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5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)

 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
 Summative assessment of science inquiry skills


4 Science Understanding Students are able to SUMMATIVE- Introduction

Living things have structural identify the Showing different pictures of animals Animal picture
features and adaptations different variable in Rubric show if Students identify what environment they live in and what adaptations
that help them to survive in their experiment students are able they have to help them survive.
their environment (ACSSU04 to explain Discuss different animals with whole class
3) Students are able to adaptations of
Science Inquiry Skills explain their results animals, graph Body
Compare data with and justify why they data, create Looking at our TWLH charts
predictions and use think they got them investigation How are we sure that what we have learnt is correct?
as evidence in developing results. questions and How do authors provide reliable information?
explanations (ACSIS218) change variables How do scientist find their evidence to share with others?
Construct and use a range of Students are able to How can we say that structural feature help animals to survive?
representations, including graph their data
tables and graphs, to collected from the Explain that we are going to create a question to investigate and gather
represent and describe experiment evidence about the adaptation to prove our claim.
observations, patterns or Explain to student that we want to know about the adaptations of
relationships animal’s mouth and how it effects what they eat.
in data using digital Do the shapes of birds mouth effect their food source?
technologies as Work sheet
appropriate (ACSIS090) As a class we are going to investigate different shapes of birds beaks
Decide variables to be and how they eat their food source. Bird beaks on pegs
changed and measured in These are our different mouths we can use a pelican beak, duck beak, Containers
fair tests, and observe parrot beak and finch beak Food:
measure and Pelican beak- pipe cleaner with strainer Marshmallows for
record data with accuracy Duck beak- pop sticks fruit
using digital technologies as Parrot beak- picture hooks on a peg String in damp dirt
appropriate (ACSIS087) Finch beak- tooth picks together as worms
With guidance, pose And 4 different types of food fruit, fish, seeds and worms Seeds
clarifying questions and Foam in water (fish)
make predictions about Students will have to create their own tests to answer the question. Timer
scientific Students will note down what they change, what they are measuring
investigations (ACSIS231) and what stays the same. (Either change beak with the same food or
change food with the same beaks).
Go through the work sheet with students on the board answer the
questions and provide examples for students to work collaboratively
Student then start their worksheet and collect their equipment.
One student come up and collect their equipment
Students conduct the test and fill out the results in a table to show their
Student then write down what happened and why they think that.


Students share with the class what they found and how they conducted
the test.

Enabling- Teacher prompts students with questions to help them
predict and justify their results, scribe if needed for the student

Extending- Teacher ask question for student to elaborate more on their

answers and to think outside of the box from the results such as if there
was another food type would the results change?

Health and safety

Student do not eat anything in the science room
One student collects materials to avoid spills
Students stand behind their desk with their chairs pushed in to conduct
experiment to avoid spilling things and tripping over chairs legs

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