Manual d150 10a
Manual d150 10a
Manual d150 10a
D55-08A to D150-10A
Oil Free, Rotary Screw Air Compressors
GB DL051AAA – 12/2008
CompAir Contents
Repair Manual
D55-08A to D150-10A
Oil Free, Rotary Screw Air Compressors
GB DL051AAA – 12/2008
DL051AAA 3
Contents CompAir
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.1 Foreword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.2 Maintenance and Servicing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.3 Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.4 Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.5 Where To Contact Us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8
2 Safety Procedures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2 Warnings, Cautions And Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 General Safety Precautions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.4 Installation Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.5 Operational Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.6 Maintenance and Repair Precautions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.7 Precautions In The Event Of Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.8 Disposal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3 Technical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1 50Hz Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 60Hz Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.3 Thermal Overload Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.4 MCB Q101 (MMS) Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.5 About the Cable Sizes and Fuse Ratings Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
3.6 Cable Sizes and Fuse Ratings Table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4 General Description. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Air End - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.3 Air End - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.4 Air System - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.5 Air System - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
4.6 Regulation System - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.7 Regulation System - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.8 Cooling System - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.9 Cooling System - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
4.10 Lubrication System - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.11 Lubrication System - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
4.12 Powered Breather - Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.13 Powered Breather - Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
4.14 Electrical System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
5 Installation and Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.1 Compressor Room . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.2 Ventilation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
5.3 Air and Condensate Pipework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
5.4 Installation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.5 Storage - General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
5.6 During Long-Term Storage (Up To 12 Months) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.7 During Short-Term Storage (Up To One Month) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.8 Long-Term Storage - Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
5.9 Long-Term Storage Procedure - Power Connected to Compressor . . . . 47
5.10 Long-Term Storage Procedure - Compressor Disconnected from Power . 47
6 Commissioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.1 Preliminary Mechanical Checks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.2 SureScan Controller - Entering the Access Code . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
6.3 System Checks and Calibration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.4 Checking/Altering Commissioning Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
4 DL051AAA
CompAir Contents
DL051AAA 5
Contents CompAir
6 DL051AAA
CompAir Introduction 1
1 Introduction
1.1 Foreword which unapproved replacement parts are
1.1.1 Worldwide service and parts facilities are
provided by CompAir. The AfterMarket
department at Redditch is available should USE ONLY
any difficulty be experienced.
1.1.2 It is essential to quote the compressor
MODEL and SERIAL numbers in all
1.1.3 All pressures shown are gauge pressures.
1.1.4 The substitution of parts not manufactured or
approved by CompAir can reduce
performance or service life and create 1.4 Scope
potential mechanical or personnel hazards.
1.4.1 This manual covers all models with German
1.1.5 The right is reserved to modify the contents of Dataplate and UK built models with the
this publication without notice and the data following serial numbers:
given is in no way binding on the
manufacturers. 50Hz Models From Serial Number
1.1.6 Where approximate figures are shown, D75-08A F220-0103
specific details are available on request. D75-10A F221-0201
D90-08A F222-0307
1.2 Maintenance and Servicing D90-10A F223-0403
1.2.1 Maintenance, repairs and/or modifications D110-08A F224-0502
must only be carried out by competent D110-10A F225-0603
personnel under a CompAir trained and D132-08A F226-0703
qualified supervisor.
D132-10A F227-0801
D150-08A F228-0904
1.3 Warranty
D150-10A F229-1002
1.3.1 The conditions of the CompAir Warranty are
set out in the company's standard Conditions
of Sale available from the Distributor
supplying the machine.
60Hz Models From Serial Number
Warning: The use of replacement parts or D55-08A F230-0101
lubricating oils not supplied or approved
by CompAir may lead to failures in service D75-08A F232-0301
which would not be covered by warranty . D75-10A F233-0401
DL051AAA 7
1 Introduction CompAir
8 DL051AAA
CompAir Introduction 1
DL051AAA 9
2 Safety Procedures CompAir
2 Safety Procedures
2.1 General 2.2 Warnings, Cautions And Notes
2.1.1 Most accidents which occur during the 2.2.1 Warnings
operation and maintenance of machinery are
Warnings call attention to operations or
the result of failure to observe basic safety
procedures involving specific hazards which
rules or precautions.
could cause injury or death and are identified
2.1.2 An accident can often be avoided by by the following symbols on the unit and in the
recognising a situation that is potentially text of the manual.
2.1.3 When handling, operating or carrying out
maintenance on the unit, personnel must use WARNING: RISK OF DANGER
safe engineering practices and observe all
relevant local health and safety requirements
and regulations.
2.1.4 The attention of users in the UK is drawn to
the Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974, the WARNING: RISK OF ELECTRIC
Regulations of the Institution of Electrical SHOCK
Engineers and the Pressure Systems and
Transportable Gas Container Regulations
2.1.5 CompAir cannot anticipate every possible SURFACES
circumstance which might represent a
potential hazard. The WARNINGS in this
manual are therefore not all-inclusive. If the
user employs an operating procedure, an item WARNING: CONSULT MANUAL
of equipment or a method of working which is
not specifically recommended by CompAir he
must ensure that the unit will not be damaged
or made unsafe and that there is no risk to
persons or property. WARNING: RISK OF HIGH
2.1.6 The standard builds of all CompAir products
are not intended for use in either explosive or
potentially explosive atmospheres as defined
2.2.2 Cautions
in Directive 94/9/ EC. An explosive
atmosphere is a mixture with air, under Incorrect operational procedures causing
atmospheric conditions, of flammable gases, possible damage to the compressor unit are
vapours, hazes or dust in which, after ignition identified by a ‘Caution’ in the text of this
has occurred, combustion propagates to the manual.
entire unburned mixture and may cause a
2.2.3 Notes
hazard. A potentially explosive atmosphere is
an atmosphere which could become explosive Methods to make the job easier and points
due to local conditions. which require particular attention are identified
by a ‘Note’ in the text of the manual.
2.1.7 Failure to observe the precautions given
under ‘Safety Procedures’ may be considered
dangerous practice or misuse of the
compressor unit.
10 DL051AAA
CompAir Safety Procedures 2
2.3 General Safety Precautions 2.4.4 Precautions must be taken to ensure that no
injury is caused to passers-by through loose
2.3.1 If using compressed air for cleaning purposes, clothing being sucked into the air intake.
ensure safety regulations are complied with
and appropriate clothing and eye protection is 2.4.5 Ensure that the air delivery pipe from the
worn. compressor to the user’s pipework or receiver
is free to expand and that no flammable
2.3.2 Never direct compressed air onto your skin or material is within the vicinity.
at other people.
2.4.6 The discharge piping must connect into the
2.3.3 Never use compressed air to clean loose dirt top of the distribution header to prevent
from clothing. condensed water from running back into the
2.3.4 Before releasing compressed air through a compressor during periods of standby
hose make sure that the free end is held operation. The pipe must not be connected
securely so that it cannot whip and cause into either the side or bottom of the header.
injury. 2.4.7 A shut-off valve must be fitted in the delivery
2.3.5 Avoid injury by using a hoist to lift heavy air line to enable the compressor unit to be
loads. Check that all chains, hooks, shackles isolated. This is particularly important if more
and slings are in good condition and are of the than one unit is to be coupled in parallel or
correct capacity. They must be tested and connected to an existing air supply system.
approved according to local safety 2.4.8 The non-return valve is not intended as an
regulations. isolating valve and should not be relied upon
2.3.6 Cables, chains or ropes must never be for this purpose. In addition, it may be
applied directly to lifting eyes. Always use an necessary to install shut-off valves elsewhere
appropriate shackle or hook, properly in the system to allow a dryer or other
positioned. Arrange lifting cables so that there equipment to be by-passed.
are no sharp bends. 2.4.9 A pressure relief valve must be installed
2.3.7 Use a spreader bar to avoid side loads on between any compressor unit and the shut-off
hooks, eyes and shackles. When a load is on valve/s. Pressure relief valves (safety valves)
a hoist stay clear of the danger area beneath are fitted to the air pipework, as standard
and around it. Keep lifting acceleration and equipment, between the intercooler and
speed within safe limits and never leave a compressor delivery. The set pressures of
load hanging on a hoist for longer than is these relief valves (pressure at which they will
necessary. open) are indicated by the following label,
attached to the exterior of the machine:-
DL051AAA 11
2 Safety Procedures CompAir
2.5 Operational Precautions 2.5.9 During normal operation no internal part of the
compressor unit should reach a temperature
2.5.1 The compressor unit must only be operated above 220°C and protection devices are fitted
by competent personnel under a qualified to prevent excessive temperatures occurring.
2.5.10 If there is any indication that the compressor
2.5.2 Do not run the compressor with doors open or is overheating it must be shut down and the
covers removed. cause investigated. Beware of burns from hot
2.5.3 Never remove or tamper with the safety metal parts or hot oil when working on a unit
devices, guards or insulation materials fitted which has recently been shut down.
to the unit. 2.5.11 The compressor must not be operated at
2.5.4 The compressor must only be operated at the pressures above the nominal pressure given
supply voltage and/or frequency for which it is on the data plate.
designed. 2.5.12 The compressor must not be operated in
2.5.5 On a unit equipped with an Automatic ambient temperatures outside of those given
Start/Stop system, attach a sign stating ‘THIS under ‘Technical data’.
UNIT MAY START WITHOUT WARNING’ 2.5.13 The ‘Noise at Work Regulations 1989’
next to the display panel. suggest that ear protectors should be worn
2.5.6 On a unit equipped with an Automatic Restart where noise levels are 85 dB(A) or higher.
device, attach a warning notice stating ‘THIS With all covers in place, the noise levels of the
UNIT HAS BEEN MODIFIED AND WILL compressors described in the manual are
START AUTOMATICALLY ON substantially lower than this figure unless
APPLICATION OF POWER’ next to the installed in an already noisy environment.
display panel and on the inside of the unit 2.5.14 Be aware that high noise levels can interfere
next to the starter contactors. with communication.
2.5.7 If the unit is equipped with a Remote Control
device, attach warning notices stating ‘THIS
prominent locations, one on the outside of the
unit, the other inside the control compartment.
2.5.8 As a further safeguard, take adequate
precautions to make sure there is no one
checking or working on the unit before
attempting to switch on remotely controlled
equipment. Attach a ‘CHECK THAT ALL
BEFORE STARTING’ or similar warning
notice to the remote start equipment.
12 DL051AAA
CompAir Safety Procedures 2
DL051AAA 13
2 Safety Procedures CompAir
14 DL051AAA
CompAir Safety Procedures 2
DL051AAA 15
3 Technical Data CompAir
3 Technical Data
3.1 50Hz Models
Performance Data D75 D90 D110 D132 D150
08A 10A 08A 10A 08A 10A 08A 10A 08A 10A
Maximum working pressure bar g 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0
Minimum working pressure bar g 4.0
Ambient temperature - min °C 0
Ambient temperature - max °C 45 38 45 40 45 40 45 40 45 40
Maximum FAD min/max m /min 11.13 9.46 13.81 12.12 16.75 14.83 19.93 17.67 22.87 20.99
pressure Total package input power kW 86.35 87.06 101.23 102.96 124.5 123.91 146.61 144.52 169.88 170.94
FAD* m /min 11.39 9.84 14.12 12.58 16.94 15.12 20.22 18.11 23.21 21.50
4 bar g Shaft Power kW 57.82 50.13 71.41 64.19 88.07 76.79 107.89 94.38 126.57 114.34
Total input power IP55 kW 68.62 60.46 82.55 74.94 101.91 90.02 122.43 108.24 142.05 129.20
FAD* m /min 11.32 9.78 14.04 12.51 16.89 15.07 20.15 18.04 23.12 21.41
5 bar g Shaft Power kW 62.00 54.31 75.84 68.62 93.43 82.15 113.64 100.14 133.20 120.96
Total input power IP55 kW 73.05 64.90 87.22 79.61 107.56 95.67 128.47 114.29 149.01 136.16
FAD* m /min 11.26 9.71 13.96 12.43 16.85 15.02 20.07 17.96 23.04 21.33
6 bar g Shaft Power kW 66.18 58.49 80.27 73.05 98.79 87.51 119.40 105.89 139.82 127.58
Total input power IP55 kW 77.48 69.33 91.89 84.28 113.20 101.32 134.52 120.33 155.97 143.12
FAD* m /min 11.20 9.65 13.89 12.35 16.80 14.97 20.00 17.89 22.95 21.24
7 bar g Shaft Power kW 70.36 62.67 84.71 77.49 104.15 92.87 125.16 111.65 146.44 134.21
Total input power IP55 kW 81.91 73.76 96.56 88.95 118.85 106.96 140.57 126.38 162.92 150.07
FAD* m /min 11.13 9.59 13.81 12.28 16.75 14.92 19.93 17.82 22.87 21.16
8 bar g Shaft Power kW 74.54 66.85 89.14 81.92 109.51 98.23 130.91 117.41 153.06 140.83
Total input power IP55 kW 86.35 78.19 101.23 93.62 124.50 112.61 146.61 132.43 169.88 157.03
FAD* m /min 9.52 12.20 14.87 17.74 21.07
9 bar g Shaft Power kW 71.03 86.35 103.59 123.16 147.45
Total input power IP55 kW 82.63 98.29 118.26 138.47 163.99
FAD* m /min 9.46 12.12 14.83 17.67 20.99
10 bar g Shaft Power kW 75.21 90.78 108.95 128.92 154.07
Total input power IP55 kW 87.06 102.96 123.91 144.52 170.94
Total input power at no load kW 20.3 18.4 23.1 22.1 29.3 26.5 34.5 31.2 40.0 37.0
1st Stage Male rotor speed rpm 7827 7008 9381 8531 11337 10231 13433 12061 15234 14164
2nd Stage Male rotor speed rpm 12784 10062 14557 12264 17478 13983 20149 17163 21762 19091
Compressed air discharge temp*** °C 27 28 25 27 28
Free field noise level @ 1metre** dB(A) 73 74 75 76 77
16 DL051AAA
CompAir Technical Data 3
DL051AAA 17
3 Technical Data CompAir
18 DL051AAA
CompAir Technical Data 3
DL051AAA 19
3 Technical Data CompAir
20 DL051AAA
CompAir Technical Data 3
DL051AAA 21
4 General Description CompAir
4 General Description
4.1 Introduction 4.1.5 Removable panels or hinged doors allow
access for routine maintenance.
4.1.1 The unit is a fully enclosed, oil-free, 2 stage,
air-cooled, rotary screw compressor package 4.1.6 The compressor is controlled by an electronic
(see fig. 4.1). controller which monitors and acts on
information translated from pneumatic,
4.1.2 The compressor air-ends are driven by an electrical and mechanical devices. Delivery
electric squirrel cage motor via a flexible pressure is monitored by a pressure sensor to
coupling to a gearbox. regulate on-load and off-load running via a
4.1.3 The gearbox contains a helical main gear solenoid-operated unloader valve (1). A visual
mounted on a central shaft which drives a display on the control panel provides
pinion fitted to the male rotor of each stage. information on compressor performance and
4.1.4 The unit consists of a drive motor (13), first
and second stage air-ends (3 & 2), intercooler
(7), aftercooler (6), oil cooler (8), oil pump
(10), air intake and filter assembly (12), first
and second stage moisture separators (9 &
4), electronic controller (14) and ventilation
fans. It is mounted on a free standing, steel
fabricated sub frame supported on vibration
absorbing mounts and enclosed in an
acoustic steel-panelled enclosure.
22 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 23
4 General Description CompAir
24 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 25
4 General Description CompAir
26 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 27
4 General Description CompAir
28 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
2 3 4 5 2 3 4 5
1 6 6
14 14
7 7
12 10 10
11 8 11 8
A 9 B
SM 0887 9
DL051AAA 29
4 General Description CompAir
30 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
SM 1053
+++ +
Z1 Z1 +
+ + +
+ +
C1 C1
Depression from Inlet Depression from Inlet
B1 A1 X B1 A1 X
Interstage B Interstage B
DL051AAA 31
4 General Description CompAir
32 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
SM 1036 5
11 F
11 10
6 3
DL051AAA 33
4 General Description CompAir
34 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 35
4 General Description CompAir
4.12 Powered Breather - Description Caution: It is important that the air supply
to the powered breather (3), is moisture
4.12.1 The powered breather system is designed to free. If the installation is such that
prevent any oil mist emission from the condensation from the customer's air
compressor. network forms in the delivery pipe, then
the air supply must be taken from a new
4.13 Powered Breather - Operation location that is moisture free.
36 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 37
4 General Description CompAir
38 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 39
4 General Description CompAir
4.14.3 Overview of Electrical System Plant Air Delivery (14) - Monitors temperature
of the compressed air leaving the aftercooler
a) Major Components
(located in elbow above 2nd stage moisture
Motors separator).
Main Drive Motor (11) - Drives the Plant Oil (15) - Monitors temperature of the
compressor units via the gearbox and flexible circulating oil (located in tapped boss on face
drive. of oil cooler).
Fan Motors (10) - Drive the two cooling fans in Pressure
the roof of the machine.
Plant Air Delivery (5) - Monitors pressure of
Oil Pump Motor (8) - Drives the oil circulating the compressed air leaving the aftercooler
pump. (located in elbow above 2nd stage moisture
Interstage (7) - Monitors pressure of the
Electronic Controller/Control Panel (1) -
compressed air within the intercooler (located
Contains the central processor chip which
on side of intercooler above exit port).
controls the operation of the whole machine.
Receives signals from the control panel and Plant Oil (6) - Monitors pressure of the
Interface Assembly, processes them and circulating oil (located on top of gearbox).
returns resulting messages/commands.
Fluid Level
Interface Assembly (19) - Acts as the interface
Plant Oil (4) - Monitors level of the circulating
between Electronic Controller and electrical
oil within the oil sump (located on side of oil
system components and contains the relays,
level sight glass).
switches etc. which control the operation of
the motors, solenoids.
d) Switches
Starter (Star/Delta, (12)) - Controls the
Air Filter (2) - Monitors the differential
starting of the Main Drive Motor.
pressure across the air inlet filter and if
b) Solenoids excessive, the switch operates, causing a
message to be shown on the control panel
Unloader (20) - Controls the loading and
(located on acoustic enclosure adjacent to
unloading of the machine in response to
customer's demand for air.
Oil Filter (3) - Monitors the differential
Condensate Drains (9) - Controls the opening
pressure across the circulating oil filter and if
and closing of condensate drain valves.
excessive, the switch operates, causing a
message to be shown on the control panel
c) Sensors
(located on top of filter).
Ambient (13) - Monitors temperature of the
inlet air to the 1st stage compressor unit
(located on bracket in front of oil cooler).
1st Stage Delivery (16) - Monitors
temperature of the compressed air leaving the
1st stage air end (located in 1st stage
2nd Stage Intake (18) - Monitors temperature
of the compressed air entering the 2nd stage
air end (located on side of intercooler below
exit port).
2nd Stage Delivery (17) - Monitors
temperature of the compressed air leaving the
2nd stage air end (located in 2nd stage
delivery silencer).
40 DL051AAA
CompAir General Description 4
DL051AAA 41
5 Installation and Storage CompAir
• Lethal voltages are used in this Fans should be wired to run when the
equipment. Use extreme caution when compressor cooling fans are running. Inlet
carrying out electrical checks. Isolate the opening(s) and ventilation fan(s) should be
power supply before starting any sized to prevent the build up of heat within the
maintenance work. building, to limit the temperature rise to an
acceptable level and to ensure that the
maximun allowable ambient is not exceeded.
The fan(s) should be sized to handle the total
5.1 Compressor Room
cooling air flow of the compressor(s).
5.1.1 The compressor unit is supplied as a
Note: See section 3 'Technical Data' for
complete package and does not require
airflow figures.
securing to a foundation. However, the
supporting floor must have a loading capacity 5.2.3 If temperature in compressor room can fall
sufficient to support the weight of the unit (see below 0°C / 32°F then heating must be
Technical Data). provided.
5.1.2 In operation the unit will release heat into the 5.2.4 Service connections are required as follows:
surroundings. The compressor room should
a) Air delivery outlet to the user’s pipework.
therefore be of adequate size and have good
ventilation. The recommended minimum size b) Electrical power supply: 3-phase plus earth.
of room is 50 m3. The inlet and outlet
c) Condensate drain to the user’s disposal
ventilation openings should each have a
minimum area of 0·5 m2.
5.2.5 If the compressor is to be coupled in parallel
5.1.3 The ventilation inlet opening should be
with another compressor or connected to an
positioned as low down as possible. The
existing air supply system, additional steps
outlet opening should be positioned as high
must be taken as set out in section 2 ‘Safety
up as possible, preferably in the roof or
5.2.6 If the compressor is coupled to a header used
5.1.4 A minimum of 1·5 m is recommended above
by other compressors, ensure that
the compressor and a minimum of 1.2 m
condensate from the header cannot flow back
clearance on all sides for air circulation and to
into the compressor.
give access for servicing. Do not obstruct
doorways, passages or walkways. 5.2.7 If air usage fluctuates rapidly or if the volume
of the user’s pipework is less than 4·25 m3 for
5.1.5 Lifting facilities should be provided over the
each unit, a receiver of appropriate capacity
compressor to enable the heaviest
should be installed between the compressor
components to be lifted during maintenance.
and the user’s pipework.
42 DL051AAA
CompAir Installation and Storage 5
1.5m min
1.2m min
1.2m min
1.2m min
1.2m min
SM 0955
SM 0973 SM 0974
Fig. 5.2 - Typical Ducted Ventilation Fig. 5.3 - Typical Fan Ventilation
A. Cool Air Inlet A. Cool Air Inlet
B. Warm Air Outlet B. Warm Air Outlet
C. Booster Fan C. Ventilation Fan
(required if ducting
exceeds 2m in length)
DL051AAA 43
5 Installation and Storage CompAir
5.3.2 A suitably sized air receiver should be Caution: It is important that the air supply
installed between the compressor and to the powered breather, which is taken
distribution system. As a guide the receiver from the delivery pipe, is moisture free. If
capacity should be 10% of the compressor the installation is such that condensation
output e.g. a 10m3/min compressor will require from the customer's air network forms in
a 1m3 / 35ft3 air receiver. the delivery pipe, then the air supply must
be taken from a new location that is
5.3.3 See fig. 5.5 for connections detailed in the moisture free.
following paragraph.
5.3.6 When connecting the compressor to the
5.3.4 The two automatic condensate drain and two customer’s distribution network, ensure all
manual drain connections should all be pipework and hoses are of the correct size
separately piped into a drain gulley or open and suitable for the working pressures and
tundish. The four drains must not be temperatures involved. If connection is by
connected together. Piping from the drain means of hoses, ensure that they incorporate
connections should not exceed 3 metres / safety wires to prevent the free end from
118in. in length and must fall towards the whipping in the event of failure of the hose or
drain gulley or open tundish.
44 DL051AAA
CompAir Installation and Storage 5
connection. Ensure connecting flanges and 5.4.6 Remove the plain gland plates from the
threads are in good condition. baseframe and the starter compartment. Drill
the plates to take the power cable and fit
Caution: Do not install a non-return valve
suitable plates and grommets.
on the outlet side of the compressor.
5.4.7 Ensure the power supply to the unit is taken
5.4 Installation from a fused isolator, the switch is locked
‘OFF’ and fuses removed. Connect the supply
The following procedure is a guide for in accordance with the electrical connection
installing a standard compressor unit. For the diagram. Use cables complying with the
installation of non-standard units or units fitted standards of the International Electrotechnical
with optional equipment refer to your local Commission (IEC) or of the Institution of
CompAir office. Electrical Engineers (IEE) (latest edition) for
U.K. users. The cables must be correctly
5.4.1 The compressor package may be lifted by fork
sized for the total input kW of the plant and
lift using the slots provided in the baseframe
suitably protected and clamped.
or by a spreader bars and lifting frame with
slings or chains attached to lifting brackets 5.4.8 Refit the starter compartment door.
bolted to the baseframe. To prevent damage,
Caution: After installation of the isolating
spreader bars or frames should be wide
valve between the air delivery pipe flange
enough to keep slings and chains clear of the
and the user’s pipework as shown in Fig.
5.4, do not connect the flange permanently
at this stage. The connection must not be
secured until the corrosion inhibitor has
been dispersed by the initial run at the
correct stage in the commissioning
DL051AAA 45
5 Installation and Storage CompAir
5.6 During Long-Term Storage (Up To 5.7 During Short-Term Storage (Up To
12 Months) One Month)
5.6.1 This procedure makes provision for 5.7.1 The compressor should be started and run for
circumstances where a compressor is 10 to 15 minutes at least once each week.
delivered to site and is not immediately This procedure applies to (i) a compressor
installed, but stored. It should also be followed which is shut down for a short period but
if a compressor is to be put into long term remains connected to power and (ii) a
storage after a period of operation. compressor which remains on ‘Standby’ duty
in a multiple unit installation.
5.6.2 The compressor should be stored in a dry
building, preferably heated, particularly during 5.7.2 If power is disconnected, rotate the drive
the winter months. If the ambient temperature coupling by hand at weekly intervals as
is likely to fall below 0°C, it is important that described in para 5.6.5.
the electronic controller is removed and stored
separately in a temperature above 0°C. 5.8 Long-Term Storage - Preparation
Mechanical stress due to excessive
contraction (slackening of flange bolts, etc.) Warning: The chemical solutions used in
should also be monitored. these procedures are slightly toxic. Ensure
that there is adequate ventilation and that
5.6.3 In the case of a new compressor, inspect the
all personnel involved wear protective
crate on arrival and ensure that there is no
gloves and breathing filter masks and do
water in the packing, the base of the
not smoke while working. Observe full fire
compressor or the protective plastic covering.
and safety precautions.
If there is evidence of moisture, dry out any
damp areas and also ensure that the packing 5.8.1 Inhibitor solution
and plastic covering is dry before replacing.
a) VPI 280 solution is used to protect the air
5.6.4 The shaft of the drive motor must be turned pipework.
manually at least once a week, to prevent the
b) For the solution, mix 64 gm of VPI 280
bearings developing brinelling and/or sticking,
(dicychlorohexyl ammonium nitrite) with
particularly if the package is subject to
2 litres of acetone.
Quantity required: 2 litres of solution
5.6.5 The motor shaft can be rotated by turning the
per compressor.
drive coupling which can be reached through
the opening in the drive coupling housing. The Note: This inhibitor solution is not oil-based.
coupling should be turned by HAND, using the
c) When using VPI 280 agitate the solution by
minimum of force, in an ANTI-CLOCKWISE
shaking the spray can during application.
direction (as viewed from the motor non-drive
end). One and a quarter turns is sufficient. 5.8.2 Equipment Required:
5.6.6 If resistance is experienced, the coupling may a) One spray gun with standard nozzle and
be freed by alternating the HAND torque baffle plate nozzle.
between CLOCKWISE and
ANTI-CLOCKWISE. Then continue turning in b) One plastic storage container.
an ANTI-CLOCKWISE direction for one and a c) Waterproof adhesive tape, as required.
quarter turns.
d) Plastic caps.
5.6.7 If this is not effective and the coupling is still
not free, contact the local CompAir distributor.
5.6.8 In the case of a new compressor, replace
protective covering.
5.6.9 At the end of each 12 month storage period
the full inhibition procedure must be carried
46 DL051AAA
CompAir Installation and Storage 5
5.9.2 Disconnect delivery pipework at baseframe 5.10.1 Disconnect the delivery pipework at the
connection. baseframe connection.
5.9.3 Remove inlet filter element. 5.10.2 Remove the inlet air filter element.
5.9.4 Re-start compressor. 5.10.3 Remove the first stage moisture separator top
flange complete with the air pressure safety
5.9.5 LOAD the compressor. This will open the valve.
suction regulator inlet valve.
5.10.4 Disconnect the regulation air pipe at the
5.9.6 While the compressor is running, spray Shell unloader solenoid valve and connect a low
VPI 280 solution through inlet silencer until it pressure air line (2 bar max.) to the pipe.
appears at the delivery connection. Apply air pressure to open the inlet valve of
5.9.7 UNLOAD the compressor. the suction regulator.
5.9.8 Spray VPI 280 solution into intake silencer for 5.10.5 Rotate the compressor by turning the drive
10 seconds (approx. 10 ml). coupling which can be reached through the
opening in the drive coupling housing. The
5.9.9 Stop compressor. coupling should be turned by HAND in an
5.9.10 Spray VPI 280 solution into delivery ANTI-CLOCKWISE direction (as viewed from
connection for 10 seconds (approx. 10 ml). the motor non-drive end).
5.9.11 Replace inlet filter element, fit a plastic bag 5.10.6 While the shaft is being turned, inhibit the first
over the filter body and seal with waterproof stage air-end by spraying VPI 280 solution
tape. through the inlet valve of the suction regulator
until it appears at the first stage moisture
5.9.12 Seal air delivery connection with a waterproof separator top flange.
5.10.7 Continue turning the compressor shaft and
5.9.13 Place the following warning statement on inhibit the second stage air-end by spraying
instrument panel:- VPI 280 solution into the first stage moisture
"CAUTION: BEFORE STARTING THE separator through the top flange opening until
COMPRESSOR, REMOVE WATERPROOF it appears at the blowdown silencer.
SEALING TAPE FROM AIR INTAKE 5.10.8 Disconnect the slave air line from the
FILTER." regulation pipe to close the suction regulator
5.9.14 Paint all bare metal and exposed machined inlet valve and bleed off pressurised air.
surfaces with one coat of Croda CS 1033A 5.10.9 Spray VPI 280 solution into the first stage
preservative. moisture separator through the top flange
5.9.15 After completion of this procedure the opening for one minute.
compressor may be left in store for up to 12 5.10.10 Refit the regulation air supply pipework at the
months but should be inspected regularly as unloader solenoid valve.
detailed in para 5.6 ‘During long-term
storage’. 5.10.11 Refit the filter element and first stage moisture
separator top flange.
5.10.12 Complete the procedure by carrying out items
11 to 15 of para 5.9.
Note: Storage procedures and attention to the
compressor during storage should comply
with ‘During long-term storage (up to 12
months)’ in para 5.6.
DL051AAA 47
6 Commissioning CompAir
6 Commissioning
6.1.10 Ensure fan motor and oil pump motor thermal
WARNING overloads are set correctly for supply voltage
(See 'Technical Data', section 3.3).
6.1.11 Remove panels as required to gain access to
• Refer to the safety procedures before motor connections.
commissioning the compressor unit.
6.1.12 Inspect the motor and control wiring
• Lethal voltages are used in this connections to make sure they are correct
equipment. Use extreme caution when and secure. Replace all panels.
carrying out electrical checks. Isolate the
power supply before starting any 6.1.13 Check that all protection blanks, air filter
maintenance work. covers and tapes have been removed. Ensure
the blanking plugs have been removed from
the Air End vents.
When commissioning a new compressor or
re-commissioning a compressor which has 6.1.14 Remove the four air-end/motor transportation
been overhauled or out of service, carry out bolts (if fitted). These are coloured red for
the following procedures before attempting to identification.
start: 6.1.15 Open the isolating valve to the user’s
Note: We recommend that commissioning is pipework.
carried out by a trained and qualified CompAir 6.1.16 Check that the air end and motor rotate freely.
commissioning engineer.
6.1.17 Check oil level and top up if required.
6.1 Preliminary Mechanical Checks
6.2 SureScan Controller - Entering the
6.1.1 Remove air filter covers and silica gel bags. Access Code
6.1.2 Check that the isolator switch is locked ‘OFF’
When an attempt to alter a parameter or
and that all pipework and electrical power
option is made for the first time after entering
connections are correct and secure.
the menu routines, the controller will request
6.1.3 Open the access panel to the starter an access code. When this occurs, the
compartment. Check all screws and starter following procedure should be followed:-
connections for security. Check all electrical
connections are correct and secure.
6.1.4 Ensure the controller to Extension module unit
Note: A guide to using the menu routines and
interface cable connections are correct and
control unit menu structure diagrams is shown
in Section 7, 'Operation'.
6.1.5 Ensure the main supply cables and fuse
ratings comply with regulations. (See
'Technical Data', section 3.6).
6.1.6 Ensure the control transformer primary
tapping connections are correct for supply
6.1.7 Ensure main motor thermal overload is set
correctly for motor F.L.C. and supply voltage,
as shown on the motor data plate.
6.1.8 Ensure MCB Q101 (MMS) is set correctly.
(See 'Technical Data', section 3.4)
6.1.9 Ensure phase rotation relay voltage
adjustment is correct (where fitted).
48 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
Ready to start
Oil temperature 20°C
(Steady display)
7 Press DOWN and repeat until To select the required option. Commissioning - config.
the display shown on the Return to previous menu
right is obtained.
8 Press ENTER. To display the main menu. Main menu
Operational settings
9 Press DOWN and repeat until To scroll through the menu. Main menu
the option shown on the right Service diagnostics
is displayed.
10 Press ENTER. To choose the Service diagnostics Service diagnostics
menu Reset service hours
DL051AAA 49
6 Commissioning CompAir
50 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
Service diagnostics
Reset service hours
29 Go to step 31 To by-pass the alternative calibration
30 Press UP or DOWN as To adjust the control panel display. Adjust pressure up/down
required to make the LED Press enter when ready
display follow the slave
gauge display.
31 When the gauge and display To calibrate the pressure display. Calibration complete
track the pressure together,
press ENTER.
(After a delay the display returns to:)
Service diagnostics
Reset service hours
32 Press RESET. To exit menu routine. Ready to start
Oil temperature 20°C
DL051AAA 51
6 Commissioning CompAir
52 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
DL051AAA 53
6 Commissioning CompAir
54 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
Service diagnostics
Reset service hours
5. Press RESET. To exit the menu routines Ready to start
Oil temperature 20°C
DL051AAA 55
6 Commissioning CompAir
6.7 Final Mechanical Checks (ii) Ensure that the air discharge pipe is
disconnected from the user’s system.
(iii)Ensure that the discharge air is directed
(i) The values shown throughout these away from all persons in the area.
procedures are examples only.
56 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
DL051AAA 57
6 Commissioning CompAir
6.8 Commissioning Parameters 6.9.3 Check the reading on the vacuum gauge (5)
(Compressor Running On-Load) and, if necessary, adjust the pressure
regulator (2) to obtain a reading of approx
6.8.1 During the 1-hour test running period detailed 50mm / 2in w.g. when the machine is on load.
in item 16 of the table in previous section 6.7,
Caution: It is not possible to adjust the
temperatures and pressures should stabilise
vacuum in the sump accurately by setting
between the figures given below:-
a specific pressure reading on the
Note: The temperature guidelines are for pressure regulator gauge (1). Inaccurate
compressors working in an ambient adjustment of the breather system will
temperature of approximately 20°C. In higher result in pressure in the oil sump, which
ambient temperatures, the temperatures given could create oil leakages at the air end
may be higher. In this case the temperature venting holes.
alarm and trip levels may need to be raised.
First stage delivery 150°C to 185°C
Second stage intake 35°C to 45°C
Second stage delivery 155°C to 190°C
Lubricating oil 40°C to 50°C
Oil Pressure 2 bar approximately 2
0 10
SM 0811
58 DL051AAA
CompAir Commissioning 6
Engineer's Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This form must be completed and returned to CompAir AfterMarket Dept. at Redditch.
Please make 2 copies of this form. Copy 1: Customer – Copy 2: Commissioning Engineer.
DL051AAA 59
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
60 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
7.1.7 Fault conditions and service requirements are 7.1.9 To interrogate the hours run and service
continuously monitored (from start-up) and hours information press HOURS. (See para
warning and the appropriate status messages 7.13 'Using The Menu Routines').
are displayed.
7.1.10 To show operating parameters, fault history,
7.1.8 To interrogate other temperature or interstage etc. or to alter programmed settings, press
pressure information press VALUE (see para ENTER (10) to access the menu routine (see
7.13 'Using The Menu Routines'). para 7.13 'Using The Menu Routines').
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
DL051AAA 61
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
7.2.4 When air demand lowers the pressure below Plant delivery temp 35°C
the lower set point P2 the compressor will Interstage press 2.0 bar
restart and run on-load. The display will show:
7.4.3 The selected value will remain on the display
Starting until a new value is selected.
Oil temperature 20°C
changing to:
Oil temperature 20°C
during load delay time, then:
On load
Oil temperature 25°C
62 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 63
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
64 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 65
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
Status Message
SM 1060
66 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 67
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
68 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
Disconnect delivery
Calibration complete
2 sec
To 3 of 8
'Service diagnostics'
Press at any time in any
menu to return to initial display
SM 1063
DL051AAA 69
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
From 3 of 8
Service diagnostics
To 3 of 8
Service diagnostics
SM 1064
70 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
From 2 of 8
Language: English Language: Option
Machine model To 7 of 8
Communications config. To 7 of 8
Remote fault 2
Trip type 1, 2 or 3
Remote fault 5
Alarm type 1, 2 or 3
Start inhibit
DL051AAA 71
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
From 6 of 8
Machine model
Machine model
Model message
Machine model
see list below
To 6 of 8
Communications config.
Communications config.
Config. message
Communications config.
SmartAir control
To 6 of 8
Communications control
“ 6504/6604” “Dryclon 507W/607W”
“ 6505/6605” “Dryclon 508W/608W”
“ 6506/6606” “Dryclon 509W/609W”
“ 6507/6607” “Dryclon 510W/610W”
“ 6508/6608” “Dryclon 512W/612W”
“ 6509/6609” “Dryclon 515W/615W” default setting
“ 6510/6610”
“ 6512/6612” D55-08/10A
“ 6515/6615” D75-08/10A
“Dryclon 504W/604W” D110-08/10A
“Dryclon 505W/605W” D132-08/10A
“Dryclon 506W/606W” D150-08/10A
SM 1066
72 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
From 2 of 8
Max. pressure 10.5 bar St1 delivery alarm 180ºC
Autorestart delay 100sec Plant del trip 55ºC Plant del trip 45ºC
SM 1067
DL051AAA 73
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
SM 0985
74 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 75
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
76 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
St1 delivery temp trip The compressor has shut down because the first stage delivery
temperature has exceeded the upper (trip) limit.
St2 intake temp trip The compressor has shut down because the second stage intake
temperature has exceeded the upper (trip) limit.
St2 delivery temp trip The compressor has shut down because the second stage delivery
temperature has exceeded the upper (trip) limit.
Plant delivery t trip The compressor has shut down because the plant air delivery
temperature has exceeded the upper (trip) limit.
Del press probe fault * The delivery pressure transducer resistance is outside the limits as
defined in section 11.16.
Intake temp probe fault The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
Int.St press probe fault The delivery pressure transducer resistance is outside the limits as
defined in section 11.16.
Oil pressure probe fault The Oil Pressure sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
Oil temp probe fault The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
St1 del temp probe fault * The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
St2 in temp probe fault * The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
St2 del temp probe fault * The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
Plant del t probe fault * The temperature sensor resistance is outside the limits as defined in
section 11.16.
Remote fault 1 (2,3,4,5) The compressor has shutdown because one of the remote fault inputs
has been activated.
Oil level low The sump oil level is detected to be low while the compressor is stopped.
(start inhibit)
* Temperature & Pressure probe faults will cause associated pressure & temperature history to be
displayed as – – – – –
DL051AAA 77
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
Change air filter A high differential pressure has been detected across the air filter
indicating the need for an air filter element change. Note: Switch must be
reset manually after tripping.
Change oil filter A high differential pressure has been detected across the oil filter
indicating the need for an oil filter change.
Interstage press alarm The interstage pressure has reached the programmed warning value.
Oil pressure alarm The oil pressure has dropped to the programmed warning value.
Oil temperature alarm The oil temperature has reached the programmed warning value.
St1 delivery temp alarm The first stage delivery temperature has reached the programmed
warning value.
St2 intake temp alarm The second stage intake temperature has reached the programmed
warning value.
St2 delivery temp alarm The second stage delivery temperature has reached the programmed
warning value.
Plant delivery t alarm The plant air delivery temperature has reached the programmed warning
Oil level low Indicates that oil level is low
Remote fault 1 (2,3,4,5) One of the remote alarm inputs has been activated.
Service due The service interval countdown timer has reached zero hours indicating a
service is now due.
Start inhibit The remote start inhibit input is open circuit.
78 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
Total hours Shows the recorded total number of compressor running hours on and off
Hours on load Shows the recorded total number of compressor running hours on load
Max. service hrs Shows the maximum programmed hours before a service is required.
Service hrs to run Indicates the number of running hours remaining before a service is
Reset service hours Invitation to reset the service interval hours to the maximum programmed
service hours.
DL051AAA 79
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
80 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 81
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
82 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 83
7 Operation and Fault Finding CompAir
84 DL051AAA
CompAir Operation and Fault Finding 7
DL051AAA 85
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
8 Components (Mechanical)
Note: Routine maintenance instructions are
given in Chapter 10, dismantling and
assembly instructions are given in Chapter 12.
Before working on any component, read the
appropriate chapter and section.
86 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
8.2 Aftercooler
8.2.1 Description
a) The aftercooler is fitted in the air circuit
between the second stage discharge silencer
and moisture separator, and is the uppermost
of the three cooling elements. Its function is to
cool the second stage delivery air to an
acceptable temperature prior to final delivery
from the compressor plant.
b) The air to be cooled passes through tubes in
the aftercooler which are separated by a
series of cooling fins. Cool ambient air is
drawn through the cooling fins by two fans in
the enclosure.
DL051AAA 87
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
1 1
2 2
3 4
SM 0757
8.3.1 Description
a) Relief valves are used to prevent excessive Note: Several types of relief valve are used
pressures from damaging the compressor throughout the Oil Free Screw series. For
unit. One (D55-D90) or two (D110-D150) correct type and application, refer to the
is/are fitted to the 2nd stage inlet pipe at the relevant parts catalogue.
interstage moisture separator and the other is
d) Air pressure relief valves are factory set and
fitted in the discharge manifold.
should not be adjusted. In the event of failure,
b) When the valve operates, pressure is the valve should be removed from the
released to atmosphere through holes in the compressor and serviced in accordance with
valve body. the manufacturer's instructions.
c) The valve comprises a body (9) and plunger 8.3.2 Operation
assembly. The plunger assembly consists of a
a) When air pressure exceeds the relief setting,
spindle (7), knob (1), locknut (2) and valve
the plunger is forced off its seat against spring
head (10). A spring (5) holds the plunger
pressure, allowing the air to vent to
assembly against the valve seat (11) when
atmosphere through holes in the valve body.
the valve is not operating. An adjuster (3) is
When pressure in the line falls below the relief
threaded into the valve body to allow for
setting, spring pressure acts on the plunger to
adjustments to the relief settings.
re-seat the valve.
88 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
DL051AAA 89
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
SM 1004
3 of Flow
90 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
DL051AAA 91
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
SM 0813
8.6.2 Operation
8.6.1 Description
a) Air from the second stage air-end enters the
a) The discharge silencer fitted to the second silencer at port (A) and passes through the
stage air delivery pipe reduces the noise and check valve at port (B) to the aftercooler at a
pulsations from the second stage delivery much reduced noise level.
b) A regulation system connection is fitted to port
b) The silencer consists of a welded body (C), which provides pressure to a diaphragm
containing a perforated tube which is operated balance piston fitted to the male
surrounded by two layers of steel mesh and rotor of the second stage compression
steel wool. element.
c) The discharge end (B) incorporates a check c) In the off-load condition, air at low pressure
(non-return) valve. enters the silencer through port A. As its
pressure is not great enough to open the
check valve, the air passes through port D
which is connected to the suction regulator
exhaust or the by-pass valve.
d) A temperature probe is fitted to the discharge
silencer at E.
92 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
5 5
SM 1099
DL051AAA 93
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
8.8 Intercooler
8.8.1 Description
a) The intercooler is fitted between the first stage
air-end and the interstage moisture separator.
Its function is to cool the first stage delivery air
prior to second stage compression.
b) The air to be cooled passes through tubes in
the intercooler which are separated by a
series of cooling fins. Cool ambient air is
drawn through the cooling fins by two fans in
the enclosure.
2 SM 1051
94 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
7 2
HW 0300
Fig. 8.11 - Moisture Separator - Second
Stage (Top Entry)
SM 0994
DL051AAA 95
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
8.10 Oil Breather (Earlier Models) 8.11 Oil Removal Filter (Current Models)
3,4 SM 1038
2 6
SM 0743
8.11.1 Description
a) The oil removal filter utilised in the powered
breather system is a coalescing filter
consisting of a filter body, Grade D activated
carbon filter element, automatic oil drain and
sight glass.
b) The carbon in the filter element is of a fine
granular form which offers maximum surface
area. A layer of high efficiency filter material
then traps any carbon dust which may have
been released. Grade D activated carbon
filters operate on the absorption principle.
96 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
8.11.2 Operation:-
a) The air and oil vapour mix enters the filter
body and passes, from the inside of the filter
element to the outside, through a deep bed of
activated carbon where the oil vapour is
filtered from the air.
b) The oil vapour liquifies and drops to the
bottom of the filter body and is returned to the
oil sump via the auto drain and reclaiming
pipe. The oil free air exhausts through the
side of the filter body vent into the machine's
c) The sight glass gives an indication of the
current oil level within the filter base and
provides a visual check of correct auto drain
d) The bleed valve enables rapid
depressurisation of the filter. 1
A. Hot oil
For dismantling and assembly B. Cooled oil
details, see section 12.5 C. Ambient cooling airflow
DL051AAA 97
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
SM 0986
8.13.1 Description 8.13.3 If oil pressure rises above 2.5 bar (when the
compressor starts up from cold, for example),
The relief valve is attached to the air-end gear
it overcomes the pressure of spring (8). The
casing and ensures that system pressure is
spool then moves to progressively uncover
maintained at 2·0 bar to 2·5 bar (all models).
the "outlet" port from the valve, thereby
8.13.2 Operation allowing excess pressure to be relieved back
into the sump (D).
a) Oil from the oil pump is delivered at (A), from
where it branches off to feed the various oil
circuits within the machine (B). It can also For dismantling and assembly
pass to the "inlet" end of the relief valve at (C) details, see section 12.12
via internal porting, where it acts against the
face of the spring-loaded valve spool (9)
98 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
SM 0980
8.14.1 Description
The pump is part of a closed oil system which
supplies oil under pressure to the driving
gears, timing gears, jacket cooling and
bearings of the two stage air-end. The pump
is driven by a 1·5 kW, 3 phase electric motor
which is operated from the main power
DL051AAA 99
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
100 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Mechanical) 8
DL051AAA 101
8 Components (Mechanical) CompAir
102 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Electrical) 9
9 Components (Electrical)
9.1 Air and Oil Pressure Sensors 9.2 Oil Pressure Switches and Sensors
SM 0755
9.1.1 Description
The system oil pressure and the air pressure
at the interstage and in the user’s pipework is
continuously monitored by 4-20 mA pressure
sensors which convert pressure into an
electrical signal.
9.1.2 Operation
Fig. 9.2 - Oil Pressure Switch
a) A sensor converts air pressure into a linear
change of electrical current flowing in the two
power supply wires. Typically, the current will
Two types of oil pressure switch have been
change from 4 mA at 0·0 bar to 20 mA at 13·8
fitted to this range of compressors; type A was
used on early machines with type B being
b) The controller detects the current flowing in used on current machines
the 24 Volt DC power supply wires to the
9.2.1 Type A (early machines)
sensor, then processes and converts this
signal into a displayed pressure reading. a) Two normally open (NO) oil pressure switches
are fitted in the oil circulating system. The
c) The controller can recognise an ‘out of range’
switches provide lubricating oil pressure
signal from the pressure sensors. This will be
protection for the compressor.
displayed as a pressure probe fault.
b) When oil pressure is above 1.5 bar, the switch
Pressure (Bar) D.C. Current (mA) contacts will close. If the pressure in the
0·0 4·00 system falls below 1.5 bar, the switches will
1·0 5·16 open and signal the controller to stop the
compressor and a shutdown message 'Oil
2·0 6·32 Pressure Low' will be displayed on the
3·0 7·48 control panel.
4·0 8·64 9.2.2 Type B (later machines)
5·0 9·80 a) One oil pressure sensor is fitted in the oil
6·0 10·96 circulating system. The sensor provides
lubricating oil pressure protection for the
7·0 12·12
8·0 13·27
b) When oil pressure is above 1.5 bar, the
9·0 14·44 controller can start the motor. If the pressure
10·0 15·60 in the system falls below 1.5 bar, the
controller will stop the compressor and a
11·0 16·75
shutdown message 'Oil Pressure Low' will be
12·0 17·91 displayed on the control panel.
13·0 19·07
DL051AAA 103
9 Components (Electrical) CompAir
104 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Electrical) 9
1 2
SM 1068
Fig. 9.4 - Oil Level Indicator/Sensor Fig. 9.5 - Oil Filter Differential Pressure Switch
1. Differential Pressure Switch
2. Filter Head
DL051AAA 105
9 Components (Electrical) CompAir
KTY PT1000
SM 0741
Resistance (ohms)
9.7.1 Description Temp °C
KTY PT1000
a) Two types of silicon temperature sensors of
0 1640 1000
the ‘spreading resistance’ type are used in
these plants. 10 1784 1039
106 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Electrical) 9
De-energised Energised
DL051AAA 107
9 Components (Electrical) CompAir
108 DL051AAA
CompAir Components (Electrical) 9
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10 Maintenance CompAir
10 Maintenance
10.1 Routine Maintenance c) It is recommended that service and
maintenance is carried out by your local
WARNING CompAir Distributor.
d) All CompAir compressors are fitted with high
performance filtration equipment. However, if
• Refer to the safety procedures before the working environment is particularly hostile
carrying out any maintenance or
the filter elements and the heat exchangers
servicing work on the compressor unit. .
will require attention at more frequent intervals
• Lethal voltages are used in this than specified in the schedule.
equipment. Use extreme caution when
10.1.2 Cleanliness
carrying out electrical checks. Isolate the
power supply before starting any The compressor unit must be kept in a clean
maintenance work. condition at all times. Make regular
inspections for signs of damage, excessive
• Where a maintenance procedure below wear and security of fittings. Ensure that any
includes the warning ‘The compressor
oil spillage is wiped up immediately and any
must be stopped’ the following steps
residual oil cleaned from external surfaces.
must be taken before work is
commenced: Caution: Do not allow oil to enter the air
intake, air system components or air
1. Close the isolating shut-off valve to the
system pipework.
user’s pipework. Attach a label carrying
the warning ‘WORK IN PROGRESS – 10.1.3 Recording Pressures and Temperatures
Keep a regular record of the compressor
2. Switch the power supply ‘OFF’ at the operating pressures and temperatures by
isolator. noting the value readings, together with
ambient air temperature, in a record book.
3. Attach a label carrying the warning
The readings should be taken when
conditions are stable and with the compressor
APPLY VOLTAGE’ to the isolator switch
running on full load.
and to the display panel. Do not switch
on electrical power or attempt to start the 10.1.4 Maintenance Record
unit if such a warning label is attached.
Keep a careful record of all servicing,
4. Bleed down all air pressure in the maintenance and repair work carried out on
delivery pipe between the non-return the compressor. This record will form a useful
valve and the shut-off valve by opening reference. Any variation from normal
the manual condensate drain valves. operation will be noticeable immediately,
alerting the user to a possible need for
servicing or maintenance. The frequency of
10.1.1 General
recurrence of a particular repair task could
a) To ensure the efficient operation of the reveal an unsatisfactory operating condition
compressor unit the user must check which should be corrected.
performance regularly and carry out the
10.1.5 Electrical Connections
necessary adjustments to maintain correct
settings. This section gives the information a) Regularly check the compressor unit for loose
needed by the user for this purpose. connections or frayed wiring. Clean and
tighten all connections and repair or renew all
b) It is a condition of the Warranty cover that the
frayed or damaged wires and cables before
unit is properly maintained and adjusted, that
starting up.
all checks, routine maintenance and regular
servicing listed in the Maintenance Schedule b) Take care not to damage the wiring when
are carried out at the specified intervals and working on the unit. When refitting wires and
that an accurate record is kept of the work. cables make sure they are not damaged and
that they will not be damaged in service by
chafing or contact with a hot surface.
110 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
DL051AAA 111
10 Maintenance CompAir
Note: The oil change period can be extended to 16000 hours or 24 months if oil condition monitoring indicates this to be satisfactory.
112 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
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10 Maintenance CompAir
114 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
10.5.1 The compressor is provided with five coarse Caution: Do not use high pressure air
screen filters in the panels of the enclosure. supply.
These act as pre-filters for the intake, a) Using an air line supplying dry, low-pressure
ventilation and cooling air. air (maximum 0·5 bar) carefully blow out the
10.5.2 Carry out a regular visual check of the inner cavity, ensuring that the air stream
condition of the enclosure filter elements. If passes through the element from the clean
the elements are seen to be heavily side.
contaminated they should be cleaned as b) When all contamination has been removed,
follows: inspect the element for cracks, holes or other
a) Open the enclosure door complete with damage by holding the element up against a
integral filter. light source. If any damage is evident the
element must be discarded and a new one
b) Remove the filter element and wash carefully fitted.
in a mild detergent solution. Rinse thoroughly
and allow to dry. 10.6.8 Re-install the clean element in the filter body
and refit the dust box.
c) Refit the element to the panel and close the
10.7 Condensate Drains
10.6 Intake Air Filter 10.7.1 Moisture present in the compressed air
condenses in the interstage and second stage
10.6.1 The servicing intervals required by the intake moisture separators and is drained by
air filter will depend on the dust conditions solenoid operated valves.
prevailing on site.
10.7.2 To check the operation of the condensate
10.6.2 It is always better to renew the intake air filter drain valves:
element rather than to try to clean it. In any
cleaning operation, however carefully done, With the compressor running on load,
there is a risk of critical damage to filter disconnect the condensate drain connection
efficiency and dirt particles remaining on the at the baseframe and check visually that
element or being carried over to the clean condensate is being released automatically
side. according to the drain open and shut times
programmed into the controller. If no
10.6.3 Whenever the intake air filter element is condensate is being released, stop the
removed, check the sealing surfaces for signs compressor, switch power off at the isolator,
of dust tracking and rectify if necessary. clean the strainer and check the wiring.
Check that the rubber dust valve is in good
condition and is operating correctly.
10.6.4 Before carrying out any work on the intake air
filter the compressor must be stopped.
10.6.5 To change the element (see fig. 8.1):
a) Remove panels as required to gain access to
the intake air filter.
b) Remove the intake air filter dust box, take out
the element and discard.
c) Clean the inside of the filter body and dust
d) Fit the new element in the filter body and refit
the dust box.
10.6.6 Always fit a new filter element at the specified
service intervals. However, if cleaning must
be resorted to, carry out the following
DL051AAA 115
10 Maintenance CompAir
10.8 Condensate Strainers c) If the oil level is low, remove the cap from the
filler pipe and gradually top up the reservoir
4 until the float reaches the top of the indicator.
3 2 After each small quantity has been added
allow time for the change in level to be
indicated on the sightglass. This will prevent
d) Refit the cap to the oil filler pipe.
e) Close the service door.
10.9.2 To change the oil:
The compressor must be stopped
Drain the oil while the compressor is hot to
allow the oil to run freely and carry out any
2 suspended particles.
a) Remove enclosure doors as required.
SM 1041
b) Position suitable containers under the drain
Fig. 10.2 - Manual Drain Valves and c) Enter ‘Test digital outputs’ mode on control
Strainer Gauzes panel, fit handle to 2 way valve and move to
drain position(fig. 10.3). Run pump until sump
is empty.
10.8.1 To clean the strainers: Caution: Do not run pump dry.
The compressor must be stopped Feed from
Oil pump
a) Manually drain condensate from the manifold
via the two manual drain valves (3).
b) Unscrew brass plugs and washers (1, 2) from
to drain pipe
the manifold and remove strainer gauzes (4).
c) Clean the strainer gauzes under running
water or renew if badly contaminated or
damaged. Rotate quarter turn
anticlockwise to
d) Refit gauzes and plugs to manifold and check drain position
operation. SM 2002
116 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
to oil cooler
DL051AAA 117
10 Maintenance CompAir
3 of Flow
SM 1008
118 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
10.13 Electrical System d) The cooling fan and oil pump motors are fitted
with sealed bearings and should not need
Warning: Lethal voltages are used in this attention.
equipment. Use extreme caution when
carrying out electrical checks. Isolate the e) If a non-standard motor is fitted the user
power supply before starting any should take advice from the local CompAir
maintenance work. distributor before the compressor is put into
extended operation.
10.13.1 To check the electrical connections:
10.14.4 Pre-Packed Bearings
Carefully examine the electrical wiring and
check the security of all connections and Where no grease nipples are provided the
terminals. bearings are either single or double shielded
and pre-packed with grease. These bearings
do not require periodic re-lubrication but
10.14 Electric Motors should be renewed after 25000 hours of
10.14.1 Maintenance and lubricant recommendations operation in normal environments.
Note : The compressor unit can only operate Note: We recommend that this work is carried
to your complete satisfaction when out by a CompAir trained and qualified
maintenance work is carefully carried out at supervisor.
the specified intervals. 10.14.5 Bearings with automatic lubricators
a) In order to help with this task, the scope of (earlier models)
supply of the compressor unit includes a
"Maintenance and Inspection Manual for
CompAir Compressors”, in which you can
keep a record of what maintenance work was
carried out at which specified intervals.
b) The operating hours quoted in this manual are
recommended maintenance intervals for
average operating conditions. Depending on
your local intake conditions, the operating
hours may differ.
c) You can also have this maintenance work
carried out by our trained technicians. Please
ask your technical adviser for a maintenance
10.14.2 Maintenance Fig. 10.8 - Automatic Lubricators
DL051AAA 119
10 Maintenance CompAir
10.14.6 To renew automatic lubricators (see fig. 10.9) 10.14.7 Dust contamination
a) Open service doors to gain access to the If the compressor is operating in a dusty
motor. Unscrew the discharged dispensers atmosphere it may be necessary to clean the
from the fittings and discard. motors periodically to remove accumulated
dust from the windings. This applies
WARNING: Do not attempt to dismantle
particularly to IP22 class motors. Service
discharged dispensers.
personnel should inspect the motors visually
b) Cut off the lubricator tip with a sharp knife. at the regular servicing intervals to determine
the frequency of cleaning required.
c) Screw the lubricator into the lubrication point
until hand tight.
10.15 Interstage and Discharge Moisture
d) Use a 3mm Allen key to set the dispense rate
at 12 months.
Note: Used lubricators containing grease 1
must be disposed of in accordance with local
regulations. Dispose of empty lubricators by
recycling with normal plastic waste.
7 2
SM 0994
120 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
c) Fit new impinger cone and tighten hand tight. 10.17.5 One of the advantages of this method is that
peaks in the envelope spectrum, indicating a
d) Refit the bowl using a new 'O' ring and tighten
damage, can be clearly assigned to rolling
element bearing frequencies. Also, these
10.15.2 If a fault develops in the condensate drain rolling element bearing frequencies can be
valve, replace the condensate valve with a assigned to a bearing type and to a part of
serviceable component. this bearing (inner ring, outer ring, rolling
element and cage).
10.16 Flexible Drive Coupling 10.17.6 The rolling element bearing frequencies are
dependent on bearing geometry (pitch
10.16.1 To check the coupling backlash:
diameter, number and diameter of the rolling
a) The compressor must be stopped and elements, contact angle) and the speed.
isolated from both the electrical supply and air
10.17.7 Fig. 10.11 shows the formula to calculate the
rolling element bearing frequencies.
b) Reach through the access opening in the
10.17.8 For measuring of the envelope curve
bellhousing and hold the drive shaft on each
spectrum a FFT vibration analyser is required.
side of the coupling. Check the coupling
Measuring and diagnosis should be done by
backlash which should not exceed 6 mm. If
trained service personnel, experienced in
the backlash is excessive it will be necessary
interpreting vibration spectra of screw air
to change the coupling inserts.
10.16.2 To renew the inserts:
10.17.9 The bearing condition measurements should
Refer to Chapter 12, para 12.10, ‘Drive be taken on the bearing vibration monitoring
Coupling Inserts’. points given in Fig 10.13. There are 9
measuring points on the air end unit,
numbered from 3 to 11 (considering that 1
10.17 Air End Bearing Diagnosis
(NDE) and 2 (DE) are the measuring points
10.17.1 In general, roller bearing damage cannot be on the drive motor).
detected by low-frequency vibration
10.17.10 As a minimum, one bearing condition
measurement. The shock pulses, created by
measurement should be taken on the LP
over-rolling of a damaged area of a bearing
stage, one on the HP stage and one on the
element, can be detected only in the
drive gear.
high-frequency range.
10.17.11 Additional information is available from
10.17.2 Some bearing condition measurements for
CompAir such as bearing data and the
roller bearings have been in use for the last
calculation of typical frequencies of a certain
25 years, measuring special bearing
type of compressor. An example of such a
characteristic overall values (e.g. SPM) and
spread sheet is shown in Fig. 10.12.
watching the trend of these values over a
period of time. However, a high shock pulse
reading is not necessarily an indication of
bearing failure as it may be influenced by
interference from other components within the
10.17.3 This is the case for screw-type compressors.
The meshing of the rotors and the tooth
engagement of gears dominate also the
vibration signals in the high-frequency range
and can cover up a bearing failure, especially
when the failure is in an early stage.
10.17.4 This is the reason why, for complex machines,
a method for in-depth bearing diagnosis was
developed - the so-called envelope curve
spectrum analysis.
DL051AAA 121
10 Maintenance CompAir
122 DL051AAA
CompAir Maintenance 10
8 5
6 F 5
1st Stage
4 M 3
11 12
1 2
8 M 7
2nd Stage
10 F 9
DL051AAA 123
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
11 Electrical Systems
11.1 Controller
11.1.1 The electronic control system is
microprocessor-based. On the front of the
electronic controller enclosure is the control
panel, which consists of a liquid crystal
display (LCD), mimic diagram, touch switches
and dedicated light-emitting diode (LED)
pressure display, incorporating many
advanced control and monitoring features.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19
124 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
Control Program IC
1 2 6 7 9
5 8 4 3
DL051AAA 125
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
126 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 127
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
X2/2 L3 L2 L1
CL1/2 B Y R
CL1/3 216
A2 5 3 1 A2 5 3 1 A2 5 3 1
Delta KM203
Main KM201
Star KM202
A1 6 4 2
A1 6 4 2 A1 6 4 2
96 5 3 1
95 6 4 2
Thermistor Clockwise U2 W2 V2 W1 V1 U1
Anti-Clockwise V2 W2 U2 W1 U1 V1
SM 1114
128 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
4 2
SM 0982 3
1. Contactor
2. Auxiliary Contacts
1 3. Electrical Connections
1. Contactor
2. Auxiliary Contact
3. Release Catches
4. Electrical Connections
DL051AAA 129
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
130 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
DL051AAA 131
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
132 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 X5/1 CLOSED - START
DL051AAA 133
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
134 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 135
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
136 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 137
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
11.6.2 Output Relay (i) Relay terminal ‘5’ must be connected to pin
‘1’ of the appropriate output terminal.
a) Extension module outputs are 24V dc
transistor switched with a maximum rating of (ii) Relay terminal ‘1’ must be connected to
25mA. Each output must be connected the pin of the output terminal appropriate for
directly to a relay module, as specified below, the required output function.
in order to achieve a relay contact output The relay base can be screw mounted or
suitable for remote applications external to the secured to a standard type DIN rail (available
compressor starter enclosure. Six relays, from CompAir).
K401 to K406 are supplied as standard for
this purpose.
b) Parts required for each additional output:-
5 3
+ 2
5 5 5 5 5 5
24V d.c.
- 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X05 SM 0759
138 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 139
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
11.6.5 Extension Module (Typical Example) 11.6.6 Extension Module - Digital Outputs
The example below shows the extension With an extension module fitted all
module kit connected to give the following connections and functions are the same as
facilities:- the analogue signal conditions detailed in
paras 11.6.1 to 11.6.4.
a) Remote start/stop using a normally open
(N/O) remote start button and a normally
closed (N/C) remote stop button.
b) Automatic restart of the compressor when
power is reinstated after a power failure.
c) A remote compressor available lamp
indication showing that the compressor has
been started and is in the offload, onload or
standby condition.
d) A group trip lamp indication to show if a
compressor shutdown trip occurs.
e) A group alarm lamp indication to show if a
compressor alarm occurs.
Note: This example of a typical installation is
intended to demonstrate how some of the
features of the extension module can be used
and the method of connection.
Each installation will be particular to the
requirements of the user. Additional parts
required, if any, and the installation
connections should be established as detailed
in the input and output descriptions contained
in the text of this manual.
140 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
400 410
1 23 4 56 7 8 9 1 23 4 56 7 8 9 21
F1 0á5A
DL051AAA 141
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
142 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
The connections on the interface assembly a) Strip the insulation from the end of the cable
and controller terminal blocks are fitted with to leave approximately 7 mm of bare wire.
cage-clamp screwless terminals. The b) Insert a screwdriver with a blade end width of
cage-clamp design ensures that the clamping 3 mm into the terminal slot and push fully
force adjusts to sizes of cable between 1 mm2 home.
and 2·5 mm . This results in a corrosion free
contact area and compensates for any c) Inset (or remove) the cable.
deformation of the cable end due to d) Withdraw the screwdriver to leave the cable
temperature or vibration. clamped.
e) Check the connection by lightly pulling on the
DL051AAA 143
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
144 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 145
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
5. Compressor unit will not start a) Remote starting has been enabled. Operate the compressor
The display will show: remotely or remove the
Ready to start remote start enable
Remote start enabled. connection.
b) The emergency stop button has Reset the emergency
not been reset. The display stop button by turning
will show: anti-clockwise, then
Unable to start press RESET
Emergency stop
c) A start inhibit exists. Conditions
which can inhibit starting are listed
in the ‘Operation’ section of
chapter 7.
d) Contactor circuit fault. 11.15.1
6. Machine will not run onload – a) Pressure Sensor circuit. 11.16.1
pressure display is incorrect. b) Unloader Solenoid circuit. 11.15.1
7. Machine will not run offload – a) Pressure Sensor circuit. 11.16.1
pressure display is incorrect. b) Unloader Solenoid circuit. 11.15.1
146 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 147
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
b) Switch power on and start the compressor. 11.13.4 To Check the Fan/Oil Pump Motor
(Connection Diagram 1 of 6)
c) Using a calibrated pressure gauge ensure that
the compressor delivery pressure does not 11.13.5 Motor Insulation
exceed its rated working pressure.
This procedure is the same as in para 11.13.1
d) Measure and record the ac mains supply ‘To Check the Main Motor’ above.
voltage. If this is incorrect recheck the mains
11.13.6 Motor Current
power supply, see para 11.12.2 ‘To Check the
Mains Power Supply’ and power cables. a) If the supply voltage is correct, use a
calibrated clip-on ammeter to measure and
e) If the supply voltage is correct use a
record the currents in the cables to the fan
calibrated clip-on ammeter to measure and
motor terminals U1, V1 and W1. The readings
record the currents in the motor cables U1, V1
relate directly to the motor F.L.C. and should
and W1.
not exceed 5.6% above the figure given on
f) Add together the three motor (delta loop) the motor plate.
currents and divide by three to get the
b) Typical FLC figures for 3-phase, standard
average. If any one of the currents is more
production, squirrel cage compressor motors
than 5% different from the average it is more
likely that a phase voltage imbalance exists
rather than a motor fault, see para 11.12.2 ‘To
Check the Mains Power Supply’. Motor FLC
Motor FLC
hp kW 415V 220V
100 75 131 240
125 90 166 285
150 110 192 350
250 185 315 575
148 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
• Refer to the safety procedures before e) Check continuity between terminal X01/4 and
carrying out electrical checks. socket pin ML1/11 and between terminal X3/1
and socket pin ML1/12.
Caution: The high voltage (primary) and f) Renew any open circuit cable.
low voltage (secondary) circuits must NOT 11.14.3 To Check the Oil Pressure Switches
be connected in any way (e.g. via test S501/S502 - Early Machines (Current
probes, wiring etc.) Machine has an Oil Pressure Sensor)
11.14.1 To Check the Air Filter Differential Pressure See Connection Diagram 5 of 6 (fig. 11.30)
Switch (S301)
The oil pressure switch contacts are normally
(Connection Diagram 3 of 6) open. This indicates that the pressure in the
The air filter differential pressure switch oil system is below 1.5 bar. When the oil
contacts are normally open. This indicates pump is running the contacts will close.
that the air filter element differential pressure a) With the oil pump running, disconnect the
is within limits. When the filter requires cables from the pressure switch.
changing the inlet valve suction exceeds 65
mbar below atmospheric pressure and the b) Check that the pressure switch is closed by
contacts of switch S301 close. checking continuity between the switch
a) Disconnect the cables from the pressure
switch. c) Renew the pressure switch if open circuit.
b) Check that the pressure switch is open circuit d) Check the continuity between plug pins
by checking continuity between the switch ML1/30 and ML1/31 or ML1/32 and ML1/33.
terminals. Renew cables if required.
c) Renew the pressure switch if closed circuit. e) Check continuity of all wires in the oil pressure
switch circuits.
d) Check the continuity between plug pins ML1/9
and ML1/10. Renew cables if closed circuit. f) Renew any open-circuit cable.
e) Check continuity between terminal X01/3 and 11.14.4 To Check the Oil Pressure Sensor P303 -
socket pin ML1/9 and between terminal X3/1 Current Machines
and socket pin ML1/10. See Connection Diagram 3 of 6 (fig. 11. 22)
f) Renew any open circuit cable. a) Fit an ammeter in line cable no. 323 (X02/5) -
11.14.2 To Check the Oil Filter Differential Pressure see section 11.16.
Switch (S302) b) Start the oil pump running and check that the
(Connection Diagram 3 of 6) minimum current is 5.23 Amp.
The oil filter differential pressure switch c) Check the continuity between ML2/5 and
contacts are normally closed. This indicates P303/1 and ML2/6 and P303/2.
that the oil filter element differential pressure d) Renew pressure sensor if no current is
is within limits. When the oil filter requires measured.
changing the pressure drop across the filter
exceeds 2 bar and the contacts of switch e) Renew any open-circuit cable.
S302 open. 11.14.5 To Check the Oil Level Sensor
a) Disconnect the cables from the pressure The oil level sensor is an optical liquid level
switch. sensing device. When oil covers the sensor
b) Check that the pressure switch is closed by the output is 0v. When the oil level drops and
checking continuity between the switch the sensor is exposed to air the output will
terminals. switch high (20v dc) and the SureScan will
display low oil level. To check the sensor:
DL051AAA 149
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
a) Measure the dc voltage between terminal by more than 15% of the relay voltage, the
block X3/1 and earth. The reading should be relay contacts will open circuit and the
between 18 and 24 volts. If the voltage is low controller will display a phase rotation fault.
see para 5.1 'To check the 24V ac supply An incorrect phase rotation will be detected as
circuits'. soon as power is applied to the compressor. If
a phase rotation fault is displayed during a
b) Measure the dc voltage between SureScan
start sequence check that the voltage
terminal X01, pin 5 and earth. If the reading is
adjustment setting is correct.
above 2V and the oil level is correct, renew
the sensor. c) Persistent phase rotation faults during the
start sequence is an indication that the main
c) If the oil level sensor fails to operate when the
power supply voltage is falling below
oil level is low, check the resistance between
acceptable limits as the main motor is
the terminals of resistor block R301. The
accelerating. If this occurs check the main
resistance should be 2·2k ohms ±10%.
power supply voltage.
11.14.6 To Check the Emergency Stop Circuit
11.14.8 Using the Menu Routine ‘Service Diagnostics’
The emergency stop button has two normally Test Facility
closed contacts. One contact is connected to
The Emergency Stop input is tested using the
the 24V ac power supply to controller relay
’Service diagnostics’ test inputs menu routine,
output circuits and the other is connected to
the display will report a closed circuit condition
the SureScan controller.
under normal circumstances. If the
a) To Check the 24V ac circuit. Emergency Stop button is activated or an
open circuit fault exists, the display will report
(i) Measure the voltage between terminal
an open circuit condition. This facility, as with
block X2/1 and X2/2. The reading should be
all the inputs, can be used to quickly identify
between 20 and 28V. If the voltage is low see
and diagnose a fault with the circuit.
5.1 'To check the 24V ac supply circuits'.
(ii) If the reading is zero, measure the voltage 11.15 Control Outputs
between fused terminal F5 and terminal block
X2/2. If this reading is zero check fuse F5. If WARNING
the reading is between 20 and 28V renew the
emergency stop contact.
b) To Check the Emergency Stop Circuit. • Refer to the safety procedures before
carrying out electrical checks.
(i) Check the continuity between the contacts
of the emergency stop button, wires 300 and
301. Caution: The high voltage (primary) and
low voltage (secondary) circuits must NOT
(ii) If the contact is open circuit, renew the be connected in any way (e.g. via test
emergency stop contact block. probes, wiring etc.)
(iii) If the contact is closed circuit, measure the 11.15.1 Main Motor Contactor, Drain and Load
continuity between terminal block X3/1 and Solenoid (Connection Diagrams 1 and 2 of 6)
pin 2 of SureScan terminal X01. If the
continuity is open circuit, renew wire No. 300 a) Ensure the Emergency Stop input has not
from the emergency stop button contact to been operated before checking the outputs,
terminal block X3/1 and wire No. 301 from the see para 7.5 ‘To Check the Emergency Stop
emergency stop button to controller X01 pin 2. Circuit’
11.14.7 Phase Rotation Relay b) The motor contactor, drain and load solenoid
controller outputs are all relay contacts.
a) The phase rotation relay monitors the phase
sequence of the main power supply. If the c) When checking an output ensure the 24V ac
phase sequence (U, V and W) is incorrect the supply to each output channel is good.
relay contacts will open circuit and the d) Measure the voltage of the output, while the
controller will display a phase rotation fault. output is operated, using the Service
b) The phase rotation relay also monitors the Diagnostic – test outputs function.
main power supply voltage. If the voltage falls
150 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
e) If an output fails to function renew the a) Ensure the Emergency Stop input has not
controller. been operated before checking the outputs
(see para 11.14.6 ‘To Check the Emergency
f) Continue to check the output voltage along
Stop Circuit’).
the circuit being tested. Renew any
connections or wiring as necessary. b) Check that the fan motor overload relays
F102 and F103 and the oil pump motor
g) If the voltage across the terminals of the
overload relay F104 have not tripped.
contactor or solenoid coil being tested is
within the range 20V to 28V ac when the c) Operate the fan output, using the Service
controller output is switched on, renew the Diagnostics ‘Test Outputs’ function.
contactor or solenoid.
d) Measure the dc voltage across the coil of fan
11.15.2 Fan Contactors KM204/KM205 and Oil Pump relays K201 and K202. The voltage should be
Contactor KM 206 (see figs. 11.16, 11.20 and in the range 18V to 28V.
e) If the voltage is incorrect or zero, check the
Caution: The controller fan contactor and wiring to relays K201and K202. Renew as
oil pump outputs are NOT relay contacts. necessary.
The output is a low current transistor type
f) If the voltage is correct and relay K201or
and can only operate the relay specified by
K202 fails to operate, renew the relay.
CompAir. Do NOT use any other device or
connect any other circuit to the controller g) If the relay operates satisfactorily, check the
fan contactor output. voltage between terminal blocks X2/1 and
X2/2. The voltage should be in the range 20V
The fan contactor output operates an auxiliary
to 28V ac.
fan relay K201. Relay K201 switches 24V ac
which operates the fan contactors KM204 and h) If the voltage is incorrect, check the 24V
KM205 simultaneously. The oil pump power supplies (see para 11.12.1 ‘To Check
contactor output operates an auxiliary relay The 24V ac Supply Circuits’).
K202. Relay K202 switches 24V ac which
operates the oil pump contactor KM 206.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
24V a.c.
X2/1 X2/1 X2/1 X2/1 X2/1
0V a.c.
X2/2 X2/2 X2/2 X2/2 X2/2 SM 0716
DL051AAA 151
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
i) If the voltage is correct, check the voltage k) After a fan or oil pump contactor failure, check
across the coil of fan contactors KM204 and the continuity of the fan/oil pump overload
K205 or oil pump contactor KM 206. relay auxiliary switch. Renew the overload as
j) If the voltage is incorrect check the contactor
wiring and the contact of relay K201 or K202. l) If the voltage is correct renew the fan or oil
Renew as necessary. pump contactor as necessary.
24Va.c. X2/1
(232**) (225)
24Va.c. X2/1
*20V +ve
X09/1 X2/6
(230) (223)
X09/2 X2/5 X2/5
152 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
1 ML2/1
2 ML2/2
DL051AAA 153
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
h) Renew the pressure sensor if no wiring or b) The sensor resistance depends on the
connection faults can be found. temperature (see the Temperature/Sensor
resistance table below). If the resistance
i) If the current is NOT within ± 5% of the figure
varies by more than ± 5% from the figure
given, renew the controller
given in the table, renew the sensor.
Sensor Sensor c) If the resistance is correct re-connect the
Pressure Pressure sensor cables and remove plug ML1.
Output Output
(bar) (bar)
(mA) (mA)
d) Measure the resistance between the
0·0 4·00 7·5 12·70 appropriate pins of plug ML1. If the resistance
is not as given in the table renew the sensor
0·5 4·58 8·0 13·27
1·0 5·16 8·5 13·86
e) If the resistance is correct re-connect plug
1·5 5·74 9·0 14·44 ML1 and disconnect the sensor cable from the
2·0 6·32 9·5 15·02 extension module terminal X08.
154 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
11.16.3 To check the PT1000 temperature sensors - 11.16.4 To Check the Main Motor Thermistors
R605 to R608 (Connection Diagram 6 of 6) (Connection Diagrams 1 and 3 of 6)
The PT1000 temperature sensors exhibit a) Switch power off and disconnect the main
different resistance characteristics from low motor thermistor cables. Measure the
temperature spreading resistance type resistance between the cable ends. The
sensors. resistance should be between 50 and 300
a) Switch power off. Disconnect the cables from
the temperature sensor and measure its b) If the resistance is not within the limits given
resistance. renew/service the main motor thermistors.
b) The sensor resistance depends on the c) If the resistance is within the limits given
temperature (see the Temperature/Sensor check the continuity and connections of cable
resistance table below). If the resistance 308 and connector CL1/4. Renew cables and
varies by more than ± 5% from the figure remake connections as necessary.
given in the table, renew the sensor.
d) Check the continuity of auxiliary contact KM
c) If the resistance is correct re-connect the 201.
sensor cables and remove plug ML1.
d) Measure the resistance between the
appropriate pins of plug ML1. If the resistance
is not as given in the table renew the sensor
e) If the resistance is correct re-connect plug
ML1 and disconnect the sensor cable from the
extension module terminal X07.
f) Measure the resistance between the
disconnected cable end and terminal X6/2. If
the resistance is not as given in the table
renew the sensor cables as necessary.
Temp Sensor Res. Temp Sensor Res.
(°C) (ohms) (°C) (ohms)
-10 960.86 110 1422.9
0 1000 120 1460.7
5 1019.5 130 1498.3
10 1039 140 1535.8
15 1058.5 150 1573.3
20 1077.9 160 1610.5
25 1097.3 170 1647.7
30 1116.7 180 1684.8
40 1155.4 190 1721.7
50 1194 200 1758.6
60 1232.4 210 1795.3
70 1270.8 220 1831.9
80 1309 230 1868.4
90 1347.1 240 1904.7
100 1385.1 250 1941
DL051AAA 155
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
The Controller contains three cards: The text display contrast is set in the factory
to give clear visibility and definition. The
The Controller runs the control program contrast of the display can be re-adjusted to
contained in the program IC and is suit particular circumstances by means of an
responsible for the control and monitoring of adjustment on the control card within the
the compressor system. controller.
11.17.1 To Check the Control Panel a) If the text display is faint and difficult to see,
11.17.2 The Control Panel LED indicators and the adjust the contrast adjustment one tenth of a
Control Panel buttons can be tested by using turn clockwise.
the test routines in the ‘Service Diagnostics’ b) If the text display is too dark, adjust the
sub-menu. contrast adjustment one tenth of a turn
11.17.3 The ‘Power On’ indicator should be lit anti-clockwise.
whenever power is applied to the compressor. c) Repeat as necessary.
The ‘Remote Control Enabled’ and ‘Auto
Re-start Enabled’ indicators can be tested Note: Do not attempt to re-adjust any other
using the ‘Test Output’ routine in the ‘Service setting. There are several adjustments on the
Diagnostics’ sub-menu. control cards which are pre-set and, if altered,
would affect accuracy and performance.
11.17.4 All input and output functions can be tested
using the test facilities of the ‘Service
Diagnostics’ sub-menu
156 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
SM 0711
DL051AAA 157
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
h) Insert the new control program IC. Check the c) All input and output functions on the
orientation and ensure that each pin enters Extension module can be checked by using
the socket correctly. (The pins may bend the 'Service Diagnostic Routines'. An
underneath the IC during insertion.) 'Extension module fault' display on the
controller indicates that the complete
Note: The IC socket has four extra holes
Extension module is faulty and must be
which are not used. Ensure none of the
renewed. Individual input or output faults will
control program IC pins are inserted into
be reported separately by the SureScan, in
these holes.
the normal manner.
i) When re-assembling the controller, replace
11.17.8 To Check the Extension Module Power
the four rear cover securing screws first to
Supply Circuits
hold the cover in place. Then insert and
tighten the six screws and two nuts, adjacent a) Measure the dc voltage between pins 1 and 6
to the electrical plug connections, before on terminal X08 of the Extension Module. The
finally tightening the rear cover screws. voltage should be between 18V and 22V.
j) Re-connect to compressor and test. b) If the voltage is within limits check/renew the
data cable and connections from the
11.17.7 To Check the Extension Module
Extension module to the SureScan controller.
a) The extension module is connected to the
11.17.9 If the voltage is low, measure the ac voltage
SureScan controller via a screened data cable
between pins 1 and 2 on terminal X04. The
and integrates with the controller in operation
voltage should be between 20V and 28V.
to form a single control unit.
Check the control transformer output and
b) If the Extension module fails to respond wiring if the voltage is low or check fuses F3
correctly the SureScan will display 'Extension and F4 if the voltage is zero.
module fault'.
6 5 4 3 2 1 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
X08 X07 X06 X05
RS 485
X01 X02 X03
X04 2
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 24Vac 1
SM 0886
158 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 159
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
160 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 161
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
162 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 163
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
164 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 165
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
166 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 167
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
168 DL051AAA
CompAir Electrical Systems 11
DL051AAA 169
11 Electrical Systems CompAir
170 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
SM 1007
DL051AAA 171
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
4 5
7 8 9 8
11 24
23 22 20
19 18
SM 1026 17 16
15 14
172 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
12.2.1 Remove suction regulator (see fig. 12.3) i) Remove screws and washers securing
suction regulator body to compressor inlet.
a) Ensure electrical power is switched off at the
main isolator, fuses are removed and SM 1023
appropriate warning notices are displayed.
b) Remove acoustic enclosure panels as
c) Slacken the clamps (2) securing the air intake
hose (1) to suction regulator (3) and move the
hose away from the suction regulator. If
necessary, remove the air intake filter (see
para 12.1.1 ‘Remove Air Intake Filter
d) Disconnect all regulation system pipes from
the suction regulator.
Fig. 12.4 - Suction Regulator
e) Remove two screws (8) and washers securing
Securing Screws
blowdown elbow (7) to discharge silencer and
remove, together with 'O' ring (9).
j) Attach lifting gear and sling to suction
f) Unscrew flexible blowdown pipe (6) from
regulator and remove.
valve box and remove.
g) On earlier machines, remove the blowdown
silencer (4) from the valve box.
h) On current machines, disconnect the solid
blowdown silencer pipe (5) from the side of
the valve box and tie back securely out of the
1 2 3
DL051AAA 173
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
12.2.2 Dismantle Suction Regulator Caution: Ensure the diaphragm does not
rotate, otherwise it will be damaged. Use a
Warning: Do not attempt to dismantle the
backing spanner behind the locator.
suction regulator before removal from the
a) Remove the suction regulator from the air end
as described in Section 12.2.1 - ‘Remove
Suction Regulator’.
b) Remove four screws (12) securing the
by-pass valve box (13) to the by-pass seat
support flange (24).
SM 1027
4 17
16 15 14
24 SM 1029
174 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
(1) If the valve separates at the gasket, carefully Separate the valve seat support flange from
retain spring cavity with two diametrically the face of the regulator body using a
opposed bolts and nuts as shown in fig. 12.9. soft-faced hammer.
Note: Where difficulty is experienced in
separating the valve seat support flange from
the regulator body, a knife-edge wedge may
be used. Take care to avoid damaging the
h) Remove the operating springs and the two
i) See Fig. 12.11. Remove the locknut (10)
securing the diaphragm supports (8) (between
which the diaphragm (9) is sandwiched).
1 2 3
6 7 4 8 9
8 10 11
Fig. 12.9 - Spring Cavity Retained With
DL051AAA 175
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
12.2.4 Assemble Suction Regulator Caution: When assembled, the seal lips
must not protrude outside the housings
See Fig. 12.11.
b) See fig.12.11. Refit valve plate (3) to stem (4)
a) Apply ‘Loctite 620’ to housing bores and new
and secure with locknut (2).
seals. Fit new seals (7 & 21) into the valve
seat support flange (6) and by-pass seat c) Apply special grease ‘Autol-Top 2000’ (Part
support flange (24). Ensure that the seals are No. 100006579) to new seals and carefully
fitted in the direction of arrows shown on pass stem (4) through the valve seat support
Valve Seat Support Seal and By-pass Seat flange.
Support Seal on Figs. 12.12 and 12.13.
d) Position new joint (5) on valve seat support
flange and locate the suction regulator
body (1).
e) Screw two studs used in the dismantling
sequence, into two diametrically opposed
holes in the valve seat support flange and
suction regulator body.
Caution: During the following steps,
ensure that the diaphragm is not twisted
SM 0728 during assembly.
Fig. 12.12 - Valve Seat Support Seal f) Locate the diaphragm supports (8) and
diaphragm (9) on stem (4). Position the
diaphragm carefully over the two studs and
secure with locknut (10).
Note: Allow ‘Loctite 620’ a curing time of 24
hours minimum before inserting the stem (see g) Position springs inside the by-pass seat
manufacturer's instructions). support flange, locate the by-pass seat
support flange on the studs and attach the
h) Ensure that the springs are correctly located
on the diaphragm support and progressively
tighten the two nuts until the securing screws
and washers can be fitted.
i) When the securing screws are tight, replace
the two nuts and studs with the remaining two
screws and washers.
SM 0729 j) Position joint (18) and fit locator (17), by-pass
valve (16) and support (15) to stem (4) and
Fig. 12.13 - By-pass Seat Support Seal secure with screw (14).
176 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
k) See Fig. 12.14. Fit by-pass valve box (A) to 12.3 Aftercooler
by-pass seat support flange (B) and secure
with screw (C), washer (D) and nut (E). 12.3.1 To remove the aftercooler
Ensure valve box is orientated correctly for a) Make sure the machine is isolated of all power
silencer fitted (see fig. 12.3). and all pressure released from the system.
SM 1030 b) Disconnect discharge port from customer's air
c) Remove the two side doors closest to the
delivery end, via the upper release hinge.
DL051AAA 177
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
d) Remove the 2 retaining capscrews from the g) Remove the four retaining screws (2) and
top edge of the central panel. washers (3) fixing the moisture separator (4)
to the discharge column.
e) It should now be possible to tilt the top edge of
the panel forward and lift it off the locating
pins at the base.
SM 1017
178 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
i) Remove fixings from the top and bottom of k) Remove four screws and spring washers
both left and right column panels and remove (2 & 3) fixing the discharge assembly to
from compressor. aftercooler. Remove and discard 'O' ring (5)
(renew on re-fitting - see parts manual for
7 1
6 5
SM 0954 SM 1018/1
SM 1019
DL051AAA 179
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
m) To allow access to the fixings at the rear of o) With assistance, carefully lift the aftercooler
the cooler, loosen the 6 quick-release fixings clear of the compressor.
(1) securing the duct access panel (2) and
Warning: Aftercooler weighs approx. 80kg
1 SM 1020
180 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
b) Unplug the cables from their sensors on the e) With assistance, carefully lift the intercooler
side of the intercooler (D110-D150 shown, clear of the compressor.
D55-D90 one sensor above and below inlet Warning: Intercooler weighs 50kg approx.
SM 0968
SM 1021
SM 1019
DL051AAA 181
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
SM 1022
182 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
12.7.1 Remove Oil Pump At the time of going to print, no further details
were available. Please contact CompAir
a) Ensure electrical power is switched off at the AfterMarket.
main isolator, fuses are removed and
appropriate warning notices are displayed
b) Remove acoustic panel, drain oil and For further information about this
disconnect cables/pipework as described in component, see section 8.14
para. 12.9.1.
c) Remove the 4 bolts securing the motor and
pump to the baseframe and lift unit clear.
SM 0980
DL051AAA 183
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
b) Remove the spring loaded poppet valve (5) b) Remove acoustic panels and enclosure
and spring (6). framework as required.
SM 0772
SM 1040 1
6 Fig. 12.32 - Earthing Bolt
Main Drive Motor
184 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
e) Fit lifting equipment to motor lifting points 12.9.2 Install Main Drive Motor
(Fig. 12.33 (1)).
a) Ensure mounting feet are fitted
f) Remove 8 screws securing motor to
b) Position motor on frame using lifting
bellhousing (2).
g) Remove 4 screws securing mounting feet to
Note: During step c), the flexible drive
frame (3).
clearance is measured through the bell
1 housing aperture.
SM 1031
(ii) Touch START and as soon as the motor
rotates, touch STOP.
Fig. 12.33 - Removing Main Drive Motor (iii) Viewing from the front of the compressor,
check the rotation of the main drive
coupling through the bell housing
h) Move motor away from bellhousing to aperture. An arrow showing the correct
disengage the flexible drive and lift clear. direction of rotation can be found on the
i) Remove mounting feet from motor as bell housing.
necessary. j) Refit enclosure framework and acoustic
Note: Servicing of the motor should be done panels.
by experienced personnel.
DL051AAA 185
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
3 SM 1074
186 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
12.11.1 Remove Balance Piston Diaphragms a) Ensure all mating surfaces are clean.
a) Ensure electrical power is switched off at the b) Position a new diaphragm on the first stage
main isolator, fuses are removed and casing , locate the cover (2) and secure with
appropriate warning notices are displayed screws and washers.
DL051AAA 187
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
12.11.3 Remove Air Ends/Gearbox/Oil Tank Assembly i) Support the 2nd stage inlet pipework/moisture
separator (fig. 12.37 (3, 4)). Remove 4 screws
a) Ensure electrical power is switched off at the
and separate the 2nd stage inlet pipe (3) from
main isolator, fuses are removed and
the intercooler outlet flexible pipe (2). Remove
appropriate warning notices are displayed.
4 screws and remove adaptor (5) complete
b) Remove acoustic panels and framework as with moisture separator/inlet pipe assembly
required. from 2nd stage inlet.
c) Drain the system of oil as detailed in section SM 1044
10.9.2 - 'To Change the Oil'.
d) Remove the air intake filter assembly as 4
detailed in section 12.1.1 - ‘Remove Air Intake
Filter Assembly’.
e) Remove the suction regulator as detailed in
section 12.2.1 - ‘Remove Suction Regulator’.
f) Remove pipework and electrical connections
from 1st stage discharge silencer 5
(Fig. 12.36 (1)).
g) Support the 1st stage discharge silencer and
separate silencer from intercooler inlet flexible
pipe (2).
h) Remove 4 screws securing 1st stage
discharge silencer to first stage air-end outlet
and remove silencer. 2
SM 1043
188 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
j) Remove pipework and electrical connections n) Separate the drive motor from the air end
from 2nd stage discharge silencer (fig. 12.38 bellhousing sufficiently to disengage the
(1)). flexible drive as detailed in section 12.9 -
'Main Drive Motor'.
k) Support 2nd stage discharge silencer
assembly and remove 4 screws attaching the o) Blank off the air-end inlet and outlet apertures,
2nd stage discharge pipe (4) to aftercooler fit lifting ‘eye’ bolts (fig. 12.39 (1)) and attach
inlet flexible pipe (2). lifting equipment.
l) Remove 4 screws securing the 2nd stage p) Remove the two screws (2) attaching the oil
delivery silencer to the air end and remove tank to the base.
silencer/discharge pipe assembly.
DL051AAA 189
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
c) Push the drive motor towards the air-end and k) Re-connect the silencer to the intercooler inlet
carefully engage the flexible drive. Ensure flexible pipe (??) and secure with 4
clearance between flexible drive halves is 2 to screws/washers.
6 mm.
l) Re-connect pipework and electrical
connections to 1st stage discharge silencer
clearance (1).
min 2mm m) Refit suction regulator in accordance with
max 6mm para 12.2.5 ‘Install Suction Regulator’.
n) Re-connect all remaining cables and pipework
(including powered breather system).
o) Re-fill the oil system with approved
compressor oil.
p) Refit the air intake filter assembly in
accordance with para 12.1.2 ‘Install Air Intake
q) Ensure oil system is filled to the correct level
SM 1113
(see para 10.9.1 - ‘To Check the Oil Level’ in
Chapter 10).
Fig. 12.40 - Drive Motor & Bell Housing r) Switch on electrical power.
Note: The next two steps apply only to
d) Secure drive motor to bellhousing using 8 air-ends which have been inhibited against
screws. corrosion.
e) Secure the motor mounting feet with 4 s) Disconnect the air delivery line from the user
screws. system.
Note: When refitting components, it is t) Run the unit for 15 minutes to disperse
recommended that all joints and ‘O’ ring seals corrosion inhibitor from the air-end and check
are renewed. for leaks. Stop the compressor.
f) Re-position the 2nd stage delivery u) Reconnect the air delivery line to the user
silencer/discharge pipe assembly and secure system
the silencer to the air end with 4 v) Refit enclosure panels.
12.11.5 Remove 1st Stage Air End from Gearbox
g) Re-connect 2nd stage discharge pipe (??) to
aftercooler inlet flexible pipe (3) and secure Caution: Ensure that adequate lifting,
with 4 screws/washers. pulling and heating equipment is available
before carrying out the following
h) Reconnect pipework and electrical procedures.
connections to 2nd stage discharge silencer
(1). Air-End Stage Weight Table
i) Refit adaptor (??) complete with moisture Stage Weight
separator/ inlet pipe assembly to 2nd stage
inlet and secure with 4 screws/washers. Still First 135 Kg
supporting the inlet pipework/moisture Second 75 Kg
separator assembly, re-connect the 2nd stage
inlet pipe (??) to the intercooler outlet flexible a) Remove air intake filter.
pipe (??). Secure with 4 screws/washers.
Remove lifting gear. b) Disconnect air pipework/electrical connections
to suction regulator. Remove suction regulator
j) Refit 1st stage discharge silencer to first stage assembly.
air-end outlet and secure with 4
screws/washers. c) Remove sufficient control air pipework,
including balance piston pipe, to allow
removal of first stage.
190 DL051AAA
CompAir Dismantling & Assembly 12
d) Disconnect all relevant pipework necessary to g) Remove second stage delivery silencer using
allow removal of 1st stage air end. suitable lifting gear.
e) Remove and discard first stage oil drain hose. h) Support the 2nd stage inlet pipework/moisture
Remove oil drain stub pipe from air-end. separator. Remove 4 screws and separate the
2nd stage inlet pipe (??) from the intercooler
f) Remove electrical cables from first stage
outlet flexible pipe (??). Remove 4 screws and
delivery temperature probe.
remove adaptor (??) complete with moisture
g) Disconnect 1st stage delivery silencer at separator/ inlet pipe assembly from 2nd stage
intercooler inlet flexible pipe. Remove silencer inlet.
from air end and store.
i) Fit two M12 eyebolts diagonally in second
h) Fit two M16 eyebolts diagonally in first stage stage delivery flange. Prepare to sling air end
suction flange. Prepare to sling air end from from suitably rated lifting gear (see air end
suitably rated lifting gear (see stage weight weight chart).
j) Remove two screws securing second stage to
i) Remove two screws retaining first stage to gearbox eccentric ring, adjacent to dowels. Fit
gearbox flange, adjacent to dowels. Fit two two M8 X 80 mm plain guide studs at the two
M10 X 100 mm plain guide studs at the two screw positions and remove remaining
screw positions and remove remaining screws. Fit one M6 X 35 mm jacking screw
screws. Fit two M6 X 35 mm jacking screws into the hole provided and tighten the screw to
into the holes provided and tighten the screws jack the air-end away from the gearbox. Slide
to jack the air-end stage away from the air end horizontally away from gearbox and
gearbox. Slide the air-end stage horizontally dowels, ensuring pinion does not impact gear
away from the gearbox and dowels, ensuring casing, and lift from plant. Remove studs and
pinion does not impact gear casing, and lift eyebolts.
from plant. Remove studs and eyebolts.
k) Examine drive pinion.
j) Examine drive pinion.
Caution: If drive pinion teeth are deformed,
Caution: If drive pinion teeth are deformed, chipped or missing, the gear SET must be
chipped or missing, the gear SET must be renewed.
l) Refer to para 12.11.7 ‘Removal Procedure -
k) Refer to para 12.11.7 ‘Removal Procedure - First and Second Stage Drive Pinion.’ and
First and Second Stage Drive Pinion’ and para 12.11.11 'Dismantle Gearbox'.
para 12.11.11 'Dismantle Gearbox'.
12.11.7 Removal Procedure - First and Second Stage
12.11.6 Remove 2nd Stage Air End from Gearbox Drive Pinion
a) Remove air pipe from second stage delivery a) For air-end stages where pinion is retained by
silencer to dump silencer. a capscrew, lock the rotors, using a spanner
on flats of pinion retainer, and remove central
b) Remove and store second stage delivery
retaining capscrew.
temperature probe.
b) For air-end stages where the pinion is
c) Remove sufficient control air pipework,
retained by two locking nuts, the nuts should
including balance piston pipe, to allow
be removed one at a time using tool 288097
removal of 2nd stage.
for the first stage, or tool 288098 for the
d) Remove and discard second stage oil drain second stage.
hose. Remove oil drain stub pipe from air-end.
Caution: When carrying out the next step,
e) Support 2nd stage discharge silencer ensure that the pinion is withdrawn parallel
assembly and remove 4 screws attaching the to the shaft or permanent scoring and
2nd stage discharge pipe (??) to aftercooler distortion may occur.
inlet flexible pipe (3).
c) Using suitable pulling equipment, and
f) Remove 4 screws securing the 2nd stage ensuring shaft end is protected, carefully
delivery silencer to the air end and remove remove pinion from drive shaft.
silencer/discharge pipe assembly.
d) Carefully remove and discard the taper lock
rings in the pinion bore. The rings can be
DL051AAA 191
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
released by lightly tapping their internal d) Remove and discard drive shaft collar from
diameter with a small soft drift. drive shaft end. Clean shaft end and pinion.
Check for burrs.
e) Suitably protect pinion until required for
refitting. Note: Where burrs are found during item 1.3,
remove carefully using an oil stone (DO NOT
f) Refit pinion spacer/retainer and
use other abrasives).
nuts/capscrew to air-end shaft.
Caution: Ensure adequate protective
12.11.8 Refitting Procedure - First and Second Stage
clothing is worn before handling the
Drive Pinion
heated pinion.
Caution: The drive pinion must be
e) Heat pinion by induction or in an oven to
correctly installed on the air-end shaft .The
130°C -150°C.
shaft is spring-loaded into the air-end and
has to be correctly positioned axially to Note: Prior to the next operation, a retaining
achieve specified rotor clearances. tool will be required. (See section 12.13).
a) During storage and transportation, the male f) When pinion has reached correct
rotor is positioned correctly by a temporary temperature, quickly remove from oven and
collar which replaces the pinion. When the slide fully on to drive shaft. IMMEDIATELY
collar is removed and discarded during retain pinion in position by fitting appropriate
air-end installation, the shaft may move retaining tool (as detailed below), secure with
inward and the rotor clearance may be original pinion capscrew (previously removed)
disturbed. To ensure that the shaft is pulled or retaining nut and torque tighten (see
outward by the pinion retaining nut or bolt Torque Table). At this point DO NOT rotate
before the pinion cools onto the shaft it is the air-end, or place wedges between rotors
essential that the drive pinion installation to prevent rotation. Allow pinion to cool in air
procedure (1.4 below) is followed exactly. It is for approximately 5 minutes - DO NOT
not possible to move the shaft inward through ACCELERATE COOLING.
the pinion after it has cooled and in no
g) Pinion Retaining Tools
circumstances should this be attempted.
First Stage 288093
b) Remove air-end stage from packaging and
remove silica gel bag from delivery port. Second Stage 288094
Remove blanking plugs/plates from all
h) When the pinion has cooled to hand heat,
connections and ports. Ensure all machined
check run-out of pinion face using a dial test
faces are clean.
indicator, measured just below root diameter
c) Using a suitable long feeler gauge through the of teeth (see Fig. 12.42). Run-out must not
delivery port, check the male rotor delivery exceed 0.010 mm T.I.R. Remove retaining
end clearance (see Fig. 12.41). Note and tool and discard capscrew.
record the actual clearance.
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Note: Where run-out is excessive in item h), j) Second stage pinion only - Lightly oil two
gear position relative to the shaft should be pairs of split rings using new compressor oil
marked, the gear removed and rotated and fit them as shown in Fig. 12.44. Each pair
through 180°, refitted, and the run-out of split rings must have the gaps at 180° and
procedure repeated. each pair of rings must be spaced at 90° to
the other pair.
DL051AAA 193
12 Dismantling & Assembly CompAir
m) Check that the air-end rotates freely with no f) Fit first stage discharge silencer between air
tight spots. Re-check male rotor delivery end end and intercooler inlet flexible pipe. Use
clearance, which should be the same as new joints. Tighten all screws.
measured in 1.2 within +/- 0.013 mm.
g) Fit all control air pipework previously
Note: Where the tolerance above is not removed.
achieved, incorrect pinion fitment should be
h) Fit suction regulator assembly and a new
suspected. The drive pinion must be removed
joint, to first stage suction flange and secure
and re-installed following the above
with screws/washers. Re-connect control
pipework and electrical connections to suction
Caution: The air-end must not be installed regulator.
and operated until a satisfactory clearance
i) Fit air pipe from second stage delivery
has been established.
silencer to dump silencer.
n) Torque Table
j) Fit air intake filter assembly.
12.11.10 Fit 2nd Stage Air End to Gearbox
Pinion Retaining Nut 148Nm (109Ibf.ft)
a) Ensure face of gearbox is clean and apply
Pinion Lock Nut 167Nm (123Ibf.ft) Loctite 574.
Pinion Retaining Capscrew b) Fit two M10 guide studs loosely into top of
First Assembly 73Nm (54Ibf.ft) eccentric ring to aid location of the air-end.
Final torque 73Nm (54Ibf.ft)
c) Fit two M12 eyebolts diagonally in second
2ND STAGE stage delivery flange. Sling air end from
suitably rated lifting gear (see air end weight
Pinion Retaining Nut 98Nm (72Ibf.ft)
table) and lift into position in front of gearbox.
Pinion Lock Nut 118Nm (87Ibf.ft)
d) Fit oil drain stub pipe to air-end and new drain
Pinion Retaining Capscrew hose from air-end to gearbox, retain with hose
First Assembly 38Nm (28Ibf.ft) clips.
Final torque 35Nm (26Ibf.ft)
e) Using previously fitted studs, align stage with
12.11.9 Fit First Stage Air End to Gearbox gearbox and slide horizontally into position on
dowels. Ensure that pinion is engaged
a) Ensure face of gearbox is clean. Fit large ‘O’
correctly with drive gear. Retain air end with
ring and retain with a light coat of silicon
fixing screws tightened by hand. Remove
guide studs and replace with fixing screws.
b) Fit two M10 guide studs loosely into top of air Tighten screws using a torque of 56 Nm (41
end flange to aid location of the air-end. lbf.ft). Check that main gear drives the air-end
c) Fit two M16 eyebolts diagonally in first stage
suction flange. Sling air end from suitably f) Fit second stage delivery silencer/pipe
rated lifting gear (see stage weight table) and assembly using new 'O' ring seals and secure
lift into position in front of gearbox. with screws/washers.
d) Fit oil drain stub pipe to air-end and new drain g) Refit all oil pipework previously removed.
hose from air-end to gearbox, retain with hose
h) Fit all control air pipework previously
e) Using previously fitted studs, align air end with
i) Re-connect all electrical cables previously
gearbox and slide horizontally into position on
dowels. Ensure that pinion is engaged
correctly with drive gear and that ‘O’ rings are j) Fit air pipe from second stage delivery
not distorted. Retain air end with fixing screws silencer to dump silencer.
tightened by hand. Remove guide studs and
k) Install air-end (see para 12.11.4 ‘Install
replace with fixing screws. Tighten screws
using a torque of 56 Nm (41 lbf.ft). Check that
main gear drives the air-end pinion. 12.11.11 Dismantle Gearbox (Fig. 12.47)
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Note: The following instructions are intended g) Secure support fixture (288084) to the input
for the maintenance of Dryclon gearboxes shaft end, using three M10 x 25mm screws.
using the appropriate parts kit. Using a suitable hoist, invert the input casing
and shaft assembly and secure the support
a) Remove bellhousing from drive side of
fixture in a suitable vice.
gearbox. The bellhousing is located by two
dowels. h) Remove screws (23) and washers (24)
securing labyrinth seal (19) to input casing
b) Using a suitable puller, remove coupling half
(13). Using jacking screws as necessary,
(22) from gear shaft (5). Remove coupling
remove labyrinth seal (19) parallel with shaft.
spacer (20) and ensure the shaft is clean.
i) Slide seal inner ring (6) from input shaft using
c) Remove capscrews (41) and washers (37)
M6 studding in the tapped holes provided.
(40) securing eccentric ring (42) to gearbox
Remove and discard ‘O’ ring (7).
face. Remove eccentric ring. Discard ‘O’ rings
(38) and (43). j) Lift out the four wave springs (18) and bearing
outer race spacer (9). Ensure that input shaft
Note: When carrying out step d) ensure that
is secure in vice and, using tool 288086,
the gear does not drop and contact the input
remove bearing retaining nut (4).
casing as the shaft is drawn from the inboard
bearing. Note: Some early gearboxes have a tab
washer securing the retaining nut.
d) Sling input casing (13) from suitably rated
lifting gear. Remove two screws (15) and k) Pull the input casing (13) over the shaft using
washers (14) adjacent to dowels and insert tool 288085, taking care to support the casing
two M10 X 100 mm plain studs. Remove as the bearings leave the shaft. Remove gear
remaining screws and using jacking holes and shaft assembly from the support fixture.
provided, remove input casing horizontally
from gearbox. Support the casing and shaft SM 0788
assembly on suitable timber blocks with the
gear uppermost.
e) Remove three capscrews (34) and washers
(33) securing the bearing retaining plate (32)
to input shaft (5) and remove retaining plate.
f) Using suitable pulling equipment or splitting
as necessary, and taking care not to score
shaft, remove bearing inner race (31) from
shaft (5) and discard.
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SM 0786
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12.11.12 Examine/Renew Worn Parts f) Heat the inner race of roller bearing (31) by
induction or in an oven, to 100°-120°C and fit
a) Clean oil sump (27) and gearbox casing (26)
onto the non-drive end of input shaft (5),
paying particular attention to all oil ways and
ensuring that the ring is hard against the
shoulder. Allow to cool in air, DO NOT
b) Remove and clean magnetic plugs. ACCELERATE COOLING. Mount input shaft
on support fixture (288084) and secure with
c) Remove and discard all joints and ‘O’ rings,
three M10 X 25 mm setscrews. Position
and clean joint faces.
fixture in vice.
d) Clean input shaft assembly (5), paying
g) Fit spacer ring (11) (large chamfer upwards).
particular attention to bearing journals.
Position spacer tool 288088 to gear face (25).
e) Examine the drive gear for tooth damage. Lower input casing (13) over shaft (5) and
jack casing over shaft using tool (288091)
Caution: Where teeth are deformed,
until the deep groove ball bearing (1) is
chipped or missing the gear set must be
seated on spacer ring (11).
h) Blow through oil jets in outer bearing spacer
Caution: Abrasives are NOT to be used
(2), using a low pressure air supply, ensuring
when carrying out the next step.
all oil jets are clear. Position inner spacer (10)
f) Clean all bores and oil ways in input casing on inner race of installed bearing (1), and
(13). Ensure oil ways are clear by blowing outer spacer (2) so that etched ‘V’ on outer
through using a low pressure air supply. diameter points down towards drive gear (25).
g) Clean the labyrinth seal (6) (19) carefully, Note: When the angular contact bearing is
avoiding damage to the seal form and PTFE fitted during step i), the bearing outer race (3)
coating. will be a clearance fit in the bore.
12.11.13 Assemble Gearbox (See fig. 12.47). i) Position angular contact bearing (3) over shaft
(5) ensuring that the etched ‘V’ on outer
a) Fit gasket (28) to oil sump (27), lower gearbox diameter points down towards drive gear (25).
(26) into position and secure with screws (30) Press bearing onto shaft to meet spacers (2)
and washers (29). Tighten screws using a (10) using tool ( 288091). Secure bearings
torque of 98 Nm (72 lbf.ft). with lock nut (4) and tab washer (where fitted).
b) Apply Loctite 641 to outer race of roller Tighten lock nut using tool 288086 and a
bearing (31) and gently tap into gearbox torque of 363 Nm (268 lbf.ft), Then turn up
bearing bore using tool 288089. Pre-lubricate appropriate tab. Pre-lubricate bearings using
bearing using new compressor oil. new compressor oil.
c) Blow through oil jets in bearing spacer (35), j) Position complete Duplex bearing (3) on shaft
using a low pressure air supply, ensuring all (5). Press bearing to meet spacers, using tool
oil jets are clear. Position spacer ensuring that (288092). Secure bearings with lock nut (4)
oil hole in spacer face is towards installed and tighten using tool (288087) and a torque
bearing (31), and gently tap spacer into bore of 549 Nm (405 lbf.ft). Pre-lubricate bearings
against bearing. using new compressor oil.
d) Fit circlip (36) into gearbox bearing bore k) Lightly grease ‘O’ ring (7) and fit into the input
groove to retain bearing (31) and spacer (35), shaft seal (6). Carefully slide seal over shaft
ensuring that circlip gap is at bottom of bore. (5) ensuring ‘O’ ring is not damaged on the
e) Position input casing (13) with input side
uppermost. Press in the deep groove ball l) Fit bearing outer race spacer (9) into input
bearing (1) using tool (288091), ensuring that casing bearing bore, followed by the wave
etched ‘V’ on outer diameter of matched springs (18). Ensure that wave springs are
bearing set points down towards drive gear ‘nested’ correctly.
(25). m) Lightly grease ‘O’ ring (8) and fit around
Warning: When carrying out step 6, ensure labyrinth seal (19). Carefully slide seal into
adequate protective clothing is worn position on input shaft (5), ensuring that
before handling the heated bearing race. angled drilling will point towards oil sump.
Secure seal with four screws (23) and
DL051AAA 197
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washers (24), diagonally tighten using a 12.12 Oil Pressure Relief Valve
torque of 56 Nm (41 lbf.ft).
n) Remove assembly from vice and remove
support fixture. Degrease retaining plate
capscrews (34) and apply Loctite 222. Fit
retaining plate (32), secure using capscrews
(34) and washers (33). Torque tighten to 56
Nm (41 lbf.ft). 12
o) Fit two dowels to input casing (13) (tapered 11
end downwards), until plain ends are flush
with joint face. 10
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Fig. 12.57 - Pinion Locknut Tool - 1st Stage Air End 288097
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Fig. 12.58 - Pinion Locknut Tool - 2nd Stage Air End 288098
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CompAir Appendix 1 - The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 13
Fig. 13.1 - P & I Diagram for D55-D150 Air Cooled - Current Machines
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13 Appendix 1 - The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 CompAir
212 DL051AAA
CompAir Appendix 1 - The Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 13
SM 1046
Fig. 13.2 - P & I Diagram for D55-D150 Air Cooled - Early Machines
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14 Appendix 2 - Commissioning Checklist Form CompAir
214 DL051AAA
Commissioning Check List – D-Series Air Cooled
Engineer's Signature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
This form must be completed and returned to CompAir AfterMarket Dept. at Redditch.
Please make 2 copies of this form. Copy 1: Customer – Copy 2: Commissioning Engineer.