Slug Catcher Design and Operation PDF
Slug Catcher Design and Operation PDF
Slug Catcher Design and Operation PDF
Russell P. Kimmitt
Pearl Development Company
Bailey, Colorado
This paper presents methods to design gas plant inlet liquid slug handling facilities. In
addition, the paper also addresses some of the problems that have been described by GPA’s
Operations & Maintenance Committee in panel discussions at the 78th Annual Convention and in
various regional GPA forums.
This paper presents a seven (7) step design process that includes the design basis
development and operational definition such as conditions of service (COS), pigging frequency,
turndown, and start-up. Pipeline simulation issues are addressed including the determination of
line size, fluid flow regime, line pressure drop, and liquid hold-up volume. Based on pipeline
simulations and configurations, slug sizes can then be determined. Prior to finalizing liquid
slug handling facility design, design sensitivities are considered and evaluated. Detailed design
methods are described for the plant inlet separation system to handle gas, liquids, and solids.
This discussion includes a comparison and applications guide of the different slug catcher types.
This integrated process for pipeline and separation design allows individuals to specify new
facilities and troubleshoot existing plants.
Also included in the detailed design section is a discussion of mist eliminator
use/orientation, secondary gas separation equipment, solids handling systems, instrumentation
considerations, header design, three-phase separation, and intermediate liquid vessels. The
impact of phase behavior as well as the pipeline system (high-pressure trunk-line, gathering) is
included in the paper. Finally, a case study is presented including available operating
performance data from a previous design.
The design of inlet liquid handling facilities (slug catcher) for gas pipeline systems has
received much attention during the past few years without offering specific calculations and guidelines
to allow engineering and operations personnel to specify or troubleshoot systems. The consequences
of poorly designed and operated systems may result in downtime, equipment damage, and process
This paper attempts to take the veil away from the mysteries of slug catcher design and
operation. This is done by bridging between the art and science of slug catcher design by providing a
calculation strategy, discussing options and sensitivities, and providing a case study.
The overall calculation strategy for liquid slug catcher design is an iterative method that is
integrated with the pipeline system design. As such there are seven basic steps:
Depending on the results of various steps during design, it may be necessary to repeat or revise
previous steps to arrive at an optimized design. These basic design steps are outlined in the paper
along with one complete case study and several examples. Other critical pipeline system design steps
that have less impact on the slug catcher design such as field compression location and optimization,
pipeline shut-in, solids (paraffin or hydrate), line rupture, velocity limits, pipeline layout, and pipeline
material selection are omitted from this paper. In addition, the primary focus is onshore pipeline
The most important step in the process is setting an appropriate design basis for the pipeline system
design and corresponding slug handling operational definition. This step may be dependent upon
reservoir engineering results, production methods, and gathering system designs. Flexibility is
important because reservoir predications may not be accurate. Consideration of operating and
maintenance issues early in the process can prevent costly changes later in the field. Many of the
issues cited as operating problems in pipeline and slug catcher systems often represent changes to the
original design basis of the system. The overall design basis and operational definition for the
integrated pipeline system and liquid slug handling facilities includes many items:
1. Design Basis
• Composition (gas composition, heavy-end characterization, and off-design cases)
• Design capacity and turndown requirements
• Inlet temperature (design and off-design)
• Inlet or outlet pressure specification or range and maximum shut-in pressure
• Pipeline topography (elevation profile, distance, burial depth, water depth, and risers)
• Ambient Conditions (such as ground and air temperatures and soil type)
• Seasonal variations (temperature, pressure, and composition)
• Production variations
• Start-up considerations (time to restart)
• Corrosion issues (inhibitors, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and water content)
• Contaminants (solids, scale, sulfur compounds, paraffins, water, hydrates, and pour/cloud
Figure 1 – Gas Sampling
2. Operational Definition
• Pigging type and frequency
• Accessibility to pig launchers and pig receivers
• Maintenance decisions (slug catcher inspection frequency, solids removal needs)
• Government regulations (inspection type and frequency)
The importance of these items is discussed in various sections for both natural flow (un-pigged)
and pigged pipeline systems. The interrelationship between these items and various design decisions
is also described. A determination is made at this point in the design process if the system will be
natural flow or pigged to remove liquids. This overall decision will depend on the design basis,
operating philosophy, the relative amount of gas and liquid in the pipeline, and the location.
Pigged Systems
In many instances pipelines are pigged to reduce pressure drop by lowering liquid hold-up
volumes. This is also beneficial for reducing slug catcher size and reducing corrosion from any free
water and other contaminants in the line. This is frequently the case in wet gas situations where liquid
is only formed due to condensation in the pipeline (no free liquid is entering the line). Automatic
sphere or ball launchers, see Figure 3, may be used to allow frequent pigging of the line. The design
basis for pigging frequency will have a significant impact on slug sizes from pigging and the required
slug catcher size. Ideally the pigging frequency can be selected to optimize life-cycle costs (operating
costs of pigging and pressure drop “value” versus installed costs for the slug catcher and pig launching
system), although other operational factors may control the decision.
For example, in the case represented by Figure 4, natural slugging was not predicted.
Therefore, the calculated liquid hold-up volume of 440 bbl is the maximum predicted slug size. If pigs
are run often enough so that less than 440 bbl condenses, then the slug volume is less and the liquid
slug handling equipment size is reduced. To achieve this benefit, the pigging frequency has to be
greater than 0.35 pigs per day (or one (1) pig approximately every third day). If two (2) pigs are run
each day, then the slug volume is reduced to approximately 80 bbl.
Figure 3 – Automatic Ball Launcher
Slug Volume (bbl)
0.01 0.1 1 10 100
Pig Frequency (per day)
A comprehensive review of the pipeline simulation is beyond the scope of this paper, but
additional background can be obtained from the references cited. The following provides an overview
highlighting the key information and analysis required to design slug catcher systems. Several
different methods exist in modeling multiphase flow; however, most equations focus on similar
parameters: superficial velocity, density, viscosity, interfacial forces (surface tension), and elevation
change. The complexity of the calculations and iterative nature strongly suggest the use of computer
programs to perform the calculations. This may not result in increased precision as most correlations
model the system within approximately +/- 30% of actual operations, sometimes due to variations
between the design basis and actual operations. The impact of differences between the fluid design
basis and the original “black-oil” data used to develop many correlations may also limit the precision
of the model.
For pipeline designs it is important for the calculation to be carried out in a segmented manner
modeling both the length and elevation. A good design practice is to run the model initially with
progressively shorter segments (in length and elevation) to determine the minimum number of
segments needed to accurately model the system. As the system is divided into more segments the
calculated pressure drop and hold-up will usually approach an asymptote value. Since more segments
will increase the calculation time by the program an appropriate number of segments can be selected to
optimize run time versus accuracy (although this optimization has become less of an issue with today’s
faster computer speeds; therefore, selecting too many segments is generally preferred over too few).
Many computer programs are available. The “best” programs will allow for utilizing detailed
compositional data, changing equation of state, utilizing different correlations and modeling heat
transfer between the fluid, pipe wall, and surroundings. Determining the “best” program may be a
corporate decision that is ideally made by calibrating the model to actual operations of similar systems
owned or operated by the corporation. By using more than one program and more than one of the
available correlations, the designer can critique results and estimate proper contingencies in the design.
It is suggested that if a correlation based model is used to simulate a system (such as Beggs and Brill,
Eaton, or Baker) the model should also be simulated using a mechanistic approach such as Oliemans or
OLGAS. The comparison of results will increase confidence in the system design. In many cases the
use of dynamic pipeline simulation programs is recommended as a subsequent step to model the
impact transients on the system.
Figure 5 – Pipeline Simulation
Pipeline Slugs
In some cases it may be necessary to operate in the slug flow regime, particularly in turndown
situations of multiphase flowlines. Empirical correlations are available to estimate slug size in
horizontal pipelines[10,11]. A model allows the designer to predict an “average” or 50% probability slug
size for a set of conditions. The designer then is able to predict slug sizes at a higher certainty level
using statistical analysis. For example, if a slug size of 1200 ft3 is expected 95.4% of the time, the
designer can choose to build the slug catcher for this size or choose to design a smaller system at a
lower certainty. The approach allows the designer to consider the probability of larger than average
slugs against the cost to install facilities to handle them. It is generally impractical to design for slug
sizes beyond the 95th percentile; however, the designer may consider it prudent if reliability is
extremely critical. The statistical analysis was based on test data from large bore flow lines at the
Prudhoe Bay Field and has proven to be useful in the prediction of slug size in similar systems.
Consideration of flow variations is essential in determining the appropriate slug size for slug
catcher design. The designer may need to assume the simultaneous slugging of multiple feed lines into
a common slug catcher in certain scenarios. For example, six separate feed lines may connect together
at the plant inlet. If all are in slug flow, it may be reasonable to assume that two or three of the lines
may be slugging into the catcher simultaneously (at a relatively low slug size percentile, such as 68%).
This could then be compared to the combined slug size for all flowlines providing 50th percentile slugs
or a single-line providing a 95th percentile slug in order to determine an appropriate slug catcher design
basis. In most cases, this type of complex analysis is not required.
The following figure is an operating trend developed on a system operating in the slug flow
regime. This trend was predicted in the initial slug catcher design. As shown, the liquid level increase
was handled by the slug catcher. As expected with severe slugging, the gas rate fell considerably as
the liquids flowed into the slug catcher, and pressure rise was significant during the same time frame.
Note that in this case the maximum gas flow out of the slug catcher was restricted due to downstream
capacity limits, contributing to the pressure rise following slug arrival.
Terrain Slugs
Terrain induced slugs can be experienced in extremely hilly terrain. Uphill sections may be
severe enough to cause a rise in liquid hold up. As an increase in slope is experienced, the conditions
for slug flow become more prevalent over near horizontal installations. Most of the time, the uphill
slugs are absorbed through downhill sections and do not affect the plant inlet to any great extent.
However, this is not the case if the inlet facility is placed directly after a extreme elevation rise.
Riser Slugs
In the case of riser slugs (usually experienced off shore with the large riser required to come up
to the platform or shore), stratified flow in the flowline upstream of a vertical riser pipe that is in
unstable (slug) flow regime often leads to severe slugging. A quick check for unstable riser flow is to
evaluate the pressure drop in the riser at various gas flow rates. If the pressure drop is predicted to
decrease with increasing flow, unstable flow and severe slugging may be expected. Empirical
correlations are also available to estimate the size of severe slugs[12]. Slug sizes of more than four
times the riser length can occur[13]. The use of dynamic models is encouraged to predict slug sizes in
these situations.
Thorough design of the slug catcher and the inlet pipeline requires consideration of various
sensitivities. Typical considerations include impact of variance in composition, variance in gas rate
(e.g. turndown), start-up (unloading), missed timing on pigged systems, and ambient temperature
(ground or otherwise).
Phase Behavior
Various operating situations are encountered in slug catcher design. These range from single-
phase pipeline operation, wet gas lines (gas with condensation of hydrocarbons and/or water in the
pipeline), multiphase lines, and dense phase lines. Compositional and/or phase behavior sensitivities
are described for each situation.
For most single-phase pipelines slug catcher requirements are minimal. Sensitivities that might
be considered are dehydration failure (or summer shutdown), lube oil carryover from compression, and
possibly impact of unprocessed gas entering the pipeline. These cases can then be evaluated with the
design steps presented previously to determine appropriate pigging requirements and slug catcher size
impacts or to determine that these events are outside of the pipeline’s design basis.
In wet gas lines the slug catcher design volume is primarily determined based on the liquid
condensation volume. The characterization of the hexane-plus portion of the gas stream will have an
impact on the predicted condensation volumes and liquid hold-up. Good characterization to match
known separator, wellhead, and/or reservoir conditions is necessary for these calculations to be
performed accurately. Table 1 shows the impact of hexane-plus characterization on predicted liquid
volume for various characterization assumptions in the Case Study presented later in the paper.
The light characterization case characterizes the C6+ fraction predominately towards the lighter
C6, C7, and C8 components, while the heavy characterization case favors the C8, C9, and C10
components. As shown in Table 1, a variation in the heavy end characterization can affect the ability
to estimate the potential pigged or hold-up volumes. In other cases, depending on volumes and
composition of gas, this effect can be even more significant. The best approach for heavy-end
characterization is to obtain an extended gas analysis or a true-boiling-point (TBP) characterization of
The use of condensate gas ratios is often made to simplify pipeline simulation calculations and
calculate hold-up volumes. This assumption should be verified against actual operations or equation-
of-state. The impact of heat transfer rate assumptions should also be considered in conjunction with
this sensitivity. These two factors (characterization and pipeline temperature profile) will have an
impact on phase behavior and hold-up volumes that effect slug catcher design.
In multiphase lines the characterization is equally important, although use of condensate gas
ratio (CGR) or gas oil ratio (GOR) may be adequate as the ratio will be relatively constant throughout
the line length. Compositional design sensitivities such as variance in CGR should be considered as
well as the impact of a full compositional model.
In dense phase designs, careful attention to the characterization is needed to ensure the fluid
stays outside the phase envelope at all pipeline operating and shut-in conditions or to predict the
amount of condensation that may occur in these instances. Vapor-liquid equillorium calculations at
the “top” of the phase envelope and near the critical point may be inaccurate. Variance in the heavy
end characterization or composition (for example from upstream carryover) should be considered as a
design sensitivity as well as impact of operating temperature and pressure.
Flow Variance
Flow rate sensitivities should be considered to determine the impact on liquid hold-up in the
pipeline and the effect on slug catcher size. Slug flow, which may occur more readily at lower gas
rates in both the pipeline and in risers, should be considered in this analysis. Sensitivity analysis on
gas rates in important for both pigged and natural flow systems and for both multiphase and wet gas
pipelines. An example of the impact of flow rate on hold-up and on predicted slug size is shown in
Figure 7.
Table 1 - C6+ Characterization Variance
C6+ Characterization Daily Liquid Production Liquid Hold Up Pressure Drop
(bbl/d) (bbl) and (%) (psig)
Characterization #1 160 440 (avg 2.2%) 228
Characterization #2 210 540 (avg 2.7%) 231
100 6
Up (%)
40 Liquid Hold-Up
20 1
0 0
0 10 20 30 40
Rate (MMscfd)
Operational Variance
During start-up, extra liquids may be present in the pipelines due to temperature changes and
pressure changes. The impact of increasing the flow rate on hold-up needs to be considered in
determining the rate at which the pipeline can be brought on line and/or the implications of slug
catcher size. A typical analysis considers the steady-state hold-up curve at various gas rates and
calculates the slug volume that must be handled based on unloading the line as the gas rate increases.
The design of a particular slug catcher may require the ability to change from 10% of flow to
100% over a period of 2 hours in a controlled fashion. The difference in the liquid hold up calculation
of the two rates over the time period plus adequate contingency specified should be sufficient for the
design. For example, as seen in Figure 4 the hold up is 60 bbl at 1 MMscfd and 20 bbl at 10 MMscfd,
one could estimate an additional liquid inlet of 40 bbl/hr for the transition time it takes for a new
flowrate of 10 MMscfd to traverse the line. The slug catcher should be sized for an adequate residence
time plus contingency to handle the peak liquid rate over the “ramp up” period[14]. Dynamic analysis
can be used to improve the precision of these pipeline unloading calculations.
In pigged systems the impact of missed timing of pigs as well as rate changes (a similar
analysis to that shown in the previous section) should be considered in designing the slug catcher.
Sensitivities such as skipping a scheduled launch on the main pipeline or in branched systems, pigging
of the branched lines out of sequence are possible off-design cases to be evaluated. These cases can be
used to determine appropriate slug catcher design safety factors. Some designers suggest sizing the
slug catcher for at least the longest uphill section of line to account for missed pigging, although this is
sometimes not be feasible for a long pipeline that is routed steadily uphill[15].
In some systems, the assumption of the ambient temperature and type of surroundings are very
important variables. For example, a difference of one or two degrees in the assumption of winter
ground temperature can result in a considerable amount of additional line condensation and therefore
slug size. This is particularly important for systems that are single gas phase at the inlet of the
pipeline. The heat transfer calculation and variables become the key factor in determining the slug
Design Factor
The maximum slug size from the various design and off-design cases should be selected and an
appropriate design factor (or safety margin) of typically 20% or more should be used in establishing
the slug catcher design volume. In some cases the safety margin will be provided by design
requirements to allow future expansion and an additional design factor may not be needed. In other
cases the design factor may be based on the capacity of downstream liquid handling equipment, for
example a two-hour surge capacity might be a requirement for a condensate stabilizer system.
For natural flow systems the designer applies the design factor to the maximum volume from
predicted from statistical slug sizes, terrain-induced slugs, and line unloading or other operational
variances. Keep in mind that the statistical analysis used to predict natural slug sizes may have
already provided the necessary safety margin if a high percentile slug size was selected as a design
basis (i.e. avoid hidden or double contingencies in establishing design factors). In pigged systems the
volumes calculated for various design and off-design cases should be considered similarly and the
design factor applied as appropriate.
Slug catcher design is essentially a specialized category or subset of two-phase separator
design. For two-phase separator design, there are two calculations that need to be made: 1) liquid
hold-up volume and 2) gas handling.
The designer of a generic separator faces the issue of separator orientation. When footprint
size is not the dominant concern, the designer typically makes the decision to apply a vertical or
horizontal vessel based on the expected gas-liquid ratio. For a slug catcher design the decision of
orientation is all but fixed. The average gas-liquid ratio is not the main design concern. The goal is to
provide sufficient liquid hold up volume to handle the design case. This criterion will generally point
to the application of a horizontal separator or other slug catching device (pipeline or multiple pipe).
There are four variables that must be determined or selected to design the non-inclined,
cylindrical slug catcher liquid hold-up volume: diameter (D), length (L), the maximum liquid fraction
of cross sectional area that the equipment is designed for (FL), and the number of parallel slug catchers
utilized (N). These four variables are inherently linked to determine the effective volume of the
equipment. The value of the variable F is selected based on geometry and type of the slug catcher
For inclined slug catchers, the goal is usually similar to provide the proper liquid hold up
volume, although the equations may be more complex depending on how steep the inclination is. If
the slug catcher is mounted fairly steeply, the volume can be estimated by calculating the liquid hold-
up as a vertical vessel. If the inclination is gradual, the horizontal vessel calculation can be used for
estimation purposes.
For an effective slug catcher, sufficient gas handling capacity is also required. The removal of
liquid slugs from a gas stream is a rough phase separation, which is limited by the drag force acting
from the gas stream on each individual liquid droplet versus gravitational force on these same
particles. While many primary separation applications are designed to allow the carryover of a droplet
not bigger than 100 to 150 micron diameter particles and secondary devices such as mesh pads or mist
eliminators may be used to reduce droplet size to approximately 10 to 50 microns, slug catcher design
often sets a much less demanding goal of establishing stratified flow to separate the gas and liquid
phases, particularly if additional downstream separation is adequate. The liquid flowing into the slug
catcher causes a rise in liquid level and a reduction in the cross-sectional area available for gas flow.
This reduced cross-sectional area increases gas velocity and drag forces on liquids droplets, which
increases the size and amount of liquid carry-over. The slug catcher must be designed so the outlet gas
flow is not impeded by the arriving liquid flow. A best-case scenario (the design goal) is to provide
sufficient gas handling capacity to avoid plant upsets due to momentary loss of flow or pressure to
downstream equipment.
At low and medium pressure (0 to 500 psig), the wall thickness requirement for a slug catcher
may not be a critical factor. With lower pressure, the diameter of the vessel can be larger without
requiring a substantially thicker wall. For this application, optimization tends to favor large diameters
with shorter lengths and fewer parallel vessels. Typical length to diameter ratio for vessels is usually
between 3:1 and 5:1. Multiple vessels may be desirable for maintenance or cleaning reasons,
particularly if a solids or corrosion problem exists. Vessels may be used as slug catchers at pressures
higher than 500 psig if surplus vessels are available or in offshore installations where space is limited.
Larger diameters allow for more liquid surge volume capacity and for a lower gas velocity.
Usually these slug catchers are horizontal; however, vertical units can be used for cramped areas
offshore or if suitable surplus vessels are available. Another advantage to vessel type installations is
that three-phase separation is more feasible and can be designed into the system.
Internal components are easily incorporated in a vessel type slug catcher. The addition of a
vane pack or mist pad is sometimes considered. Other important components include an inlet diverter
plate or other diverter technology such as a cyclone, a liquid vortex breaker plate, and for large vessels
an internal wave damping baffle.
Vessel slug catchers also have several drawbacks. For one, they must be designed to pressure
vessel codes, which may increase the cost. Another factor is that vessels may require more foundation
work than other types of slug catchers. Vessels are typically located above ground, which often adds
insulation requirements if a water-phase or hydrates are expected in the system.
Horizontal Vessel
Horizontal slug catcher vessels usually use an FL value of 0.5 to 0.7. The correct sizing is an
iterative calculation to ensure enough area is available for gas flow as well as enough liquid hold-up
volume. This may be affected by any area taken up by a mist pad or vane pack installation in the
horizontal vessel orientation. Based on the liquid slug volume, the slug catcher dimensions can be
VS = (L) (N) (FL) (π) (D/2)2
The second calculation is to define by the gas handling capacity, which may be set by the
smallest liquid droplet size removed by the slug catcher. Utilizing gravity settling calculations[16] the
cross sectional area requirement of the equipment is calculated for a desired droplet size. With this
information, a second equation relates the gas handling capacity to the slug catcher dimensions for
horizontal type slug catchers:
With three unknown variables, and only two equations, determining the slug catcher
dimensions (N, D, and L) becomes an iterative process to optimize vessel cost.
Sometimes it is advantageous to split the inlet to each side of the vessel and put the vessel
outlet at the middle for horizontal vessels with vertical mist pads or similar internals. This allows the
gas velocity to be significantly reduced and may result in a smaller vessel based on mist extractor
sizing (see reference 16, equations 7-10 or 7-11) to balance gas area and liquid hold-up. Note that
splitting the gas flow to each end does not provide any benefit with the droplet sizing approach for
vessels without internals (see reference 16, equation 7-12) as both the gas volume and effective length
are divided in half and consequently the required vessel diameter will remain the same.
Vertical Vessel
A vertical vessel may be used where a small “footprint” is required (offshore), if surplus
vessels are available, or if liquid slug volumes are small. In the vertical case the F value is equal to
1.0. The liquid hold up volume available is the working volume of the vessel (usually set by the low
liquid and high liquid level alarms or other such devices below the inlet nozzle). The cross sectional
area of the vessel is determined simply through common vertical separator calculations[16]. The area
can be larger than the gas handling calculation suggests, if the liquid hold up requirement is controlling
and the vessel height needs to be restricted.
When the pressure is higher, the gas flow rate is not prohibitive, and the site topography allows
for a long gentle downward slope, the optimization may favor a large value of L and a relatively
smaller value of D and N in equation (1), above. This is the case of using the pipeline itself as a slug
catcher. In this type of design the pipeline diameter is typically increased in the slug catching section
in order to reduce the gas velocity. By changing the pipeline diameter, either natural flow systems or
bi-diameter pigs are required.
The value of N does not always equal one in this type of design, as the pipeline may be looped
in the slug catching section. This looping not only decreases the gas velocity to allow better
separation, it also allows the gas to flow through one of the lines as a cleaning pig and associated
liquids are removed from the other line[17].
Using the pipeline as the slug catcher has several advantages. One advantage is designing and
maintaining the equipment to pipeline regulations, codes, and standards as opposed to more stringent
pressure vessel codes reduces costs. Another advantage is that this type of slug catcher is often
underground. This reduces the insulation and heat tracing requirements. In addition, external coating
is typically more cost effective for an underground piece of equipment than painting, insulation, and
heat tracing.
An inlet separator or flash tank may still be required at the inlet to the processing plant to
separate the gas and liquids as the liquids are extracted from the pipeline. Also an additional pig
launcher /receiver set and additional valves and controls may be needed for the looped line section.
Loop Line
Pig Signal
Main Line
Slug Catcher
FL = (Lh) / (Lh+Ls)
Calculations can also be completed to ensure that stratified flow develops in each pipe in the
separation section based on flow regime boundaries. These calculations provide a relationship
between pipe diameter (D) and the slug catcher angle (and consequently an indirect relationship to the
other variables controlling volume) to optimize the design[19].
Multiple pipe slug catcher design can use both primary and secondary “bottles” or pipes in
their design[18,20]. The primary bottles are used for incoming flow and the outlet is at some position
downstream, similar to a regular system as described above. As liquid fills these bottles,
countercurrent gas flow is required due to displacement. This may cause short inconsistencies in gas
flow to the plant. To eliminate this problem, the system can be designed with secondary bottles.
These secondary bottles do not receive inlet flow from the pipeline. The secondary bottles act as a gas
reservoir and allow for cocurrent gas and liquid flow in the system. Liquid from the primary bottles
equalize into the secondary bottles where the displaced gas is free to flow into the process without
restriction due to counter flow. This type of design is very effective if long, predominately liquid slugs
are expected to occur. The multiple pipe slug catcher can also be designed to facilitate future
Per DOT 192 regulations, the design of multiple pipe type slug catchers require a design factor
of 0.4, similar to Class 4 location designs. Therefore, careful consideration must be made to the
additional thickness requirements in designing with pipe versus the pipe design used for the pipeline
installation. Any internals added to a pipe type slug catcher via internal welding require the slug
catcher to be also be built under testing requirements of ASME Section VIII under DOT regulation
192.165 Compressor Stations, Liquid Removal [21]. It is recommended to avoid the installation of
internals on these units. In the case of larger slug catcher designs (in excess of 100 bbl) it may be
advantageous to use a harp type design with a series of vessels rather than or in combination with pipe.
Solids Handling
Solid particles often buildup and settle out in slug catcher. These particles can include sand,
iron sulfide, coal fines, and carbonate scales. If a vessel type slug catcher is utilized, it is advisable to
include manways for cleaning and inspection access. For pipeline and multi-pipe slug catchers it is
advisable to include clean-out connections.
The design of a filtration system depends largely on the particles that need to be dealt with and
downstream processing requirements. An acid gas or sour gas pipeline will typically have iron sulfide
and/or iron carbonate particulates. Since these particulates are generally smaller than 10 microns in
size, special provisions may be required to prevent the entry of these small particles into downstream
In recent designs, a vertical coalescer or filter separator following the slug catching equipment
on the gas outlet to provide secondary gas separation has been effective in removing solids and liquids.
The vertical coalescer elements are designed to remove small liquid droplets by coalescing them into
bigger droplets on the filter elements. When the coalescing liquid droplets wet the filter elements, the
filter micron size becomes effectively smaller and solids tend to be held up on the surface of the liquid
droplets. The application of a vertical coalescer downstream of a slug catcher is an excellent way to
coalesce small carryover liquid droplets and tie-up small solids at the same time. In this option it is
advisable not to include a mist elimination element in the slug catcher design.
Filtration may also be installed on the liquid outlet of the slug catcher or secondary liquid
vessel. The filters should be placed at the point where flow is controlled at expected rates to
downstream equipment. For example, if the slug catchers are designed to dump extremely quickly to a
surge vessel, filtration on the liquid side should be designed for the outlet of the surge vessel. If the
slug catcher itself is used for surge capacity, then the filter unit should be placed there. Screens can
also be utilized to protect control valves from debris. It is advisable to ensure these can be blocked in
and bypassed as necessary to pull and clean the screens. It is also advisable in some severe cases to
have two stage filtration, such as coarse and fine filters or a sacrificial/backup filter arrangement.
Level Control
The goal of a level control system for a slug catcher is to keep the normal liquid level in the
vessel as low as possible so that more volume is available for liquid slug handling. Level control on a
slug catcher is best performed with a snap acting controller and valve. The application of a snap acting
control enables the maximum release of liquids from the vessel in the shortest period of time. It is
important to evaluate the flash gas produced in downstream equipment. This includes vessels,
compression, and condensate stabilization.
In all three types of slug catchers, it is possible to use level controllers, multiple level switches,
or even differential pressure switches to perform feed forward level control. When an instrument
identifies an initial level increase in the vessel or increasing differential pressure in the upstream
pipeline, it can throttle a valve downstream of the slug catcher to reduce the flow of the slug and gas.
By installing the valve downstream of the slug catcher, the valve should only be in gas service versus
liquid, gas, and multiphase flow conditions. This pressure drop in the gas stream wastes horsepower
and cuts gas flow through plant, but it is an effective way to occasionally control and distribute the
slug volume over a longer period of time to reduce slug handling facility size.
It is certainly the case that without using some sort of feed forward control or operations
method to proactively adjust for incoming slug liquid, many facilities with limited slug catcher
capacity would be periodically shut down due to high liquid level or have liquid carryover to
downstream equipment. The slug catcher vessels are also usually equipped with high and low level
alarms and shutdowns. If solids are a significant problem purging the differential pressure switch with
gas to prevent fouling is recommended[15].
Flow Control
In cases where the slug catcher is used as surge capacity for a downstream condensate
stabilization unit, a liquid flow control system can be incorporated to keep a steady flow to the
downstream equipment. This may be cascaded with the level control.
Pressure Control
In some complex gas processing facilities that are sensitive to variations in inlet gas flow and
composition, it may be necessary to make additional provisions to compensate for variations in inlet
flow due to slug liquids. One method that is appropriate where inlet compression or residue
compression are utilized is the installation of a recycle system. With this system, when the inlet flow
is decreased due to an inlet liquid slug, gas from the compression discharge can be recycled to the
plant inlet to temporarily keep the plant inlet pressure stable by making up for reduced inlet flow.
However, a properly designed and sized slug catcher should eliminate the need for this system.
A choke (inlet line backpressure) is sometimes used to prevent riser slugs[12]. Occasionally slug
vessels or intermediate pressure vessels are used to hold excess gas pressure and allow it to flow
evenly to process or to recompression.
Inlet Gas
Other Instrumentation
Other devices commonly used are pig signal devices, differential pressure cells, and orifice plates that
are used to predict the arrival of slugs into the plants. The pig signal devices are usually mechanical
switches that are activated as the pig or sphere pass by the device. In pigged and unpigged systems,
differential pressure cells can be used to give indication of a large slug of liquid passing down the
pipeline. This is particularly useful to control switching valves over to the looped section of line.
Differential pressure indication is best located at uphill sections of the pipe if possible. An orifice plate
can also be used to magnify the differential pressure change, however, in pigged systems this needs to
be installed downstream of the pig receiver.
In the design of multi-pipe slug catcher installations and multiple vessel installations care is
required in the design of inlet and outlet headers. The use of symmetric headers is preferred to
encourage equal flow splitting between the various slug catcher vessels or pipes. Orientation of the tee
so that the inlet flow is through the “branch” connection and outlet flow exits through the two sides of
the tee increases the chance that even flow splitting of liquids and gas will occur. Preferred header
design is shown in Figure 10. Use of tees with the flow out the branch has been shown to cause
uneven distribution of gas and liquids in the two outlets of the tee [22] [23]. Even with symmetric inlet
piping it is common practice to provide equalizing lines for the gas and liquid to flow between the
various slug catcher pipes or vessels. A typical equalizing configuration for a liquid outlet is shown in
Figure 11.
Figure 10 – Typical Inlet Header Design
The outlet piping should be symmetric as well. Use of asymmetric piping, particularly on
liquid outlet lines from multiple vessel slug catchers can cause unequal operating levels to occur due to
different pressure drops in the liquid piping system. This can reduce the overall working volume of
the slug catcher and increase the potential for liquid carryover into the outlet gas piping. In pipe type
slug catchers it is common practice to draw the liquid from an equalizing header at the bottom of the
slug catcher to prevent this from occurring. This practice is also used in some well-designed, multiple-
vessel-type, slug catcher systems. A typical outlet header arrangement is shown in Figures 11 and 12.
Figure 12 – Outlet Gas Header Design
Utilizing the above design methods, an overall design of a typical multi pipe slug catcher
installation is shown in Figure 13.
Often the header piping is designed asymmetrical for other reasons, such as an uneven number
of pipes as seen in Figure 14. In this case, the inlet and outlet headers should be oriented from
opposite sides to attempt to keep a consistent pressure drop for each pipe bottle.
Figure 14 – Slug Catcher – Inlet End View
In some installations the inlet piping has been designed to encourage stratification of the flow
upstream of the vessel to improve slug catcher performance [24]. This requires a larger pipe diameter
and a downward sloping inlet line upstream of the vessel. In another case[25] the slug catcher was
located at some distance from the plant at a low point in the collection system to improve separator
performance and reduce the possibility of terrain induced slugs at the inlet of the plant. Gas and
liquids are then sent to the plant separately from this vessel.
Mechanical considerations must also be addressed. Forces caused by alternating gas to liquid
slugs on the inlet piping can be considerable[26]. It is important to ensure that the pipe is properly
supported and braced in place to avoid mechanical failure or deformity.
Three-Phase Separation
In some slug catchers a separation between water and hydrocarbon liquid phases is made in the
slug catcher. It is difficult to ensure that the two liquid phases will split evenly upon entering the
vessel, so in this case providing sufficient equalizing lines between the vessels for both phases is
required at a point in the vessel where the equalizing lines will not disrupt the liquid-liquid interface.
In a pipe-type slug catcher this usually requires use of a liquid equalizing header (as shown in Figure
6) at an intermediate point along the slug catcher length. For a multiple vessel type slug catcher this
requires internal standpipes or weirs to allow the light liquid phase to equalize.
Intermediate Liquid Vessel
To reduce liquid hold up requirements in the slug catcher, it may be advantageous to install an
intermediate vessel (e.g. Condensate Feed Drum) for additional liquid surge capacity. The
intermediate vessel typically operates at a lower pressure than the slug catcher and it therefore reduces
the cost of liquid slug volume capacity. The offset to this cost savings is the flash gas handling
equipment. A separate flash gas compressor, inlet compressors, or condensate stabilizer overhead
compression may be used to recover the flash gas. The combined installation cost of the compressor
unit and intermediate vessel should be weighed against the cost of the larger slug catcher hold up
volume. Sometimes this option is used due to the availability of surplus vessels or equipment.
Original Design
The following case study involved a gas plant in central Wyoming. The gathering system
involved a 30 mile gathering trunkline originally designed to operate at a downstream pressure of 350
psig (plant inlet pressure) under normal operations and 950 psig under short term (plant bypass)
operations. The pipeline was designed for a 50 MMscfd flowrate. The pipeline diameter was initially
designed with particular attention to the line pressure drop for the low pressure case and was chosen
before the slug catcher requirements were determined. These systems should have been designed
The original expected feed flow rate to the plant was provided from a single source. A dew
point, single-phase gas stream enters the trunkline, therefore all slug liquid was the result of
condensation. A detailed composition for the gas was available and sufficient heavy end data was
established in the lab. Throughout this case study, this is known as the expected composition. There
was also a less detailed composition available for another site that was to be tied into the pipeline in
the future. This will be known as the rich case. Table 2 shows the compositions available.
Hydraulic models established liquid dropout quantities and liquid hold up volumes for the
expected case, rich case, and a mixture case as shown below in the table for winter ground temperature
conditions (40°F). The fluid flow regime was determined and for all cases and natural slug flow was
not anticipated (Hysys predicted a stratified flow regime in all cases). Sensitivities for flow rate
between 10 and 50 MMscfd were simulated for the expected and rich composition cases. The Mix
case was estimated using available expected future flow split between the expected and rich flowrates
to make the 50 MMscfd (64% Expected, 36% Rich).
Table 2 - Case Study Compositions
Composition (mol%) Expected Rich
Nitrogen 1.22 1.04
Carbon Dioxide 1.15 2.36
Methane 77.93 71.80
Ethane 13.03 15.02
Propane 4.65 5.90
i-Butane 0.52 0.87
n-Butane 0.87 1.40
i-Pentane 0.17 0.49
n-Pentane 0.16 0.51
n-Hexane 0.09 0.58
n-Heptane 0.03 0.02
n-Octane 0.01 0.01
Benzene 0.06 ----
Toluene 0.08 ----
Ethyl-Benzene 0.01 ----
P-Xylene 0.02 ----
Total 100.00 100.00
GPM (C2+) 5.46 6.97
GHV (Btu/scf) 1210 1283
This table was produced using results of the Beggs and Brill correlations as well as the heat
transfer calculations available in the HYSYS simulation program from Hyprotech Ltd of AEA
Technologies. The Peng Robinson Equation of state was specified for the simulation. Sensitivities
were not run under differing fluid flow correlations or equations of states. In hindsight this may have
been advisable. The heat transfer rate was calculated using a wet clay soil type that has a high heat
transfer coefficient (UO = 1.0 Btu/hr Ft2 °F). This should have resulted in a conservative estimate
(higher liquid drop out).
It was decided that the trunkline would be pigged in order to maximize efficiency of flow.
With the high liquid hold up volumes, it was decided that pigs would be run to reduce liquid hold up
and enable unloading when changing between high and low pressure operations.
After discussions with the client, it was finally decided to design the slug catcher for the Mix
composition low pressure case and the Expected composition/high pressure case. These cases had
similar results of liquid hold up. In order to operate at the high pressure plant bypass cases, the client
wanted the slug catcher to be built to the MAOP of the pipeline, 1300 psig. Building to this high
pressure increased the slug catcher cost and therefore the size was minimized. The final slug catcher
design had a 90 bbl of hold up volume and required pigging 4 to 5 times a day. An automatic pig
launcher system was installed to ensure timely launching of pigs in the line. No contingency was
added for the case of a missed pig.
The slug catcher was designed as a horizontal vessel with a water boot off the bottom since
there was a potential for a small amount of water drop-out. It was also determined that a mist
eliminator was desired to avoid compressor shutdowns due to high liquid levels in the downstream
compressor suction scrubbers. To maximize liquid hold up in the slug vessel, a vane pack was
installed in an overhead boot sized for 10 micron separation. As a result, the size of the vessel was a
five-foot diameter by fifty-foot seam-to-seam vessel with sufficient area for gas flow and liquid
holding volume.
For cases where a large slug is experienced due to a missed pig or other circumstances, control
valves were designed to reduce gas flow and therefore decrease the slug flow. The valves are set up to
pinch back on flow as slug catcher levels rise above 75% of vessel capacity. The major drawback of
this system is the disruption of steady gas flow to the plant. The inlet control valves were also
designed to make a smooth transition from high pressure operation to low pressure operation and
reduce the slug rate due to change in pressure and velocity in the line as well as slowly load the inlet
A high level alarm and shutdown were also installed. The high level shutdown causes an
isolation of the plant from the slug catcher. However, the condensate stabilizer system continues to
operate in order to lower the level in the slug catcher. An intermediate vessel was not installed to
handle surge capacity. Pig signaling devices (mechanical switch type) were also installed at the
launcher and receiver.
Current Operation
The operation of the pipeline for the facility has evolved greatly over a short period of time.
For various reasons, the basic operation of the line has changed to where the line operates at a higher
pressure during normal operation than originally anticipated, approximately 500 psig at the gas plant
inlet. As well, the actual gas composition is richer than the Mix case. The current gas flow is
approximately 30 MMscfd. Inlet temperature to the plant is close to the design winter conditions.
In order to keep up with the higher liquid dropout, 6 pigs are run per day. If the automatic
launcher is unsuccessful in launching a pig, the operations team expect and prepare for a slug size in
excess of what the plant can handle by draining out the slug catcher as completely as possible and
prepare themselves for a potential shutdown scenario. Below is a trend line of the level in the slug
catcher as the slugs arrive throughout the day.
As you can see from Figure 17, operations tries to prepare for the larger slug by removing as
much liquid as possible as they expect the pig coming in. By this time they are aware that a mislaunch
of a pig has been experienced and are expecting the extra liquid inlet rate. Unfortunately, this is a
recurring problem at the plant due to the inconsistency of the automatic pig launcher and pig signaling
The plant has since installed a secondary liquid vessel to use as a surge drum. As well, the
condensate stabilizer system needs to be expanded to keep up with and process the extra liquids from
the richer (than original design) gas sources. Overall, the slug catcher is operating adequately;
however, operations had to increase the frequency of pigs to accomplish consistent operation.
Due to gas delivery contracts, the line is no longer able to operate to the high pressure required
for plant discharge. If this was known in the design phase, a much larger vessel rated to a lower
pressure such as 600 psig could have been designed for a similar installation cost.
This example is a case that demonstrates the decisions made during the design process and how
those decisions affect the flexibility of the system. The reality of operation may change significantly
and therefore the contingency and sensitivity calculations are as important as the base case design. If
the system had originally been designed at 3 pigs a day using only the expected composition, the slug
catcher would have been undersized for the current operation.
Figure 18 – Complete Slug Catcher Installation
A proper slug catcher design requires the designer to understand and focus on a variety of
issues such as design conditions, operating philosophy, and pipeline hydraulics to determine the size
slug catcher. The actual mechanical arrangement and specific design of the vessel or pipe slug catcher
is based on the operating pressure, location, and unit size. Finally, design details must be addressed,
including headers, internals, solids handling, and instrumentation. In many cases, similar to the case
study that was presented, the design basis will evolve over time. A designer needs to be as aware of
potential changes over the life of the project and design the system with appropriate flexibility. Often
this is a very tough proposition as the size of some systems may require significant capital investment
in order to try to cover all the off-design situations. However, the best possible choice can be made if
the design information is gathered and design sensitivities compared in order to make the proper
decision on slug catcher size and design.
The technology for flow characterization and slug catcher facility design is readily available in
industry. The key to a good slug catcher design is to understand and use the tools available and to
carry out the calculations in an informed and organized manner. Utilizing the method brought forward
in this paper will help to decrease downtime, process upsets, and equipment damage relating to liquid
slugs. It will give the designer and the operator a clear understanding of the capabilities of slug
catcher system designs and how to evaluate off-design cases.
The authors would like to acknowledge the following people for their contributions to the paper:
1. Sam Johnson and Frank Zgaynor of Sage Creek Gas Processors, LLC, for their time, patience and
2. Kris Vollmer of Pearl Development Company for her contributions to organizing the authors and
bringing the paper together.
3. Gary Doven and Pearl’s Design Department for their assistance in preparing the drawings.
4. Phil Archer’s participation in this paper while he was an employee of Pearl Development
Company. Phil was involved in the initial development and rough outline of the paper.
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