Enterprise Architecture Planning in Developing A P PDF
Enterprise Architecture Planning in Developing A P PDF
Enterprise Architecture Planning in Developing A P PDF
Abstract. This research has applied an integrated design and development of planning information system,
which is been designed using Enterprise Architecture Planning. Frequent discrepancy between planning and
realization of the budget that has been made, resulted in ineffective planning, is one of the reason for doing
this research. The design using EAP aims to keep development aligned and in line with the strategic
direction of the organization. In the practice, EAP is carried out in several stages of the planning initiation,
identification and definition of business functions, proceeded with architectural design and EA
implementation plan that has been built. In addition to the design of the Enterprise Architecture, this
research carried out the implementation, and was tested by several methods of black box and white box.
Black box testing method is used to test the fundamental aspects of the software, tested by two kinds of
testing, first is using User Acceptance Testing and the second is using software functionality testing. White
box testing method is used to test the effectiveness of the code in the software, tested using unit testing.
Tests conducted using white box and black box on the integrated planning information system, is declared
successful. Success in the software testing can not be ascertained if the software built has not shown any
distinction from prior circumstance to the development of this integrated planning information system. For
ensuring the success of this system implementation, the authors test consistency between the planning of
data and the realization of prior-use of the information system, until after-use information system. This
consistency test is done by reducing the time data of the planning and realization time. From the tabulated
data, the planning information system that has been built reduces the difference between the planning time
and the realization time, in which indicates that the planning information system can motivate the planner
unit in realizing the budget that has been designed. It also proves that the value chain of the information
planning system has brought implications for budget realization.
Corresponding author: [email protected]
© The Authors, published by EDP Sciences. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
structure, characteristics behaviors and principles as well the existing architecture is essential for EAP [5]. It is
as a guide, alteration and operation in the making and therefore not developed in isolation enterprise, EAP
developing of the system in the long term [4]. should be looked at in the perspective of enterprise-wide.
Enterprise Architecture(EA) is a representation of the The steps in using Enterprise Architecture planning is
structure and behavior of a company's business shown in Fig. 1.
processes. This is describe a system that currently exists
and the system in the future. EA include:
• An insight into the utilization current information
technology in business operations
• A vision for the future utilization of information
technology in business operations, and
• A roadmap for the evolution of information technology
landscape from the current state to the future state,
along with the transient states in between [4].
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
Model of value chain consists of a series of activities that 2.7 Planning and Budget
create and build a margin value that can generate added
Planning means to predefine possible activities and how
value for the organization [8]. The value chain provides
to do it. Planning is an effort to anticipate before doing
a framework for identifying and inventorying areas of
something so that what is done can be managed properly
business functions is by grouping functional areas into
aim is to provide the process feed forward in order to
core activities and supporting activities.
give direction to every manager in decision making daily
operations [11], the linkage between planning and
budgeting described in the Fig. 6.
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
In designing data architecture steps that must be done In implementing the system, the authors made the
include : development of information systems in accordance with
• Identifying candidates that are possible to support the the priorities that have been planned before the priority
business entity; is based on the system which is the holding data from the
• Identifying modeling data such as hierarchical, planning system itself and proceed with system priorities
network and relational model; that are identified using matrix data flow entity
• Make a diagram of relationships between entities. relationship data against business functions.
Modeling that describes the relationship between
entities can use the E-RD (Entity-Relationalship 3.6 Results Testing Method of Enterprise
Diagram) Architecture
• Data entities relate to the identification of business
functions that have been performed to determine Testing of Enterprise Architecture is intended to test the
create, read / reference and update the data so that it draft that has been created is already in line with user
can be a reference to the development of applications, needs, the needs of companies and the rules that apply in
where entities that support the functions done first the planning process. In this test done with black-box
because it create a source of data / master data. and white box testing to users. Black-box testing
intended to test whether the system has been designed
according to the EA can be accepted by the user by using
3.3.2 Application Architecture
UAT (User Acceptance Testing), in addition to testing
In designing application architecture steps that must be with UAT, authors also take functional tests performed
done include : by the user, in this case is part of planning and
information system at Semarang State University using
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
functional testing, the writer can see if the system is determination of possible activities and how to carry out
running properly according to its function. these activities.
• Systems Implementation Plan
3.7 Analysis System Implemented
This information system is used to clarify the budget that
Analysis of integrated planning information system were previously defined in the budgeting information
which has been applied to an object of research system, and the benefits of this system is to explain as
conducted to obtain valid data on the implementation of clearly as possible the steps of each activity to defining
the information system itself or not. Valid data that you the detailed step-activity (time, person, place, spending
want to search from the analysis of implementing details) by defining the full implementation of the
information systems integrated planning is in the form of realization is also easier because there is a guide
data changes between planning data and data realization. implementation of the plan.
• Operational-Reporting System
4 Results
This reporting information system is a system used to
4.1 Initialization and Identification Business make a proposal before the project is implemented and
Functions used too for reporting activities that have been realized
with details of activities undertaken.
Initiation by the author in the planning system takes
some of the information system that supports the • LAKIP Information Systems
objectives of the budget or the planning itself, the
This system is used as a support in the planning system
purpose of planning and budget is categorized into a
because the system is required to support the reporting
number of things which the authors make it as an Key
function in the budget.
performance Indicator. The following indicators of
success outlined by the initiation of the identification of Of the few systems that are described by the authors
the rules and the important things that become the above have their respective different destinations that
primary function of the planning itself, it is: exist in these systems support the value chain so as to
• Integrated planning information systems can be used in form a complete integrated system planning. The value
the planning process and strategic plan of a unit / sub- chain that will result from the integration of the system
structured organization (Budget support planning described in Fig. 7.
• Integrated Planning Information System can be used
for coordination (Budget support coordination
• Terintegras Planning Information System can be used
in communicating in the budgeting process (Budget
support communication functions).
• Integrated Planning Information System to motivate
the executive in carrying out the activities that have
been budgeted and can achieve the goals (Budget As a
function of motivation).
• Integrated Planning Information System can be used as
a means of controlling the activities (Budget as a
Control and Evaluation).
• Integrated Planning Information System can be used as Fig. 7. Value Chain Planning System
a means of optimizing activities to achieve the
objectives of the strategic plan of the unit.
• Planning Information System can be used as a tool for
monitoring the activities, so that the activities carried
out does not deviate from the plan and strategy and 4.2 Data Architecture
organizational units (Budget as Education).
Based on the data entity identification by author on
Information system who identified by the author and integrated planning information system generates the
required in enterprise architecture planning information data entity relationships as shown in Fig. 8.
system including:
• Budgeting Information System
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
Products of this application architecture is use case, Fig. 11. Use case Activity Reporting System
DFD, and also class diagram
Fig. 9. Use case Budgeting System Fig. 13. Class Diagram Planning System
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
4.3.3 Architecture Technology value obtained from the ease and effectiveness of
integrated planning information system that has
In designing this architecture technology the author been built has a percentage value of 168/45/5 x 100
describes into the conceptual network architecture shown = 75%.
in Fig. 14. b. system planning information can be used in the
process of planning plans and strategies of a unit /
sub-organizations are structured so that all the
planned activities of a unit within the budget in
accordance with the plans and strategies that are
owned by a unit so this application supports the
planning function has a percentage value of 186 /
45/5 x 100 = 83%.
c. Information Systems integrated planning can be
used to coordinate the budget so that every unit that
exist within an organization can coordinate well
Fig. 14. Conceptual Network Technology and does not cause a miss conception between unit
and providers of funds so that the planning system
4.4 Implementation of Application supports support functions of coordination has the
percentage of the 166/45/5 x 100 = 75 %.
In the implementation, authors write the program code d. Integrated Planning Information System can be
and create a database of architectural structure that has used to communicate in the budgeting process so
been designed. Then in the execution priorities author that everyone in the organization is responsible for
adjust to the importance of using entity relationship the budget has been drawn up so that the system
matrix data from flow data against business functions supports the planning information communication
illustrated in Fig. 15, Due to the EAP approach has the function has the percentage of 175/45/5 x 100 =
principle application is made or form (create) done first 78%.
than to other applications, so that the budgeting system e. Analysis of integrated information systems
has a priority to work earlier than other applications. planning can motivate implementers in activities
already budgeted and can achieve the goals that
support the functions of information systems
planning motivation has a percentage of 183/45/5 x
100 = 81%.
f. Analysis of information systems integrated
planning can be used as a means of controlling the
activities because the approved budget is the
commitment of the implementers who participate in
the preparation of the budget so that the system
supports the function of controlling and evaluation
has the percentage of the 182/45/5 x 100 = 81% ,
g. Analysis of integrated planning information system
can be used as a means of optimizing activities to
Fig. 15. Matrix Data Flow from Data Entity Relation to the achieve the objectives of the strategic plan unit has
Business function
a percentage value of 185/45/5 x 100 = 82%.
h. Analysis of planning information systems can be
4.5 Testing Applications used as a tool for monitoring the activities, so that
the activities carried out does not deviate from the
In testing this application the author use gray-box testing plan and strategy and organizational units so that
techniques, it is the merger between black box and white the information system supporting the planning of
box testing techniques. educational functions has the percentage of the
161/45/5 x 100 = 72%.
4.5.1 Black box Testing
As for the functional testing conducted by researchers
Black box testing conducted by the author using two from each of the test items in the form of business
methods it is by User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and functions identified indicates success.
also functional test where the two tests are without
looking at the structure of the programming code. UAT 4.5.2 Whit box Testing
testing is done by using the instrument of acceptance
taken from the success indicator that has been set and In the white-box testing these researchers used unit
adjusted with the planning function. Here are the results testing. Unit testing is code-based testing performed by
of the UAT: the developer, this test is performed on each test
a. From the calculation results of questionnaires individual units separately. White box testing results can
obtained from 45 respondents, the percentage of the be seen in Fig. 16.
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002
E3S Web of Conferences 31, 11002 (2018) https://doi.org/10.1051/e3sconf/20183111002