1st Issue September 11

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2 | The Tartan Denae Rauls, SMADs Manager // [email protected] // Advertisements
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | 3


Editor-in-Chief: Dylan Lepore
[email protected]

Copy Editor:
Jeremy Moser
[email protected] NEWS + CULTURE + THE TEA + SPORTS
Sports Editor: Zach Potter
[email protected]

Staff Writers: Wesley Wallace, Caitlin Billman, 05 CUTTING WAIVES RIGHT TO

Garrett Ludwig, Sarah Steffey, Mbaida
Nying, Samuel Malesky, Lucas Carr, Lilly
Demastus, and Dustin Staples (weather)

Photography and Advertising:

Photography Manager:
Hailey Scherer While graphically compelling, the plot of Toy Story 4 is
[email protected] lackluster. The three main problems I have with the film are its
Staff Photographers: Jordan Bennett
similarities to Toy Story 3, its character development and its
side-plot.  The first opening minutes feel like a rehash of Toy
SMADs Manager: Denae Rauls Story 3 instead of a brand-new Toy Story. 
[email protected]

For a full list go to rutartan.com/ wordpress/

contact. 08 9/11: THE IMPORTANCE OF
On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, the world watched in horror
WHO WE ARE as the World Trade Center collapsed.
The Tartan is published on Wednesday during the
Fall and Spring semesters and is free of charge. One
copy per person. The Tartan’s circulation is 1,500 and
currently distributed at more than 29 locations on and
around Radford University. The publication is printed at
Shenandoah Publishing House in Winchester, Va. The

Tartan may be distributed by authorized distributors only.
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Radford VA, 24142.

The Tartan is part of Highlander Student Media and is

completely student-run. As a newspaper, The Tartan
reserves the right to address, explore and delve into
issues that affect Radford University student body and
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publication do not reflect the views of The Tartan nor
Radford University, and the views, opinions, and articles
reflected and shown in The Tartan are separate from those
views and beliefs of Radford University.

The Tartan is a student-produced weekly newspaper
maintained in order to provide the Radford University
community with important news issues as well as to
educate students. The newspaper exists to provide an
experiential ground so that students can attempt to achieve
a balance of technique, experience and professionalism as
well as courage in journalism, layout, staff development,
leadership and management. As a newspaper, The Tartan VOLLEYBALL TOURNEMENT
exists to provide a fair and balanced version of the news to
Radford University and the surrounding area. Radford Volleyball manages only one win out of three matches,
as the host of the Radford Invitational Volleyball Tournament
The deadline for all advertising is 5 p.m. on Tuesday this past weekend. The Highlanders played the Toledo Rockets
before the desired issue of publication. Ads must be

in their first match of the tournament. It was a best-of-five-set

print-ready and in PDF format; files must be delivered
via e-mail at [email protected]. Please visit our website that ended 2 to 3 with the Rockets winning. The first two sets
www.rutartan.com/wordpress/advertising for more
information, including rates and payment methods. were in the Highlanders favor as they dominated on the court. 
The Tartan is committed to correcting errors that appear
in the newspaper. Those interested in contacting the paper DR. BEIRMEIER: IT: CHAPTER TWO - A
for that purpose can send an e-mail to tartan@radford.
edu or call the main number, 540-831-5474, to make a
correction to any section.
We prefer letters that are 200-400 words and take as their
ORGANIZATIONAL Let me explain first that I
starting point an article or other item appearing in The
Tartan. They may not have been submitted to, posted PSYCHOLOGY wanted to see It: Chapter
to or published by any other media. They must include
As an assistant professor Two because of the trailer. MORE THAN A PAPER.
the writer’s full name — anonymous letters and letters
written under pseudonyms will not be considered. For
verification purposes, they must also include the writer’s of psychology, Dr. Ben Sure, I wanted to see the Place an ad here.
e-mail address and phone number. Letters will be edited
and used at the discretion of the editor-in-chief for length.
Authors’ individual editorials do not necessarily reflect Beirmeier-Hanson started adorable original It cast in
the opinion of The Tartan or Radford University. Go to
www.rutartan.com/wordpress/letters-to-the-editor/. teaching at Radford the flashbacks, and sure, I
EDITORIAL POLICIES University in 2015. Now wanted to see how the
“Our Opinion” pieces are written collectively by members
of The Tartan Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is
comprised of the editing staff, the Tea writers, and that he has been at the ... adult actors would ...
other Radford University students. These undergraduate
and graduate students represent multiple class levels
and different political, cultural, ethnic, and religious
backgrounds. Members may or may not belong to a variety
of student organizations. The Editorial Board is open to all
RU students who apply.
Here is your
Requests for coverage and tips should be submitted by and Night Time
email to [email protected] or by visiting www.rutartan.
com/wordpress/submit-news-tips-and-events. Forecast for the
week September
11-17, 2019.

We train future journalists, editors, radio

producers, news anchors and even entrepreneurs *This forecast is always
through our ever-evolving student-run media subject to change!!
outlets. By Dustin Staples
www.ruhsm.com [email protected]
4 | The Tartan Jeremy Moser, Copy Editor // [email protected] // News

of Slain
New Book
on Gun
Safety Andy Parker’s life changed in 2015 with the murder
of his daughter. Four years later he channels his grief
into his new book, and even appearing on various
news outlets to support gun reform.

but Parker did not dwell on them to remove the content. well with the party’s goals, but “Above and beyond my
B y J e r e m y M o s e r ’19 the bad. A great deal of his For Parker, writing this book believes “gun control” is not the advocacy for gun control and
[email protected] presentation was focused on the and doing activism has also been right term. cleaning up Google, I just want
things gun control advocates his grieving process. “He’s working for sensible people to know that she was

ndy Parker, who has have accomplished and what he “Some people, like Adam gun safety,” Bernath said. a kind soul,” he said in the
been advocating for gun believes still needs to be done. Ward’s family, they pretty much “Control, of course, is sort of interview. “The person that you
law reform since his “When I mention the withdrew, and I get that, you a loaded word. People think saw on camera was that same
daughter’s murder, appeared accomplishments we’ve done know,” He said. “For me, it was [gun] control means ‘Oh, you’re person she was off-camera.”
at a Radford City Democrats and Chris [Hurst] being elected, either a choice of curling up on gonna take away my guns,” but The For Alison
meeting for a book signing event that for whatever reason, it just the couch in a fetal position, not many people disagree that Foundation builds off of Alison’s
Thursday. gets me, cause I’m so proud of sleeping or taking drugs or we all need to be safe from gun love for the arts. The non-profit
It has been four years since him,” he said. drinking myself to death, but violence. It’s a safety issue.” promotes participation in the
Alison Parker and Adam Ward Parker has revisited the topic my grieving process was to The Parker family’s efforts arts by less-fortunate students.
were gun-downed on live several times before in other get pissed off and try and do extend beyond political activism. They have a ballet school
T.V., at the Smith Mountain places, but he said the repetition something.” The thing Parker wants people scholarship, helping young
Lake Mariane in Moneta, VA. had not made those memories Larry Bernath, the Executive to take away from his story is students go to a musical summer
The grieving father has since any less painful. “It doesn’t seem Vice-Chair of the Radford City that Alison was “a wonderful camp and funding dance lessons
become a strong advocate for to get any easier,” he said in an Democrats, said that Parker’s human being who happened to for elementary schools.

gun control.  interview after the presentation. views on gun reform align be [his] daughter.”

In March, he published a On his website, andysfight.

book titled “For Alison: The com he lists his position as For me, it was
Murder of a Young Journalist and “reasonable regulation of either a choice of
a Father’s Fight for Gun Safety.” the second amendment.” His
Parker’s presentation specific goals include bans curling up on the
rounded out the meeting. He of “assault-style” weapons, couch in a fetal
stood at a podium and on a limiting magazine capacity and
projector screen showed many closing gun show loopholes. position, sleeping
images of his daughter. Parker has also been or taking drugs
“I’m Alison’s dad,” he involved in legal battles
began. “I wish there had never involving the video of Alison or drinking myself
been a reason for me to write and Adam’s murder being hosted to death, but my
this book,” he told the crowd, on websites like YouTube. He
grieving process
Photo’s by Jeremy Moser | The Tartan

gripping the podium and bracing has publicly advocated for the

for memories he wishes he could revision of Section 230 of the was to get pissed
forget. “I’d rather be at home Communications Decency Act,
watching Alison do the news.” which Google and YouTube off and try and do
It was a solemn subject, argued did not legally require something. Parker was only able to bring eight copies of his
book, but that turned out to be just enough.
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | 5

Dr. Beirmeier: Industrial-Organizational Psychology

My least favorite subject at Radford, I’ve been able to
B y W e s l e y W a l l ac e ’22 would definitely be math. During explore multiple leadership
[email protected] elementary and high school, I avenues.
hated math because I couldn’t
see where it was applicable TT: Why did you decide to

Photo Courtesy of Radford City Police Department

to things. But now that I use become an assistant psychology
statistics within my profession, professor at Radford University?
it’s more exciting than learning What’s your favorite thing about
about it when I was a kid. teaching college students?
What’s your teaching style?
TT: What has been the best
advice you ever received? Who Dr. Biermeier: After
gave you that advice? graduating with my Ph.D. from
Wayne State University, I had
Cutting Waives Right to Preliminary Hearing
Photo’s by Jordan Bennett | The Tartan

Dr. Biermeier: I think the the opportunity to teach as an

best advice I ever got was from adjunct psychology instructor confessing to the murder. The
my mother. I don’t know whether for a few years. Teaching at B y J e r e m y M o s e r ’19 court meeting only lasted 15
she told me this as advice or was Wayne State allowed me to [email protected] minutes.
simply making an observation, become a visiting assistant Cutting’s attorney, Blair

but she said “Everyone reaches a psychology professor at Albion ormer Radford University Howard, advised that she waive

s an assistant professor point in their life where it seems College, which is a liberal arts student Luisa Cutting, a her right to the hearing because
of psychology, Dr. like they’re in competition to college in Albion, Michigan. 21-year-old accused of he believed the evidence
Ben Beirmeier- see who’s the busiest and who’s During my first few years of stabbing her roommate to death, provided sufficient probable
Hanson started teaching at doing the most stuff. Don’t teaching in Michigan, I decided waived her right to a preliminary cause that Cutting was involved
Radford University in 2015. engage in that competition”. it was time for me to make hearing Thursday, Sept. 5. in the murder.
Now that he has been at the I think the important part of a change in my professional Cutting is charged with the Howard said he believes
institution for nearly four that is to take time to enjoy what career. When I researched second-degree murder of her mental illness was a factor in the
years, Dr. Biermeier continues you’re doing. Between adults my potential schools that I could roommate and fellow Radford stabbing.
to educate students on the age and your generation, we’re teach at, I immediately fell in student Alexa Cannon. “We believe, that there were
fundamentals of Industrial- doing a better job at recognizing love with Radford. The rural This was her first court significant mental issues with
Organizational Psychology.  the importance of mental health area, community atmosphere, appearance and first public our client on the occasion of
Additionally, he aims to and why we shouldn’t be in and college as a whole were appearance since Feb. 24, the this very, very tragic event,” said
help students understand the competition to outwork each things that intrigued me about day she was arrested after Howard. The

correlations between employee other. the university.

behavior and workplace My favorite thing about
productivity. TT: Why did you decide to teaching college students
Radford University offers choose a career in Industrial- is listening to the various
a master’s degree in I/O Organizational Psychology? classroom banter. It’s interesting
Psychology. According to to hear what students are
the American Psychological Dr. Biermeier: I was just thinking. On a more serious
Association, I/O Psychologists having a conversation with note, I enjoy teaching students
study behavior in workplace some of our first-year graduate new things and opening them up
settings. Radford’s website says students who just came into the to new possibilities.

Photo Courtesy of Radford University Relations

graduates of this program find department. Although it wasn’t As for my teaching style, it
jobs as consultants, human funny, we joked that no one mostly depends on the type class
resource personnel, or managers. grows up wanting to be an I/O that I’m teaching. Some classes
psychologist because it’s not on are mostly lecture-based, and
The Interview anyone’s radar. And it definitely other classes require the use of
The Tartan had the wasn’t something that I initially technology as students present
opportunity to interview Dr. wanted to do. PowerPoints, watch Youtube
Biermeier Sept. 6 in the College When I was in my senior videos, or use their phones
of Humanities & Behavioral year of high school, leading into for classroom assignments. I
Sciences. my freshman year of college, try to be approachable with What You Need to Know About ONE Card
I worked at a summer camp all my students and make the
The Tartan: Throughout working with youth that were classroom a safe environment old IDs do. That includes meal
your childhood, what intrigued referred to us by Social Services. where students can engage in an B y J e r e m y M o s e r ’19 plans, building access, and free
you about school? Where did Working at that camp made me open-ended discussion. [email protected] rides on Radford Transit.
you grow up? What was your interested in psychology and its If you bring your old ID to

favorite/least favorite subject in ability to help other people. TT: What do you hope to adford University is Heth between 9 a.m. and 3:30
school? Towards the end of my achieve during the school year? ditching its old ID design p.m. Monday through Friday,
employment there, my role and re-branding its they will exchange it for a new
Dr. Biermeier: I grew shifted, and I started doing Dr. Biermeier: That’s a really student and faculty IDs as ONE ONE card. If you don’t have your
up right outside Madison, more outdoor adventure work good question, to be honest, I card. old ID, they will charge $20 for
Wisconsin. It was a decent size which allowed me to acquire a haven’t put that much thought Along with the new card the new one.
town with lakes, but it was also leadership position. into what I want to accomplish name, the RU ID office in Heth There is no known date at
very midwestern. During the fall, I took a during the school year. I guess has been renamed to the ONE which the old IDs will no longer
Growing up, I liked learning class in I/O Psychology at I want to continue helping card office, and RU Express function - it could be weeks,
about English and history. the University of Minnesota. students become successful is now called the ONE card months, or an entire semester.
Learning at a young age allowed This course led me to my within Radford’s I/O program, account. These new cards will likely
me to get in touch with my main research interests which do more research in leadership It seems the ONE card does become a mandatory upgrade by
imagination and discover new primarily deal with leadership culture and maybe publish a few not come with any new functions Spring 2020, so get yours while
things about different people development and cross-cultural papers. - it simply does everything the you can. The

and places. issues. Now that I’m a professor

6 | The Tartan Dylan Lepore, Editor-in-Chief // [email protected] // Culture

Arts and Entertainment in Radford

A Movie Review

Photo Courtesy of It: Chapter Two the Movie

It: Chapter Two out the scary, the weird, charm of Chapter One. thick to try and cram in with King, then this may not be the
B y A l l i s o n S c h e r n e r ‘19 the funny and the power I thought the references this review, so I could tell you movie for you.
[email protected] of friendship, and that’s to Stephen King were an whether some of the detailed This is not a first date movie
something that wouldn’t be excellent tip of the hat to the elements were well-placed.  unless you feel comfortable

et me explain first that I fully appreciated if you just mysterious horror universe For example, I didn’t with them. I would recommend
wanted to see It: Chapter stayed home and watched that he created. But if you have like how they placed more seeing this movie on a fun
Two because of the this on Netflix by yourself. no experience watching or significance on the characters’ weekend night with close
trailer. This movie dug out the weird reading Stephen King, you may scars. There was a moment friends!
Sure, I wanted to see the creatures that the first chapter think this is just a cluster of where one of the characters
adorable original It cast in the brought out a handful of times. random material thrown into felt pain through his scar, and Overall: 7/10
flashbacks, and sure, I wanted This movie went all out on a movie. I thought Harry Potter pretty
to see how the adult actors its weird CGI characters. There In terms of cinema, I much had that copyrighted.
would portray their younger were scenes where my mouth think the CGI was apparent, Overall, I liked this movie, It: Chapter Two had
counterparts. was agape, and the patrons but it wasn’t overbearing. but it just had a lot of weird, compelling storytelling;
However, most of all, I of the theater were yelling The creators had their hands scattered content to frighten
just wanted to see the scene confused profanity at how full, creating all the weird the viewer. If you are not
however, it doesn’t
featured in the trailer of the bizarre it was. It’s slightly to be creatures.  open-minded or educated in have the charm of
old lady jumping around expected because the creature, I believe everything the unique content of Stephen Chapter One.
her apartment. I was not It, is a shapeshifter.  was well-paced, but certain
disappointed, but if you’re There’s also a lot of characters debatably should’ve
looking forward to an extra awkward tongue activity gotten more screen time, such
hilarious scene of that old lady, towards the end of the movie as Mike.
you pretty much already saw it and stabbing throughout. I The flashbacks between
in the trailer. was uncomfortable, and that’s the older and younger
This movie isn’t the type something to be noted. counterparts were very casual.
of film to watch on the couch As someone who saw the I thought it was interesting
at home in the middle of the original movie and is an avid how they wanted to add more
night. This movie was meant Stephen King fan, I would depth to some characters.
to be seen in theaters and say It: Chapter Two had I wish I could’ve read the
enjoyed with other people. compelling storytelling; original story before seeing the
Overall, this movie brought however, it doesn’t have the movies, but that book is too What up?
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | 7
A Movie Review

Which brings me to my yourself, “But what about

Toy Story 4
catch is that Woody has the
B y G a r r e t t L u d w i g ‘22 next point, character the new/newish characters?” same working voice box. You
[email protected] development.  than My answer would be: there’s probably get where this is
The characters it d i d nothing notable about them. going.

hile graphically are introduced during make me A great example of proper “You know what, we’re
compelling, the plot Bonnie’s first day of laugh.  character development is already silencing all these
of Toy Story 4 is Kindergarten. We see This trend Marvel’s take on Ant-Man. The classic characters. How about
lackluster. The three main some new and old continues for the Avengers series side-lined Ant- we make an antagonist that
problems I have with the film faces with a pan majority of Man from the start, but slowly shuts them up literally!” the
are its similarities to Toy Story around the room. the film. This gave him more screen time to Pixar executives probably said
3, its character development Immediately, Woody confusion build his character arc. Lo and while counting the billions of
and its side-plot.  is sidelined and made me behold, he became a prominent dollars they made from Toy
The first opening minutes silenced by the wonder, why character in conclusion to The Story 3. 
feel like a rehash of Toy Story newish characters even make Avengers series. This subplot seems to
3 instead of a brand-new Toy from Toy Story 3.  Toy Story 4’s way of embody the whole problem
Story.  Throughout, silencing these core characters with Toy Story 4, and that
Its only purpose, from a Woody and other and bringing side characters reason is why it’s not a Toy
plot standpoint, is to give us returning up with no backstory makes for Story film. Why have Woody
an answer as to where Bo Peep “classic” dull character development. or Buzz if they’re constantly
has been all these years. After characters The only semi-interesting new being told to step out of the
the Bo Peep backstory is over, are told character is Sporky. However, spotlight?
the gang goes on another, yet to shut up. this constant theme of
familiar, adventure.  another Toy silencing the old and showing Overall: 4/10
Without going into too Story sequel if off the new, overshadowed
much detail, all previous Toy it’s not building their character arc.
Story films watched out-of- W h i l e upon the core The film elaborates on this
context can stand on their own it’s funny characters theme in a literal way near
thematically. However, Toy the first that made the middle when an antique
Story 4 relies too much on time, the the previous antagonistic doll, Gabby,

Photo Courtesy of the Toy Story Movies

past iterations to truly be a other times, iterations so appears. Woody runs into
fresh sequel.  not so much, special?  Gabby during his journey, and
Pixar’s name for Toy Story it confused You may we find out that she’s trying
4 should’ve been Toy Story 3.5.  me more be asking to repair her voice box. The

of the

By Sierra Bradley‘21
[email protected]
The tea
8 | The Tartan Jeremy Moser, Copy Editor // [email protected] // The Tea

Editorials and Opinions Quote of the week

“Luck is a dividend of sweat. The more
you sweat, the luckier you get.”
- Mark Russell
The Tartan is looking for
dedicated, fast-learning, and
self-suffient student who can
set their own standars or goals
for what they would like to
contritbute to the Tartan.

• Managing Editor
• Culture Editor
• News Editor
• Tea Editor
• Staff Writers
• Staff Photographers

For more information head to

Photo Courtesy of Spencer Imbrock on Unsplash

Tyler Hall Room 025
Monday - Friday
10 a.m to 5 p.m.
[email protected]

RU Aware ...
9/11: The Importance of Remembering
Children born in 2001 are cultural background or gender,
One in every five adults believe B y C a i t l i n B i l l m a n ’22 eighteen, or will be, before the banded together to show
that aliens are hiding in our [email protected] year is over. They are possibly that these horrible events Riley also said, “The lives
planet disguised as humans.
seniors in high school and weren’t going to cause them of the victims, rescue

n the morning of Sept. growing up in a world that is to breakdown. These events workers, and passengers
11, 2001, the world always on threat-watch. redefined what it meant to be in the planes should be
watched in horror as the They will never know what an American: helping to look remembered and honored
Looking for World Trade Center collapsed. it’s like to get on an airplane towards a much brighter future.
for their sacrifice.”
But just minutes earlier, without rigorous security and
Tartan Archives? people were at work and school. searching, or what it was like to
They were walking their dogs see someone get off the plane
Rediscover the history of the and taking their kids to daycare. right at the gate. And talking
Tartan through exploring all the People were going about their about 9/11 doesn’t have the
way back to 1910, when it was everyday lives. If they only knew same impact as someone who
initially called the Grapurchat
just how much the world would remembers it.
to when it was rebranded as the
change because of these events. Radford freshman Riley
Tartan in 1979.
This year marks the Jarrells said, “I was very young
Go to rutartan.com and select eighteenth anniversary of the when 9/11 happened, but every
the “More” tab to find those attack on the World Trade Center year at school we were taught
archives. and the Pentagon. With almost what happened, and I heard my
3,000 casualties in the attacks in friends and family members
Do old newspapers bore you? New York, Washington DC, and speak of how horrifying it was
the victims of United Airlines 93, for them.”
Check out our new photo
and even more injured, America Sept. 11 will continue to
gallery on Flicker by selecting
was in grief. The loss was high, be one of America’s greatest
the “photo” tab to wander
our photos taken by our and Americans were scared.  tragedies. It will remain a
exceptionally phenomenal After this great tragedy, the somber time in the history of the
photographers. world changed. United States, but remembering
Today we live in a post- the victims, the families they
9/11 world. Airport security is have left behind, and the first
intense, anti-Muslim attacks responders on the scenes are
have risen, and the world is what is important.
Photo Courtesy of Luke Stackpoole on Unsplash

always on alert for terrorism. Riley also said, “The lives of

But most children, teenagers, the victims, rescue workers, and
and even those in their early passengers in the planes should
twenties don’t realize this. Talk be remembered and honored for
to any adult who lived through their sacrifice.”
the attacks, and they can recount It was a time of great
precisely where they were. They nationalism, where Americans,
will never forget. no matter their race, ethnicity,
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | 9

Monday - Thursday
5:30 a.m. - 9 p.m.

5:30 a.m. - 7 p.m.

11 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. FREE TO ALL RU STUDENTS AND STAFF!
Transportation provided by route 40,
Sunday so take a ride to the place where fun
1 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. and fitness meet!
10 | The Tartan Zach Potter, Sports Editor // [email protected] // Sports

WRITE FOR US! Amadou Macky Diop

RU an established, or
fledgling journalist? Or
maybe you just love to
write, and this might be
your first time showcas-
ing your hidden talent?

Want to bring your opin-

ions and unique views
to the masses? Love the
idea of reporting on and
off campus news, voicing
your opinion on topics
ranging from movies,
laws, and on the many
fun, and sometime’s un-
usual, attractions going
on around campus? Then
give Radford Universi-
ty’s Student-run News-
paper a shout and email
the Editor-In-Chief!

Tic-Tac-Toe Radford Men’s Soccer Season Preview

Conference. net. on the field but at the end of the
B y L u c a s C a r r ‘20 Radford played two home The work of freshman day it’s about what team scores
[email protected] games in a row against Liberty Octavio Ocampo did not go more goals.”
University and the University of unnoticed. Ocampo’s goal Support from the benches

he Radford Men’s Soccer North Carolina at Greensboro. tied the score at three-all in and the stands seems to be
team has opened up their The season opener resulted in the 85th minute of the match. essential for the Highlanders to
season with a win and a a close game as the Highlanders He fired a lofting shot over win.
pair of losses. Picked to finish fell to the Flames, 2-1. the outstretched hands of the The Highlanders then faced
second in Big South Preseason Led by Diop’s hat trick Spartan goalie and into the goal the University of North Carolina
Poll, the Highlanders have in the second, however, the it went. Wilmington in a tough game on
scored a total of five goals over men’s soccer team was able to Macky Diop became the first Sept. 5. They fell to the Seahawks
a three-game span. overcome a three-goal deficit player since 2017 to tally a hat- 0-3. Though they are coming
Before the season, and beat the UNCG Spartans 4-3 trick, taking nine total shots off a loss, the Highlanders are
The RU Funnies sophomore Amadou Macky Diop at home. and making three, both being primed to bounce back against
What did the buffalo say when his son was picked as the Preseason Diop netted the game- records for the Sophomore. In the College of Charleston
left for college? Attacking Player of the Year. winner in the last of the five total, the Highlanders took a Sunday, Sept. 8.
Bison! Diop, who earned 2018 Co- minutes of extra time to spur the total of 24 shots. The aggressive This will be the first road
--- Freshman of the Year, tallied Highlanders out in front. attacking offense seems to be test for the Highlanders as they
College student: “Hey, Dad -- I’ve nine total goals last season, The Springfield Junior, the game plan for head coach travel to County University
got some great news for you!” helping the Highlanders end the Dondre’ Robinson was able to Bryheem Hancock. Stadium in South Carolina.
Father: “What, son?” season with a 7-9 overall record swipe the ball from a UNCG In a post-game interview, The Radford men have a tough
College student: “Remember that and 5-3 in Big South Conference defender and found Diop Hancock gave credit to the UNCG couple games leading into Big
$500 you promised me if I made the play. streaking towards the goal. squad for putting up a good fight South Conference play on Sept.
Dean’s list?” The Highlanders hope to Robinson found his target and but said this of his own team: “I 28 against Campbell University.
Father: “I certainly do.” have another accomplished Diop chipped the ball right off really love the way the bench
College student: “Well, you get to season within the Big South his heel and into the back of the was into it, rooting on the guys

Women’s Soccer Powers VMI 1-0

keep it!”
The Dean is hospitalized after a heart
As he is lying in his hospital bed powered off 20 shots compared on the night. Sohrabi expects the team to
reflecting on his near brush with B y Z ac h P ot t e r ‘20 to the Keydets 11 in a dominating This game marks the fourth come out with more “urgency
death, an attendant arrives with a
[email protected] shut out.  win of the season for the and energy” at the beginning of
Junior transfer Brianna women’s soccer team at Radford. the game.

lovely bouquet of flowers.
The Dean asks the attendant to adford women’s soccer Oliver scored the lone goal of In this game, the Highlanders The Highlanders will
hand him the card and finds that it continues their winning the match. It was her first game continued their strategy of continue their road trip
reads, “By a vote of 26 to 3 with 2 ways by traveling to as a Highlander. shutting out their opponents, traveling to East Tennessee
abstentions, the faculty wish you a beat Virginia Military Institute The high-octane attack something they’ve done in each State University Sept. 13.
speedy recovery.” Keydets 1-0 in Lexington, VA at forced VMI goalie, Noelle victory this season.  
Patchin Field. The Highlander’s Heilpern, to manage eight saves Radford Head Coach Ben
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, September 11, 2019 | 11

Radford Invitational Volleyball Tournement

Volleyball Tournament this past in the Highlanders favor as they 1-3 sets. Neast had 16 kills, and Are you excited about
B y L i lly D e m a s t u s ‘22 weekend. dominated on the court. senior Mallory McKnight had this season’s team? Let us
[email protected] The Highlanders played However, in the third set, 13 kills. Coomes also added 28 know in the comments below.
the Toledo Rockets in their the momentum shifted. The assists. For everything Radford

adford Volleyball first match of the tournament. Highlanders began to make This win improved the Sports and volleyball, stay
manages only one win out It was a best-of-five-set that errors which cost them the last Highlanders record to 2-2 and updated with your Tartan
of three matches, as the ended 2 to 3 with the Rockets three sets of the match.  1-1 for the tournament. newspaper.

host of the Radford Invitational winning. The first two sets were Coach Marci Byers said,“It was The third and final game

errors that troubled the team.” was against the Rider University
While Freshman, Mackenzie Broncs. The game was over in
Meehan stated, “We did not take three sets. Neast had 13 kills,
care of what we needed to in the McKnight had six, O’Neal had
third set,” which became the five, and Coomes had 23 assists. 
first of three straight losing sets. Once again, errors were
Senior Stephanie Neast leads made, and in the end, the score
the team in kills this weekend reflected that.
with eleven in the first game. This game wrapped up
Sophomore, Taylor O’Neal was Radford’s play in the weekend Freshman, Mackenzie
another leader this weekend invitational. They went 1-2 for Meehan stated, “We
with ten kills and five aces. The the weekend. Even though the
team overall had 56 kills. This overall score did not show it,
did not take care of
what we needed to in
Photo by Jordan Bennett | The Tartan

takes their record to two wins the Radford Highlanders put up

and two losses so far this season a great fight and kept the score the third set,” which
and 0-1 in the tournament. close in each set.
became the first of
The second game was Radford will play again
against the Fordham Rams. The Friday, Sept. 13 in Philadelphia, three straight losing
final score of the match was PA against Temple. sets.

Since last week didn’t

have a sudoku for us
to give you answers-
riddle me this:

A man rides into town on Friday.

He stays two nights. How does he
leave on Tuesday?

Answer: His horse was called Friday.

12 | The Tartan Denae Rauls, SMADs Manager // [email protected] // Advertisements

MON. & FRI. • 5 - 6 PM

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