Implementation of 5S for “Chai ki Pyaali” These 5S are the Japanese concepts originated by
types startups is very necessary as these Hiroyuki Hirano in his book “5 Pillars of the Visual
specialties will only attract people to your place Workplace”, all starting with letter ‘S’ which means
because we all have once walked into a place of cleaning, organizing, developing and sustaining
business which is badly affected by lack of whatever achieved yet. Let us know about each of
cleanliness and disorganization. them with their respective advantages-
Towards Government
Chai ki pyaali should be engaged in many of the
social cases because they have manufacturing
kind of business which produces continuous
waste in the form of WRAPPERS and KULHAD,
so they must have a proper waste management Towards International
group and society which looks after its waste at its Environment
each outlet and generates an image of contributing
zero waste in front of society. This will lead to an
image of socially responsible Company for Chai
Ki Pyaali. Towards Internal and External
1. Responsibilities towards Economic 5. Responsibilities towards Government-
Environment- a. Obey the rules and regulations of the
government with current standards.
Supporting beneficial activities, especially in the
b. Pay the taxes regularly.
areas where Chai ki Pyaali outlet is located,
c. Cooperate with the government to promote
taking into consideration suitably and providing
social values.
sustainable benefits to society and communities.
d. Not to take advantages of loop-holes in
Considering how to utilize natural resources with
business laws.
minimum impact on society, the environment and
e. Cooperate with the government for
quality of life.
economic growth and development.
2. Responsibilities towards Employees-
a. Provide working standard and norms.
b. Provide regular grants and fair wages. 6. Responsibilities towards Stakeholders-
c. Provide welfare services. a. Ensure their safety of capital investment
d. Provide a healthy working environment. regularly.
e. Provide efficient mechanism to redress b. Provide them equal opportunity to all the
worker’s grievances. stakeholders to participate in the
f. Provide proper training & promotion management of the business as required by
facilities. the law.
c. Provide them adequate return to the
3. Responsibilities towards Customers- stakeholders according to the equity ratio of
a. Continue after-sale services the investment of your business.
b. Avoid misleading advertisements
c. Avoid adulteration
d. Provide the products according to the
Hence from the above discussion we can
customer’s taste and preference.
conclude that Chai ki pyaali should be socially
e. Good availability at nearest points
responsible because of the following reasons-
f. Regular Supply
g. Avoid unfair trade practices 1. Public Image
2. Government Regulation
3. Survival and Growth
4. Responsibilities towards Suppliers- 4. Employee Satisfaction
a. To provide fair prices of their goods. 5. Customer Awareness
b. Provide reasonable time for delivery.
c. Inform them about the Changes in market.
d. Give them guarantee of minimum price.
e. Motivate them for indigenous supplies.
f. Provide them technical Advice.
g. Inform them about the future
h. Maintain a healthy relations with the
employees of suppliers.
ANS 3. As Mr. Shravan has to hire me as the Business
Manager, so managerial skills must be there which
A.) In past years, management has taken a handles the expansion and handling of the business
scientific approach with certain standardization which was also stated by Henry Fayol.
principle and practices. In the evolution of
management, the early part evolved is of three Some of them are as follows that should be
kinds- implemented to his business of Chai Ki Pyaali-
1. Division of Work or Specialization
Every person should be assigned a separate
Scientific Management
job. Division of work implies distribution of
By – Fredrick Winslow Taylor activities in a logical way so that each
person performs his assigned work only.
There should not be any duplication of
2. Authority and Responsibility
Administrative Management Being the Business Manager, I must have
that managerial effect so that I get the work
By – Henry Fayol** done through others, it implies that the
manager should have the right to give
orders and power to exact obedience.
3. Subordination of Individual Interest to
Bureaucracy Management Group Interest
According to this principle, I should hire
By – Max Weber such employees who must sacrifice their
personal interests and work for the
organization i.e. for group interest.
Henry Fayol who was a French Industrialist gave 4. Equity
14 management principles which are not based on This principle emphasizes kindness and
pure cause and effective relationship as in case of justice in the behavior of managers towards
a science but are related to human behavior and workers.
management of persons working in an 5. Stability of Tenure
organization. Thus management principles are the The business of Chai ki Pyaali is such that
conclusions derived from studies and these apply the personnel which is going to join the
almost in all fields ans situations both in case of business must think for the security of his
business and non-business enterprises. job, so any of the personnel shouldn’t fear
According to Hicks and Gulleick, “Principles of of the insecurity of the job.
Management are not so exact and infallible as 6. Esprit De Corps (Union is Strength)
principles of the physical science because they According to this principle management
have to do with human behavior. So, Chai ki should create team spirit among the
Pyaali should adopt such management of employees. The principle states both the
principles which are related to the human workers and management should work
behavior which may be personal, inter-relations together to accomplish the aims and
and with the customers. objectives of demand.
This where the leader makes all the decisions.
According to John Sculley, “ Leadership revolves There is little or no discussion with workers
around vision, ideas, direction and has more to do who are just expected to obey orders.
with the inspiring people and has more to do with Advantages-
inspiring people as to direction and goals than a. Quick Decision making in critical
with day-to-day implementation. A leader must situations
be able to leverage more than his own capabilities. b. Some workers need strong directions
He must be capable of inspiring other people to do
things without actually sitting on top of them with
a checklist.” a. Workers may feel demotivated.
A effective leader must posses the b. Workers who has more experience are
undermentioned triats- not involved in decision making which
may result in more benefit for
1. Confidence
2. Sensitive
3. Visionary 2. DEMOCRATIC STYLE-
4. Emphatic This is where the leader discuss plans with
5. Hardworking the workers who can influence decisions.
6. Discipline Advantages-
7. Ethical a. Workers feel motivated.
8. Adjustable b. There may be benefit from workers
9. Emotionally stable ideas. Chai ki pyaali workers may
10. Optimistic give some ideas so that the
11. Conscientiousness arrangement would be more stable as
12. Openness to experience previously.
13. Dominant Disadvantages –
14. Spiritual a. Slow decision making
15. Philanthropist