Natural Science Primary 2 GLOSSARY

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a c

abdominals: muscles in the calf muscles: muscles in the lower

abdomen. leg.

adolescence: the stage of growth in childhood: the stage when we

between childhood and adulthood. are children.

adult teeth: after you are six your complex machines: machines made
adult teeth begin to grow. up of many pieces.

adulthood: the stage in between computer: a complex machine. We

adolescence and old age. use it for writing, drawing, listening
to music, watching films, playing
air: a mixture of gases that living games and surfing the Internet.
things need to live.
concrete: a material made from
amphibians: vertebrate, oviparous cement, sand, water and small
animals that have got bare skin. stones.

animal: a living thing that can console: a machine used for playing
move about. video games.

ankle: a joint between your leg cooker: we cook our food on a

and foot. cooker.

cotton: soft, light and flexible

b material that comes from a plant.

CPU: it is the brain of the computer.

All the parts are connected to it.
biceps: muscles in the upper arms.

birds: vertebrate, oviparous animals

that have got feathers and wings.

bones: all your bones form your

skeleton. deciduous: a type of tree or bush
that loses its leaves in autumn.
breakfast: the first meal of the day.
desert: a terrestrial ecosystem with
bushes: plants which have got short, little rain and few living things.
hard trunks. Their branches are hard
and near the ground. dinner: the last meal of the day.

ecosystem: a natural area made up float: boats float on the sea.
of living things and non-living things.
flower: reproductive part of a plant.
elbow: a joint that helps you bend
your arm. food chain: group of living things
which depend on each other for
energy: people need energy to food.
play, work and grow. Machines
need energy to work. force: a force can make an object
move or stop, change shape, or
evergreen: trees and bushes which break it.
are green all year round.
forest: terrestrial ecosystem full of
exercise: physical activity that helps trees that provide shelter and food
your muscles and bones be strong. for animals.

freshwater ecosystems: ecosystems

f in rivers and lakes.

fruit: part of a plant that has seeds inside.

faeces: the part of food you don’t

need that is expelled out of your

feelings: the way we feel, expressed

in words or gestures. For example glass: a fragile and transparent material.
happy, sad or angry.
gluteus: muscles in the buttocks.
femur: a long bone in your
upper leg. grasses: small plants with soft, thin,
green stems.
fibula: a bone at the back of your
lower leg. grassland: terrestrial ecosystem with
flat grassy areas.
fish: vertebrate, oviparous animals
that have got scales, fins and a tail. gravity: a force that pulls objects
They live in water. down to the ground.

flexible: a flexible material can bend grow up: to grow older. Our bodies
without breaking. and abilities change.

h j
hard: a hard material cannot be cut joints: structures where your bones
easily. join together. They help you bend
and move your body.
health: state of being free from

healthy diet: to have a healthy diet,

you need to eat all types of food.
hearing: the sense we use to keyboard: a part of the computer we
hear sounds. use to write.

hip: a joint that joins the pelvis to knee: the joint that helps you bend
the leg. your leg.

humerus: bone in the upper arm.

i lake: a type of freshwater
insects: the largest group of
invertebrates. All insects have got a leaves: parts of a plant that absorb
head, six legs and two antennae. sunlight and air. They are usually
Some of them have got wings. green.

Internet: a large group of computers leisure time: free time you can
that are all connected. We can spend with your family and friends.
communicate with other people and
find information through it. living things: things which are born,
grow, reproduce and die, like
invertebrate: animals that haven’t animals and plants.
got an internal skeleton.
lunch: the third meal of the day,
around midday.

lungs: organs used to breathe that

absorb oxygen from the air.

machines: objects that help us to do non-living things: the soil, air, rocks
many things: apply more force, give and water in an ecosystem.
us light, travel faster or transport
things. They can be simple non-renewable: non-renewable
or complex energy sources are energy sources
that will run out one day, like
mammals: they are viviparous. They petroleum and coal.
are born from their mother’s womb.
They drink their mother’s milk. nose: we breathe in air through our nose.

man-made materials: materials

made from other materials.

materials: different objects are made

of different materials.
oesophagus: part of the digestive
milk teeth: first teeth until you are system. Food goes down the
about six years old. oesophagus and into the stomach.

mouse: (computer) a piece of the old age: the stage of life in which we
computer we use to click on things are old men or women.
on the screen.
oviparous: animals which are born
mouth: part of the face we use to from an egg.
breathe in air and eat.

muscles: soft, elastic organs that

cover your skeleton. p
paper: a natural material made from wood.
n pectorals: muscles in your chest.

natural materials: materials that pelvis: bone located at the bottom of

come from plants, animals or nature. the trunk and connected to the hips.

neck: joint that connects the head to

plants: living things that have got
the trunk.
roots, a stem and leaves. They are
fixed in the soil.

radius: one of the bones in the screen: the part of the computer
forearm. which shows what we are doing.

recycling: making new products from senses: we have five senses: smell,
waste materials. hearing, taste, sight and touch.

renewable: renewable energy shoulder: a joint that connects your

sources are energy sources that will arm to your trunk.
never run out, like the wind.
sight: the sense we use to
reptiles: vertebrate, oviparous identify colours.
animals that have got scales. They
live on land and in water. simple machines: machines made
up of a few pieces.
resistant: a resistant material does
not bend nor break easily. sink: heavy objects sink in water.

respiration: the process used to skeleton: all the bones in your body.
obtain oxygen.
skull: bones of the head that protect
ribs: set of curved bones located in the brain.
your trunk.
smell: the sense we use to
roots: parts of a plant under the smell objects.
ground. They absorb water and
nutrients from the soil and fix the snack: one of the five meals of the
plant to the ground. day.

rubber: elastic material that comes sound: sound is a type of energy.

from plants. Objects make different sounds.

state: materials can exist in

s three different states: solid,

liquid and gaseous.

steel: resistant material.

saliva: a substance in the mouth
that helps you to swallow and stem: the part that grows above the
digest food. ground. It transports the nutrients
around the plant. It supports
saltwater ecosystems: aquatic the plant.
ecosystems in seas and oceans.

stomach: food is digested in the transparent: glass is transparent.
stomach. We can see through it.

stone: hard material that comes trees: plants with a long, hard, thick
from nature. stem called a trunk.

t u
taste: the sense we use to ulna: ones of the bones in the
taste flavours. lower arm.

teeth: parts of your mouth used to

bite and chew food.

tendons: they connect muscles

to bones.
vacuum cleaner: machine used for
terrestrial ecosystems: ecosystems cleaning the floor.
on land.
vertebrate: animals that have got an
three Rs: activities to keep the internal skeleton made up of bones.
environment clean reduce, reuse
and recycle. viviparous: animals which are born
from their mother’s womb.
tibia: a bone at the front of the
lower leg. volume: the space an object
tongue: part of the mouth we use to
taste. It helps to mix food with

touch: the sense we use to

feel objects.
weight: property of an object that
trachea: a tube that allows air to depends on its size and the material
pass from the nose and mouth to it is made of.
the lungs.
wrist: a joint that helps us bend our


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