SC DIY CDI Article Hires
SC DIY CDI Article Hires
SC DIY CDI Article Hires
This completely new capacitor discharge ignition system has been designed from the ground
up to provide a high energy "multiple spark discharge" to cope with engines which have very
high RPM rates. It is intended particularly for use with two stroke engines, high performance
four strokes and older vehicles.
Main Features
»Suitable for 2-stroke, older 4-stroke and performance engines (racing).
»Multiple spark output (see Table1).
»Operates on reluctor, points or Hall effect signals.
»Two points inputs for twin coil engines.
»Usable to beyond 1000 sparks/second (equals 15,000 RPM for a V8).
»Regulated 300V supply for consistent spark energy.
»High frequency operation eliminates audible oscillator noise.
»Efficient circuitry for minimum heat generation.
»Components rated to operate up to 100°C.
Twenty or so years ago, Capacitor Discharge standards. The very fast and very short spark of
Ignition (CDI) was the acknowledged solution for CDI wasn't all that good at igniting lean mixtures.
automotive enthusiasts wanting a high energy Car manufacturers introduced transistor-assisted
ignition circuit. CDI gave a really hot spark which ignition with long spark durations to ensure that
would fire virtually any spark plug no matter how lean mixtures did burn properly. There was one
fouled or grotty it was. Tens of thousands of CDI design which attempted to overcome the lean
enthusiasts installed them on their cars and hence mixture drawback and that was the so-called
forward swore by them as the greatest innovation "multiple spark discharge" system. However it was
system since Karl Benz thought of the horseless a complex design which never really caught on.
carriage. Well, maybe it wasn't quite that good but These days, there is no modern car with an engine
you get the picture. management system which uses CDI, to our
knowledge. Whether they are single coil, multi-coil
But there was another aspect of CDI which wasn't or direct-fire systems, they are all variants of the
good and that was "crossfire". Because the CDI tried and true transistor assisted ignition (TAI)
spark was so hot and more importantly, because it system. So why design a new CDI?
had such a fast rise-time of only a few We have tended to disparage CDI systems for
microseconds, it often fired the plugs in other years, knowing that our very popular high-energy
cylinders. This problem was most troublesome in TAI system has a well-earned reputation for
V8s, in some sixes and even some four cylinder reliability. But some readers were not about to be
cars such as the air-cooled VW which had the put off. They wanted a CDI design and they
spark leads running close and parallel right across wanted it for a number of reasons. They wanted
the engine fan housing. them for two-stroke and four-stroke motors on
Cross-fire is caused by the capacitance between motor bikes, outboards and Go-Karts. And they
adjacent spark plug leads. The capacitance between wanted them for older cars which don't have lean
the leads causes the fast-rising voltage from the mixtures and which can be particularly hard, if not
coil to be coupled into the adjacent leads and impossible, to start when the ignition system gets
thereby can deliver unwanted sparks in other wet. Old Mini Coopers and 850s are legendary in
cylinders. this regard.
Cross-fire can cause severe engine damage and Some readers also wanted a CDI for racing
sounds similar to pinging. applications where multiple spark discharge
Ultimately, CDI fell into disuse for mainstream systems still have a keen following.
cars because of the introduction of lean fuel
mixtures in an attempt to meet rising anti-pollution
With all of these reasons being cited, who were we The 2kHz inverter operation was quite audible too
to say that all these people were wrong? So we and could often be heard through car radios. So the
went back to the data books and put on our new design would use Mosfets in the inverter and
thinking caps. A new CDI design had to be a would operate at above 20kHz to make it
distinct improvement over the 20-year old designs inaudible.
which did have their fair share of drawbacks. Like Third, CDIs used an SCR (silicon controlled
what, for example? rectifier) to discharge the dump capacitor and these
First, many CDIs had very high voltages applied to are typically rated for an AC supply frequency of
the ignition coil, as much as 500V or 600V in some 400Hz maximum. While the SCRs will operate at
cases. higher frequencies, it is an unspecified condition
They did this to avoid the inevitable fall-off in and it ultimately also sets a limit on the maximum
spark energy as the engine RPM rose. This very spark rate. That effectively rules out using an SCR
high coil voltage had the drawback of often in the new design.
causing internal breakdown in ignition coils, it Fourth, and a rather serious drawback this one,
made the cross-fire problem significantly worse some CDI systems would not operate when the
than it would have been with a lower coil voltage battery was low. This meant that while the battery
and it put considerably more stress on the ignition might be able to slowly crank the engine, the CDI's
leads. So design aim number one was to set the coil inverter would not start and hence there would be
voltage to a much more moderate level of about no spark. In other words, just when you most
300V. wanted the CDI to work, it would not be on the
Second, because the DC-DC inverters of the time job.
used relatively slow bipolar transistors (eg, Another factor which limited the inverter operating
2N3055s), the inverter frequency was typically frequency was the speed of the rectifier diodes.
only 2kHz. This typically sets an upper limit on the High speed fast recovery diodes were expensive
maximum spark rate of about 300 to 400 sparks per and so, even if the inverter could have run much
second, as the inverter needs a couple of cycles of faster, the standard rectifier diodes could not have
operation after each discharge in order to recharge handled the high frequency output.
the dump capacitor.
While we have addressed all the above The new CDI system can be connected to
disadvantages, the drawback of potential cross-fire distributors with conventional points, Hall effect or
remains even though we have reduced the high reluctor pickups. It is capable of operation to very
voltage to 300V. Therefore, we do not recommend high engine speeds, much higher than even racing
using the system on six cylinder and V8 engines engines. For example, it can run as high as
unless you can improve the lead dress of the spark 30,000RPM in a 4-cylinder engine. This figure is so
plug leads so that each lead is more widely high that it's academic but it does indicate that full
separated from its neighbour. spark energy is maintained over the entire RPM
Nor do we recommend using this CDI on any car range of any practical engine.
with an engine management computer. We take the All the other features of the new design are
attitude that the factory designed ignition system summarised in the features and specifications
will always be optimum for the particular car. panels elsewhere in this article. However, we do
On the other hand, if you have an older car with need to explain one of the key features and that is
factory electronic ignition there is no reason why "multiple spark discharge".
this CDI system should not be a satisfactory
substitute, particularly if the original module has
failed and is expensive to replace.
Multiple spark discharge
Fig.1: These three circuits show the three types of ignition circuit.
Fig.1(a) is the original points-based system.
Fig.1(b) shows a typical CDI system which uses a DC-to-DC inverter to charge a capacitor which typically has a
value of lµF. Each time the switch points in the distributor open, it fires an SCR to dump the capacitors's charge into
the coil primary winding.
Fig.1(c) shows the arrangement of our new CDI system. It has a DC-to-DC inverter with a regulated 300VDC output
which charges up a lµF capacitor. Instead of using an SCR to dump the capacitor's charge into the coil, it uses a pair
of Mosfets which are depicted as S1, a single pole double throw switch.
Whereas the original CDI designs produced just one dwell extension, lower inductance coils or more
spark each time the points opened, the multi-spark than one ignition coil.
discharge (MSD) CDI was able to produce several
sparks in quick succession each time the points Fig.1(b) shows a typical CDI system which uses a
opened. Our new design incorporates this feature DC-to-DC inverter to charge a capacitor which
and produces up to 10 sparks each time a spark plug typically has a value of lµF. Each time the switch
is to be fired, depending on the engine speed. This points in the distributor open, it fires an SCR to
feature can be disabled so that the CDI produces dump the capacitor's charge into the coil primary
just two sparks for each cylinder firing, regardless winding. The poor old coil gets such a belt that it
of engine speed. produces a much higher voltage in the secondary
and fires the spark plug.
Now let us have a look at some of the details of the
new design. Fig.l(c) shows the arrangement of our new CDI
Fig.1 (a) shows the schematic diagram of the system. It has a DC-to-DC inverter with a regulated
conventional Kettering ignition system which has 300VDC output which charges up a 1µF capacitor.
been used on cars for over 60 years. It comprises an Instead of using an SCR to dump the capacitor's
ignition coil which has its primary winding charge into the coil, it uses a pair of Mosfets which
connected to the battery supply with a switch at the are depicted as S1, a single pole double throw
negative side. switch. The capacitor charges up via the coil to
The switch can be a conventional set of points or a 300V when S1 is in position A and discharges
switching transistor, as used in most modern through the coil when the switch is in position B.
ignition systems. When the switch is closed, current Thus each time a spark plug is to be fired, two
builds up in the primary winding with the ultimate sparks are produced, one with positive polarity and
value limited by the internal resistance of the coil one with negative polarity. With a simple change to
and a ballast resistor, if used. This current is usually the timing circuitry controlling the two Mosfets, the
around 3 to 5 amps. CDI can be made to produce more than two sparks
When the switch opens, the resulting collapse of the by repetitively charging and discharging the dump
coil's magnetic field causes the secondary winding capacitor during each spark plug firing period.
to produce a high voltage to fire the spark plug. As
the engine speed rises, the current has less time to
build up in the coil primary and so inevitably the
spark energy is reduced. Modern transistor assisted
ignition systems get around this problem by using
Fig.3: This is the primary coil voltage when producing four sparks (top waveform).
Note the 284V negative exursion for the first and third sparks and the 294V positive
excursion for the second spark.
The lower trace is the tachometer output signal which was used to trigger the
Fig.3: Tthe circuit of the
Multi-Spark CDI can be split
into two separate sections,
each using an IR2155 self-
oscillating half bridge Mosfet
driver. ICl and Mosfets Ql &
Q2 comprise the 12V DC to
300V DC inverter. IC2 and
Mosfets Q6 & Q7 charge and
discharge the dump capacitor
via the ignition coil primary
and provide the multiple spark
This circuit produces
300V DC which can give
you a nasty shock.
Do not touch any part of
the circuit while it is
With Q1 on, the full 12VDC is applied to the top otherwise be induced into the vehicle's electrical
half of the transformer primary winding. Because of system.
the transformer coupling to the second primary Two 10µF MKT capacitors are used to decouple the
winding, the lower half of the transformer primary DC supply to transformer T1. They effectively
winding also has 12V across it. Similarly, when Q2 bypass the supply lead inductance so that the full
turns on the 12V is also impressed across the top 12V supply is delivered to the transformer at the
primary winding. The resulting waveform on the high switching rate. Inductor L1 is connected in
primary is stepped up by the secondary winding. Q1 series with the supply to prevent 22kHz switching
& Q2 have internal avalanche protection. Should currents from appearing on the vehicle's electrical
the switch off transient across them reach 60V, the supply. The 0.01µF capacitor on the 12V input is
internal zener diode will safely quench the spike there for the same reason.
voltage. The 10Ω resistors in series with the gates The stepped up secondary voltage of T1 is full-
of the Mosfets are included to slow their switching wave rectified by high speed diodes D2-D5 and the
speed and thus reduce the interference which would resulting 300VDC is filtered with a 1µF 275VAC
Voltage feedback trickery
As described so far, the circuit does not have any When transistor Q3 turns on, it pulls pin1 of IC1
means of maintaining a constant 300VDC output from close to +12V down to around +6V and this
and so variations in the battery voltage and spark tricks the IC into activating its internal undervoltage
rate would inevitably cause the high voltage DC cutout circuit (threshold +8.4V) which switches
output to vary over a fairly wide range which would both pins7 and 5 low. This stops the Mosfets from
be undesirable. However, the IR2155 Mosfet driver driving transformer T1 and this situation is
has no inbuilt means of providing voltage maintained until the zeners stop conducting; ie,
regulation. Therefore, we have to trick the circuit when the high voltage supply drops back below
into maintaining a more or less constant voltage. 300V.
The voltage feedback comprises four 75V zener Transistor Q3 then switches off and IC1 resumes
diodes ZD1-ZD4 which are connected in series so normal operation. Thus, the output voltage is
that they begin to conduct at 300V. When current stabilised at 300V while Q3 turns the oscillator on
flows through the zeners they switch on transistor and off at a rate dependent on the load current
Q3 via a 10kΩ base resistor. drawn from the 300V supply and the actual DC
supply voltage.
Pins2 and 3 of IC2 are connected to an assortment formed by the 180kΩ resistor at pin2 and the
of resistors, diodes and capacitors and these are 0.0047µF capacitor at pin3.
instrumental in providing the multi-spark operation. The 10kΩ resistor between pin3 and the 0.0047µF
These components comprise a timer and an astable capacitor is there to prevent excess current into this
(oscillator) connection. The astable oscillator is pin when driven by the monostable part of the
circuit. The only other difference to the normal When Q4 switches on, the anode of D10 is pulled
astable mode is the addition of diode D11 and the low via C3. Thus, the 33 kΩ resistor is effectively
180kΩ resistor in series. This ensures a longer out of the oscillation circuit and so the 0.0047µF
discharge time for the 0.0047µF capacitor via one capacitor is charged and discharged via the
180kΩ resistor and a shorter charge time via both components at pin2 as previously discussed. Q6 and
180kΩ resistors when D11 is forward biased. Q7 now switch on and off alternately, so the coil is
fired repetitively via C2.
Note that the 0.0047µF capacitor is only tied to
ground when transistor Q4 is switched on via the C3 charges via the 33kΩ resistor and when this
trigger circuit from either points, Hall effect or voltage reaches the upper threshold of pin3's input,
reluctor signals. Capacitor C3 is also connected to D10 conducts and stops IC2 from oscillating again.
the collector of Q4. Initially, when Q4 is off, C3 is The circuit thus remains with Q6 on and Q7 off
discharged and held at the pin1 supply voltage until triggered again. Note that, at high RPM, Q4 is
(+15V) via the 13kΩ resistor at Q4's collector and off for less time than it takes C3 to recharge via the
the 33kΩ resistor at D10's anode. This last resistor 33kΩ resistor and switch off IC2's oscillation. The
pulls pin3 well above the upper threshold (2/3rds instant this transistor switches off, IC2 stops
the pin1 supply) via D10. Pin2 goes low but the oscillating since C3 is immediately pulled high.
0.0047µF capacitor cannot be discharged and so This is a fail-safe condition to prevent sparks
IC2 does not oscillate; so Q7 is off and Q6 is on (if designated for one cylinder from accidentally firing
there is supply voltage across C1). the next cylinder in sequence.
(2) installing a 180kΩ resistor in place of the 33kΩ can cause it to break down internally and this
resistor and a link in place of D10. quickly leads to failure. In addition, there is
This causes IC2 to produce a single 0.5ms pulse to provision on the PC board to use two 1µF
switch on Q7. This fires the coil in one direction capacitors to drive the coil.
when Q7 switches on and in the other direction Two 680kΩ resistors are connected in series across
when Q6 switches on. C2 to discharge it should the coil become
disconnected from the circuit. This improves safety
A Metal Oxide Varistor (MOV1) is connected since a 1µF capacitor charged to 300V can produce
across the coil to quench the high voltage transient a nasty shock.
which will occur if the coil is left open circuit on
the secondary. Leaving the coil output open circuit
Fig.6: These waveforms show the reluctor output (lower trace) and the resulting
source voltage of Q8 with no coil connected.
Note that the coil fires on the negative edge of the reluctor waveform.
The Multi-Spark Capacitor
Discharge Ignition is
constructed on a PC board
which is coded ZA1159
(05309971) and measures
112x144mm. It is housed in a
diecast case measuring
deburred with a larger drill to prevent punch-
The ferrite cores are inserted into the bobbin and through of the insulating washer.
secured with the clips or a cable tie. Insert and
solder the transformer into the PC board with the Attach the PC board to the case with the supplied
orientation shown in Fig.7. screws and secure each Mosfet to the case with a
Next, insert the PC board into the case and mark the screw, nut, insulating washer and insulating bush.
positions for the Mosfet mounting holes on the side Fig.11 shows the details. If you use a mica washer
panel. Remove the PC board and drill out these apply a smear of heatsink compound to the mating
surfaces before assembly. Silicone rubber washers
Fig.11: The four Mosfets are mounted on the side of
the case, using an insulation washer and an
do not require heatsink compound. Use two washers
insulation bush. each for Q6 and Q7. Check that the metal tabs of
the Mosfets are indeed isolated from the case by
measuring the resistance with a multimeter.
Finally, attach the wires for the supply, trigger input
and coil output and secure them with the cordgrip
The earth connection goes to a solder lug which is
secured to the case.
If you are using the existing points or a reluctor You may find that with the CDI installed, the spark
distributor, the CDI unit can be installed into the timing is little advanced, due to its fast rise time. If
vehicle. Be sure to locate the CDI case in a position so, you may need to retard the static timing slightly
where air flows over it and make sure it is away to prevent pinging or a slightly rough idle.
from the exhaust side of the engine. It can be
secured to the engine bay with self-tapping screws When starting an engine fitted with this CDI, it is a
into the two diagonally opposite external securing good idea to turn on the ignition for one or two
points on the case. seconds before cranking the engine. This will give
Alternatively, you could use brackets. Wire up the the circuit time to generate the 300VDC and fully
positive connection to the positive 12V ignition, the charge the 100µF supply capacitor for IC1.
negative wire to the chassis and the trigger input to
the points or reluctor. The ignition coil requires a If you are going to install the CDI on an engine with
connection to both sides of the primary. Disconnect two coils and two sets of points, you can use the
any other wires that are part of the original ignition trigger circuit with the two points facility. The CDI
system. can then drive both coils in parallel. Both coils will
Note that the reluctor coil requires the correct then fire simultaneously when each set of points
polarity connection in order to give the correct open. This is more or less standard practice with
spark timing. This is best determined by testing the racing rotaries. If you do want to fire two coils
engine. If it does not fire, reverse the reluctor leads simultaneously, you will probably need to add an
and try again. extra 1µF 275VAC capacitor (C2). There is
provision for this on the PC board.
Tachometer connection
The tachometer output signal is a 12V square wave in the August 1991 issue can be directly triggered
which should be sufficient to trigger most electronic without modification. If the signal does not work
tachometers. For example, the tachometer featured with your tacho, it may be an impulse type which
Fig.13: Use this circuit to provide a tacho signal if your requires a high voltage. The circuit shown in Fig.13
car has an impulse tachometer. should solve this problem.
Fig.14: This is NOT the full-size etching pattern for the PC board..
Spark energy 45mJ
Number of sparks per firing Minimum of 2, (see Table1)
0.5ms for the first 2 sparks then 0.66ms,
Spark Separation
0.34ms, 0.66ms, etc
Spark duration About 200µs per spark
2 sparks 500µs;
4 sparks 1.3ms;
6 sparks (add 200µs for last spark) 2.2ms;
Multiple spark duration 8 sparks 3.1 ms;
10 sparks 4.1ms;
12 sparks 5ms;
14 sparks 6ms
Reluctor Circuit sensitivity 400mV RMS
Inverter operating frequency 22kHz
Down to 5V (requires a minimum of
Operating voltage
9V to start circuit)
Part Lists
470pF 100V MKT
2 470-100
(Reluctor cct)
2 100µF 16V Electrolytic
2 10µF 100V MKT
1 0.47µF MKT Polyester 470n/474k
1 0.15µF MKT Polyester 150n/154k
1 0.12µF MKT Polyester 120n/124k
2 0.1µF MKT Polyester 100n/l04k
1 0.01µF MKT Polyester 10n/103k
(Points cct)
1 0.0022µF MKT Polyester 2n2/222k
(Reluctor cct)
1 0.0047µF MKT Polyester 4n7/472k
0.001µF MKT Polyester 1n/102k
IR2155 Self Oscillating Half
2 IC1, IC2
4 BC337/877 NPN Transistor Q3-Q5
1N4148 / 1N914 Diode (D12
9 Reluctor/Points/ Hall cct; D1, D8-D11
D13 Points cct optional)
6 1N4936 Fast Recovery Diode D2-D5, D6, D7
5.1V Zener Diode
(ZD5 Reluctor trigger cct)
4 751W Zener Diode 1N4761 ZD1-ZD4
1 S14K 275 VAC MOV MOV1
2 8-Way Machined IC Socket
6 3mm Nut One to be used with L1
6 3x15mm Bolt One to be used with L1
6 3mm Shakeproof Washer One to be used with L1
2 Large Nylon Grommet
2 5mm Ring Terminal Automotive coil terminals
1 Solder Lug
TO-220 Silicon-Impregnated
Rubber Washer
5 TO-220 Bush One to be used with L1
2m 1mm Solder
15cm 0.71 Tinned Copper Wire
8 PC Pin
2m Red Auto Cable
2m Black Auto Cable
1m Green Auto Cable
Table2: Capacitor Codes
Value IEC Code EIA Code
1µF 1u0 105
0.47µF 470nF 474
0.15µF 129nF 154
0.12µF 120nF 124
0.1µF 100nF 104
0.01µF 10nF 103
0.0047µF 4n7 472
0.0022µF 2n2 222
0.001µF 1n0 102
470pF 470p 471
Personal note:
I removed 3 photos embedded in the the original SC aricle to keep this file as small as possible. They’re not very
expressive, gooogle for Cap-dis-ignit-CDI.pdf which has them all included in nice resolution.