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Fdx-Alpha User Manual

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Electronic Fuel Dispenser Meter


Lahore: M78, Mezzanine floor, IT Tower, Gulberg III, Lahore. +92-42-13245678

Multan: First floor, Baam Zai plaza, MDA Chow, Multan. +92-61-422322
Email: [email protected] , Website: www.muxtronics.com
User’s Manual
be edited one by one. Thanks for choosing FDX-ALPHA, the very first meter in Pakistan
with WiFi connectivity.

This document describes the installation and wiring of system in

different modes, system settings through keyboard and settings
through android based mobile phone.

This system must be installed by a qualified technician. Improper
installation can result in damage of the electronics circuitry and it
will void the *warranty of the unit.

Each FDX-ALPHA box contains

Single Unit:
1 x Display Module
1 x Keyboard
1 x Total Meter (Optional)**
1 x Control Unit
1 x Receipt Printer (Optional)**
Sample Receipt 1 x Set of Data Cables
1 x Pulser (Rotary Encoder)

Notes: Double Unit:

2 x Display Module
2 x Keyboard
1 x Total Meter (Optional)**
1 x Control Unit
1 x Receipt Printer (Optional)**
1 x Set of Data Cables
1 x Pulser (Rotary Encoder)

* Sticker at back of this manual shows the warranty/No warranty

status of your FDX-ALPHA.
** Total meter and receipt printer are available on demand. They
may differ from images shown in this document.

-20- -1-
FDX-ALPHA components A new input box will pop up on correct password. Input boxes for
Display different parameters are shown below.

Rate Setting Keyboard display style

1- Price display
2- Liters display
3- Rate display / Status display (in settings mode)


Hide Pulses, Slow Flow Date Setting

System will show “Value Updated” message after getting new input
from user.

1- Preset Display LCD (Optional)

2- Preset Keyboard
3- Menu button (for setting mode)
4- Print/Ok User can select printer baud rate and number of columns in printer
Works are PRINT button in normal mode and as OK button settings. Upper four lines of receipt are also settable by user.
in settings mode. Maximum number of characters for these lines is 16 and 20 for 32
5- Rupees preset columns and 40 columns respectively. Each line is divided in two
6- Liters preset parts e.g. Line 1 A and Line 1B makes a single line. All lines should
-2- -19-
User can quit this mode by pressing Back button or can enter into 7- Clear button
parameter editing mode by pressing Set mode. Buttons on right One press clears current preset entry; repeat press quits
side in this screen will get enabled upon successful entry in system from preset mode.
parameter editing mode. 8- Total meter button.
9- Fixed preset buttons.

Control Unit
Control unit has two sub sections.
(a) Processor board
(b) Control Board

Enabled buttons Processor Card

User has to enter password for relevant setting. Printer settings

don’t have any password. 1- Main processor board
2- Backup battery for main system
3- Serial & model number
4- Reset button
5- Backup battery for clock (time keeping for receipt printer)
6- Signal connector to control board
7- Pulse and nozzle connector s
8- Display and keyboard connector
9- Receipt printer connector
-18- -3-
Control Card Events Log
User can also monitor all activates of fuel dispenser in “Events
Log” screen, like nozzle picked up, nozzle replaced, filling started
or filling finished along with date & time stamp. These events are
also saved in a text file (named AlphaLog.txt) on main memory of
mobile phone. User can open this file in the mobile phone or can
copy it to a computer for printing or record purpose.

Sales Log
Details of last 20 sales can be seen any time by pressing
Sales/Events button situated at bottom of application. This button
toggles between Events Log and Sales Log mode.

Settings Mode
Setting screen appears upon pressing Settings button.

1- Mains 220 VAC input

2- Motor connector
3- Slow valve connector
4- Fast valve connector
5- Total meter & motor auxiliary connector (for double unit)
6- 15 VAC input (Transformer secondary winding)
7- 220 VAC to 15 VAC filament transformers
8- 220 VAC connector transformers primary windings
9- Series lamp connector (see details in next step)


1- Rotary shaft
2- Four core Data cable(
3- Detachable cover
4- Fixing holes

Following screen will appear in case of successful connection. Wiring Diagram for Processor Board

FDX-Remote main screen

Unit ID & Product
Unit ID and Product name are shown in upper left corner of the
application. These parameters are not settable by FDX-Remote.

Model number is shown on upper right corner of application.
Inter connections for pulser, display, keyboard, nozzle switch
Current Sale Display and receipt printer.
Upper half of FDX-Remote shows the current sale at system. It
shows system display at runtime. It also displays preset values and
preset mode when entered by user on system keyboard. Total
meter reading is also available in this section. Note that total
meter’s value gets updated only after completion of each sale.
-16- -5-
Wiring Diagram - Control Board (single Unit) How to use FDX-Remote

FDX-ALPHA fuel dispensing system can connect to any

access point available at filling station while it acts as an access
point at same time. Its SSID always appears as FDX-xxxxxx
(Unique hexadecimal identifier of your system will appear at
position of xxxxxx, e.g., FDX-34BC5) and password is 12345678.

Connection of FDX-ALPHA to filling station’s access point

(for FDX-MON software) is out of scope for this document. Please
visit www.muxtronics.com for FDX-MON setting details.

1- If the power source for dispensing unit is stable and no

fluctuations are experienced then short circuit the terminals named Error screen will popup if you run FDX-Remote application with out
“S” on the board (shown as opt2). connecting your mobile phone to FDX-XXXXX access point.
If there is fluctuation in power source or dispensing unit may
powered through generator then hook up a 100W (or 200W) lamp
on “S” terminals of the board (shown as opt1).

2- Fuses should be attached to all AC input and outputs of the

control card. Choose all fuses according to power rating of motor
and solenoid valves.

-6- -15-
Wiring Diagram – Control Board (SSR)

WiFi connectivity layout

Parameter settings using mobile phone

User can set all parameters of FDX-ALPHA through android Interconnections for driving motor using SSR
mobile phone. FDX-Remote is android based free application
provided by muxtronics for this purpose. It is available at Google This configuration shows how to drive motor using SSR instead of
play store and www.muxtronics.com. It can be obtained in flash built in relay.
disk drive or CD-ROM if user doesn’t have access to internet.
Contact details for muxtronics are given at end of this document. Be aware that some SSR shows intermittent response on non
sinusoidal UPS and invertors. This may result in automatically start
FDX-Remote icon will appear on main screen of android based or stoppage of motor without command.
mobile phone after successful installation.
Wiring Diagram – One Motor on Double Unit (a) Printer
Printer settings are not available through keyboard.
User can set receipt printer baud rate, number of
columns and receipts text (filling station name, address
etc) through FDX-Remote or FDX-MON only.

Step 4:
System will show PASS (password) on rate LCD after a successful
step 3. User can enter a new password (5 digits maximum) leading
by “OK” button or quit this mode by pressing “C” button.

! Caution. It’s best to write down new passwords for your own
record. You can request a password reset code from
muxtronics in case you forget the passwords. Contact details
for muxtronics are given on the end of this document.

WiFi connectivity
This system acts as a WiFi access point and WiFi station at
the same time.

As an access point
System acts as WiFi access point to connect any android
mobile phone with it. Mobile phone must have FDX-Remote
application installed. This application is freely available at our web
site www.muxtronics.com and on Google play store.

As a WiFi station
This system will connect automatically to any access point
having SSID of “FDX-MUXTRONICS” with password set as
“0614422322”. User had to install windows based application
Configuration for driving a single motor named FDX-MON on a laptop or PC to monitor all FDX-ALPHA
from two control boards (in double unit) based dispensers on his filling station. All settings can also be done
Motor can be connected to any of the remotely by FDX-MON.
control board.
Contact muxtronics for further information about functionality
and purchase of FDX-MON application software.

97 -3 0.97 Parameter settings using keyboard
98 -2 0.98
99 -1 0.99 System parameter like rate, slow flow or other settings can
100 0 1.00 be set by keyboard or through mobile phone (using FDX-Remote
101 +1 1.01 application for android). This section only explains the keyboard
102 +2 1.02 method.
103 +3 1.03
104 +4 1.04 Step 1:
105 +5 1.05 Press and hold Menu button on keyboard until main display show
106 +6 1.06 “Code” on the rate LCD.
107 +7 1.07
108 +8 1.08 Step 2:
109 +9 1.09 User has to input password for required setting. Each setting has
110 +10 1.10 unique code. Default passwords are

Setting Code
(b) Date Rate 12345
Date and time values are saved in system along with the Total meter 52345
sales values on every successful sale. Time and date of Slow flow, Hide pulses, 22345
sale get printed on sale receipt. Sale Log feature of FDX- Slow fast
Remote and FDX-MON are also using this value. Unit ID, Product ID 42345
User has to enter date in YYDDMM format. Example 29th Keyboard display style 13355
January 2018 should be entered as 180129. Make it sure Assembly correction 32345
that total digits of date settings are 6. Add a leading zero Date (for receipt printer) 32323
for single date or month numbers.
Time (for receipt printer) 32322

After inputting appropriate password for required setting, press OK

(c) Time
button. Rate LCD will show relevant setting name if password was
Date and time values are saved in system along with the
entered correctly, else the system will quit from CODE menu.
sales values on every successful sale. Time and date of
sale get printed on sale receipt. Sale Log feature of FDX-
Remote and FDX-MON are also using this value. Step 3:
User has to enter Time in HHMMSS format. Example In setting mode, Rate LCD shows the setting name while Liters
16:12:23 Hrs should be entered as 161223. Make it sure LCD shows the previous value. User can input a new value using
that total digits of time settings are 6. Add a leading zero keyboard while observing the new value on Price LCD. User can
for single number of hours, minutes or seconds. Use 24 quit settings mode anytime by pressing “C” (clear) button. In this
Hours time format case any change made into current setting will not be saved to
-12- memory.
Pressing “OK” button will save the new values to the system. -9-
! Caution: Out of range parameters will not be saved and last
correct values will be restored automatically. Description and This is a unique identifier number for different fuel
ranges for all parameters is given below. products to identify them in FDX-Remote or FDX-Mon.
This also reflects the correct product name on sale
(d) Rate (0 – 999.99) receipt. Predefined products numbers are:-
Rate can be set from 0.00 to 999.99 Rs/Ltr. Keep in mind
that with a very large value of rate setting, Price display 0 = Petrol
can be rolled over after 999999.99 Rs. 1 = Diesel
2 = HOBC
(e) Total meter (0-999999) 3 = Kerosene
User can set inbuilt total meter value to match it with 4 = LDO
external electromechanical/electronic total meter.
(f) Slow Flow (0-99) (k) Keyboard display style (0-2)
This value determines that how early the fast valve will It sets that how the preset values will be displayed. There
turn off before completion of preset filling. are only three options 0, 1, and 2. Preset display styles
Volume (approx) = 10 mL x Slow flow value associated with each number are as under.

(g) Hide Pulses (0-9) 0 = only main display will show preset values
Hide pulses helps to hide out the initial false fuel flow due 1 = only keyboard display will show preset values
to air bubbles in the discharge line. Value can be from 0 2 = both displays will show preset values
to 9. 0 denotes to no hide pulses.
(l) Assembly correction (90-110)
(h) Slow Fast (0-9) User can adjust assembly inaccuracy up to 100 mL plus
It is value of the pulses (each pulse contains 10 mL) after or minus. Setting value 90 will reflect 100 assembly
whom the fast valve will turn on in filling. 0 means both pulses as 0.9 Liter while 110 will reflect 100 assembly
slow and fast valve will turn on together. 9 mean fast pulses as 1.1 Liter.
valve will turn on after flow of 9 pulses (90 mL). Any value below 90 or above 110 will restore the default
value of 100 in the system.
(i) Unit ID (0-99)
It is serial number of nozzle to identify it in FDX-Remote Setting Correction Liter after
(Android application) or FDX-MON (PC application). This Value correction
will also print on the sale receipt. All FDX units with in a 90 -10 0.90
single filling station must have unique Unit ID. It’s better 91 -9 0.91
to set values between 0-8. This setting is not necessary if 92 -8 0.92
user is not going to use FDX-Remote, FDX-MON or the 93 -7 0.93
receipt printer is not installed. 94 -6 0.94
95 -5 0.95
(j) Product ID (0-9) 96 -4 0.96

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