Forbidden Arcana - Wizard's Spell Books

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Forbidden Arcana: by Michael Hammes

Requires the use of the Dungeons &
Wizards’ Spellbooks Dragons® Player’s Handbook

How many times have you, or
the players in your campaign,
defeated the evil wizard and
obtained his spellbook? Once the
inevitable fire trap is disarmed, the
rest is usually anti-climactic.
Sure, there might be a new spell or
two in there, but other than that?
Of course, given the way the
standard rules are written, that’s
exactly what is supposed to hap-
pen. Each spellbook is an exact
copy of every other spellbook.
How could they not be? They all
have the same number of pages.
Ultimately, of course, there is
nothing inherently wrong with
this. And yet, this spellbook rep-
resents someone’s life work. Its
style, its contents, its appearance,
all of these and more are the result
of the personality, life experiences, opinions, preferences, etc. of the both the stated material and the concepts in your campaign. By pro-
owner; it deserves something more than a rules convenient generic viding you not only with ready-made spellbooks but also with the
treatment. And that something more is what you will find in this PDF. concepts behind them, it is hoped that the next time you or the play-
As with all of the Forbidden Arcana series, the rules contained in ers in your campaign find a spellbook, it is a memorable moment
this PDF are completely optional and will hopefully inspire you to use beyond the “boom” caused by the rogue’s tripping of the fire trap.

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks


1. A wizard can use another wizard’s spellbook to prepare a spell
Before looking at the spellbooks in this PDF, it is helpful to review
already known by the wizard (one that is recorded in the wizard’s
the standard rules on deciphering arcane magical writings, preparing
own spellbook). In order to do so:
spells from a foreign spellbook, and copying spells from one spellbook
A. First, the spell must be deciphered (see Arcane Magical
to another.
Writings, above).
ARCANE MAGICAL WRITINGS B. Second, a successful Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell’s level)
is needed in order to be able to prepare the spell.
1. A complex notation system that describes the magical forces
C. A failed check means the wizard cannot try to prepare that
involved in a spell is used to record an arcane spell in writ-
spell from that spellbook again until the next day.
ten form.
D. The wizard must repeat the check any time the spell is pre-
2. A wizard uses the same system no matter what the wizard’s
pared, no matter how many times the wizard has successful-
native language or culture.
ly prepared the spell from that spellbook before.
3. Each particular wizard uses the system a unique way.
4. Another wizard’s magical writing remains incomprehensible
to any other wizard until the other wizard takes the time to
1. Two spells of the wizard’s choice per wizard level are gained to the
study and decipher it.
spellbook for free; if the wizard is a specialist, one of the spells
5. To decipher an arcane magical writing (a spell in written
must be from the wizard’s specialty school.
form in another wizard’s spellbook or on a scroll), a wizard
2. A spell can be copied from another spellbook (or a magic scroll).
must make a Spellcraft check (DC 20 + the spell’s level).
To do this:
6. If the Spellcraft check fails, the wizard cannot attempt to
A. The spell must first be deciphered (see Arcane Magical
decipher that particular spell again until the next day.
Writings above).
7. If the wizard who wrote the magical writing helps the wiz-
B. One day must be spent studying the deciphered spell; at the
ard, success is automatic.
end of the day a Spellcraft check (DC 15 + spell’s level) deter-
8. A read magic spell automatically deciphers magical writing
mines whether the spell has been understood.
without the need for a skill check.
C. If the check succeeds, the spell can be copied (see Writing a
9. Once a wizard deciphers a particular magical writing, the
New Spell into a Spellbook below).
wizard does not need to decipher it again.
D. A failed check means the wizard cannot understand or copy the
10. Deciphering a magical writing allows the wizard to identify
spell. The wizard cannot attempt to learn or copy that spell
the spell and gain some idea of its effects (the spell descrip-
again until another rank in Spellcraft is gained.
3. A specialist gains a +2 bonus on the Spellcraft check if the spell to
11. If the magical writing was an arcane spell scroll, the wizard
be understood is from the specialty school; a specialist cannot learn
can attempt to use the scroll.
spells from prohibited schools.
4. The spellbook that was copied from is unchanged; a spell success-
fully copied from a scroll disappears from the scroll.
5. A spell, both an existing spell or an entirely new spell, can be
researched independently and placed into the spellbook.
Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

While the mechanics of the rules concerning reading, copying, 4. A wizard who has his spellbook tattooed on his body
etc. are fine I prefer an old-school approach to spellbooks. While it (requiring some interesting contortions to read the spells).
may be convenient to have each spellbook be exactly 100 pages and 5. The evil necromancer whose spellbook’s ghoul-skin cov-
each spell take up precisely one page per spell level, this level of ers are bound with bone and the pages of which are made
standardization is just plain boring to me. of flayed humanoid skin.
Just as each wizard uses the system of arcane magical writing in Obviously, some of these wouldn’t be very feasible with the 100
his or her own way, so each spellbook should reflect the uniqueness pages/one page per spell level rule (that dwarven wizard’s book
of its owner. Not to mention the fact that discovering a new spell- would get very heavy very quickly). Maybe you decide that you can
book should be one of the greatest treasures a wizard could hope for; have one spell per page, or throw in a random element to account for
the new spellbook should definitely not look like the one that the each individual’s handwriting so that a spell takes up one page per
wizard already has and deserves a description of its own. spell level +1d4 additional pages, or that the more precious the mate-
Even if you stick with the 100 pages/one page per spell level rule rial, the less space a spell takes up. Hey, it’s magic after all.
you can make spellbooks unique just by using a sentence or two to Also, nothing says that a spellbook has to be used exclusively for
describe the look of the book (actually, it doesn’t even have to be a spells. Research notes, songs, poetry, journal entries, drawings, doo-
book per se). Leather covers can be of a wide variety of colors and dles, maps, instructions and what have you could all be found with-
have any number of designs, from family crests to graffiti, on them. in the pages of a spellbook (although inscribing these mundane items
Or you can go beyond leather and have things like: would cost no more than the ink for the page).
1. A dwarven wizard’s book with the spells etched onto Of course, don’t invest more time in creating a spellbook than
pages of beaten silver and bound by a platinum spiral your players will get out of it; a descriptive sentence or two will suf-
within gold covers (yep, it would be rather heavy). fice for a spellbook that will not otherwise be used to further some
2. The spellbook of a reclusive forest wizard who writes his element of the campaign. If you do decide to include something
spells on tree bark pages that he leaves sitting in the cor- other than spells in the book or to create a more elaborate descrip-
ner of his hut. tion, don’t do so for form’s sake. Try to have some sort of game- or
3. A desert wizard who, for lack of paper, writes his spells campaign-oriented purpose behind it; an included map is a treasure
on clay tablets, which require a box to carry (hey, where map, the instructions are instructions for the creation of a new magic
did he get the wood for the box?). item, etc

3. It takes 24 hours to record a new spell into a spellbook,

WRITING A NEW SPELL INTO A regardless of level.
SPELLBOOK 4. It costs 100 gp per page to write in the spellbook (for ink,
paper, etc.; these costs in time or gold are not paid for the
1. A spellbook has 100 pages.
spells a wizard gains for free at each level).
2. A spell takes up one page per spell level (a 5th level spell
takes up 5 pages).

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks


How the PCs come into possession of these spellbooks is up to
COPYING SPELLBOOKS the GM. Although the text for each individual spellbook is written
1. If a particular spell is already prepared, it can be written as if the owners are alive and in possession of their books, this does
directly into the new book at the standard time and gold piece not limit the GM as to how and when these books are found. A few
costs (this process wipes the prepared spell from her mind; if suggestions are listed below:
the spell is not prepared it can be prepared from a borrowed 1. The spellbook is part of a treasure hoard.
spellbook). 2. The spellbook was stolen by some thieves, the same
2. Duplicating an existing spellbook reduces the time and gold thieves that stole from the PCs; when the PCs recover their
costs to one-half. goods, they recover the spellbook as well.
3. The PCs actually meet the individual in question and some-
SELLING A SPELLBOOK how, by trading with them, defeating them, or even through
1. A spellbook can be sold for a gold piece amount equal to one- stealing from them, the PCs come into possession of, or get
half the cost of inscribing the spells (50 gp per page); a spell- access to, the spellbook.
book with all 100 pages filled is worth 5,000 gp. 4. The individual hires the PCs to recover his or her spell-
The Spellbooks
The spellbooks that follow are listed alphabetically by their
5. The spellbook is part of an auction after its previous owner
died, disappeared, was run out of town, had it seized due to
debts, etc.
owner’s name. The write-ups of the spellbooks conform to the fol-
6. A PC stumbles across it while browsing or researching in a
lowing template:
library; it is there because the librarian mistook it for an
Background: A brief sentence or two about the background of ordinary sort of book.
the owner of the spellbook.
Personality: A paragraph or two describing the individual’s
quirks, habits, ideas, etc. that also serves as the basis for why the Protection: Most spellbooks have some level of protection; it is
spellbook is the way it is. listed here.
Relevant Stats: Since each campaign is different, no full stats are Contents: What spells and other information are in the spell-
provided (you’d probably have to tweak them anyway); instead, if the book. It is assumed that, as per the standard rules, all spellbooks con-
GM wishes to create the individual as an NPC, those aspects that tain all 0 level spells; if 0 level spells are listed, then they are new
should be included based on the spellbook, background, and person- spells. New spells, as new magic items, have (new) written next to
ality of the owner of this book are listed here. Any new magic items them and are listed at the end of this PDF in the New Magic section.
will also be included as equipment and will have (new) written next
Value: The gold piece value of the spellbook on the open market.
to them; their description is in the New Magic section at the end of
Weight: Self-explanatory.
this PDF.
Appearance: A physical description of the spellbook.

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Protection: A sepia snake sigil placed there by a friend is hidden in

FAISA AL-AKBAR the text of the Prayer of Seken-Re on the front cover. In addition the
Background: A necromancer of some skill, Faisa Al-Akbar is fas- book has a fire trap placed on it that detonates the moment anyone other
cinated with duplicating the powers of various kinds of undead, a result than Faisa opens the book. A lock of good quality (DC 30 to Open Lock
of her human uncle becoming an allip when she was younger. To fur- attempts) secures the brass latch; it’s purpose is to keep the innocently
ther her research, she journeys the land looking for unique kinds of curious from getting killed by the fire trap.
undead to control and study. Contents: Faisa’s spellbook contains only spells. She keeps a sep-
Personality: Although a necromancer, Faisa Al-Akbar is not evil arate series of spellbooks, one book for each type of undead she has
but neutral. Her sole purpose in pursuing the undead is to duplicate their studied, that contain her observations, notes, experiments, and the orig-
powers with magic. To this end she scours the world for information on inals of the spells and wondrous items she has derived from them.
unique kinds of undead and attempts to capture them for study. Often Faisa’s spellbook contains the following spells:
she recruits others to aid her in these endeavors.
0 level: skeleton claw (new)
To Faisa, undead are interesting subjects for study. She views them
1st level: burning hands, chill touch, detect undead, expedi-
with an analytical eye rather than as a means for gaining personal power
tious retreat, floating disk, hold portal, magic
through their domination, as most of her fellow necromancers do, or as
weapon, protection from evil, ray of enfeeblement,
creatures to be reviled and destroyed, as most of the rest of the world
skeletal form (new), unseen servant
does. When she is done with her research she usually destroys the
undead to keep them from running amok, using what parts she can for 2nd level: allip touch (new), command undead, continual
spell components. flame, fox’s cunning, false life, locate object, resist
energy, rope trick, scorching ray, see invisibility
Relevant Stats: Faisa Al-Akbar is a half-elf Necromancer 7 (or
other mid level appropriate for whatever campaign she appears in). The 3rd level: arcane sight, daylight, dispel magic, fireball, fly,
following should be included when creating her as an NPC: halt undead, lightning bolt, protection from energy,
vampiric touch, wight touch (new)
1. She is of Neutral alignment.
4th level: enervation, fire trap, locate creature, wraith touch
2. Her opposition schools are Enchantment and Illusion.
3. Her class skills include Gather Information, Knowledge
Faisa’s spellbook is a good place for the GM to include campaign-
(Arcana), and Knowledge (Religion). She has maximum
related material such as:
ranks (level +3) in Knowledge (Arcana).
1. More new necromantic spells.
4. She has the feats Iron Will and Spell Focus (Necromancy).
2. Introduce information on a new type of undead (through
5. She always carries a glove of the damned (new) with a GM-
notes stuck into the spellbook that Faisa has not yet had time
determined spell.
to file).
Appearance: Faisa’s spellbook is a brassbound tome whose indi-
3. The map or information about an ancient temple, crypt, etc.
vidual pages are made of papyrus and covered in her meticulous hand-
which houses undead (Faisa plans to go seeking new
writing. A brass latch is connected to the back cover and fits over a brass
research subjects there).
eyelet on the front cover, which in turn is secured by a lock. The brass
front cover features the Prayer of Seken-Re, an invocation to her peo- Value: 4,500 gp.
ple’s God of the Dead to protect one from the undead. Weight: 10 lbs.

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Appearance: Strictly utilitarian in appearance, although of

PROFESSOR GORLIKT fine quality, with a black leather cover, high quality paper
Background: A noted authority on evocations, pages, and a silk bookmark attached to the spine. All
Professor Gorlikt is a human professor at the the pages contain magical writing written in the
Magic Academy where he serves as chairman professor’s meticulous script.
of the Evocation department. Protection: None.
Personality: Professor Gorlikt is a Contents: This particular spellbook is
true genius in his field and an accom- one of the many research spellbooks that
plished evoker. Unfortunately, he is the good professor has written over the
getting on in years and this, com- years. It contains some of his minor
bined with the constant stream of magics and is just the kind of item that
ideas going through his head, tends he would misplace.
to make him forgetful of minor
Unfortunately, because it is a
details. In addition, having lived
research spellbook, it contains copious
within the halls of academia for
notes, references and annotations, both
several decades, the good profes-
to other tomes as well as to other parts
sor is out of touch with what is
of this book. Therefore, any attempt to
going on in the world and his peo-
decipher a particular spell in this book
ple skills are, at best, marginal.
suffers a -4 circumstance penalty to the
Pedantic and self-involved,
relevant Spellcraft check. Using read
Professor Gorlikt prefers the com-
magic in this case does not obviate the
pany of his research lab to anything
need for this Spellcraft check, although it
else and only rarely shows up for
does grant a +10 competence bonus (for a
classes; most of the time he has an
total bonus of +6) to the check. Once deci-
assistant professor teach in his place.
phered, a spell in this spellbook can be
Relevant Stats: Professor Gorlikt is memorized or copied as any other spell.
a male human Evoker 12 (or other high
Professor Gorlikt’s research spellbook
level appropriate for whatever campaign he
contains the following spells:
appears in). The following should be included
when creating him as an NPC: 1st level: icy breath (new)
1. He is of Lawful Neutral alignment. 2nd level: force wave (new)
2. His opposition schools are Necromancy and Illusion. 3rd level: acid rain (new)
3. He has maximum ranks (level +3) in Knowledge (Arcana) In addition to the spells, there are a number of notations made
and Spellcraft. about each spell by the good professor. For instance, for acid rain the
notes state:
4. He has the feats Spell Focus (Evocation) and Greater Spell
Focus (Evocation). “Slow acting spell with decent damage potential. Not good
against creatures, who can move out of the area too easily (would

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

continue to use fireball). Excellent against soft targets such as cloth Tyde is a bit of a renaissance man, having dabbled in everything
and leather and will even wear down wood if given time.” from weaponsmithing to the culinary arts, a fact that makes him an
Note that the spells in Professor Gorlikt’s spellbook do not have interesting conversationalist. The halfling is also a keen observer of
to be complete. The GM can use them as a way to introduce spell the cultures and peoples that live in the lands he has visited; he takes
research into his or her campaign. In this case, a character reading the delight in meeting new people and seeing new places. Finally, Tyde
spellbook and deciphering the notes (as above) can complete the pro- is also a competent spellcaster who has done a modicum of research
fessor’s research. The cost to complete the professor’s research is one on his own both in the areas of spell development and wondrous item
half of what it would cost to research a complete spell (the standard creation.
is 1,000 gp per week/one week per level of the spell). Thus force Stats: Tyde is a male halfling Expert 6/Wizard 3 (or any other
wave could be completed in one week at a cost of 1,000 gp rather than mid level combination of Expert and Wizard appropriate for whatev-
taking two weeks and 2,000 gp. The researcher would still have to er campaign he appears in). The following should be included when
succeed at a Spellcraft check (DC 10 + spell level) to successfully creating him as an NPC:
complete the professor’s research. 1. He is of Chaotic Neutral alignment.
Finally, Professor Gorlikt’s research spellbook is a good place for 2. His Expert class skills include Bluff, Craft
the GM to include campaign-related material such as: (Weaponsmithing), Gather Information, Profession
1. More new spells (either complete or partially complete; (Cook), and Profession (Merchant). He has maximum
none of the Illusion or Necromancy schools) or magic ranks in (Expert level +3) in Bluff, Gather Information,
items. and Profession (Merchant).
2. Introduce other magical tomes or resources (from the pro- 3. He has the feats Craft Wondrous Item and Persuasive.
fessor’s annotations and references). 4. He always carries an infallible compass (new) and trav-
Value: 350 gp (if all four spells are completed). eler’s cloak (new).
Weight: 3 lbs. Appearance: This halfling-sized spellbook is relatively thick and
bound in maroon leather that has seen much wear. A leather clasp
T YDE OF ANDHILL L secures the cover by allowing a hole in the leather to be slipped across
Background: Tyde of Landhill is a traveling halfling merchant and a brass button driven into the back cover. The pages within are of
spellcaster of some ability. His business dealings have taken him over good quality paper even though their edges are yellowed with age and
most of the region and he counts many a friend, or at least business asso- use and a small section has obvious water damage. The quality of the
ciate, in virtually every major city in those lands he has visited. writing varies from neat to rough, although it is clearly always the
Personality: Cheerful even for a halfling, Tyde is the kind of same hand.
person who makes friends easily almost anywhere. He has made, and Protection: A magic mouth (8th caster level) that triggers any-
lost, a couple of small fortunes over his brief career and these experi- time someone other than Tyde touches the book (visual trigger). The
ences have only sharpened his sense of humor and philosophy of magic mouth yells “Thief! Put me down! You don’t know who
making the best of any situation while living life one day at a time. you’re messing with! Put me down right now! You’ll be sorry!”; it
Despite this easy-going attitude, the halfling is a creature of comfort was placed there by a friend of Tyde’s.
who, although he enjoys traveling on the open road, prefers to do
sleep in a warm bed at night.

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Contents: Tyde’s spellbook serves not only as a spellbook, but 2nd level: detect thoughts, invisibility, mirror image
also as a logbook and notebook; he keeps a separate series of business In addition, it contains instructions for crafting the following
ledgers. Thus you can find journal entries, recipes, songs, and other wondrous items: infallible compass, rain cloak, and traveler’s cloak.
interesting bits of trivia collected by the halfling among its pages, all Finally, Tyde’s spellbook is a good place for the GM to include
written in the halfling tongue. Sandwiched among this miscellania campaign-related material such as:
are Tyde’s spells and even the instructions for the crafting of several 1. A description of a monster unknown to the PCs (and
magic items. While it would take a stranger some time to sift through where Tyde spotted it).
this book, and it could easily be mistaken for a normal logbook all the 2. A local legend hinting at a lost treasure (and what Tyde
while, Tyde knows just where to turn to memorize his spells. thinks of it).
The spellbook contains the following spells sandwiched in 3. A rumor or information about an item or NPC the PCs are
between the various log entries: seeking (and where Tyde heard it).
0 level: protection from insects (new), rain ward (new) Value: 1,750 gp
1st level: alarm, charm person, comprehend languages, Weight: 2 lbs.
disguise self, expeditious retreat, endure ele-
ments, mage armor, sleep, unseen servant

New Magic
Acid rain causes a steady rainfall within the area of effect. The rain
SPELLS reduces visibility by half, resulting in a –4 penalty on Spot and Search
checks, and automatically extinguishes any unprotected flames.
Acid Rain Ranged weapon attacks and Listen checks are at a -4 penalty.
Conjuration (Creation) [Acid]
The rainfall is highly acidic. Each round on your turn, starting
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 when you cast the spell, the rain deals 2d4 points of acid damage to
Components: V, S, M each creature and object within it. For every three caster levels the
Casting Time: 1 standard action acid rain falls for another round (to a maximum of 7 rounds at 18th).
Range: Close (25ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) Material Component: A pinch of sulfur.
Effect: Rain falls in a 20-ft. radius, 20 ft. high
Duration: 1 round + 1 round per three levels Allip Touch
Saving Throw: None Necromancy
Spell Resistance: No Level: Sor/Wiz 3
Components: V, S

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Casting Time: 1 standard action Saving Throw: Reflex half

Range: Touch Spell Resistance: Yes
Targets: Creature or creatures touched (up to one/level) Once cast, you may exhale a cone of frost from your mouth any
Duration: Instantaneous time before the spell’s duration expires. Any creature in the area of
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates the frost takes 1d4 points of cold damage. You may choose to exhale
Spell Resistance: Yes an icy breath in the same action you cast the spell (the exhalation is
A touch from your hand, which glows with cursed dark energy, considered a free action that is part of the spell’s casting). For each
disrupts the mind of living creatures. Each touch channels negative level above 1st you may exhale an additional cone of frost (up to a
energy that deals 1d4 points of temporary Wisdom damage to the tar- total of 5 icy breaths at 5th level) as a standard action once per round.
get unless it makes a successful Will saving throw. You can use this Exhaling an icy breath does not provoke an attack of opportunity
melee touch attack up to one time per level. (although casting the initial spell does). Any icy breaths not exhaled
prior to the spell’s expiration are lost.
Force Wave Material Component: A piece of mint leaf that is chewed on for
Evocation [Force] the duration of the spell.
Level: Sor/Wiz 2
Protection from Insects
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Level: Drd 0, Rgr 1, Sor/Wiz 0
Range: 30 ft.
Components: V, S, M
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Duration: Instantaneous
Range: Touch
Saving Throw: Reflex half
Target: Creature touched
Spell Resistance: Yes
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
A wave of pure force rolls from your fingertips. Any creature in
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
the area of effect takes 2d6 + 2 per caster level points of force dam-
age (maximum +20). Spell Resistance: Yes
An invisible barrier holds back insects and other pests of Fine size
Icy Breath (such as flies, mosquitoes, ants, ordinary spiders, etc.) from your
Evocation [Cold] body and prevents them from stinging or landing on the creature.
This spell does not have any effect on creatures larger than Fine size,
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
monstrous versions of ordinary insects, pests, or vermin (such as giant
Components: V, S, M insects or monstrous spiders). Insects that push up against the barri-
Casting Time: 1 standard action er feel pain and are forced to remain away from the barrier.
Range: 15 ft. Material Component: A dead biting insect or pest.
Effect: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: 1 minute

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Rain Ward Skeleton claw strips the flesh from one of your hands and turns the
Conjuration (Creation) [Force] hand into a bony weapon that does lethal damage instead of subdual
Level: Sor/Wiz 0 damage. Your hand still causes its normal unarmed damage, i.e. 1d3
Components: V, S, M points of damage for a human, but the attack is considered to be an
“armed” unarmed attack that causes lethal damage and you do not
Casting Time: 1 standard action
suffer attacks of opportunity for attacking with it. A skeleton claw is
Range: Touch considered to be both a manufactured weapon and natural weapon for
Target: Creature touched the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either man-
Duration: 1 hour/level (D) ufactured weapons or natural weapons (such as magic weapon). A
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) skeleton claw works exactly like your normal hand and does not inter-
Spell Resistance: No fere with spellcasting or normal functions in any way.
An invisible and barely tangible field of force surrounds the sub- Material Component: A piece of a finger bone.
ject of a rain ward spell. The field of force is strong enough to keep
the subject dry by repelling any manner of rain from a light sprinkle Skeletal Form
to a heavy downpour. It will also keep the subject dry during full Transmutation
immersion, such as when swimming. Rain ward does not protect Level: Sor/Wiz 1
against any other environmental hazards, such as fire, smoke, lack of Components: V, S, M
air, hailstones, etc. Casting Time: 1 standard action
Because it is a field of force, a rain ward entails no armor check Range: Touch
penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Because it is
Target: Living creature touched
a rather weak field of force any action that causes even one point of
Duration: 1 hour/level (D)
damage, actual or subdual, immediately causes the rain ward to col-
lapse and the spell to end, letting the attack through. Unlike other Saving Throw: Will negates
force effects, rain ward does not protect against attacks by incorpore- Spell Resistance: Yes
al creatures, shattering at their first touch. Skeletal form pulls the creature’s flesh and organs into its bones in
Material Component: A drop of water. a dramatic transformation that makes the creature appear much like a
skeleton. The effect grants a variable enhancement bonus (see the fol-
Skeleton Claw lowing table) to the creature’s existing natural armor bonus as well as
Transmutation damage reduction 5/Bludgeoning for all creatures:
Level: Sor/Wiz 0
Components: V, S, M Tiny or smaller +0
Casting Time: 1 standard action Small +1
Range: Personal Medium or Large +2
Target: You Huge +3
Duration: 1 min./level (D) Gargantuan +6
Colossal +10

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Thus a medium-sized creature gains a +2 natural armor bonus in An undead creature struck by the wight touch gains 1d4x2 tem-
addition to the listed damage reduction. porary hit points for 1 hour.
Skeletal form entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure Material Component: A small piece of wight flesh.
chance, or speed reduction. The enhancement bonus provided by the
skeletal form takes the place of the target’s natural armor bonus (a Wraith Touch
rhino turned into skeletal form has its tough hide disappear into its Necromancy
bones). Level: Sor/Wiz 4
Focus: A piece of bone taken from a skeleton. Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Wight Touch Range: Touch
Necromancy Target: Creature or creatures touched (up to one/level)
Level: Sor/Wiz 3 Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M Saving Throw: Fortitude negates
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes
Range: Touch Imbuing you with negative energy, this spell allows you to drain
Target: Creature or creatures touched (up to one/level) the health of a single living humanoid with a successful melee touch
Duration: Instantaneous attack. If the attack succeeds, the subject suffers 1d6 points of tem-
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates porary Constitution damage. You can use this melee touch attack up
Spell Resistance: Yes to one time per level.
Imbuing you with negative energy, this spell allows you to drain An undead creature struck by the wraith touch gains 1d4x5 tem-
the life force of a single living humanoid with a successful melee porary hit points for 1 hour.
touch attack. If the attack succeeds, the subject gains 1 negative level. Material Component: A small piece of wraith flesh.
You can use this melee touch attack up to one time per level.
Each negative level gives a creature a –1 penalty on attack rolls,
saving throws, skill checks, ability checks, and effective level (for
determining the power, duration, DC, and other details of spells or
special abilities).
Infallible Compass: A wondrous item of this sort can take any
Additionally, a spellcaster loses one spell or spell slot from his or number of shapes, from a divining rod that pulls the hands in the
her highest available level. Negative levels stack. direction of north, to an arrow balanced on a finger, to a stone that
Assuming the subject survives, it regains lost levels after a num- softly vibrates the closer it gets to north. Note that although such
ber of hours equal to your caster level (maximum 10 hours). Usually, items are called infallible, and they are as long as there is a ”north” to
negative levels have a chance of permanently draining the victim’s be found, they may not work in an extraplanar setting.
levels, but the negative levels from wight touch don’t last long enough Faint divination; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item; know direction;
to do so. Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

Glove of the Damned: There are a number of these gloves in Example:

existence. Most gloves of this sort are usually finely made items of Glove of the Damned (vampiric touch): Upon command the
black silk or leather, devoid of all markings. However, some creators wearer of the glove can expend one of the glove’s charges to charge
choose to place skulls or symbols of deities of the dead on the gloves up the glove’s vampiric touch power. Once charged, the glove acts
to act as both a warning and promise; the truly creative make their exactly as the spell of the same name. When first created, the glove
gloves appear like rotting or skeletal hands. But whatever the look, has 50 charges.
material, or markings, all gloves of the damned have the same basic Faint Necromancy; CL 5; Craft Wondrous Item; vampiric touch;
function: to store and deliver necromantic touch spells of 4th level or creator must be a Necromancer or Cleric; Price 11,250 gp; Weight <
lower. 1 lb.
On command you can charge the glove of the damned up with the
spell that was placed into it at the time of its creation. The spell acts Rain Cloak: This ordinary appearing light wool cloak provides
exactly as described in the spell’s description. No focus, divine focus, its wearer and his or her equipment with complete protection from
or material component is required to activate the spell stored in the rain and other forms of precipitation, keeping its wearer dry in all
glove of the damned. types of weather including monsoons and hurricanes.
If you are using the glove of the damned on an opponent, you must Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; rain ward, Price
succeed at a melee touch attack. If you don’t discharge the glove in 500 gp; Weight 1 lb.
the round when you cast the spell, you can hold the charge indefi-
nitely. However, if you touch anything or anyone while holding the
Traveler’s Cloak: This ordinary appearing fine wool cloak pro-
charge, even unintentionally, the spell discharges. You cannot make
vides superior protection to all forms of weather by keeping its wear-
normal unarmed attacks with the hand that is wearing a charged glove
er and any equipment he or she carries completely dry and comfort-
of the damned.
able in any kind of weather by combining a rain ward effect with an
You may wear only one glove of the damned at a time. A newly endure elements effect. It also adds a protection from insects effect
created glove of the damned has 50 charges. Each time you activate for completeness; as long as the cloak is donned the creature will
the spell stored within the glove it costs a single charge. Once the last never get wet or be too cold or too hot or suffer the biting sting of
charge is expended, a glove of the damned crumples into dust. insects.
Eligible Spells: allip touch (new), animate dead, bestow curse, Faint abjuration; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item; endure elements,
blight (druids only), blindness/deafness, chill touch, contagion, curse rain ward, protection from insects; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
water, death knell, death ward (cleric, Death domain, and paladin
only), gentle repose, ghoul touch, inflict critical wounds, inflict light
wounds, inflict minor wounds, inflict moderate wounds, inflict serious
wounds, mark of justice (paladin only), poison, skeletal form (new),
touch of fatigue, vampiric touch, wight tough (new), wraith touch

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Forbidden Arcana: Wizards’ Spellbooks

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