Paper in English

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Loyola, Adrian Kyle B 11 Nov 18

CBA/BSBAA Discussion Paper

2018-01178 ENG 13 THW5

Ways of Seeing

The reading lays out the two sexes: male and female, and their power relations as depicted in art, which

I believe is the reflection of society. The woman is seen as the object viewed by men. It is established that men

hold power, even in their portrayal in art. When men appear in art, they are dependent on the fact that their

portrayal would mean power. They have a direct relation to power, thus holding it against women, for when

these women appear, they are dependent on how men view them. Women are assigned as the “viewed”

One art form I can think of, although this may cause contention to others, is pornography, especially

concerning women. For some, it can be argued that pornography liberates women from their conservative roles,

that because of porn, they can freely express their desires and fantasies; however, it can also be argued that the

porn industry actually oppresses women further, by forcing them in roles that fulfill the male’s fantasies, taking

into consideration that the porn industry objectifies women, and turns them into commodities for the

entertainment of men.

In a Netflix documentary titled, “Hot Girls Wanted”, the lives of girls who venture into the porn

industry are looked at and examined. Some producers confess that a woman in the industry is disposable. She

will only star in a few adult films before men get tired of her, unless she becomes a breakout star. Women who

venture into the industry also stated that for money and for the entertainment of men, they were forced to

undergo sexual and degrading acts. What this documentary shows is how women are objectified by men for


For those who consider pornography as an art form, then it truly mimics the subjugation of women in

art. Their position is an object in the scene. They are the ones viewed by men, who wield the power. In this

case, the men control the porn industry, and women are used to fulfill the sexual fantasies of men. Men are the

viewers, and women are the viewed.

Word count: 346

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