eFI Fuel Systems: Draft Only

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C h ap t e r 13

EFI fuel systems

• Petrol as a fuel
• Air–fuel ratio O
• Types of EFI systems
• Basic multipoint EFI system
• Multipoint fuel systems
• Fuel-supply system components

• Air intake system components

• Electronic control components
• Basic direct fuel injection

• Checks and precautions

• Service requirements

• Technical terms
• Review questions

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  189

The engine gets its power by burning a mixture of air and

fuel in the combustion chamber. This chapter will show
Air–fuel ratio
how that occurs in an electronic fuel-injection (EFI) For a petrol engine, the most suitable ratio of air to fuel
system. There are basically two ways that the fuel (petrol) is approximately 15:1, by mass – that is 15 kg of air to 1 kg
enters the cylinder: injection into the intake manifold of petrol (Figure 13.2). An EFI system (or a carburettor)
and injection directly into the combustion chamber. must supply a mixture with this ratio, although the
The chapter also covers the fuel storage and supply ratio is varied for certain engine conditions, such as
parts of the fuel system – from the fuel tank to the starting, accelerating and operating under heavy load.
injectors. The air–fuel ratio for complete combustion is known
as the stoichiometric ratio, and is actually 14.7:1 (by
Reference:  EFI systems are covered in more mass).
detail in Volume 2. Diesel fuel systems are
also covered in Volume 2, while information

on carburettors and gas fuel systems can be
accessed online through Connect.

Petrol as a fuel

Petrol (also called gasoline in some countries) is a
air fuel
chemical compound. It is a hydrocarbon, which means 14.7 kg 1 kg
that it consists mainly of hydrogen and carbon atoms. O
Petrol cannot be used in the engine in liquid form,
and must be mixed with air to obtain oxygen to form a
combustible mixture. The liquid fuel has to be atomised Figure 13.2  The ratio of air to fuel in the mixture, for complete
so that each little droplet of fuel can be surrounded combustion, is 14.7:1 by mass
by air with enough oxygen to completely burn the fuel
(Figure 13.1). If there is too much fuel for the air in the engine’s
With an ideal mixture of air and fuel and complete cylinders then there will be a rich mixture. Combustion
combustion taking place, full power would be obtained will not be complete and some fuel will remain unburnt.

from the fuel. The engine’s exhaust would be clean, and This will be exhausted into the atmosphere as gas and
pollution of the atmosphere would be reduced. will cause air pollution. If the mixture is very rich there
could be black smoke from the exhaust.
If there is not enough fuel for the air in the cylinders,
Reference:  Refer to Chapter 30: Fuels, fluids and there will be a weak mixture. This could cause hard
lubricants for more information. starting, poor combustion and loss of power.

The chemical composition of the gases in the engine’s

exhaust system will vary according to how well the fuel
has burnt. This can be checked with an exhaust-gas
air analyser. A sampling tube is placed in the end of the

with oxygen
exhaust pipe and readings of the exhaust emissions are
shown on the gauges (Figure 13.3). A high reading could
indicate an incorrect air–fuel ratio – this could be caused
by incorrect supply of fuel to the engine, or by poor fuel
droplet combustion.

Handy hint:  Poor combustion might not be

a fuel problem, but could be the result of poor
Figure 13.1  In a fuel charge, each fuel droplet is surrounded by
its own supply of air with oxygen

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190  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

Types of EFI systems

EFI systems use injectors to spray the fuel. There are two
different systems: multipoint injection and throttle-body
injection (also called single-point injection). In both
systems, the injectors are electronically controlled.
Multipoint injection is the most commonly used
and is further divided into indirect and direct injection.
Both systems have an injector for each cylinder. Indirect
injection sprays fuel into the intake valve port, while
direct injection sprays fuel directly into the combustion
Throttle-body injection acts like an electronic

carburettor. It has one or two injectors, depending on the
Figure 13.3  An exhaust-gas analyser takes a sample of the size of the engine, which spray fuel into the air passing
exhaust gas and analyses it for emissions through the throttle body into the intake manifold.

Mixing of fuel within the engine

Petrol is very volatile. This means that it will vaporise Reference:  Only basic multipoint injection
easily, or change its state readily from a liquid to a gas will be covered here. Throttle-body and
(Figure 13.4). multipoint injuction are covered in more detail
Fuel from an EFI system is delivered to the engine by O in Volume 2.
the injectors as a fine spray. The fuel is then vaporised
by the air flowing through the intake manifold into the
engine, also by the heat of the cylinder head.
Inside the engine, piston movement and the shape of Basic multipoint EFI
the combustion chamber keep the air and fuel mixed.
This prevents fuel from settling on the surfaces of the
combustion chambers and cylinder walls. Figure 13.5 shows the arrangement of a basic multipoint
Fuel in liquid form will only burn on its surface, so

fuel-injection system. Some parts supply fuel to the

every effort is made to keep the air and fuel mixed so engine and other parts supply air. These are:
that each particle of the fuel has its own supply of oxygen 1 Fuel tank – to store the fuel.
to enable the fuel to be fully burnt. 2 Fuel pump – to provide pressure for the system.
3 Filter – to protect the injectors.
4 Fuel rail – to supply the injectors with fuel.
5 Injectors – to spray fuel into the intake valve ports.

6 Pressure regulator – to provide a regulated pressure

in the system.
7 Air cleaner and ducting – to provide clean air and

carry it to the intake manifold.

8 Throttle body – to control the flow of air to the
engine by means of a throttle valve.
9 Airflow meter – to measure air entering
the engine.
10 Plenum, or air, chamber – to dampen the
flow of air.
(a) (b) 11 Intake manifold – to carry the air to the cylinders.
In addition to the parts listed above, there is an
Figure 13.4  Vaporisation, or evaporation, of a liquid
(a) increased evaporation by applying heat (b) evaporation electronic control unit (ECU). This is a micro-computer
by natural means – in an engine, vaporisation is assisted by the that receives signals from a number of sensors, processes
heat of the cylinder head them and uses the results to operate the injectors.

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  191

pressure electronic
fuel pump regulator control unit
fuel filter

return line
fuel plenum
supply line rail chamber
airflow meter


filter air cleaner

Figure 13.5  Arrangement of a basic multipoint EFI system

Multipoint fuel systems The high-pressure pump, located in the fuel tank,
pumps fuel through the supply line to the fuel filter,
An EFI system can be considered as having three
subsystems, each of which has a number of components.
These subsystems are:
1 fuel supply system
O then from the filter to the fuel rail, where it is held under
The fuel pressure regulator at the end of the fuel rail
maintains pressure in the system. It does this by holding
2 air intake system sufficient fuel in the fuel rail to create the pressure
3 electronic control system. required and passing excess fuel through the return line
to the fuel tank.
The injectors are connected into the fuel rail and
Fuel supply system spray fuel directly into the intake ports of the engine.

The location of the various parts of a fuel supply system The amount of fuel delivered by the injectors and their
are shown in Figure 13.6. timing are controlled by the electronic control unit.

fuel tank

fuel pump
pressure regulator assembly
fuel rail

supply line
return line
fuel filter

Figure 13.6  Parts of an EFI fuel-supply system toyota

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192  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

Air intake system The ECU is the ‘brains’ of the system; it is a micro-
The air intake system is shown in Figure 13.7. Air is drawn processor, or mini-computer. It can receive information
in through the air intake and then through the air filter (inputs) and send signals (outputs) to other components. Its
before reaching the throttle body assembly. main function in the fuel system is to tell the injectors when
A butterfly valve in the throttle body is connected to they should spray and how long they should remain open.
the accelerator pedal of the vehicle and this controls the The length of time that the injectors are open determines
air that passes through to the plenum chamber and the the amount of fuel that is sprayed into the engine.
intake manifold. The ECU receives signals from the various sensors,
The plenum chamber dampens out the pulsations in processes them and adjusts the amount of fuel that is
the air in the intake system before it enters the intake delivered from the injectors. This enables the air–fuel ratio
manifold. Fuel sprayed from the injectors into the intake to be adjusted to suit many different operating conditions.
valve ports is carried into the cylinders with a direct flow Figure 13.9 shows inputs to and outputs from the ECU
of air. for a typical EFI system.

The amount of air that passes through the throttle
body, and the fuel that it carries from the injectors
into the engine, determine the power and speed of the
Fuel-supply system
engine. Depressing the accelerator pedal will open the components
throttle valve to admit more air. The injectors will be
told (electronically) to supply more fuel and the power Following are some of the main components of a fuel

delivered by the engine will increase. system in more detail.
Depending on the load that is on the engine, the speed
could also increase. Releasing the accelerator pedal has Fuel (petrol) tanks
the opposite effect.
The resonator chamber that is fitted to some air intake
systems is used to reduce the air noise and to provide a
O Petrol tanks for passenger cars are made of steel or from
a special plastic material. Fuel tanks for commercial
vehicles are made from steel or aluminium.
more even flow of air. Steel tanks are made from tin-coated steel that is
pressed to shape. The tank is made in two parts, joined
Electronic control unit
by a continuous weld around the flanges where the parts
The electronic control system consists of an electronic fit together.
control unit (ECU), a number of different sensors and Internal baffles strengthen the tank and prevent

their interconnecting wiring. An example of where surging of the fuel. Surging could affect the float of some
sensors are located is shown in Figure 13.8. fuel gauge sender units and upset the fuel gauge reading.

plenum chamber throttle body


intake manifold

air cleaner

air intake

air intake

Figure 13.7  Air intake system for an EFI engine toyota

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  193

ignition coil
with igniter

position sensor
camshaft timing oil
control valve

throttle control motor and

throttle position sensor

position sensor

water temperature. sensor

knock sensor

air–fuel ratio sensor O heated oxygen sensor

(bank 1, sensor 2) (bank 1, sensor 2)

Figure 13.8  Components of an electronic control system toyota

EFI engine control
inputs outputs

engine RPM fuel injectors

airflow fuel pump relay
air temperature ignition coil
coolant temperature cooling fans
throttle position throttle control motor

crankshaft position camshaft timing control valve
knock sensor check engine light
ignition switch

oxygen sensor
camshaft position
cruise control
stop light switch
power-steering switch


Inputs and outputs for the EFI computer

Figure 13.9  Inputs to and outputs from the ECU for a typical EFI system

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194  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

It could also cause a temporary shortage of fuel at the dispense LRP. The small nozzle fits the hole in the filler
suction pipe or pump, particularly if the fuel in the tank neck of vehicles that use unleaded petrol, but the larger
is low. nozzles of lead replacement petrol do not.
Plastic fuel tanks are moulded to shape from fuel-
resistant material. This type of manufacture enables Fuel tank cap
tanks to be designed to fit the shape of the bodywork of The fuel tank cap (Figure 13.12) seals off the filler
the vehicle (Figure 13.10). neck to prevent petrol vapour from escaping into the
atmosphere. Caps have a vacuum (negative pressure)
Location of fuel tanks valve which allows air into the tank to replace fuel that is
The fuel tanks are usually located under the rear of the used. The valve also allows air into the tank if the pressure
vehicle, although some light commercial vehicles have
their tanks mounted to one side.
Most tanks are removed from underneath the vehicle.

Figure 13.11 shows a vehicle that has been raised above
the floor to enable the fuel tank to be removed. The tank
is bolted by its flange to the underside of the body of the
vehicle. Some tanks, particularly plastic ones, like the
one in Figure 13.10, are retained by straps that are fitted
underneath the tank.

Filler neck and cap
The filler neck is a large diameter pipe that extends
above the fuel tank and allows the tank to be filled. To O
prevent the wrong fuel from being put into an unleaded
fuel tank, the filler necks of tanks for unleaded petrol
(ULP) have a baffle with a smaller hole than those for
lead-replacement petrol (LRP).
Service station petrol pumps that dispense ULP have Figure 13.11  A fuel tank removed from underneath the
a hose with a smaller-diameter nozzle than those that vehicle ford

filler neck

fuel pump assembly tank cap

bracket bracket on body



earth strap

supply line vent pipe


return line
vapour line


Figure 13.10  Moulded fuel tank shaped to fit under the floor of the vehicle ford

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  195

atmospheric pressure throttle body


negative canister

negative pressure
in tank

Figure 13.12  Fuel tank filler cap hyundai

Safety:  Fuel tank caps are not generally fuel vapour
interchangeable and if a replacement cap is
fitted, it must be the same design as the original. Figure 13.13  Basic evaporative-control system

inside the tank drops due to a change in temperature.

This is a one-way valve – air can enter but fuel vapour
O Reference:  Evaporative controls are covered in
more detail in the chapter on emission controls
cannot escape. in Volume 2.
Fuel tank venting (evaporative control) Fuel gauge
Fuel tanks have to be vented to allow them to breathe.
The fuel gauge has a sender unit in the tank, connected
This provides for expansion and contraction of the fuel

electrically to a fuel gauge unit in the instrument panel.

that is caused by changes in temperature.
A basic sender unit consists of a float that follows the
Emission-control regulations prevent fuel tanks from
fuel level and a rheostat that is operated by the float
being vented directly to the atmosphere where the fuel
(Figure 13.14).
vapour would cause air pollution, so they are vented
The position of the float determines the resistance of
through evaporative controls.
the rheostat. This, in turn, controls the voltage at the fuel
Figure 13.13 shows a simplified evaporative-control
gauge so that it shows the appropriate fuel-level reading.

system. The vapours from the tank are carried by a

The sender unit in the tank is often part of an assembly
vapour line (pipe) to a canister, which is located in the
which can include the fuel lines, vapour line, a fine filter
engine compartment, or sometimes under the vehicle.
and the fuel pump.
The canister is filled with granulated charcoal which

absorbs the petrol vapours. The top of the canister Fuel lines
is connected by a pipe to the air intake system of the
There are three pipes (or lines) between the fuel tank and
the engine compartment although some systems can
While the engine is stopped, vapour from the fuel tank
have only two. These are:
can pass through the vent pipe to the charcoal inside
1 The fuel supply line, also called delivery line, which
the canister. Once the engine is started and running, the
carries fuel to the engine.
canister is purged and fuel vapour from the canister is
2 The fuel return line, which returns
carried into the engine to be burnt.
surplus fuel to the tank.
Purging of the canister is controlled by a solenoid
3 The vapour line, which vents the fuel tank to the
valve that is opened and closed by the engine’s electronic
charcoal canister.
control unit. This is opened only when purging would
not upset the air–fuel mixture and is not opened when Other pipes within the engine compartment connect
the engine is idling. various components of the fuel system to the engine.

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196  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

Electric pumps are used with EFI because the system

fuel line
has to be pressurised before the engine can be started.
The injectors do not pressurise the fuel – they spray
fuel from the system which has been pressurised by the
gauge unit electric pump.
A high pressure is required in the system – an electric
tank pump operates at a pressure over 200 kPa, but is capable
of producing up to 600 kPa.
Inline pump construction
The pump is connected directly into the fuel supply
line, with an inlet connection at one end and an outlet
supply pipe connection at the other. Fuel from the tank is taken into

one end of the pump and discharged from the other
Figure 13.14  Fuel tank sender unit for a fuel gauge under pressure. The pump is always full of fuel, which
Most systems have a return fuel line, which keeps the fuel both lubricates and cools the pump motor.
circulating so that it is at tank temperature and not being Figure 13.15 shows a section through the complete
heated in the engine compartment. However, there are assembly. A permanent-magnet type electric motor is
systems that do not have an external fuel return line. With used and the pump element is attached to the rear end of

these systems, the pressure regulator is located within the its armature. Fuel under pressure from the pump element
fuel tank as part of the fuel pump assembly and it regulates flows around the armature to the front of the pump and
the pressure in the supply line (see Figure 13.18). through a non-return valve to the pump outlet. A relief

Information:  Where there is no return line, the

fuel in the supply line is at regulated pressure
valve at the rear of the pump limits the maximum pump

Pump element
right from the tank through to the fuel rail and
A diagram of the pump element is shown in Figure 13.16.
This is referred to as a roller-cell pump. It has a rotor that
is spun in its housing by the electric motor. The rotor is
Inline fuel pump offset in the housing and carries rollers in metal slots.
Figure 13.15 shows an inline electric pump. This is a As the rotor spins, the rollers are moved outwards by

rotary pump that consists of an electric motor and a centrifugal force and form a seal between the rotor and
pumping element in a common housing. the housing. Fuel taken in through the inlet is carried

relief roller-cell

valve pump


(pressure side)

permanent armature

Figure 13.15  Rotary-type electric fuel pump used with an EFI system ford

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  197

This type of pump is mounted inside the fuel tank and

direction of rotation submerged in the fuel. The pumping element is capable
housing roller of producing a high pressure but has little suction, which
is why the pump has to be close to the fuel – this keeps
the pump primed. The intake end of the pump in the
inlet illustration is fitted into a swirl pot, which holds fuel at
the pump intake under all vehicle-operating conditions.
outlet Figure 13.18 shows another arrangement of a
rotor (pressure submersible fuel-pump assembly. The fuel pressure
side) regulator is also part of the assembly. There is a supply
line, but no fuel return line in this system.
Figure 13.16  Roller-cell pump element for an EFI fuel
pump ford

harness connector cover
around between the rollers and is discharged through
the outlet. fuel pressure
Submersible fuel pump

The pump, fuel gauge sender unit, fuel line connections
and a filter are combined to form an assembly
(Figure 13.17). This is installed through an opening in the
top of the fuel tank. O
pump housing
fuel sender unit

lock ring fuel pump

fine filter

Figure 13.18  Submersible fuel-pump assembly that includes

the pressure regulator  holden ltd

fuel delivery
Information:  Some systems have a
high-pressure pump mounted externally and a

fuel return low-pressure pump in the tank that is used to

prime and supply the high-pressure pump.

high-pressure Fuel filters

fuel pump
The main fuel filter is located on the pressure side of
swirl pot the fuel pump. It consists of a metal container with an
inner paper filter element (Figure 13.19). Some filters
are located in the engine compartment; others are on
the underside of the vehicle. They cannot be cleaned and
have to be replaced if they become restricted.
As well as the main filter in the system, there is a filter
Figure 13.17  Rotary electric-pump assembly for installation in on the suction side of a submersible pump. This is made
the fuel tank ford of fine nylon mesh.

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198  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

filter paper out fuel supply

pressure fuel rail


Figure 13.19  EFI line fuel filter  daihatsu

The parts of a dismantled pump assembly are shown

in Figure 13.20. Some pumps cannot be dismantled
for repair and the complete pump assembly has to be
replaced if it is faulty.

Fuel rail and injectors fuel electrical injector

The injectors are fitted into the fuel rail with the

return connector
nozzle (spray) end projecting into the intake manifold. hose
Figure  13.21 shows how this is arranged for a four-
cylinder engine. There is an O-ring and a rubber grommet O Figure 13.21  Fuel rail and injectors for a four-cylinder engine
to provide a fuel seal at the fuel rail end of the injector, toyota
and an insulator at the manifold end.

electrical connector

floor hole
cover fuel pump bracket

fuel hose
screw electrical connector
supply line

return line

fuel pump

fuel filter
rubber cushion
(a) (b)

Figure 13.20  Submersible fuel pump and sender unit assembly

(a) assembled (b) dismantled toyota

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  199

The pressure regulator on the end of the fuel rail Airflow meter
maintains regulated fuel pressure in the fuel rail and in An airflow meter at the throttle body measures the
the injectors. amount of air that passes through the throttle body.
There is an electrical connector on the injector for It provides this information to the electronic control
the wiring which connects it to the ECU. The injector unit (ECU), which determines the quantity of fuel
is basically a mechanical valve that is operated by an that needs to be injected to maintain the correct air–
electromagnet – it is a type of electrical solenoid. Voltage fuel ratio.
signals from the ECU energise the electromagnet in the The airflow meter provides a continuous check of the
injector and this opens the valve to spray fuel into the air flowing through the induction system, so that any
intake manifold.

Air intake system plenum chamber


vacuum hose
Parts of an air intake system are shown in Figure 13.22. sensor
There are various designs of air systems and they vary in connector
shape and size for different models of engines.
Filtered air from the air cleaner passes through,

ducting to the throttle body and then to the plenum
chamber. The plenum chamber is connected to the
intake manifold (not shown in the illustration). Some air intake
intake manifolds have long curved branches, others O
are much shorter. Manifolds for V-type engines are of a
different design to those for inline engines.

Throttle body assembly

A throttle body is shown in Figure 13.23. The power and
speed of the engine is controlled by the throttle valve.
This is a disc-type valve, mounted on a spindle, which is throttle
rotated to open or close the bore of the throttle body. quadrant cable idle valve

The throttle valve is opened by the accelerator pedal to

increase engine power or speed, and closed to decrease Figure 13.23  Throttle body assembly for an EFI system toyota
power or speed.

throttle position
sensor connector

throttle body air-cleaner cover

plenum chamber cover
gasket stay

intake air temperature

sensor connector

idle valve connector


Figure 13.22  Components of an air intake system toyota

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200  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

movement of the accelerator pedal to open or close the Sensors

throttle valve will be signalled to the electronic control A number of sensors that send signals to the ECU are
unit. shown in Figure 13.24. The number and type of sensors
The system has an idle speed control, which ensures will depend on the particular vehicle and system. Some
that some air will pass the throttle valve in the closed sensors that relate to an EFI system are:
position to allow the engine to run at idle. 1 Intake air temperature sensor. The density of
air varies with temperature, so changes in
temperature could affect the ratio of air to fuel
Electronic control (remember, this is a ratio by mass). A sensor in
components the air intake senses the temperature of the air
entering the engine.
As well as controlling fuel injection, the ECU is 2 Atmospheric pressure sensor. The mass of air varies
with altitude, and also to some extent with weather

responsible for a number of other operations, such
as ignition timing. The engine electronic control unit conditions. Signals sent to the ECU allow it to
(ECU) is given different names by the vehicle and adjust the fuel quantity to suit the density of air.
component manufacturers. It is also referred to as an 3 Coolant temperature sensor. The engine needs
engine control module (ECM), or as a power control a richer mixture when starting and when cold.
module (PCM). Signals from this sensor allow the ECU to make
suitable adjustments.

4 Engine RPM sensor. This sends the engine speed
to the ECU. Changes in engine speed indicate
Information:  Electronic control units are not changes in engine load and the ECU can make
confined to electronic fuel injection – they can
be programmed to perform various engine,
transmission and other functions.
O adjustments for this. It can provide a slightly
richer mixture when the engine is under load, or a
slightly leaner one with reduced engine load.
knock sensor
airflow meter

distributor unit air-conditioning



battery ECU


stop light switch

neutral/clutch thermosensor

oxygen sensor
connector air intake sensor

Figure 13.24  ECU inputs

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  201

The ECU also adjusts the ignition timing to suit the plunger needle (6) off its seat. Fuel is then sprayed out
engine speed. through the directional outlet hole (8).
5 Knock sensor. Engine detonation is picked up by When the solenoid is de-energised, fuel pressure and
this sensor, which is attached to the engine block. the return spring (3) will force the plunger back onto its
Under certain operating conditions irregular seat.
combustion within the combustion chamber can The quantity of fuel delivered is determined by two
produce detonation, or knocking, which is harmful factors: fuel rail pressure and time the plunger remains
to the engine. If detonation is sensed, the ECU acts open.
to prevent this by retarding the ignition and/or
providing a richer fuel mixture.
6 Vacuum sensor. This is used in the intake system to 3
sense manifold pressure.
7 Oxygen sensor. Located in the exhaust manifold,

this sensor detects oxygen in the exhaust gases. If
the air–fuel mixture is correct, there will be good
combustion in the cylinders and there will be little
or no oxygen present in the exhaust gases. With 1
poor combustion, oxygen will be present.

The oxygen sensor is part of a closed-loop system,
with the exhaust gases being continuously monitored.
Information is provided to the ECU, which makes
frequent adjustments to the fuel mixture or to the spark O
as required. The result is improved engine performance
and fuel economy.

Basic direct fuel injection Figure 13.25  Main components of a direct fuel-injection system
1 Fuel injector 2 Fuel rail 3 High-pressure fuel pump 4 Engine
management computer  volvo
Direct fuel injection is also known as gasoline direct
injection (GDI). The two main advantages of direct
injection are improved fuel economy and reduced

emissions. These can be achieved by accurately varying 1

the quantity and time of fuel injection to suit the engine’s
needs. The major components are show in figure 13.25.

Information:  The fuel and air supply systems 2


for direct injection are similar to other multipoint

EFI systems.

Fuel injector 5

The fuel injector atomises and meters the fuel directly

into the combustion chamber of the engine. The injector
must be able to cope with the high temperature and
pressure of combustion and so is different in construction
from the indirect injector. Figure 13.26 shows a high-
pressure injector in cross-section.

Operation 7
High-pressure fuel enters the injector through the inlet 8
filter (1) from the fuel rail and fills the injector. When
Figure 13.26  Direct petrol injection
a high-voltage signal (60 volts) is received at the input 1 fuel inlet filter 2 high voltage terminal 3 plunger return spring
terminal (2) from the ECU, the high-current solenoid 4 high current solenoid winding 5 body 6 plunger needle
winding (4) is energised. This attracts the armature and 7 pintle 8 directional outlet hole Bosch

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202  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

High-pressure fuel pump to the pressure by changing the time the fuel supply valve
The high-pressure fuel pump is a single-plunger driven in the high-pressure pump remains closed.
by the camshaft pump. It is flange of mounted on the
cylinder head and has a separate three-lobe cam to
maintain a constant fuel supply. The pump also contains Checks and precautions
a fuel-supply control valve, variable pressure attenuator
and high-pressure limiting valve (Figure 13.27). Following are some basic checks that can be carried out
and precautions that need to be taken with EFI systems.
Operation EFI systems have a self-diagnosis function built into
Fuel enters the pump on the low-pressure side at supply the ECU that identifies faults and stores the information
pump pressure of approximately 0.4 MPa (400 KPa). As in its memory. These are referred to as diagnostic trouble
the plunger (5) moves down on the intake stroke, fuel codes (DTCs). In some early systems, the faults are
moves past the inlet valve (not shown), filling the space indicated by light-emitting diodes on the ECU, which

above the plunger. When one of the cam lobes forces the use a flashing sequence as codes. In other systems,
plunger up, fuel is pressurised to 12–20 MPa. information is obtained from the ECU by using the engine
The fuel supply control valve (8) acts as a metering check light in the instrument cluster to flash codes.
device. Fuel above the plunger is not pressurised until the Systems that have a diagnostics data link connector
fuel supply valve closes. The ECU can vary the quantity (DLCs) can have fault codes extracted using a compatible
and pressure of fuel injected by closing the valve earlier scan tool or computer. Manufacturers provide a list of

or later on the pressure stroke. the codes and explain what they represent, as well as
Maximum pressure in the fuel rail is controlled by the diagnostic information.
pressure limiting valve (2). Excess fuel is returned to the
inlet side of the pump. The gas-filled attenuator (1) acts Relieving system pressure
like a pulsation damper to even out pressure changes An EFI system is under pressure. Even when the engine
in the pump. Excess fuel not required by the injectors is not running, the pressure is held in the system by the
is directed into the upper chamber compressing the pressure relief valve.
diaphragm. The attenuator assists in a rapid filling of the As a safety precaution, to prevent petrol spray, the
pressure must be relieved before hoses are removed or
pump on the intake stroke when the pressure is released.
components disconnected. (For example, this applies when
High-pressure fuel sensor removing a fuel filter.) (See Figure 13.28.) Direct injection
systems require a scan tool connected to the DLC to pulse

The sensor is screwed into the fuel rail and monitors the
pressure for the ECU. The ECU can then make adjustments the injectors and thus relieve the pressure in the fuel rail.
Alternatively, remove the electrical connection from the
pump and run the engine to use up the fuel in the system.

Checking fuel pumps

1 Fuel pumps can be checked for pressure and delivery. A

quick check for pressure can be made by squeezing the

2 hose of the supply line as shown in Figure 13.29. An actual


4 8
5 fuel filter

fuel drained
Figure 13.27  Single-plunger fuel pump from system
1 Variable pressure attenuator MMD 2 Pressure limiting valve
3 High pressure connection 4 Mounting flange 5 Delivery
plunger 6 O-ring 7 Plunger spring 8 MSV5 fuel-supply
control valve 9 Plunger seal Robert Bosch (Australia) Pty Ltd, Figure 13.28  The pressure in the fuel system must be relieved
Automotive Aftermarket: www.boschautoparts.com.au. before disconnecting components toyota

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  203

pressure regulator fuel rail

pressure regulator fuel rail

fuel hose

fuel filter

Figure 13.29  Pinching the hose of the fuel supply line to feel injector (a)
for pressure toyota
pressure test is done by inserting a T-piece into the fuel
delivery line and attaching a pressure gauge. These are

high-pressure pumps that will produce a pressure of
200 kPa at idle speed.
The volume of fuel can be checked by removing the
supply line at a convenient connection and directing the
fuel into a graduated container. Approximately 1 litre
of fuel should be delivered in 30 seconds. If the volume
is low, the filter and fuel line should be checked for
probe of
injector stethoscope
probe of
injector (b) stethoscope
Information:  Volume checks are not carried out

on direct injection high-pressure pumps.

Figure 13.30  Checks for injector operation

(a) feeling for injector pulses (b) using a stethoscope  toyota
Checking injector operation
A basic check of the injectors can be made with them in

place on the engine. This is done by feel and by sound

(Figure 13.30). With the engine at idle, place a finger on fuel
each injector in turn. It should be possible to feel the injectors
injector operating. A good injector will have regular

Using a stethoscope, the operation of an injector can
be checked by its sound. The probe of a stethoscope
placed against the injector will pick up its operation. This
enables the operator to determine whether the injector
is good or faulty. connection
There are more detailed tests for injectors. An ohmmeter
can be used to check its resistance, and other checks can noid
be done with the injector removed from the engine.
The power supply to the injector from the ECU can
be checked easily by removing the socket to the injector
and inserting a special noid light, as in Figure 13.31. If the Figure 13.31  A noid light fitted to the injector socket

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204  Part 2 Engines and engine systems

light doesn’t pulse when the engine is cranking there is

no power to the injectors. socket plug

Isolating the battery

Remove the negative battery terminal to isolate
the battery before commencing work on any of
the electrical components (Figure 13.32). This is a
safety precaution to prevent sparks or damage to
components. In some instances, the diagnosis code lock spring
or information in the memory of the ECU should be
checked before disconnecting the battery, otherwise
information could be lost when power is removed from

the system.

Checking electrical connections

There are a number of electrical connections associated
with electronic fuel injection. Many are multipin
connectors and these should be clean and fit tightly

together. One type of connector is shown in Figure 13.33.

positive terminal
negative terminal O Figure 13.33  Some of the electrical connectors used with EFI
systems toyota

Service requirements
Injectors may need cleaning and testing after the vehicle has
battery travelled a large number of kilometres. The injectors have
to be removed and special equipment is used for cleaning.

Cleaning additives are available and these can be

added to the fuel tank periodically. This helps to keep the
injectors clean while the engine is running.
Fuel filters cannot be cleaned, and if considered faulty
Figure 13.32  The negative battery terminal should be will have to be replaced. Some in-tank filters are replaced
disconnected before working on EFI components toyota or cleaned after extended periods of operation.

Technical terms
Electronic, electronic fuel injection, EFI, diesel, petrol, distillate, gasoline, hydrocarbon, oxygen, combustion,
combustible, polluted, air–fuel ratio, stoichiometric ratio, rich mixture, weak mixture, power, exhaust gas analyser,
chemical composition, volatile, vaporise, throttle body, pressure regulator, plenum chamber, fuel rail, micro-computer,
electronic control unit, ECU, surging, lead replacement petrol, vacuum, negative pressure, evaporation, evaporative
control, canister, granulated charcoal, purge, sender unit, inline, armature, roller cell, centrifugal force, primed, swirl pot,
submersible, self-diagnosis, graduated, stethoscope, diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), diagnostics data link connector
(DLCs), noid light.

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Chapter 13  EFI fuel systems  205

Review questions
1. Name the different types of fuel systems used for motor 19. Why is a fuel tank cap fitted with a valve?
vehicles. 20. How are fuel tanks vented?
2. What are the two main chemicals in petrol? 21. What lines or pipes connect the engine to the fuel tank?
3. What is meant by combustion? 22. What are submersible fuel pumps?
4. Why does the engine need a mixture of air and fuel? 23. Explain briefly what occurs in the EFI system when the
5. What is air–fuel ratio and why is it important? vehicle is being driven and the driver presses down the
6. What is a rich mixture? What is a lean mixture? accelerator.
7. What would an exhaust-gas analyser be used for? 24. What is the function of the oxygen sensor?
8. In an EFI fuel system, how does the fuel get into the 25. Why would a coolant temperature sensor be fitted?
26. What are the two main advantages of direct petrol

9. Name the main parts of a multipoint EFI system. injection?
10. What is the ECU? 27. How is pump pressure regulated in the high-pressure part
11. What is the purpose of the ECU in an EFI system? of the system?

12. An EFI system can be considered as having three 28. Which valve regulates the volume of fuel pumped by the
subsystems. What are these? high-pressure pump?

13. What is the function of the throttle body? 29. State the two factors that determine the volume of fuel
14. Why does the system need a plenum chamber?
30. What precautions should be taken before disconnecting or
15. Where are the injectors located in an EFI system? O removing a component of an EFI system?
16. What controls the operation of the injectors?
31. What are the basic checks for injector operation?
17. How is the pressure controlled in the fuel system?
18. What are fuel tanks made of?

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