This document provides instructions for common formatting and editing tasks in PowerPoint presentations. It explains how to change slide animation and transition effects, add or modify images, and edit master pages. For charts, it describes selecting the chart, using the Chart Tools tab to open the chart data in Excel for editing, making changes in Excel, and having them refresh automatically in PowerPoint.
This document provides instructions for common formatting and editing tasks in PowerPoint presentations. It explains how to change slide animation and transition effects, add or modify images, and edit master pages. For charts, it describes selecting the chart, using the Chart Tools tab to open the chart data in Excel for editing, making changes in Excel, and having them refresh automatically in PowerPoint.
This document provides instructions for common formatting and editing tasks in PowerPoint presentations. It explains how to change slide animation and transition effects, add or modify images, and edit master pages. For charts, it describes selecting the chart, using the Chart Tools tab to open the chart data in Excel for editing, making changes in Excel, and having them refresh automatically in PowerPoint.
This document provides instructions for common formatting and editing tasks in PowerPoint presentations. It explains how to change slide animation and transition effects, add or modify images, and edit master pages. For charts, it describes selecting the chart, using the Chart Tools tab to open the chart data in Excel for editing, making changes in Excel, and having them refresh automatically in PowerPoint.
How to change the slide animation How to make changes to the Transitions
To make changes to the slide animation To make changes to the Transitions, go
effect, go to the animation tab and select to the Transitions tab and select custom custom animation. A dialogue box will Transitions. A dialogue box will ap-pear on appear on the right, showing the current the right, showing the current effects on effects on that slide. that slide.
How to change the picture How to edit Master Pages
1. Click on the picture 1. Go to Themes Menu
2. Then right click select Change Picture... 2. Click Edit Master then select Slide Master 3. Select your picture 3. Here you can edit text on slide master 4. The picture will appear on the currently 4. Click Close Master to go back all pages selected slide.
How to edit Data chart
2. Under Chart Tools, on the Design tab, in 1. Select the chart on the slide that you the Data group, click Edit Data. Microsoft want to change. The green Chart Tools Excel opens in a new window and displays contextual tab appears at the top of the the worksheet for the selected chart. PowerPoint window. If you do not see the 3. In the Excel worksheet, click the cell Chart Tools tab or the Design tab under it, that contains the title or the data that you make sure that you click the chart to select want to change, and then enter the new it. information. 4. Close the Excel file. PowerPoint refreshes NOTE: The Design tab under Chart Tools is and saves the chart automatically. not the same as the default Design tab in PowerPoint. The Chart Tools tab appears only when a chart is selected, and the Design, Layout and Format tabs under it provide different commands that relate only to the selected chart.