EdpM Question Bank
EdpM Question Bank
EdpM Question Bank
Department(s): CSE
Semester: 05 Section(s): B Lectures/week: 04
Subject: Management and Entreprenuership Code:17CS51
for IT Industry
Course Instructor(s): Dr D Malmarugan
Course duration: 29 July 2019 – 31 Nov 2019
Course Site:https://sites.google.com/a/cmrit.ac.in/m-ed/home
Module 1
1. Define Management.
2. What are the Functions of Management?
3. Discuss the Levels of Management
4. Explain the Roles of a Manager.
5. Differentiate between Management & Administration.
6. Explain Management as a Science, Art & Profession.
7. Discuss the Nature, Importance of Planning.
8. Explain the Steps and Limitations of Planning.
9. Discuss the Types of Decision Making.
10. Steps in Decision Making.
Module 2
Module 3
1. Explain the Meaning of Social Responsibility.
2. Discuss the Social Responsibilities of Business towards Different Groups.
3. What is meant by Social Audit?
4. Discuss the importance of Business Ethics and Corporate Governance.
5. What are the Importance of Entrepreneurship?
6. Discuss the concepts of Entrepreneurship.
7. Explain the Characteristics of successful Entrepreneur.
8. Discuss the Classification of Entrepreneurs.
9. Discuss the Entrepreneurial Development models.
10.Problems faced by Entrepreneurs and capacity building for
Module 4