Norris Seal

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Norriseal Series

2200 and 2220

Control Valves Series

Space-Saving Solution:
Yokeless design fits tight separator
and scrubber applications

Features Contents
Norriseal Series 2200 and 2220 control valves have
ᔢ Patented spherical plug and 2 Body Styles
been the standard for controlling fluids in the oil and matching seat gives precision 2 Valve Dimensions
gas industry since1966.The hammer nut entry into seating alignment 3 Specifications
ᔢ Two types of throttling trim for 4 Valve Trim
the valve body allows quick access for trim
precision control: modified per- 6 Actuators
inspection. Both Series 2200 and 2220 valves can be centage and equal percentage 7 Model Code
furnished with a variety of trims and end connections ᔥ Hammer nut has extra thread
engagement on the valve body
(see table 7 on page 4 and table 5 on page 3). to release any pressure within
The Series 2200 has an open yoke which allows the body and allow safe removal
of the bonnet/actuator during
for the mounting of positioners, limit switches and disassembly
other devices. It is also used in applications that ᔢ Integral flange is provided
on the bonnet to secure the
require an exposed stem for accurate travel
hammer nut/bonnet to the valve
indication. The yoke allows the valve to be used for body, improving safety when
used in a corrosive atmosphere
higher temperature ranges.
ᔢ Carbide, Stellite and soft seats
The Series 2220 is the close-coupled or yokeless, are available for corrosion and
space saving version of the Series 2200. This series high/low temperatures; other
materials are available for NACE
is ideal for controlling liquids on compressor applications
scrubbers and housed production separators where
space is
at a premium.

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly
body Styles and dimensions

body Styles
Globe, “T” Styles and Angle Bodies
The 1.00-inch comes in two styles: globe and
T-body, allowing fluid to flow straight through the
body in a globe pattern or angle flow pattern by
repositioning the pipe plug (which comes in the
bottom port) and replacing it in the upper port.
Norriseal popularized the T-body in 1950 and it
still is the most popular style in the industry.
The 2.00-inch body comes in two styles, globe
and angle.

1.00-inch T-body plug for 2.00-inch angle body

angle flow with quick with equal percentage
opening carbide trim. 17-4 PH SST trim.

Table 1: ValVe dimenSionS

Face to Face “F”
Body ANSI Rating “G”
Size Connection
150 300 600 900/1500 2500
inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm inches mm
NPT** 6.25 159 6.25 159
1.00 25 RF 7.25 184 7.75 197 8.25 210 9.38 238 11.38 289
RTJ 7.75 197 8.25 210 8.25 210 9.38 238 11.38 289
4.88 124
NPT** 7.50 191 7.50 191
2.00 50 RF 10.00 254 10.50 267 11.25 286 12.88 327 16.25 413
RTJ 10.50 267 11.13 283 11.38 289 13.00 330 16.48 418
* Angle 2.00“ screwed body not shown. “F” dimension = “F”/2.
** Standard NPT body is rated to ANSI 1500.

1 "G" "G"

.75 "F"/2
"F" "F"/2
"F" 3.88
1.00“ NPT Connection 1.00“ Globe Body 1.00“ “T” Body
(configured for angle flow)

"G" "G"
2 2
1.69 "F"/2

"F"/2 "F"/2

"F" "F" "F"/2

2.00“ NPT Connection 2..00“ Globe Body 2..00“ Angle Body

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

2.00“ NPT Connection 2.00“ Globe Body 2.00“ Angle Body
[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly

Table 2: maTerialS oF ConSTruCTion

Valve Component Options

Body ASTM A216 Gr. WCC ASTM A352 Gr. LCC

ASTM A351 Gr. CF8M
Bonnet ASTM A696/C 316 SST
ASTM A105 316 SST
Hammer Nut
ASTM A350 Gr. LF2
Stem Nitronic 50
Packing TFE V Ring Fabric V Ring
Packing Spring 316 SST Inconel X750
Packing Washer CSTL 17- 4 PH
Packing Retainer 17- 4 PH
O-Ring Wetted Nitrile Viton
Aflas HSN
Diaphragm Buna/Nylon Neoprene/Nylon
O-Ring Non Wetted Viton HSN
Actuator Spring Steel
Adjust. Screw CSTL/PLtd. 316 SST
Diaphragm Housing CSTL
Diaphragm Plate CSTL
Travel Indicator 303 SST
Actuator Pressure Connection Size – 1/4” – 18 NPT Thread

Table 3: operaTing TemperaTure*

2200/2220 Std. WCC Mtl. -20 to 180°F (-29 to 82°C)
2200/2220 Std. LCC Mtl. -40 to 180°F (-40 to 82°C)
2200 Opt. Mtl. -50 to 400°F (-45 to 204°C)
2200 Opt. Mtl. -50 to 300°F (-45 to 149°C)
* Optional seal material built valves can cover high or low temperature ranges, but not necessarily both.

Table 4: aCTuaTor
Actuator Maximum W. P. Size/Eff. Area Travel
Number psig bar sq. ins. cm. sq. ins. mm
9 55 3.8 35 226 0.625 15.9
12 55 3.8 70 452 0.625 15.9

Table 5: body end ConneCTionS and preSSure raTingS*

Body Size Pressure Rating ASME Flanged RF and RTJ
NPT Body Style
Inches mm psig bar 150/300 600 900/1500 2500
1.00 25 3750 259 X X X X Globe/”T”
1.00 25 6250 431 X X ”T”
2.00 50 3750 259 X X X X Globe/Angle
2.00** 50 6000 414 X X Globe/Angle
* Pressure ratings are based on temperatures of -20 to 100° F (-29 to 38° C) with standard material. ** 2” 2500# is not available in CF8M
Consult factory for pressure ratings for temperatures other than those shown.
(X) indicates end connections available.

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly
Valve Trim

Table 6: 2200/2220 globe & angle body, modiFied perCenTage, equal perCenTage
& quiCk opening, unbalanCed, plug ConTrol TrimS

Flow Coefficient (CV) Globe Body Quick^

Body Size Trim Size Valve Opening – Percent of Total Travel Opening
Modified Percentage (Flow Up) (Flow Down)
Inches mm Inches mm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 100
0.25 6.4 .284 .506 .657 .767 .875 .989 1.10 1.20 1.32 1.43 1.68
0.38 9.5 .311 .621 .942 1.28 1.64 2.07 2.51 2.93 3.35 3.70 3.82
1.00 25 0.50 12.7 .557 1.11 1.68 2.26 2.92 3.62 4.30 4.98 5.43 5.60 5.60
0.75 19.1 .752 1.57 2.43 3.42 4.58 6.08 7.93 9.71 10.6 11.0 11.6
1.00 25.4 .983 2.01 3.40 6.12 8.90 11.7 13.5 14.4 15.1 15.4 15.4
0.25 6.4 .284 .506 .657 .767 .875 .989 1.10 1.20 1.32 1.43 1.68
0.38 9.5 .311 .621 .942 1.28 1.64 2.07 2.51 2.93 3.35 3.70 3.75
0.50 12.7 .592 1.17 1.76 2.34 2.95 3.70 4.57 5.50 5.95 6.08 6.08
2.00 50
0.75 19.1 .882 1.76 2.76 3.82 5.05 6.57 8.49 10.8 12.2 12.9 13.0
1.00 25.4 1.01 2.02 3.58 6.45 9.38 12.32 13.7 15.4 16.7 17.1 23.0
1.25 31.8 Consult Factory
* Consult factory for equal percentage and micro-groove trim values; ^Angle body

Table 7: plug TypeS and SizeS Table 8: plug maTerial

Size Quick Modified Equal Standard Optional
Inches mm Opening Percentage Percentage 316 SST
0.19 4.7 X Carbide
0.25 6.4 X X X 17- 4 SST Alloy 6
0.38 9.4 X X X UHMW
0.50 12.7 X X X 3/4” and 1”only
0.75 19.1 X X X
1.00 25.4 X X
1.25 31.75 X HAMMER NUT
Note: (X) indicates sizes available



.375” O-RING


Fig. 11. Hammer Nut/Bonnet

Body Engagement


Fig. 9. 1.00” Series 2220 valve Fig. 10. 1.00” Series 2200
valve with a no. 9 direct
(spring opening) actuator.
Throttle trim, flow up.

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

Quick opening trim, flow up. Throttle •trim,
[email protected] flow up.
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly
Valve Trim (continued)

Table 9: maximum diFFerenTial preSSure (3-15 pSi)

Flow Under Seat Flow Over Seat

Actuator Gas Supply
Trim Size Throttle Quick Opening
Size Pressure
Direct Reverse Direct Reverse
Inches mm Number psig bar psig bar psig bar psig bar psig bar
20 1.4 2610 180 4750 327 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
.25 6.4
20 1.4 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
20 1.4 1050 72 1975 136 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 4220 291 5150 355 6250 431 6250 431
.38 9.5
20 1.4 3695 255 5550 383 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
20 1.4 530 36 1050 672 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 2315 160 2850 197 6250 431 6250 431
.50 12.7
20 1.4 2015 139 3060 211 6250 431 6250 431
30 2.0 5580 385 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
20 1.4 180 12 420 29 2400 166 1700 117
30 2.0 975 67 1210 83 3460 239 1700 117
.75 19.1
20 1.4 840 58 1315 91 4520 312 2975 205
30 2.0 2415 167 2900 200 6250 431 5090 351
20 1.4 70 5 205 14 1215 84 780 54
30 2.0 515 35 650 45 1730 119 780 54
1.00 25.4
20 1.4 440 30 710 49 2255 155 175 12
30 2.0 1330 92 1600 110 3290 227 2330 161

Table 10: maximum diFFerenTial preSSure (6-30 pSi )

Flow Under Seat Flow Over Seat
Actuator Gas Supply Throttle Quick Opening
Trim Size
Size Pressure
Direct Reverse Direct Reverse
Inches mm Number psig bar psig bar psig bar psig bar psig bar
9 6250 431 6250 431
.25 6.4 33 2.3
12 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431 6250 431
9 3300 228 6250 431
.38 9.5 33 2.3
12 3955 273 5855 404 6250 431 6250 431
9 1804 124 6250 431
.50 12.7 33 2.3
12 2165 149 3200 221 6250 431 6250 431
9 751 52 3165 218
.75 19.1 33 2.3
12 905 62 1380 95 6250 431 285 20
9 393 27 1525 105
1.0 25.4 33 2.3
12 480 33 745 51 3600 248 175 12

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly

Table 11: Spring deSCripTion

Spring Rate Range Table No.
AA 3 – 11 psi 9
HA 6 – 30 psi 10
HA 3 – 15 psi 9
WM 6 – 30 psi 10

Table 12: ShuToFF ClaSSiFiCaTion

ANSI Class IV (ANSI/FCI 70-2-1998)

Metal Seats Leakage less than 0.01% of maximum
valve capacity

ANSI Class VI (ANSI/FCI 70-2-1998)

Soft Seats Leakage less than one bubble
per minute. (3/4” and 1” only)

Table 13: aCTuaTor dimenSionS

Body Size Actuator Spring Actuator Reverse Direct
Spring Cover
Number Description Diameter 2200 2220 2200 2220
Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm
1.00 25 AA 15.38 391 9.75 248 15.88 403 10.25 260 5.50 140
9 9.5 241
2.00 50 HA 17.13 435 11.50 292 17.38 441 11.75 298 7.00 178
1.00 25 HA 16.50 419 10.88 276 17.38 441 11.75 298 7.00 178
12 12.5 318
2.00 50 WM 20.25 514 14.62 371 20.50 521 14.38 365 10.00 254
*Clearance required for “Direct Actuator” cover removal.




2.00 MAX

"B" "B"




Fig. 12 Fig. 13 Fig. 14 Fig. 15
Reverse Actuator Direct Actuator Reverse Actuator Direct Actuator
Series 2200 Series 2200 Series 2220 Series 2220

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly
Model Code Model Code
Type Code Plug or Butt Plug Insert Seat or Seat/ Seat Insert Temp.
Material Material Cage Material Material (°F)
Flanged Raised Face RF
17- 4 17- 4 SST – 17-4 SST – -100 to+4 00
Flanged Ring Type Joint RJ
316 316 SST – 316 SST – -100 to+4 00
Threaded – NPT Female S
ST L6 STL6/316 – STL6/316 – -100 to+4 00
CARB 316 SST Carbide 316 SST Carbide -50 to+4 00
None (No Valve Body) 00
UHMW 316 SST Polyethylene 316 SST – -20 to+180
BODY SIZE Note: Sof t trim, UHMW, is limited to trim sizes ¾” and 1.”

10-2220S-36TGA-9AA 0.38AQCARB
Size (Inches) Code
1 10
2 20
2.56 26 Seating
Code1 Characteristic Trim
VALVE SERIES Equal % Steel or
AE Angular (0.19 only) Stellite
Series Code AP Angular Modified %
Open Yoke 2200 Carbide
AQ Angular Quick Open
Close Coupled 2220 BE Spherical Equal %
Modified % Steel or
BP Spherical
BQ Spherical Quick Open
Body/Bonnet Material Code Note:• Tungsten-carbide and soft-seated trims are available
WCC/A696 – ONLY with angular seating geometr y.
• For Equal % trim use code “AE” for 3/16” & code “BE”
WCC/A696 N (1) for ¼”, 3/8”, ½” and ¾” sizes.
LCC/A350 LF2 P (1)
CF8M/316 S (1) Code Nominal Size
0.19 3/16”
BODY RATING 0.25 1/4”
0.38 3/8”
ANSI Class Code 0.50 1/2”
150 02 Note: 0.62 5/8”
300 07 1” Series 2200/2220 0.75 3/4”
is limited to 1.00”
600 14 maximum trim size. 1.00 1”
900 21 1.25 1-1/4”
1500 36
2500 60
Code Actuator Number
HA, WM 12
Type Code
Pneumatic Reverse Acting (Fail Closed) T
Pneumatic Direct Acting (Fail Open) B
Manual Handwheel F Code Number
Electric (Fail in Last Position) E “00” None
Verto Valve V 9 9
12 12
Type Code
Angle A (2)
Globe G Code Material Temp.
“T” T (3) -120°+ 400°F
– (1) PTFE V-Ring
- 84°+ 204°C
-20°+ 250°F
- 28°+ 121°C
Diaphragm Wetted Code -120°+ 400°F
N(1) PTFE V-Ring
Buna Buna A - 84°+2 04°C
Buna Low Temp. Buna M -15°+400°F
L(1) Viton/PTFE
- 26°+ 204°C
Buna Viton V Accessories:
Neoprene HSN 7(4) Positioners (Electro-Pneumatic, Pneumatic and Digital), Airlock, Limit Switches, Solenoid Valve,
(1) Suitable for NACE (2) 2” only (3) 1” only (4) Sold in Canada only Booster Relay, Filter Regulators, I/P Transducers, Pressure Controllers, Temperature Controllers, etc.

(1) Suitable forContact

(2) 2”Norriseal-WellMark today Positioners
for (Electro-Pneumatic,
more information Pneumatic
about products andand Digital), Airlock,
(3) 1” only
NACE only
(4) Sold in Canada on ly
Limit Switches, Solenoid Valve, Booster Relay, Filter Regulators, I/P
[email protected]
Transducers,• Pressure
Controllers, Temperature Controllers, etc.
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly
Why you can depend on
genuine Norriseal-WellMark products

ᔢ In-house engineering and technical support

ᔢ In-depth applications experience

ᔢ Award-winning innovation and ongoing

product development

ᔢ ISO 9001 certified manufacturing

ᔢ Over five decades of industry service

ᔢ Compliance with all industry standards

and specifications

ᔢ Responsive service and prompt delivery

ᔢ Field support available worldwide

Please contact your Norriseal-WellMark representative

for more details and assistance in specifying the
optimal solution for your application.

In Canada contact:

Tel: (780) 434-8566

Fax: (780) 434-4267

Contact Norriseal-WellMark today for more information about products and services

[email protected] • NORRISEALWELLMARK.COM
HOUSTON: 713.466.3552 • MIDLAND: 432.238.3919 • OKLAHOMA CITY: 405.672.6660 • BROUSSARD: 337.837.3223 • KENEDY: 830.583.8112
Due to the continuous improvement program at Norriseal-WellMark, specifications and/or prices are subject to change  without notice or obligation. For the most up to date information, please contact us directly

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