrepreneurship Development Institute
of India
4. Sangle B. R. : Business Environment & Entrepreneurship, Success Publications,
5. Gupta C.B. & Srinivas: “Entrepreneurial Development”- Sultan D, Chand & Sons,
New Delhi
6. Prof Rajeev Roy: “Entrepreneurship” - Oxford University Press
7. Edward D. Bono: “Opportunities”
B2C Online Presence: Niche markets, Retail websites, Comparison shopping engines, Integrated
retailing. B2B Online Presence: B2B buying practices, Lead generation, e-market places, Online
auctions and tendering.
Social media marketing: Consumer generated content, Social networks and online communities,
Social media listening. Blogging, Viral marketing, Integrated online marketing, Trust in Internet
Marketing. Ethical and Legal Issues. Internet of the future: “Customerization”.
Suggested Readings:
• Charlesworth A., Internet Marketing: A Practical Approach, BH Publications.
• Chaffey Dave, Internet Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and Practice, Pearson
• Trengove Alex, Malczyk Anna and Beneke Justin, Internet Marketibg, Published by
GetSmarter under the Creative Commons BY-NC 3.0.
• Parkin Godfrey, Digital Marketing: Strategies for Online Success, New Holland Publishers.
Basic concepts of income tax, residential status and tax incidence, income exempted from tax.
Income from salaries, income from house property and income from profits and gains of business
and profession.
Income from capital gains, income from other sources, set off and carry forward of losses, clubbing
of income, deduction of tax at source.
1. Malhotra H.C., Income Law and Practice, Sahitya Bhawan Publication
2. Singhania V.K, Student Guide to Income Tax, Taxmann’s Publication
3. Lal B.B., Income Tax Law and Practice
Introduction to analysis and design: - System and it characteristics, components, environment and
classification, SDLC, Case tools for analyst, role of system analyst, ER data models, feasibility
study – economic, technical, operational.
Design of Application: - DFDs, form design, screen design, report design, structure chart, data base
definition, equipment specification and selection, personnel estimates, I-O design.
Implementation:- data dictionary, decision tables, decision trees, logical design to physical
Introduction to distributed data processing and real time system:- evaluating distributing system,
designing distributed data base, event based real time analysis tools, state transition diagrams.
1. James A., Analysis and Design of Information System, McGraw Hill
2. Len, Fertuck, System Analysis and Design, McGraw Hill
3. Powers, Cray, System Analysis and Design, McGraw Hill
4. Elias, M., System Analysis and Design, Prentice Hall of India
Foreign market entry modes; factors of country evaluation and selection; decisions concerning
foreign direct and portfolio investment; control methods in international business.
Basic foreign manufacturing and sourcing decisions; product and branding decisions for foreign
markets; approaches to international pricing; foreign channel and logistical decisions.
1. Daniels, J.D., and H.L. Radebaugh, International Business: Environment and operations,
Pearson Education, New Delhi
2. Hill, Charles W.L., International Business, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Sharan, V., International Business: Concept, Environment and Strategy, Pearson Education,
New Delhi
4. Bennett, Roger, International Business, Pearson Education, New Delhi
Introduction – meaning, nature, concepts, advantages and reasons for transacting online,
categories of e-commerce; planning online business: nature and dynamics of the internet, pure
online vs. brick and click business, assessing requirement for an online business, designing,
developing and deploying the system, one to one enterprise.
Technology for online business – internet, IT infrastructure; middleware contents: text and
integrating e-business applications; mechanism of making payment through internet: online
payment mechanism, electronic payment systems, payment gateways, visitors to website, tools for
promoting website; plastic money: debit card, credit card; laws relating to online transactions.
Virtual existence – concepts, working, advantages and pitfalls of virtual organizations, workface,
work zone and workspace and staff less organization; designing on E-commerce model for a
middle level organization: the conceptual design, giving description of its transaction handling,
infrastructure and resources required and system flow chart; security in e-commerce: digital
signatures, network security, data encryption secret keys, data encryption.
1. Murty, C.V.S., E-Commerce, Himalaya Publications, New Delhi
2. Kienam, Managing Your E-Commerce business, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
3. Kosiur, Understanding E-Commerce, Prentice Hall of India, N.Delhi.
4. Kalakota, Whinston, Frontiers of Electronic Commerce, Addison Wesley
Concept and types of consumer, need for consumer protection; approaches to consumer protection;
consumer buying motives; doctrines of caveat emptor and caveat venditor; concept of consumer’s
sovereignty; basic consumer rights.
Measures for consumer protection in India; basic provisions of the Consumer Protection
Act.(CPA)1986; organizational set up for consumer protection under CPA; procedure of filing a
complaint; relief available.
1. Aaker and Day (eds.), Consumerism: Search for the Consumer Interest
2. Gulshan, Consumer Protection and Satisfaction: Legal and Managerial Dimensions
3. Aggarwal, Consumer Protection in India
4. Verma Y.S. and C. Sharma, Consumerism in India, Anamika Prakashan, Delhi
The multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies. Definition, scope and importance, Need for
public awareness.
Natural Resources:Renewable and non renewable resources: a) Natural resources and associated
problems.Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies, Timber
extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people. Water resources: Use and
over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dam’s benefits
and problems. Mineral Resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and
using mineral resources, case studies. Food Resources: World food problems, changes caused by
agriculture and over grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizers- pesticides problems, water
logging, salinity, case studies. Energy Resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and
nonrenewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources, case studies. Land Resources: Land
as a resource, land degradation, man induces land slides, soil erosion, and desertification.
b) Role of individual in conservation of natural resources.
c) Equitable use of resources for sustainable life styles.
Eco Systems: Concept of an eco system. Structure and function of an eco system. Producers,
consumers, decomposers. Energy flow in the eco systems. Ecological succession. Food chains,
food webs and ecological pyramids. Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and
function of the following eco systems: Forest ecosystem, Grass land ecosystem Desert ecosystem.
Aquatic eco systems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
Human population and the environment: Population growth and variation among nations.
Population explosion- family welfare program. Environment and human health. Human rights.
Value education. HIV / AIDS. Women and child welfare. Role of information technology in
environment and human health. Case studies
Field work : Visit to a local area to document environment assets river / forest / grassland / hill /
mountain. Visit to a local polluted site-urban/rural/industrial/agricultural. Study of common plants,
insects, birds. Study of simple ecosystems-pond, river, hills lopes, etc (field work equal to 5 lecture
Suggested Readings:
1. Textbook of Environmental studies, Erach Bharucha, UGC
2. Fundamental concepts in Environmental Studies, D D Mishra, S Chand & Co Ltd