Rubrics For Fpds
Rubrics For Fpds
Rubrics For Fpds
Diagnostic Assessment
Diagnostic Assessment
Student Name
Other/ Notes
Do students believe that animals can easily
change their environment?
Other / Notes
Lesson: 2-4 (Also can be used for Lesson 1 and 5)
Ongoing formative assessment
Lesson 5
Summative Assessment – Science Understanding
4 3 2 1
Science Predicts and explains how physical Connects how the physical Describes simple connections Identifies a link between a physical
Understanding features and/or adaptations of a features or adaptations of a living between physical features or feature of a living thing and one
(Biological) living thing help it to survive in an thing will help it to survive in its adaptations of a living thing and basic requirement for survival, or
environment, providing accurate environment, and provides some requirements for survival. offers a number of simple
examples. appropriate examples. examples but does not connect the
adaptations directly to the way
they enhance survival.
English Constructs an accurate and Constructs an accurate Constructs an informative design Constructs a basic informative
(Design/Text detailed informative design using informative design using the using the appropriate structure, design with some elements of
Structure) the appropriate structure. Ideas appropriate structure. Ideas are e.g. includes relevant facts and design structure. Includes
are organised and supported with organised; factual information is some supporting detail. incorrect or irrelevant details.
factual information and supported with some elaboration.
English Expresses information clearly, Uses vocabulary to enhance the Uses simple vocabulary and some Uses everyday language and
(Language Features) using topic-specific vocabulary design, e.g. may use adjectives appropriately selected descriptive includes a few given topic- specific
and precise words and phrases. and adverbs to develop and topic-specific words. words and phrases.