Gen Ed

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The use of product containing ______ is

discouraged because they contribute to the depletion
Multiple Choices: of_____.
a. Chlorofluorocarbon-solar radiation
1. These are living things that use sunlight, b. Gas-ozone layer
chlorophyll, water and carbon dioxide to produce c. Ozone layer air
food. d. Chlorofluorocarbon-ozone layer
a. Autotrophs c. Heterotrophs
b. Consumers d. Food chain 11. What causes high and low tides?
a. Earth’s rotation on its axis
2. It is describe as the lifeline of the body. IT is the b. Moon’s gravitational pull
body’s “pickup” and delivery system.” c. Sun’s solar energy
a. Blood c. circulatory system d. Earth’s gravitational pull
b. nervous system d. heart
12. How is coral a tool formed?
3. It carries the oxygen-rich blood to the head, arms, a. Volcanic eruption
and chest and down to the waist and the legs. b. Corals growing around a volcanic island
a. heart c. aorta c. Underwater bedrock formations
b. ventricles d. arteries d. Earthquake

4. They are the transmitters of message from the 13. What is a long shore drift?
different parts of the body to the brain and vice a. Movement of sand and shingles along the coast
versa. b. Sand bars
a. spinal cord c. brain c. Accumulation of sad at the river mouth
b. neurons or nerve cells d. arteries d. Island formed by volcanic eruptions

5. Which part of the brain controls the following 14. How does an occlusion form?
activities: breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, a. Cold air moving up from the ground
alertness? b. Cold front pushing warm air up of the ground
a. brainstem c. cerebrum c. Unbalance electrical reaction in the air
b. hypothalamus d. spinal cord d. Cold and warm air mixing in the atmosphere

6. Refers to a sequence of organism in a community 15. What is a eat haze?

that constitutes a feeding chain. a. A reflection caused by pollutants in the air
a. photosynthesis c. consumers b. A distorted image resulting from the bending o
b. ecosystem d. food chain sun’s light rays by changes in air temperature
c. A movement o warm air over a vast expanse of land
7. Is a group of interacting plants, animals and human d. Caused by extremely high temperature common in
in a particular area? dessert areas
a. ecological community c. living organism
b. environment d. food chain 16. What sort of rock formation do the world’s
greatest mountain ranges consist of?
8. Excessive presence of carbon dioxide in the air, a. Magma c. Fold eruptions
trapping heat near the earth’s surface causing a rise b. Chalk deposit d. Slip formation
in temperature in the environment.
a. El Nino c. Deforestation 17. What is the fore that wears down mountains?
b. “Greenhouse Effect” d. Weather disturbance a. Earthquake c. Volcanic eruptions
b. Erosion d. Deforestation
9. The Earth’s shield against sun’s harmful radiation.
a. Atmosphere c. Ozone layer 18. How are volcanic island formed?
b. Air d. Forest a. Collision of two oceanic plates
b. Cooling of lava by seawater
c. Volcanic eruptions
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d. Accumulation of corals b. Parthenogenesis d. Mitochondria

19. When the Theory of plate Tectonics was generally 30. Which of the following is a source of energy
accepted? needed for photosynthesis?
a. 1900’s c. 1950’s a. Water c. Light
b. 1930’s d. 1980’s b. Soil d. Fertilizer

20. The weathering away of rocks by water, wind and 31. Chemistry is primarily concerned with the
ice. composition and changes of?
a. Denudation c. Volcanic rock a. Nature c. Man
b. Erosion d. Metamorphic rock b. Matter d. Earth

21. How do hormones work? 32. A scientific theory is

a. By releasing adrenaline a. A hypothesis not yet subjected to experimental
b. By controlling cell chemistry test
c. By regulating water loss b. An idea that correctly predict the result
d. By controlling blood pressure c. An imagination
d. A guess
22. Name the male and female sex hormones
a. Sperm cell & Ovum c. Chromosomes 33. Which of the following units of measure is
b. Testosterone d. Red & white blood cells equivalent to cubic centimeter?
a. Milligram c. Millimeter
23. The unit of measurement of energy in a given an b. Milliliter d. Centiliter
mount of food
a. Pound c. Olfactory system 34. Which of the following is NOT a compound?
b. Kilo d. calorie a. acetic acid c. magnesium
b. alcohol d. Zinc Oxide
24. Nitrogen compounds known as the building
blocks of proteins 35. The easier the atom to receive electrons is
measured by its?
25. The growth of roots towards water is an example a. Elecrtonegativity c. Number of shells
of? b. Atomic radius d. Valence electrons
a. Chemotropism c. Hydrotropism
b. Geotropism d. Phototropism 36. The willingness o an atom to receive electron is
measured by its?
26. DNA means a. Electronegativity c. Atomic size
a. Data nurturing analysis c. Deoxyribonucleic acid b. Ionization potential d. Electron affinity
b. Deoxytribonucleic acid d. Deotrixyl nucleic acid
37. A molecule is said to be polar or dipole if?
27. What are the three products of oxygen when it a. Its positive and negative charges are at different
has been burned? places
a. Water, carbon dioxide and air b. It possesses polar bonds
b. Energy, water and carbon dioxide c. Its’ polar bond have unsymmetrical charge
c. Energy, carbon and oxide distribution
d. Energy, air and water d. All of the above

28. In flowering plants, fertilization happens in the? 38. Which of the following is NOT a physical property
a. Pollen tube c. Ovules of water?
b. Stamen d. Pollen grain a. freezing point at 0 degree C
b. boiling point at 100 degrees C
29. The development of egg without fertilization c. its’ heat of fusion at 80 cal/g.
a. Mitosis c. Spermatogenesis d. its’ density at 4 degrees at 1 lb/cu. Ft

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39. Which of the following statements is true? b. Kinetic Theory of Matter
a. Molecular weight does not influence boiling and c. Law of Conservation Energy
melting point of a substance d. None of the above
b. Boiling and melting point tend to increase with
molecular weight 48. This law states that matter is made up of a large
c. Boiling and melting point tend to decrease with number of molecules which are in continuous motion
molecular weight a. Boyles’s Law c. Law of Conservation Energy
d. None o the above b. Kinetic Theory d. None of the above

40. A Mole is the amount of substance or a mass of a 49. The lowest possible temperature that a substance
substance that contains? can reach
a. 6.02 x 1023 particles c. 6.02 x 1023 particles a. Freezing point c. Steam point
b. 60.2 x 1023 particles d. 60.2x 1023 particles b. Absolute Zero d. Threshold

41. It is the measure of the amount of matter in an 50. It is the amount of heat required to raise the
object temperature of kg. of a substance by degree C
a. Weight c. Volume a. Calorie c. Specific heat capacity
b. Mass d. Quantity b. Watt d. Joule

42. It is the distance traveled by the body per unit 51. The relationship of give-and-take of living
time and tell how fast or slow the body moves organism in the biosphere is a balance of nature
a. Velocity c. Acceleration called________.
b. Speed d. None of the above a. universal relationship
b. symbiotic relationship
43. The rate of change of the distance traveled per c. spontaneous relationship
unit time in a stated direction d. abiogenetic relationship
a. Velocity c. Acceleration
b. Speed d. None of the above 52. Process of removing excess odor in water.
a. sedimentation c. distillation
44. This law states that the force acting upon an b. chlorination d. aeration
object is equal to the product o the mass and
acceleration of the object 53. Which of the following statement is CORRECT?
a. Newton’s 2nd law of motion a. As altitude increases, atmospheric pressures
b. Newton’s 3rd law of motion corresponding
c. Newton’s 1st law of motion b. Throughout the available space, gas tends to
d. None of the amount contract
c. Equal chances are always given to all in life
45. When a force is applied to a body, several effects d. Shadow is formed when a colored object is
are possible. Which one of the following effect CAN”T projected against the wall
a. the body rotates 54. The earth rotates on its axis from west to east.
b. the body changes direction This causes the sun to _______?
c. the body increase its mass a. appear with a fiery orange color
d. the body changes shape b. cause the appearance of solar eclipse
c. rise room the east and sets in the west
46. It is the reluctance of the object to change either d. emit solar radiation
its’ state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line
a. Force c. Inertia 55. One of these planets has the greatest gravitational
b. Friction d. Motion pull. Which one is it?
a. Mars b. Earth c. Mercury d. Jupiter
47. This law states that energy cannot be created nor
destroyed but only changes from one form to another 56. It is the law which explains why one can pull a
a. Energy law piece without topping a glass in a quick motion.
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a. energy in motion c. law of inertia d. Part of universal design
b. gravity d. force
57. Which of the following is NOT a source of energy? 68. What does the word “monsoon” mean?
a. water c. geothermal heat a. Moon will soon come c. Seasons
b. nuclear d. inertia at rest b. Rains d. Wet weather

58. Which instrument will one use to convert 69. Its’ discovery enable geologist to date rocks
mechanical energy to electrical energy? accurately
a. rotor b. generator c. motor d. circuit a. layering c. Radioactivity
b. Evolutionary staging d. Carbon-dating
59. Sun’s energy is generated by?
a. nuclear fission 70. It occurs when the earth is between the sun and
b. sun enacting with gravity the moon, with the earth’s shadow cast over the
c. nuclear fusion reaction moon.
d. reaction with magnetic field a. Total eclipse c. Eclipse
b. Lunar eclipse d. Partial Eclipse
60. Application of energy is called _______?
a. work c. kinetics 71. Male and female reproductive part of a flower
b. inertia d. simulation a. Pollen grains and ovules c. Pollen grains and pistil
b. Stamen and pistil d. Stamen and ovules
61. The falling of any form of water from the air to
the earth’s surface 72. In the human body, the cell that most nearly
a. Condensation c. Water vapor resembles a one-celled animals
b. Precipitation d. Rainwater a. Red Blood cell c. Nerve cell
b. White Blood cell d. Antibodies
62. The part of the atmosphere that filters the
ultraviolet rays of the sun 73. The main energy source of a plant-eating animals
a. stratosphere c. Ozone layer a. Glucose b. Starch c. Cellulose d. Glycogen
b. Troposphere d. Ionosphere
74. These are cellular secretions which help regulate
63. The point in the earth’s orbit nearest to the sun the breakdown and buildup of various substance in
a. Solstice c. Aphelion the body
b. Eclipse d. Perihelion a. Enzymes c. Plasma
b. Amino Acids d. Hormones
64. A property of minerals which gives off rays of
light when exposed to ultraviolet light. 75. It is the energy source of the cell which it uses for
a. Luminescence c. Radiation growing, reproducing and other activities
b. Phosphorescence d. Fluorescence a. Adenosine Triphosphate c. Chloroplast
b. Amino Acids d. Sunlight
65. Which process involves chemical weathering?
a. Carbonation c. Hydration 76. It is a segment of DNA molecule which controls
b. Oxidation d. All of the above the appearance of a given trait
a. Chromosomes c. Gametes
66. How long does it take for the earth to complete b. Genes d. Zygotes
one rotation
a. 365 days c. 24 hours 77. Group of similar cells performing similar
b. 30 days d. 12 hours functions together
a. Organs b. System c. Nucleus d. Tissue
67. What is the principal function of gravity in the
universe? 78. The diffusion of water through a semi permeable
a. Provision for energy membrane
b. Keeps the stars and other heavenly bodies in orbit a. osmosis c. Transfusion
c. Causes movement in space
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b. permeability d. Capillary 88. the warming of the earth’s surface due to an
increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide
79. It shows the complex food relationship of a. “Greenhouse effect” c. Atmospheric pressure
organism in a given area and the cyclic flow of food b. Ozone d. El Nino phenomena
through organisms
a. Food chain c. Food pyramid 89. Describe the force of gravity on an object
b. Food web d. Biological cycle a. mass c. capacity
b. weight d. pressure
80. Which of the following does NOT occur to both
respiration and fermentation? 90. When gaseous molecules are compressed, they
a. energy is released tend to?
b. sugar is broken down a. increase in volume c. repel each other
c. carbon dioxide is produced b. decrease in volume d.attract and liquefy
d. alcohol is formed
91. It is the union of two light nucleus to form a
81. Energy removal is best illustrated in heavier nucleus, resulting in a mass defect and
a. boiling of liquid substances release of energy
b. changing water to ice a. Radiation c. Nuclear Fusion
c. changing water to stem b. Nuclear Fission d. Radioactivity
d. none of the above
92. Which of the following statements is a
82. Refers to the maximum amount of solute characteristic of an electronic spectrum?
expressed in grams that can be dissolved in 100 a. They all travel at the same speed in fire space
grams of water at a specific temperature b. The exhibit diffraction and interference
a. Solubility c. Molarity phenomena
b. Stability d. Molality c. They follow the laws of refraction and reflection
d. All of the above
83. Compounds with the same molecular formula but
with different structural formulas 93. The term “RADAR” is derived from the phrase?
a. Cellulose c. Polymers a. “Radiation Detection and Ranging “
b. Isomers d. Monomers b. “Radiation Diffusion and Ranging”
c. “Radio Diffraction and Resolution”
84. The most penetrating type of radiation given of d. “Radiation Diffraction and Resolution”
by radioactive elements
a. Alpha particle c. Gamma particle 94. A material whose ability to conduct electricity lies
b. Beta particle d. None of the above between those of conductors and insulators
a. Integrated Circuits c. Semiconductors
85. The basic unit for expressing the masses o b. Silicon Chips d. Insulators
individual atoms
a. Atomic number c. Nucleus 95. “LASER” is derived from the phrase?
b. Atomic mass unit d. Atomic weight a. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of
86. A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction b. Light Application by Simulated Emission of
without itself undergoing a chemical change Radiation
a. catalyst c. Electrolytes c. Light Amplification by Simulated Ejection of
b. Enhancer d. Ionizer Radiation
d. None of the above
87. The temperature at which the vapor pressure of
the liquid is equal to the pressure of the surroundings 96. What is the color of a transparent substance?
atmosphere a. The color of the light it absorbs
a. Melting point c. Boiling Point b. The color of light it reflects
b. Critical point d. None of the above c. The color of light it transmit

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d. The color of light it refracts 32 a 82 a
33 b 83 b
97. What is a rotating electromagnetic called? 34 c 84 c
a. Motor b. Rotor c. Phasor d. Sensor 35 d 85 b
36 d 86 a
98. What happens with the centripetal force when 37 b 87 c
sped is doubled? 38 b 88 a
a. remains the same c. triples 39 b 89 b
b. force is increase 4x d. force is doubled 40 c 90 a
41 b 91 c
99. What is an electrochemical cell in which the 42 b 92 d
reacting materials can be renewed by the use o 43 c 93 a
reverse current 44 a 94 c
a. Storage cell c. Fuel cell 45 c 95 a
b. Primary cells d. Chemical cell 46 d 96 c
47 b 97 b
100. What will make an object move in a circular 48 b 98 d
path? 49 b 99 a
a. Central force c. Frictional force 50 c 100 a
b. Gravitational d. Electromagnetic force
***** THE END *****

1a 51 b
2c 52 d
3d 53 a
4b 54 c
5a 55 d
6d 56 c
7a 57 d
8b 58 b
9c 59 c
10 d 60 a
11 b 61 b
12 b 62 c
13 a 63 d
14 b 64 b
15 b 65 d
16 c 66 c
17 b 67 b
18 a 68 c
19 c 69 c
20 b 70 b
21 b 71 b
22 b 72 b
23 d 73 c
24 d 74 d
25 c 75 a
26 c 76 b
27 b 77 d 1. Which Republic Act provides government assistance
28 c 78 a to students and teachers in private education?
29 b 79 b a. RA 7836 c. RA 6728
b. RA 7784 d. RA 6675
30 c 80 d
31 b 81 b
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a. A.Friendly school c. Paaralan ng bahay
2. In the preamble of the CODE of ethics for b. School-of-the-future d. Escuela nueva
Professional Teachers, which of the following teacher
descriptions is included in the Code of Ethics for 10. The student-centered curriculum belongs to which
Professional Teachers? group of educators?
a. A. With satisfactory teaching performance a. Reconstructionist-Essentialist
b. Passed the licensure exams for teachers b. Progressivist, Perennialist
c. Duly licensed professional c. Perennialist, Essentialist
d. Persons of dignity and reputation d. Progressivist, Reconstructionist

3. Which stage according to Erickson is the stage of trust 11. Daniel Goleman talks about emotional intelligence.
and mistrust? Which of the following characterize a student with a high
a. Young adulthood c. Adolescence degree of emotional intelligence?
b. Early childhood d. Infancy a. Sensitive to points of view and feeling of others
b. Prodded by others
4. In the history of education system, including that of c. Obsessed with achieving at any cost
the Philippines, which system was first and last d. Unable to delay gratification
remained a partner of other systems of education?
a. Formal b. Non-formal c. Informal d. Pre-school 12. The history of curriculum development includes the
hidden curriculum approach. Which is the content
5. Who among the following subscribe to the theory that emphasis of the hidden curriculum?
the good, the true and the beautiful are universally valid a. Students experiences and activities
in all places at all times? b. Implicit processes and social norms
a. Realists and idealists c. Student needs and interest
b. Realist and existentialists d. Introspection and choice
c. Pragmatists and idealists
d. Pragmatists and realists 13. Teacher T is concerned with conceptual matters
since reality is mental teacher T’s thinking is quite-
6. The 1987 Constitution mandates the state to a. Realistic c. Existential
encourage among others self-learning, independent and b. Pragmatic d. Idealistic
out-of-school study programs particularly those that
respond to community needs. Which is an off shoot of 14. The authoritarian setting in the Filipino home is
this mandate? reinforced by a classroom teacher who-
a. Institutionalization of early childhood care and a. Asks open –ended questions
development b. Encourages pupils to ask questions
b. Principal empowerment program c. Prescribes what pupils should do
c. Multi-grade teaching d. Is open to suggestions
d. Practices of community-based learning
15. A number of researches found that the effects of
7. Authors claim that education is given greater in the maternal employment on children’s achievement are-
1987 Philippine Constitution than in the past a. Hardly established
Constitution. Which article provision on education is b. Positive and negative
found only in the 1987 Constitution? c. Fully established
a. Support to teacher education d. Negative
b. Provision on assigning the highest budget priority to
education 16. Which one correctly describes the phenomenon of
c. The establishment of the integrated system of latchkey children?
education a. They turn to empty homes after school either to sit by
d. The creation of CHED the television or to roam the streets
b. They are truant school children
8. According to Hurlock, studies of children’s play c. They are engaged in child labor
revealed that toy play reaches its peak during the d. They are engaged in child labor
a. Middle childhood years
b. Early childhood years 17. Teacher Q regards the student as a spiritual entity
c. Babyhood and as part of the larger spiritual universe. To what
d. Late childhood philosophy does teacher Q subscribe?
a. Idealism c. Realism
9. In a DECS memorandum issued last 1998, the new b. Existentialism d. Pragmatism
name for multi-grade class is:

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18. The 1987 Constitution mandates the state to assign himself/herself in:
the highest budgetary priority to- a. Intuition
a. Health c. Social work b. Inductive logic
b. Education d. Defense c. Deductive logic
d. Philosophical analysis
19. Moral development in early childhood is
characterized by- 27. Which of the correct statement of emotional
a. Questioning rules intelligence is based on Daniel Goleman’s theory?
b. Willful disobedience of rules a. Emotional intelligence is feeling approximately and
c. Acting out of conviction effectively
d. Acting without knowing why they do so b. Emotional intelligence id being nice to people
c. Emotional intelligence is giving free rein to feeling
20. According to Piaget, by adolescence boys and girls d. Emotional intelligence changes less considerably than
must have reached what stage? IQ through life.
a. Concrete operations stage
b. Sensorimotor stage 28. Which of the following is not a subject-centered
c. Formal operations stage curriculum?
d. Pre-operational stage a. Perennialist c. Values-centered
b. Back-to-basics d. Subject area
21. Ruth dances well. She can figure out how something
works or how to fix something that is broken, without 29. Which program is assisted financially by the World
asking for help. Based on Garden’s theory of multiple Bank and OECF and is meant for the improvement of
intelligence under what intelligence is she strong? elementary education in the SRA provinces?
a. Musical a. Program for Decentralized Education
b. Logical-mathematical b. First Elementary Education Project
c. Spatial intelligence c. Kinesthetic intelligence
d. Kinesthetic intelligence d. Second Elementary Education Project
30. Mr. Z, A fifty-five year old American citizen, even
22. Who among the following believes that learning though very educationally qualified to be president an
requires disciplined attention regular homework, and educational institution in third country cannot be
respect for legitimate authority? appointed as President because: He_____
a. Reconstructionist c. Essetialist a. Does not belong to a religious group
b. Perennialist d. Progressivist b. Is nearing retirement
c. Is not Filipino Citizen
23. Which developmental task is expected of the d. Is not an official of a corporation
adolescent according to havughurst?
a. Achieving new and more mature relations with age- 31. Which of the following is not a hazard to the mastery
mates of both sexes of developmental tasks?
b. Skilled games a. Unfavorable social judgment
c. Getting started in an occupation b. Bypassing of stage of development as a result of
d. Learning to get along with age-mates failure to master the tasks for that stage of development
c. Crisis when individuals pass from on stage to another
24. Mr. Roy wants his pupils to be creative. Which of the d. Inappropriate or impossible expectations
following will he REFRAIN from doing?
a. Heighten the student’s sense of unusual 32. Teacher U emphasizes to her students the
b. Develops students’ ability to recognize and analyze importance of deep personal reflection on one’s
problems and relationships commitments and choices. Teacher U subscribes to
c. Encourage sustained attention in an area of interest which Philosophy?
d. Develop solely skill mastery a. Realism c. Existentialism
b. Idealism d. Pragmatism
25. The creation of Student’s Loan Fund to give equal
opportunity to all persons who desire to pursue higher 33. The constitutional provision on language has the
education is the essence of: following aims, Except:
a. RA 6014 c. RA 6655 a. To make Filipino the national language and medium of
b. RA 7836 d. RA 7784 instruction and official communication
b. To make the regional dialect as auxiliary media of
26. In his/her teaching, Teacher D moves from particular instructions in regional schools
instances to tentative generalizations that are Subjected c. To make Filipino the sole medium of instruction
to further verification . Teacher D engages

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d. To maintain English as a second language 41. Which is not a characteristic of democratic
34. Which periods in the life span of an individual are a. Child obeys blindly
characterized by growth spurt? b. Child understands the meaning of rules
a. Early childhood and adolescence c. Child is given punishment us related to the misdeed
b. Prenatal period and early childhood d. Child has opportunity to express his/her opinion
c. Early childhood
d. Pre-natal and puberty 42. The three A’s of happiness according to Hurlock are:
a. Adjustments, affection, altruism
35. The introduction of non-formal education in line with b. Attitude, ability, adjustment
the Constitutional Provision on: c. Acceptance, affection, and achievement
a. Protection of teachers d. Affection, ability, attitude
b. Promoting the rights of all citizens to make quality 43. Babyhood is often referred to as a “ Critical period” in
education accessible to all the development of personality because:
c. Optional religious instructions a. At this time the foundations are laid upon which the
d. Promoting the rights of all citizens to quality education adult personality structure will be built
at all levels b. Changes in the personality pattern take place
c. The brain grows and develops at such an accelerated
36. Teacher X is often times frustrated. The students in rate during babyhood
her class hardly volunteer to recite and to do other d. At this time the baby is exposed to many hazards both
learning-related task. This is a proof of the Filipino’s: physical and psychological
a. Sense of humor
b. Lack of resourcefulness 44. Who among the following stressed the processes of
c. Lack of reflection experiences and problem solving?
d. Passivity and lack of initiative a. Plato c. Dewey
b. Hegel d. Aristotle
37. The tendency to emphasize so much on school
beautification to the detriment of pupil’s performance 45. Teacher L believes that creation of knowledge in by
illustrated the: way of the learners’ interaction with their environment.
a. Filipino’s sense of humor Teacher L is more of:
b. Filipino’s lack of reflection a. An idealist c. An existentialis
c. Filipino’s love for “ Porma” at the expense of b. A pragmatist d. A realist
d. Filipino’s lack of seriousness 46. To reach out clientele who cannot be in the
classroom for one reason or another, which of the
38. A president body to study Philippines education following was established
created by virtue of Executive Order No. 46 during the a. Non-formal education
incumbency of DECS secretary Andrew Gonzales with b. Informal education
an aim to study Philippine Education is the: c. Pre-school education
a. Presidential Commission on Educational Reform d. formal education
b. Philippine Commission to Survey Philippine Education
c. Survey to outcomes of elementary Education 47. The encouragement of self-learning, independent,
d. Commission on Philippine Education and out-of-school study programs as stated in the 1987
constitution has given rise to:
39. Which is a danger signal of adolescent mal- a. The implementation of open universities and distance
adjustment? learning programs
a. Inappropriate body-build b. Institutionalization of early childhood care and
b. Irresponsibility as shown in neglect of studies in favor development
of having a good time c. The conduct of NEAT and NSAT
c. Attraction to the opposite sex d. The clamor for a Grade VII
d. Prolonged treatment as children
48. Which of the following statement on developmental
40. To democratize access to secondary education, tasks is wrong?
public secondary education was made free. In whose a. Failure to master developmental tasks at a certain
presidency was this implemented? developmental stage has far reaching consequences in
a. Ferdinand Marcos c. Corazon Aquino a person’s development
b. Joseph Estrada d. Fidel Ramos b. The mastery of development tasks is a result of
physical maturation, societal pressure and individual’s

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c. There are essential skills expected to be acquired and d. Emphasize the necessity of giving right answers
mastered in each developmental stage
d. Retirees are not expected to work on mastering 56. The content of a good lesson plan is self-sufficient.
certain develop mental tasks This means that:
a. The content should match with student’s aptitude
49. The 1987 Philippines Constitution states the b. The content should help students learn how to learn
following, Except: c. The content should be broad and treated thoroughly
a. The official languages of the Philippines are Filipino d. The content should be verifiable
and English
b. The national language of the Philippines is Filipino 57. Which one can NOT help individuals reduce their
c. Filipino is the Tagalog of the Tagalog –speaking own fears about change?
provinces a. Reflect on the extent of change in one’s life so far and
d. The government shall initiate and sustain the use of how it has coped with
Filipino as a medium of official communication and as a b. Identify shortfalls in skills or knowledge and take
language of instruction in the education system action to remedy them
c. Identify skills which will be useful in a new situation
50. Which among the following has been said to play an d. Keep feeling of anxiety to themselves
irreplaceable role in the education of the young?
a. Community c. Church 58. The following are generating thinking skills, Except:
b. School d. Home a. Connecting new ideas c. Classifying
b. Predicting d. Inferring
51. For the drill method to be effective there should be:
a. Much practice on a few skills 59. Mrs. Valdez wants to generates as many ideas as
b. Little practices on few skills she can as the class is about to embark on a community
c. Much practice on many skills outreach program. Which of the following will she
d. Little practice on many skills employ?
a. role playing c. brainwashing
52. Which of the following classroom management b. brainstorming d. simulation
practices runs counter to the reality therapy approach of
William Glasser? 60. Which teaching practice will most likely decrease
a. The teacher asks a misbehaving student what he or learner’s attention?
she is doing a. Questioning
b. Teacher requires the students to prepare a plan in b. Assessing learning as an integral part of instruction
writing and sign it as means of increasing personal c. Assessing learning as an integral part of instruction
motivation to maintain and fulfill the plan d. Teaching by telling
c. The teacher evaluates pupil’s behavior as good or bad
d. Teacher assists the students in making realistic plans 61. For efficiency, if in the process of teaching a teacher
to change behavior realizes that too little has been planned, which of the
following may she NOT do?
53. Which of the following does not apply to mastery a. Discuss possible problems of the new assignment.
learning? b. Pose additional questions to explore various facets of
a. It makes use of varied instructional time for different the content
groups of students c. Drill the students on the major points of the lesson.
b. It makes use of norm-reference tests d. Give a quiz
c. It is effective in teaching basic skills
d. It requires the use of carefully crafted instructional 62. Correct practice makes perfect. This maxim is based
objective on Thorndike’s law of exercise and the finding that
reinforcement of a response increases the likelihood its
54. The teacher’s role in problem solving methods is: occurrence. Whose research finding is the underlined
a. To test the conclusions statement?
b. To set up the problem a. Skinner c. Palo
c. To propose ways of obtaining the needed data b. Bruner d. Lewin
d. To help the learners what is it that is being solved
63. Here is a lesson objective: Given a microscope and
55. To nurture creativity in student, teacher should: a slide, the students must be able to focus the prepared
a. Vary the length and difficulty of question slide. Applying Robert F. Mager’s principle, which does
b. Allow for one-minute wait-time this lesson objective lack?
c. Ask convergent questions a. Criterion measure c. Performance

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b. Condition d. time element 71. What is a sign of the underachiever in the
64. Which is a focusing thinking skill? a. Resist authority and carry on a power struggle with a
a. Identifying key concepts teacher.
b. Summarizing b. Holds back from class participant unless sure of self
c. Obtaining information c. Frustrated about quality of work
d. Clarifying through inquiry d. Minimum work output.

65. In the use of television in the classroom, which of the 72. If after calling on a number of students, a teacher is
following should be avoided? unable to obtain the desired response, what should
a. The TV program lasts the whole class period. teacher do
b. There is a pre-viewing orientation a. Ask leading questions
c. Select programs that match the learners’ level of b. Re-teach parts of the lesson that need re-teaching
interest and maturity c. Probe student’s answers.
d. Life should be left on if students are to take notes d. Rephrase the questions

66. Based on Victor Lowenfield’s classification, which 73. For global competitiveness, a school must embark
sequence in the developmental stages of children in art on a proactive change. Which one is a characteristic of
is followed? proactive change?
a. Scribbling stage, pre-schematic stage, schematic a. radical and inventive c. late in the game
stage, dawning realism stage, pseudo-realistic stage b. imitative of others d. problem-driven
b. Scribbling stage, pre-schematic stage, schematic
stage, pseudorealistic stage, dawning realism stage 74. Which guideline on the use of the chalkboard should
c. Pre-schematic stage, schematic stage, scribbling a teacher AVOID?
stage, pseudorealistic stage, dawning realism stage a. Establish routine uses for the chalkboard
d. Pre-schematic, schematic stage, scribbling dawning b. While writing, proceed from right to left
realism stage, pseudo-realistic stage c. Don’t talk to the chalkboard while writing on it
d. Limit your board writing to major ideas
67. In relation to teacher’s ratings research suggests the
following, Except one: 75. To teach the democratic process to the pupils,
a. Teachers favor self-evaluation over all other forms of Mabuhay Elementary School decided that the election of
evaluation class and school officers shall be patterned after local
b. Peer and supervisory evaluation are not reliable election of the class and school officers shall be
c. Student raters of teachers are more reliable and valid patterned after local election process. There are
than other raters qualifications set for candidates, limited period for
d. Student work and test outcomes are supplementary campaign and rules for postingcampaign materials, etc.
sources for evaluating teachers Which of the following did the school use?
a. Simulation c. Role playing
68. Suppose defined 3 levels of computer-assisted b. Philips 66 d. Symposium
instruction: dialogue, tutoring, practice-drill. Which ones
are two higher levels in the correct order? 76. Which is NOT a characteristic of preventive
a. Tutoring and dialogue discipline.
b. Practices-drill and tutoring a. Proactive c. Inventive
c. Dialogue and tutoring b. Anticipatory d. Reactive.
d. Practice-drill and dialogue
77. One criterion that has been proposed in the selection
69. In what condition is the use of the lecture method and organization of content in the development section
appropriate? of a lesson plan is balance. When does lesson content
a. Higher cognitive learning is sought possess balance.
b. The information is not available a. The content should have practical application for the
c. The subject matter is quite easy learners
d. Long term learning is desired b. The content is not cluttered by masses of more trivial
70. Which refers to the time when students learn at a c. The content should enable the learners to experience
maximum level? the broad sweep of content and give them the
a. Wait time c. Allocated time opportunity to go deeper
b. Engaged time d. Academic learning time d. The content should help student learns how to learn

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78. The burnout malady gets worse if a teacher doesn’t 86. Ms. Estira cannot bring her pupils to the sea for a
intervene to change whatever areas he or she can lesson on marine community. Which of the following will
control. Which one can renew a teachers enthusiasm. be closest to an actual experience of marine
a. Engage in self-pity community?
b. Stick to the job a. Motion picture on marine community
c. Judge someone else as wrong b. Description of marine community
d. Initiate changes in job. c. Pictures of marine community
d. Taped lesson of marine community
79. Although learning can take place anywhere and
anytime, the more systematic the teacher, the greater 87. Which can NoT help organizations reduces fears
the probability for success. This points out the need for about change?
teachers to: a. By training people in new skills
a. Specify their objectives b. By keeping people informed about plans
b. Plan their lessons c. By cladestine moves
c. Set their teaching priorities d. By consultation
d. Select their instructional materials
88. After a lesson in air pollution, teacher C gives each
80. Below are teachers effective classroom management pupil mimeographed sheets, which contain statements to
practices, Except One. which each is expected to react. Examples of these
a. Teachers make sure students understand and follow statements are. Do you in any way contribute to air
rules and procedures pollution? What solutions do you propose to minimize, if
b. Disruptive behavior is handled every weekend not eliminate, air pollution. Then the students are
c. Teachers clearly establish consequences for not grouped for sharing.
following rules In this case what does the teacher make use of
d. Teachers spend more time in the beginning of the a. Value sheet c. Rank ordering
year explaining and reminding students of rules. b. Conflict story d. Contrived incident

81. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the 89. Which orders consist of the goal-oriented
following functions except; instructional model?
a. It links the parts of the less a. Pre-assessment, specification of objectives, pre-
b. It makes provisions for full participation of the students assessment, instruction, evaluation
c. It clinches the basic ideas or concepts of the lesson b. Specification of objectives, pre-assessment,
d. It brings together the information that has been instruction evaluation
discussed c. Pre-assessment, specification of objectives,
instruction, evaluation
82. Which ones are projected visuals? d. Specification of objectives, evaluation, pre-
a. Graphs on a book c. Realias assessment, instruction
b. Models d. Slides
90. Teacher B’s lesson was on abortion. She wanted to
83. The lesson is on the pros and cons of capital get her student’s maximum participation and reaction.
punishment. Mr. Milan wants to do high level thinking She showed slides on abortion accompanied by an
and to develop a view of capital punishment from a audiotape that presented the reasons for and against
different perspective. Which technique will be most abortion. Teacher took a stand in favor of abortion and
appropriate? came up with all her justifications. At the end, however,
a. Lecture c. Role playing she made clear her stand on abortion. Which did the
b. Simulation d. Panel discussion teacher use?
a. She made use of value clarifying discussion
84. Which is used to emphasize individualized b. She made use of contrived incident
instruction? c. She made use of simulation
a. Tutorial group c. Inquiry group d. She played the role of the devil’s advocate
b. Philips 66 d. Task group
91. In on of the pages of her reference material, Ms.
85. Here a question: FROM THE DATA PRESENTED Estrada finds the life cycle of a frog. Assuming that the
FORM GENERALIZATIONS THAT ARE SUPPORTED following are available to her, the quickest way to
BY THE DATA. Under what type of question does this effectively present the life cycle of a frog to the class is
test item fall? by way of
a. Evaluate c. Divergent a. An overhead projector
b. Convergent d. Application b. An opaque projector
c. Describing the life cycle

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d. A drawing on the chalkboard b. Repeating all student’s response
c. Allowing choral responses
92. Below are questions that must be considered in d. Asking varied questions
developing appropriate learning activities/ experience,
Except one 100. Research on teacher effective practices has shown
a. Do the experiences encourage pupils to inquire the following except:
further? a. Planning has title impact on student learning
b. Do the experiences save the pupils from learning b. Questioning strategies are ineffective monitoring
difficulties? technique
c. Can be experiences profit the pupils? c. Teaching procedures on classroom routines early in
d. Are the experiences in accordance with an increasing the school year are essential
amount of learning? d. Directives should be few and best delivered in a
casual manner
93. Which order of the senses goes with an increasing
amount of learning? 101. Teacher Y wants to measure student’s ability to
a. Sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell organize thoughts and ideas. Which type of test is most
b. Taste and smell, sight , touch, hearing appropriate?
c. Taste and smell, touch, sight, hearing a. Objectives test
d. Taste and smell, touch, hearing, sight b. Limited response essay
c. Extended response essay
94. Which of the following statements on peer tutoring is d. Short answer type of test
a. Teacher has time with more severe learning problems 102. Which of the following refers to organized services
b. The atmosphere is threatening specially designed to improve the adjustment of
c. The social skills of pear tutors are not enhanced students?
d. the peer tutor’s achievement goes down a. Group growth sessions c. Cumulative records
b. Test profiles d. Guidance program
95. A lesson in Philippines history was presented by
Mrs. Palaroan by making her class view a videotape on 103. Which tests survey existing problems of academic
EDSA revolution. The videotape which Mrs. Palaroan progress?
used in class points to what property of instructional a. Achievement tests c. Problem checklist
media? b. Interest inventories d. Aptitude tests
a. Manipulative c. Fixative
b. Multi-sensory d. Distributive 104. Which of the following statements about guidance
is NOT true?
96. Read the following teacher-student- situation. a. Guidance is a continuous process
Teacher: Why is the process called photosynthesis? b. Guidance is concerned with “ Whole” student, not only
Student: I don’t know. Which questioning technique with his or her intellectual and academic aspect
should the teacher use? c. Guidance is telling a student what is best for him, and
a. Concept c. Clarification advising him about what he should do
b. Prompting d. Multiple response d. Guidance is primary concerned with prevention rather
than cure
97. Miss Lee’s objective is to focus student’s attention on
and quickly create interest in a problem or concept. She 105. Which of the following is NOT a guidance service?
makes use of: a. Psychological testing
a. Task group c. Tutorial group b. Counseling
b. Panel discussion d. Philips 66 c. Observation
d. Education placement
98. The content of the lesson must be feasible. This
means that: 106. Which of the following tests is given at the end of
a. The lesson should be interesting to the student instruction?
b. The lesson must be within the capacity of the a. Summative c. formative test
students b. Placement test d. diagnostic test
c. The teacher must considered the time needed and
resources available 107. Special or exceptional students are such in certain
d. The lesson must be useful aspects, Except for one:
a. Sensory abilities
99. Which questioning behavior is appropriate: b. Gender orientation
a. Not allowing a student to complete a long response c. Mental characteristics

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d. Communication abilities b. Most of the scores are high
c. The score are concentrated on the left of the
108. Information from achievement tests can be used in distribution curve and most of the score are low
the following, Except in: d. The scores are concentrated on the left of the
a. Grading a student distribution curve
b. Labeling pupils
c. Establishing proficiency 117. Aside from professional competence, what other
d. Giving feedback regarding effectiveness of learning important qualification must a teacher have for guidance
109. Which of the following occurs when the teachers a. Similar cultural background with the students
have a general tendency to rate all individuals’ b. Personal qualities, such as warmth, open-
performance at mindedness, interest in people
approximately the same position on the rating scale? c. Affiliation with a professional group
a. Personal bias error c. Logical error d. Several year of experience as teacher
b. Halo effect d. Severity error
118. Which of the following is meant to determine
110. The environment must be interactive to facilitate student performance at the beginning of instruction?
learning, which of the following situations is an example a. Diagnostic assessment
of this? b. Placement assessment
a. The class copies a list of facts concerning the habitat c. Summative assessment
of insects d. Summative assessment
b. The teacher lectures on the habitat of insects
c. The class goes out and discovers the habitat of 119. Mean is to central tendency as standard deviation
insects is to:
d. The teacher shows posters of the habitat of insects a. Discrimination c. Correlation
b. Level of difficulty d. Variability
111. When teachers, administrators and counselors
come together to synthesize or coordinate in interpreting 120. The following characterize school guidance
data about a student for the purpose of a more intensive programs, Except one:
study, this is called a. A part of every school activity
a. Longitudinal study c. Case conference b. Separate from the general life of the school
b. Case study d. Case analysis c. A function sheared by all
d. Located in every part of the school
112. Which type of test can help teachers predict the
probability of success of students in certain areas or 121. Which factor is most likely to make a school’s
endeavors? guidance program succeed?
a. Achievement c. Aptitude a. Administrative support
b. Intelligence d. Personality b. The availability of the specialist
c. The favorable attitude of teachers toward guidance
113. Which of the following correctly describes dyslexia? d. Located in every part of the school
a. A. It is a developmental expressive writing disorder
b. It is a developmental arithmetic disorder 122. The results if this type of test serve as basis for
c. It is a developmental reading disorder remedial instruction. What is the type of test referred to?
d. It is a developmental articulation disorder a. Prognotic test c. Diagnostic test
b. Speed test d. Achievement test
114. Free and compulsory education as mandated in the
1987 constitution holds true for_____________ 123. The difficulty index of a test item is 1. This implies
a. Elementary and secondary education that:
b. Education in the primary grades a. The test item must be moderate in difficulty because
c. All children of school age 50% got the item correctly and 50% got it wrongly
d. Grade VI pupils b. The test item must be very difficult because nobody
115. Readiness pretests is give at the beginning of an got the item correctly
instructional unit is a: c. The test item must be neither difficult because nor
a. Summative tests c. Placement test easy because this depends on the ability of the students
b. Formative test d. Diagnostic test d. The test item must be very easy because everybody
got the item correctly
116. The distribution of the scores is negatively skewed.
This means that: 124. In his conduct of item analysis Mr. Milanes
a. Most of the score are low discovered that a significant greater number from the

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lower group of the class that from the upper group got d. Case studies
item number 10 correctly. This implies that:
a. The test item is reliable 132. Research findings show that autism is
b. The test item has a negative discriminating power a. Either more prevalent among girls or among boys
c. The item has a positive discrimination power depending on their nationality
d. The tests item is valid b. Equally prevalent among boys and girls
c. More prevalent among boys than among girls
125. Guidance is concerned with d. More prevalent among girls than among boys
a. All students, even if some seem not to have problems
b. Students who manifests undesirable behavior only 133. In interpreting test results which statements are
c. Underachieving students only true?
d. Students with emotional problems only I. A raw score itself is meaningless but becomes
meaningful once it is interpreted
126. Which statement explains the primary focus of the II. An analysis of test results is useless without
non-directive approach in counseling? interpretation
a. It focuses in the person’s responsibility and capacity III. Test result interpretation is possible without analysis
to discover more appropriate behavior IV. The use of statistical techniques gives meaning to
b. It places confidence in a person’s ability to deal with student’s scores
his or her needs through a realistic process a. I, II, IV c. I, III, IV
c. it helps confidence to develop a more rational to deal b. I, II, III d. II, III, IV
with his or her needs through a realistic process
d. it modifies behavior by providing appropriate learning 134. This guidance service to help students carry out
conditions and experiences their plans and act on their choices so that they become
adjusted to their chosen field or career is called:
127. An algebra test was designed to measure what the a. Counseling c. placement
students learned at the end of the course. It was also to b. information d. follow-up
predict success in future mathematics subjects. This
algebra test functioned as- 135. The tendency for the rather to use only the lower
a. Diagnostic and placement test end of rating scale in rating performance is referred to as
b. An aptitude test a. Personal bias error c. Generosity error
c. An achievement test b. Severity error d. logical error
d. An aptitude and an achievement test
136. What must be employed to continuously strengthen
128. Giftedness is a form of exceptionality. Students who a school guidance program
fall under this category demonstrate high performance in a. Assignment of responsibilities
special areas, such as those below- b. research
a. Athletic prowess c. General intellectual ability c. Evaluation
b. Creative thinking d. Visual and performing arts d. Program Planning

129. Which of the following is the least stable measure 137. Which tests are given before instruction?
of central tendency? a. Placement c. Summative
a. Median and mode c. Median b. Formative d. Achievement
b. Mode d. Mean
138. The operation “Return to the basics” saw its
130. Which assessment is concerned with identifying embodiment in the _________
learning difficulties during instruction a. National Elementary Achievement Test
a. Summative assessment b. New Secondary Education Curriculum
b. Placement assessment c. National Secondary Achievement Test
c. Formative assessment d. New Elementary School Curriculum
d. Visual and performing arts
139. The following are computed difficulty indices: 1, .
131. These are significant information about a student, 80, .50, .30 which one indicates the most difficulty item?
gathered through the use of various techniques, a. 30 b. 50 c. 1 d. 80
assembled, summarized and organized in such a way
that they may be used effectively: 140. Which of the following explains why the plateau
a. Cumulative records phenomenon of ten found in human being does NOT
b. Test profile exist in animal learning experiments?
c. Personal inventories a. Animals are unable to profit from errors
b. The incentive in animal learning is constant

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c. Animals have weak incentive in learning d. Performance of the middle 20%
d. Animals are unable to spurt in learning
148. In making and reporting observations of students’
141. All are components of remedial guidance in the behavior, which ones should be avoided?
classroom, Except: a. Descriptions of student’s gestures and expressions
a. Dealing with discipline problems b. The names of other students with whom the one being
b. Dealing with poor study habits and skills observed interact
c. Dealing with underachievement c. Opinions and judgment about students
d. Dealing with career choices or vocational plans d. Direct quotations of student’s statements

142. Which method provides a more or less objective 149. This is the stage when the learner become
assessment of different aspects of an individual? confused and starts to experience identity crisis. This is
a. Home visits the ____________
b. Counseling interview a. Late childhood stage
c. Observations b. Early childhood stage
d. Standardized testing c. Early adulthood stage
d. Adolescent stage
143. Which of the following behavior indicates that a
child has developed conventional maturity? The 150. All are basic functions of psychological tests
behavior is based on _________ EXCEPT ONE.
a. The desire to avoid severe physical punishment by a a. For selection or admission
superior authority b. Identification of students who need special attention
b. Personal decisions based on his satisfaction c. For promotion or acceleration
c. The expectations of the group or society in general to d. Integration of life experiences and future directions of
gain approval students
d. Internalized ideals to avoid self condemnation rather
than social censure 151. Upon what shall a teacher base the evaluation of
the learner’s scholarship
144. A school guidance program should arise mainly out a. Merit, learner’s scholarship
of: b. Merit, quality of performance
a. The curriculum and other programs of the school c. Merit, attendance
b. The school administrator’s directives from his/her d. Quality of performance, learner’s scholarship
c. The students’ needs and the problems 152. The following are some of what a professional
d. The availability of guidance resources in the schools teachers may NOT do EXCEPT:
a. Accept remuneration from tutorials other than what is
145. A test in which the options are dependent upon a authorized for such service
foundation of some sort such as graphical b. Make deductions from student’s scholastic ratings as
representation, paragraph, and pictures is: a punishment
a. Contained-options test c. Base the evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and
b. Setting-and-options test quality of academic performance
c. Structured-response d. Inflict corporal punishment an offending learners
d. Stem-and-options test
153. The value of education, deference to authority, and
146. In the scoring of essay tests, experts advise filial piety in the Philippines in an influenced of
teachers to score all answer to an easy question before a. Taoist tradition c. Buddhist tradition
going to the next question for which reason? b. Confucianist tradition d. Hindu tradition
a. It reduce the chances that ratings will be influenced by
a halo effect 154. Which statement regarding teacher’s ethical
b. It is more convenient behavior is wrong?
c. It is easier to apply the criteria more uniformly when a. A teacher may not fall in love with his/her students
considering only a single task at a time when going from b. Teachers shall support one another at all times when
task to task for each student the best interest of the learners, the school, or the
d. Checking is faster this way profession at stake
c. A teachers may submit to the proper authorities any
147. Whose performance does stanine of 5 represent? justifiable criticisms against an associate
a. Performance of the upper 40% d. It is every teacher’s responsibility to seek correctives
b. Performance of the upper 20% for any unprofessional and unethical conduct of any
c. Performance of the lower 20%

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associate d. The inner worth of a person is in him/her she looks

155. Which is the first and foremost concern of a 163. Which of the following runs counter to the
teacher? The interest and welfare of: development of honesty and accountability?
a. Learners a. Being vigilant about weights and measures used in
b. Colleagues the markets
c. Parents b. Equal payment of government employee’s productivity
d. The teaching profession pay
c. Payment of just wages to workers and employees
156. The ideal society in the context of Plato is one d. Transparent in operations of the barangay and
where: other organizations through public reporting
a. There is hope c. Justice reigns
b. Love prevails d. Faith matters 164. Which are said to be our wellspring of excellence?
a. Third largest English-speaking nation, tiger economy,
157. The survivors of a shipwreck are now packed in a inventor of people’s power revolution
lifeboat which may capsize unless partly deloaded. b. Tiger economy, superior human resources
Which of the following acts will be morally justifiable? c. Tiger largest English-speaking nation, superior human
a. Pushing the young and old ones and leaving them resources, inventor of people’s power revolution
behind to drown d. Tiger economy, the inventor of people’s power
b. Trying to save everyone as much as possible revolution, superior, human resources
c. Shooting some passengers and leaving them behind
d. Doing nothing and waiting for the boat to capsize 165. Which among these goals for change was
proposed by the moral Recovery Program?
158. For the advocates of value clarification, values are a. A sense of justice and outrage over its violation, a
a. Universal c. Objective sense of national pride, a sense of seriousness
b. Personal d. Unchanging b. A sense of national guide, a sense of seriousness,
sense of common good
159. With regard to business, which does the Code of c. A sense of national guide, a sense of seriousness,
Ethics NOT say about teachers? sense of national justice and outrage over its violation
a. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with d. A sense of national guide, a sense of the common
respect to debts loans and other financial matters good, a sense of justice and outrage over its violation
b. No teachers shall be financially interested in any
commercial venture involving textbooks and other school 166. The code of ethics for teachers states that school
commodities where he/she can exercise official influence officials shall encourage and attend to the professional
c. no teacher shall act as agent of textbooks and other growth of all teachers. According to the Code school
school commodities where he/she can exercise official officials can do this by:
influence a. Giving them due recognition for meritorious
d. a teacher may not engage in any kind of business performance by allowing them to participate in
conferences and training programs ecommending
160. The more consumeristics a person is, the more teachers for promotion
he/she gets attached to this material world, the farther b. Recommending teachers for promotion, organizing
he is from the universal self, the more miserable he/she teachers in a professional organization
becomes. This is a teaching c. Allowing them to participate in conferences and
a. Confucianism c. Hinduism training programs
b. Taoism d. Buddhism d. Organizing teachers into a professional organization,
giving them due recognition for meritorious performance
161. Who believed that there should be less reliance on and recommending teachers for promotion
the school, and the world of work?
a. Paolo Freire c. Paul Goodman 167. Which thrust on value formation is intended to help
b. Ivan Illich d. Jean Paul Sartre the students identify and be aware of their values?
a. Analysis c. Value inculcation
162. Human dignity is inherent in every person. This b. Value clarification d. Moral development
means that
a. The inner worth of a person depends on what he has 168. The idea that there should be less reliance on the
b. The inner worth of a person depends on how he/she school and greater use of education potential of the
looks community and the world of work is the essence of:
c. The inner worth of a person depends on what he can a. Community-based education
do b. Formal education
c. Multi-grade teaching

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d. Mobile teaching 176. In which of the following acts would you attribute
169. It is said that the big drama development is played a. A barkeeper sells liquor to a minor not knowing he is
out in small scenes. Which one does not serve as a an adult
further explanation of this statement? b. A barkeeper sells liquor to a minor not knowing it is
a. Ordinary things done by ordinary people are the solid illegal to do so
building blocks on which a nation develops c. A barkeeper sells liquor to a client not knowing it is
b. Details can make a significant difference contaminated with poison
c. Much of our personal development and progress of d. A barkeeper sells liquor not knowing it would cause
the nation depends on how extraordinary well we do the the death of a diabetic person
ordinary things
d. Let us give attention to major things because they are 177. The values of the people are revealed in the
the ones that matter following approaches, Except One
a. When they are asked to choose freely among
170. Which of the following characteristics does not alternative
apply to Plato’s just society? b. When they act out what they choose but for a short
a. The artists are creative while and not repeatedly
b. The leaders are wise c. When they act out what they choose
c. The soldiers are courageous d. When they are asked to choose among alternatives
d. The working class are temperant
178. To attain harmony in society people must rule their
171. Martin Buber’s “ dialogic principle” requires as subjects with benevolence . whose teaching was this?
restructuring of society which can be achieved by: a. Mohammad c. Buddha
a. Communism which cannot tolerate multiplicity and b. Kung-fu-zu d. Lao Tzu
b. Fascism which cannot allow dialogue 179. The concept that school failed to encourage
c. Democracy which requires centralistic political set up positive learning and were opposed to the production of
d. Democratic socialism which advocates a genuine independently-minded adults was popularized by:
dialogue life a. Paolo Freire c. Paul Goodman
b. John Dewey d. Ivan Illich
172. Which of the following statements about society is
TRUE? 180. Which type of conscience is possessed by one who
a. Revolution produce the opposite of their goals is extremely rigorous and is constantly afraid of
b. Ethnic cleansing leads to social unanimity committing evil?
c. “ Social education “ leads to a mature society a. Scrupulous c. Certain conscience
d. Cooperative education is a means to Social b. Lax conscience d. Certain conscience
181. The following EXCEPT ONE are the strength of
173. Which of the following statements defines ethics? Filipino character
a. The science of correct thinking a. Pakikipagkapwa-tao c. Frankness
b. The study of being a general b. Family orientation d. Joy of humor
c. The study of the nature of human knowledge
d. The study of rightness or wrongness of human 182. Which of the following is the Aristotlelian definition
knowledge of happiness?
a. One’s ultimate achievements in life
174. Which of the following dose not characterize b. A state made perfectly the aggregation of good things
fascism? c. The satisfaction of all desires and the absence of pain
a. A government of laws and not of men d. The experience of the fulfillment of possibilities
b. Rigid hierarchy and authority of single leader
c. Militarist, nationalist and dictatorial regime 183. One of the following statements about passion is
d. It justifies any of its means by its end NOT TRUE?
a. Passion does not affect voluntariness
175. Which of the following is not Anarchism? b. Passion may completely destroy freedom
a. Freedom and responsibility c. passion tends to blind the judgment of the intellect
b. Social organization without hierarchy d. passion cannot affect freedom
c. Extreme view of individual freedom
d. Destruction of the state and its supporting 184. Which does not characterize a non-violent society?
institution a. Solves problems in non-adversarial way
b. Prefers indigenous ways of solving problems

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c. A passive society
d. Solves problems in a non-confrontational way

185. Which statement holds true of values clarification?

a. Values are objective; no person has the right set of
values to pass on to others
b. It is meant to help students get at their own feelings,
ideas, and belief’s; no person has the right set of values
to pass on to others
c. No person has the right set of values to pass on to
others; values are independent of time
d. Values are independent of time, place, and persons;
meant to help students get at their own feelings and
186. Based on the Code of Ethics for teachers, which of
the following may teachers Not do?
a. Welcomes the opportunity to lead in barangay
b. Studies and understands local customs and traditions
c. Deducts points from students scholastic ratings as a
form of punishment
d. Attends church and worship of his choice joy and

187. Which type of justice implies the duty of one

individual to give another what he is due?
a. International justice
b. Distributive justice
c. Social justice
d. Commutative justice

188. It is said that our level of achievement is always

lower than our level of aspiration. This suggests that:
a. We should aim high
b. We should not be over ambitious
c. We should think and act local
d. We should


1. In one of his poems, the Filipino author Zulueta da

Costa said that the Filipinos are like the Molave. What
figure of speech was used?
a. simile b. personification c. metaphor d. hyperbole

2. Helen of Troy is the face who launched a thousand

ships .What figure of speech is used in the given
a. ellipsis b. synecdoche c. alliteration d. irony

3. Si Ana at Ariadne ay masisipag na mag-aaral. Ano

ang mali sa pangungusap?
a. Si b. at c. masisipag d. mag-aaral e. Walang mali

Page | 19 RANDOM
4. ________ mo ng mga damit ang iyong kapatid sa a. Hinilawod b. Biag-ni- Lam-ang c. Bidasari d.
dormitory. Maragtas
a. Dalhin b. Dalahin c. Dalhan d. Dadalahin
18. Anong teorya ng wika ang nagsasabing ang wika
5. ________ sa batas, hindi maaaring isakdal ng ay nailikha bunga ng masidhing damdamin ng tao?
dalawang beses ang isang akusado para sa iisang a. Bow-wow b. Pooh-pooh c. Ding-dong d. Yoheho
a. Maliban b. Ayon * c. Ayon kay d. Marahil 19. ”Natutulog ba ang Diyos?” Ang pahayag sa itaas ay
halimbawa ng anong uri ng tayutay?
6. nawalang-malay : hinimatay : : naghihingalo : a. Pagdaramdam b. Tanong Retorikal c. Pagtanggi d.
______ Pagsalungat
a. nasa bingit ng kamatayan* b. namatay c. napagod d.
nahihilo 20. Ano ang nagging pangalan ng wikang pambansa
noong 1959?
7. Isahan : gaano : : _______ a. Pilipino b. Filipino c. Tagalog d. Wikang Pambansa
a.maramihan : gaa-gaano b.maramihan : gaanu-ano
c.maramihan : gaga-gaano d.maramihan : ganu-ano 21. The captain of the pep squad are working
feverishly to boost the team`s morale. No error.
8. Masalimuot ang buhay ng taong kapit sa patalim. a. pep-squad b .are c. to boost d. team`s morale . e. No
a. malungkot b. masaya c. magulo d. mapayapa error

9. Naglipana sa lansangan ang masamang-loob lalo na 22. The teachers as well as the guidance counselor is
kung gabi. accompanying the students on a field trip. No error.
a. namasyal b. nagkalat c. nagtatago d. nagmuni-muni a. teachers b. guidance counselor c. is accompanying
d. on a field trip e. No error
10. Siya ang “Ama ng Zarsuelang Tagalog”?
a. Aurelio Tolentino b. N.V.M Gonzalez c. Alejandro 23. Simba and Nala is my favorite characters in The
Abadilla d. Severino Reyes Lion King. No error.
a. and b. is c. The Lion King d. No error
11. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang HINDI epiko ng
Mindanao? 24. Tne committee are meeting on Friday to discuss
a. Indarapatra at Sulayman b. Alim c. Bidasari d. the details of the charaity ball. No error.
Bantugan a. are meeting b. on Friday c. to discuss d. charity ball
e. No error
12. Ang titik “ng” sa Alpabetong Filipino ay nagmula
sa alpabetong _____.
a. Ingles b. Abecedario c. Romano d. Abakada 25. Mumps, which are a dangerous disease, can be
13. Ilang titik ang hiniram ng Alpabetong Filipino prevented through vaccination . No error.
mula sa Alpabetong Ingles? a. Mumps b. are c. disease d. vaccination e. No error
a. 6 b. 7 c. 8 d. 9
26. The student leaders ______ surveys to determine
14. Aling salita ang klaster? the students` need since last week.
a. palma b. basta c. pluma d. basket a. has conducted b. have conducted c. has conducting
d. have been conducting
15. ”Ang aking pag-ibig ay tanging sa iyo lamang .”
Ibigay ang ayos ng pangungusap na ito. 27. The President _______ the bill on Children`s Right
a. payak b. tambalan c. karaniwan d. di-karaniwan last Monday.
a. vetoes b. vetos c. vetoed d. vetoid
16. Aling Salita ang may diptonggo?
a. buwis b. bayan c. buhay d. iwas 28. The Committee on Ethics ____ every Friday.
a. meets b. meet c. has met d. have met
17. Ang epiko tungkol sa kasaysayan ng pag-iibigan
ng mga bathala na nagmula sa Iloilo ay ang ______ .
Page | 20 RANDOM
29. It is estimated that in the present century, there
______ about 954 million illiterate adults. 42. ” Ikaw ang aking mahal.” Ibigay ang ayos ng
a. is b. are c. was d. were pangungusap na ito .
a. payak b. tambalan c. karaniwan d. di-karaniwan
30. In 1960, 58% of illiterates ______ women; the
corresponding figure today is more than 60%. 43. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang HINDI tulang
a. is b. are c. was d. were pasalaysay?
a. Moro-moro b. Epiko c. Awit d. korido
31. The warm humid air irritated he.
a. irritated he. b. irritated him. c .irritation him. d. 44. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang HINDI epiko ng
irritating him. Bisaya?
a. Lagda b. Maragtas c. Bidasari d. Hinilawod
32. Keep on reading and you will learn more.
a. Keep on reading b. Keep to read c. Keep on read d. 45. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang isang epiko ng mga
Keeping on reading Ifugao?
a. Ibalon at Aslon b.Hudhod c. Biag ni Lam-ang d.
33. Even though Mariel studied hard, she got the Haraya
highest mark.
a. Even though Mariel studied hard b. But Mariel 46. ”Nagtaksil si Adrian.” Ibigay ang ayos ng
hard pangungusap na ito.
c. Because Mariel studied hard d. While Mariel a. payak b. tambalan c. karaniwan d. di-karaniwan
studied hard
47. Ito ay ang pag-aaral ng makabuluhang tunog ng
34. The Carlos Palanca Memorial Award for isang wika.
Literature were given to different literary pieces that a. Ponolohiya * b. Morpolohiya c. Sintaks d.
excel in their respective genres. Palabuuan
a. were given to different literary pieces b. is given by
different literary pieces 48. Siya ang may-akda ng nobelang “Banaag at Sikat”?
c. are given at different literary pieces d. is given to a. Jose dela Cruz b. Lope K. Santos c. Jose Corazon de
different literary pieces Jesus d. Emilio Jacinto

35. We hike Mt.Apo half an hour. 49. Isang awiting bayan na tungkol sa
a. half an hour. b. for half an hour. c. at half an hour. d. pakikipagkaibigan ang _____ .
by half an hour. a. sambotani b. salagintok c. daeleng d. oyayi

36. Kmono: ______ :: kilt : Scandinavian 50. Siya ay si “Dolores Manapat”.

a. Indian b. Indonesian c. Chinese d. Japanese a. Graciano Lopez Jaena b. N.V.M. Gonzalez c. Andres
37. king of beats : lion :: king of birds : _______ Bonifacio d. Marcelo H. del Pilar
a. robin b. sparrow c. eagle d. falcon
51. The process of comparing one quantity with
38. Jewish : kosher : : halal corresponding standard is called ______ .
a. Muslim b. Buddhist c. Christian d. Pagans a. Measurement b. Formulation c. Interpolation d.
39. Catholic : priest : : Buddhist : ______
a. Imam b. rabbi c. lama d. pope 52. Matter is anything that has ______.
a. Weight and volume b. Mass and volume c. Weight
40. laity : lay people : : clergy : ______ and mass d. Mass and shape
a. clergymen b. clerics c. clergy d. clerks
53. A student walks from home to school 3 blocks
41. Ano ang tamang ispeling ng salitang barbershop away and then returns home for lunch. After lunch,
sa Filipino? he goes back to school. His total displacement is
a. barbersyap b. barbershop c.barbershap d. _______ .
barbersiyap a. 0 block b. 3 block c. 6 blocks d. 9 blocks
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54. What property of matter is involved in the sign, 65. What is the foundation of genuine peace and
“Fasten Your Seat Belt”? reconciliation?
a. Impenetrability b. Inertia c. Acceleration d. a.Joy b.Confrontation
Interaction c.happinness
d.Social justice
55. Which of the following situations is true as a boat
moves from salty sea to fresh water river? 66. What was our government under the 1935
a. It sinks deeper. b. It floats higher. c. It stays at the constitution ?
same level. d. It moves faster. a. Revolutionary b. Monarchy c. Commonwealth d.
56. Which of the following is conserved when a
pendulum is swinging? 67. What values are being promoted by the
a. Mass b. Momentum c. Energy d. Weight Philippine Government when it launched the “Juan
Time” project in 2011 ?
57. Which statement best explains why ice is a good a. Punctuality b. Austerity c. Palabra de Honor d.
refrigerant ? Close family ties
a. It cools by evaporation. b.It absorbs heat while
melting. 68. If you seeing your ways of doing things as the
c.It conducts heat quickly. d.It does not melt inside right way and everybody else`s as the wrong way,
the refrigerator. you tend to have the the attitude called
a. Cultural relativism b. Ethical relativism c.
58. An object becomes positively charge if it _________ . Ethnocentrism d. Xenophobia
a. gains protons b. gains electron c. loses protons d.
loses electrons 69. It refers to any liability to pay money arising out
of a contract , express or implied .
59. The force that holds the atoms and molecules a. Poll tax b. Tax c. Debt d.Debtors
together to form larger bodies is known as
a. Gravitational force b. Electromagnetic force 70. He coined the term “survival of the fittest.”
c. Weak nuclear force d. Strong nuclear force a. August Comte b .Karl Marx c. Herbert Spencer d.
Arnold Toynbee
60. What is the maximum number of electrons that
can be accommodated in n=4? 71. The biologist who probably first used the term
a. 2 b. 8 c. 16 d. 32 “cell” was ______.
a. Hooke b. Browne c. Leeuwenhoek d. Schleiden
61. It is characterized by shared experiences and 72. The following means help in controlling floods ,
mutual responsibilities. except
a. Gesellschaft b. Gemeinchaft c. Enculturation d. a. Reforestation b. Deforestation c. Crop rotation d.
Acculturation Construction of flood ways

62. It features the exchange of goods, money and 73. Farmers add commercial fertilizers to the soil to
services . ______ .
a. Gesellschaft b. Gemeinchaft c. Enculturation d. a. Speed up the decay of bacteria b. Add mineral
Acculturation content
c. Activate the growth of earthworms d. Enhance the
63. The longest revolt in the Philippine History is growth of the roots
called the ______ .
a. Dagohoy revolt b .Diego Silang revolt c. Gabriela 74. What phylum classification is the transmitter of
Silang revolt d. Palaris revolt dengue?
a. Arthropoda b. Hemichordate c. Echinodermata d.
64. Violation of human rights is a violation of the _____ Annelida
of persons.
a. dignity b. intelligence c. emotions d. freedom 75. A col-blooded animals is one that _______ .
Page | 22 RANDOM
a. lacks red corpuscles b. lacks white corpuscles
c. has a variable body temperature d. has fixed body 87. Which among the sound below is a voiceless
temperature sound?
a. /dz/ b ./g/ c. /z/ d. /sh/
76. Which of the following organisms is included in
the kingdom Plantae ? 88. All of the following are examples of input devices
a.Magnolidae b. Fungi c. Protozoa d. Prokaryotes EXCEPT
a. scanner b. mouse c. printer d. keyboard
77. The molecule that allows plants to capture energy
from the sun is the ______ . 89. _______ is data that has been organized or
a. ATP b. carbon dioxide c. chlorophyll d.sugar presented in a meaningful way .
a. A process b. Information c. Software d. Storage
78. What do you call the natural environment where
a certain organism lives and thrives ? 90. _______ is the heart of the computer and this is
a. Community b. Habitat c. Country d. Ecosystem where all the computing is done .
a. Keyboard b. Monitor c. CPU d. printer
79. Ang gintong panahon ng Panitikan ng Pilipinas ay
ang panahon ng _______ . 91. Which element in the periodic table has the
a. Amerikano b. Hapones c. Kastila d. Kontemporaryo symbol Ca ?
a. Cadmium b.Calcium c. Carbon d. Californium
80. Ang may-akda ng tulang “Ako Ang Daigdig”.
a. Alejandro Abadilla b. Jose Corazon de Jesus c. 92. Ions are formed by _______ .
Aurelio Tolentino d. Amado Hernandez a. gaining or losing electrons b. gaining or losing
81. The local basketball players were supported by b. c.sharing protons d. sharing electrons
Fil-American imports . this group _____ efforts.
a. Complicated the team b. Complimented the team 93. All of the following are characteristics of metals,
c. Complemented the team d. completed the team except _______ .
a. good conductor b. brittleness * c. malleability d.
82. Did you understand her response to the judges? ductility
Here`s the answer.
a. Not very b. Not really c. Certainly d. On the other
94. In flame test, what is the color of the flame if there
83. I have but one life to give and I am willing to give is a presence of boron in a solution ?
it to my country ,not everyone is given this chance. a. Brick red b. Yellow gold c. Royal blue d. Bright
Justice Abad Santos answered the Japanese soldiers. green
This finds an equivalent in valor of :
a. Jose Rizal b. Marcelo del Pilar c. Pre.Aquino d. 95. The chemical reaction that releases heat energy
Governor Aguinaldo during the process is called _______ .
a. Endothermic reaction b. Exothermic reaction c.
84. The human Body temperature is Synthesis reaction d. Decomposition
a. 37 F b. 98.4 F c. 104 F d. 445 F
96. Which of the following is an example of a
85. The ratio between the length and the breadth of a chemical change?
rectangular park is 3 : 2. If a man cycling along the a. Melting of candle b. Rusting of iron c. Dissolving
boundary of the park at the speed of 12 km/hr sugar d. Boiling of water
completes one round in 8 minutes, then the area of
the park (in sq. m) is: 97. A change in state from solid to gas without
a. 15360 b. 153600 c. 30720 d. 307200 passing the liquid state is called _____ .
a. Solidification b. Evaporation c. condensation d.
86. Your father isn’t working anymore, __________? sublimation
a. is he b. isn’t he c. has he d. hasn’t he
Page | 23 RANDOM
98. Which warning label indicates a chemical a. 6 b.24 c. 36 d.72
property of the material being labeled?
a. Fragile b. Handle with care c.Shake well d. 111. Solve for the value of x to make the proportion x
Flammable : 8 = 16 true.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
99. Which scientist paved the way for modern
exploration by advancing the theory that planets 112. What do you call a triangle with equal sides ?
revolve around the sun ? a.scalene b.equilateral c.isoceles d.right
a. Ptolemy b. Aristotle c. Copernicus d. Harvey
113. Which of the following numbers is prime?
100. The Philippines lies in the region where many a. 91 b. 121 c. 101 d. 119
volcanoes are active. This region is known as _____.
a. Wheel of Fire b. Ring of fire c. Volcanic Rim d. 114. In how many ways can a photographer arrange
Archipelagic Fault Line 6 people in a row to pose for a photograph?
a. 30 b. 600 c.120 d. 720
101. If the probability that it will rain today is 5/8,
what is the probability that it will not? 115. If April 18, 2014 fell on Friday, in which day will
a. 1/8 b. 3/8 c. 1/4 d. 100% April 18, 2016 fall ?
a. Monday b. Tuesday c. Thursday d. Sunday
102. The degree of the term -4x^2 y, is _____.
a. 4th b. 1st c. 2nd d. 3rd 116. Martial law remained in force until 1981 under
Proclamation # ______ .
103. If x is an odd integer and y is an even integer , a. 1081 b. 1425 c. 9994 d. 7610
which of the following is an even integer?
a. 2x-y-1 b.x^2+y c. x^2+3y+1 d. 4x-1 117. The process by which a person learns the
requirements of the culture by which he or she is
104. The difference between gross profit and cost of surrounded, and acquires values and behaviors that
goods sold is known as ______ . are appropriate or necessary in that culture is called
a. markdown b. discount c. net profit d. invoice price ______ .
a. assimilation b. enculturation c. cultural relativism
d. acculturation
118. The exchange of cultural features that results
105. The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 91,39 and when groups of individuals from different cultures
78 is ______ . come into continuous first-hand contact. The original
a. 24 b. 13 c. 91 d. 39 cultural patterns of either or both groups may be
altered, but the groups remain distinct.
106. The property of real numbers which describes a. assimilation b. enculturation c. cultural relativism
(5+6)-3 = -3 + (5+6) is _______. d. acculturation
a. Commulative b. Associative c. Distributive
d. Reflexive 119. The commander of the American and Filipino
forces in Bataan was ______ .
107. Which is a proportion ? a. Gen. Arthur MacArthur b. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
a. 5:4 = 15 : 12 b. 8:3 = 16 : 9 c. 4: 5 = 12 : 10 c. Gen.Jonathan Wainright d. Gen. Edward P. King
d. 1/2 : 7 = 5: 2
120. The first American Civil Governor was ______ .
108. 1/8 in percent is ______ . William Howard Taft b. Wesley Merritt c.Arthur
a. 10.5 % b. 12.5 % c. 14.5 % d. 16.5 % MacArthur d. Murray

109. Simplify this equation ( 8/9 – 1/3) / (3/4-1/6 ) 121. To move forward through the tabs
a. 21/20 b. 20/21 c. 19/20 d. 20/19 a. CTRL+TAB b. CTRL+SHIFT+TAB c.SHIFT+TAB
110. The least common multiple (LCM ) of 18 and 24
is ______ .
Page | 24 RANDOM
122. William Shakespeare showed composure in a. Aurelio Tolentino b. Juan Abad c. Alejandro
front of his critics amidst countless derision . Abadilla d. Severino Reyes
The underlined word means :
a. agitation b. fear c. aplomb d. nervousness 134. Isang awiting bayan na tungkol sa paglilibing
ang _______.
123. Unti-unti niyang natalos ang kahalagahan ng a. umbay b. kundiman c. sambotani d.s oliranin
pag-aaral nang Makita niyang walang hanap-buhay
ang walang pinag-aralan . 135. The highest mountain in the continent of Africa
a. nabatid b.nawala c.naitago d.nahiram is ______ .
a. Mt.Everest b. Mt.Kilimanjaro c. Mt. Fuji d. Mt. Apo
124. What is the units digits of the product of the 1
000 smallest prime numbers? 136. The “yellow race “ is also known as :
a. 0 b. 1 c. 2 d. 5 a. Caucasians b. Mongoloids c.Negroids d.Malays

125. Find the largest prime divisor of (2^16-1). 137. The function by which schools help children to
a. 13 b. 17 c. 257 d. 65 535 participate effectively in larger society is called :
a. Socialization b. Education c. Enculturation d.
126. An atom that does not react with another atom Acculturation
a. is inert b. is an ion c. is an isotope d. forms a polar
bond with water 138. What phase of the Moon is observed when it
cannot be seen at all because it passes directly
127. Down syndrome is a classic example of between the earth and the Sun ?
a. deletion b. nondisjunction c.XXY Syndrome d. a. New Moon b. First quarter c. Full Moon d. Last
mosaic chromosomes quarter

128. How many significant figures are there in 139. May sagisag panulat na Paralitiko at ang
120.400 ? tinaguriang “Utak ng Himagsikan” , ay si _______.
a. 3 b. 4 c. 5 d. 6 a. Emilio Jacinto b. Antonio Luna c. Jose Corazon de
Jesus d. Apolinario Mabini
129. This was a prize winning-poem of Rizal when he
was a student in UST. This poem proved that an Indio 140. Catalysts accomplish their work by reducing a
was not only equal but also more superior than the reaction`s
Spaniards in poetry writing. a. kinetic energy b. chemical energy c. potential
a. To the Filipino Youth b. They ask Me For Verses energy d. activation energy
c. Hymn to Talisay d. Kundiman
141. Newton's first law of motion states that
130. In this poem,Rizal noted the role of religion in __________.
attaining good education. a. when a force acts on an object, its acceleration is in
a.Remembrance to my Hometown b.Our Mother the same direction as the force
Tongue b.when a force is applied on an object, there is an
c.To Education d.Intimate alliance between religion equal force applied by the object in the opposite
and good education direction. object will remain at rest or keep moving unless
131. Fossils are mostly to be found in _______ . a force acts on it .
a. Sedimentary rocks b. Igneous rocks c. Metamorphic d.acceleration is calculated by dividing the force
rocks d. Plutonic rocks exerted on an object by the mass of the object

132. The segmented worm that can be used to 142. In whose presidency was the famous MIRACLE
facilitate anticoagulation is the _____ . RICE produced?
a. Earthworm b. Leech* c. Flatworm d. Remora a. Ferdinand Marcos…… b.Fidel Ramos c.Joseph
Estrada d.Sergio Osmena
133. Ang may-akda ng “Kahapon ,Ngayon at Bukas”
ay si ________.
Page | 25 RANDOM
143. In Economics, __________ is the rise in the general 1.A 31.B 61.B 91.B 121.A
level of prices of goods and services in an economy a 2.B 32.A 62.A 92.B 122.C
period of time. 3.A 33.C 63.A 93.C 123.A
a. Inflation ……. b. mercantilism c. depression d. free 4.C 34.D 64.A 94.D 124.A
trade 5.A 35.B 65.D 95.B 125.C
6.D 36.D 66.C 96.B 126.A
144. Ito ay ang pahapyaw na pagbasa. 7.A 37.C 67.A 97.D 127.B
a. Sintaks b. Skimming ….. c. Sesura d. Sukat 8.C 38.A 68.C 98.D 128.D
9.B 39.C 69.C 99.C 129.A
145. Which among the words below has the /sh/ 10.D 40.A 70.C 100.B 130.D
sound? 11.B 41.B 71.A 101.B 131.A
a. sober b. leisure ….. c. shallow d.salient 12.D 42.D 72.B 102.D 132.B
13.B 43.A 73.B 103.C 133.A
146. This pertains to the pauses or rests in speech. 14.C 44.C 74.A 104.C 134.A
a. Pitch b. Juncture…. c. Stress d. Intonation 15.D 45.B 75.C 105.B 135.B
16.C 46.C 76.A 106.A 136.B
147. What is the smallest positive number that is a 17.A 47.B 77.C 107.A 137.A
multiple of both 15 and 18? 18.B 48.B 78.B 108.B 138.A
a. 90 …… b. 180 c. 75 d.72 19.B 49.B 79.B 109.B 139.D
20.A 50.D 80.A 110.D 140.D
148. Simplify this (2^-1)(2^2)(2^0). 21.B 51.A 81.C 111.B 141.C
a. 1 b. 2 …. c. 4 d. 0 22.C 52.B 82.C 112.B 142.A
23.B 53.B 83.A 113.C 143.A
149. This court shall have jurisdiction over civil and 24.A 54.B 84.A 114.D 144.B
criminal case involving graft and corrupt practices 25.B 55.A 85.B 115.A 145.B
and such offenses committed by public officers and 26.D 56.C 86.A 116.A 146.B
employees in relation to their offices as may be 27.C 57.B 87.D 117.B 147.A
determined by law. 28.A 58.D 88.C 118.D 148.B
a. Court of Appeals b. Regional Trial Courts c. 29.B 59.D 89.B 119.D 149.C
Sandiganbayan …. d. Supreme Court 30.D 60.D 90.C 120.A 150.C
150. Which of the following best describes the
science of Ecology?
a. Living things b. Rocks c. Life and environment …..
d. Weather and climate

-End of General Education- March 2017 Let Exam Items

This might help you. Kindly find reliable sources to
understand them better.

Black sheep
☑ Idiom

Love sonnets
☑ Ophelia Dimalanta

Tatlong tuldok na sunod sunod

☑ Ellipses

Phantom of Delight
☑ Metaphor

Page | 26 RANDOM
Tinkle, tinkle, tinke Writ of Habeas Corpus
☑ Onomatopoeia ☑ Demand presence of the accused

Naghihiwalay sa mga salita Penicillin discoverer

☑ Kuwit ☑ Alexander Fleming

Pangatnig na nagbubukod Author of Doctrina Christiana

☑ Pamukod ☑ Fray Juan de Plasencia

Largest desert Light travels fastest

☑ Sahara ☑ Air

First religious missionary in the Philippines Protons of Silicon

☑ Augustinians ☑ 14

Founder of La Solidaridad/Greatest Orator Fungi

☑ Graciano Lopez-Jaena ☑ Yeast

Ang paksa ay ibinibigay bago magsimula ang talumpati Law of Bicameralism

☑ Impromptu ☑ Jones Law

Term of Marcelo H. del Pilar to friars Pagbabagong anyo ng bayan

☑ Frailocracia ☑ Reduccion

Arena theater proponent Permutation 9P9

☑ Severino Montano ☑ 362,880

Released by plants at night Absolute mean

☑ Carbon dioxide ☑ 14.35/14.5

Sala theater proponent Agreement between Legazpi and Datu Sikatuna

☑ Naty Crame Rogers ☑Blood Compact (Sandugo)

Shape of a brick Hierarchy of Needs proponent

☑ Rectangle ☑ Maslow

Protein shell of a virus Oldest religion in Asia

☑ Capsid ☑ Hinduism

Hair-like structure
☑ Cilia 1. The Spaniards established a centralized
government in the Philippines. The head of the
Author of Annabel Lee
☑ Edgar Allan Poe
government was called :

Novels in letters A. Encomendero C. Gobernadorcillo

☑ Epistolary B. Alcalde Mayor D. Governor-General✔

Birthplace of Rizal 2. When Rizal returned to the Philippines after his

☑ Calamba, Laguna second travel abroad, he decided to organize a
socio-civic organization. This was the:
Real name of Mark Twain A. Propaganda Movement C. Katipunan
☑ Samuel (Langhorne) Clemens
B. La Liga Filipina✔ D. Assosacion Hispano-Filipino
Writ of Amparo
☑ Right to life, liberty, and security

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3. The event that implicated the 3 priest Burgos, 11. The Japanese Military Police was called
Gomez, and Zamora which resulted to their A. Kalibapi C. Imperial Diet
execution was the : B. Hukbalahap D. Kempetai✔
A. Cavite of Mutiny✔ C. Ilocos Rebellion
B. Cry of Pugadlawin D. Bacoor Massacre 12. The agrarian reform program instituted by
President Diosdado Macapagal which intended to
4. The incident that led to the outbreak of the give land to the landless tenants was:
Filipino-American war was ; A. Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
A. Pres.McKinley's proclamation of the "Benevolent B. Agricultural Land Reform Code (ALRC)✔
Assimilation" policy C. Philippine Tenancy Act
B. The San Juan Bridge incident where a Filipino D. Presidential Decree 81
soldier was shot by an American sentry✔
C. The Battle of Day 13. The greatest contribution of the Americans to
D. Aguinaldo's declaration of Independence the Philippines was:
A. Freedom of worship C. Scientific Health
5. Which of the following were the famous Programs
triumvirate of the Propaganda Movement? B. The public school system✔ D. Parity Rights
A. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Marcelo Del Pilar
B. Jose Rizal, Graciano Lopez Jaena, Gregorio Del 14. Which of the following best described the
Pilar Katipunan?
C. Jose Rizal, Marcelo Del Pilar, Graciano Lopez A. It was a movement which aimed for the
Jaena✔ Philippines' separation from Spain through force✔
D. Jose Rizal, Juan Luna, Graciano Lopez Jaena B. It was a movement that wanted reforms from
6. As per agreement in the Pact of Biac-na-Bato. C. It was working to make the Philippines a
Emilio Aguinaldo was to go exile in ; province of Spain
A. Guam C. Singapore D. It was a movement meant to strengthen the
B. Hongkong✔ D. Dapitan colonial government

7. The Thomasites who taught in schools in the 15. The Americans came to the Philippines in 1989
early part of American colonization were: in order to ?
A. Trained American Soldiers✔ A. Liberate the Filipinos from the Spaniards
B. American soldiers B. Fight the Spaniards because of the outbreak of
C. American Protestant Ministers the Spanish American War✔
D. American officials C. Invade the Philippines and colonized it
D. Establish trade relations
8. When the Japanese came Manila was declared
an "Open City" by McArhur. Open City means : 16. The greatest contribution of Spain to Filipino
A. Manila was open for trade culture was?
B. Manila was open for negotiation A. Education
C. Manila was open for Japanese occupation✔ B. Development of Traded
D. Manila was open for both Japanese and C. Construction of roads and other infrastuctures
American to stay D. Christianization of the Filipinos✔
9. The combined Filipino and American forces
during the Japanese invasion was :
A. Hukbalahap movement C. USAFFE✔
B. Allied Powers D. Philipinne Constabulary 17. Ferdinand Magellan was killed by Lapu-Lapu in
10. The first Filipino appointed by the Americans as A. Battle of Manila Bay C. Battle of Cebu
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. B. Battle of Mactan✔ D. Battle of Limasawa
A. Jose Abad Santos C. Gregorio Araneta
B. Cayetano Arellano✔ D. Sergio Osmena 18. World War II in the Philippines ended when the
Japanese surrender after the bombing of?

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A. Bataan and Corregidor C. Tokyo and Kyoto C. The "sword" because the soldiers forcibly made
B. Hiroshima and Nagasaki✔ D. Pearl Harbor Filipinos accept the Spanish rule
D. The "sword and cross" because they had to
19. Jose Rizal was considered the National Hero make sure that colonization was accomplished✔
because of his efforts to bring about reforms in the
lives of Filipinos through his works in the? 25.The Katipunan was the movement founded by
A. Katipunan C. La Liga Filipina Bonifacio. It's major objective was:
B. Propaganda Movement✔ D. 1896 Revolution A. Seeks reform from Spain
B. Demand for equal rights and privileges for
20. The early Filipino were revolts were considered Filipinos
failure. Which among the following is considered C. Separation of Philippines from Spain✔
the most important explanation for such failure? D. Assimilation of Philippines by Spain
A. The Spaniards had the support of the clergy to
whom Filipinos obeyed because of fear 26. The Americans acquired the Philippines as their
B. The Spaniards had superior weapon and a well- colony because
trained military A. They invaded the Philippines
C. The revolts was limited in scope B. They helped Filipinos fight the Spaniards
D. The lack of unity and leadership which failed to C. Span cede the Philippines by virtue of the treaty
sensitize the people to a common identity and of Paris of 1898✔
purpose✔ D. They defeated the Spaniards
21. Which statement does not characterize 27. During World War II, the Filipino-American
American Policy towards the Philippines? forces last defense against the Japanese took
A. It emphasized more secular rather than spiritual place in:
matters A. Bataan C. Manila
B. American immediately impressed upon Filipinos B. Corregidor✔ D. Tarlac
regard for individual rights✔
28. The American promised to train Filipinos for
C. There was more flexibility as a result of changing
self-government. This was realized with the
times and conditions
establishment of this government where all the
D. American rule had not challenged Filipino
officials both elected and appointed were Filipinos
and they were supervised for a ten-year period by
22. The transfer of troops from Bataan to Capas, an American High Commissioner.
Tarlac is called "Death March". Which among the A. Republican Government
following phrases best describe such event? B. Commonwealth Government✔
A. The prisoners were treated like animals C. Civil Government
B, The prisoners marched to their death D. Federal Government
C. The march was so inhuman resulting to many
29. When the combined Filipino - American forces
were defeated by the Japanese, the Filipinos
D. Prisoners were like living dead
formed a guerilla movement called HUKBALAHAP.
Which of the following was the main objective such
23. What title was given to the head of the
centralized government established by the
Spaniards in the Philippines? A. To successfully defeat the Japanese✔
A. Corregidor C. Gobernadorcillo B. To harass the Japanese
C. To prove that Filipinos can fight without
B. Encomiendo D. Governor General✔
American support
D. To train a military force to strengthen Filipinos
24. Colonization of the Philippines by Spain is best
described as done through:
A. The "cross" because of the conversion by the 30. The one who colonized the Philippines for the
clergy of pagan Filipinos to Christianity Spaniards was?
B. The "cross" because Magellan planted the first A. Columbus C. Legazpi✔
cross on Philippine soil B. Magellan D. Pigafette

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BONUS QUESTIONS and sprays pesticide, killing all the caterpillars.
#Review: (Last #March2017) What can happen to the ecosystem?
A. The passerine birds will thrive.
1. Let us campaign for the total ban ____________ B. The lions will eventually die.
of harmful insecticides. C. the passerine birds will convert to herbivores.
A. With the use D. the lettuce will wilt and die.
B. On using
C. on the use 7. Among models of reading strategies, what did
D. with using student Jk adopt when she reads back and forth,
attending to both what is in her mind and what’s on
2. “Your statements are IMPERTINENT to the the page?
case.” The capitalized word means A. Bottoms-up
______________. B. Interactive
A. Important C. Down-top
B. Irrelevant D. Top-down
C. Violent
D. malicious 8. If threat of punishment is necessary on erring
students, how should this best be done?
3. Imprisoned for 27 years, Nelson Mandela A.Make the threat and reinforce with warning
realized his dream of a free and non-racial South B.Make the threat with immediate punishment
Africa by forgiving his oppressors and negotiating in C. Warn and threat at the same time
good faith for the peaceful transition to democracy. D. First a warning before the threat
Nelson Mandela demonstrated his trait of
________________. 9. When USA decided to drop the atomic bomb to
A. Friendliness Nagasaki in order to stop the land invasion of
B. Determination Japan, what degree of moral certitude can describe
C. forgiving this decision of USA?
D. loyalty a. Doubtful
b. Perflexed
4. In William Shakespeare’s “Merchant of Venice,” c. Certain
Portia, the judge said: “The quality of mercy is not d. Callous
strained; it droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
upon the place beneath... It is twice blest; it 10. Isang dulog pampatikan na kung saan ang
blesseth him that gives and him that takes. ‘Tis pagpapakahulugan sa isang tekstong binasa ay
mightier than the mightiest... and one is likened to nakapokus sa sariling panlasa ng mambabasa at
God when mercy seasons justice.” The main kilala rin sa katawagan na reader-response theory.
thought of the excerpt it that a. Impresyonista
___________________ b. Patalambuhay
A. Mercy is only for deserving c. antropolohiya
B. Mercy is limited in extent d. pansikolohiya
C. Mercy is spontaneous and freely given.

5. Who was the first editor of La Solidaridad ? :)

A. Juan Luna 11. I can’t find ________ calculator; may I use
B. Graciano Lopez Jaena _________, Prince?
C. Jose Rizal A. My, yours
D. Marcelo H. Del Pilar B. His, yours
C. My, his
6. A hypothetical ecosystem contains lettuce (the D. Yours, mine
producer), a caterpillar (the primary consumer), a
small passerine bird (the secondary consumer) and 12. Neither the teacher nor the students
a lion (the tertiary consumer). A gardener arrives ________________ present in the affairs.
Page | 30 RANDOM
A. Am B. Ecological success
B. Was C. Environmental habitation
C. Is D. Ecological niche
D. Were
20. If a die is rolled, what is the probability of
13. We admire ___________ when Cynthia speaks getting a number divisible by 2?
English fluently with _______________. A. ½
A. Him, them B. 1/3
B. Her, us C. ¼
C. Him, we D. 1/6
D. Him, me
21. How long will it take A and B together, to finish
14. “The figures must be TRANSMUTED in order to a job which can be done by A alone in 6 days and
understand the grade.” The capitalized word B alone in 3 days?
means: A. 2 1/2 days
A. Estimated B. 3 days
B. Surpassed C. 2 days
C. Changed D. 3 ½ days
D. Summed
22. Maternity leaves are extended to women. What
15. Some preachers suggest the _____________ legal provision extends this?
that the end of the world is near. A. Article XIV Education
A. Proposal B. Article XIII Sec 14 women
B. Prophecy C. Article XIII Role and Rights of People's
C. Prophetic Organization
D. Prophet D. Article XII Bill of Rights

16. Filipino writer whose stories and poems depict 23. Which is the largest country in Asia?
Filipino-Spanish cultural beliefs and traditions. A. China
A. Edilberto Tiempo B. Japan
B. N.V.M. Gonzales C. Philippines
C. Bienvenido Santos D. Thailand
D. Nick Joaquin
24. What is one of the man-made wonders of the
17. Tax imposed on all employed and practicing Philippines?
professionals A. Rice terraces
A. Income tax B. Mount Makiling
B. Community tax C. Manila Bay
C. Real estate tax D. Taal Volcano
D. Inheritance tax
25. Who was the Spanish mestizo priest who first
18. Who is known as the “Father of the Local led the native secular clergy in the Secularization
Government Code”? Movement in 1861?
A. Joey Lina A. Father Jacinto Zamora
B. Jovito Salonga B. Father Pedro Pelaez
C. Joseph Estrada C. Father Gregorio Aglipay
D. Aquilino Pimentel D. Father Jose Burgos

19. An ant colony stores food in the summer 26. Analects which are short and witty sayings that
defends itself by stinging enemies and invades a treat of moral values and good human relation, are
competing ant colony and steals larvae and uses attributed to:
them as new workers. What is the term to best A. Mao Tze Tung
describe how this species copes with everyday life? B. Mencius
A. Ecological defeat C. Confucius
Page | 31 RANDOM
D. Lao-Tzu B. Atmospheric pressure
C. Buoyancy
27. Which of the following was the first to happen? D. Viscosity
A. Aguinaldo declared Philippine Independence.
B. Guerilla warfare against the US was initiated. 35. In a flame test, the presence of boron in a
C. The Philippines was ceded to the US by the solution is evident by what color of flame?
Treaty of Paris. A. Bright green
D. Aguinaldo was captured. B. Brick red
C. Gold
28. The acronym HTML means Hyper Text Mark-up D. Lilac
A. Line 36. Who was the last Spanish Governor-General of
B. Language the Philippines?
C. Letter A. Ramon Blanco
D. Label B. Basilio Agustin
C. Diego de los Rios
29. The fraction halfway between 3/7 and 4/7 is D. Fermin Jaudenes
A. 1/2 37. of the pledges of the President of the
B. 1/3 Philippines is to defend its:
C. ¼ A. Constitution
D. 1/8 B. Citizens
C. Land
30. Simplify (3x – 9) / (x2 – 9) D. Islands
A. 3 / (x – 3)
B. 3 / (x + 1) 38. The least common Multiple (LCM) of 2, 3 and 4
C. 3 / (x + 3) is ______.
D. 3 / (x – 1) A. 13
B. 24
31. With the Batasang Pambansa performing C. 14
legislative and executive powers in the Marcos D. 12
regime, which form of government was
implemented? 39. Which of the following has the smallest mass
A. Monarchial when measured in an equal arm balance?
B. Presidential A. ½ sheet of pad paper
C. Parliamentary B. ¼ sheet of pad paper
D. Dictatorial C. 1/8 sheet of pad paper
D. 1/3 sheet of pad paper
32. The “Rubaiyat” a loosely joined series of 280
stanzas, has this general theme. Which one? 40. How many glasses of Cola each to be filled with
A. Always look forward to a new day. 150 cu cm of the liquid can be made from 5 family
B. Grasp pleasure while you can. size bottles of cola each containing 1.5 liters?
C. Never give in to death easily. A. 60
D. Create your own world and beautify it. B. 40
33. This demonstrated the feeding connections C. 45
between all life forms. D. 50
A. Nutrition cycles
B. Fossil cycle 41. If the average or arithmetic mean of x and -5 is
C. Biochemical pathways 10, then what must be the value of x?
D. Food web A. 25
B. 15
34. A toothpick can sit on the surface of water due C. 30
to _________________. D. 20
A. Surface tension
Page | 32 RANDOM
42. In an English test, eight students obtained the 7. Ano ang ipinahihiwatig ng salitang may
following scores: 10, 15, 12, 18, 16, 24, 12, and 14. salungguhit?
What is the median score? Matayog ang lipad ni Pepe kaya’t bata pa siya’y
A. 14 nagsisikap na siya.
B. 15. 5 A. May kayabangan si Pepe. C. Marunong si
C. 14. 5 Pepe.
D. 15 B. Ibig ni Pepeng maabot ang langit. D. Mataas ang
pangarap ni Pepe.
ABDABAADCAADCABADAD 8. Kilalanin ang uri ng pariralang may salungguhit.
Ang pangangalaga sa mga likas na yaman ay
1. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinigay ng tungkulin nating lahat.
ANG ALAMAT NI MARIANG MAKILING na A. Pang-ukol C. Pangngalang-diwa
ikinuwento ni Jose Rizal B. Pawatas D. Pangngalan
A. Pag-ibig ang makapagbabago sa mundong ito.
B. Kabanalan ang magpatawad at tulungan ang 9. Sabihin ang aspekto ng pandiwa sa
isang nagkasala. pangungusap na ito.
C. Pagyamanin at pangalagaan ang ating bayan at ”Mag-aral sa bahay ng mga araling ukol sa
lahi pagkat hiyas at yaman natin ito. halaman.”
D. Ang hangarin ng taoy walang hanggan. Dahil sa A. Imperpektibo C. Kontemplatibo
pagmamalabis at pagsasamantala, maraming B. Perpektibo D. Pawatas
biyaya ang sa kanyay nawawala.
10. Anong aral ang ibinibigay ng sumususnod na
2. Alin uri ng parirala ang may salungguhit sa salawikain?
pangungusap? “Ang taong napapailalim ay naipapaibabaw rin.”
Utang sa kanyang sipag at sikap sa paggawa ang A. Kung ano ang ibig natin ay mangyayari
kanilang maalwang pamumuhay. B. Tiyak ang pag-unlad kapag nauna ang hirap
A. Pawatas C. Pangngalan C. Maaring ngayon ay hirap pagdating ng bukas ay
B. Pang-ukol D. Pangngalang-diwa may ginhawa rin
D. Magtiis kung dumarating ang hirap.
3. Alin antas ng tono ng lumilitaw sa bahaging may
salungguhit ng pangungusap na nagdududa? 11. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang
Nagpuputol ng puno ang lalaki. HINTAY KA?
A. 4 C.3 A. Tayka C.Intay
B. 1 D.2 B. Tay D.Teka

4. What is suggested in this opening line? 12. Ano ang pinakaangkop na kahulugan nito?
June 13, 1986-they came from all over America- “Nagsasaya tayo ngayon sapagkat ang inyong
200,000 heroes strong, with their families namatay na kapatid ay muling nabuhay; ang
A. The writer is opposed to the Vietnam War. nawawala ay muling nakita.”
B. The writer is a flag-waving patriot. A. Ang pagbabalik ay dapat ipaghanda nang
C. The writer was a veteran of the war. malaki.
D. The writer holds great admiration for the B. Dapat silang magsaya sa muli nilang
veterans. pagsasama-sama
5. Si Mariano Ponce ay propagandistang may C. Ang pagbabago ng kapatid ay dapat
sagisag sa panulat na ________. pahalagahan.
A. Tamaraw C. Tikbalang D. Ang pagsasama nila ay dahil sa muling
B. Kalapate D. Kapre pagbabalik ng kapatid.

6. Alin ang di karaniwang anyo ng pandiwang 13. Si Dr. Jose Rizal ay sumulat ng aklat ng
WINIKAKO? itinampok sa ibat ibang bansa.
A. Ikako C. Kako Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang
B. Wikako D. Wika ko _______________.

Page | 33 RANDOM
A. tuwirang layon C. panuring maging luko talipandas sa paglaki na sa sama
B. paksa D. pamuno marahuyo sa lahi mo’t sa Bayan moy isang tinik sa
14. Alin ang naayong pamagat sa tanagang sinulat A. Paligayahin ang tahanan.
ni Jose Villa Panganiban? B. Tamang pagpapalaki sa anak ang dapat.
Ano man sa daigdig, C. Suyuin ang anak at ibigay lahat ng hilig.
Maaring magamit, D. Mahalin ang anak ng walang hangganan.
Ano mang masaisip;
Di sukat maiipit. 21. Nasa anong kaganapan ng pandiwa ang
A. Pag-asa C. Pagbibigay pangungusap?
B. Pagkainip D. Paraya Naglaro ng basketball sa Rizal Stadium ang
koponan ng aming pamantasan.
15. Anong uri ng panghalip ang salitang may A. Tagaganap C. Sanhi
salungguhit sa pangungusap? B. Kagamitan D. Ganapan
May padalang tulong ang pamahalaan para sa
kanila. 22. Alin ang kahulugan ng KAHIRAMANG
A. Palagyo C. Paari SUKLAY?
B. Pambalana D. Palayon A. Kalahi C. Kakilala
B. Kaibigan D. Karibal
16. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang aral na ibinibigay
ng epikong Muslim na INDARAPATRA AT 23. Sa aling salita magkakaroon ng saglit na
SULAYMAN? paghinto kung pinapilitang si Rose ang nakabasag
A. Pagmamahal C. Katapatan ng pinggan?
B. pagtanaw ng utang-na-loob D. Katapangan Hindi si Rose ang nakabasag ng pinggan.
A. Rose C. Pinggan
17. Sa “Espiritu ni Bathala ang nangangalaga ng B. Nakabasag D. Hindi
kanilang kalusugan” ang ipinahihiwatig na
katangian ay _______. 24. Kaninong tula hango ang sumusunod?
A. malinis C. mabisa “Ang hindi magmahal sa sariling wika mahigit sa
B. makapangyarihan D. maliksi hayop at malansang isda”
A. Graciano Lopez Jaena C. Jose Rizal
18. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mensahe ng epiko B. Emilio Jacinto D. Apolinario Mabini
ng Ilokano na BIAG NI LAM-ANG?
A. Dito nagpapatunay na walang kamatayan. 25. Alin sa mga salita ang kasingkahulugan ng
B. Masasalat ang mga katutubong ugali at mga salitang may salungguhit?
tradisyong dapat pagyamanin at panatilihin upang Ang ama ni Anita ay kilalang bulanggugo sa
pakinabangan ng kabataan. kanilang lalawigan
C. Pinatutunayan ng epiko ang yaman ng Ilokano A. Laging handang makipag-away C. Laging
sa lahat ng bagay. handang gumasta
D. Kailangan paniniwalaan ang ukol sa bisa ng B. Laging ibinubulong D. Laging handang
mga anting-anting dahil sa mga pangyayaring makipagtalo
nagpapatunay dito.

19. Dadalaw sa mga paaralan si Dr. Filemon S. 26. Alin ang kahulungan ng AGAW-BUHAY?
Salas, ang tagapamanihala ng mga paaralang A. Masiglang-masigla C. Pagpapatuloy ng buhay
lungsod, sa lungsod ng Pasay. B. Malapit ng mamatay D. Mahirap na buhay
Ang pangungusap ay nagagamit bilang
_____________. 27. Alin antas ng tono ang lumitaw sa bahaging
A. tuwirang layon C. panuring may salungguhit ng pangungusap na
B. paksa D. pamuno nagsasalaysay? Magbabasa ng mga gawain ang
20. Ano ang kahulugan ng taludtod na ito? A. 3 C. 2
“Ang anak mo ay alagaan sa marubdob na B. 4 D. 1
pagsuyo sikapin mo sa sarili’y huwag siyang
Page | 34 RANDOM
28. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy nito?
Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si 35. Carl Sundburg wrote “Jazz Fantasia” which has
Miguel for its first stanza:
A. Pagwawangis C. Pagbibigay katauhan Drum on your dreams, better on your bajos, sob
B. Pagtutulad D. Pagmamalabis On the long cool winding saxophones.
Go to it, O jazzmen.
29. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined Which words illustrate alliteration
portion of this sentence? A. Batter and banjos C. Sob and winding
Researchers also speculate that some teachers B. Long and cool D. to and it
might have given boys more computer time
because parents and teachers expected boys to 36. What correction should made to the sentence?
need computers for future careers. Buying fire extinguisher knowing how to use it, and
A. Will expect C. Expecting placing it in a location familiar to all family members
B. Expected D. Will have expected can help protect families against fire.
A. Insert a comma after help
30. Which of the following lines is a simile? B. Change placing to place
A. “Holding wonder like a cup” C. “Eyes that love C. Change the spelling of families to familys
you, arms that hold” D. Insert a comma after extinguisher
B. “Life has loneliness to sell” D. “Buy it ang never
count the cost” 37. Which is BEST WAY to write the underlined
portion of this sentence?
31. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined There is smoke detectors in many homes to warm
portion of the sentence? residents of a fire, but fire extinguishers can
The studies revealing that, for various reasons, girls actually help people fight fires.
spent less time working with computers than boys. A. They’re is C. There are
A. Revealing studies C. Studies revealed B. Their is D. Their are
B. Studies will reveal D. Studies’ revelations
38. Which word in the passage does NOT require a
32. To gain the attention of the audience, the trick change in pitch to show confidence
is __________. “I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my
A. start high, speak loudly C. start low, speak soul.”
hurriedly A. Captain C. Fate
B. start high, speak rapidly D. start low, speak B. Am D. Master
39. Robert Frost wrote the poem “Acquainted with
33. What is meant by SOFT OPINION in this the Night” from which the stanza is taken:
sentence? I have been one acquainted with the night.
Rebecca realized that if she stayed in her present I have walked out in rain-back in rain.
job it would mean competing with an envious rival. I have outwalked the farthest city light.
Leaving the company would probably be a soft The poet in the stanza talks of
option. A. youthful delight playing in the rain.
A. An action that is not agreeable B. isolation and loneliness.
B. An action that is easier C. happiness in having been acquainted with the
C. An action that is difficult to take night.
D. An action that is weakly funded D. joy getting out of the house.

34. What correction should be made to this 40. Which word contains the voiced Th?
sentence? A. Thank C. Think
First born often pattern their behavior after they’re B. These D. Thing
parents and other adults.
A. No correction is necessary C. Change pattern to 41. What correction should be made to this
patterned sentence?
B. Replace they’re to their D. Replace their to Most State tourism departments and some travel
they’re agencies have bed and breakfast listings.
Page | 35 RANDOM
A. Change have to has C. Change State to state A. Planting crops in alternate rows (Strip farming)
B. Change tourism to Tourism D. Insert a comma B. Planting more seeds than are necessary to yield
after agencies a bountiful crop.
C. Contour plowing around a hill
42. What do the following lines convey? D. Planting grass in gullies to act as a filter
Midnight, not a sound from the pavement.
Has the moon lost her memory? 49. What is MOST likely reason for a dessert plant
She is smiling alone. to have a few or no leaves?
In the lamp light the withered leaves A. To increase transpiration C. To decrease
Collect at my feet transpiration
And the wind begins to moan. B. To decrease photosynthesis D. To increase
A. Optimism C. Eagerness photosynthesis
B. Loneliness D. Confusion
50. Which of the following internal forces interrupt
43. What is meant by AT SIX AND SEVENS in this the external forces erosion?
sentence? I. Forces that cause volcanoes
We moved into the house last week, but I’m afraid II. Forces that cause ocean trenchers
everything is still at six and sevens. III. Forces that cause create mountains
A. The boxes are still intact C. In a state of A. I, II and III C. II and III
confusion B. I and II D. I and III
B. In an orderly manner D. The things have not
been shipped 51. Which of the following should you expect to be
true about the rate of cellular respiration for a group
44. Which of the following organisms transmit the of students who are the same age, height, and
malarial parasite? weight?
A. Ants C. Culex mosquito A. Boys would have a higher rates of cellular
B. Flies D. Anopheles mosquito respiration than girls.
B. Athletes would tend to have higher rates of
45. Which of the following facts support the big cellular respiration than nonathletes.
bang theory’s explanation of the creation of the C. Africans would have higher rates of cellular
universe? respiration than Asians.
A. The universe has no beginning nor end. D. Nonathletes would have higher rates of cellular
B. The universe seldoms expand. respiration than Athletes.
C. The universe will have background radiation.
D. The universe does not expand nor contract. 52. The stanza below is taken from “Barter” by Sara
46. What does a tightly coiled spring demonstrate? Life has loneliness to sell,
A. Steam energy C. Kinetic energy Music like a curve of gold,
B. Chemical energy D. Potential energy Scent of pine trees in the rain,
Eyes that love you, arms that hold,
47. Which of the following will occur if a cold bottle And for your spirit’s still delight,
of soda is left open on a kitchen counter? Holy thoughts that star the night.
A. The pressure that the soda exerts on the bottle To what does Teasdale compare music?
will increase. A. Eyes that love C. A curve of gold
B. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide gas will B. The rain D. The scent of pine trees
C. The temperature of the soda will decrease. 53. Which verb in the sentence is pronounced with
D. The amount of dissolved carbon dioxide gas will the ending as [d]?
remain the same. They laughed and joked as they walked and
48. Which of the following procedures used by a A. Laughed C. Joked
farmer is NOT related directly to preventing B. Walked D. Played

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54. Which pitch is used for the word STRANGE in The hosts also benefits from running such a
this sentence? business because they can stay at home make
What a strange story! money, and meeting a variety of people.
A. 1 C. 3 A. To meet C. And meet
B. 2 D. 4 B. Get to meet D. And be meeting

55. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined 61. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined
portion of this sentence? portion of this sentence?
However, their VCR kept them from missing their Recently psychologists have been researching birth
favorite prime time shows. order, their research suggests that personality and
A. Keeped C. Keepes intelligence are based partly on where a child ranks
B. Keeps D. Had kept in the family.
A. Order, or their C. Order, Their
56. Lines 11 and 12 are taken from the poem B. Order, their D. Order and their
“maggie and milly and molly and may.”
For whatever lose (like a you or a me) 62. What is the mood of these lines?
It’s always ourselves we find in the sea Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise
Which of the following ideas is the author I must think of a new life
expressing? And I mustn’t give in.
A. The sea represents all of our moods. When the dawn comes
B. The sea is a source of life and death. Tonight will be a memory, too
C. The sea and its surroundings can give people a And a new day will begin.
fresh view on life. A. Depressed C. Afraid
D. The sea is the best place for a person to reflect B. Sarcastic D. Hopeful
about life.
63. Which of the following words DOES NOT
57. What correction should be made to this contains the [voiceless th]?
sentence? A. Teeth C. Mouth
One of their theories is that the first child receives B. Health D. Breath
more of the parents’ attention than other children so
first-born tend to be more intellectual. 64. Which word ends with [S] pronounced [Z]?
A. Change parents’ to parent’s C. Insert a comma A. Laughs C. Jokes
after children B. Maps D. Buys
B. Change theories to theory’s D. Change is to are
65. Which is the BEST way to write the underlined
58. What correction should be made to this portion of this sentence?
sentence? However, if a fire extinguisher is handy, a quick-
Most fire-related death’s result from households thinking person often can use them to put out small
fries, yet many people do not have fire fire.
extinguishers in their homes A. They C. It
A. Change have to has C. Replace death’s with B. Them D. Him
B. Change result to results D. Remove the comma 66. Which word contain the [ae] sound?
after fires A. Can C. Cabin
59. Which word is read on a high note to describe B. Castle D. Carriage
the kind of day? 67. What is meant by the expression TO GET
This is a cold day. BLOOD OUT OF A STONE in this sentence?
A. Day C. Cold Geraldo has owned me fifty thousand pesos for
B. Is D. This over a year now.
I‘ve asked him for it on several occasions, but it’s
60. Which is the BEST way to write the underline like trying to get blood out of a stone.
portion of this sentence? A. Someone wants revenge.
B. Something is impossible.

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C. Someone is willing to give what is asked. Earth’s rotation speed. One million years from now,
D. Someone refuses to cooperative. scientist may discover that compared to today,
68. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined A. year is shorter C. day is shorter
portion of this sentence? B. year is longer D. day is longer
A person should keep in mind some basic safety
rules when you are deciding whether or not to use 75. Which of the following is the BEST example of
a fire extinguisher. self-preservation?
A. Rules when you decided C. Rules you decide A. A salmon swims back to the place of its birth to
B. Rules you are deciding D. Rules when deciding lay eggs.
B. A young man decides to quit smoking
69. What is meant by TWO PINS in this sentence? C. A mouse runs when it sees a cat
For two pins I could have hit him on the nose. D. A dog barks when it sees its owner.
A. Have a second alternative choice C. A second
course of action 76. At which time during the year does the ozone
B. Without much persuading D. The second chance level present a particular health threat in urban
areas for people with respiratory problems?
70. What correction should be made to this A. Fall C. Spring
sentence? B. Summer D. Winter
Recently, educators exammined the effectiveness
of computer instruction in schools. 77. Which is the length of the hypotenuse of a right
A. Replace computer with computer’s triangle with legs 5 inches and 12 inches?
B. Change the spelling of exammined to examined A.11 in. C. 17 in.
C. Change schools to Schools B.13 in. D. 20 in.
D. Replace educators with educator’s
78. Which location will have most nearly twelve
71. What is meant by LAST DITCH in this hours of daylight and twelve hours of darkness
sentence? during December? A town that is located
The aged bishop prepared to fight to the last ditch A. close to the North Pole
to defend his good name. B. close to the South Pole
A. One’s last courage C. One’s last strategy C. halfway between the equator and South Pole
B. One’s last hope D. One’s last defense D. close to equator

72. Which one should be TRUE if Earth’s rotation 79. How much larger is the supplement of a 57
axis did not tilt? degree angle than the complement of a 75 degree
I. Days and night would be the same length angle?
everywhere on Earth A. none of these D. 108 degrees
II. There would be no hours of darkness on points B. 18 degrees E. 105 degrees
along the equator C. 123 degrees
III. Earth would have no seasons
IV. Each part of the Earth would have the same 80. What are the next four numbers in this
daily temperature pattern sequence 8,5,4,9,17_____,_____,____
A. II and IV C. III and IV A. 5,4,3,2 D. none of these
B. IV and I D. I AND III B. 6,3,2,0 E. 4,3,2,1
C. 3,2,1,0
73. Which is the sum of infinite progression 3/2, 1, 81. Which is the equivalent common fraction of the
2/3, 4,/9…..? repeating decimal 3.242424…?
A. 109/33 C. 110/33
A. 7 ½ C. 6 ½ B. 108/33 D. 107/33
B. 5 ½ D. 4 ½ E. none of these
E. None of these
82. How many ways can a committee of 4 people
74. Tides, caused by the moon’s gravity, create a be selected from a group of 7 people?
frictional force that is gradually slowing down
Page | 38 RANDOM
A. 140 C. 35 A. 20 C. 15
B. 70 D. none of these B. 25 D. 30
E. 210 E. none of these

83. In the progression 18, -12,8……which term is 91. Mr. Garcia owns a 10½ hectares tract of land.
512/729? He plans to subdivide this tract into ¼ hectare lots.
A. The 6th C. The 9th He must first set aside 1/6 of the total land for
B. The 7th D. The 8th roads. How many lots will this tract yield?
E. none of these A. 45 C. 30
B. 42 D. 35
84. During a recent shopping spree, Tomas and E. none of these
Nena bought some new accessories for their
apartment. Nena choose a crocheted throw pillow 92. What is the sum of all the two digit numbers
at P24.95, and Tomas purchased a rural landscape which are divisible by 5?
painting for P135.00. How much did they actually A. 1050 D. 950
spend if they paid 7% sales tax on their purchases? B. none of these E. 960
A. P 139.25 D. none of these C. 945
B. P 148.75 E. P 159.95
C. P 171.15 93. Which are the next three terms in the
progression 1,4,16…8 terms?
85. To pass the English Test, Lucille must get 75% A. 67,259,1027 C. 65,257,1025
of the items correct. Out of 80 questions, how many B. 66,258,1026 D. 64,256,1024
must she correctly answer? E. none of these
A. 55 D. none of these
B. 60 E. 65 94. You buy a new refrigerator for P12,800.00 and
C. 70 make a down payment of P2,500.00. If you finance
the remainder of 8% annually for three years. How
86. What is the difference between the largest 4- much will you actually pay for the refrigerator?
digit number and the smallest 4-digit number? A. P 12,772.00 D. P12,190.00
A. none of these C. 9998 B. P 15,272.00 E. P10,300.00
B. 8888 D. 8000 C. none of these
E. 8999
95. The hypotenuse of a right triangle is 25 feet. If
87. In how many ways can you arrange three one leg is 24 feet, what is the length of the other
mathematics books (Algebra, Geometry, leg?
Trigonometry) in order on shell? A. none of these D. 6 ft.
A. none of these D. 8 B. 20 ft. E. 5 ft.
B. 6 E. 12 C. 7 ft.
C. 24
896. What day follows the day before yesterday if 2
88. If a baseball player hits 10 home runs in the first days from now will be Sunday?
45 games, at the same rate how many home runs A. Saturday D. Tuesday
can he expect to hit during 162-games season? B. none of these E. Thursday
A. 40 C. 42 C. Wednesday
B. 38 D. 36
E. none of these 97. A car dealer is offering a rebate of P7,500.00
89. Which are the next three terms in the on any new-car purchase. If the purchase price of a
progression 1/125,-1/25, 1/5…7 terms? car is P200,000.00 more than it was last year. What
A. –4,8,-28 C. –2,6,-26 is the rate of the discount offered by the rebate?
B. –1,5,-25 D. –3,7,-27 A. 7.5% C. 13.3%
E. none of these B. 10% D. not enough information is given
E. 14.2%
90. Find m in the proportion m/12=30/24.

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98. One package is 100 pounds, and the other is A. conception classes takes by the parents
150 pounds. The weight of the second package is B. the “law of averages” finally catching up.
how many times that of the first? C. the timing of fertility cycles.
A. 20 pounds heavier D. 10 pounds heavier D. the father’s contribution of a “Y” chromosomes.
B. ½ as heavy E. 1 ½ times heavier
C. none of these 106. Spouses Jose S. Luz and Celerina Luz filed a
petition to adopt Gregorio Luz Ona, their nephew.
99. Employees at Shaira’s Musicmart get a 20% The spouses are childless and they reared from his
discount on all purchases. If Theresa buys three birth 1971 until 1975 and they continue to support
tapes at P7.49 each, how much will she have to him. Gregorio had to be left in the Philippines when
pay after her employee discount? the spouse went to the United States where Jose is
A. P16.98 D. P18.98 employed. The MSSD recommended the adoption
B. P17.98 E. P19.98 to the court on the premise that petitioners are in a
C. none of these better position to provide for the minor child than
the natural parents who are impoverished.
100. How many gallons of water will fill a fish tank What could be the possible decision of the court on
that is 18 inches by 12 inches by 48 inches? he petition?
(There are 231 cubic inches pr gallon). Round your A. The court denied the petition on the premise that
answer to the nearest gallon. the trial custody required by PD 603 cannot be
A. 38 gallons D. 47 gallons effected for spouses are non-residents.
B. 45 gallons E. 40 gallons B. The petition for adoption was denied because
C. none of these the spouses are non-residents of the Philippines.
C. The petition for adoption was granted because
101. How many whole numbers can divide 30 the court finds that it is to the best interest of the
exactly? child.
A. Four D. Six D. The court denied the petition because the
B. Eight E. Five spouses are already aliens.
C. none of these
107. Which method of reproduction provides for the
102. How much topsoil is needed to cover a garden most variety of offspring?
25 feet by 40 feet to a depth of 6 inches? A. Cloning C. Cellular reproduction
A. 440 cuft D. none of these B. Asexual reproduction D. Sexual reproduction
B. 460 cuft E. 480 cuft
C. 500 cuft 108. Which one is the right to human dignity?
A. Political independence
103. The Miranda Family purchased a 250-pound B. Honor and reputation
side of beef and had it packaged. They paid C. Form association
P365.00 for the side beef. During the packaging, 75 D. Social and economic reforms
lb of beef were discarded as waste. What was the
cost per pound for packaged beef? 109. Which of the following ethnocentric behavior?
A. P 2.50 per lb D. P 2.30 per lb A. A Hispanic community group demands that
B. P 2.06 per lb E. none of these public aid forms be published in English and
C. P 2.08 per lb Spanish
B. A peace Corps volunteer who helps dig wells in
104. The following are defects present at the time Central Africa
of marriage which is voidable and annullable C. A student who tutors an immigrant in English
EXCEPT D. A tourist who lectures his foreign hosts on the
A. fraud C. threat “uncivilized” nature of their marriage customs
B. impotence D. deceit 110. Mary Rose, an 18 year old was sexually abuse
by 3 teenagers from well-to-do families from
105. The Jones family has four children, all girls. Makati. Despite pressures, she came out into the
The fifth child born is a boy. This change is the open to get justice. Which need did Mary Rose
result of satisfy?

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A. Need for civic responsibility C. Need for
universal solidarity 118. The principle under which a thermostat
B. Need for personal integrity D. Need for family operates is the same under which
unity A. a gas expands to fill the container in which it is
111. What do you predict will happen when you B. a pendulum swings when it is set into motion.
bring two bar of magnets closer together? C. the level of mercury rises or falls in a glass tube.
A. Nothing will happen. D. a chemical reaction occurs when two
B. They will attract each other. substances combine.
C. They will repel each other.
D. They will create an alternating current. 119. Scientist also find that other stalky vegetables
such as carrots also help lower pressure. This
112. Without the process of meiosis, we can infer statement is classified as BEST
that offspring from sexual reproduction would A. experiment C. nonessential fact
A. be identical B. finding D. prediction
B. have twice assigned number of chromosomes
C. have a high degree of genetic variety 120. Each of the following objects is designed to
D. have a number of mutations. employ the buoyancy principle EXCEPT a
A. Canoe C. Kite
113. Which is the BEST evidence that helium gas is B. Submarine D. life preserver
lighter than air?
A. Helium has the lowest boiling point of all 121. Which area of the brain controls feelings on
elements. the side of a person’s face?
B. Helium-filled balloons rise in air. A. The left occipital lobe C. The right parietal lobe
C. By volume, helium makes up only 0.0005% of B. The right occipital lobe D. The left parietal lobe
D. Helium atoms do not combine with other air 122. What is the function of DIFFUSION in the
atoms. human body?
A. Plays an insignificant role in the body’s
114. It was also discovered that the chemical 3m functioning
butylphthalide can lower the blood pressure of rats. B. Allows an even distribution of substances
This statement is classified as ________. throughout all cells of the body
A. prediction C. finding C. Regulates blood flow
B. experiment D. nonessential fact D. Comes into play in times of extreme illness

115. Which antidote would have a similar effect if 123. What indoor relative humidity range would
vinegar or citrus juice were not available? probably be comfortable to preventing temperature
A. Water C. Raw egg white and humidity levels are extremely low?
B. Vegetable oil D. Milk A. 90% to 100 % C. 60% to 70 %
B. 30% to 40 % D. 20% to 30 %
116. Which one explains why oxygen, a gas is the
largest component of the Earth’s crust? 124. Which is NOT among the hazardous effects of
A. Oxygen gives Earth’s crust its lightness water pollution to health?
B. Oxygen is needed to sustain all life on Earth A. The epidemic threat of hepatitis and dysentery
C. Oxygen is the most abundant element in the B. The dumping of mercury in the sea causing
world blindness, brain damage or death
D. Oxygen is capable of combining with most of the C. The increase incidence of liver cancer
elements in the Earth’s crust D. The presence of certain bacteria in the digestive
117. Why does a pendulum in a grandfather clock tract causing methemoglobinemia
once set in motion continue to swing, thereby
regulating the clock movement? This is due to Law 125. Which kingdom should STREPTOCOCCUS
of _____ be classified?
A. Universal Gravitation C. Applied Force A. Plantae C. Protista
B. Inertia D. Action and reaction B. Monera D. Fungi
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A. 864.08 C. 8640.8
126. An elderly woman suffered a stroke-a B. 86.408 D. 8.6408
restriction of blood flow to the brain. if the stroke E. none of these
caused to the right side of her body to become
temporarily paralyzed, she most likely experienced 134. A meter was cut at the 35-cm mark. What is
a decreased blood flow to the ratio of the smaller piece to the larger piece?
A. the front of her brain C. the left side of her body A. none of these C. 65:35
B. the left side of her brain D. the right side of her B. 7:13 D. 35:100
brain E. 65:100

127. A nation in which loess would likely be found 135. 10- 3 2/7 or 10-3 2/17= __________
today is A. 7 2/17 C. 6 15/17
A. Iceland C. United States B. 6 2/17 D. 6 1/17
B. Japan D. Ecuador E. none of these

128. Why does a bullet when discharged into the 136. If P75,000 is shared among three children in
air eventually fall to the ground? This is due to the the ratio of 3:7;15, the size of the smaller share is?
Law of _________. A. P15 C. none of these
A. Action and Reaction C. Applied Force B. P9 D. P35
B. Inertia D. Universal Gravitation E. P25

129. In which kingdom should MOLD it be 137. 4 1/5 or 4 1/5 + 3 2/7 = __________.
classified? + 3 2/7________
A. Plantae C. Protista A. 7 3/35 C. 7 3/12
B. Fungi D. Animalia B. 7 17/35 D. 7 1/35
E. none of these
130. A carpenter wanted three piece of wood each
1 5/8 feet long. If he planned to cut them from a 6- 138. Which one is the right to human dignity?
foot piece of wood, how much of the piece would A. Share is scientific and technological advances of
be left? the world
A. 4 7/8 ft C. 4 3/8 ft B. Right to information
B. 3 ft D. 1 1/8 ft C. Choose the goals and means of development
E. none of these D. Sovereignty over our natural resources

131. Four mangoes cost P29.00 at that price what 139. Which will solve poverty caused by
will 2½ dozen mangoes cost? capitalism?
A. P870.00 C. P217.50 A. Fascism C. Empiricism
B. none of these D. P188.50 B. Communism D. Socialism
E. P348.50
140. Which explains the reason why there are
132. A Politician wants to get his message to 2/3 of continuos and increasing human rights violation?
the population of 48,000 in Bulacan. However A. The United Nations uses a single solution on all
advertising campaign reaches only 3/ 4 of the forms of human rights violations.
number he intended. How many people does he B. The United Nation’s General Assembly approved
actually reach? only resolutions on human rights and basic
A. 36,000 C. 16,000 freedoms which are not binding.
B. 24,000 D. 10,000 C. The United Nations as an international body is
E. none of these rather slow in the exercise of its powers.
D. The solutions used are effective.
133. The carat is a unit of measure used to weight
precious stones. It equals 3.086 grains. How many 141. Which part of the Allied action has been
grains does 2.8 carat diamond weigh? detailed in this passage?
After Saddam Hussein violated international
arguments by sending Iraq troops to Kuwait and
Page | 42 RANDOM
missiles into neighboring countries, the Allies A. The continued parental influence over children’s
responded with military action. language dress and other behavior
A. The movement of Allied Troops with Iraq B. The unity of the family despite competing
B. The Allied bases in Saudi Arabia demands
C. The air campaign in the Baghdad area C. The continued support for parents and siblings
D. The ground was in the desert D. The loss of the traditional evening prayer and
the ritual of blessing (mano)
142. Which family obligation is especially valued?
A. Supplying groceries to relatives in remote barrios 148. Which of the following foreign policy action
B. Keeping immediate family members out of today is a direct result of early American imperialist
trouble policy?
C. Providing health assistance to relatives living in A. America’s patrolling of waters off the Libyan
the same locale coast
D. Sending to college relatives in remote barrios B. Stationing of American troops in West Germany
C. America’s military support of Israel in the Middle
143. The Soviet Union’s attempt to establish a East
missile base in Cuba is interpreted as a direct D. America’s establishment of military bases in the
violation of Philippines
A. the Declaration of Independence
B. the Truman Doctrine 149. Which one BEST defines personal integrity?
C. the Monroe Doctrine A. The unity between ignorance and reality
D. the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) B. The relationship between virtue and conduct
C. The unity of man’s deeds, words, thoughts and
144. Thousands of street children in large Brazilian realities
cities were murdered by paramilitary death squads D. The unity of mans social, political and physical
which included police officers. What could be the aspects
reason why these operations were not suppressed
the government? 150. The undeclared war in Korea most closely
A. To how they treat their people was nobody else’s resembled the situation of
business. A. Vietnam War C. The Spanish-American War
B. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was B. World War I D. World War II
only lip service.
C. The business people even funded these 151. Which one is NOT personal integrity?
operations to clean up their streets and A. Place C. Time
neighborhoods. B. Harmony D. Order
D. Totalitarian governments do not give protection
to their people. 152. Julieta Villaruel was a landowner from Cabiao,
Nueva Ecija, Under the CARL, she was claiming 8
145. Which one is the human right to life? hectares, 5 hectares of which represented the
A. Live in national and international order C. Own retention limit and 3 hectares for her only child.
property Why was her child denied the 3 hectares?
B. Fair trial D. Peace A. Her son was 17 years old who was managing
the farm
146. Carter’s part in relinquishing U.S. control of B. Her son was 19 years old who was actually tiling
the Central Zone to Panama is declared victory for or managing the farm
__________. C. Her son was 15 years old who was actually tiling
A. conservatism C. isolationism the farm
B. anti-imperialism D. imperialism D. Her son was 13 years old who has been helping
till the farm
147. Of the following changes in the socio-
economic, political cultural and physical that have 153. Which is the MOST important perceived need
occurred in the Filipino family, which one remains and problem of the Filipino family?
to be A. Double standard on the roles of male and female
TRUE? B. Proveness to vices
Page | 43 RANDOM
C. Protectiveness of children A. His loan was P40,000.00 C. His loan was
D. Unemployment or financial problem P50,000.00
B. His loan was P30,000.00 D. His loan was
154. The following are legitimate children, EXCEPT P60,000.00
A. those legitimated.
B. those born out a valid marriage of the parents. 159. Of the following, which is imposed a final tax
C. those born during a valid marriage of the of ten percent(10%)?
parents. A. Currently bank deposit
D. those born by artificial insemination. B. PCSO and lotto winnings
C. Books, literary works and musical compositions
155. Two days after Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, D. Royalties
Roosevelt made the following statements:
“ In the past few years and most violently in the 160. Where would you commit a drug dependent
past few days, we learned a terrible lesson. We for him to achieve a natural, tensionless, and
must begin the great task that is before us by anxiety-free state?
abandoning once and for all the illusion that we can A. DARN C. DARE
ever again isolate ourselves from the rest of the B. NFPI D. Bukang Liwayway Center
In the statement, Roosevelt is expressing the ideas 161. Mang Tacio has been unemployed for quite
of ________. sometimes due to his negative attitude towards
A. an isolationist C. anti-imperialist work. Which program of the Department of Social
B. an imperialist D. internationalist Welfare and Services will help him?
A. Social Insurance Program C. HRD Program
156. The San Pascual Credit Cooperative of B. Anti-Medicancy Program D. Income in Kind
Quezon City wishes to apply for a loan of five Program
million pesos from one of the financial institution,
EXCEPT 162. The main message of the Moral Recovery
A. Philippine National Bank C. Central Bank of the Program launched by Letecia Ramos Shahani
Philippines starts with the _____________.
B. Land Bank of the Philippines D. Development A. World C. nation
Bank of the Philippines B. self D. family

157. Carolina Diaz filed a petition for habeas 163. One of the most outstanding accomplishments
corpus against Mr. and Mrs. Ramon Alde to recover of the cooperative movement is the encouragement
custody of Lina Diaz Tan alias "Gracia Alde,” the of thrift. Which maxim of God puts this into
natural daughter of Carolina Diaz, who was a practice?
hostess. A. “Happy are those who are merciful to others;
What could be the possible action of the court on God will be merciful to them!”
the petition filed by Carolina Diaz? B. “God helps those who help themselves.”
A. Her petition would be denied because she was a C. “He is near to those who call to Him, who call to
former hostess. Him with sincerity.”
B. Her petition would be denied because when D. “Look at the birds: they do not plant seeds,
Gracia was given to the Aldes it was tantamount to gather a harvest and put it in barns; yet your father
abandonment of the child, resulting to termination in heaven takes care of them!”
of parental authority.
C. Her petition would be granted because she is 164. Which refers to the FUNNEL EFFECT?
the natural mother. A. The belief that every criminal gets caught and is
D. Her petition would be granted because she now pushed
works as a clerk in a prestigious office. B. The idea that only a very few suspects arrested
for committing a crime are actually punished.
158. Why did the register of deeds charge Lucio C. The idea that all crimes are put into the same
Cruz registration fee the instrument relative to his criminal justice system
loan? D. The belief that crimes is under control in the
United States.
Page | 44 RANDOM
172. Which of the following BEST demonstrate the
165. Why was San Andres Cooperative Association greenhouse principle?
of Paco, Manila not exempted A. A heated aquarium C. A microwave oven
from taxation? B. A car with rolled-up windows D. A solar battery-
A. It accumulated reserves and undivided net powered calculator
savings P9,000,000.00
B. It accumulated reserves and undivided net 173. New ponies, perennial plants that produce
savings P11,000.00 showy flowers can be propagated from the parent
C. It accumulated reserves and undivided net plant by dividing corns that grow underground. This
savings P10,000.00 reproductive form resembles a ________.
D. It accumulated reserves and undivided net A. bud C. bulb
savings P8,000,000.00 B. runner D. seed

166. Which is the main goal of drug abuse 174. What does a stick of unlit dynamite
education? demonstrate?
A. Arrest C. Rehabilitation A. Chemical energy C. Kinetic energy
B. Control D. Prevention B. Nuclear energy D. Potential energy

167. Which are limited only to the safe of real 175. In an experiment, a drop of blue ink is placed
property and stock transaction? on the surface of a glass of water. In a few minutes,
A. Business income C. Employment income the drop of ink is dispersed throughout the water,
B. Capital gains D. Passive income turning it light blue. The result of the experiment
proves that
168. Which theory was asserted by the Pan- A. heat causes the ink to disperse
German belief in the superiority of the Aryan race B. ink molecules have less density than water
and that the strength of the German culture came molecules
from a strong, healthy and rustic lineage. C. molecules of ink and molecules of water are in
A. Dependency Theory constant motion
B. Social Darwinist Theory D. a new compound is formed by the combination
C. Culture Poverty Theory of ink and water
D. Theory of Capitalism
176. In an experiment, a vacuum is created when
169. Which has become a prototype of other air is removed from a tube. A coin and bits of
schemes that defeated the real and true purpose of confetti are released in the vacuum at the same
the CARL? time. They fall at the same rate and reach the
A. The conversion of farmlands to industrial bottom at the same time. The experiment proves
complexes that
B. The stocks option scheme of Hacienda Luisita I. In a vacuum, the rate of accelerator is the same
C. The conversion from agriculture to subdivision for all objects regardless of weight.
D. The voluntary offer to sell II. Outside a vacuum air resistance is what makes
different objects fall at different rates.
170. Lucy’s husband has been a drug dependent. III. Gravity has no effect at all on objects that fall in
She wanted him rehabilitated to be economically a vacuum.
productive. Where will she commit her husband? A. I and III C. II and III
A. DARE C. Bukang Liwayway Center B. I,II and III D. I and II
171. Which Law of force and motion explains this 177. As a representative of the Urban Poor
occurrence, when a rocket is propelled upward by Commission of the Association of Religious
the powerful downward discharged of exhaust Superiors (ARS), which action will you most likely
gases? take to resolve the long-term roots of structural
A. Inertia C. Applied Force inequalities-proliferation of child labor and child
B. Universal Gravitation D. Action and Reaction prostitution?
A. Conduct skills training.
B. Raise questions over government’s commitment
Page | 45 RANDOM
to rebuild human rights. Situation 2 – below is an excerpt from John F.
C. Raise views of human rights abuse. Kennedy’s “Inaugural Address.” Read the excerpt
D. Organize regular programs for information and and answer the questions that follows
discussion of human rights. In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine,
will rest the final success or failure of our course.
178. If a farmer would want assistance like pricing, Since this country as founded, each generation of
guarantee for all agricultural produce or cooperative Americas has been summoned to give testimony to
management training, where would he go? its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans
A. Special Agrarian Court under the Regional Trial into answered the call to service surround the
Court globe.
B. Land Bank Now the trumpet summons us again-not as a call to
C. Support services of the Department of Agrarian bear arms, though arms we need, not as a call to
Reform battle, though embattled we are; but a call to bear
D. DAR adjudication board the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and
year out, “rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation,” a
Situation 1 – Below is the poem written by Edgar struggle against the common enemies of many
Lee Masters in 1915: tyranny, poverty, disease, and war itself.
At first I suspected something __________ Can we forge against these enemies a grand and
She acted so calm and absent-minded. global alliance, North and South, East and West,
And one day I heard the back door shut, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind?
As I entered the front, and I saw him slink Will you join me in this historic effort?
Back of the smokehouse into the lot, In the long history of the world, only a few
And across the filed. generations have been granted the role of
And I meant to kill him on sight. defending freedoms in its hour of maximum danger.
But that day, walking near Fourth Bridge, I do not shrink responsibility; I welcome it. I do not
All of a sudden I saw him standing, believe that any of us would exchange places with
Scared to death, holding his rabbits, any other people with any other people or any other
And all I could say was, “Don’t, Don’t Don’t,” generation. The energy, the faith, the devotions
As he aimed and fired at my heart/ which we bring to this endeavor will light our
country and all who serve it, and the glow from that
179. The way in which the poet present these fire can truly light the world.
words in line 12 implies that Tom And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your
A. tried to annoy the other man. country can do for you; ask what you can do for
B. did not want to hurt the other man. your country.
C. begged the man to stop seeing his wife. My Fellow citizens of the world, ask not what
D. was shot before he finished the statement America will do for you, but what together we can
do for the freedom of man.
180. The poet introduces the poem with lines 1-3 to
show us that Tom Merritt 183. The speech is characterized by all of the
A. was sure that his wife still loved him following stylistic devices EXCEPT
B. was a very suspicious person A. the repetition of key words
C. was sure that his wife was ill B. the use of the personal pronouns we and us to
D. had suspected that his wife was seeing another build rapport with listeners
man C. a standard, predictable rhythm and the use of
181. Which of the following techniques is used in D. catchy turns of phase in which subjects and
the poem? objects are inverted
A. Rhyme C. Free verse
B. Verse D. Personification 184. In the speech, Kennedy paints a picture of the
United States as a nation that is
182. Who is the speaker of this poem? A. on the brink of world war C. the leading defender
A. The sheriff C. God of freedom
B. Tom Merritt D. Merritt’s wife B. longing to return to the past D. struggling to
Page | 46 RANDOM
C. celebrities are usually more famous after their
185. The tone of the speech can BEST be death
characterized as D. opportunity and luck are often as important as
A. sad C. light-hearted hard work
B. sarcastic D. uplifting
188. The statement that ”success often comes to
186. One of the purposes of the speech is to those with humble beginnings” would apply best to
motivate listeners to which of the following figures?
A. enlist the armed forces C. preserve the right to A. Corazon C. Aquino C. Ramon Magsaysay
bear arms B. Joseph Estrada D. Gloria M. Arroyo
B. prepare themselves for battle D. serve their
country 189. The last sentence reveals that the author’s
attitude toward Presley
Situation 3 – Below is a Boigraphical sketch of an is one of
American movie writer: A. disbelief C. disgust
How did Elvis Presley Achieve Recognition B. admiration D. indifference
Success often comes to those with humble
beginnings. Elvis Aaron Presley was born on 190. The author uses the phrase ups and downs to
January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. He first refer to Presley’s
sang in a church and taught himself to play the A. gyrations as performed
guitar, but he never learned to read music. By B. use of drugs, ”uppers and downers”
1953, he had moved to Memphis, Tennessee, C. successes and disappointments in his career
graduated from high school. And enrolled in night D. increasing and decreasing finances
school to become an electrician. That year, at Sun
Records, Presley recorded a personal record for his Situation 4- The poem below is entitled “Suburban
mother, a song that was heard by the company’s Prophecy” which is
president. As a result of the president’s recognition written by Howard Nemerov
Presley’s first record “That’s All Right Mama,” was On Saturday, the power-mowers’ whine
out in 1954. Begins the morning. Over this neighborhood
He toured the South, and in 1955 five of his record Rises the keening, petulant voice, begin
were released simultaneously. His first national Green oily teeth to chatter and munch the cud.
television appearance was that year of Jackie Monster, crawling the carpets of the world,
Gleason’s “The Stage Show.” But Presley became Still send from underground against your blades
known for his appearance on “The Ed Sullivan The roots of things battalions greens and curled
Show,” where young singer gyrated as he sang And tender, that will match your blades with blades
“rock n’ roll” music. During the live television Till the revolted throats shall strangle on
performance, Presley wad photographed only from The tickle of their dead, till straws shall break
the waist up because his motions were considered Crankshafts like camels, and the sun go down
obscene. On dinosaurs in swamps. And night attack
“Elvis the Pelvis” began his film career in 1956 with Follows and by the time the Sabbath dawns
LOVE ME TENDER and signed a long-term film All armored beasts are eaten by their lawns.
contract. The movie critics were not always kind,
but teenagers flocked to Presley’s films. Within a 191. To what does the phrase “your blades” in line
few short years, Presley had established a career 8 refer?
that would span twenty-five years of ups and down A. Monster C. Carpets
and make him one of the most popular entertainers B. Lawmowers D. Roots
in history. Long after his untimely death at age 42,
Presley would be remembered as “The King of 192. The poet’s use of words such as whine, voice,
Rock n Roll.” teeth, chatter and munch is to suggest that the
power-mowers are
187. The main idea of the sketch is that A. very powerful C. green
A. there has always been obscenity on television B. alive D. like cows
B. singers are more successful if they appear in
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193. The imagery in the first stanza appeals to the
reader’s sense of 195. Alin salita ang paulit-ulit na binabangit ni
A. touch C. hearing Onofre Pagsanghan?
B. sight D. smell A. Bayan C. Kabataan
B. Kung D. Nabansot
194. How long does the action of poet take place?
A. A morning C. A week 196. Sa alin makikita ang tunay na
B. An Afternoon D. Twenty-four hours NASYONALISMO?
A. Diwa C. Sulat
Situation 5 – Ang sumusunod ay isang talumpati na B. Salita D. Gawa
may pamagat na SA KABATAAN
na isinulat ni Onofre Pagsanghan 197. Bakit di dapat tumangkad tulad ni “bondying”?
Isa sa mga salitang napag-aralan natin sa wikang A. Magulo kasi ito
Pilipino ay salitang NABANSOT. Kapag ang isang B. Di ito mapagkakatiwalaan
bagay daw ay dapat pang lumaki ngunit ito’y tumigil C. May kakulangan ito
na sa paglaki, ang bagay na ito raw ay D. Di totoo ito
NABANSOT. Marami raw uri ngpagkabansot ngunit
ang pinakamalungkot na uri raw ay ang ng isipan, 198. Alin sa mga sumususnod ang mensahe ng
ng puso at ng diwa. taluimpati?
Ang panahon ng kabataan ay panahon ng pagklaki, A. Ang mataas na paniniwala at taimtim na
ngunit ang ating paglaki ay kailangang paglaki at pananalig ay
pag-unlad ng ating buong katauhan. Hindi lamang kailangang taglayin upang ang hangarin sa buhay
ng atinmg sukat at timbang. Kung ga-poste man ay ating kamtin.
ang ating at ga-pison man angating bigat ngunit B. Ang panahon ng kabataan ay panahon ng
kung ang pag-iisip namat nati’y ga-kulisap lamang paglaki at
kay pangit na kabansutan. Kung tumangkad man pagbabagong makabuluhan.
tayong tangkad-kawayan at bumilog man tayong C. Ang gawa ang siyang sukat ng kadakilaan.
bilog-tapayan, ngunit kung tayo nama’y tulad ni D. Ang kabataan ay siyang pag-asa ng bayan.
“bondying” ay di pagkatiwalaan anong laking
kakulangan. Kung magkakatawan tayong katawang 199. Which one should be TRUE if Earth’s rotation
“Tarza” at mapatalas ang ating isipang sintalas ng axis did not tilt?
kay Rizal, ngunit kung ang ating kalooban nama’y I. Days and nights would be the same length
itim na duwende ng kasamaan anong kapinsalaan everywhere on Earth
para sa kinabukasan. II. There would be no hours of darkness on points
Kinabukasan, kabataan, tayo raw ang pag-asa ng on points along the equator
inang Bayan. Tayo raw ang maghahatid sa kanya III. Earth would have no seasons
sa lagnit ng kaganaan at karangalan o hihila sa IV. Each part of the Earth would have the same
kanya sa putik ng kahirapan at kahihiyan. Ang daily temperature pattern
panahon ng pagkilos ay ngayon, hindi bukas, hindi A. II and IV C. III and IV
sa isang taon. Araw-araw ay tumatawid tayong B. IV and I D. I and III
palangit o bumabaluktod tayong paputik. Tamang-
tama ang sabi ng ating mga ninunong kung ano 200. What values are being given priority by juries
raw ang kinamihasnan ay siyang pagkakatandaan. in criminal cases?
Huwag nating akalaing makapagpapabaya tayo ng A. The rights of the criminal over the strict
ating pag-aaral ngayon at sa araw ng bukas ay interpretation of the law
bigla tayong maging mga dalubhasang B. The safety of the community over sympathy for
magpapaunlad sa bayan. Huwag nating akalaing the criminal
makapaglulublob tayo ngayon sa kalaswaan at C. The punishment of the criminal over the safety of
kahalayan at sa mahiwagang araw ng bukas bigla the community
tayong magiging ulirang mga magulang. D. The needs of the criminals over the advice
Kabataan, tunay na pag-ibig sa bayan, ang tunay
na nasyonalismo, ay wala sa tamis ng pagnarap ANSWER KEY
wala rin sa pagpag ng dila. Ang tunay na pag-ibig GENERAL EDUCATION (Elementary)
ay nasa pawis ng gawa.
Page | 48 RANDOM
1. D 51. B 101. E 151. B
2. C 52. C 102. C 152. A TEORYANG BOW -WOW Ginagaya nila ang tunog
3. A 53. D 103. C 153. D na nililikha ng mga hayop gaya ng tahol ng aso,
4. D 54. C 104. C 154. D tilaok ng manok at huni ng ibon. Ginagaya naman
5. C 55. B 105. D 155. C daw ng tao ang tunog ng kalikasan at paligid gaya
6. B 56. D 106. C 156. A ng ihip ng hangin, patak ng ulan at langitngit ng
7. D 57. C 107. B 157. C kawayan.
8. D 58. C 108. B 158. No answer
9. B 59. C 109. D 159. D TEORYANG DING DONG Lahat ng bagay may
10. C 60. C 110. B 160. C sariling tunog na siyang kumakatawan sa bawat isa
11. A 61. C 111. B 161. A at ang tunog niyon ang siyang ginagad ng mga
12. B 62. D 112. B 162. B sinaunang tao na kalauna’y nagpabago-bago at
13. A 63. D 113. B 163. B nilapatan ng iba’t ibang kahulugan.
14. A 64. D 114. C 164. C
15. C 65. C 115. D 165. C TEORYANG DING DONG May sariling tunog na
16. D 66. B 116. D 166. D kumakatawan sa lahat ng bagay sa kapaligiran.
17. A 67. B 117. B 167. B Tinawag din ito ni Max Muller na simbolismo ng
18. B 68 D 118. D 168. B tunog. Halimbawa: tsug- tsug ng tren, tik- tak ng
19. B 69. B 119. B 169. C orasan.
20. B 70. B 120. C 170. A
21. D 71. B 121. C 171. C TEORYANG POOH -POOH Nakalilikha ng tunog
22. B 72. D 122. B 172. A sanhi ng bugso ng damdamin. Gamit ang bibig,
23. D 73. E 123. B 173. C napabubulalas ang mga tunog ng pagdaing na dala
24. C 74. D 124. B 174. No answer ng takot, lungkot, galit, saya at paglalaan ng lakas.
25. C 75. B 125. B 175. C
26. B 76. B 126. B 176. A TEORYANG TA-RA-RA- BOOM DE AY- Ang wika
27. A 77. B 127. No answer 177. D ng tao ay nag –ugat sa mga tunog na kanilang
28. D 78. A 128. D 178. C nilikha sa mga ritwal na kalauna’y nagpapabagu-
29. D 79. B 129. B 179. D bago at nilapatan ng iba’t ibang kahulugan.
30. A 80. D 130. D 180. D Halimbawa: pagsayaw, pagsigaw at incantation o
31. B 81. D 131. A 181. C mga bulong na ginagawa tuwing makikidigma,
32. A 82. C 132. B 182. B pagtatanim at iba pa.
33. B 83. C 133. C 183. C
34. B 84. C 134. B 184. C TEORYANG SING-SONG- Iminungkahi ng
35. C 85. B 135. C 185. D linggwistang si Jesperson na ang wika ay nagmula
36. D 86. E 136. B 186. C sa paglalaro, pagtawa, pagbulong sa sarili,
37. C 87. B 137. C 187. D panliligaw at iba pang mga bulalas- emosyunal.
38. C 88. D 138. A 188. C Iminungkahi pa niya na taliwas sa iba pang teorya,
39. B 89. E 139. B 189. B ang mga unang salita ay sadyang mahahaba at
40. B 90. C 140. B 190. C musikal, at hindi maiikling bulalas na
41. C 91. D 141. A 191. No answer pinaniniwalaan ng marami.
42. B 92. C 142. D 192. No answer
43. C 93. D 143. D 193. No answer TORE NG BABEL Teoryang nahalaw mula sa
44. D 94. B 144. D 194. No answer Banal na Kasulatan. Nagkaroon ng panahon
45. A 95. C 145. A 195. C kungsaan ang wika ay iisa lamang. Napag-isipang
46. C 96. C 146. D 196. D magtayo ng isang tore upang hindi na
47. B 97. E 147. B 197. B magkawatak-watak at nang mahigitan ang
48. C 98. E 148. D 198. C Panginoon. Nang malaman ito ng Panginoon,
49. C 99. B 149. B 199. D bumababa Siya at sinira ng tore. Nang nawasak na
50. D 100. B 150. A 200. A ang tore, nagkawatak-watak na ang tao dahil iba-
iba na ang wikang kanilang binibigkas kaya
nagkanya-kanya na sila at kumalat sa mundo.
Page | 49 RANDOM
TEORYANG YOO HE YO- Pinaniniwalaan ng ninuno. Maaari raw kasing noo’y tinatawag ng
linggwistang si A.S Diamond (2003) na ang tao ay mga unang tao ang mga hayop sa pamamagitan ng
natutong magsalita bunga diumano ng kanyang mga mahikal na tunog na kalaunan ay naging
puwersang pisikal. pangalan ng bawat hayop.

TEORYANG TA -TA Ayon sa teoryang ito, ang Teoryang Eureka! Sadyang inimbento/nilikha
kumpas o galaw ng kamay ng tao na kanyang ang wika ayon sa teoryang ito ayon kay (Boeree,
ginagawa sa bawat partikular na okasyon ay ginaya 2003). Maaari raw na ang ating mga ninuno ay
ng dila at naging sanhi ng pagkatuto ng taong may ideya ng pagtatakda ng mga arbitraryong
lumikha ng tunog at kalauna’y nagsalita. Tinatawag tunog upang ipakahulugan sa mga tiyak na
itong ta-tana sa wikang Pranses ay bagay. Nang ang mga ideyang iyon ay nalikha,
nangangahulugang paalam o goodbye sapagkat mabilis na iyong kumalat sa iba pang tao at naging
kapag ang isang tao nga namang nagpapaalam ay kalakaran sa pagpapangalan ng mga bagay-
kumakampay ang kamay nang pababa at pataas bagay.
katulad ng pagbaba at pagtaas na galaw ng dila
kapag binibigkas ang salitang ta-ta.

Teoryang Mama - Nagmula ang wika sa mga

pinakamadadaling pantig ng pinakamahahalagang
bagay. Pansinin nga naman ang mga bata. Sa
una’ y hindi niya masasabi ang salitang mother
ngunit dahil ang unang pantig ng nasabing salita
ang pinakamahalaga diumano, una niyang
nasasabi ang mama bilang panumbas sa salitang

Teoryang Hey you - Iminungkahi ng linggwistang

si Revesz na bunga ng interpersonal na kontak ng
tao sa kanyang kapwa tao ang wika. Ayon kay
Revesz, nagmula ang wika sa mga tunog na
nagbabadya ng pagkakakilanlan (Ako!) at
pagkakabilang (Tayo!). Napapabulalas din tayo
bilang pagbabadya ng takot, galit o sakit (Saklolo!).
Tinatawag din itong teoryang kontak.

Teoryang Coo Coo - Ang wika ay nagmula sa mga

tunog na nalilikha ng mga sanggol. Ang mga tunog
daw na ito ang ginaya ng mga matatanda bilang
pagpapangalan sa mga bagay- bagay sa paligid,
taliwas sa paniniwala ng marami na ang mga bata
ang nanggagaya ng tunog ng mga matatanda.

Teoryang Babble Lucky - Ang wika raw ay

nagmula sa mga walang kahulugang bulalas ng
tao. Sa pagbubulalas ng tao, sinuwerte lamang
daw siya nang ang mga hindi sinasadya at walang
kabuluhang tunog na kanyang nalikha ay naiugnay
sa mga bagay-bagay sa paligid na kalaunan ay
naging pangalan ng mga iyon.

Teoryang Hocus Pocus - Ayon kay Boeree

(2003), maaaring ang pinanggalingan ng wika ay
tulad ng pinanggalingan ng mga mahikal o
relihiyosong aspeto ng pamumuhay ng ating mga
Page | 50 RANDOM
1. Which of the following is not a benefit of 7. He is considered to be the “Father of Computing”
technology in education? because of his contributions to the basic design of
a. Improves critical-thinking abilities. computer.
b. Unlimited access to games and other internet a. John Napier
sites. b. William Oughtred
c. Allows cooperative learning. c. Blaise Pascal
d. Increases self-expression. d. Charles Babbage

2. Which situation shows that technology can be

used to motivate students to learn?
a. Teacher Eric employs educational games related 8. Which is the standard input device that accepts
to the lesson they are taking. letters, numbers and commands from the user?
b. Miss Cleo designs lessons which use a. Trackpad
cooperative learning with technology integration. b. Lightpen
c. Mr. Jimmy utilizes computer assisted instruction c. Mouse
programs so that students will learn at their own d. Keyboard
d. Teacher Sarah assigns projects to her class 9. Mr. Rico carefully studies the materials he
where self-expression and creativity is acquired from the internet. He always examines if
acknowledged. the author is qualified to present the material. This
practice is?
3. He is considered as the “Father of Modern Media a. necessary to ensure that the materials are
in Education”. reliable.
a. Jean Piaget b. unethical because he does not trust the author.
b. Robert Gagne c. unnecessary because all resources from the
c. B.F. Skinner internet are dependable.
d. Edgar Dale d. just a waste of time.

4. It is a term to denote a whole range of 10. When a teacher asks the consistency of a
technologies associated with processing material taken from the internet with other available
information and with sending and receiving materials, he/she is concerned with its?
messages. a. relevance
a. Educational Technology b. accuracy
b. Information and Communication Technology c. coverage
c. Media Technology d. currency
d. Instructional Systems Design
Answers: 1B 2A 3D 4B 5C 6D 7D 8D 9A 10B
5. A methodology widely used for developing new
training programs.
a. Microsoft
b. World Wide Web
c. Instructional Systems Design
d. Computer Technology

6. This is considered to be the first manual data

processing device developed in China in the 12th
century A.D.
a. Hieroglyphics
b. Papyrus
c. Printing Press
d. Abacus

Page | 51 RANDOM
1. What factor was a major cause of both World 7. To govern is to rule and the government rules by
War I and World War II? laws. Whose main duty is the enforcement of laws?
a. The spread of Marxian ideas into Europe a. Police department
b. The dropping of atomic bombs b. Judiciary department
c. Nationalism and national borders c. Legislative department
d. The rise of totalitarian fascist states d. Executive department

2. In which organization is the Philippines a 8. The term that refers to the class of Filipinos who
member to fight communist aggression? were free and independent
a. APEC a. Timawa
b. ASA b. Maharlika
c. UN c. Aliping namamahay
d. SEATO d. Aliping saguiguilid

3. The theory that population increases by 9. The Spanish expedition responsible for naming
geometrical ratio while the means of subsistence the archipelago Filipinas
increases by arithmetical ratio is attributed to? a. Magellan’s expedition
a. Karl Marx b. Loarca expedition
b. Robert Malthus c. Legaspi expedition
c. Emile Durkheim d. Villalobos expedition
d. Aristotle
10. The third and last military governor of the
4. In what instance is the Filipino double-standard Philippines was
morality shown? a. Gen. Wesley Merritt
a. A couple brings their sick child to the doctor then b. Gen. Elwell Otis
later to the espiritista c. Gen. Arthur MacArthur
b. Young parents bring up their children in a d. Gen. Douglas MacArthur
manner different from how they were brought up
c. Illiterate parents are eager to send their children 11. Which Katipunan member commuted from
to school even if they themselves did not go to Cavite to Manila to buy materials used to make
school ammunitions?
d. A married man who flirts with someone else a. Teresa Magbanua
other than his wife seems acceptable but a married b. Agueda Esteban
woman who flirts with another man is condemned. c. Teodora Alonso
d. Trinidad Tecson
5. Which part of Asia does the Arabian peninsula
occupy? 12.Which economic system is based on free
a. Northwest enterprise?
b. Southeast a. Globalism
c. Southwest b. Mixed economies
d. Northeast c. Capitalism
d. Communism
6. The important factors which have contributed to
the weakness in the internalization of desirable 13. How is the so-called colonial mentality
values is the? manifested?
a. Lack of models among the very people expected a. Cultural relativism
to exemplify these values b. Cultural diversity
b. Use of approaches which are mainly cognitive c. Xenocentrism
rather than effective d. Ethnocentrism
c. Lack of follow up systems from one grade level
to another 14. Which is a safeguard against unfair trade
d. Minimum recognition and appreciation given to practices like short-weighing?
teachers a. Total Quality Movement
b. Consumerism
Page | 52 RANDOM
c. Consumer vigilance c. Be independent from Spain with certain
d. Substandardization conditions
d. Be represented in the Spanish Cortes
15. If the seven continents were arranged from
largest to smallest, in which order does Australia 22. Who among the Presidents changed the date of
fall? our celebration of Independence day from July 4 to
a. 4th June 12?
b. 5th a. Ramon Magsaysay
c. 6th b. Diosdado Macapagal
8. 7th c. Carlos Garcia
d. Ferdinand Marcos
16. In which continent can we find stormy Cape
Horn which is known as the graveyard of ships and 23. In which country did the Philippines participate
sailors? in the world’s peacekeeping operations by sending
a. Africa doctors, nurses, soldiers and police?
b. Australia a. Israel
c. South America b. East Timor
d. Asia c. Iraq
d. Iran
17. Which led to the creation of Pakistan as a
nation in 1947? Religious differences between 24. In which poem did Rizal write about offering
a. Hindus and Christians one’s life for one’s country?
b. Christians and Muslims a. A La Juventud Filipina
c. Hindus and Buddhists b. Song of Maria Clara
d. Hindus and Muslims c. Sa Aking mga Kabata
d. Mi Ultimo Adios
18. Which is common to Sun Yat Sen and
Mahatma Gandhi? 25. As an effect of our geography, in which of the
a. Promoted a society ruled by religious leaders following island/s do people travel mostly by water?
b. Rejected violence as a way to political power a. Luzon
c. Led a successful nationalistic movement in their b. Mindanao
respective countries c. Visayas
d. Supported Marxist philosophy to change existing d. Visayas and Mindanao
26. As an insular country, to which principle does
19. Nebuchadnezzar was to the Babylonian Empire the Philippines adhere when it comes to territorial
as Asoka was to the ______ Empire. boundary?
a. Roman a. Two hundred nautical miles of the country’s
b. Gupta coast
c. Greek b. Three hundred fifty nautical miles from shore
d. Maurya c. Three-mile territorial limit
d. Archipelagic doctrine
20. With the opposition of the parity rights in mind,
who does NOT belong to the group? 27. Which part/s of the Visayas has/have
a. Claro M. Recto comparatively more excessively moist climate and
b. Jose Laurel limited arable lands?
c. Manuel Roxas a. Western
d. Pedro Taruc b. Eastern
c. Eastern and Central
21. When the Filipino reformists asked for the d. Central and Western
assimilation of the Philippines by Spain, what did
they ask for? For the Philippines to ____ 28. Which follows Pres. Garcia’s “Filipino First
a. Become independent from Spain Policy”? Filipinos
b. Become a province of Spain a. Should buy and consume Filipino products only
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b. Should not contribute to the brain drain problem
c. Should be selective in the entry in the entry of
foreign professionals in the country
d. Were to be given first preference in all matters
related to the economic development of the country

29. Aside from the Philippines, which countries

claim part of the Spratly islands in the South China
a. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia
b. China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia
c. Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Malaysia
d. China, Thailand, Brunei, Malaysia

30. The following are our constitutional rights

a. Free access to legal assistance which shall not
be denied due to poverty
b. Have access to all records of the government
c. Be presumed innocent until proven guilty
d. Form association and labor unions

Answers: 1D 2D 3B 4D 5C 6A 7D 8A 9D 10C 11B

12C 13C 14C 15D 16C 17D 18B 19D 20C 21B 22B
23C 24D 25C 26D 27B 28D 29B 30B

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1. Which of the following statements best describes a. An antacid tablet forms bubbles when dissolved
a hypothetical element with an electron in water.
configuration of 1s22s22p63s23p5? b. A flashlight beam slowly gets dimmer and finally
a. The hypothetical element has an atomic number dies out over time.
of 11. c. The lawn grows thicker every day because
b. The hypothetical element is a member of Group fertilizers were added into the soil.
V, otherwise called the Nitrogen Group. d. Frozen mango juice melted when left standing at
c. The hypothetical element is in the fifth position in room temperature for 30 minutes.
the p-block, along the third period of the periodic
table. 7. Which of the following best explains why farmers
d. The hypothetical element is located at the third burn rice straw and hull during seasons of harvest?
position of the p-block, along the fifth period of the a. Burning rice hulls and straws produce
periodic table. compounds that act as repellant for pests which
may damage plantation.
2. Despite the observed diversity among b. The smoke produced by burning rice hulls and
organisms, they are all made from the same set of straws stimulate growth and fruit bearing of trees.
biomolecules composed of monomeric units c. Rice hulls and straws are burned so that more
except: spaces will be available for planting next set of
a. Proteins crops.
b. Carbohydrates d. Ash from burnt rice hulls and straws are rich in
c. Nucleic Acids compounds that could neutralize acidic soil so that
d. Lipids and Fats more crops will grow

3. What will be formed when radium isotope, with

88 protons and 138 neutrons undergoes alpha
decay? 8. Acid rain occurs when ____________.
a. Radon Atom (Rn222) with 86 Protons
b. Francium Atom (Fr222) with 87 Protons 8. Acid rain occurs when _________.
c. Actinium Atom (Ac222) with 89 Protons a. carbon dioxide combines with water in the
d. Thorium Atom (Th232) with 90 Protons atmosphere.
b. phosphorus-rich water in lakes evaporates to
4. Which of the following examples best illustrates form phosphoric acid.
application of Boyle’s Law? c. sulfur released in burning fossil fuels combines
a. A tire becomes harder as more air is pumped with water in the atmosphere.
into it. d. excess hydrogen is released into the atmosphere
b. A sealed aerosol can explodes when thrown into to produce acids.
a fire.
c. A balloon expands and bursts when exposed to 9. Why is it difficult to integrate nitrogen gas from
direct sunlight. the atmosphere into the nitrogen cycle of the
d. A scuba divers stops at certain depths as he biosphere?
ascends to the ocean’s surface. a. Nitrogen is very abundant in the atmosphere
b. Living organisms quickly absorb nitrogen gas
5. Three liquids A, B, C were studied in a c. Oceans quickly absorb nitrogen gas
laboratory. Liquid A was found to float over B and d. Few organisms can directly utilize atmospheric
C. It was also found that liquid A flows fastest nitrogen
among the three. What can be said about liquid A?
a. Densest and most viscous 10. Which of the following sentences about
b. Densest and least viscous greenhouse effect is INCORRECT?
c. Least dense and most viscous a. Greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere
d. Least dense and least viscous which are returned to the earth’s surface.
b. Greenhouse effect is important in maintaining the
6. Which of the following statements represents a temperature of the earth.
physical change? c. Greenhouse effect is due to gases that absorb
the green region of light from the sun.
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d. Greenhouse effect increases the overall surface a. Northeast and southwest
temperature of the earth. b. Trade wind and easterlies
c. Southwest and northeast
11. When a gardener propagates a plant by taking d. Westerlies and easterlies
cuttings, he plants his cutting in a well-watered soil
in a plant pot. What is the most likely reason why 17. Fog is a cloud with its base at or very near the
he may then cover the plant and pot with a lightly ground. The formation of fog generally occurs after
perforated polythene bag? the ground has lost heat by:
a. To reduce the water demand of the cutting. a. Evaporation
b. To decrease the rate of gaseous exchange by b. Convection
the plant. c. Conduction
c. To reduce the chance of attack by pests. d. Radiation
d. To protect the plant from cold weather.
18. Why do we see the sun rise in the east?
12. It is a common observation that mushrooms a. The earth revolves eastward.
thrive few days after lightning strikes. Which among b. The earth rotates from west to east.
the following biogeochemical cycles is involved in c. We are located in the 20th meridian.
this process? d. On the globe, we are located in the east.
a. Nitrogen cycle
b. Carbon-Oxygen cycle 19. If a voltage of 100 volts produces a current of 5
c. Phosphorus cycle amperes in an electrical device, what is the
d. Sulfur cycle resistance?
a. 95 Ohms
13. Which of the following factors contribute to an b. 20 Ohms
increase in human population? c. 105 Ohms
I. Immigration II. Emigration d. 500 Ohms
III. Natality IV. Mortality
a. III and IV 20. Which of the following best differentiates an
b. II and III earthquake's intensity from its magnitude?
c. I only a. Intensity describes 'the depth from which the
d. I and III earthquake originated’ while magnitude refers to
‘the energy of the earthquake’.
14. Shown below is a simple food web in a grassy b. Intensity cannot be measured while magnitude
community. The arrow symbol means eaten by. can be measured using a seismograph.
What would happen if all snakes are killed? c. Intensity refers to the strength of the quake while
Grass>Grasshopper>Frog>Snake magnitude refers to the degree of destruction it
Bird>Snake caused at the epicenter.
a. Grass population would increase. d. Intensity is a measure of how much damage an
b. Grasshopper population would increase. earthquake cause at the surface while magnitude is
c. Bird and frog populations would increase. the strength of the quake.
d. Grasshopper and bird populations would
increase. 21. Comparing the speed of sound in liquids,
gases, and solids, the speed of sound is usually
15. Which of the following shows mechanical lowest in ____ and highest in ____.
weathering of rocks? a. solids, gases
a. formation of caverns b. gases, liquids
b. acids dissolves rocks c. liquids, solids
c. freezing water between rock particles d. gases, solids
d. iron in rocks combine with oxygen
22. Which has a greater density, a lake full of water
16. PAGASA announces the approach of the or a cupful of water?
seasonal winds. The familiar names used are a. The cup full of water
Amihan and Habagat, internationally known as b. The lake full of water
________ and ________ respectively. c. Not enough information
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d. They have the same density b. they lack adequate root system
c. they cannot produce their own food
23. A stainless steel spoon feels colder than a d. they cannot obtain carbon dioxide
plastic spoon because stainless steel
a. absorbs less heat from the hand than plastic 30. Mimosa pudica, locally known as Makahiya is
does called as such because its leaflets tend to close
b. is really colder than plastic when touched. This organismal response to a given
c. has a lower temperature than plastic stimuli is called:
d. conducts heat away from the hand faster than a. Hydrotropism
plastic does b.Thigmotropism
c. Geotropism
24. Why is it NOT advisable to repeatedly open the d. Phototropism
door of a refrigerator?
a. It will loosen the hinges of the refrigerator's door Answers: 1C 2D 3A 4D 5D 6D 7D 8C 9D 10C 11A
b. Leads to wastage in electrical energy. 12A 13D 14C 15C 16A 17D 18B 19B 20D 21D 22D
c. Repeated opening introduces bacteria in to the 23D 24B 25B 26B 27D 28A 29C 30B
d. The warm air outside lowers the temperature
inside thus making the refrigeration less-efficient.

25. What kind of mirror is used in cars to give the

driver a wider area and smaller image of the traffic
behind him/her?
a. Double concave
b. Convex
c. Plane
d. Concave

26. Why do we hear thunder some seconds after

seeing lightning?
a. Light appears brighter in the sky.
b. Light travels faster than sound.
c. Sound travels 1.331 m/s
d. Sound is released later actually

27. Water has a higher specific heat than iron.

What does this mean?
a. Water is hotter than iron
b. Water heats more rapidly than iron
c. Water is more dense than iron
d. Water heats more slowly than iron

28. If a colorblind man marries a woman who has

normal vision and no history of the disease, it is
most probable that all of their :
a. daughters will be carriers
b. daughters will be colorblind
c. sons will be carriers
d. sons will be colorblind

29. Albino corn seedlings may grow several inches

tall. However, they will eventually die, primarily
a. direct sunlight will destroy their cells
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1. Two buses leave the same station at 8:00 pm. 8. What is the missing terms in the series 5, 20, 80,
One bus travels north at the rate of 30 kph and the ___,1280, ___, 20, 480?
other travels east at 40 kph. How many kilometers a. 50;210
apart are the buses at 10 pm? b. 40;160
a. 140 km c. 35;135
b. 100 km d. 320;5120
c. 70 km
d. 50 km 9. At what rate per annum should P2400 be
invested so that it will earn an interest of P800 in 8
2. Calculate the mean absolute deviation of the years?
following numbers: 60, 80, 100, 75 and 95 a. 6 ½ %
a. 12.4 b. 5 ½ %
b. 14.2 c. 4.17 %
c. 16.1 d. 6 %
d. 18.9
10. The area of a rectangle is (x2 + 2x - 8). If its
3. Which of the following is the factorization of the length is x + 4, what is its width?
binomial x2 - 42? a. x + 2
a. (x + 4)(x + 2) b. x - 2
b. (x – 4)2 c. x + 1
c. x(x + 2x + 2) d. x + 6
d. (x – 4)(x + 4)
11. What is the value of 12⅙ - 3 ⅜ - 5 ⅔ + 20 ¾?
4. What value of x will satisfy the equation: 0.4(5x - a. 21 1/8
1470) = x? b. 22
a. 490 c. 23 7/8
b. 2,130 d. 21
c. 1470
12. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle is 20°.
5. Which of the following has the greatest value: What is the measure of one of the base angles?
a. 3 + 32 + (3 + 3)2 a. 150°
b. 33 b. 60°
c. [(3 + 3)2]2 c. 75°
d. (3 + 3 + 3)2 d. 80°

13. Ana and Beth do a job together in three hours.

Working alone, Ana does the job in 5 hours. How
6. The average of 5 different counting numbers is long will it take Beth to do the job alone?
20. What is the highest possible value that one of a. 3 and 1/3 hours
the numbers can have? b. 2 and 1/3 hours
a. 20 c. 3 hours
b. 40 d. 7 and 1/2 hours
c. 30
d. 90 14. How much greater is the sum of the first 50
counting numbers greater than the sum of the first
7. Three brothers inherited a cash amount of 100 counting numbers?
P62,000 and they divided it among themselves in a. 110
the ratio of 5:4:1. How much more is the largest b. 3,775
share than the smallest share? c. 3,155
a. P75,000 d. 1200
b. P30,000
c. P24,800 15. Which of the following has the largest value?
a. 85
b. 39
Page | 58 RANDOM
c. 65 22. An online shop sells a certain calculator for
d. 94 P950 and charges P150 for shipping within Manila,
regardless of the number of calculators ordered.
16. A water tank contains 18 liters when it is 20% Which of the following equations shows the total
full. How many liters does it contain when 50% full? cost (y) of an order as a function of the number of
a. 60 calculators ordered (x)?
b. 30 a. y = (950 + 150)x
c. 58 b. y = 150x +950
d. 45 c. x = 950y + 150
d. y = 950x + 150
17. The edges of a rectangular solid have these
measures: 1.5 feet by 1½ feet by 3 inches. What is 23. One side of a 45° - 45° - 90° triangle measures
its volume in cubic inches? x cm. What is the length of its hypotenuse?
a. 324 a. X √3 cm
b. 225 b. X cm
c. 972 c. (X √3)/2 cm
d. 27 d. X √2 cm

18. In a certain school, the ratio of boys to girls is 5 24. The legs of one right triangle are 9 and 12,
is to 7. If there are 180 boys and girls in the school, while those of another right triangle are 12 and 16.
how many boys are there? How much longer is the perimeter of the larger
a. 105 triangle than the perimeter of the smaller triangle?
b. 90 a. 84
c. 45 b. 7
d. 75 c. 12
d. 14
19. Ruben’s grades in 6 subjects are 88, 90, 97, 90,
91 and 86? What is the least grade that he should 25. Determine the midpoint of the line segment
aim for in the 7th subject if he has to have an joining the points (7, -3) and (-1, 6).
average of 88? a. (2, 3/2)
a. 92 b. (2, -3/2)
b. 74 c. (3, 3/2)
c. 88 d. (1, 5/2)
d. 85
26. Which of these has the longest perimeter?
20. On a certain day, three computer technicians a. A square 21 cm on a side
took turns in manning a 24-hour internet shop. The b. A rectangle 19 cm long and 24 cm wide
number of hours Cesar, Bert, and Danny were on c. An equilateral triangle whose side is 28 cm
duty was in the ratio 3:4:5, respectively. The shop d. A right triangle whose two legs are 24 and 32 cm
owner pays them P50 per hour. How much would
Danny receive for that day? 27. How many square inches are in 2 square yard?
a. P 230 a. 900
b. P500 b. 144
c. P160 c. 1296
d. P480 d. 2,592

21. A retailer buys candies for P90.25. The pack 28. In a playground for Kindergarten kids, 18
has 35 pieces of candies. If she sells each candy children are riding tricycles or bicycles. If there are
for P2.25, how much profit does she make? 43 wheels in all, how many tricycles are there?
a. P11.50 a. 8
b. P56.25 b. 9
c. P37.50 c. 7
d. P18.75 d. 11

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29. Nelia takes ¾ hour to dress and get ready for 6. 2 tablespoons is equivalent to 1 liquid ounce
school. It takes 4/5 hour to reach the school. If her while 10 tablespoons is equivalent to ½ cup. How
class starts promptly at 8:00 am; what is the latest many liquid ounces are there in two cups?
time she can jump out of bed in order not to be late A. 20 ounces
for school? B. 10 ounces
a. 6:42 am C. 16 ounces
b. 6:27 am D. 8 ounces
c. 6:57 am
d. 7:02 am 7. A taxi charges P50 for the first kilometer and
charges P3 for each additional mile. How far could
30. Which common fraction is equivalent to 0.215? P200 go?
a. 43/200 A. 50 kilometers
b. 27/125 B. 51 kilometers
c. 21/50 C. 66. 67 kilometers
d. 108/375 D. 4 kilometers

Answers: 1B 2A 3D 4D 5C 6D 7C 8D 9C 10B 11C 8. 20, 10, 40, 10, 60, 20, 80, 60, 100, 240, 120,
12D 13D 14 15A 16D 17C 18D 19B 20B 21 22D ____, ____
23D 24C 25C 26D 27D 28C 29B 30A A. 1200, 140
B. 480, 140
1. 120 is 4/5 of what number? C. 140, 480
A. 150 D. 1200, 240
B. 96
C. 30 9. What is the value of n in the statement 2mn = 50,
D. 24 if m = 1?
A. 25
2. 45 is 60% of what number? B. 2
A. 75 C. 50
B. 27 D. 1
C. 15
D. 18

3. What is the ratio of 1/5 to 5/15 10. One store sold twice more apples in the
A. 3:5 afternoon that in the morning. The store sold 450
B. 1:5 pieces of apples. How many apples are sold in the
C. 5:15 morning?
D. 15:75 A. 150
B. 300
4. What is the value of y is 2x + 2xy + 3y = 25, and C. 200
x = 2? D. 350
A. 3
B. 25 11. Joey gathered twice more marbles than Vic and
C. 2 Tito gathered 2 more marbles than Vic. They
D. 12 gathered 26 marbles. How many marbles did Vic
5. Ten nurses earn a total average monthly salary A. 6
of P120, 000. The total average income of 6 of B. 12
them amounts to P80, 000. What is the average C. 8
total income of each of the remaining workers? D. 14
A. P10, 000
B. P40, 000 12. A child has read 2/3 of a book. The read part of
C. P400 the book has 100 pages more than the unread.
D. P1, 000 How many pages is the book?
A. 300
Page | 60 RANDOM
B. 200 19. John can eat a quarter of a pizza in one minute.
C. 500 How long does it take John to eat one pizza and a
D. 150 half?
A. 6 minutes
13. A number is divided by 5. The result was B. 12 minutes
subtracted by 154 and the difference is 6. What is C. 9 minutes
the number? D. 3 minutes
A. 800
B. 160 20. What is 150% of 298?
C. 200 A. 447
D. 400 B. 44.7
C. 4.47
14. A container contains 23bottles and each bottle D. 4470
contains 20 marbles. How many marbles are there
in 10 bottles? Answers: 1A 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7B 8A 9A 10A 11A
A. 460 12A 13A 14D 15A 16A 17A 18A 19A 20A
B. 400
C. 100
D. 200

15. It takes John 25 minutes to walk to the car park

and 45 to drive to work. At what time should he get
out of the house in order to get to work at 9:00
A. 7:50 am
B. 8:00 am
C. 8:10 am
D. 8:20 am

16. Kim can walk 4 kilometers in one hour. How

long does it take Kim to walk 18 kilometers?
A. 4 ½ hours
B. 4 hours
C. 5 hours
D. 8 hours

17. A factory produced 2300 TV sets in its first year

of production. 4500 sets were produced in its
second year and 500 more sets were produced in
its third year than in its second year. How many TV
sets were produced in three years?
A. 11,800
B. 12, 800
C. 10, 800
D. 13, 800

18. Tom and Bob have a total of 49 toys. If Bob has

5 more toys than Tom, how many toys does Tom
A. 22
B. 27
C. 23
D. 26

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1. Sinabi ni Carlos P. Romulo sa isa niyang akda,
“Ang Pilipino ay may dugong maharlika.” Ano ang 7. Ano ang pokus ng pandiwa sa pahayag na
kahulugan nito? “Bumili ng bagong sasakyan si Angelo”?
a. Ang Pilipino ay nanggaling sa malayang lahi a. Pokus sa direksyon
b. Ang Pilipino ay sadyang mabuti ang budhi. b. Pokus sa kagamitan
c. Ang Pilipino ay galing sa mayamang lahi c. Pokus sa sanhi
d. Ang Pilipino ay madaling maipagbili d. Pokus sa aktor

2. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang pinakatamang 8. Kabaliwan at paglulustay ang inyong ginagawa
pangungusap? taon-taon. Higit na marami ang maralitang
a. Ang mga kabataan sa lansangan ay naglalaro at nangangailangan ng salapi at dunong. Ang
nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan. nagsasalita ay
b. Ang kabataan ay naglalaro kung maliwanag ang a. Kuripot
buwan at nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan. b. Matipid
c. Ang mga kabataan ay naglalaro at c. Maramot
nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan kung maliwanag ang d. Praktikal
d. Ang mga kabataan kung maliwanag ang buwan 9. Nasa anong kaganapan ng pandiwa ang
ay nagtatakbuhan sa lansangan at naglalaro. pangungusap?
Naglaro ng basketball sa Rizal Stadium ang
3. Piliin ang gawi ng pagsasalita: Kasiyahan ko koponan ng aming pamantasan.
nang makitang kayo’y nagmamahalan. a. Sanhi
a. Pangarap b. Tagaganap
b. Pagkontrol ng kilos c. Kagamitan
c. Pagkuha ng impormasyon d. Ganapan
d. Pagbabahagi ng damdamin
10, Sa aling salita magkakaroon ng saglit na
4. Ang kaugnayan ng pagkakapatay kina Burgos, paghinto kung pinagpipilitang si Rose ang
Gomez at Zamora sa panitikang Pilipino ay nakabasag ng pinggan?
a. Nanatiling masigla ang diwang Pilipino Hindi si Rose ang nakabasag ng pinggan.
b. Nakagising sa damdaming makabayan ng mga a. Rose
Pilipino b. Hindi
c. Natutong lumabag sa batas at lumaban sa may c. Nakabasag
kapangyarihan ang mga Pilipino d. Pinggan
d. Naimpluwensyahan ang diwang alipin ng mga
Pilipino 11. Anong tayutay ang tinutukoy sa pahayag.
Durog ang katawang bumagsak sa semento si
5. Laging UMUUKILKIL sa isipan ng ama ang Miguel.
nasirang pangako ng anak. a. Pagtutulad
a. Sumasagi b. Pagbibigay katauhan
b. Gumugulo c. Pagmamalabis
c. Bumubuhay d. Pagwawangis
d. Sumasapi
12. Sino ang pinagkalooban ng karangalan bilang
6. Ang Kagawaran ng Ugnayang Panlabas ng “Unang Tunay na Makata” noong 1708?
Pilipinas ay gulong-gulo kapag may giyera sa ibang a. Jose dela Cruz
bansa. Ano ang unang ginagampanan ng b. Felipe de Jesus
ambassador ng bansa? c. Francisco Balagtas
a. Bilangin ang mga nasugatan at nasawi d. Jose Corazon de Jesus
b. Alamin ang mga tirahan ng mga Pilipino sa
bayang iyon. 13. “Magtatrabaho ako at ikaw ay mag-aaral upang
c. Ipunin ang mga maykaya at ipalipad pauwi. makatapos ka ng pag-aaral.” Anong uri ng
d. Bayaang magsipag-uwian sa sariling sikap ang pangungusap ito?
bawat isa a. Payak
Page | 62 RANDOM
b. Tambalan 21. Siya ay hinirang na taga-sensus ng bahay-
c. Hugnayan bahay. Ano ang kanyang nalikom?
d. Langkapan a. Ang bilang ng tao sa bahay
b. Ang kayamanan ng may-bahay
14. Mag-aalas-singko na _____ umaga _____ c. Ang datos tungkol sa mga bata sa bawat bahay
magising siya. d. Ang datos tungkol sa mga naninirahan sa bawat
a. ng – ng bahay
b. nang – nang
c. ng – nang 22. Kami ang kabataang siyang magiging pag-asa
d. nang – kapag ng bayan. Paano ginamit ang salitang may
15. Ang butong tinangay ng aso, walang pagsalang a. Pagtukoy
nalawayan ito. Ang kaisipang ito ay tumutukoy sa b. Pagpuri
katotohanan ng ______. c. Panghalip
a. Pagnanakaw d. Pagmamalaki
b. Pagtatanan
c. Pagpapakasal 23. Walang tubig kahapon. Ito ay pangungusap na:
d. Pakikipagkaibigan a. May paksa
b. Walang pandiwa
16. Anong uri ng pagbigkas ang salitang c. May panaguri
“dambuhala”? d. Walang paksa
a. Malumi
b. Mabilis 24. Ipinagmamalaki mo siya, BAHAG naman pala
c. Maragsa ang kanyang BUNTOT. Ang ibig sabihin ng salitang
d. Malumay may malaking titik ay:
a. Kuripot
17. Ang katawagan sa pangngalan, pang-abay, b. Traydor
pang-uri at pandiwa ay? c. Duwag
a. Palabuuan d. Mahiyain
b. Pangkayarian
c. Pangnilalaman 25. Sabihin ang gawi ng pananalitang ito: “Bawal
d. Palaugnayan tumawid, may namatay na dito!”
a. Pananakot
18. Ang panukalang inihain niya ay lubhang b. Pagtukoy
malalim at mahirap arukin. c. Babala
a. Abutin d. Paalala
b. Unawain
c. Sukatin 26. Pinakamahalagang nobelang Pilipino sa
d. Tanggalin maraming taon na nalimbag noong 1906 at
tumalakay nang masinsinan sa paksang puhunan
19. Ang wikang Filipino ay hawig sa mga wika sa laban paggawa at sa sosyalismo ang _____.
Asya. Alin dito ang pinagmulan ng wikang Filipino? a. Luha ng Buwaya
a. Bahasa b. Banaag at Sikat
c. Nihonggo c. Ibong Mandaragit
d. Mandarin d. Pangginggera
d. Malayo-Polinesyo
27. Ayon kay Balagtas, “ang laki sa layaw,
20. Ano ang katumbas ng “Dekalogo” ni Apolinario karaniwa’y hubad” kaya ang mga bata ay
Mabini na nagsasaad ng aral sa Filipino? a. jeproks
a. Mosaic Law b. nag-aartista
d. Code of Ethics ni Kalantiaw c. nakapagtatapos sa pag-aaral
c. New Society ni Pres. Marcos d. hindi sumusunod sa magulang
d. Code of Citizenship ni Pres. Quezon

Page | 63 RANDOM
28. Noong taong 1962, ano ang pagbabago sa B. Kunin
paglimbag ng diploma at sertipiko ng pagtatapos? C. Kunan
a. Pinahihintutan ang pribadong paaralan na D. Hanapan
maglimbag sa wikang Ingles
b. Nilimbag sa Tagalog ang diploma sa di-Tagalog 5. Nakatulog si Jana sa kanilang opisina dahil sa
na bayan HIMINGTING ng kapaligiran. Ano ang kahulugan
c. Nilimbag sa Filipino ang diploma ngunit may ng salita na nasa malalaking letra?
Ingles A. Kaingayan
d. Nalimbag sa Filipino ang diploma B. Kapayapaan
C. Lakas ng hangin
29. Ang gintong panahon ng mga manunulat noong D. Katahimikan
panahon ng Amerikano ay batid sa uring
a. Sanaysay 6. Ang sentro ng pagdiriwang ng SENTENARYO ay
b. Nobela sa Kawit, Cavite. Ang kasing-kahulugan ng salitang
c. Panulaan nasa malalaking letra ay:
d. Maikling kwento A. Ika-50 taon
B. Panghabang panahon
30. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang may wastong C. Ikasandaang taon
gamit ng tinig ng pandiwa? D. Ika- 25 taon
a. Ang hinog na papaya na kinuha sa puno ni
Marie. 7. “Ang sinuman ay makabubuo ng matibay na
b. Kinuha ni Marie ang hinog na papaya sa puno. lubid kung pagsasama-samahin ang sinulid.” Ang
c. Kinuha sa puno ang hinog na papaya ni Marie. ibig sabihin nito ay?
d. Papayang hinog ang kinuha sa puno ni Marie. A. Ang lakas ng tao ay nasa pagkakaisa nila.
B. Kailangan magkaisa tayong lahat.
Answers: 1A 2C 3D 4B 5B 6B 7D 8D 9D 10B 11C C. Magkakaiba ang mga tao kaya hirap magkaisa.
12B 13D 14C 15B 16A 17C 18B 19D 20A 21D 22A D. Nagkakaisa ang mga tao.
23D 24C 25C 26B 27D 28D 29D 30B
8. MALIIT ANG SISIDLAN ni Dian kaya iniiwasan
1. Hindi totoo ang katapangan na ipinapakita ni siyang tuksuhin ng mga kasama. Ano ang ibig
Vincent sa harap ni Lalie sapagkat BAHAG ANG sabihin nito?
BUNTOT niya sa harap ng paghihirap. A. Walang pasensya
A. Matapang B. Walang pagtitimpi
B. Matiyaga C. Walang galang
C. Duwag D. Walang lakas ng loob
D. Malakas ang loob
9. Siya’y isang bulag ngunit kaya niyang gumuhit
2. NAG-ALSA BALUTAN si Claudia dahil sa malimit ng larawan. Siya’y isang ___________________
umanong pananakit ni Reymar. A. Imbentor
A. Lumayas B. Manunulat
B. Nagtampo C. Dalubhasa
C. Nagtago D. Pintor
D. Nagmaktol
10. Anong hukuman ang siyang _____________
3. Ang ________________ ng mga Nars ay dininig ng mga kaso ng korupsyon.
ng komite kahapon. A. Court of Appeals-manglilitis
A. Pakiusapan B. Sandigan Bayan-naglilitis
B. Pakikipag-usap C. Korte Suprema-maglilitis
C. Ipakiusap D. Ombudsman-tagapaglitis
D. Pakiusap
11. _________________ mo naman sa kanila na
4. Lumapit si Prink kay Eadji at sinabing, “ magdala ng mapagsasaluhan.
__________ mo si Landon ng pagkain sa kusina.” A. Usap-usapan
A. Utusan B. Usapin
Page | 64 RANDOM
C. Ipakiusap maging kapaki-pakinabang. Anong uri ng texto ang
D. Pakiusap seleksyong binasa?
A. Informativ
12. “Gamitin ninyo sa pakikipagkaibigan ang B. Argumentativ
kayamanan ng sanlibutang ito. Maubos man ito ay C. Prosijural
may tatanggap naman sa inyo sa tahanang walang D. Narativ
hanggan.” (Luk 16:9)
Ano ang kahulugan ng sanlibutan? 16. ____________ magtrabaho sina Fred at Jose.
A. Mga israelita lamang A. Magkasinbilis
B. Apostoles B. Magkasingbilis
C. Dukha C. Napabilis
D. Katauhan D. Magkasimbilis

13. Ano ang pangungusap na dapat mauna? 17. Samahan mo si Lola sa palengke _____ hindi
I. Ngunit ang pagtatalo ay hindi dapat nauuwi sa maligaw.
pagkakagalit. A. kung saan
II. Natural lamang ang pagkakaroon ng B. noong
magkakaibang pala-palagay ang mga tao. C. ng
III. Sa mga mag-asawa man ay hindi maiiwasan D. nang
ang pagkakaiba ng opinyon.
IV. Kahit sa magkakapatid, karaniwan na ang hindi 18. Upang lalong maging ______________ ang
pagkakasundo. patakaran ng Pangulo na mabago ang
V. Upang maiwasan ito, nararapat lamang na pamamalakad sa bansa, ipinasya niyang
maging bukas ang ating isipan sa paniniwala ng magkaroon ng pagbabagong tatag sa lahat ng
iba. sangay ng pamahalaan.
A. marangal
A. I. B. mabisa
B. II C. tanyag
C. III D. malinaw
19. Nakalulungkot isipin na ang karamihan sa mga
14. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang hindi nabibilang na kabataan ngayon ay ______________ sa
kasingkahulugan ng salitang pala-palagay? masamang bisyo.
A. Opinyon. A. nababalisa
B. Kuru-kuro B. nalalayo
C. Paniniwala C. nabubuyo
D. Akala D. nababalot

15. May pera sa basura. Huwag mong pagtakhan 20. ________ ng mga pulis ang kadena sa
iyan. Isa-isahin mo ang laman ng iyong basurahan. kanyang mga kamay.
Tiyak na may papel na walang sulat sa likod at A. Nalagyan
maaari mo pa itong sulatan. Kung minsan, may B. Nilagyan
mga papel at notebook na may sulat pero pwede C. Inilagay
mo namang ipagbili. May mga bukas na lata na D. Naglagay
maaari mo rin namang tamnan o kaya’y pwedeng
balutin ng wrapping paper upang paglagyan ng Answers: 1C 2A 3D 4C 5D 6C 7A 8A 9D 10B 11C
lapis, bolpen, krayola, aspile o kaya’y pako. Ang 12D 13B 14C 15A 16B 17D 18B 19C 20C
pinagbalatan ng sibuyas, patatas at saging, sanga
ng kangkong, tira-tirang pagkain ay maaaring
maging pagkain ng baboy at maaari rin itong
maging pataba sa lupa. Tunay na may pera sa
basura kung magtitiyaga lamang at magiging
malikhan upang ang patapong mga bagay ay

Page | 65 RANDOM
1. Robert Frost wrote the poem Acquainted with the
Night from which the stanza is taken: 7. He was the American President who said, “Ask
not what America will do for you, but what together
I have been one acquainted with the night. we can do for the freedom of man.”
I have walked out in rain-back in rain. a. Gerald Ford
I have out walked the farthest city light b. Franklin Roosevelt
The poet in the stanza talks of? c. Henry Truman
d. John F. Kennedy
a. isolation and loneliness
b. joy getting out of the house 8. History is the witness that ______ passing of
c. youthful delight playing in the rain time.
d. happiness in having been acquainted with the a. testifies
night b. will testify
c. testifies for
2. Which is the BEST WAY to write the underlined d. testifies for the
portion of this sentence? Researchers also
speculate that some teachers might have given 9. When I met Liza yesterday, it was the first time I
boys more computer time because parents and _____ her since Christmas.
teachers expected boys to need computers for a. saw
future careers. b. had seen
a. expected c. have seen
b. expecting d. have been seen
c. will expect
d. will have expected 10. The commander ordered his men to hold on the
fort. What was the message?
3. The wounded soldiers were visited by the a. Surrender in arms
president who honored them with ____ for their b. Keep on with the fight
_____. c. Disregard the peace negotiation
a. medals – valor d. Rescue the hostage victims fast and early
b. gun salute – bravery
c. appointments – dedication 11. “She is a vision of feminine pulchritude.” This
d. money – sacrifice stands for the following EXCEPT
a. Loveliness
4. Every June, Manila has its festival of outstanding b. Comeliness
Filipino films. This was a project initiated by c. Homeliness
a. Arsenio Lacson d. Physical beauty
b. German Moreno
c. Antonio Villegas 12. The Nibelungenlied is a
d. Ramon Bagatsing a. Latin Myth
b. Chinese legend
5. Which among the sounds below is voiceless? c. Russian folk song
a. /b/ d. Medieval German epic
b. /z/
c. /g/ 13. An association wherein the name of something
d. /p/ is substituted by something that represents it.
a. Metonymy
6. “Only the heart can see rightly.” This statement is b. Comparison
lifted from what particular novel? c. Euphemism
a. The Prince and the Pauper d. Personification
b. The Little Prince
c. The Right One 14. Because the moon rotates on its axis at the
d. The Pearl same time as it ______ around the earth, we see
the same side
a. Revolve
Page | 66 RANDOM
b. Revolves d. Adverbs
c. Is revolving
d. Has been revolving 22. There were three guests on the stage. They
were made up of a parent, the governor and the
15. In English verse, a poetic foot having 1 stressed principal. Who should be acknowledged first by the
syllable followed by 1 unstressed syllable is valedictorian?
______. a. The classmates
a. Trochaic b. The principal
b. Iambic c. The governor
c. Dactylic d. The parent
d. Anapaestic
23. What is suggested in the opening line? June
16. Senators were accused by activists of washing 13, 1986 - they came from all over America -
their hands with the perfumes of Arabia. This state 200,000 heroes strong, with their families.
is commonly known as a. The writer holds great admiration for the
a. Guilt veterans
b. Triumph b. The writer is opposed to the Vietnam War
c. Indecision c. The writer was a veteran of the war
d. Aggression d. The writer is a flag-waving patriot

17. It is a collection of religious poetry written by 24. A readability mismatch happens when the
Rabindranath Tagore. reading levels of books exceed the reading levels
a. Mahabharata of the students. In this situation, the students
b. Gitanjali experience frustration and they fall short of the
c. The Ramayana expected or desired output. A student who finds
d. Bhagavad Gita himself/ herself in such a mismatch will likely do
which of the following?
18. I suggest that he _____ in the room for one a. Give an intelligent critique of the selection or
week. story read
a. Stay b. Write a comprehensive reaction paper regarding
b. Stayed the selection or story read
c. Staying c. Present an argument that the selection or story
d. Stays read was not properly written
d. Manifest an expected and commensurate
19. The manager told his workers, “We have to emotional reaction to the selection or story read
reduce our workforce.” What did he mean?
Workers are free to leave 25. What does this mean: Excuses are for losers…
Workers are warned of possible lay off those who take responsibility for their actions are
Workers have to double time on their jobs real winners in life. This tells of?
Workers should submit themselves to a reducing a. losers often fail because they find reasons for
gym losing
b. a winner can also be a quitter
20. The parent remarked, “__________ I come late, c. accountability of one’s action tells of bravery
just lock the door.” d. excuses are needed to justify any failure
a. In the absence
b. In the process 26. A couple accepted a wedding invitation. They
c. In the event showed pleasure in these remarks
d. In the case a. All guests congratulated the organizers and the
21. The copyreader found the news story boring. b. Guests came in and out of the ceremonies
He found it full of _____. c. The ceremonies were very impressive
a. Adjectives d. The couple felt uneasy with the priest
b. Verbs
c. Pronouns
Page | 67 RANDOM
27. What correction should be made to this 2. The DEPRAVITY of the criminal’s behavior
sentence? shocked us all. The capitalized word means:
One of the theories is that the first child receives A. Harshness
more of the parents' attention than other children so B. Gravity
first-borns tend to be more intellectual. C. Deprivations
a. Change is to are D. Viciousness
b. Insert a comma after children
c. Change parents' to parent's 3. INDULGENT parents spoil their children by
d. Change theories to theory's giving in to their every demands and whims.
A. Loving
28. Carl Sundburg wrote "Jazz Fantasia" which has B. Beneficial
for its first stanza: C. Generous
Drum on your drums, batter on your banjos, sob on D. Yielding
the long cool winding saxophones. Go to it, O
jazzmen. 4. Open:Secretive::Forthright: __________
Which words illustrate alliteration? A. Spiteful
a. Batter and banjos B. Mask
b. Sob and winding C. Outspoken
c. Long and cool D. Honest
d. To and it
5. Negligent; Requirement:: Remiss :__________
29. What is meant by AT SIXES AND SEVENS in A. Task
this sentence? B. Duty
We moved into the house last week, but I'm afraid C. Injury
everything, is still at sixes and sevens. D. Problem
a. The things have not been shipped.
b. In a state of confusion 6. It is _________ to try to destroy pest completely
c. In an orderly manner with pesticides, for as each new chemical pesticide
d. The boxes are still intact is introduced, the pests gradually become
_________ to it.
30. What is the mood of these lines? A. useless, drawn
Daylight, I must wait for the sunrise B. futile, resistant
I must think of a new life C. worthwhile, immune
And I mustn't give in. D. pointless, vulnerable
When the dawn comes
tonight will be a memory, too 7. The famous Dr. C. Drew’s technique for
And a new day will begin. preserving and storing blood plasma for emergency
a. Afraid use proved so _________ that it became the
b. Sarcastic _______ for the present blood bank system by the
c. Depressed Red Cross.
d. Hopeful A. irrelevant, inspiration
B. effective, model
Answers: 1A 2D 3A 4C 5D 6B 7D 8D 9C 10B 11C C. complex, blueprint
12D 13A 14B 15A 16A 17B 18A 19B 20C 21C 22C D. urgent, pattern
23A 24C 25C 26C 27B 28A 29B 30D
8. An A-rating represents the ULTIMATE honor a
1. He is more concerned with MUNDANE matters film will ever have. Which of the following is the
like the movement of stock market. The capitalized opposite of the capitalized word?
word means: A. Greatest
A. Simple B. Pinnacle
B. Financial C. Least
C. Worldly D. Supreme
D. Investments

Page | 68 RANDOM
A. You cannot receive retirement benefits from
9. The VINDICTIVE politician spread rumors about Social Security while you are still working.
his opponent. Which of the following is an antonym B. If you were born in 1950, your full retirement age
of the capitalized word? is 66.
A. Revengeful C. If you continue to work past your full retirement
B. Forgiving age, your benefits will be reduced by one dollar for
C. Spiteful every two dollars you earn.
D. Malicious D. There is no advantage to waiting past your full
retirement age to begin receiving benefits.
10. Vegetarians have a variety of reasons for their
beliefs. Some refuse to eat meat because they 12. The volunteers from the fire department
believe that the killing of animals is unnecessary or ________ quickly and extinguished a fire on North
barbaric. They feel that processes such as Country Road.
butchering are degrading to the people who A. will respond
practice them and cruel to the animals slaughtered. B. responded
Others believe that meat is harmful to the human C. will have responded
body and that a purely vegetable diet is more D. have responded
nutritious. Still others choose vegetarianism
because they believe that raising animals for meat 13. In Tuesday’s paper, the owner of the
is an inefficient use of land. They say that farmland supermarket was recognized for helping a
could be put to better use growing crops for human customer who ________ on the icy sidewalk.
consumption. Which of the following statements is A. falls
best supported by the above passage? B. had fallen
A. Some vegetarians choose not to eat meat mainly C. would fall
for health reasons. D. has fallen
B. A purely vegetable diet is more nutritious than a
diet that includes meat. 14. We arranged the flowers and placed ________
C. Vegetarians are opposed to any use of animals in the center of the table.
for the benefit of humans. A. them
D. Vegetarians favor laws to reduce the B. it
consumption of meat. C. this
D. that
11. The amount of your retirement benefits from
Social Security depends, in part, on when you 15. The person ________ made this delicious
retire. The earliest that you can begin to receive cheesecake has my vote.
benefits is age 62. The longer you wait to begin A. that
receiving benefits (up to age 70), the higher your B. who
benefits will be. If you were born between 1938 and C. which
1960, you cannot receive “full retirement” benefits D. whose
until age 66. If you were born in 1960 or later, your
full retirement age will be 67. If you wait to receive 16. Being too _______ will undoubtedly make other
benefits past your full retirement age, the amount men hate you.
you receive will continue to increase until you reach A. vane
age 70. There is no advantage to waiting past age B. vein
70 to begin receiving benefits. You can continue to C. vain
work while you receive retirement benefits. If you D. vanity
do, the amount of your benefits will be reduced by
one dollar for every two dollars you earn above a 17. Because they did not accept his basic _______
certain limit, until you reach your full retirement age. they were ______ by his argument.
Once you reach your full retirement age, this limit A. assumption, convinced
no longer applies. The amount you earn will have B. bias, impressed
no effect on your benefits. According to this C. supposition, justified
passage, which of the following statements is true? D. motivation, confused

Page | 69 RANDOM
18. The failed July 27, 2003 mutiny was believed by Answers: 1A 2D 3C 4A 5B 6C 7C 8C 9B 10A 11B
many as a plan by the Magdalo group as an 12B 13B 14A 15B 16C 17D 18B 19B 20B
attempt to stage a takeover of government. It was
viewed as a desperate attempt by the mutineers
who were supported by influential and politically
motivated men who financed the mutiny, according
to the Feliciano Commission. The action was found
to be unconstitutional as it violates both the Articles
of War and the Revised Penal Code. Such act can
lead to either Court Martial or Civilian proceedings
or even both. The best title for the above article is:
A. Failed Mutiny
B. Illegal Soldiers Uprising
C. Coup d’etat
D. Articles of War and Punishment

19. Determine which may be the best order in

which the sentences should be arranged to result in
a well- organized paragraph.
A. Now we shall do everything we can to enforce
this law.
B. In the struggle against crime, government and
people should join hands
C. Republic Act 7659, the death penalty law is
government’s response in law against cruelty and
D. The law’s main objective is not retribution but
reform and rehabilitation of offenders and would be
E. All countries in the world are presently siege by
violent crime.


20. Determine which may be the best order in

which the sentences should be arranged to result in
a well- organized paragraph.
A. Tagaytay is the destination for us who love
B. It provides an ideal picnic ground for outdoor
C. Unfortunately, the place ends up abused by
outdoor lovers who litter the place.
D. It is a place which can be easily reached by a
two-hour drive from Makati City.


Page | 70 RANDOM
GENERAL SCIENCE with answer b. environment d. food chain
key.. 1-100 8. Excessive presence of carbon
POST – TEST dioxide in the air, trapping heat near
Multiple Choices: the earth’s surface causing a rise in
1. These are living things that use temperature in the environment.
sunlight, chlorophyll, water and a. El Nino c. Deforestation
carbon dioxide to produce food. b. “Greenhouse Effect” d. Weather
a. Autotrophs c. Heterotrophs disturbance
b. Consumers d. Food chain 9. The Earth’s shield against sun’s
2. It is describe as the lifeline of the harmful radiation.
body. IT is the body’s “pickup” and a. Atmosphere c. Ozone layer
delivery system.” b. Air d. Forest
a. Blood c. circulatory system 10. The use of product containing
b. nervous system d. heart ______ is discouraged because they
3. It carries the oxygen-rich blood to contribute to the depletion of_____.
the head, arms, and chest and down a. Chlorofluorocarbon-solar radiation
to the waist and the legs. b. Gas-ozone layer
a. heart c. aorta c. Ozone layer air
b. ventricles d. arteries d. Chlorofluorocarbon-ozone layer
4. They are the transmitters of 11. What causes high and low tides?
message from the different parts of a. Earth’s rotation on its axis
the body to the brain and vice versa. b. Moon’s gravitational pull
a. spinal cord c. brain c. Sun’s solar energy
b. neurons or nerve cells d. arteries d. Earth’s gravitational pull
5. Which part of the brain controls the 12. How is coral a tool formed?
following activities: breathing, blood a. Volcanic eruption
pressure, heart rate, alertness? b. Corals growing around a volcanic
a. brainstem c. cerebrum island
b. hypothalamus d. spinal cord c. Underwater bedrock formations
6. Refers to a sequence of organism d. Earthquake
in a community that constitutes a 13. What is a long shore drift?
feeding chain. a. Movement of sand and shingles
a. photosynthesis c. consumers along the coast
b. ecosystem d. food chain b. Sand bars
7. Is a group of interacting plants, c. Accumulation of sad at the river
animals and human in a particular mouth
area? d. Island formed by volcanic eruptions
a. ecological community c. living 14. How does an occlusion form?
organism a. Cold air moving up from the

Page | 71 RANDOM
ground b. Erosion d. Metamorphic rock
b. Cold front pushing warm air up of 21. How do hormones work?
the ground a. By releasing adrenaline
c. Unbalance electrical reaction in the b. By controlling cell chemistry
air c. By regulating water loss
d. Cold and warm air mixing in the d. By controlling blood pressure
atmosphere 22. Name the male and female sex
15. What is a eat haze? hormones
a. A reflection caused by pollutants in a. Sperm cell & Ovum c.
the air Chromosomes
b. A distorted image resulting from b. Testosterone d. Red & white blood
the bending o sun’s light rays by cells
changes in air temperature 23. The unit of measurement of
c. A movement o warm air over a vast energy in a given an mount of food
expanse of land a. Pound c. Olfactory system
d. Caused by extremely high b. Kilo d. calorie
temperature common in dessert 24. Nitrogen compounds known as
areas the building blocks of proteins
16. What sort of rock formation do the 25. The growth of roots towards water
world’s greatest mountain ranges is an example of?
consist of? a. Chemotropism c. Hydrotropism
a. Magma c. Fold eruptions b. Geotropism d. Phototropism
b. Chalk deposit d. Slip formation 26. DNA means
17. What is the fore that wears down a. Data nurturing analysis c.
mountains? Deoxyribonucleic acid
a. Earthquake c. Volcanic eruptions b. Deoxytribonucleic acid d. Deotrixyl
b. Erosion d. Deforestation nucleic acid
18. How are volcanic island formed? 27. What are the three products of
a. Collision of two oceanic plates oxygen when it has been burned?
b. Cooling of lava by seawater a. Water, carbon dioxide and air
c. Volcanic eruptions b. Energy, water and carbon dioxide
d. Accumulation of corals c. Energy, carbon and oxide
19. When the Theory of plate d. Energy, air and water
Tectonics was generally accepted? 28. In flowering plants, fertilization
a. 1900’s c. 1950’s happens in the?
b. 1930’s d. 1980’s a. Pollen tube c. Ovules
20. The weathering away of rocks by b. Stamen d. Pollen grain
water, wind and ice. 29. The development of egg without
a. Denudation c. Volcanic rock fertilization
Page | 72 RANDOM
a. Mitosis c. Spermatogenesis are at different places
b. Parthenogenesis d. Mitochondria b. It possesses polar bonds
30. Which of the following is a source c. Its’ polar bond have unsymmetrical
of energy needed for photosynthesis? charge distribution
a. Water c. Light d. All of the above
b. Soil d. Fertilizer 38. Which of the following is NOT a
31. Chemistry is primarily concerned physical property of water?
with the composition and changes of? a. freezing point at 0 degree C
a. Nature c. Man b. boiling point at 100 degrees C
b. Matter d. Earth c. its’ heat of fusion at 80 cal/g.
32. A scientific theory is d. its’ density at 4 degrees at 1 lb/cu.
a. A hypothesis not yet subjected to Ft
experimental test 39. Which of the following statements
b. An idea that correctly predict the is true?
result a. Molecular weight does not
c. An imagination influence boiling and melting point of
d. A guess a substance
33. Which of the following units of b. Boiling and melting point tend to
measure is equivalent to cubic increase with molecular weight
centimeter? c. Boiling and melting point tend to
a. Milligram c. Millimeter decrease with molecular weight
b. Milliliter d. Centiliter d. None o the above
34. Which of the following is NOT a 40. A Mole is the amount of
compound? substance or a mass of a substance
a. acetic acid c. magnesium that contains?
b. alcohol d. Zinc Oxide a. 6.02 x 1023 particles c. 6.02 x
35. The easier the atom to receive 1023 particles
electrons is measured by its? b. 60.2 x 1023 particles d. 60.2x 1023
a. Elecrtonegativity c. Number of particles
shells 41. It is the measure of the amount of
b. Atomic radius d. Valence electrons matter in an object
36. The willingness o an atom to a. Weight c. Volume
receive electron is measured by its? b. Mass d. Quantity
a. Electronegativity c. Atomic size 42. It is the distance traveled by the
b. Ionization potential d. Electron body per unit time and tell how fast or
affinity slow the body moves
37. A molecule is said to be polar or a. Velocity c. Acceleration
dipole if? b. Speed d. None of the above
a. Its positive and negative charges 43. The rate of change of the

Page | 73 RANDOM
distance traveled per unit time in a b. Kinetic Theory d. None of the
stated direction above
a. Velocity c. Acceleration 49. The lowest possible temperature
b. Speed d. None of the above that a substance can reach
44. This law states that the force a. Freezing point c. Steam point
acting upon an object is equal to the b. Absolute Zero d. Threshold
product o the mass and acceleration 50. It is the amount of heat required
of the object to raise the temperature of kg. of a
a. Newton’s 2nd law of motion substance by degree C
b. Newton’s 3rd law of motion a. Calorie c. Specific heat capacity
c. Newton’s 1st law of motion b. Watt d. Joule
d. None of the amount 51. The relationship of give-and-take
45. When a force is applied to a body, of living organism in the biosphere is
several effects are possible. Which a balance of nature called________.
one of the following effect CAN”T a. universal relationship
occur? b. symbiotic relationship
a. the body rotates c. spontaneous relationship
b. the body changes direction d. abiogenetic relationship
c. the body increase its mass 52. Process of removing excess odor
d. the body changes shape in water.
46. It is the reluctance of the object to a. sedimentation c. distillation
change either its’ state of rest or b. chlorination d. aeration
uniform motion in a straight line 53. Which of the following statement
a. Force c. Inertia is CORRECT?
b. Friction d. Motion a. As altitude increases, atmospheric
47. This law states that energy pressures corresponding
cannot be created nor destroyed but b. Throughout the available space,
only changes from one form to gas tends to contract
another c. Equal chances are always given to
a. Energy law all in life
b. Kinetic Theory of Matter d. Shadow is formed when a colored
c. Law of Conservation Energy object is projected against the wall
d. None of the above 54. The earth rotates on its axis from
48. This law states that matter is west to east. This causes the sun to
made up of a large number of _______?
molecules which are in continuous a. appear with a fiery orange color
motion b. cause the appearance of solar
a. Boyles’s Law c. Law of eclipse
Conservation Energy c. rise room the east and sets in the

Page | 74 RANDOM
west a. Solstice c. Aphelion
d. emit solar radiation b. Eclipse d. Perihelion
55. One of these planets has the 64. A property of minerals which
greatest gravitational pull. Which one gives off rays of light when exposed
is it? to ultraviolet light.
a. Mars b. Earth c. Mercury d. Jupiter a. Luminescence c. Radiation
56. It is the law which explains why b. Phosphorescence d. Fluorescence
one can pull a piece without topping a 65. Which process involves chemical
glass in a quick motion. weathering?
a. energy in motion c. law of inertia a. Carbonation c. Hydration
b. gravity d. force b. Oxidation d. All of the above
57. Which of the following is NOT a 66. How long does it take for the
source of energy? earth to complete one rotation
a. water c. geothermal heat a. 365 days c. 24 hours
b. nuclear d. inertia at rest b. 30 days d. 12 hours
58. Which instrument will one use to 67. What is the principal function of
convert mechanical energy to gravity in the universe?
electrical energy? a. Provision for energy
a. rotor b. generator c. motor d. b. Keeps the stars and other
circuit heavenly bodies in orbit
59. Sun’s energy is generated by? c. Causes movement in space
a. nuclear fission d. Part of universal design
b. sun enacting with gravity 68. What does the word “monsoon”
c. nuclear fusion reaction mean?
d. reaction with magnetic field a. Moon will soon come c. Seasons
60. Application of energy is called b. Rains d. Wet weather
_______? 69. Its’ discovery enable geologist to
a. work c. kinetics date rocks accurately
b. inertia d. simulation a. layering c. Radioactivity
61. The falling of any form of water b. Evolutionary staging d. Carbon-
from the air to the earth’s surface dating
a. Condensation c. Water vapor 70. It occurs when the earth is
b. Precipitation d. Rainwater between the sun and the moon, with
62. The part of the atmosphere that the earth’s shadow cast over the
filters the ultraviolet rays of the sun moon.
a. stratosphere c. Ozone layer a. Total eclipse c. Eclipse
b. Troposphere d. Ionosphere b. Lunar eclipse d. Partial Eclipse
63. The point in the earth’s orbit 71. Male and female reproductive
nearest to the sun part of a flower

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a. Pollen grains and ovules c. Pollen relationship of organism in a given
grains and pistil area and the cyclic flow of food
b. Stamen and pistil d. Stamen and through organisms
ovules a. Food chain c. Food pyramid
72. In the human body, the cell that b. Food web d. Biological cycle
most nearly resembles a one-celled 80. Which of the following does NOT
animals occur to both respiration and
a. Red Blood cell c. Nerve cell fermentation?
b. White Blood cell d. Antibodies a. energy is released
73. The main energy source of a b. sugar is broken down
plant-eating animals c. carbon dioxide is produced
a. Glucose b. Starch c. Cellulose d. d. alcohol is formed
Glycogen 81. Energy removal is best illustrated
74. These are cellular secretions in
which help regulate the breakdown a. boiling of liquid substances
and buildup of various substance in b. changing water to ice
the body c. changing water to stem
a. Enzymes c. Plasma d. none of the above
b. Amino Acids d. Hormones 82. Refers to the maximum amount of
75. It is the energy source of the cell solute expressed in grams that can
which it uses for growing, reproducing be dissolved in 100 grams of water at
and other activities a specific temperature
a. Adenosine Triphosphate c. a. Solubility c. Molarity
Chloroplast b. Stability d. Molality
b. Amino Acids d. Sunlight 83. Compounds with the same
76. It is a segment of DNA molecule molecular formula but with different
which controls the appearance of a structural formulas
given trait a. Cellulose c. Polymers
a. Chromosomes c. Gametes b. Isomers d. Monomers
b. Genes d. Zygotes 84. The most penetrating type of
77. Group of similar cells performing radiation given of by radioactive
similar functions together elements
a. Organs b. System c. Nucleus d. a. Alpha particle c. Gamma particle
Tissue b. Beta particle d. None of the above
78. The diffusion of water through a 85. The basic unit for expressing the
semi permeable membrane masses o individual atoms
a. osmosis c. Transfusion a. Atomic number c. Nucleus
b. permeability d. Capillary b. Atomic mass unit d. Atomic weight
79. It shows the complex food 86. A substance that speeds up a

Page | 76 RANDOM
chemical reaction without itself and reflection
undergoing a chemical change d. All of the above
a. catalyst c. Electrolytes 93. The term “RADAR” is derived
b. Enhancer d. Ionizer from the phrase?
87. The temperature at which the a. “Radiation Detection and Ranging “
vapor pressure of the liquid is equal b. “Radiation Diffusion and Ranging”
to the pressure of the surroundings c. “Radio Diffraction and Resolution”
atmosphere d. “Radiation Diffraction and
a. Melting point c. Boiling Point Resolution”
b. Critical point d. None of the above 94. A material whose ability to
88. the warming of the earth’s surface conduct electricity lies between those
due to an increase in atmospheric of conductors and insulators
carbon dioxide a. Integrated Circuits c.
a. “Greenhouse effect” c. Semiconductors
Atmospheric pressure b. Silicon Chips d. Insulators
b. Ozone d. El Nino phenomena 95. “LASER” is derived from the
89. Describe the force of gravity on phrase?
an object a. Light Amplification by Stimulated
a. mass c. capacity Emission of Radiation
b. weight d. pressure b. Light Application by Simulated
90. When gaseous molecules are Emission of Radiation
compressed, they tend to? c. Light Amplification by Simulated
a. increase in volume c. repel each Ejection of Radiation
other d. None of the above
b. decrease in volume d.attract and 96. What is the color of a transparent
liquefy substance?
91. It is the union of two light nucleus a. The color of the light it absorbs
to form a heavier nucleus, resulting in b. The color of light it reflects
a mass defect and release of energy c. The color of light it transmit
a. Radiation c. Nuclear Fusion d. The color of light it refracts
b. Nuclear Fission d. Radioactivity 97. What is a rotating electromagnetic
92. Which of the following statements called?
is a characteristic of an electronic a. Motor b. Rotor c. Phasor d.
spectrum? Sensor
a. They all travel at the same speed 98. What happens with the centripetal
in fire space force when sped is doubled?
b. The exhibit diffraction and a. remains the same c. triples
interference phenomena b. force is increase 4x d. force is
c. They follow the laws of refraction doubled

Page | 77 RANDOM
99. What is an electrochemical cell in 26 c 76 b
which the reacting materials can be 27 b 77 d
renewed by the use o reverse 28 c 78 a
current 29 b 79 b
a. Storage cell c. Fuel cell 30 c 80 d
b. Primary cells d. Chemical cell 31 b 81 b
100. What will make an object move 32 a 82 a
in a circular path? 33 b 83 b
a. Central force c. Frictional force 34 c 84 c
b. Gravitational d. Electromagnetic 35 d 85 b
force 36 d 86 a
***** THE END ***** 37 b 87 c
science and health 39 b 89 b
1 a 51 b 40 c 90 a
2 c 52 d 41 b 91 c
3 d 53 a 42 b 92 d
4 b 54 c 43 c 93 a
5 a 55 d 44 a 94 c
6 d 56 c 45 c 95 a
7 a 57 d 46 d 96 c
8 b 58 b 47 b 97 b
9 c 59 c 48 b 98 d
10 d 60 a 49 b 99 a
11 b 61 b 50 c 100 a
12 b 62 c General Science
13 a 63 d 1. Question 1 points
14 b 64 b It is describe as the lifeline of the
15 b 65 d body. IT is the body’s “pickup” and
16 c 66 c delivery system.”
17 b 67 b A. Blood
18 a 68 c B. circulatory system ✔

19 c 69 c C. nervous system
20 b 70 b D. heart
21 b 71 b Correct
22 b 72 b 2. Question 1 points
23 d 73 c Refers to a sequence of organism in
24 d 74 d a community that constitutes a
25 c 75 a feeding chain.
Page | 78 RANDOM
A. photosynthesis C. Greenhouse Effect ✔

B. consumers D. Weather disturbance

C. ecosystem Correct
D. food chain ✔ 7. Question 1 points
Correct The Earth’s shield against sun’s
3. Question 1 points harmful radiation.
They are the transmitters of message A. Atmosphere
from the different parts of the body to B. Ozone layer ✔

the brain and vice versA. C. Air

A. spinal cord D. Forest
B. brain Correct
C. neurons or nerve cells ✔ 8. Question 1 points
D. arteries It carries the oxygen-rich blood to the
Correct head, arms, chest and down to the
4. Question 1 points waist and the legs.
These are living things that use A. heart
sunlight, chlorophyll, water and B. aorta
carbon dioxide to produce food. C. ventricles
A. Autotrophs ✔ D. arteries ✔

B. Heterotrops Correct
C. Consumers 9. Question 1 points
D. Food chain The use of product containing ______
Correct is discouraged because they
5. Question 1 points contribute to the depletion of_____.
Which part of the brain controls the A. Chlorofluorocarbon-solar radiation
following activities: breathing, blood B. Gas-ozone layer
pressure, heart rate, alertness. C. Ozone layer air
A. brainstem ✔ D. Chlorofluorocarbon-ozone layer
B. cerebrum Correct ✔

C. hypothalamus 10. Question 1 points

D. spinal cord Is a group of interacting plants,
Correct animals and human in a particular
6. Question 1 points area.
Excessive presence of carbon dioxide A. ecological community
in the air, trapping heat near the B. living organism
earth’s surface causing a rise in C. environment ✔

temperature in the environment D. food chain

B. Deforestation The parts of the plant cell are as
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follows: membrane shows the lipid bi-layer
Cell wall is the outermost rigid model of the plasma membrane, it
covering of the plant cell. It is a also known as the fluid mosaic
salient feature of plant cell. model.
Cell membrane or the plasma • The cell membrane is made up of
membrane is the outer lining of the phospholipids which has
cell inside the cell wall. polar(hydrophillic) heads and non-
Cytosol or cytoplasm is the gel-like polar (hydrophobic) tails.
matrix inside the cell membrane Cytoplasm
which constitutes all other cell • The fluid matrix that fills the cell is
organelles. the cytoplasm.
Nucleus is the control center of the • The cellular organelles are
cell. It is a membrane bound structure suspended in this matrix of the
which contains the hereditary material cytoplasm.
of the cell - the DNA • This matrix maintains the pressure
Chloroplast is a plastid with green of the cell, ensures the cell doesn't
pigment chlorophyll. It traps light shrink or burst.
energy and converts it to chemical Nucleus
energy by the process of • Nucleus is the house for most of the
photosynthesis. cells genetic material- the DNA and
Mitochondria carries out cellular RNA.
respiration and provides energy to the • The nucleus is surrounded by a
cells. porous membrane known as the
Vacuoles are the temporary storage nuclear membrane.
center of the cell. • The RNA moves in/out of the
Golgi body is the unit where proteins nucleus through these pores.
are sorted and packed. • Proteins needed by the nucleus
Ribosomes are structures that enter through the nuclear pores.
assemble proteins. • The RNA helps in protein synthesis
Endoplasmic reticulum are through transcription process.
membrane covered organelles that • The nucleus controls the activity of
transport materials. the cell and is known as the control
The parts of the animal cell are as center.
follows: • The nucleolus is the dark spot in the
Cell membrane nucleus, and it is the location for
• It is a semi-permeable barrier, ribosome formation.
allowing only a few molecules to Ribosomes
move across it. • Ribosomes is the site for protein
• Electron microscopic studies of cell synthesis where the translation of the

Page | 80 RANDOM
RNA takes place. • They are bound by single
• As protein synthesis is very membrane and small organelles.
important to the cell, ribosomes are • In many organisms vacuoles are
found in large number in all cells. storage organelles.
• Ribosomes are found freely Vesicles are smaller vacuoles which
suspended in the cytoplasm and also function for transport in/out of the
are attached to the endoplasmic cell.
reticulum. Golgi bodies
Endoplasmic reticulum • Golgi bodies are the packaging
• ER is the transport system of the center of the cell.
cell. It transports molecules that need • The Golgi bodies modify the
certain changes and also molecules molecules from the rough ER by
to their destination. dividing them into smaller units with
• ER is of two types, rough and membrane known as vesicles.
smooth. • They are flattened stacks of
• ER bound to the ribosomes appear membrane-bound sacs.
rough and is the rough endoplasmic Mitochondria
reticulum; while the smooth ER do • Mitochondria is the main energy
not have the ribosomes. source of the cell.
Lysosomes • They are called the power house of
• It is the digestive system of the cell. the cell because energy(ATP) is
• They have digestive enzymes helps created here.
in breakdown the waste moelcules • Mitochondria consists of inner and
and also help in detoxification of the outer membrane.
cell. • It is spherical or rod shaped
• If the lysosomes were not organelle.
membrane bound the cell could not • It is an organelle which is
have used the destructive enzymes. independent as it has its own
Centrosomes hereditary material.
• It is located near the nucleus of the Peroxisomes
cell and is known as the 'microtubule • Peroxisomes are single membrane
organizing center' of the cell. bound organelle that contain
• Microtubules are made in the oxidative enzymes that are digestive
centrosome. in function.
• During mitosis the centrosome aids • They help in digesting long chains
in dividing of the cell and moving of of fatty acids and amino acids and
the chromosome to the opposite help in synthesis of cholesterol.
sides of the cell. Cytoskeleton
Vacuoles • It is the network of microtubules and

Page | 81 RANDOM
microfilament fibres. Nucleus
• They give structural support and • Nucleus is the house for most of the
maintain the shape of the cell. cells genetic material- the DNA and
Cilia and Flagella RNA.
• Cilia and flagella are structurally • The nucleus is surrounded by a
identical structures. porous membrane known as the
• They are different based on the nuclear membrane.
function they perform and their • The RNA moves in/out of the
length. nucleus through these pores.
• Cilia are short and are in large • Proteins needed by the nucleus
number per cell while flagella are enter through the nuclear pores.
longer and are fewer in number. • The RNA helps in protein synthesis
• They are organelles of movement. through transcription process.
• The flagellar motion is undulating • The nucleus controls the activity of
and wave-like whereas the ciliary the cell and is known as the control
movement is power stroke and center.
recovery stroke. • The nucleolus is the dark spot in the
Cell membrane nucleus, and it is the location for
• It is a semi-permeable barrier, ribosome formation.
allowing only a few molecules to Ribosomes
move across it. • Ribosomes is the site for protein
• Electron microscopic studies of cell synthesis where the translation of the
membrane shows the lipid bi-layer RNA takes place.
model of the plasma membrane, it • As protein synthesis is very
also known as the fluid mosaic important to the cell, ribosomes are
model. found in large number in all cells.
• The cell membrane is made up of • Ribosomes are found freely
phospholipids which has suspended in the cytoplasm and also
polar(hydrophillic) heads and non- are attached to the endoplasmic
polar (hydrophobic) tails. reticulum.
Cytoplasm Endoplasmic reticulum
• The fluid matrix that fills the cell is • ER is the transport system of the
the cytoplasm. cell. It transports molecules that need
• The cellular organelles are certain changes and also molecules
suspended in this matrix of the to their destination.
cytoplasm. • ER is of two types, rough and
• This matrix maintains the pressure smooth.
of the cell, ensures the cell doesn't • ER bound to the ribosomes appear
shrink or burst. rough and is the rough endoplasmic

Page | 82 RANDOM
reticulum; while the smooth ER do • Mitochondria is the main energy
not have the ribosomes. source of the cell.
Lysosomes • They are called the power house of
• It is the digestive system of the cell. the cell because energy(ATP) is
• They have digestive enzymes helps created here.
in breakdown the waste moelcules • Mitochondria consists of inner and
and also help in detoxification of the outer membrane.
cell. • It is spherical or rod shaped
• If the lysosomes were not organelle.
membrane bound the cell could not • It is an organelle which is
have used the destructive enzymes. independent as it has its own
Centrosomes hereditary material.
• It is located near the nucleus of the Peroxisomes
cell and is known as the 'microtubule • Peroxisomes are single membrane
organizing center' of the cell. bound organelle that contain
• Microtubules are made in the oxidative enzymes that are digestive
centrosome. in function.
• During mitosis the centrosome aids • They help in digesting long chains
in dividing of the cell and moving of of fatty acids and amino acids and
the chromosome to the opposite help in synthesis of cholesterol.
sides of the cell. Cytoskeleton
Vacuoles • It is the network of microtubules and
• They are bound by single microfilament fibres.
membrane and small organelles. • They give structural support and
• In many organisms vacuoles are maintain the shape of the cell.
storage organelles. Cilia and Flagella
Vesicles are smaller vacuoles which • Cilia and flagella are structurally
function for transport in/out of the identical structures.
cell. • They are different based on the
Golgi bodies function they perform and their
• Golgi bodies are the packaging length.
center of the cell. • Cilia are short and are in large
• The Golgi bodies modify the number per cell while flagella are
molecules from the rough ER by longer and are fewer in number.
dividing them into smaller units with • They are organelles of movement.
membrane known as vesicles. • The flagellar motion is undulating
• They are flattened stacks of and wave-like whereas the ciliary
membrane-bound sacs. movement is power stroke and
Mitochondria recovery stroke.

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Famous Scientists number of Italian Navy submarines
Archimedes of Syracuse (287 - 212 were named after the inventor.
BC) Ferdinand Verbiest (1623 - 1688)
Due to the fact that Archimedes was Verbiest was an astronomer and a
a person with multiple interests, mathematician. He was the one to
including math, physics, astronomy invent the world's first automobile.
and engineering, he managed to The inventor came up with the idea to
become a successful inventor. He create an automobile while visiting
became famous for his innovative China as a missionary. His
thinking and was the one to come up automobile was powered by steam,
with a lot of innovative machines, but could not carry humans.
including the Archimedes screw that Karl Drais (1785 - 1851)
is still used today to pump liquids, The German inventor is the author of
coal, grain and more. But probably the Laufmaschine (German for
his most famous discovery is the way "running machine"), which was later
of finding the volume of objects that called the velocipede and is believed
have an irregular shape. It is worth to be the forerunner of the bicycle
mentioning that most of his works and motorcycle. His invention
were meant to help his home city. represented the first means of
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 - 1519) transport to use the two-wheeler
Leonardo Da Vinci was a great principle and the starting point of the
inventor, being fond of engineering, mechanized personal transport.
astronomy, aeronautics, mathematics Louis Pasteur (1822-1895)
and more. His drawings include a The famous French chemist and
number of various inventions, the microbiologist was the one who has
basics of which more or less can be come up with the process of
found in different technologies today. pasteurization, a process that
Da Vinci is considered to be the involves heating a food, usually liquid,
father of modern science. Some of to a certain temperature for a specific
his most important inventions include length of time, and then cooling it
the hydraulic machine, the boat and instantly. Pasteurization is used today
design of a flying machine. to slow the development of
Evangelista Torricelli (1608-1647) microorganisms in food.
The famous Italian physicist and Levi Strauss (1829 - 1902)
mathematician is the author of the Everyone knows that jeans were
barometer (scientific tool used in the invented in the United States, some
field of meteorology to estimate know that Levi Strauss was the
atmospheric pressure), built in 1643. author of this invention but few know
It would be interesting to note that a that Strauss was an immigrant from

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Germany managed to found in San or record player). Used for recording
Francisco, California the world's first and reproducing sounds on a
firm to manufacture blue jeans. The gramophone record, vinyl record, the
company called Levi Strauss & Co., device (with certain modifications
started its operation back in 1853. made once in a while) was popular
Gottlieb Daimler (1834 - 1900) until 1980s.
Daimler is another representative of Alexander Graham Bell (1857 - 1922)
German intelligentsia, being an During the experiments he carried out
engineer, industrial designer and with the telegraph, Bell came up with
industrialist. He was the first to the idea of the telephone.
develop internal-combustion engine The inventor of one of the most
and a pioneer in the field of popular devices today thought that
automobile development. Daimler is the telephone was intruding, which is
the author of the first high-speed why he did not have one in his
petrol engine and the world's first workplace.
four-wheel vehicle. Rudlf Christian Karl Diesel (1858 -
Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen (1845 - last seen alive 1913)
1923) Being a mechanical engineer, Rudolf
The famous German physicist Christian Karl Diesel managed to
Röntgen is the one who discovered discover the diesel engine.
the X-rays (also known as Röntgen The German inventor was also a well-
rays). known thermal engineer, a polyglot,
This invention allowed the German an expert in arts, and a social theorist
scientist to win the first Nobel Prize in Amalie Auguste Melitta Bentz (1873 -
Physics in 1901 1950)
Thomas Edison (1847 - 1931) She was born Amalie Auguste Melitta
He is the author of a large number of Liebscher. Bentz was a German
inventions, but the most well-known business lady, who invented the
one is the electric bulb. Among other coffee filter back in 1908. Today her
discoveries of Thomas Edison there grandchildren, Thomas and Stephen,
are telegraph devices, phonograph, are managing the family business
carbon transmitter, direct current (Melitta Group KG) based in Minden
generator, universal electric motor, in eastern North Rhine-Westphalia.
and more. Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)
Emile Berliner (1851 - 1929) One of the greatest scientists of the
The German-born Jewish American 20th century is the author of
scientist became known thanks to his numerous inventions and theories
disc record gramophone (in the that transformed a lot of concepts
United States known as phonograph linked to space and time, with the

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most important discovery being the Edwin Herbert Land (1909 - 1991)
theory of relativity. Other discoveries The co-founder of the Polaroid
of Einstein include the photoelectric Corporation was the first who came
effect and the Einstein calculator. up with low-cost filters for polarizing
Sir Alexander Fleming (1881 - 1955) light (useful system of in-camera
During the World War I Fleming instant photography). His most
worked as an army medical corp. popular invention, Polaroid instant
He is the inventor of penicillin that camera, was officially launched in late
prevented a lot of soldiers from being 1948 and allowed users to take and
infected. develop a picture in just under 60
The discovery of penicillin managed seconds.
to significantly boost the evolution of ORGAN SYSTEMS OF THE BODY
medicine industry. • INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM
Fritz Pfleumer (1881 - 1945) • Forms the external body covering
The German-Austrian engineer is the • Composed of the skin, sweat
author of the magnetic tape used for glands, oil glands, hair, and nails
recording sound. Pfleumer decided to • Protects deep tissues from injury
grant the right of use to the AEG, a and synthesizes vitamin D
German manufacturer of electrical • SKELETAL SYSTEM
equipment. The event took place on • Composed of bone, cartilage, and
December 1, 1932. Based on ligaments
Pfleumer's magnetic tape, the • Protects and supports body organs
German firm created the world's first • Provides the framework for muscles
practical tape recorder dubbed • Site of blood cell formation
Magnetophon K1. • Stores minerals
Frederick Banting (1891 - 1941) • MUSCULAR SYSTEM
Initially Banting was dedicated to • Composed of muscles and tendons
politics but later decided to shift to • Allows manipulation of the
medicine. In 1916 he completed his environment, locomotion, and facial
MD and during the World War I expression
worked as a doctor. He was very • Maintains posture
interested in diabetes and • Produces heat
continuously worked on a cure for it. • NERVOUS SYSTEM
It would be worth noting that the • Composed of the brain, spinal
Banting searcher for cure for diabetes column, and nerves
together with Dr. Charles Best. In • Is the fast-acting control system of
1923 the researcher was awarded the body
with the Nobel Prize for discovering • Responds to stimuli by activating
insulin. muscles and glands
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• CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM testes, scrotum, and ductus deferens
• Composed of the heart and blood • Main function is the production of
vessels offspring
• The heart pumps blood • Testes produce sperm and male
• The blood vessels transport blood sex hormones
throughout the body • Ducts and glands deliver sperm to
• LYMPHATIC SYSTEM the female reproductive tract
• Composed of red bone marrow, • FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE
thymus, spleen, lymph nodes, and SYSTEM
lymphatic vessels • Composed of mammary glands,
• Picks up fluid leaked from blood ovaries, uterine tubes, uterus, and
vessels and returns it to blood vagina
• Disposes of debris in the lymphatic • Main function is the production of
stream offspring
• Houses white blood cells involved • Ovaries produce eggs and female
with immunity sex hormones
• RESPIRATORY SYSTEM • Remaining structures serve as sites
• Composed of the nasal cavity, for fertilization and development of
pharynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs the fetus
• Keeps blood supplied with oxygen • Mammary glands produce milk to
and removes carbon dioxide nourish the newborn
• Composed of the oral cavity, • Largest circular storm in our solar
esophagus, stomach, small intestine, system is found in Jupiter.
large intestine, rectum, anus, and • The rapidly moving stream of
liver charged particles that is being driven
• Breaks down food into absorbable away from the sun is known as Solar
units that enter the blood Wind.
• Eliminates indigestible foodstuffs as • Biggest known asteroid is Ceres.
feces • One Mercurian year is equal to 88
• URINARY SYSTEM Earth days.
• Composed of kidneys, ureters, • Largest volcano in the solar system
urinary bladder, and urethra is Olympus Mons found on Mars.
• Eliminates nitrogenous wastes from • One Jupiter day is equal to 9 hours
the body 50 minutes.
• Regulates water, electrolyte, and pH • Between 1979 and 1998, the
balance of the blood farthest planet from the sun was
• Composed of prostate gland, penis, • The sunspot cycle is 11 years.
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• The Hertzsprung-Russel Diagram on June 21.
directly compares temperature and • The only two planets that do not
luminosity of stars. have their moons or natural satellites
• The Andromeda galaxy is spiral. are Venus and Mercury.
• The Milky Way galaxy is 100,000 • The constellation Andromeda is also
light years across. called the Chained Maiden.
• The smallest planet in our solar • Taurus is the brightest star in
system is Pluto. Aldebaran.
• The only planet with a moon almost • A comet’s tail always points away
as big and as heavy as the planet from the sun.
itself is Pluto. • Spectral line splitting due to the
• Neil Armstrong landed on the moon influence of magnetic fields is called
on 1969. Zeeman Effect.
• The only planet with a day longer • 99.8 percent of asteroids have
than its year is Venus. orbits between Mars and Jupiter.
• Pluto’s moon is called Charon. • A Red Giant has a low effective
• The area between Saturn’s two temperature (3000 to 4000 Kelvin)
rings is called Cassini’s division. and a radius of around 100 times the
• Heliocentric means around the sun; Sun’s.
geocentric means around the earth. • When three celestial bodies are in a
• Neptune’s moon Triton has an line or collinear, it is called a syzygy.
ocean made of liquid Nitrogen. • Pluto has the most eccentric orbit
• The first man to classify stars around the sun.
according to their brightness was • Beads of light visible around the rim
Hipparchus. of the moon at the beginning and end
• The nearest star to the sun is of a total solar eclipse are called
Proxima Centauri, also known as Baily’s Beads.
Alpha Centauri. • The last planet Voyager II visited is
• The greatest distance of a planet Neptune.
from the sun is called aphelion (A for • Only 0.001% of the Sun’s mass has
Away). The smallest distance of a been converted into energy.
planet from the sun is called BRANCHES OF SCIENCE
perihelion (P for Proximal or near). • Geology: the science that deals with
• The main component of the the earth's physical structure and
atmosphere of Mars is Carbon substance, its history, and the
Dioxide. processes that act on it.
• Jupiter has a mass greater than the • Meteorology: the branch of science
combined masses of all the planets. concerned with the processes and
• The summer solstice usually occurs phenomena of the atmosphere,
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especially as a means of forecasting that deals with celestial objects,
the weather. space, and the physical universe as a
• Paleontology: the branch of science whole.
concerned with fossil animals and • Biology: the study of living
plants. organisms, divided into many
• Oceanography: the branch of specialized fields that cover their
science that deals with the physical morphology, physiology, anatomy,
and biological properties and behavior, origin, and distribution.
phenomena of the sea. • Zoology: the scientific study of the
• Volcanology: the scientific study of behavior, structure, physiology,
volcanoes. classification, and distribution of
• Chemistry: the branch of science animals.
that deals with the identification of the • Botany: also called plant science(s),
substances of which matter is plant biology or phytology, is the
composed; the investigation of their science of plant life and a branch of
properties and the ways in which they biology.
interact, combine, and change; and • Genetics: the study of heredity and
the use of these processes to form the variation of inherited
new substances. characteristics.
• Physics: the branch of science • Agriculture: the science or practice
concerned with the nature and of farming, including cultivation of the
properties of matter and energy. The soil for the growing of crops and the
subject matter of physics, rearing of animals to provide food,
distinguished from that of chemistry wool, and other products.
and biology, includes mechanics, • Forestry: the science or practice of
heat, light and other radiation, sound, planting, managing, and caring for
electricity, magnetism, and the forests.
structure of atoms. • Engineering: the branch of science
• Thermodynamics: the branch of and technology concerned with the
physical science that deals with the design, building, and use of engines,
relations between heat and other machines, and structures.
forms of energy (such as mechanical, • Metallurgy: the branch of science
electrical, or chemical energy), and, and technology concerned with the
by extension, of the relationships properties of metals and their
between all forms of energy. production and purification.
• Mechanics: the branch of applied • Optics: the scientific study of sight
mathematics dealing with motion and and the behavior of light, or the
forces producing motion. properties of transmission and
• Astronomy: the branch of science deflection of other forms of radiation.

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LABORATORY TOOLS AND upright while observing reactions
SAFETY MEASURES s. Thermometer: take temperature
a. Beaker: hold and heat liquids t. Tongs: hold flasks, crucibles and
b. Reagent bottle: storage, mixing evaporating dish when they are hot
and displaying u. Clay triangle: used to hold
c. Bunsen burner: heating and crucibles when they are being heated
exposing items to flame v. Volumetric flask: measure one
d. Buret: chemical analysis; measure specific volume; used in preparing
precisely how much liquid is used in solutions
e. Crucible: heat small quantities of
substances in very high temperatures
f. Erlenmeyer flask: heat and store
liquids; bottom is wider than the top
g. Evaporating dish: heat and
evaporate liquids
h. Florence flask; heat substances
that need to be heated evenly; mostly
used in distillation experiments
i. Funnel: transfer liquids into another
container to avoid spillage
j. Microspatula: transfer small
amounts of solid from one container
to another
k. Mortar and pestle: crush solids into
l. Pipet: move small amounts of liquid
from one container to another
m. Ring stand: used to items being
heated; used with clamps or rings
n. Stirring rod/ glass rod: stir solutions
to dissolve substances
o. Stopper/cork: seal test tubes and
p. Test tube brush: easily clean the
inside of a test tube
q. Test tube holder: hold test tubes
while being heated
r. Test tube rack: hold test tubes

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