F Noa (500) /Dsssb/Cc-Ij2019/ 3938-44 Dated:20/03/2019: Ph-Oh & PH-VH)

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F.NoA (500)/DSSSB/CC-Ij2019/ 3938-44 Dated:20/03/2019



1. The DSSSB, vide its advertisement No. 04/2017 had advertised 1394
vacancies (UR-733, OBC-341, SC-177, ST-143 including PH-OH-21
and PH-VH-21) for the post of Assistant Teacher (Primary) under post
code 89/17, in Dte. Of Education, GNCTD.

2. The marks obtained by 71912 candidates, who duly appeared in

computer based Test/examination held on 06 & 07 Oct 2018 and 10,
11, 14 & 29 Nov. 2018 have been uploaded on Board's website.
Candidates can view their marks (Section wise and total, both) by logging
into their account in OARS module on www.dsssbonline.nic.in.

3. Shortlisting is being made on the basis of marks obtained in Tier-I

examination (Objective-MCQ) for 200 marks. Candidate must has
to qualify in Section A & B separately, as per minimum qualifying
marks in their category (UR/OBC ISC/ST IPH/ExSM). Further,
final merit is being prepared on the basis of aggregate marks of
both the sections A & B.

4. Based on the performance in the examination, candidates, as detailed

below, have been provisionally allowed to upload e-dossiers subject to
attaining minimum qualifying marks and correctness of the information
furnished by the candidates in their online application forms:-

Vacancies UR OBC SC ST *Incl. *Incl.

1394 733 341 177 142 21 21
*(incl. PH-OH & PH-VH)
Cut off marks (out of 118.62 110.40 104.69 86.30 102.17 86.18
200) for e-dossier
purpose onlv

5. Kindly note that the e-dossier link will be activated to only those
candidates who are in the consideration zone of selection.

6. All the candidates who have been shortlisted for falling in the
consideration zone of selection MUSTupload their all requisite / applicable
documents in the said link in the stipulated time.
7. The e-dossier link shall be kept open for a period of 10 days w.e.f
26/03/2019 to 04/04/2019. The candidate uploading e-dossier should
ensure that he/she fulfils all the eligibility. criteria/all essential
qualifications as per RRs for the post as on" the cut-off date i.e
31.01.2018. The above shortlisted candidates are also being separately
informed through, SMS and E-mail, on their registered mobile number and

Pagelof3 .,
E-mail Id. If, any candidate fails to upload e-dossier during the
above said period his/her candidature will be rejected and no
further opportunity for uploading e-dossier will be given on
whatsoever ground.
S. The candidates who were allowed provisionally, their e-dossiers
are being called but their candidature will be considered subject to
outcome of their pending court cases.

9. Mere asking the candidate for uploading documents in the e-

dossier module does not confer him/her right to selection to the
applied post. Final selection will be made purely on the basis of
merit against the notified vacancies, provided the candidate
falling in the zone of consideration fulfils all the required eligibility
conditions. It is reiterated that if the candidate fails to upload
his/her documents on or before the date as mentioned above
he/she will not be given any further opportunity for uploading e-
dossier on whatsoever ground and his/her candidature will be
treated as cancelled.

10.While every care has been taken in preparing the list of shortlisted
candidates, DSSSB reserves the right to rectify errors and omissions if
any, detected at any later stage.
11.The reservation benefits under OBC category have been provided to only
those candidates who have declared in their online application forms
against the column "Caste Certificate Issuing State" as "Delhi".

12.The above shortlisting of candidates for calling of e-dossier for the

post of Assistant Teacher (Primary) under post code-S9/17 in Dte.
Of Education is subject to outcome of various pending courts cases
( details of which are as under) and other related court cases, if

OA NO.-354/2018 OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.-

3650/2018 358/2018 302/2018 304/2018 289/2018
"OA No.-334/2018 MA - OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.-
1801/2018 & MA No. 331/2018" 291/2018 328/2018 265/2018 338/2018
OA No.-997/2018 OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- "OA No.-1738/2018
1678/2018 1573/2018 1581/2018 MA-4052/20 18"
OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA NO.-
1751/2018 1709/2018 1558/2018 1603/2018 1730/2018 1934/2018
"OA No.-1916/2018 OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- OA No.-
MA-4041/20 18" 2004/2018 2266/2018 2140/2018 4287/2018
"OA No.- "OA No.- O.A. OA No.- OA No.- OA No.-
2294/2018 MA 2214/2018 NO.306/2018 2342/2018 1623/2018 2494/2018
No.-2643/20 18"
OA No.- OA No.- OA No.- -- -- --
2163/2018 MA 364/2018 4334/2018
No.-2441/20 18 MA No.- MA No.-
MA No.- 2480/2018 4923/2018

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i3.This issues with the prior approval of the Competent Authority.~

F.No.4 (500 )/DSSSB/CC- 1/2019/ 3938-44 Dated: 20/03/2019
Copy to:-
1. PS to Chairperson, DSSSB.
2. PS to COE, DSSSB.
3. The Director, Dte. of Education, GNCTD.
4. Joint Secretary to Hon'ble LG, Rajniwas, Delhi.
5. SO to CS, s" Level, Delhi Secretariat, Delhi-ll0002.
6. System Analyst, DSSSB with the request to upload notice on Board's
7. AD planning for information.

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