Oracle Retail Reference Model: User Guide Release 14.1.1 June 2015
Oracle Retail Reference Model: User Guide Release 14.1.1 June 2015
Oracle Retail Reference Model: User Guide Release 14.1.1 June 2015
User Guide
Release 14.1.1
June 2015
Note: The following is intended to outline our general
product direction. It is intended for information purposes
only, and may not be incorporated into any contract. It is not
a commitment to deliver any material, code, or functionality,
and should not be relied upon in making purchasing
decisions. The development, release, and timing of any
features or functionality described for Oracle’s products
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.
Contents ............................................................................................................................. ii
Preface .............................................................................................................................. iv
Audience ................................................................................................................................ iv
Related Documents ............................................................................................................... iv
Conventions ........................................................................................................................... iv
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 1
Web Browser Requirement ....................................................................................................1
Web Browser Support .....................................................................................................2
Index to Business Processes ............................................................................................ 2
Vertical Process ................................................................................................................2
2 Process Modeling Standards ........................................................................................ 3
Process Groups ........................................................................................................................4
Standards Used .......................................................................................................................4
Symbols Used ..........................................................................................................................5
Retail Industry (Level 0)..................................................................................................5
Business Process Areas (Level 1) ...................................................................................5
Organizational Business Process Flows (Level 2) ........................................................5
Symbols for Levels 1 and 2 ............................................................................................. 5
Business/System Process Flows (Level 3) ....................................................................7
Examples of Processes .......................................................................................................... 11
Retail Industry Model (Level 0) .......................................................................................... 11
Business Area Process Models (Level 1) ............................................................................ 12
Multiple Groups ............................................................................................................. 14
Other Alternative Drawings ......................................................................................... 14
Level 1 for Business Area Models ................................................................................ 17
Organizational Business Process Flow (Level 2) .............................................................. 17
Business/System Process Flows (Level 3) ......................................................................... 17
Business/System Process Flow .................................................................................... 18
Business/System Process Flow (Level 2.5/3) ................................................................... 18
Relationship of Level 2s to Level 3s .................................................................................... 18
Example 1: 1:1 Higher/Lower Level ........................................................................... 18
Receive Inventory from Warehouse or Finisher (Level 2) ........................................ 19
Receive Inventory from Warehouse (Level 3) ............................................................ 19
Example 2: Supporting/Complimentary/Day in the Life ....................................... 20
3 Process Modeling Styles ............................................................................................. 23
Visio Templates and Shape Stencils ................................................................................... 23
Templates ........................................................................................................................ 23
Stencils ............................................................................................................................. 24
General Drawing Shapes ..................................................................................................... 24
Drawing Models ............................................................................................................ 24
Preferred Shape of Models ........................................................................................... 26
Appropriate Levels of Information .................................................................................... 27
Appropriate Information for Level 2 Functions ........................................................ 27
Organizational Units on a Level 2 Swimlane ............................................................. 28
Avoid Gateways on Level 2s ........................................................................................ 28
Appropriate Level of Information for Level 3 Functions ......................................... 28
Checklist for Appropriate Level of Detail .................................................................. 29
Sending Information to Other Applications ...................................................................... 29
Indicating Custom Integrations ................................................................................... 30
Labeling Applications Outside the Immediate Application ........................................... 30
Naming Functions................................................................................................................. 31
Connecting from One Flow to Another ............................................................................. 32
Appropriate Function Shapes for Assignments ........................................................ 32
Connecting from One Level 1 or Level 2 Flow to Another ...................................... 34
Connecting a Level 1 to Its Level 2s and 3s ................................................................ 35
Connecting a Level 2 to its Level 3 .............................................................................. 36
Sending Information from One Store to Another Store ................................................... 37
Depicting Two Versions of One Application .................................................................... 38
Drawing a Gateway .............................................................................................................. 39
Labeling Connections ........................................................................................................... 39
Drawing the End Event ........................................................................................................ 39
Information to Appear at the Top of Level 1s, 2s, and 3s ................................................ 40
Left Align All Text Box text ................................................................................................. 41
Create Flows for Administration Data/Parameters/Security ........................................ 41
Numbering and Naming Conventions .............................................................................. 42
Notes on Unique Folder Numbering .......................................................................... 43
Process Flow and Folder Naming Conventions ........................................................ 44
Communication When Crossing Lanes ............................................................................. 44
Separating Creation Versus Maintenance Processes ........................................................ 45
Copyright Notice in Template............................................................................................. 45
A Appendix: Additional Information ............................................................................. 47
Development of the Models ......................................................................................... 47
Maintenance of RRM ..................................................................................................... 47
Inaccuracies or Suggestions .......................................................................................... 47
Business Process Models ............................................................................................... 47
Modeling Notations used RRM ................................................................................... 48
Standard Retail Industry Process Models .................................................................. 48
Release of an Application ............................................................................................. 48
Contact ............................................................................................................................ 48
Oracle Applications Outside the Retail Global Business Unit ................................. 48
This document provides information on the Oracle Retail Reference Model (RRM)
process modeling standards and style.
The intended audience is C-level decision makers (such as Chief Executive Officer/Chief
Information Officer/Chief Technology Officer) through system users, depending on the
level of the model.
For more information on the intended audiences of the Level 0 through Level 3 models,
see Process Modeling Standards.
Related Documents
For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Retail Reference
Library Release 14.1.1 documentation set:
Oracle Retail Reference Library Release Notes
Oracle Retail Reference Model Installation Guide
The following documentation is available in the My Oracle Support Knowledge Base
( To download the documentation, use the following
Knowledge Base article numbers:
1617507.1 for the 14.x Retail Reference Library files
1564821.1 for the 13.x Retail Reference Library files
The following text conventions are used in this document:
Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with
an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for
which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in
examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.
The Retail Reference Model is one component of the Retail Reference Library. It is a
comprehensive collection of established, industry-leading business processes that guide
the retailers and implementers on the use of Oracle Retail solutions. The Retail Reference
Model is based on the input and experience that Oracle Retail and its partners have
gained in working with a wide range of retail customers. The processes align with Oracle
solutions, leverage industry standards, and help business units communicate with IT.
Process flows are created using Microsoft Visio. This enables retailer-specific business
processes to be managed and maintained.
Retailers can use process models as a starting point for implementations, to understand
the context and value that the business is trying to achieve during the implementation of
the software, and to understand and tailor the baseline process that will be used going
forward. Processes are the setup to understanding further levels of detail. They can also
be used to identify and prioritize scenarios or paths for testing and user training.
There are many challenges to business process modeling. While there are industry
standards to use common symbols, there are still challenges on how to model a process
to meet the defined objectives. This guide explains the methods in which the Retail
process models are depicted. It describes the design patterns and ensures consistency of
modeling in the Retail Reference Model. This guide is divided into the following
Process Modeling Standards
Process Modeling Styles
Note: The source files have not been tested with older or
newer versions of Visio.
A Visio plug-in Viewer is available from Microsoft for use with Internet Explorer. If you
do not have either Microsoft Visio 2007 or 2010 software, you can download the Visio
Viewer from
You cannot either read or update the models without Microsoft Visio, Visio Viewer, or
any another tool that can read .vsd files.
The other modeling tool used to read .vsd files is OmniGraffle Pro version 5.4.3 on the
Macintosh Operating System.
Note: You cannot read .vsd files if Visio or the Visio Viewer
is not installed on your computer.
Introduction 1
Web Browser Requirement
Google Chrome
With Microsoft Visio 2007 or 2010 installed, Chrome has the options to either Keep or
Discard the Visio file. Without Microsoft Visio 2007 or 2010, Chrome navigates to the
file location folder.
Mozilla Firefox
With Microsoft Visio 2007 or 2010 installed, Firefox has the options to either Save File
or Cancel access to the Visio file. Without Microsoft Visio 2007 or 2010, Firefox
navigates to the file location folder.
The Safari installed on MAC OS navigates to the file location folder.
To read, view, and edit .vsd files, you must have OmnigrafflePro installed on your
Vertical Process
In the Index to Business Processes in Retail Reference Model N.N.xls or Excel Index.xlsx
in the collection, see the Applicable to Verticals columns on the far right. Fashion,
Hardlines, Grocery, and Telco indicators are included in the index
Process Groups
This table explains the different models and uses for the primary audience.
Standards Used
Two standards are used for depicting process designs. The right standards and symbols
are used to complete the business goals. Event-driven Process Chains (EPC) symbols are
leveraged for the Business Process Area Models (L1) and Business Process Flows (L2).
Object Management Group: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) is used to
describe the Business/System Process Flows (L2.5/L3).
The Symbols Used section explains the symbols that are used. This is by choice to
simplify the design patterns and to make them more widely actionable to the many
different business process skill levels across retailers.
For more information on BPMN, see the following web site:
Symbols Used
The Oracle Retail Reference Model uses the following types of models and symbols.
0 1 2 3
The Value-added chain denotes the
Value-added chain business process grouping and value
A subset of Event-driven Process Chains (EPC) symbols are leveraged at Level 1 and
Level 2.
Symbol Description
Organizational elements & Appl... Used in Process
0 1 2 3
Carries out & Supports
0 1 2 3
The conceptual process step that is
important to the process but not
Process interface categorized within the current context of
the design (that is, within the immediate
folder/value-added chain structure). For
example, Replenishment processes create
orders. When speaking of replenishment,
the create order processes will be process
interfaces because they are stored under
the Purchasing Management area.
0 1 2 3
Business process steps could be one of 1 1
the following types:
Function Activity where the user must
interact with the system to continue
the process.
Manual activity performed outside
Manual task the system.
o Manual may also be
used on Level 1 and 2
to indicate tasks that
are completely
Notification manual, such as a
Function human decision,
discussion, or
agreement step, which
would never be
performed in a system
(Oracle or otherwise).
Activity where the user must notify
others of a request or outcome.
Automated activity executed by the
A Pool represents a Participant in a
Process. Also acts as a swim lane and a
Pool graphical container for partitioning a set
of activities from other Pools, usually in
the context of B2B situations. Examples
of pools include: Vendor, Enterprise (for
example, a retail enterprise), and
A Lane is a sub-partition within a Pool
Lane and extends the entire length of the Pool,
either vertically or horizontally. Lanes
are used to organize and categorize
activities. The Lane name is the Actor
who carries out the activities.
0 1 2 3
Application system is the product. Thus,
Application with the lane name, a lane is specific by
system the actor and the product in which the
activities are performed. One application
system is usually applied to a lane, but
exceptions may exist, such as where
multiple applications use the output of
another lane (for example, a demand
forecast may be used by multiple
0 1 2 3
While there are several variations on
start, intermediate, and end events for
Intermediate event BPMN, not all symbols are used. The
generic start, intermediate, and end
events (no middle symbol) can always
be used with a description. Some symbol
Timer (intermediate event) events are allowed to give visual
representation to some of the events as
well as to take advantage of some active
BI modeling.
0 1 2 3
For a process that is repeated several
Subprocess times within the same process, an
(expanded) expanded subprocess can be used. The
expanded process will have an entire
process located within itself. Expanded
processes are located on the same
drawing (but in a reference area, like a
key) as the collapsed process.
The LinktoVisio hyperlink is not used, to
distinguish that the detail is found
within this flow.
Place a Group around the subprocess
expanded steps, and use a Start and End
as appropriate for the subprocess.
0 1 2 3
Integration Guide Link shapes are
placeholders for future links to entries in
the Retail Reference Architecture
Integration Guide. The Integration
Guide Link shapes will appear in
Integration Layer swimlanes on Level 3
process flows in conjunction with
Automated process steps.
Examples of Processes
The following sections provide examples of how a few processes are modeled. This
provides guidance when creating the models.
The sections do not explain how all the symbols listed above should be used or when to
use them. For more information on symbol usage and examples, especially for level 3, see
the following web site:
Not all BPMN symbols are used. This is to simplify the design patterns and to make them
more widely actionable to the many different business process skill levels across retailers.
Retail Operations
Consumer /
Sell and Service Direct to Business to
Store Operations Customer
Consumer Business
Operations Support
Risk Management
Management Financial Control Store Life Cycle Indirect Fixed Asset
and Control and Reporting Management Procurement Management
Loss Prevention
When expanding the process, it has several business areas, such as Manage Allocation,
Manage Replenishment, Manage Warehouse Receiving, and others. The Inventory
Management is a Level 1. Manage Allocations has several process groupings within
itself, such as Create Allocation, Allocate Inventory for New Store, Manage End of Life
Inventory, and others. Manage Allocations is another Level 1 design. It is a business
process area. For more information, see the diagram Retail Industry, Inventory
Management, and Manage Allocations.
Multiple Groups
The rule is that when multiple groups are involved, the overall owner of the process is
assigned. As the process area is broken down, the other owners are assigned to their
processes. So for Manage Physical Inventory Counts, Financials is the overall owner.
When it is drilled down into, the execution processes are owned by the Store and
Warehouse groups.
Another key point of level 1s is their representation. A level 1 does not need have a
process flow, but the process flow is expandable. For example, the Inventory
Management Process Area represents every piece as a single box and the Manage
Allocations Level 1 has one section that flows and which contains many sections of
single boxes. Again, the purpose of the level 1 is a collection of processes within a
particular area. If those processes have a logical sequence between them, then they
represent with it; otherwise they will not.
Manage Order
Changes /
Customer Order
Wholesale Cash
and Carry Related Processes according to the grouping
Monitor & Fulfill
Setup Monitor Inventory
Wholesale's Manage Mobile
Parameters to Parameters and
Customer's Sales
Monitor Inventory Effectiveness
Similar to DSD,
Trunk Sales,
& Jobbers
Carries out & Supports
Header Grouping
Related Processes according to the grouping
Carries out & Supports
Entire Process
Carries out & Supports
In other situations, there are instances where the entire conceptual process is shown. In
Carries out & Supports
this case the level 1 and level 2 are grouped together to show the entire process. This type
of drawing only works given two conditions:
Carries out & Supports
2. The entire level 1 and all level 2s are owned by the same organizational unit.
Carries out & Supports
With this drawing, the level 1 is a trunk and the level 2s are the branches. The level 1 can
either be drawn vertically or horizontally throughout the entire process. The level 2s are
the extensions. For more information, see the diagram Assortment Management process.
Level 1 information
Level 1 information
Level 2 information
Level 1 information
Level 1 information
Level 2 information
The diagram Business/System Process Flow explains the details for Create Allocations.
The following templates are used to create models in Visio using the Oracle Retail styles
and methodology:
EPC_RGBU_TemplateDDMMYY.vst: With this Oracle Retail template, you can
create Level 1 and Level 2 process flows.
BPMN_RGBU_TemplateDDMMYY.vst: With this Oracle Retail template, you can
create Level 1 process flows.
You can also save the existing model to a new model:
All shapes are sampled on each page of the .vst, so that you can copy and paste
instead of drawing.
If you want to create a completely new drawing using Microsoft Visio, select File
menu, New, and then Business.
Use the following templates:
– For Level 1 and Level 2 use EPC Diagram (Metric)
– For Level 3 use Basic Flowchart (Metric)
A Visio stencil holds a collection of shapes that are common in use (that is, all of the
Oracle Retail Business Process shapes):
EPC_RGBU_Stencil_[Date].vss: Use this template to create Level 1 and 2 process
BPMN_RGBU_Stencil_[Date].vss : Use this template to create Level 3 process
Drawing Models
Flows should move from left to right and from the top to bottom direction. You can also
draw steps in other directions, connect in a wrapping fashion to the beginning of the next
line of steps, or connect to preceding steps, but no steps should read from backwards
direction. You must follow the western style of reading, which is left to right and top to
Description: The return merchandise function is performed on the POS terminal and is the activity in which the customers returns previously purchased merchandise for refund or credit. Returns are typically a high fraud are of the retail business process, thus additional validation
steps are taken to ensure that the merchandise was originally purchased and is returned in good resellable condition or has a manufactures defect for which the retailer may receive a credit from the supplier.
By validating the return against the original transaction, the system safeguards against fraudulant returns. In the case where this can not be done, the Returns Management system tracks customers return patterns. Using a rules based approach, Returns Management will
flag return transaction for customers that excessively present items for returns and alert store management during the ORPOS return transaction for an additional level of approvals.
Credit / Debit
Customer Returns Return Customer Credit / Debit
Customer Activate Mdse Activation Customer authorization Transaction
Look up item Return results Lookup Management Authorization Lookup authorization
Integration Layer Transaction Lookup Credit card response Lookup response data
Return results response Authorization response response request
Point-of- Customer Receive Update Update
Point-of- Lookup Send
Service Itelm Lookup Lookup Returns data transaction Transaction Customer
Service Look up item response transactions
(Server) response data Database Database
Configurable timer,
typically set to 30>60...
Transaction Lookup Receive Record
Return results Lookup
Central Office Lookup response transaction transaction
Central Office
data data
Activate Store Send Activation
Tender Tender authorization Send response
Credit Response
Authoriztion Authorization Tender Authorization request
Service Service Service (non Oracle)
Preferred shape
Points to Remember
The following points must be considered while drawing:
Is the model visually useful and legible?
Does it need dividing into more than one model for readability?
Points to Remember
The following points must be considered while drawing:
Focus must be given on what is required and not what is the system doing.
Use business process terms, not system terms.
What business step does the software enable, that might not otherwise be possible?
Such as, Allocate from purchase order prior to merchandise receipt.
Correct Incorrect
Points to Remember
The following points must be considered while drawing:
Who owns the information that is being worked on, in the functions?
What people are responsible for its creation, management, validity?
Points to Remember
The following points must be considered while drawing:
If you were doing the task on another presentation device, an Iphone, or by
voice, or on a handheld unit. The appropriate level of information is the steps
needed to accomplish the whole task. The order or details may be different if the
screen or interface is different.
A function should have meaning as a standalone description.
A function should represent what’s going on in the business, not what the steps
are in the application. For example, see the following diagrams.
Lot of Details
Correct Incorrect
Points to Remember
The following points are used to remember while deciding the process flows.
Does the model accomplish the business process?
Does it show how the process is executed within the confines of the system?
Do I believe that it is effectively designed? Is there a way it could be streamlined
outside the system?
Does it effectively show the business process within the enterprise?
Is it negatively limiting the enterprise in any way? (If so, revise.)
Correct Incorrect
Naming Functions
Each function should starts with a verb.
On Level 1s and 2s, use Title Case. The initial capital letters for each significant word.
On Level 3s, only the first letter of each function should be capitalized, unless
referring to a proper name, acronym, or another flow title.
The Save/Write/Selection functions do not need to include “in database.” (This is
implied by automated or UI function).
HyperLinks Window
8. To navigate to the links, move over the shape and right-click. You should see the
linked pages in the pop-up list. Icon and label show when you hover over a shape
that has a Hyperlink.
9. Right-click to see the labeled Hyperlink.
10. Click Hyperlink to navigate to it.
Hyperlink Page
Include one link to the Visio source document at the upper right of the flow pool
Level 0 - Retail Industry
A collection of functional areas to describe the retail enterprise as a whole, using Value Added Chain notation.
Retail Operations
Consumer /
Sell and Service Direct to Business to
Store Operations Customer
Consumer Business
Operations Support
Risk Management
Management Financial Control Store Life Cycle Indirect Fixed Asset
and Control and Reporting Management Procurement Management
Loss Prevention
Maintain Role
Maintain Role
If the related model is outside the high level (0) process area (folder group), then draw a
Process Interface with a Hyperlink. .
Step 8
Step Folder
Points to Remember
The following points are used to remember while deciding the process flows:
Does the model accomplish the business process?
Does it show how the process is executed within the confines of the system?
Do I believe that it is effectively designed? Is there a way it could be streamlined
outside the system?
Does it effectively show the business process within the enterprise?
Is it negatively limiting the enterprise in any way? (If so, revise.)
Freeform Text
Drawing a Gateway
The choice indicated by a gateway should be described in the function preceding the
diamond, and labeled with a statement rather than a question, such as:
Determine if
Select whether
Check that
The OR, AND/OR, or AND should be in capital letters, and should be placed below the
gateway, even if a line intersects it.
Labeling Connections
If one of the connections is labeled, the other should be labeled, for example, Yes and No,
Printed and Not printed, and others. The label should be placed in a legible position
along the connector.
End Event
Unique Numbering
Maintenance of RRM
Solution Management product managers are responsible to ensure that their associated
product process models are updated as needed per release. You can send questions
regarding model maintenance to [email protected].
Inaccuracies or Suggestions
For any inaccuracies or suggestions for the updates, corrections, or improvements in
RRM, send an email to [email protected].
Release of an Application
For the Retail Reference Model, two release updates are planned throughout the calendar
year, reflecting updates for new releases of applications, feedback collected from usage,
and addition of new process models. The Retail Reference Model process updates are
always published after the Generally Availability of a new solution or solution release.
For additional information and questions, send your request to
[email protected].
Worldwide Inquiries:
Phone: +1.650.506.7000
Fax: +1.650.506.7200
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