Jenis Dan Fungsi Offshore Platform

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Dr. Eng. Rudi W. Prastianto, ST. MT.

Departemen Teknik Kelautan

Fakultas Teknologi Kelautan
Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya
Definisi Struktur Lepas-pantai

 Has no fixed access to dry land

 May be required to stay in position in all
weather conditions.
 May be fixed to the seabed or may be
 Floating structures may be moored to the
seabed, dynamically positioned by thrusters
or may be allowed to drift freely.
Jenis-jenis Offshore Platforms
Sebuah Ladang (Field) MIGAS Offshore

Layout Pengembangan Oil Field

Contoh Jacket Platform

Lay-out Anjungan Lepas Pantai (Shell)

Fungsi Supporting Structures
Anjungan Lepas Pantai
 Mampu mendukung bangunan atas dan
Fungsi fasilitasnya bebas dari air laut selama
waktu operasi dengan aman

Menahan beban vertikal akibat beban

Parameter fungsional, berat struktur dan fasilitas
 Menahan beban horizontal dan momen
lentur akibat beban lingkungan (angin,
gelombang, arus, dll).
Jenis Anjungan Berdasar Fungsinya (1)

 Anjungan Pengeboran (Drilling Platform)

 Anjungan Kepala Sumur (Wellhead Platform)
 Anjungan Produksi (Production/Treatment Platform)
 Anjungan Akomodasi (Quarter Platform)
 Anjungan Pembantu (Auxiliary Platform)
 Anjungan Gabungan (Combination Platform) 
PDQ platform
 Anjungan Penyimpan (Storage Platform)  FSO,
 Anjungan Pengeksport (e.g. Single Point Mooring
[SPM] atau Single Buoy Mooring [SBM])
A Jacket platform
with 3 flotation
A self-contained
Jacket platform
Kondisi Operasional Anjungan di
Indonesia (Agustus 2004)
Tidak Operasi
KPS Operasi Tanpa Total Prosentase
Lengkap Deck
BP Indonesia 161 39 10 210 39.6%
CNOOC 91 2 6 99 18.7%
Conoco Philips 7 0 0 7 1.3%
Exxon Mbl 1 0 0 1 0.2%
Indo Pacific 3 0 0 3 0.6%
Kodeco Energy 15 0 0 15 2.8%
Kondur Ptl 11 0 0 11 2.1%
Premier Oil 2 0 0 2 0.4%
Star Oil 4 0 0 4 0.8%
Total Fina Elf 73 0 0 73 13.8%
Unocal Indonesia 69 10 0 79 14.9%
Job Pertamina-Costa 13 0 0 13 2.5%
Tac Pertalahan 0 3 0 3 0.6%
Pertamina Hulu Ex Arco 10 0 0 10 1.9%
Jumlah 460 54 16 530 100.0%
Distribusi Anjungan -Tahun
Pembangunan (2004)
<=1980 1980< # <=1990 1990< # <=2000 >2000 TOTAL
BP Indonesia 79 89 37 5 210
CNOOC 36 32 23 8 99
Conoco Philips 0 0 5 2 7
Exxon Mbl 0 0 1 0 1
Indo Pacific 0 0 3 0 3
Kodeco Energy 3 6 4 2 15
Kondur Ptl 0 11 0 0 11
Premier Oil 0 1 0 1 2
Star Oil 0 2 2 0 4
TOTAL Fina Elf 13 15 36 9 73
Unocal Indonesia 40 12 19 8 79
Job Pertamina-Costa 0 0 13 0 13
Tac Pertalahan 3 0 0 0 3
Pertamina Hulu Ex Arco 8 2 0 0 10
Jumlah 182 170 143 35 530
Distribusi Platform di Indonesia (2004)

Platform di Indonesia (2004)

Lain-lain, 9.2%
Flare Platform,
Platform, 10.4%

Well Platform,
Jenis Anjungan Berdasar Konstruksinya (2)

Jacket Platform Jacket Platform

Struktur Terpancang (Fixed Structure)-1
Jenis Anjungan Berdasar Konstruksinya (2)

Monopod Platform Tripod Platform

Struktur Terpancang (Fixed Structure)-2
Offshore Structure dan Fungsinya
Jenis Anjungan Berdasar Konstruksinya (3)

Tension Leg Platform Articulated Tower

Struktur Lentur (Compliant Platform)-1
Jenis Anjungan Berdasar Konstruksinya (3)

Guyed Tower SPAR Platform

Struktur Lentur (Compliant Platform)-2
Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Arus Laut
 API RP 2A Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing and
Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms, 1993.
 Bramlette Mc. Cleland: Planning and Design of Fixed Offshore
Structure, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, New York, 1986
 Tim Standarisasi Ditjen Migas: The New Code For Planning,
Designing and Cosntructing Fixed Offshore Structures, Short Course,
Denpasar 1998
 Maxus: Structural Standard Design Practice: GS 600
 Wardenier. J: Offshore and Hydraulic Steel Structrures, Delfi
University of Technology, Deift, Netherlands, 1998
 Murdjito: Bangunan Lepas Pantai, Diktat Kuliah, FT Kelautan ITS
 Chakrabarti, S.K.: Hydrodynamics of Offshore Structures, Springer-
Verlag, berlin, 1987
 Center for Marine Research, ITB: Short Course in Offshore
Mechanics, Bandung, 1996
 Soedjono, JJ, Soejantoko: Perancangan Sistem Bangunan Laut, P2T2,
FT Kelautan ITS, Surabaya, 1999.
 Rosyid D.M.: Perancangan Struktur Anjungan Iepas Pantai, Pelatihan
Segitiga Biru, FT Kelautan ITS Surabaya, 1996.

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