55 1 Nagode PDF
55 1 Nagode PDF
55 1 Nagode PDF
55 2017 51–56 51
DOI: 10.4149/km 2017 1 51
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Aškerčeva cesta 12, SI – 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Štore Steel d.o.o., Štore, Slovenia
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Metallurgy, Sisak, Croatia
Acroni d.o.o., Jesenice, Slovenia
University of Nova Gorica, Laboratory for Multiphase Processes, Nova Gorica, Slovenia
Institut za varilstvo d.o.o., Ljubljana, Slovenia
Received 13 February 2015, received in revised form 12 March 2015, accepted 8 February 2016
A homogeneous microstructure plays an important role in the mechanical properties of
every alloy. However, because of chemical inhomogeneities, a banded microstructure can de-
velop in steels. This banding has a negative effect, especially on the impact toughness and
cold forming. In this paper, the development of a banded microstructure in hot-rolled low-alloy
structural steel S355J2 is explained. The banded microstructure in the cross-section consisted
of ferrite and pearlite bands, while towards the centre, bainitic-martensitic bands were also ob-
served. The deviations in chemical compositions of the bands were measured with EDS, which
showed that the bainitic-martensitic bands contained more alloying elements (Mn, Cr, Mo, Si)
than the ferritic. However, by using Oberhoffer reagent, the segregations of phosphorus were
also revealed. Phosphorus segregations coincided with the positive segregations of the alloying
elements. Because manganese and chromium have the prevailing effect on the distribution
of carbon in austenite, an increased concentration of carbon in bainitic-martensitic bands is
also expected. The CCT diagrams of S355J2 steel with three different chemical compositions,
i.e., with the nominal composition and compositions with negative and positive segregations,
were calculated. However, increased concentrations of carbon and phosphorus were not taken
into account in the calculations of the CCT diagrams. Since these elements can significantly
increase the hardenability, they play an important role in the formation of the bainite and
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni Al Cu Nb B Fe
0.18 0.28 1.38 0.012 0.013 0.13 0.03 0.11 0.026 0.17 0.001 0.0006 Bal.
Besides banding, the phosphorus in steel can cause with a particle size of 3 µm and then with a particle
quench cracking and quench embrittlement and thus, size of 1 µm. After the polishing, the samples were
it is very harmful, especially when is not homoge- etched with 2 % Nital. However, in order to reveal
neously distributed [6]. Since the overall concentration the phosphorus segregation, the samples needed to be
of phosphorus in steel is usually very low, the mea- etched with Oberhoffer reagent (500 ml of distilled wa-
surement of phosphorus inhomogeneities in the mi- ter, 500 ml C2 H5 OH, 50 ml HCl, 30 g FeCl3 , 1 g CuCl2 ,
crostructure is challenging because of low detection 0.5 g SnCl2 ) [7].
limits of conventional analytical techniques based on The microstructure analyses were performed with
X-ray spectroscopy (EDS, WDS). Thus, phosphorus a light (LM) and scanning electron microscope (SEM),
segregation can be easily overlooked. Hence, it is es- i.e., Olympus BX61 and Jeol JSM 5610, respectively.
sential to understand the primary reasons for the de- The microstructure was observed in secondary elec-
velopment of microstructural banding in order to take tron mode (SEI) with an accelerating voltage of 20
appropriate actions so as to minimise its occurrence kV and a working distance of 20 mm. The same con-
and deleterious effects, especially with respect to cold- ditions were used with the EDS system Gresham Sci-
forming processes and quenching. entific Instruments Ltd., Model No. Sirius 10/SUTW.
Site of interest Si Cr Mn Mo Fe
– The microstructure analysis of the metallo- tive segregations of carbon, phosphorus, and the al-
graphically prepared samples after etching in 2 % loying elements will transform into ferrite during the
Nital showed a banded microstructure, which near cooling from the austenite region, while the austen-
the surface consisted of ferritic and pearlitic bands ite regions with positive segregations will later trans-
(Fig. 2a). However, towards the centre, bainitic- form into pearlite. In this way, a secondary, banded
-martensitic bands also appeared (Fig. 2b). The por- microstructure of ferrite and pearlite bands is devel-
tion and the width of these bainitic-martensitic bands oped.
increased towards the centre of the bar. The EDS anal- – Additionally, the alloying elements (Mn, Cr, Mo,
yses showed higher concentrations of the alloying ele- Si) have a strong effect on the hardenability since
ments (Mn, Cr, Mo, and Si) in the bainitic-martensitic they move the CCT diagram to the right. Moreover,
bands (positive segregations) in comparison to the fer- it is also known that phosphorus also significantly en-
ritic and pearlitic bands (negative segregations). How- hances the hardenability [6, 11], and can cause both
ever, an EDS analysis is not a proper method for the quench cracking and quench embrittlement [6]. Since
measurement of light elements (e.g., carbon) and el- the concentration of alloying elements as well as phos-
ements with a concentration below 0.1 % (e.g., phos- phorus and carbon increases towards the centre of the
phorus); anyway, it is well known that manganese ingots, the proportion of bainitic-martensitic bands is
lowers the activity of carbon in austenite and thus, higher towards the centre of the hot-rolled bar. More-
Mn-rich regions would tend to attract carbon from over, the concentration of alloying elements and phos-
neighbouring areas. Hence, in the Mn-rich regions, phorus in some austenite regions was high enough
an increased concentration of carbon is also expected. for a critical cooling rate to be achieved and, con-
While chromium has a similar effect to that of man- sequently, martensite, as well as bainite, was formed
ganese, phosphorus increases the carbon activity, and despite lower cooling rate in the centre of steel bar.
as a result rejects the carbon from the phosphorus-rich – The formation of bainitic-martensitic bands can
regions [9]. be explained with the calculated CCT diagrams: a
– Phosphorus has a very low equilibrium portion CCT diagram with the nominal steel composition
ratio and so it has a strong tendency to segregate dur- given in Table 1; a CCT diagram with the compo-
ing the solidification [9]. Since the concentration of sition measured in the negative segregations with a
phosphorus is lower than the detection limit of an EDS lower concentration of Mn, Cr, Si, and Mo (Table 2,
analysis, the phosphorus segregations were revealed Site of Interest 1); and a CCT diagram with a compo-
metallographically by using Oberhoffer reagent. From sition measured in the positive segregations with an
Karl [10], the lower limit of phosphorus detection us- increased concentration of Mn, Cr, Si, and Mo (Ta-
ing Oberhoffer reagent is 0.003 %. The microstruc- ble 1, Site of Interest 2). The increased concentration
ture analysis after etching with Oberhoffer reagent of alloying elements retards the diffusion-controlled
showed the phosphorus-rich regions as being brighter transformation, and therefore the ferritic and pearlitic
(Fig. 3). It was found that the phosphorus segregations regions move to a higher timing in comparison to
coincided with positive segregations of manganese, the CCT diagram of steel with the nominal compo-
chromium and molybdenum. Moreover, the elongated sition and even more compared to the CCT diagram
manganese sulphide inclusions were also observed in of the steel with the composition of negative segrega-
bainitic-martensitic bands with higher concentrations tions. In addition, the martensite start temperature
of manganese and phosphorus. This indicates that al- (Ms ) is lowered with an increased concentration of al-
though the manganese concentrates in the MnS in- loying elements. Hence, at a normal cooling rate of
clusions the austenite around the inclusions still con- approximately 0.4 ◦C min−1 (bold line in Fig. 5) in
tains enough alloying elements to retard the diffusion- regions with increased concentration of alloying ele-
-controlled transformation and enable the formation ments (positive segregations), some bainite in addi-
of bainitic-martensitic bands. tion to the ferrite is also expected (Fig. 5c), while in
– Regarding the activity of carbon, manganese the regions with a lower concentration of alloying el-
and phosphorus have the opposite effect. Because the ements (negative segregations) only ferrite and some
concentrations of manganese and chromium in steels pearlite can form (Fig. 5b). However, in this calcula-
are much higher than phosphorus, manganese and tion, the changes in the concentration of carbon and
chromium have the prevailing effect on the distribu- phosphorus were not taken into account since they
tion of carbon in austenite. Therefore, it is assumed could not have been analysed with EDS. It is known
that regions that are rich in alloying elements (Mn, that both elements significantly increase the harden-
Cr, Mo) and phosphorus are also rich in carbon, de- ability of steel since they move the CCT diagram fur-
spite the fact that phosphorus increases the carbon ther to the right, to a higher timing, and as such en-
activity. On the other hand, the austenite regions de- able the formation of martensite and, therefore, the
pleted in alloying elements and phosphorus contain formation of bainitic-martensitic bands at the same,
less carbon. Hence, the austenite region with nega- and with an even slower, cooling rate in the centre of
56 A. Nagode et al. / Kovove Mater. 55 2017 51–56