2011 Hay Biomechani Sel36 26966

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Häyrinen, M.1, Mikkola, T. 1, Honkanen, P.2,
Lahtinen, P.2, Paananen, A.2 & Blomqvist, M.1
KIHU - Research Institute for Olympic Sports, Jyväskylä, Finland
Finnish Volleyball Association, Helsinki, Finland

ABSTRACT study. All subjects were right handed.

BACKGROUND: The most used serve technique in Each player served five successful serves
men’s top volleyball is jump serve (JS). The efficiency
in a training situation. From these serves
of JS is related to the ball velocity (BV) of the serve.
BVs have increased lately and thus a biomechanical the fastest (FS, average velocity
analysis of JS was justified to investigate which ele- 109.14±4.75 km/h) and one slower
ments have the biggest influence to BV of JS. serve (SS, 102.66±6.81 km/h) for each
DESIGN: Six players of the Finnish men’s national
volleyball team (23.40±2.28 y, 196.50±1.52 cm, player were selected for more detailed
90.67±1.63 kg) served as subjects. 3D-motion analy- analysis. The serves were recorded using
sis (100 Hz) was made from two of the each player’s two (back and right side) high-speed
JSs (the fastest (FS) and one slower serve (SS)). T-test
cameras (100 f/s). 3D-motion analysis
for paired samples was used to compare the veloci-
was made using APAS-program. Figure 2. The minimal thigh-trunk joint angle and the
ties of FS and SS. ANOVA was applied to compare
maximal thigh-trunk joint angle velocity for FS vs. SS
JSs in which the velocity was over 30 m/s (+30S) and 21 points of the body and the ball were and +30S vs. -30S (*=p<0.1 and **=p<0.05).
under 30 m/s (-30S). The relationships between digitized and DLT-method was used for
motion analysis variables and BV in all JSs were
examined using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. the construction of the 3D-data. 45 diffe-
RESULTS: The most essential variables in which statis- rent biomechanical variables were ana-
tically significant differences between FS and SS and lyzed. T-test for paired samples was used
velocities +30S and -30S were found were: the posi-
to compare the fast serves (FS) to the
tion of the ball and the centre of gravity of the body
at the time of the ball contact, the minimum angle and slower serves (SS). ANOVA was applied
the maximal angle velocity of the thigh-trunk joint, the to compare the serves which velocity was
maximal forward velocities of the shoulder, elbow over 30 m/s (+30S, 111.43±2.31 km/h)
and wrist joints of the hitting hand and forward ve-
locities of the elbow and wrist joints and middle to the serves which velocity was under
finger at the time of the ball contact. The same vari- 30 m/s (-30S, 100.37±3.92 km/h). The
ables correlated significantly with BV. relationships between different variables
CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that in JS a
and the velocity of the ball were analyzed Figure 3. The maximal forward velocities of the
successful throw is crucial in achieving higher BVs.
using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. shoulder, elbow and wrist joints and the forward
Furthermore good power production abilities in the
velocity of the middle finger of the right hand at the
core, shoulder and arm and optimal function of the
time of ball contact for FS vs. SS and +30S vs. -30S
kinetic chain are important elements. The mobility of
the hip joint and the thoracic vertebrae are also
RESULTS (*=p<0.1 and **=p<0.05 and ***=p<0.01).
important factors in achieving high BVs.
The most essential variables in which The variables that correlated significantly
INTRODUCTION statistically significant differences be- with the ball velocity were: the position of
tween FS and SS and velocities +30S and the ball (r=0.73; p<0.01) and the posi-
The importance of the serve is high in -30S were found were: the velocity of the tion of the centre of gravity (r=0.74;
men’s international top volleyball. It is ball, the position of the ball and centre of p<0.01) at time of the ball contact, the
very difficult to win matches without an gravity at the time of the contact to the minimal angle of the thigh-trunk joint
efficient serve (e.g. Fröhner & ball (figure 1), the flight distance during (r=-0.64; p<0.05), the maximal angle
Zimmermann 1996; Häyrinen et al. the jump, the minimum angle and the velocity of the thigh-trunk joint (r=0.71;
2000; Häyrinen et al. 2004; Palao et al. maximal angle velocity of the thigh-trunk p<0.05) and the maximal forward velo-
2004; Zetou et al. 2006). The most used joint (figure 2), the maximal forward ve- city of the shoulder (r=0.67; p<0.05),
serve technique in men’s international top locities of the shoulder, elbow and wrist elbow (r=0.66; p<0.05) and wrist
volleyball is jump serve. The efficiency of joints of the right hand and the forward (r=0.66; p<0.05) joints and middle finger
jump serve is related to the velocity of the velocities of the elbow and wrist joints (r=0.67; p<0.05) of the right hand.
serve (Häyrinen et al. 2009). The biome- and middle finger of the right hand at the
chanics of jump serve has been studied time of the contact to the ball (figure 3). CONCLUSIONS
before by Coleman (1997), Huang & Hu
(2007) and Masamura et al. (2007), but  Successful well-aimed throw is crucial
the serve velocities have increased so to achieving high ball velocities in
there was a need to update earlier find- jump serve.
ings and to investigate which elements  Mobility of the hip joint and the tho-
have the biggest effect to the velocity of racic vertebrae are important factors in
the jump serve. achieving high ball velocities in jump
METHODS  Good power production abilities in the
core, shoulder and arm and optimal
Six players of the Finnish men’s volleyball function of the kinetic chain are the
team (23.40±2.28 y, 196.50±1.52 cm, Figure 1. The positions of the ball and centre of gra- most important elements in producing
vity at the time of the ball contact for FS vs. SS and
90.67±1.63 kg) served as subjects of this high velocities in jump serve.
+30S vs. -30S (*=p<0.1 and **=p<0.05).

FIVB Volleyball Medicine Congress, January 13 - 15, 2011, Bled, Slovenia E-mail: [email protected] www.kihu.fi

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