Professional Manual

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 Graphic Design Institute

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Table of Contents

HOW TO CUSTOMIZE THIS MANUAL_________________________________

About the “Picture” Icons__________________________________________

SECTION BREAKS ARE KEY__________________________________________

ABOUT PICTURES AND CAPTIONS___________________________________

How to generate a table of contents_______________________________

How to create an index____________________________________________



HOW TO SAVE TIME IN THE FUTURE________________________________

How to create a document________________________________________

MORE TEMPLATE TIPS_______________________________________________

design customization


Preset styles for the chapter title style above and the chapter subtitle you’re reading are just a fe

o save time in the future, print a copy of this document. Click Print on the File menu, and press ENTER to

To create a drop cap for the lead paragraph, like the example above, select the letter T, and then type a new lette
icon key
 Valuable
information How to Customize this Manual
 Test your
 Keyboard
exercise The “icon key” at left was produced by using the Heading 8 style for the words “icon key
 Workbook

About the “Picture” Icons

 The “picture” icons are Wingdings XE "Wingdings" typeface

symbols formatted in white with a shaded background XE
"background" . To insert a new symbol, select the character
and then click Symbol from the Insert menu. Select a new
symbol XE "symbol" , click Insert, and then click Close. To
create new icons, format a one-character paragraph as the
Icon 1 style.

To change the shading of the Icon 1 style, click Borders

and Shading on the Format menu. Select a new shade or
color, and then click OK.

Section Breaks are Key

Using the break command, you can insert a page, column, or section break.

In this manual, section breaks are the secret to success. Double-click the section break ab

design customization

Special section margins make it possible for this manual to use framed Styles—such as the Icon 1 style—which

 Breaks in a Word document appear as “labeled,” dotted double-lines.

To insert a section break, click Break on the Insert menu. Select one option, and then click OK.

About Pictures and Captions

If you see your paragraph marks, you’ll notice a paragraph mark attached to the lower-right corner of the picture

Figure 21.1 uses this caption text. In Word, the Caption style can be automatically numbered and labeled. Click Caption on
To change the picture XE "picture" , first click it to select it.
Point to Picture on the Insert menu, and then click From File.
This is Heading 5. Like all the
styles in thisFloat
it can Text check
flow with box. Select a new picture XE
the text.
"picture" , and then click Insert. To change the color XE "color"
of the picture, double-click the graphic XE "graphic" to
activate the drawing XE "drawing" layer—where you can
group XE "group" or ungroup XE "ungroup" picture objects,
and re-color or delete objects. Click an object, and then click
Drawing Object on the Format menu. Select a new shade, and
then click Close. To delete an object, select it, and then press
DELETE. Click Close Picture.

To crop the picture, click the picture. Hold the SHIFT key down
and re-size the picture by moving the picture “handles” with
your mouse.

Try this: Click in the framed text below and choose Body Text
from the Style list on the Formatting toolbar. The headline
should now appear as the paragraph below this paragraph. To
change the paragraph back to Heading 5, click the Undo
toolbar button, or click Heading 5 from the Style list.

design customization

Framed text, like this heading, can be cut, copied, and pasted like regular paragraph text.
To cut and paste framed text, click on the bounding border of the frame to reveal the frame

How to generate a table of contents

To create a Table of Contents, click where you want to insert the Table of Contents. On the Insert menu, click R

The TOC is generated from text formatted with Heading styles used throughout the document.

How to create an index

To create index entries for the Word automatic indexing feature, select the text to be index

Written exercise pages 121 -

How to change the headers and footers

In print layout view, double-click the header or footer to activate it, or click Header and Fo
How to create a numbered paragraph
To create a numbered paragraph:

1. In the Font list on the Formatting toolbar, click the List Number style; or

2. Click the Numbering button on the Formatting toolbar.

If you choose to format more than one paragraph, Word will automatically number the paragraphs.

How to save time in the future

When you save the manual template with your changes, it will be easier to create documents in the future.

design customization

Insert your company information in place of the sample text on the cover page, as well as the inside-cover pa
To link a picture to your template, l

Click Save As on the File menu. In the dialog box, click Document Template in the Save File as Type box. (

How to create a document

To create a manual from your newly saved template, click New on the File menu to re-open your template as a d

More template tips

There are three ways to view the various style names of the template sample text:

In normal view, click Options on the Tools menu. Click the View tab. In the Style Are

In any view click a paragraph and view the style name on the Formatting toolbar, or

On the Format menu, click Styles and Formatting to display the Styles and Formatting

background, 4 margins, 5
border, 6 normal view, 4
bullet, 4 number, 6
caption, 5 picture, 5, 7
color, 5 print, 4
drawing, 5 re-size, 5
drop cap, 4 section break, 4
footer, 6 shading, 4
frame, 6 style, 4, 5, 7
graphic, 5 symbol, 4
group, 5 Table of Contents, 6
header, 6 template, 6, 7
help, 6 ungroup, 5
link, 7 Wingdings, 4

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