8th Issue October 31

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Radford University’s Student-run Newspaper The Tartan | October 31, 2018


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www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 3
Dylan Lepore
[email protected]
Managing Editor
Ida Domingo
[email protected]
Copy Editor
Shiza Manzoor
[email protected]
News Editor
Ida Domingo
The Tea Editor
Jennifer Bennett
[email protected]
Sports Editor
Davis Byrd
[email protected]
Page Designer
Sam Aguero
[email protected]
Staff Writers: Tristan Rines, Shiza
Manzoor, Cam Miranda, Hannah
Curran, Savannah Roberson, Morgan
Hutcheson, Denny Price, Nay-Quan
Bryan, Lucas Carr, Devin Stubbs, and
Dustin Staples (weather)
Photography and Advertising:
Photography Manager
Hailey Scherer
[email protected]
Staff Photographers: Shiza Manzoor,
Jordan Bennett, and Suzanne Dorr
SMADs Manager
Yves White
[email protected]
For a full list go to rutartan.com/

The Tartan publishes 1,500 copies
per week and is distributed at more
than 26 locations on the RU campus.
The Tartan is always looking into
expanding  their distribution. The
publication is printed at Shenandoah
Publishing House in Winchester, Va.

The Tartan is part of Highlander

Student Media and is completely
student-run. As a newspaper, The
Tartan reserves the right to address,
explore and delve into issues that
affect the university student body and
the surrounding area.
Student Media
Advertising “Our Opinion” pieces are written collectively by members of
P.O. Box 6895 The Tartan Editorial Board. The Editorial Board is comprised
Radford VA, 24142 of the editing staff, the Tea writers, and other Radford
540-831-6051 University students.

These undergraduate and graduate students represent

multiple class levels and different political, cultural, ethnic,
and religious backgrounds. Members may or may not belong
to a variety of student organizations. The Editorial Board is
open to all RU students who apply.

“We train future

Here is your
journalists, editors, #TartanWeather
Forecast for
radio producers, the week of
Wed., October
news anchors and 31-November 6,
even entrepreneurs

through our ever-

evolving student-run *This forecast is

always subject to
media outlets.” change!!
By Dustin Staples
[email protected]
4 | The Tartan News

New Assistant Provost for Global Education and Engagement Announced

which is a Brazillian workshop in International Development
“I look forward to welcoming Susana Carrillo to and skills development system. from Tufts University and
our campus and partnering with her in our global She also teaches at George the other from the Graduate
education and engagement efforts, which will only Mason University along with Institute of International
being on the Board of Directors and Development Studies in
be successful with the support of departments and
for the National Association Switzerland.
offices across our campus.” of International Educators The purpose of an Assistant
(NAFSA). Provost for Global Education
degree and “significant Chair and Senior Associate Before holding her current and Engagement is to help
experience in international Athletics Director, Stephanie positions, Carrillo also worked develop and oversee a variety
Courtesy of RU Relations

programs and student services Ballein said, “Throughout the at The World Bank where she of university-wide initiatives
and knowledge of policies extensive search process, the served as senior partnership related to international
and regulations related to committee was clearly focused specialist and development programs and services, research,
international programs and on expanding the university’s finance vice president from education and collaborations,

n Sept. 17, 19 and 20, services; experience designing, global footprint and creating 2004-2017. and much more.
the university hosted leading and/or assessing meaningful experiences on our Carrillo has received Kenna Colley, the Interim
forums for the three international education campus and around the world.” extensive training in the Provost and Vice President for
finalists for the position of experiences,” as stated in Ballein said. “I look forward area of global education and Academic Affairs commented
Assistant Provost for Global HigherEdJobs, an executive to welcoming Susana Carrillo engagement with degrees from on her energetic leadership
Education and Engagement to search firm in assisting Radford to our campus and partnering Cheung Kong Graduate School stating that “She brings a fresh
speak to the students, faculty, in the search. with her in our global education of Business in China, Fundacion perspective to our campus and
and staff. Throughout the Starting on Dec. 10, and engagement efforts, which Don Cabral in Brazil and the has built relationships with
month of October, the Search the Radford family will be will only be successful with the Indian Institute of Management partners in many nations which
Committee of the university welcoming the new Assistant support of departments and in India. will assist Radford University
worked for hours reviewing Provost for Global Education and offices across our campus.” She also earned her Bachelor in growing our international
applications and interviewing Engagement, Susana Carrillo. Being selected for this job, of Arts in International Relations footprint. I look forward to her
many candidates for this job. According to an email Carrillo is now a much busier and Latin American Studies from arrival on campus.”
Radford was seeking a sent out to the Radford woman. She currently serves George Mason University and B y I da D o m i n g o
candidate with an advanced community, Search Committee as the senior advisor to SENAI, two Master of Arts degrees, one [email protected]

FASFA OPEN Correction

t’s that time of the year his correction was made by When the business college opened
again; to apply for student Radford University Relations: the doors to its new $44 million, 110,000
financial aid. In a momentous occasion on square-foot home in 2011, the state-
The 2019-20 FAFSA Oct. 3, Radford University announced a of-the-art learning facility was simply
application opened on Oct. 1, landmark $8 million gift to the university known as the COBE Building. In the
and If you’re dreading the from Sandra C. and William C. Davis. spring of 2016, as The Tartan writer
process like most students The generous gift is the largest from an correctly asserts, the building was named
do and haven’t applied yet, individual in the university’s history that Kyle Hall to honor retiring President
the Financial Aid office holds spans more than 100 years. Penelope W. Kyle, the university’s first
‘FAFSA Friday’s.’ It will endow scholarships to be female president who served in that
The financial aid office provided to students studying in Radford capacity for 11 years.
offers to assist prospective and University’s College of Business and The name of the building did not
enrolled students and their Economics, which for years we have change with the Davis’ gift and the
families when applying for aid referred to as COBE, and the College of naming of the college. The building
and will answer any questions Visual and Performing Arts. remains Kyle Hall.
you may have. In recognition of the Davis’ gift, the To clarify, Radford University
If you need help applying university announced the naming of students who study business at the corner
for FAFSA or need any related the College of Business and Economics of Jefferson Street and Tyler Avenue do
advice, stop by the Financial Aid (COBE) to the Sandra C. Davis and so in the Sandra C. Davis and William C.
Office in Heth Hall #169 from William C. Davis College of Business and Davis College of Business and Economics
1-4 p.m. on Friday’s. Economics. The Tartan published on Oct. located in Kyle Hall.
Here are the dates 17 an editorial, “Third Time’s a Charm,” Those names serve to remind us of
upcoming dates: expressing confusion over the business the remarkable contributions the three
• November 2 college’s name and identity changes individuals have made to the Radford
• November 9 made over the past three years. University community.
• November 16 “Even though I understand the name
• November 30 changes, I think it is a little much in
• December 7 a short amount of time. It’s confusing
• December 14 because no one seems to know what
Radford University’s priority exactly to call it. Do we call it COBE, Kyle
date to apply is Dec. 1 if you wish Hall, or DCOBE?” The Tartan editorial
to be considered for any of the author wrote.
state and institutional grants. The official name of the college,
For more information about as of Oct. 3, is the Sandra C. Davis and
the FAFSA process or application, William C. Davis College of Business
Correcting: Third
Caitlyn Stultz | The Tartan

please visit: Radford.edu/finaid and Economics. On casual or second

reference, it is referred to as Davis
B y I da D o m i n g o
[email protected]
College. Time’s A Charm
Melissa Walker Horn | Unsplash
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 5

Arts and Entertainment in Radford

The Human Library: Everyone Has a Story to Share

It was a true marvel to be able to witness such a

Carlos Miranda | The Tartan

personal and worldly history from people.

his past Tuesday an event to peace workers to military “[Trades] such as tailoring, from the United States culture.” The parent may be different
was held at McConnell personnel, it was an admiring mining, carpentry, and much When asked If she had the from a soldier; The same can
Library called ‘The experience to listen to their more.” chance to re-do it all again, to be said from a peace worker to
Human Library.’ An affair accounts. However, Winfrey felt that relive this experience, Winfrey a psychologist. However, the
where people from various Truly defining the Human she learned more from the says, “absolutely.” things that define us aren’t
backgrounds, cities, ethnicities, Library aspect. Mongolian people than they did She said that she was able jobs or social status, but the
and even countries came down Merrie Winfrey, a peace from her. She took part in their to make friends and deep memories we retain and the
to share their experiences about worker from the United States culture, learned the meaning connections with people friendships we make along the
memories close to their hearts. that was sent to Mongolia behind several holidays, ate whom she thought impossible. way.
Many brought objects, to teach the indigenous folk their cuisine, and even took Through the peace corps Which is the exact case for
photos, and videos to express English and common work part in the celebration of the organization and the ability to everyone living, studying, and
their stories in a better fashion. skills, also attended the event. Buddhist New Year. make meaningful bonds, she working at Radford University.
Some of the media they brought She was sent along with others In this poverty-ridden was able to learn more from Although we are so different and
with them were decades old, to Mongolia as an effort made country, she found value where it herself and the Mongolian diverse, it’s the connections and
showcasing how much their by the U.S. to restabilize the truly mattered, in its family and people. Also, realizing that bonds we hold that unite us.
memories and experiences had cascading economy and uplift culture; Singing to her heart’s even though people come from So the next time Radford is
an impact on their lives. the poverty that ravaged the content with the nomadic different backgrounds, cultures, holding a Human Library event,
It was a true marvel to be country. people, decorating their Yurts and countries, we are all just be sure to stop by. You might
able to witness such a personal Winfrey tried to aid this (which are huts), and taking part human. just learn a thing or two about
and worldly history from people noble cause for two and a half in their various customs. As I interviewed more people yourself.
who decided to settle in Radford. years, stating that she taught “An experience,” Winfrey and took note of their stories, I B y C a r lo s M i r a n da
From parents to psychologists, them the English language and said, “that was so much different realized she was right. [email protected]

Be Mindful
eing at university is not a nonjudgmental state of who were on the hot spot of them, Radford senior Andrew
an easy job, especially heightened or complete expressing their ideas Kane said that Mindfulness
if you’re a first-year awareness of one’s about this topic was made a considerable impact
student. Some of us do not even thoughts, emotions, or incredibly open-hearted. on his lifestyle. When he was
know how to fry an egg or do our experiences on a moment- During the event, Alan a freshman, he thought about
laundry. However, most students to-moment basis.” Forrest, faculty advisor leaving the university. He then
enjoy the challenge of learning During the event of of the mindfulness club took the course of mindfulness
these skills, and discovering the Peace and Mindfulness and the facilitator of the without considering what could
oneself through their time here. Forum, there were event, was explaining it bring.
There are times in which different speeches about that peace for him was He thanks his tutors, Forrest,
students can feel lost or anxious various people and how “A state of being, of calm, and Angela Cardenas, an Adjunct
about an assignment. Perhaps they look deeply into tranquillity, a sense of in the Department of Counselor
there are times in which it is the field of mindfulness. connection to others Education and a Mindfulness
overwhelming. That is why Surprisingly, the room and all living beings. teacher, who are still teaching
Radford University promotes the was full, and all the seats Peace is connection and this subject.
Sean Stratton | Unsplash

technique of mindfulness. were taken, so some of the heartfulness.” “Without their help, I would
As defined by the Merriam- attendees had to stand in Each speech was
Webster Dictionary, Mindfulness the back. full of personal and
>> Mindful
is “The practice of maintaining Each of the people
Be, Breath and Awaken. inspirational stories. One Continued on page 7
The tea
6 | The Tartan The Tea

Editorials and Opinions

Quote of the week
“I base most of my fashion taste on what
doesn’t itch.” - Gilda Radner
OPEN The Youth: A Political Force at the Polls
POSITIONS idterms are While their posts may not be
approaching, and as glamorous as Kylie Jenner’s,
The Tartan is looking for dedicat- it is time for the take to Facebook, Instagram,
ed, fast-learning, and self-suff- “apathetic” and “uninvolved” and Twitter to understand
ient student who can set their youth to get out to those polls each candidate’s objectives. In
own standars or goals for what finally. this tech-savvy era, the young
they would like to contritbute to Our generation has done generation can form a fuller
the Tartan. wonders for giving a voice to picture of candidates through
those marginalized within the medium which we are more
• Distributor society and making the United than familiar with.
• Culture Editor States an increasingly more As students, we frantically
• Assistant Culture Editor tolerant country. The youth fill up the calendar with club
• News Editor has sparked a multitude of meetings and crazy parties to
• Assistant News Editor progressive movements across attend, so why not add just one
• Staff Writer recent years, from Black Lives more engagement?
• Staff Photographer Matter to March for Our Lives. Civic Engagement.
It is time for this generation Whether it is affordable
Interested? to stop being all throat and no health care, gun control or
For more information head to vote. Every vote matters. (AMA) to send this message, no climate change, it is time for
Tyler Hall Room 025 While voices can be heard Do not sit this one out. There discredit to Taylor Swift, but we young people to have their values
Monday - Friday in protest, social progress will is no “next time.” There is only must use our platform. represented in government.
10 a.m to 5 p.m. always be, in part, institutional. one 2018 mid-term election. Start encouraging your Nov. 6 will no doubt feel like
Midterm elections are a chance Right here in Virginia, friends, sororities/fraternities, an average Tuesday here at
Need a Correction? to ensure there are people in during the race for the House of clubs, and even the Starbucks Radford’s campus, but if we get
government that are willing to Delegates, candidates were tied worker who always puts extra out and vote, we could make
The Tartan is committed to listen to our voices. at 11,608 votes each. To decide caramel in your drink - check if Nov. 6 a momentous day for this
correcting errors that appear in There are 70 million who would take the seat, their they know how to vote, when to generation and this country.
the newspaper. Those interested Americans aged 18 to 35, which names were drawn at random. vote, and whom to vote for. Polls are open from 6 a.m. to
in contacting the paper for that
is more than any other age Do not let fate be the decider of So many people insist they 7 p.m. at the Radford Rec Center.
purpose can send an e-mail to
group. Yet young Americans are this election, let it be that one do not know enough about If you are concerned about a
[email protected] or call the
main number, 540 831-5474, voting at half the rate of the vote. politics to participate. People ride, NextGen America will be
to make a correction to any older generations. Saying this, it is not enough do not have to spend hours providing students with free
section. Our voices are drowned to vote. hitting the books; delving lifts to the polls. Uber and Lyft
out, and politicians ignore our The youth are responsible into political philosophy and will also be doing so.
Looking for needs, especially as students. If for turning out the young deciphering political jargon. So go out there and vote!
Mirah Curzer | Unsplash

we show up and vote on Nov. 6, generation on Nov. 6. We do not The only understanding needed
Tartan Archives? the people in power will have no need to be standing on stage is which candidate fits best for B y M o r g a n H u tc h e s o n
choice but to listen. at the American Music Awards the position. [email protected]
Rediscover the history of the Tartan
through exploring all the way back
to 1910, when it was initially called Column: You Need Self-Care
the Grapurchat to when it was
ife can be extremely owns her own business called to do many of my assignments. Crying lifts some of the
rebranded as the Tartan in 1979.
stressful; we all have SagaDenim can get pretty busy. In ways, I create my stress. weight off people’s shoulders.
Go to rutartan.com and select the things going on in our own With so many things up her Moreover, when I do feel Keeping anger, frustration, and
“More” tab to find those archives. lives. Dealing with deadlines, sleeves, when needing to relax, overworked and super stressed, stress holds in negativity while
projects, papers, and exams, Rice says she “likes to listen to my approach is to put on my crying, letting it all out, will
Do old newspapers bore you? some people have more on their music and take a walk and drink cucumber and aloe face mask, bring the positive back into your
plate than others. lots of water as it keeps [her] put on music and cuddle with life.
Check out our new photo gallery The most important thing skin clear and feeling hydrated, my blankets, and then I simply It’s important to take care of
on Flicker by selecting the “photo” anyone can do is take care of it also keeps [her] from getting read. yourself, indulge in relaxation
tab to wander our photos taken
themselves when stressed out. exhausted.” Reading always helps relieve or a guilty pleasure, it can ease
by our exceptionally phenomenal
Everyone should take a moment Rice also likes to get me of stress. I get lost in a whole physical and mental health too.
of time to relax, unwind, and let pedicures, once or twice a other world where there aren’t You are the most critical
everything go, such as stress, month. She said “I used to go bills, assignments, and essays to person in your life, remember
assignments, and worries. Let with a group of friends, it was worry about. to sit back, relax and enjoy the
them all fade away and focus on more a social thing, but it was Music makes me feel good as beauty that is life, and know
yourselves. also energy draining sometimes, well. I could be having the worst that everything will work out
Dr. Tammy Robinson, a I found it more relaxing to go day and go to my dorm put on because you are special. Never
Design Department Professor, alone. Very peaceful.” my tunes, and it lifts my mood. forget that.
said “After a long and stressful “Treat yourself, it’s always When taking care of yourself,
day, when things are hectic or good to treat yourself,” Rice do things you love and indulge
stressful, playing with my dog, adds. in all the good of the world.
Ranger, is very relaxing. He gives I stress over many things, Has it been a long terrible
me the most love.” such as my personal life, school, day? If so, go to a trusted friend
Julene Rice, college student, and work. and vent to them, vent your
freelance graphic designer I’m also a big procrastinator. stresses, and then cry and let it
B y N ay -Q ua n B rya n
[email protected]
and mom extraordinaire, who I wait till the last minute all out.
www.rutartan.com Wednesday, October 31, 2018 | 7


RU an established, or
New Assistant Director of Basketball Operations
fledgling journalist? Or ead coach of the Men’s and game preparation while
maybe you just love to Basketball team, Mike also serving as an academic
write, and this might be Jones, announced last adviser for the school’s student-
your first time showcasing Monday the newest addition athletes.
your hidden talent? to the basketball staff. Kevin Before becoming an assistant
Jones, a graduate of Bowie State coach at Norfolk State, Jones
Want to bring your opin- University in Maryland, steps was a coach at Coppin State
ions and unique views to in as the Assistant Director of in Maryland for the 2014-15
the masses? Love the idea Basketball Operations following basketball season. The majority
of reporting on and off Jaren Marino’s promotion to of his responsibilities for the

Courtesy of RU Athletics
campus news, voicing your Director. Bald Eagles was developing the
opinion on topics ranging Jones will be joining a back-court as well as spending
from movies, laws, and on very talented and professional time as a scout and recruiter.
the many fun, and some- athletic staff following one of Jones has also coached at the
the most historic and prolific high school and AAU levels in of his new assistant director: were picked to finish first in the
time’s unusual, attractions
seasons Radford’s Men’s Maryland. “Kevin fits great with our Big South Conference.
going on around campus?
Basketball team has ever had. While Marino will be in staff and team because he is The Highlanders will open
Then give Radford Univer-
The Highlanders are lucky to charge of daily operations such a high character person, who up their season on Tuesday, Nov.
sity’s Student-run Newspa-
have landed such an experienced as team budgets, game-day doesn’t mind working hard for 7 at 7 p.m. as Davis and Elkins
per a shout and email the staff member to fill the big shoes management, and equipment something. He has a great track College will be making their
Editor-In-Chief! of Marino. coordination, Jones will take record as an assistant at a couple way to the New River Valley to
[email protected] For most of his career, Jones on player development via of good programs, and we are take on the Big South defending
spent the latter half of his career video study, coordinating and very fortunate that someone champs.
as an assistant coach for Norfolk creating highlight material, and with his qualifications was With returning Big South
Letters to the State where he helped guide the maintaining a well put together available so late in the process.” Freshman of the Year, Carlik
team to two consecutive second- recruiting database. Kevin Jones looks to do Jones, and First-Team All-Big
Editor place finishes in the Mid-Eastern He will also be in charge of good with the Highlanders, South Forward Ed Polite Jr.,
Athletic Conference. He had video and technology, making hopefully helping them make Radford will look to start strong
We prefer letters that are fewer the privilege to help coach and sure all games are recorded to their way to another Big South and finish strong this upcoming
than 200 words and take as develop many talented members aid in the team’s future success. Championship win and a season.
their starting point an article of the Spartans from 2015-18. Head Coach Mike Jones, no subsequent NCAA Tournament
or other item appearing in The In his time at Norfolk, Jones relation to his new hire, Kevin, birth for two years running. The
Tartan. They may not have had a significant role to play in is happy to have such a tenured pressure is on for Marino and By Lucas Carr
been submitted to, posted regards to scouting, recruiting addition to his staff. He said this both Jones’ as the Highlanders [email protected]
to or published by any other
media. They must include the
writer’s full name — for more
From Page 5 Brief
information and to send a have left college. They saved treat ourselves right. reflect on their lives. omen’s Soccer
letter head over to my life,” said Kane. As a beginner in American Sometimes we want to avoid kicked off the Big
www.rutartan.com. I felt immensely thoughtful Sign Language (ASL), I our feelings because we are South Conference
during the whole event. appreciated that the event had afraid of them. Just take a breath Tournament in spectacular
Meme of the Week All of the speakers
encourage the public to show
a Child of deaf adult (CODA)
translating the presentations of
and think about life. Finding your
peace is being mindful. Having
fashion by beating High Point
2-0 Saturday night at Cupp
their emotions at that moment. the speakers. In my opinion, it a beginner mind is essential. Stadium.
There were in-depth topics was an inclusive event to make Never stop learning. Usually, we The Highlander’s were on
exposed such as getting parental everyone enjoy their valuable are cognizant without knowing fire, shooting the ball a drastic
approval and being aware of how time. that we are. 29 times compared to High
we are feeling in each moment. Radford University is As said by Mahatma Gandhi, Point’s 11. Jasmine Casarez
A few words from a speaker preparing new retreats that every “Be the change we want to see in and Jane Everette scored the
got peoples attention, “See, student of the university can the world.” two goals for Radford.
touch and go.” experience. Both senior student The ultra-attacking offense
We have to be aware of the speakers at the event,  Hannah of the Highlanders proved
feelings that our self is trying to Secrist and Kane  created the they have what it takes to be
No puzzle this week, tell us. Being aware is essential, mindfulness club at Radford. successful in this year’s Big
but here is a joke: even if it is an uncomfortable The club meets on South Tournament. However,
emotion such as a stomach- Wednesday’s at 5:15 in studio they travel to face Campbell
ache. 117 in the Wellness Center. this coming up week.
A mushroom walks into a The speakers also talked There are also several classes Campbell has proven to
bar. The bartender says, about the act of letting go. in the Center which provide be the Achilles-Heel of the
“Hey, get out of here! We Stay calm being aware of this strategies to follow mindfulness. tournament as they have
don’t serve mushrooms feeling. There is a high number Towards the end of the knocked out the Highlanders
Mitchell Griest | Unsplash

here”. Mushroom says, of people who focus their event, Forrest proposed three the past two years.
“why not? I’m a fungai!” attention into other facts which tips to start being mindful: “Be,
are not that important. In the Breath and Awaken.” By Nerea Romero B y Z ac h P ot t e r
end, the fundamental thing is to This event made people [email protected] [email protected]
s a r e m o re
w M i d te r m n s ?
u k n o l e c t i o
Did yo t i a l e
8 | The Tartan


a n P r e s i d e

p o r t a n t t h

i o re

d te r m s a r e

u k n o w M l e c t i o n s ?
Did yo n P r e s i d e n t i a l e

p o r t a n t t h o re

e r m s a r e m
d t

u k n o w M i l e c t i o n s ?
Did yo e

e s i d e n t i a l
a n P r

p o r t a n t t h


ESat (866) OUR-VOTE • (866) 687-8683
voting? Call the Election Protection

Problems voting? Call the Election Protection

Hotline at (866) OUR-VOTE • (866) 687-8683
Problems voting? Call the Election Protection
Hotline at (866) OUR-VOTE • (866) 687-8683

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