Financial Stewardship (Revised)
Financial Stewardship (Revised)
Financial Stewardship (Revised)
This teaching is given to all new members one month after the Covenant Orientation. It is
recommended that this session be held in lieu of regular household meetings for that particular
Important points
1. This is the time we formally teach our members about tithing and financial support for the
work of CFC.
2. The whole tone of the presentation, both the talk and when answering questions, is one of
encouragement for our members to better appreciate the vision and mission of CFC and the
place of money in that work.
3. In case it is not asked, we should say something about the practical aspects of giving in
their contributions--how, when, where, etc.
4. We end by encouraging all present to start the practice of making contributions to CFC. It
may be a tithe or less. But every amount, no matter how small, counts.
5. We should have a tithe table. Thus those present can immediately put the teaching into
A. Introduction.
1. Last month we learned about our Christian culture in CFC. Among the various
expressions of such culture in CFC is the whole area of Christian finance. We now want
to take a closer look at our Christian responsibility in this area.
Our Lord Jesus Christ wants all the dimensions of our lives, including our financial
responsibilities and finances to be directed and guided by the Holy Spirit.
2. There are three basic ways we use our finances in the Lord:
The above three ways will be expounded further later in the talk.
a) God created everything. And everything—the heavens, the earth, and all that
they contain—belongs to God. God is the owner of everything without
exception. This includes what we normally call our own: our house, our car,
our clothes, our investments, and our money.
b) Psalm 24:1 – “The Lord’s are the earth and its fullness; the world and those
who dwell in it”
c) Haggai 2:8 – “Mine is the silver and mine the gold, says the Lord of hosts.”
a) Steward: One definition states that a STEWARD is a person who MANAGES the
affairs of a household or an estate FOR THE OWNER.
a) Proverbs 10:22 – “It is the Lord’s blessings that brings wealth, and no efforts can
substitute for it”.
b) Without God’s blessings, we would not have the good things we have.
c) 1 Cor. 4:7 – “Name something you have that you have not received. If then, you
have received it, why are you boasting as if it were your own?
d) Our minds, our education, business opportunities, all are ours only by God’s
e) Sirach 11:14 – “Poverty and riches are from the Lord”.
4. We should use our finances (wealth and possessions) to glorify God and participate in
the spread of His Kingdom.
1. Definition – almsgiving means giving money or goods to the needy and poor
both in and out of one’s community. Alms are given over and above tithes (not
to be deducted from one’s tithe).
3. Usually the needs of the members are met through resource sharing; i.e.
interest-free loans. However, there are times when members in need clearly do
not have the capability to repay a loan. In such situations, the best way to serve
them could be outright alms.
1. Definition – resource sharing means sharing our material resources to meet the
specific needs of our brothers and sisters (i.e. use of car, accommodating
brethren to stay in their house, lending money interest free) and for the poor.
Resource sharing is also given over and above the tithe.
2. However, direct loans between members are discouraged. Many times when a
borrower is unable to pay a loan, personal relationships are disturbed or even
damaged. To preserve peace, unity and good order in the body, such direct
financial lending is to be avoided. The COOPS FOR CHRIST is the answer to
this concern. All members are encouraged to join the cooperative and avail of
the financial services it gives to the members.
3. With CFC’s work for Total Human Liberation, resource sharing can also be done
through the following:
“No one is too poor that he has nothing to give”. The spirit of G.K. is about
sacrifice, which institutionalises the giving of resources and exemplifies the
culture of sharing.
b) GK Sponsorships.
1. TATAG - sponsorship for houses.
2. SIBOL - sponsorship for children in pre-school (3-6 years
3. SAGIP - sponsorship for children in grade school (7-12
years old)
4. SIGA - sponsorship
or youth education and rehabilitation.
5. GK Site Development.
6. Medical Operations.
7. Gawad Kalusugan (GK Health program)
8. Livelihood/Micro Credit.
9. Administrative costs.
Every adult member in the Philippines will be asked to give P100.00 a year,
every year. This will be over and above their tithing and almsgiving. With a
minimal amount, affordable by all members, the JMDF will be a potent
element in furthering our mission in this third millennium.
1. Definition
* The tithe consists of ten percent (10%) of an individual’s income after taxes from
whatever legal source, i.e. wages, rents, investments, business, etc.
* The tithe is given to the immediate body of Christ of which one is a part, and
where one draws support for one’s Christian life.
* It is given to support the work of the Lord.
In CFC, your tithes will be used for: Evangelization, members' formation, leaders
training, community activities, administrative expenses, printing of our
newsletter UGNAYAN and other expenses related to the worldwide work of CFC. .
a) We rob God if we don't tithe. Simply because the money is His in the
first place and He's just asking us to turn over 10% of His own money.
3. Tithing is not part of our covenant in CFC. But it is certainly an essential part of
our life as a growing Christian.
a) Our stewardship.
* Do we accept that everything belongs to God and we are merely
b) Our gratitude.
* Do we acknowledge that whatever good things we have comes
from God?
c) Our priorities.
* Is God and His Kingdom first in our lives, even before our own
d) Our faith.
* Do we believe that as we put God first, He will provide whatever
we need in life?
* Read Mt 6:19-34.
e) Our conversion.
* How have we grown in Christian generosity, in selflessness, in
simplicity of lifestyle, in detachment, etc.
4. Let us not lose the proper perspective.
a) It is important to give not because of the need for our money, but
because it is just the right thing to do.
* In fact, while we see that God's work needs money, God Himself
does not! He owns the universe.
* The practical need for money is just His way of giving us the
privilege of being His co-workers in Kingdom-building.
b) Focus not so much on the 10%, but on the 90% we keep for ourselves!
b) In Malachi, God promises that He will open the floodgates. God will not
only provide, but He will be very generous.
Giving our financial support to the work of CFC is an expression of gratitude to God. If
we love God, we need to love our neighbors as well. Giving back to God part of His gift
to us is a reflection of our concern for others. It also indicates the condition of our
hearts and the extent of our conversion in the Lord. Matthew 6:21 says, “Remember,
where your treasure is, there your heart is also”