EC-4000 Reference Card
EC-4000 Reference Card
EC-4000 Reference Card
Reference Guide 8 memories (numbered 0 through 7) are available Polar to Rectangular Decimal Degrees 00 m 42 m
for your use: • Enter R, Press: HE Enter degrees, Press 1 • I 01 -42 Ml SB
1ST0| n (n from 0 to 7) stores the number in the • Enter 0 Enter minutes (2 digits) 43 m
09 1 9 1
display in the memory you select (0 to 7). • Press Lgpd) QQ _ y is and seconds (2 digits). 44 m
13 Ml
Always refer to Train-ing with Your EC-4000 for n recalls the number from memory n into the displayed.
• Press [HE to read x.
Press L2ndl liluU for
-13 M Ml
45 si
complete details of calculator operation. display. decimal value. 46 Ml ESI
14 [CE]
I2ndl E23 n — swaps the display value with what's in Rectangular to Polar Decimal Degrees to
ICLRl 48 Ml hi
AOS™ ENTRY METHOD memory n. ■ Enter x • Press HE Degrees, Min, Sec 15
-48 M Ml HI
Lets you enter problems directly as they're usually I§MMI n — sums the number in the display into • Enter y Enter decimal 18 Ml m 49 Ml —
memory n (the result stays in the memory). • Press Ml [2ndl EH -18 mm
M Ml ■hi
written, left to right. Calculator will execute degrees.
I|NVI lSUMl n — subtracts the number in the display m -49 M Ml —
operations in the following order: 1) single variable • 0 is displayed. Press 11NVI 12nd[ |i|’,n 19 2nd]
from what's in memory n (the result stays in • Press HE to read R. 50 Ml H
functions 2) powers/roots 3) multiplication/division (Degrees, minutes, -19 M M m
4) add/subtract. ElI (Equals Key) completes all memory). seconds) now displayed. 2nd] im 51 iGTOl
pending operations. This order of operations is also Lind I m n — multiplies what's in memory n by the 55 El
followed inside parentheses. number in the display (result stays in memory). 56 Ml IBl
Qnv] [2nd | |iS3 n — divides what's in memory n by the - Begin statistical calculations by turning calcu 22 HH
-56 M Ml liBI
CLEARING: number in the display (result stays in memory). lator OFF and ON; or by pressing l|lwl l2ndl 111 . 23 53
60 M IBl
Turning your calculator OFF and ON clears it If you have only one set If you have two sets of 24 [Ml
FIX DECIMAL: [Ml 61 ms
completely. of data to analyze: data to analyze 25
61 M [SBRl
Lp£ 1 — clears last US — clears machine, To Set the Number of Decimal Places in the Display, • Enter each data point. simultaneously: 26 [Ml tin
except for press l2ndl UI1 n , where n is the desired number of • Press l2ndl B1 . Call the two sets of data M Ml M.1M 65 a
number entered -26
(if not followed by memories and digits to the right of the decimal point (0 to 8). • Repeat for all points. “x" and "y" arrays. 2nd] IBl 66 M ESI
an operation). program steps. Pressing FM 12nd | itM or Lind | im g removes the • Press L2ndl B to • Enter an'x'' data point. M Ml nn -66 M Ml m
-27 UHJ
UnS IH — clears the "t" 1 INV_ 12nd | HI _ clears fix on the decimal point. calculate the mean. ■ Press HE. IM KM 70 M IBIB
register (memory the display, and • Press l2"d| im to • Enter a "y" data point. 71 [RSfl
ANGLE MODE: • Press 12nd 1 OS -28 M M KSfl
7) only. all memories, but calculate the variance 75 EE
• Repeat for all points. 29 Ml 1TW
not program Your calculator is equipped to accept angle inputs, (with N weighting). _ 76 M ESI
steps. and to return angle calculation results, in 3 systems • Press IM Ml Its to -29 M M
• Press l2nd inj I r* I to
1 -76 M Ml ESI
of units: Degrees, Radians, and Grads. When first calculate the standard calculate the mean of 30 O
Isrol 80 M m
turned on, the calculator is always in Degree mode. the “x" data points. 32
POWERS AND ROOTS: deviation of the data M mm m
To raise a number (y) to To take the x,h root of a • Press 12nd 1 iiil to change to Radian mode. (with N weighting).
• Press l2r|d| E3 to
calculate the mean of
33 m -80
81 SZS
■ Press l2ndl liiEI to change to Grad mode. 34 [sum]
any power (x) number (y). ( y'y) ("N weighting" means
the “y" data points. 83 CD
■ Enter the number (y). • Enter the number (y). • Press MJ Iiil to change to Degree mode. that the total number -34 M IsUmI
■ Press Ml Mj E3 to 84 m
• Press E3 . • Press [Ml 23 . of data points is used 35 53
Be certain that your calculator is in the correct mode calculate the variance 85 [=]
• Enter the power (x). • Enter the root (x). in the calculation of -35 M S3
for the angular units you desire when performing of the "x" data points. 86 M DO
■ Press I — I (or other • Press I = I (or other the variance — this 36 Ml
any calculations involving angles, including: • Press [2dd| EZJ to 88 M B9
function key). function key). type of variance is Ml
• Trigonometric functions: l2ndI U , i2nd[ Eg _ calculate the variance 38
called a population M [Ml BS
CUSTOM MFD. IN USA FOR RADIO SHACK l2ndl Iiil , and their inverses. variance.) of the "y" data points, 39 M m -88
89 M B
(use i I key to calculate M M ■Hi
A DIVISION OF TANDY CORP.. FT. WORTH, TX. 76102 • Polar to Rectangular Conversion: l2ndl ISil , and -39 ■ini
-89 M Ml B
1019275-2 ©Copyright 1977 Texas Instruments Incorporated its inverse. standard deviation). 40 M im
Basic Programming Keys Program Decision-Making Subroutines: Calculator Key Program Codes
liRRl _ "Learn" Key eh — Decrement and Skip on Zero Key HIS n and l.'NVf |sbr| Key Sequences Rows No Minus S3 18 19
• Pressing this key once, puts calculator in "learn" Sequence 1 djjd] Code IS Sign UBS 13 3] 14 rFT?n
Ell i15c
mode — ready to remember up to 50 program Works together with memory zero. When l2nd) liftl To Create a Subroutine — just begin any series of
steps (numbered 00 to 49). Display switches to is encountered in a program: program steps you need to use repetitively with a
label. End the series of steps with an INVI mil key 2 EE9 26 HI 27 O 28 EH 29 EH 20
special format: 00 00. ■ First, the contents of memory zero are decreased
sequence. <No m 22 [*3 23 [/Li 24 |W] 25
• Pressing this key once again takes calculator out by one (Increased by one if the contents are Code)
of learn mode, calculator retains program steps. negative), To Use a Subroutine — Insert an lSBRl n Key (No
(Display reverts to the standard format). ■ If the result is NOT ZERO, the calculator proceeds 36 Code) 38 BifN 39 30
sequence in your program where n is the label
Iffsr I _ Reset Key to the step following |2nd| |ifn , (No 32 ® 33 34 E3 35
number of the subroutine.
Resets program pointer to first step (step 00), ■ If the result IS ZERO, the calculator SKIPS the step Code)
whether entered from the keyboard or encountered following l2ndl I cl , and continues. Editing Keys: (No
EEB 46 E3 Code) EH 48 El 49 El 40
as part of a program. (Also, clears Subroutine i!s.Tl — Single Step Key
Return register.)
INV |2ddj LU _ Decrement and Skip il not Zero Key S., ®12 nn 43 m 44 s 45
Sequence Steps through program steps one at a time. When
IR/sf — Run/Stop Key
used in "learn" mode, displays program key codes EH 56 EH 50
When encountered in a program:
m 07 CS 09 13 55
When out of learn mode, this is the start/stop key for 5 Hi 51
• First, the contents of memory zero are decreased sequentially- When used out of "learn" mode,
your program, if the program is stopped, pressing i'"i 60
by one (increased if the contents are negative). executes program one step at a time. | tsi 66
lR/sl starts it; if it's running, pressing fR/sl stops it.
• If the result is NOT ZERO, the calculator SKIPS the 6 mm 6i LD 04 E 05 cm 06 E 65
When lR/sl is inserted as part of a program (in lBSTl — Back Step Key
step following l|NVl 12nd I 1'ffl and continues.
learn mode) it will stop the program at that point.
• If the result IS ZERO, the calculator proceeds to the When used in "learn" mode, steps backwards ESI 76 EH 70
12nd I IHn
step following l2"d| ESI through a program one step at a time. 7 mg 7i □□ 01 mu 02 cm 03 E 75
While a program is running, encountering a Uni]
[*:11 — x exchange with t Key
To Write Over a Program Step: DO 86 ES 88 B 89 ES 30
um instruction causes the program to halt and Just get to the exact step number of a step you need 8IR/S] 81 cm 00 □H83 IE 84 3 85
display contents of the display register for Swaps what's in the display register with what's in to change, and (while in "learn" mode) key in the
about % of a second. the "t" or "test" register. (The t register is memory 7.) new instruction. It will replace the old one. Columns
12nd | Bill n — Label Key Sequence
The Conditional Transfer Test Key Sequences — 12nd | HjH — No Operation Key 1 2 3 4 5
Allows you to label up to 10 points in a program — n cause the calculator to compare the contents of
Can be used while in leam mode to blank out any (for
is from 0 to 9. (Labels cannot be used more than display (or ”x") register with what's in the test (or
program step with a null step. second
once within the same program.) "t") register, and ask one of the 4 questions below: functions)
IGTOj n _ Go to Label n Key Sequence 12nd | IH _ Insert Key Sequence
[2nd] rgl _ If the answer is YES, 6 7 8 9 0
Causes program pointer to immediately go to label To insert program steps, just get to the location at
Is x equal to t? program goes directly
n (n from 0 to 9), whether encountered as part of a which you'd like to add steps and press Had] DB
1INVI [2nd] E5J Is x not to step that follows key
program, or used from the keyboard. (while in 'Team" mode). That instruction, and all
equal to t? (x#t?) sequence. Display in “Learn" Mode
IGT0I [2nd] nn — Go to Step Number nn Key Sequence 12nd | isu Is x greater that follow it, will be moved down one step.
(nn from 00 to 49) — May be used when out of learn If the answer is NO,
mode only. Positions program pointer at step
than or equal to t?
program SKIPS step that
12nd | |S| — Delete Key Sequence 46 -39 6
[~dwl 12"d| BJ Is x less To delete program steps, just get to the location of ' use \
number nn. follows key sequence,
than t? (x<t?)
and continues. any step you'd like to delete, and (while in "learn"
Program Inverse \ Address
mode) press l2"d| EH . The instruction at that
Location Operation or Label
location will be deleted, and all those after it will be
"brought up" one location to fill the gap it leaves.