Homework #2 Solutions

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Math 354 Summer 2004

Homework #2 Solutions
1 Sketch the set of feasible solutions to the following set of inequalities

−x + y ≤ 2,
2x + y ≤ 2,
x ≥ 0,
y ≤ 1.

Answer: You all got it right, and besides, graphs are hard to draw.

2 Prove that a hyperplane (defined on page 72, a hyperplane is a set of the form {x : aT x = b}
for some vector a and real number b) is a convex set (defined on page 79).
Proof: Let H be a hyperplane. We know that H is of the form {x : aT x = b} for some a and
b. We want to show that H is convex, i.e., for any two points x1 and x2 in H and any point x
on the line segment between x1 and x2 , we want to show that x also lies in H. Now take two
points x1 and x2 in H and let x lie on the line segment between x1 and x2 . We know that
x = λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 for some λ between 0 and 1. Now we just check the hyperplane condition
for x:

aT x = aT (λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ) ,
= λaT x1 + (1 − λ)aT x2 ,
= λb + (1 − λ)b,
= b,

and this shows that x does indeed lie on the hyperplane, proving the claim.

3 Prove that the intersection of two convex sets is a convex set.

Proof: Let A and B be convex sets. We want to show that A ∩ B is also convex. Take
x1 , x2 ∈ A ∩ B, and let x lie on the line segment between these two points. Then x ∈ A
because A is convex, and similarly, x ∈ B because B is convex. Therefore x ∈ A ∩ B, as

4 Prove that the intersection of any finite number of convex sets is a convex set. Hint: this
should follow from the previous problem; for example, to show that A1 ∩ A2 ∩ A3 is convex,
write it as (A1 ∩ A2 ) ∩ A3 .
Proof: Let A1 , A2 , . . . , An be convex sets. Then

A1 ∩ A2 ∩ . . . ∩ An = (. . . ((A1 ∩ A2 ) ∩ A3 ) . . .) ∩ An ).

By the previous problem, A1 ∩ A2 is convex, so ((A1 ∩ A2 ) ∩ A3 ) is also convex, etc.

To write up a more formal proof, use induction.
Math 354 Summer 2004
5 Let A be an m × n matrix and let b be a vector in Rm . Prove that the set of vectors x in Rn
satisfying Ax = b is a convex set. Hints: note that the empty set, ∅, is trivially a convex set
(at least according to me; whether or not our book agrees on this is unclear), and try to use
the previous three problems.
Proof: First, sorry about the misleading hint. You can certainly do it that way, but the
easier way is just to copy the proof from 2:
Choose x1 and x2 that satisfy Ax1 = b and Ax2 = b. Let x lie on the line segment between
x1 and x2 , we want to show that x also satisfies Ax = b. We know that x = λx1 + (1 − λ)x2
for some λ between 0 and 1. Now we have

Ax = A (λx1 + (1 − λ)x2 ) ,
= λAx1 + (1 − λ)Ax2 ,
= λb + (1 − λ)b,
= b,

and this shows that x also lies in this set, proving the claim.

6 Find the extreme points of the set of feasible solutions for the following optimization problem
and then find the optimal solution(s).

Maximize z = 2x + 3y
subject to
3x + y ≤ 6,
x + y ≤ 4,
x + 2y ≤ 6,
x ≥ 0,
y ≥ 0.

Answer: Once again, graphs are a pain, so I’ll skip that part. Here’s a table:

extreme points z = 2x + 3y
(0, 0) 0
(0, 3) 9
(2, 0) 4
( 65 , 12
) 48
= 9.6

So, the optimal solution is (6/5, 12/5).

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