G11 Elsc

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Learning act 1-2 90/100

When was the universe and solar system formed?

Select one:
b. 4.6 billion years ago

The Steady State Theory predicts that the universe is expanding, but it also predicts that new
matter is being created enough to fill the empty spaces left behind by the expansion of the

Which is never found in granites?

Select one:
a. Diamonds

The building block of silicate materials are what shape?

Select one:
a. Square
b. Hexagonal
c. Tetrahedral
d. Polygonal

The atmosphere is divided into 3 layers according to altitude.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

What kind of stressors on the rock cause faults?

Select one:
a. Internal
b. Physical
c. External
d. Chemical

The mantle has the following subdivisions, except:

Select one:
a. Middle
b. Upper
c. Transitional
d. Lower

The Mohorovicic discontinuity or the Moho is the lower boundary that separates the mantle
from the core.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

How many groups of silicate materials are there?

Select one:
a. 7
b. 10
c. 6
d. 8

The photosynthesis of bacteria does not produce oxygen.

Select one:

Simple organic compounds are called

Select one:
a. Tetramers
b. Dimers
c. Polymers
d. Monomers

What are the most dangerous types of liquefaction?

Select one:
a. Simple Liquefaction
b. Earth lateral spreads
c. Complex Liquefaction
d. Rapid earth flows

The following are stages of the ocean basin evolution, except

Select one:
a. Mature
b. Metamorphism
c. Declining
d. Embryonic

These two planets are cool because they are farther from the sun.

Select one:
a. Saturn and Jupiter
b. Saturn and Mars
c. Saturn and Pluto
d. Mars and Pluto

In the beginning, there were no silicates in the center of the earth

Select one:

What is the registered number on the Richter Scale at which and beyond which surface
faulting occurs?

Select one:
a. 3.2
b. 5.5
c. 4.3
d. 6.4

Flood education comprises capacity development.

Select one:

The geosphere, also called the lithosphere, is made up of the physical earth, such as rocks,
magma, and soil.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

The outer core is made up of liquid iron, nickel, sulfur, and magnesium

Select one:

The depressions on the surface of the earth is where water accummulated.

Select one:

What causes the formation of new seafloor?

Select one:
a. Chemical decomposition
b. Weathering
c. Volcanic activity
d. Basaltic magma

Volcanic Eruptionsare the spewing forth of lava from active volcanoes.

It is the large-scale study of DNA sequences.

Select one:
a. Nucleics
b. Proteomics
c. Genomics
d. Genetics

Cyclones are termed as such when their winds equal or exceed

Select one:
a. tropical force
b. water force
c. gale force
d. air force

The deformation of the earth's crust is due to the movement of ocean sediments

Select one:
a. False
b. True

In the simplest case, a living organism is a cell.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Does the mantle undergo convection

Select one:

The universe is estimated to be how many billions of years old?:

Select one:
a. 60 billion
b. 15 billion
c. 78 billion
d. 17 billion

Eukaryotic cells lack a nucleus.

Select one:
This is where the energy from light is converted to chemical energy.

Select one:
a. Cytoplasm
b. Chlorophyll
c. Cytoskeleton
d. Reaction center

Is the creation of the earth thought to be linked to the creation of the sun?:

Select one:
a. No
b. Yes

The Moho is also known as? :

Select one:
a. Mohoravicis discontinuity
b. Mohoravisik discontinuity
c. Mohoravisis discontinuity
d. Mohorivicic discontinuity

The plasma theory observed that ____ of matter is made up of plasma.:

Select one:
a. 90%
b. 70%
c. 99%
d. 80%

It was ________ who stated that the universe is still expanding :

Select one:
a. Edward Hubble
b. C. Fred Hoyle
c. Albert Einstein
d. Isaac Newton

What are the two types of crust?:

Select one:
a. Oceanic crust and volcaninc crust
b. Continnental crust and volcanic crust
c. Continental crust and oceanic crust

These structures produce proteins in cells.

Select one:

a. Ribosomes ^

b. Mitochondria

c. Cytoplasm

d. Vacuoles

In sclarifiform conjugation, two filaments connect with each other through a penis.

Select one:


How many kilometers deep is the mantle? :

Select one:

a. 2,900 km

b. 4,567 km

c. 3,980 km

d. 5,600 km

These are special reproductive units that form on ptrerydophites.

Select one:

a. Fruits

b. Outgrowths

c. Spores

d. Buds

The determination of sex in plants is not determined by its chromosomes.

Select one:



Four pollen sacs are known as

Select one:

a. Spores

b. Microsporagia

c. Gametes

d. Zygotes

DNA strands always go from 5' to 3'.

Select one:



The mantle is denser than the core. :

Select one:

a. Yes

b. No

The plant's chloroplasts contain this

Select one:

a. Cell membrane

b. Organelles

c. Pyrenoids

d. Cytoplasm

These are the two types of chlorophyll in plants.

Select one:

a. Chl b and Chl d

b. Chl a and Chl b

c. Chl c and Chl b

d. Chl a and Chl c

The thermosphere is how many km above the earth?:

Select one:

a. 40

b. 90

c. 50

d. 60

This is the term for one gene copy

Select one:

a. Allele

b. Sperm

c. Chromosome

d. Gene

Some cells do not arise from pre-existing cells.

Select one:



The most abundant element in the crust is? :

Select one:

a. Oxygen

b. Potassium

c. Calcium

d. Iron

The dust in the atmosphere is not a part of the geosphere :

Select one:

a. Yes

b. No

Eukaryotic cells lack a nucleus.

Select one:



Traits carried by dominant genes are expressed in the offspring's phenotype

Select one:


tornadoIt is a rotary storm that appears as a whirling and advancing funnel of wind extending downward
from a cloud

Vacuoles These are single-membrane bound sacs that are present in cytoplasm.
Groud shaking, or ground motion, is the primary cause of the partial or total collapse of
structures on the surface of the earth.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

These are all artificial methods of vegetative reproduction, except

Select one:

a. Layering

b. Aerial layering

c. Cutting

d. Budding

Paleomagnetismthe process by which the magnetic fields of the earth move.

The sequences in this determine the sequence of amino acids in proteins.

Select one:

a. tRNA

b. rRNA

c. mRNA

d. DNA

Saltwater intrusion It is the movement of salt water, or saline water into freshwater

It is the basic unit of life structure and function.

Select one:

a. tissue

b. organ

c. cell

d. kingdom

ENDOGENIC PROCESS are processes that occurred from inside the Earth.
This is another term for the flower's stalk.

Select one:
a. Stem
b. Thalamus
c. Pistillate
d. Carpel
The ___________ is located underneath the lithosphere, and is composed of semi-solid,
hot material, which flows and softens after being subjected to high pressure and

Select one:
a. biosphere
b. hydrosphere
c. asthenosphere
d. atmosphere

DNA is short for

Select one:
a. dioxirebonucleic acid
b. deoxyribonucleic acid
c. dioxide nucleic acid
d. deoxireibonucleic acid
The atmosphere of the earth is stratified, which means that it is made up of mainly oxygen
and hydrogen.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

Exogenic Processes These are geological processes that took place outside the earth.
Metamorphic rocks are the starting points in the rock cycle.

Select one:
a. True
b. False
If a pea has Yy alleles, it will become yellow.

Select one:
These plants live for two seasons.

Select one:
a. Perennials
b. Monocarpic
c. Annuals
d. Biennials
Biological processes regulate themselves through a mechanism called

Select one:
a. feedback regulation
b. system biology
c. reductionism
d. ecosystem
This may induce the formation of functional female flowers on male plants

Select one:
a. Auxin
b. Gerlin
c. Ghibberellin
d. Alcohol

When molecules collide, heat forms. :

Select one:
a. No
b. Yes

As radioactive materials decayed, they emited what?:

Select one:
a. Gas
b. Cold
c. Heat
d. Solids
Traits inherited as pairs are termed as

Select one:
a. Chromatin
b. Linked genes
c. Chromosoms
d. Recombinant genes

Cnidaria use sexual means of reproduction.

Select one:
Pyroclastic phenomena are masses of hot, dry pyroclastic material built into masses.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
What year did Edward Hubble hypothesize that planets and stars are still moving far away
from each other? :

Select one:
a. 1967
b. 1945
c. 1929
d. 1980

Plate Tectonic Theory the theory that states that the outer shell of the earth is
divided into several plates that move over the mantle.

Wave periodIt refers to the number of waves that occur in a given period of time.

Robert Hooke is the scientist that coined the term "cell" that he used to designate the small,
honey-comb like structures that he was able to view on a cork bottle.

Select one:
a. False
b. True

The following are types of flood except for one.

Select one:
a. glacial lake outburst flood
b. urban flood
c. all are types of flood
d. ice jams

The DNA is a polymer composed of four nucleic acid bases: adenine (A), guanine G),
cytosine (C), and thymine (T).

Select one:
a. False
b. True
In what section of the atmosphere do space shuttles orbit? :

Select one:
a. Thermosphere
b. Troposphere
c. Tropopause
d. Mesosphere

It is the study of proteins and their properties.

Select one:
a. Genetics
b. Systems biology
c. Genomics
d. Proteomics
It refers to organisms that are capable of synthesizing its own food using light or chemical

Select one:
a. Chemiosmotic
b. Thermophilic
c. Heterotrophic
d. Autotrophic
According to the Big Bang Theory, all the matter found in the universe today was found in a
small space, a tiny contact point.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
These refer to organisms that are using energy from sunlight or inorganic compounds to
produce organic compounds.

Select one:
a. Autotrophic
b. Chemiosmotic
c. Heterotrophic
d. Thermophilic
Sedimentary rocks are classified into three types: clastic, chemical, and biogenic.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
The atmosphere protects the earth from what?

Select one:
a. Meteors
b. Solar Rays
c. Cold
d. Winds
The Steady State Theory was introduced by

Select one:
a. Edward Hubblr
b. Arthur Holmes
c. Fred Hoyle
d. Alfred Wegener
The fireball that was ejected approached the speed of? :

Select one:
a. Comets
b. Light
c. matter
d. Energy

Genesare basic units of inheritance that transmits the genetic information from parents to

The plasma theory states that the earth is crossed by electric currents and?

Select one:
a. Poles
b. Electromagnetic Fields
c. Sun rays
d. Water
It is the study of transformation of energy in all living things.

Select one:
a. Anoxygenic
b. Bioenergetics
c. Biology
d. Osmosis
In the 1920s, Aleksandr I. Oparin fathered the notion that the origin of life has unfolded
based on the physiochemical processes that occur on earth.

Select one:
a. True
b. False

The depressions on the surface of the earth is where water acummulated. :

Select one:
a. No
b. Yes
Spirogyra are considered angiosperms.

Select one:
The chroloplast of Chlamydomonas contains

Select one:
a. Nucleoids
b. Chlorophyll
c. Pyrenoids
d. Nucleus
RibosomesThese are granular, nonmembraneous structures that produce proteins inside the

The geosphere is the layer that protects the earth from solar rays.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
These are hairlike outgrowths of the shoot epidermis.

Select one:
a. Stems
b. Roots
c. Trichomes
d. Plasmodesmata
The pH of the esophagus is acidic.

Select one:
Enzymatic hydrolysis is an example of mechanical digestion.

Select one:
a. False
b. True
These are stages in digestion, except

Select one:
a. Ingestion
b. Absorption
c. elimination
d. Transport
The food in the alimentary canal can move in only one direction.

Select one:
The appendix is necessary for immunity.

Select one:
Bacterial protein transcription utilizes what kind of subunits

These are circular DNA molecules


The purpose of Mouth is to break down food into smaller particles to increase the surface area for
chemical digestion

Restriction enzymes occur naturally in bacteria


Chylomicrons are


Panthothenic acid is also known as vitamin b6


How many types of amino acids do animals require for protein systhesis?


Bile is stored and concentrated where?


When fewer calories are taken in than is required, glycogen is hydrolyzed


All animals complete their digestion extracellularly

Water can evaporate thorugh stomata


Bile salts act as


Who contented that suffering is caused be the explosion of populations accompanied by limited

=Thomas malthus

Mrna is not essential for DNA transcription and translation


Bacteria in the large intestine can produce folic acid


Natural selection involves the evolution of individuals


Eukaryotic genes contain exons and intons


HIV is an examples of a virus that can completely be eradicated using medications


Pinocytosis is also known as cell eating

Saliva is secreted through


The transfer of alleles into or out of a population is called

=gene flow

Lateral roots develop from the root cortex


Silencer genes halt the transcription of DNA


The xylem vascular tissue system transports sugars and carbohydrates


These are sources of nitrogen, except:


Fructose moves by passive transport into the epithelial cells of the small intestine


When did Darwin embark on the SS Beagle?

Amylase hydrolyzes starch


This is the protective tissue layer in woody plants


The outer protective layer of the plant is the

=dermal tissue system

Parenchyma cells have secondary walls that help them retain their structure


This is considered the ecology of individuals organisms and populations


Stems may also be photosynthetic


Most of the fruit we eat are composed of what type of cells


Another term for the leaf’s stake is

Which of these is a thin, tubular extension of a root epidermal cell?

=root hair

This makes the walls of secondary xylem hard


The classification of predators as carnivores that consume herbivores is


Mature sclerenchyma cells cannot elongate


Water moves through vessel elements through


The urey miller experiment lay the groundwork for the systhesis of photosynthetic materials


Sedimentary rocks are classified as what types of rocks


In monocots, the embryonic root persists

All these comprise the cell membrane except


There is a main root larger than other in monocots


The two main pillars crucial for maintaining life include


The fission of cells In unicellular organisms may be multiple or binary


These are all mistaken for roots but are actually stems except

=embryonic roots

Bile destroys these cells when the are no longer functional

=red blood cells

These cells regulate the opening and closing of the stomata

=guard cells

These are all macronutrients except

Adventitious roots can grow from leaves


The purpose of scintillation counter is to count the amount of nucleic acids presents

These are the two types of interspecific competition

=symmetric and asymmetric

The spongy mesophyll is located above the palisade mesophyll


Evolution moves towards order


Trichomes function as true roots


Phenotype refers to an organisms genetic make up


The xylem transports water from the roots to the stem


What are pharyngeal pouches?

=neck pouches
This type of transformation involves the insertion of viral fenomes into the host genome


The stomata allow the uptake of this gas.

-Carbon dioxide

Enzymes that catalyze reactions will perish at temperatures below 250 K


Calcium chloride is used in DNA insertion.


The spongy mesophyll fills with oxygen and carbon dioxide.


Who advocated for catastrophism?


Nucleic acids are polyionic at neutral pH


How many phalanges do we have?


All plants have secondary growth.


The chances of survival of organisms is maximized when they cooperate

with one another.

These cells have thin and flexible walls and lack a secondary wall.

Artificial selection occurs when we breed dogs for a certain length of

coat or certain height.

Microbes that become resistant to an antibiotic are an example of


The cuticle, or the wax, functions to protect against insects and


Who developed the binomial naming of species?


These cells are fibrous.


Generation internal is inversely proportional to genetic gain.


Who found that the body size of the organism can be controlled by
controlling the biomass at each trophic level?

Gene stacking is the presence of more than one gene in more than one
This secretes polysaccharides to protect the young part of the plant.
-Root cap

If a cat always eats the white colored mouse, then there brown colored
mouse will increse in number.

According to fossil records, these evolved from land vertebrates as well.


A snake's pelvis is an example of a vestigial structure.


Nucleic acids are recovered through


These organisms can capture energy without light.


Direct reciprocity occurs when two organisms gain from helping each

This is where the lateral roots originate from.


The energy flow of the ecosystem starts with its primary producers.

The Continental Drift theory provides evidence for evolution.


Lateral roots are also known as

According to Darwin's theory, individuals can evolve.

These are all heterozygous genes, except


The enzyme method is also known as the Maxam-Gilbert Method.


This can form a lateral shoot

-Axillary bud

The vascular cambium in woody plants consists of a layer of this type of


The Phelloderm is a thin layer of this type of cells.


PAGE is suitable for RNA sequencing


An ecosystem must have an ecosystem and a nutrient biochemical

recycling system.

The guard cells function to control the opening and closing of the

There must be a balance between order and entropy.

Who was the first one to propose a mechanism for evolution?

Absorbance is measured at
-260 nm

Indirect reciprocity occurs when a species is likely to help another due to


Carrots have fibrous roots


Intraspecific competition is competition between two individuals from

different species.

What can be used to further digest DNA after deproteinization?


Who coined the term "ecology"?


The xylem and phloem in stems and leaves are collectively called a

These have features of both plasmids and bacteriophages.


What is the ratio used for the precipitation of nucleic acids?


An organism is said to be homozygous if it carries two of the same


These cells share their nucleus with seive tube elements.

-Companion cell

How many reactions are there in the Sanger-Coulson method?


You can a leaf belongs to a _____ because it has parallel veins.

- Monocot

Point mutations will always be harmful.


The vascular cambium can store water as well aid in wound repair and store carbohydrates.


When primary producers capture solar energy and produce complex molecules, this is known as


Apical meristems are located at the stems of plants.


These are all mechanisms which cause microevolution, except


A260/280 for pure RNA shoul be


Group selection is natural selection at the group level


Two different species can occupy the same niche.


Ecosystem ecology is the implementation of


What is the percentage of energy that is passed on to primary consumers?


If a G gene codes for green eyes and a g gene codes for blue eyes, and G is dominant, then a girl
with Gg genes will have green eyes.


Where did Lindeman study the ecosystem concept?

-Cedar Bog Lake in Wisconsin.

"Multiple feeding pathways" mean that there are organisms that feed from each trophic level.


Phosohorous-32 is a medium-energy emitter


These cells function in photosynthesis


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