Pioneer Engineering Classes, Aligarh: Transformers
Pioneer Engineering Classes, Aligarh: Transformers
Pioneer Engineering Classes, Aligarh: Transformers
5. The no-load current drawn by transformer is usually what per cent of the full-load current ?
(a) 0.2 to 0.5 per cent
(b) 2 to 5 per cent
(c) 12 to 15 per cent
(d) 20 to 30 per cent Ans: b
10. The permissible flux density in case of cold rolled grain oriented steel is around
(a) 1.7 Wb/m2
(b) 2.7 Wb/m2
(c) 3.7 Wb/m2
(d) 4.7 Wb/m2 Ans: a
15. While conducting short-circuit test on a transformer the following side is short circuited
(a) High voltage side
(b) Low voltage side
(c) Primary side
(d) Secondary side Ans: b
16. In the transformer following winding has got more cross-sectional area
(a) Low voltage winding
(b) High voltage winding
(c) Primary winding
(d) Secondary winding Ans: a
18. A transformer cannot raise or lower the voltage of a D.C. supply because
(a) there is no need to change the D.C. voltage
(b) a D.C. circuit has more losses
(c) Faraday's laws of electromagnetic induction are not valid since the rate of change of flux is zero
(d) none of the above Ans: c
19. Primary winding of a transformer
(a) is always a low voltage winding
(b) is always a high voltage winding
(c) could either be a low voltage or high voltage winding
(d) none of the above Ans: c
22. In a given transformer for given applied voltage, losses which remain constant irrespective of load changes a
(a) friction and windage losses
(b) copper losses
(c) hysteresis and eddy current losses
(d) none of the above Ans: c
24. The no load current in a transformer lags behind the applied voltage by an angle of about
(a) 180°
(b) 120"
(c) 90°
(d) 75° Ans: d
36. Two transformers operating in parallel will share the load depending upon their
(a) leakage reactance
(b) per unit impedance
(c) efficiencies
(d) ratings Ans: b
37. If R2 is the resistance of secondary winding of the transformer and K is the transformation ratio then
the equivalent secondary resistance referred to primary will be
(a) R2/VK
(b) R2IK2
(c) R22!K2
(d) R22/K Ans: b
38. What will happen if the transformers working in parallel are not connected with regard to polarity ?
(a) The power factor of the two trans-formers will be different from the power factor of common load
(b) Incorrect polarity will result in dead short circuit
(c) The transformers will not share load in proportion to their kVA ratings
(d) none of the above Ans: b
39. Ifthe percentage impedances of the two transformers working in parallel are different, then
(a) transformers will be overheated
(b) power factors of both the trans-formers will be same
(c) parallel operation will be not possible
(d) parallel operation will still be possible, but the power factors at which the two transformers operate will be
different from the power factor of the common load Ans: d
42. The chemical used in breather for transformer should have the quality of
(a) ionizing air
(b) absorbing moisture
(c) cleansing the transformer oil
(d) cooling the transformer oil. Ans: b
44. An ideal transformer has infinite values of primary and secondary inductances. The statement
(a) true
(b) false Ans: b
46. The noise resulting from vibrations of laminations set by magnetic forces, is termed as
(a) magnetostrication
(b) boo
(c) hum
(d) zoom Ans: c
55. Gas is usually not liberated due to dissociation of transformer oil unless the oil temperature
(a) 50°C
(b) 80°C
(c) 100°C
(d) 150°C Ans: d
58. Which of the following property is not necessarily desirable in the material for transformercore ?
(a) Mechanical strength
(6) Low hysteresis loss
(c) High thermal conductivity
(d) High permeability Ans: c
64. Which of the following properties is not necessarily desirable for the material for transformer
core ?
(a) Low hysteresis loss
(b) High permeability
(c) High thermal conductivity
(d) Adequate mechanical strength Ans: c
73. The full-load copper loss of a trans¬former is 1600 W. At half-load, the copper loss will be
(a) 6400 W
(b) 1600 W
(c) 800 W
(d) 400 W Ans: d
77. Power transformers are generally designed to have maximum efficiency around
(a) no-load
(b) half-load
(c) near full-load
(d) 10% overload Ans: c
78. Which of the following is the main advantage of an auto-transformer over a two winding transformer ?
(a) Hysteresis losses are reduced
(b) Saving in winding material
(c) Copper losses are negligible
(d) Eddy losses are totally eliminated Ans: b
79. During short circuit test iron losses are negligible because
(a) the current on secondary side is negligible
(b) the voltage on secondary side does not vary
(c) the voltage applied on primary side is low
(d) full -load current is not supplied to the transformer Ans: c
80. Two transformers are connected in parallel. These transformers do not have equal percentage impedance. T
is likely to result in
(a) short-circuiting of the secondaries
(b) power factor of one of the trans¬formers is leading while that of the other lagging
(c) transformers having higher copper losses will have negligible core losses
(d) loading of the transformers not in proportion to their kVA ratings Ans: d
81. The changes in volume of transformer cooling oil due to variation of atmospheric temperature during day a
night is taken care of by which part of transformer
(a) Conservator
(b) Breather
(c) Bushings
(d) Buchholz relay Ans: a
84. In an actual transformer the iron loss remains practically constant from noload to fullload because
(a) value of transformation ratio remains constant
(b) permeability of transformer core remains constant
(c) core flux remains practically constant
(d) primary voltage remains constant
(e) secondary voltage remains constant Ans: c
85. An ideal transformer will have maximum efficiency at a load such that
(a) copper loss = iron loss
(b) copper loss < iron loss
(c) copper loss > iron loss
(d) none of the above Ans: a
86. If the supply frequency to the transformer is increased,"the iron loss will
(a) not change
(b) decrease
(c) increase
(d) any of the above Ans: c
89. When secondary of a current transformer is open-circuited its iron core will be
(a) hot because of heavy iron losses taking place in it due to high flux density
(b) hot because primary will carry heavy current
(c) cool as there is no secondary current
(d) none of above will happen Ans: a
95. For the parallel operation of single phase transformers it is necessary that they should have
(a) same efficiency
(b) same polarity
(c) same kVA rating
(d) same number of turns on the secondary side. Ans:b
98. The secondary winding of which of the following transformers is always kept closed ?
(a) Step -up transformer
(b) Step-down transformer
(c) Potential transformer
(d) Current transformer Ans: d
104. Which of the following is not the standard voltage for power supply in India ?
(a) llkV
(b) 33kV
(c) 66 kV
(d) 122 kV Ans: d
105. Reduction in core losses and increase in permeability are obtained with transformer employing
(a) core built-up of laminations of cold rolled grain oriented steel
(b) core built-up of laminations of hot rolled sheet
(c) either of the above
(d) none of the above Ans: a
106. In a power or distribution transformer about 10 per cent end turns are heavily insulated
(a) to withstand the high voltage drop due to line surge produced by the shunting capacitance of the end turns
(b) to absorb the line surge voltage and save the winding of transformer from damage
(c) to reflect the line surge and save the winding of a transformer from damage
(d) none of the above Ans: a