Sucrose Solution
Sucrose Solution
Sucrose Solution
Plant nematologists often dissolve 484.5 g nematode recovery. For example, if the vol-
sucrose in a liter of water for centrifugal ume of a sucrose solution with specific gravity
flotation of nematodes from soil or plant 1.14 is increased 10% by addition of wa-
material (3, 8). The specific gravity of this ter, the specific gravity only changes to 1.13.
solution is 1.14 (9, authors' determinations), In practical terms, therefore, the sucrose
not 1.18 (3). A solution with specific solutions with specific gravity 1.10-1.18 are
gravity 1.18 contains 673 g sucrose per liter suitable for flotation of nematodes from soil
of water or 475 g sucrose per liter of solution or plants. There is evidence that efficient
(9). extraction of certain nematodes from soil
The specific gravity of vermiform nema- requires a precise specific gravity of the
todes from soil or plants appears to be be- flotation solution (10) and extraction of
tween 1.04 and 1.09 (3, 6). This is con- cysts of Heterodera spp. from moist soil
siderably less than 1.14 and it is likely requires solutions with specific gravity 1.20
that nematodes have been extracted effi- or more (4, 5).
ciently with a solution of 484.5 g sucrose per Authors have specified the composition of
liter of water. In fact, Caveness and Jensen flotation solutions in various ways; by stating
(3) found sucrose solutions with specific the specific gravity, by describing the solu-
gravity as low as 1.10 satisfactory for separa- tion as x% ( w / v ) , or by stating the solution
tion of nematodes by centrifugal flotation. contained x g sucrose per liter. Sometimes
Of 570 Ditylenchus dipsaci (Ktihn) added it has not been clear whether a solution con-
to soil, we recovered 291, 289, and 264 tained x g sucrose per liter water or x g
using sucrose solutions with specific gravity sucrose per liter solution. We suggest that
1.10, 1.14, or 1.18, respectively, and using flotation solutions be described as containing
procedures specified by Caveness and Jensen x g sucrose added to one liter of water, i.e.,
(3). Solutions with specific gravity 1.05 on a molal basis, because this is unambiguous
yielded only 162 D. dipsaci. Other authors and leads to the simplest and most practical
report satisfactory results with 1.0 M sucrose way of preparing these solutions. Molar
(2) and with which is 454 g sucrose per liter solutions are slightly more laborious to pre-
of water (1, 7); both solutions have a spe- pare, in that the solute must be dissolved
cific gravity close to 1.13 (9). uniformly and completely in the appropriate
It is unlikely that water in soil or in ma- volume of solution, rather than in the ap-
terial screened from soil sufficiently dilutes propriate volume of solvent. If necessary,
the sucrose solutions to affect the efficiency of the specific gravity or molarity of flotation
solutions prepared on a molal basis can also
Received for publication 29 May 1969.
be stated, or obtained by direct measurement
1 Department of Plant Pathology, Cornell University,
Ithaca, N. Y. 14850. or by reference to standard tables (9).