Tool Box Talk: Heat Stress
Tool Box Talk: Heat Stress
Tool Box Talk: Heat Stress
Heat Stress is a condition that occurs in response to exposure to heat or extreme
Precautions :
Change working hours to avoid peak heat period.
Provide cool, shaded work areas.
Wear light-coloured clothing, preferably long sleeve shirt and pants and cover the head to prevent exposure
to direct sunlight.
Start drinking water. Before you start work, drink water as much as you need.
Check your urine colour. Drink more water if it is yellow.
Report to your Supervisor on any sign of heat stress.
Provide regular rest periods at intervals appropriate to the work conditions in cool, shaded or air-conditioned
Recognize early symptoms and take appropriate action to prevent serious heat disorders.
On hot days, drink about two glasses (1/2 Litre) of water before starting the work and one glass every 20
minutes while working.