Prelim Exam in Creative Writing

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A.Y. 2019-2020

NAME: _______________________________ SCORE: ____50

SECTION: _____________________________ DATE: ________


1. Read the directions carefully before answering the test.

2. Misspelled words and any form of erasure or alteration of answers will be considered incorrect.
3. Use black/blue ink pen only.
4. Refrain from talking and asking questions to your classmates while taking the exam. Consult the
proctor if you have questions or clarifications about the exam.
5. Anyone who will be caught cheating during the exam will automatically get zero.
6. Use cursive style of penmanship in writing. Write LEGIBLY.

Directions: Write the correct answer on the blank provided.

__________________ 1. It is any writing that is original, artistic, and self-expressive.

__________________ 2. It creates pictures or figures in the mind of readers.
__________________ 3. They are to whom the events in the story happen.
__________________ 4. S/he is usually given much development, more conflicts to resolve, more
background story, and usually more action.
__________________ 5. S/he serves a certain purpose to move a plot.
__________________ 6. They are easily recognized by your “emotional eye”; they are usually
constructed around a single idea or quality.
__________________ 7. They have the capacity to surprise you in a convincing and even inevitable
__________________ 8. It is a story mode where the hero has marvelous actions, but who is
identified as a human being with an ability superior in “degree” to other people and to his
__________________ 9. It is a story mode where the hero is a divine being with an ability that is
superior in “kind” to other people and to the environment of other people.
__________________ 10. It is like a painted stage backdrop against which the story plays out; you
can change the backdrop and it probably won’t change much of the story.
__________________ 11. It is the cause and effect arrangement.
__________________ 12. It is a literary device in which there is a contradiction of expectation
between what is said and what is really meant.
__________________ 13. It is biting remark that is worded ironically, so it may sound like praise but
is really an insult.
__________________ 14. It is the exposure of vices or follies of an individual, a group, an
institution, an idea, or a society, usually with the hope of correcting them or forcing awareness.
__________________ 15. It has something to do with your view of the world, how you see things,
how you want things to be, how you color the world that you see.
__________________ 16. It is the angle, the perception, the position that you take to tell your story.
__________________ 17. It is a literary device in which you are giving an advance suggestion or
hint of what is going to happen later in the story.
__________________ 18. It is a literary device in which you are using an object, an action, an event,
a place, a person, or a spoken word in your writing to signify new ideas and qualities by giving them
an added meaning – usually to represent an abstract idea that is different from their literal sense.
__________________ 19. It is a recurring element – usually a sound, an image, an action, or some
other figure – that has a suggestive or symbolic significance, and advances the message of your story
or its theme.
__________________ 20. It is the element that you use to evoke certain feelings or vibes in your
readers through your words and descriptions.

II. Directions: Identify what figure of speech is used in the following sentences. The
choices are written in the box. Write the correct answer in the blank provided.

anaphora situational irony apostrophe

epigram alliteration antithesis
synecdoche euphemism
pun litotes

_______________ 21. Arielle is not very pretty.

_______________ 22. Oh, moon! You have seen everything!
_______________ 23. The president passed away last Friday.
_______________ 24. Sixty hands voted.
_______________ 25. Too many choices, too little time.
_______________ 26. The robbers stole from the police station.
_______________ 27. You are lovely, you are gorgeous, you are pretty, you are glorious, you are,
you are, you just are!
_______________ 28. I saw Susy selling seashells in the seashore.
_______________ 29. I am not young enough to know everything.
_______________ 30. Atheism is a non-prophet institution.

III. Directions: Define the following terms.

31. linear plot
32. dramatic irony
33. objective third person
34. omniscient third person
35. man against self conflict

IV. Directions: Answer the following questions. (5pts each)

1. What is creative writing?

2. What is figurative language? Why is it important in creative writing?
3. What is the difference between first person POV and third person POV?

I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.

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