SECTION D: 4 mark questions 2(8M) case study questions both internal choice.
I. SECTION - A 16x1=16M
1. 16 g of oxygen has same number of molecules as in
(a) used to determine heat changes (b) whose value is independent of path
(c) used to determine pressure volume work (d) whose value depends on temperature only
5. What will be the molarity of a solution, which contains 5.85 g of NaCl (s) per 500 mL?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 2 d) 1
8. The enthalpies of combustion of methane, graphite and dihydrogen at 298 K are, –890.3 kJ mol–1, –393.5 kJ
mol–1, and –285.8 kJ mol–1 respectively. Enthalpy of formation of CH4(g) will be
(a) –74.8 kJ mol–1 (b) –52.27 kJ mol–1 (c) +74.8 kJ mol–1 (d) +52.26 kJ mol–1
9. During Lassaigne’s test set of Sulphur and nitrogen present in an organic compound change into:
(a) Na2S and NaCN (b) Na2SO4 and NaCN (c) Na2S and NaCNO (d) NaCN and NaCNO
11. Which of the following molecular formulae belongs to the alkyne series?
12. Hyperconjugation is most useful for stabilizing which of the following carbocation?
Question number:13 to 16
(A) If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of
(B) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of
13. Assertion (A): Significant figures for 0.200 are 3 whereas for 200 it is 1.
Reason (R): Zero at the end or right of a number is significant provided they are not on the right side of the decimal point.
14. Assertion (A) Generally, ionisation enthalpy increases from left to right in a period.
Reason (R) when quantum level, the shielding effect of inner core of electrons does not increase very much to compensate
for the increased attraction of the electron to the nucleus.
Reason (R): The enthalpies of all elements in their standard state are zero.
Reason: Position isomers have same molecular formula but different arrangement of carbon atoms
20. The solubility of Ca3(PO4)2 in water is y mol/L. Its solubility product is:
ii) Write structural formulae for compounds named as:1−Bromoheptane, 5−Bromoheptanoic acid
What is mesomeric effect? Explain the Positive Mesomeric Effect with help of aniline example.
23. The first member of each group of representative elements (i.e., s and p - block elements) shows anomalous behaviour.
Illustrate with two examples.
24. i) Discuss the concept of hybridisation. What are its different types in a carbon atom.
ii) What is the type of hybridisation of carbon atoms marked with star.
Identify the species oxidised and reduced. Which acts as an oxidant and which acts as a reductant?
27. Explain hyperconjugation effect. How does hyperconjugation effect explain the stability of alkenes?
Why is bond angle in H2 O is more than H2 S?
30. The rotation of carbon-carbon single bond (s-bond), due to cylindrical symmetry of s-MOs (molecular orbitals) long
internuclear axis, in alkanes results into different spatial arrangements of atoms in space, that are interconvertible. These
arrangements are called conformations.
However, weak repulsive interaction are present between the adjacent bonds in alkanes so the rotation of C—C single bond
is not completely free and is hindered by a small energy barriers of 1-20 kJ mol-1. The repulsive interaction between the
adjacent bond is due to electron cloud. The two types of conformations are very common, i.e., staggered and eclipsed.
The conformation in which the hydrogen atoms attached to the two carbon atoms are as far apart as possible is called the
staggered conformation. The conformations in which the hydrogen atoms attached to the two carbon atoms are as closed
as possible is called eclipsed conformation. Any intermediate conformation between the above two is called skew or
gauche conformation
i)The electronic distribution of the sigma molecular orbital is symmetrical around the internuclear axis of C-C bond which
permits free rotation around C-C bond. Such spatial arrangements of atoms in which conversion of one another takes place
by rotation around C-C bond is known as
(ii) The possible rotamers of ethane is/are
(iii) The different conformations of ethane cannot be separated and isolated because
The repulsive interaction between the electron clouds, which affects stability of a conformation is termed as
(iv) Which form of ethane has the least torsional strain?
31. When an electric discharge is passed through hydrogen gas, the hydrogen molecules dissociate to produce excited hydrogen
atoms. These excited atoms emit electromagnetic radiation of discrete frequencies which can be given by the general formula
ν = 109677 1 − 1 .What points of Bohr’s model of an atom can be used to arrive at this formula? Based on these points
2 2
n1 n2
derive the above formula giving description of each step and each term.
Derive de Broglie equation and give its significance.
A beam of helium atoms moves with a velocity of 2×103 ms-1 Find the wavelength of particles constituting the beam.
(h=6.626×10-34 J s)
32. At 450K, KP=2.0×1010/bar for the given reaction at equilibrium.
+3H2 ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯→ Ni
High temp & Pressure
ii) C6 H12 + O →
2 2
+ NaOH ⎯⎯⎯
+Zn ⎯⎯
+ (CH3CO )2 O ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
Anhyd. AlCl
→ 3
a) Write structures and IUPAC names of different structural isomers of alkenes corresponding to C5H10
b) Write structures of all the alkenes which on hydrogenation give 2-methyl butane.