Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
ROTC or Reserve Officer Training Corps is one of the choice courses in the National
Service Training Program (NSTP) of the government. It is a basic military training wherein the
students are trained the military discipline way. Colleges also have trainings in ROTC but it is
only applied to some of the courses. They believe that the benefits of this is an opportunity to
develop technical and leadership skills. The young adults must serve as officers in the army after
the graduation if they have received an ROTC scholarship. This reserve force is expected to fill
As stated by Corrales (2017) President Rodrigo Duterte once again express his
determination to implement the Mandatory ROTC Bill for all Senior High School students. The
President quoted, “I likewise encourage congress to enact a law that will require Mandatory
ROTC for Grades 11 and 12 so we can instill patriotism, love of country among our youth.” he
said during the anniversary of The Army Reserve Command in Cavite. And he also added that
Defense Secretary Delfin Lorenzana proposed an amendment to Republic Act 7077 to make
ROTC mandatory.
In his SONA 2019, Our President Rodrigo Duterte, mentioned the implementation of the
Mandatory ROTC Bill again. He also stated that, “The Filipino youth now, they are bereft of
patriotism and love of country. They should go back to this. I think the Military training will be
good for everybody.” The house moved accordingly, passing the House Bill No. 8961 in May
2019 requiring ROTC for all Grades 11 and 12. The president believed that the implementation
of mandatory ROTC will bring back the patriotism and care of the youth to our beloved county.
The military discipline that will be embodied and teach to the youth through the basic ROTC will
promote awareness of what the true patriotism is all about. It will also teach the youth to be
The House Bill No. 8961 is an “Act Mandating the Institutionalization, Development
Training Organization of Basic Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) in Grades 11 and 12 in
Public and Private Educational Institutions Amending for the Purpose Republic Act No. 7077,
otherwise called as the “Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines Reservist Act” and
Appropriating Funds Therefor.” This is the appended House Bill no.8961 which will sit tight for
the endorsement for substitution of House Bill No. 5113, as changed, in combination with House
Bills Numbered 5097 and 8651, with Representatives Abu, Tupas, Violago and Durano as
creators thereof.
According to the 1987 Constitution of the Republic of Philippines Article II Section XIII,
the states recognizes the significant rule of the youth in the advancement and nation building.
The state shall also promote and secure the physical, moral, profound, scholarly, and social
welfare of the youth. It will be inculcated in the mind of the young people the energy,
nationalism and patriotism to our beloved country. The state shall also encourage the youth to
participate and support civic activities and community exercises in broad daylight.
Tomacruz (2019) expressed that Our President Rodrigo Duterte approached to legislators
as his bombed endeavor to pass it on the seventeenth congress, to guarantee the entry of the bill
that would make the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) required to all Senior High School
the University of the Philippines (UP) and the year 1935 made it required for all schools and
colleges. Be that as it may, in 2002 it was totally nullified in view of the demise of cadet irking in
the University Of Sto. Thomas (UST). It was merciless that the cadets were slaughtered as a
result of its presentation to ROTC preparing debasement in UST, yet it was just the seventeenth
of February in 2017 a law affirmed by President Duterte was restoring the ROTC the ROTC. The
measure will concede Grade 11 and Grade 12 understudies to ROTC. Yet, the President says,
ROTC's home is exceptional to previous ROTC in wake of defilement. No initiation and lewd
behavior. The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) likewise promised to have limitations so as
The Researchers found that this topic was a timely issue with the Senior High School,
and also there are students who are amenable with the Mandatory ROTC and some students
opposes with this issue so the researchers would like to know the Levels of Acceptability of the
Senior High School Students in Cainta Catholic College once the bill about the Mandatory
ROTC becomes a law and how will it affect the academic performances of the students.
According to the College Editors Guild on the Philippines (2018) The Mandatory ROTC
are recruiting Senior High School students in public and in private schools, and the President
wants to create a battalion that will serve in the persistent crackdown against activists in schools
and in communities, and they are also requiring Senior High School Students to undergo military
training but it will not foster patriotism but manufacture pawns to President Duterte’s anti-people
wars and they want to intend the false sense of nationalism and rightful pursuit of determination
and rightful pursuit of self-determination and justice. Years of corruption, molestation and
macho-fascist in culture has led death to the participants of ROTC like the famous case of Mark
Welson Chua’s murder in the year 2002 following his expose of alleged corruption in the
University of Sto. Thomas ROTC unit. Yet the president approved a law resurrecting the ROTC
on February 17, 2017. The guild also warned that requiring Senior High School Students to
undergo military training will not foster patriotism but manufacture pawns to President Duterte’s
anti-people wars like Oplan Tokhang and the Martial Law on Mindanao, and they want to intend
“We intend to smash this false sense of nationalism when the much marginalized sectors
are subjected to state violence over their rightful pursuit for self-determination and justice, just as
the case of military displacement of the Lumads in Mindanao to protect big mining and
agribusiness corporations,” Callueng said. This is one of the reason why the Mandatory ROTC
Bill is not yet implemented. There are a lot of people who opposed to bring back the said bill
But the ROTC is not like this when it was first implemented here in the Philippines by
our former president Manuel Quezon in year 1912. Yet over the next decade, the ROTC program
was seen with expanding discontent, particularly from the cadets themselves. Different
maltreatment and degenerate practices were noted — running from rite of passage and different
widespread view that ROTC forced superfluous weights on the time and funds of understudies.
ROTC preparing normally took up the majority of a cadet's Saturday; and under RA 7077,
however subsidizing for cadets during Advance ROTC was given by the state, during Basic
ROTC, the undergraduate themselves were required to bear the related expenses of gear, outfits,
and so on.
Pema (2010) stated that the ROTC is for high school Students and that the program of
this will be located primarily in inner city schools and serves at ricks students and the main goal
for this is multi-dimensional and includes military preparation and improving academic
achievements, and they find that the effects of its program depends on the timing and intensity.
As stated by Elemia (2019) the program “Reserved Officer Training Corps” or ROTC for
Grade 11 and 12 Senate Bill No. 2232 The leaders of the Senate stood up and said that the
chamber needed more time to discuss and explain the said bills carefully so that it won’t affect or
can cause obstruction to others. Senate Majority Juan Miguel Zubiri said that the certification
must and should be passed earlier by the Malacanang because the measures of the discussions
According to Petty, M.M., and Sheil, T.J, (1995) a questionnaire was administered to 142
male learners who were registered in the Reserved Officers Training Corps and 18 male students
who had fallen out of ROTC on the significance of 32 results in choosing an army of civilian job
and the anticipated amount of satisfaction for each result in each work type. As an operational
definition of motivation to stay in ROTC, a ratio expectancy theory model was created from the
With regard to Funk (2002) many programs and opportunities exist in secondary
education to develop leadership in high school students. From athletics to clubs to student
government, students are given numerous venues to act as leaders to their peers. However, very
few high school students are provided any type of formal leadership training through an
educational process. Since 2002 programs and opportunities exist to the secondary education, to
enhance the abilities and to know a further knowledge in different aspect in regards to this
training we have to consider a relationship of what life is all about time to be given and interest
This suggests to promote ROTC as a way to train students with their discipline, love of
the country, and leadership skills because a lot of students doesn’t have any discipline and they
don’t know how to act like leaders. Discipline and obedience to authority established through the
ROTC program can go a long way in solving the issues experienced by our country from the
hellish traffic jams aggravated by undisciplined motorists and pedestrians to the threat of
nightmarish drugs. With all the values that help shape the character of a young person apart from
toughening the physics by pushups and jumping jacks derived from ROTC, it is essential to bring
back the old glory of the military training of citizens, minus all the bad things that have tarnished
their image. In order to gain widespread acceptance and make the public realize the need for
ROTC in the development and security of our country, the program needs to be enhanced and the
necessary safeguards put in place to avoid controversy again. And knowing that millions of
Filipinos with ROTC training would be able to defend the motherland can actually assist prevent
These in fact are the literatures that can help the researchers conduct their studies. And
here are the claims of these study. First of all the President only wanted to implement the
Mandatory ROTC to not foster patriotism but to only manufacture pawns to the anti-people wars.
Second, the ROTC will take a lot of hours to discuss and implementing it right away can cause
obstruction to others especially those people who are opposed to the said topic and that the
effects of this program really depends on time and intensity. Lastly, ROTC tends to develop the
On the other hand, these are the evidences of the claims. This is one of the reason why
the Mandatory ROTC was abolished. In 2001, a University Of Sto. Thomas student, Mark Chua
was found dead in the Pasig River. Having died due to severe ROTC hazing, they found out that
the killing was prompted by Mr. Chua’s recounting of ROTC abuse to a UST student publication.
The incident captivated the national interest, in response to the public demand, that they will
change the ROTC program in 2020. On the contrary, the congress adopted RA 9163, The
National Service Training Program “NSTP” Act, which effectively abolish the mandatory basic
ROTC requirements. Next is the issue about how long it is to discuss and explain the Mandatory
ROTC Bill for it to get implemented. When President Duterte assumed the highest position in the
land he already manifested that he will reinstate the basic Mandatory ROTC back to the Senior
High School curriculum despite numerous opposition from his political rivalry and some youth
oriented organizations. Lastly is the evidence that we found according to commanding General
Dennis L. The United States army has successfully combined the academic rigor of civilian
education and high standards of military training into a unified program - the army reserve
officer training corps, or ROTC. Other distinguished ROTC graduates went on to serve in senior
military assignments, still more ROTC alumni carry success outside of the military. ROTC has
also found success at the middle and high school level through the junior ROTC high school
students have benefited from the leadership and learning environment the program provides.
Current statistics reveal that students enrolled in JROTC have a graduate rate at 94 percent.
the Implementation of the Mandatory ROTC Bill. Specifically it will answer the following
2. What is the level of acceptability of the Senior High School students on the
For the researchers, they believe that there are significant differences between the
individuals profile with regards to the levels of acceptability. They do believe that when it comes
When it comes to religion, it has little to no effect at all with regards to their decision
ROTC Students wear uniform, but they only wear it on ROTC class and ROTC events like field
training. Outside ROTC, cadets dress simply like regular citizen understudies. So this may affect
the individual’s decision because the uniform itself may cost a lot of money plus the tuition fee.
There is a drastic effect to a person’s decision regarding the said topic if they have a
certain health conditions like asthma, heart disease, high blood pressure and other chronic illness.
The first theory is solely related to the researchers study because it states the reason why
the Mandatory ROTC program cannot be approved of. It includes different factors and
conditions. One huge factor is being required to purchase of certain gears and equipment’s.
Another factor are issues with students' schedules. These are only a few problems with the said
program and it already plays a huge role in its approval/disapproval. It also helps our study
because we could open the eyes of the readers and make them aware of what the ROTC is and
what systems it partakes. The Mandatory ROTC program is a hot and controversial topic in our
nation and it is good to at least give the readers a simple foundation on the said topic. And this
could be another factor for the levels of acceptability of the students to the Mandatory ROTC.
The second theory is all about the positive effects of the Mandatory ROTC to students
like having a good and developed leadership skills and their love for the country. ROTC is not all
about having a good physique or push-ups and jumping jacks. ROTC teaches students to have
discipline and there are a lot of values that will help shape the character of the students because
Filipinos are lacking discipline that’s why there are traffic jams, motorists who disobeys the rules
of traffic, and never ending issue about people who sells and use drugs. Now this is why some of
the people agrees with the President to implement the ROTC because some of the youth these
days are completely different from the youth then. And this theory is clearly stating that ROTC
The second theory is related to the researcher’s studies because the mandatory ROTC
program is a good way for a student to practice discipline, patriotism and leadership skills. And
the readers would know that there is a really positive effect for the students if the Mandatory
ROTC will be implemented and they will realize that ROTC is not that bad if the schools,
Overall, this theories can help the researchers with their study because the two theories
have both positive and negative effect of the Mandatory ROTC and these are big factors why it
has not been implemented yet and why. And the researchers will gain knowledge and ideas from
Levels Of Acceptability Of
Senior High School
Profile of the Students in Students
terms of their:
(Independent Variable)
- Sex
- Religon
- Monthly Family Income
- Health Condition
(Dependent Variable)
The beneficiaries’ of this study will be the participants themselves, the guardians of the
The participants themselves will be able benefit from this study because they will be able
to express their opinion towards the Mandatory ROTC Bill. This study will also serve as a
helping hand for the participants to voice out how they really feel about the said bill.
The guardians would be somehow less concern about their children, they may develop a
Students will also be enabled access to better understanding about the reactions of Senior
High School Students regarding the Mandatory ROTC Bill. Thus, this study will give them better
insight and expand their knowledge regarding the topic which will also allow them to become
more aware and open-minded of how the participants will react. It will serve as a way for them
The future researchers studying about topics relevant to this subject will be given the
advantage of adding this to their references. They will be able to find data provided in this study
to be useful depending on the depth of reliability to their research and will be able to utilize it for
The participants that are involved in this study will be the whole Senior High School
Students in Cainta Catholic College in the school year 2019-2020. This study is limited to Senior
High School students only because they are involved in re-implementing this program.
This will likewise fill in as a path for future researchers to contribute altogether to the
advancement of the researcher’s insight to have these element of the work and to improve the
1.) Reserve Officer Training Program - ROTC stands for Reserve Officers' Training
2.) National Services Training Program – is a law otherwise known as Republic Act 9163
or NSTP Act 2001, refers to the program aimed at enhancing civic consequences and
defense preparedness in the youth, by developing their ethics of service and patriotism
of it.
4.) Congress – the supreme legislative body of a nation and especially of a republic
5.) State of the Nation Address – a constitutional obligation and yearly tradition, wherein
the chief executive reports on the status of the country, unveils the government’s agenda
for the coming year, and proposes to Congress certain legislative measure.
7.) Inculcated – if you inculcate an idea or opinion in someone’s mind, you teach it to
a rule or a law.
9.) Hazing – any action or situation, with or without the consent of the participants, which
10.) Military Discipline - is a state of order and obedience existing within a command.
Mandatory ROTC will produce pawns to Duterte’s wars (2019) Retrieved from
Bantay Publiko (2016) Revisiting the role of ROTC (2016) Retrieved from
ROTC wear uniforms (2018) Retrieved from
Corrales (2017) Duterte approves revival of mandatory ROTC for grade 11 and 12
Tomacruz (2019) Duterte revives call to pass bill on mandatory ROTC Retrieved from
Senate: No time left to pass mandatory ROTC bill despite Malacañang urgency (2019)
Pema (2010) The impact of the high school junior ROTC program Retrieved from
Funk (2002) Developing Leaders Through High School Junior ROTC: Integrating Theory
Cainta Catholic College
A.Y 2019 – 2020
Senior High School Department
Submitted by:
HUMSS – Our Lady Of Penafrancia
Bayani, Mavi Lance
Galola, Queenie S.
Garcia, Julianna Ysabela Q.
Portosa, Jerome
So, Rob Khyle
Sablay, Julia Marie M.
Santos, Mary Leilla
Submitted to: