Standard Terminology of
Structural Clay Products1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C 43; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original
adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A superscript
epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
C 43 – 03a
extrusion, n—shaping of brick by pushing plastic clay or shale webs, n—the partitions dividing tile or hollow brick into cells.
through a die opening that forms the peripheral dimensions
DISCUSSION—The column of extrudate is then cut into sections to absorption, n—weight of water picked up by a clay masonry
provide the third dimension of the brick. Water is added to the clay or unit during immersion at prescribed conditions expressed in
shale in sufficient quantities to permit laminar flow through the relation to the dry weight of the unit.
extrusion machine. The consistency of the extrudate may vary from stiff
and capable of supporting several times its weight to soft and DISCUSSION—Two conditions of immersion are designated in stan-
deformable under slight loads. dards relating to brick: 24 h in room temperature (60–86°F
(15.5–30°C)) water or 5 h in boiling water. (Different time intervals are
fired bond, n—bond developed between particulate constitu- specified for structural tile and other products.) The resulting absorp-
ents of brick solely as the result of the firing process. tions are termed cold water absorption and boiling water absorption.
Absorption values are used in brick and tile standards as one factor
DISCUSSION—The bond may result from fusion or melting of one or in classifying these products into durability grades. Absorptions are
more constituents of the composition or the surface of particles. Other indicators of the extent of firing during manufacture as well as being
thermal mechanisms such as sintering and interparticle reaction may be indicators of durability.
responsible for the bond.
The higher the heat treatment, the greater the extent of bonding and impervious, adj—describes the state of having obtained that
consequently the greater the developed strength and the lower the degree of vitrification evidenced visually by resistance to
resulting porosity. The bond development should be sufficient to penetration of a specified dye.
provide the specified strength, porosity, and durability for any particular initial rate of absorption, n—a measure of the suction of
water upward into a dry brick from a bed face during one
firing, v—process of heating the material to elevated tempera- minute of exposure.
tures. DISCUSSION—Initial rate of absorption (IRA) is a distinct property
DISCUSSION—The temperatures are usually in excess of 1706°F that offers different information from absorption. It is expressed as
(930°C). The extent of firing is a function of both time and temperature. grams of water picked up in one minute by a net area of 30 in.2 (194
The firing develops the inter-particulate bond, the strengths, the pore cm2).
structure, and the color of the product. The extent of firing should be Initial rate of absorption is one factor influencing the quality of bond
sufficient to produce the levels of these properties required by the between brick and mortar. It is used in brick standards to recommend
specifications for the particular product. construction practices for enhancing mortar to brick bonding.
C 43 – 03a
roughened finish, n—the surface texture resulting when die fireproofing tile, n—tile for use as a protection for structural
surfaces are broken by mechanical means, such as wire members against fire.
cutting or wire brushing. furring tile, n—tile for lining the inside of walls and carrying
salt glaze, n—the surface feature resulting when faces have a no superimposed loads.
lustrous glazed finish from the thermochemical reaction of header tile, n—tile designed to provide recesses for brick
the silicates of the clay body with vapors of salt or header units in masonry faced walls.
chemicals. loadbearing tile, n—tile for use in masonry constructions
sand finish, n—the surface feature resulting when faces have designed to carry superimposed loads. See Specification
sand applied either to the clay column in the extrusion C 34.
process for appearance purposes or as the lubricant to the nonloadbearing tile, n—tile for use in masonry constructions
molds in the molding process. carrying no superimposed loads. See Specification C 56.
slip, n—a suspension of clay and mineral particles in a water partition tile, n—tile for use in building interior partitions,
medium applied to a ceramic body that, when fired, may subdividing areas into rooms, or similar constructions, and
function as a glaze or an engobe. carrying no superimposed loads.
smooth finish, n—the surface texture resulting when faces are side-construction tile, n—tile designed to receive its compres-
not altered or marked in the extrusion process, but are left as sive stress at right angles to the axes of the cells.
formed by the die. structural clay facing tile, n—tile designed for use in interior
through-body color, n—the range of surface color obtained and exterior unplastered walls, partitions or columns. See
when units without materials added to the surfaces for Specification C 212.
appearance purposes are fired. structural clay tile, n—hollow burned-clay masonry building
units with parallel cells or cores or both.
acid-resistant brick, n—brick suitable for use in contact with
chemicals, usually in conjunction with acid-resistant mor- batten lugs, n—protrusions on the underside of tile designed
tars. See Specification C 279. to engage over the upper edge of tiling battens.
brick, n—a solid masonry unit of clay or shale, usually formed clay roof tile, n—a solid unit of clay or shale, or both, formed
into a rectangular prism while plastic and burned or fired in into any of a range of generally rectangular planar shapes
a kiln. Brick is a ceramic product. while plastic and fired in kiln. Clay roof tile is a ceramic
building brick, n—brick for building purposes not especially product. See Specification C 1167.
produced for texture or color (formerly called common head lap, n—(1) the distance between the lower (nose) edge of
brick). See Specification C 62. an overlapping tile and the upper edge of the lapped unit in
facing brick, n—brick made especially for facing purposes; the course immediately below; (2) for shingle tile only—the
see Specification C 216. distance between the lower (nose) edge of an overlapping
shingle tile and the upper edge of the lapped unit in the
DISCUSSION—Facing brick is produced from selected clays and is
available in typical face sizes, various colors, and in smooth, fine, second course below.
medium, and coarse textures. DISCUSSION—The head lap and side lap specified with a particular tile
floor brick, n—smooth, dense brick, highly resistant to abra- form the basis for determining area coverage of the specific design and
the computation of the number of units required to cover a given area
sion, used as finished floor surfaces. See Specification of roof. Tile is specified and sold on the basis of number of units
C 410. required to cover one roofing square, that is, 100 ft.2(9.29 m2) of roof.
hollow brick, n—a cellular masonry unit made from clay or
shale and kiln-fired to produce designated properties; see high profile tile, n—tile having a rise to width ratio greater
Specification C 652. than 1:4.
hip and ridge tile, n—tile designed for application to the hip
DISCUSSION—Hollow brick have larger percentages of void areas than or ridge of a roof.
permissible with solid brick. See Specification C 62 and Specification
C 216.
interlocking tile, n—tile with a system of ribs or grooves
enabling the lateral joining of adjacent tiles in the same
paving brick, n—brick made to provide the wearing surface of course with the overlocking edge of one tile covering the
highways, streets, driveways, walkways, patios, and similar underlocking edge of another forming the side lap.
applications. See Specifications C 902 and C 1272.
DISCUSSION—In some tile designs, provision is also made for inter-
sewer brick, n—low absorption, abrasive-resistant brick in- locking in the overlapping area of the head lap.
tended for use in drainage structures. See Specification C 32.
specially-shaped brick, n—a brick manufactured to a basic length, n—the maximum dimension of the tile measured
shape of other than a rectangular prism. parallel to the water channels or perpendicular to the eave of
the roof.
STRUCTURAL CLAY TILE low profile tile, n—tile having a rise to width ratio equal to, or
end-construction tile, n—tile designed to receive its compres- less than 1:4.
sive stress parallel to the axes of the cells.
C 43 – 03a
nail hole, n—an appropriately sized opening such that tile shall of the tile measured perpendicular to the roof surface as
not be fractured by the fastener and fixing process used to installed.
attach the tile to the roof deck. side lap, n—the distance by which the side edge of one tile
non-interlocking tile, n—tile without restrictive ribs, grooves, overlaps the side edge of an adjacent tile in the same course;
or channels at the side lap or head lap. for interlocking tile this corresponds to the width of that part
nose, n—the lower visible edge of tile as applied on the roof. of the tile that contains the ribs, grooves, or channels which
nose lugs, n—projections on the underside of the nose of each provide for interlocking. (See Discussion under head lap.)
tile contoured to fit into the main water courses of the tile thickness, n—a measurement of the cross section of the tile
immediately below, inhibiting the entry of wind-driven rain. made perpendicular to its surface.
profile, n—the contour of the top surface of the tile when width, n—the maximum dimension of the tile measured
viewed from the nose end. perpendicular to the length.
rise, n—the maximum dimension of the cross-sectional profile
Committee C15 has identified the location of the following changes to this standard since C 43–03 that may
impact the use of this standard.
(1) In Section 3.1, the term 9natural finish9 was deleted and
9through-body color9, with a similar definition, was added.
Committee C15 has identified the following selected changes to this standard
since C 43 – 02 that may impact the use of this standard.
(1) In 3.1, under “Surface Features” the definitions of terms for use for appearance purposes.
various finishes were revised to identify them as surface (5) Terminology for “bed surface,” “brick face,” and “exposed
features. finish” was removed from 3.1, Terms and Definitions.
(2) In 3.1, terminology for “impervious” was revised to (6) In 3.1, the definitions of terms containing more than one
indicate the use of a specific dye. sentence were revised to identify the remaining content as
(3) In 3.1, the definition of “natural finish” was revised to Discussion.
exclude all applied surface treatments. (7) In 3.1, a definition for “coated finish” was added under the
(4) In 3.1, the definition of “sand finish” was revised to clarify heading “Surface Features.”
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website