Educational Management: Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah

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EM 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

Educational Management

The Influence of School Culture, Prosperity and Job Satisfaction on

Primary School Teacher Performance

Anisa Kusuma Wahdati 1, Achmad Slamet2, Noor Hudallah2

SD Islam Takhassus Fawatihul Husna Pegandon, Indonesia
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Article History: Teacher performance will be optimal, if it id supported by school culture,
History Articles: prosperity and teacher job satisfaction. The low productivity of teachers is
Recived 10thMarch suspected by the monotonous school culture, lack of prosperity resulting in
2019 teacher dissatisfaction. This research was conducted to determine the influence
Accepted 31th July of school culture and prosperity on job satisfaction and the influence of school
2019 culture, prosperity and job satisfaction on teacher performance. This study uses
Published 23th primary data through the distribution of questionnaires to respondents. The
December 2019 sample in the study consists of 62 respondents. The data obtained is processed
using descriptive analysis and quantitative statistical analysis. Quantitative
analysis uses multiple regression analysis. The results of the regression analysis
show that the direct influence of prosperity on performance is 0.044. The
School Culture,
indirect influence of prosperity variables on performance through job
Prosperity, satisfaction was obtained 0.233. Direct influence on performance is -0,356. The
Satisfaction, Teacher indirect influence of school culture on performance (0.136) is greater than the
Performance direct influence of school culture on performance (-0.356). It means that job
satisfaction mediates the influence of school culture on work performance and
satisfaction mediating prosperity towards performance. It shows that the need
for an increase in school culture, prosperity and job satisfaction significantly
influences teacher performance, both individually and collectively. It shows
that to improve teacher performance there needs to be a school culture,
prosperity and job satisfaction.

© 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

Correspondence Address : p-ISSN 2252-7001
Jl. AMD Pegandon Kendal, 51357, Indonesia
e-ISSN 2502-454X
E-mail: [email protected]
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149


The quality of education in Indonesia is conditions of each school, must obey the same
resulted through a continuous learning process instructions of implementation and technical
with various related elements that start from instructions from the supervisor. Schools have
teachers, students, curriculum, facilities, not been free to innovate and show initiatives to
government and society. Looking at the be different from other schools while remaining
Republic of Indonesia Minister of National based on the vision of education in general.
Education Regulation Number 63 of 2009 Based on the results of observations and
concerning the Education Quality Assurance interviews on Saturday, June 23, 2018 in several
System, where the main goal of education elementary schools that are members of the area
quality assurance is the high intelligence of of Gajah Mada, Pegandon, Kendal Regency, it
human life and the Indonesian nation will be is known that teacher performance is low, which
realized if the quality of education is good. can be identified through service orientation or
There are some variables that affect the obedience, discipline, and employee cooperation
quality of education, one of them is teacher in work, just as there are still some employees
performance. Teacher performance who are late, lack of preparation when the bell
improvement will be obtained by various ways changes lessons, there are even teachers who go
to achieve educational goals that can be home early. Teachers are less proactive about
achieved if the principal is able to create an changes in education policies (eg about the new
atmosphere that supports the improvement of curriculum). There are still many teachers who
the quality of education in this case the school have not used learning media when teaching.
culture. There are still many teachers who stutter on
As stated by Zamroni (2011: 111), the technology, it illustrates that they have not
school culture includes patterns of values, wanted to access technological progress.
principles, traditions and habits that are formed The low performance of teachers is
in the long journey of the school, developed by identified because of the lack of satisfaction and
the school for a long time and become a prosperity obtained during their work. The most
principle and is believed by all school people so distinctive thing and often the main problem is
as to encourage the emergence of attitudes and the factor regarding the level of compensation in
behaviors that characterize the behavior of which it relates to the level of prosperity and the
school members. It is in line with Ansar & feasibility of living labor in an institution.
Masaong (2011: 187) who suggest that school Prosperity is important in achieving the
culture will affect the way a work is done and success of a worker. Prosperity consists of
how school members behave. physical well-being and psychological well-
As a distinctive character adopted by all being. Physical well-being is related to bodily
members of the school, school culture can be a well-being, while psychological well-being is
guide that provides a framework and foundation related to what individuals feel in carrying out
both in the form of ideas, enthusiasm, ideas, and their daily activities (Annisa & Zukarnain, 2013:
ideals that direct the performance of teachers to 52).
achieve school goals and the quality of Permendikbud Number 8 of 2017 states
education that is expected. that limitation of the maximum use of School
The fact shows that educational Operational Assistance (BOS) funds to pay
organizations, especially schools, have not monthly honorariums for honorary teachers /
produced qualified output as the effect of the education staff is 15% of total BOS received,
lack of quality in learning processes. School while in schools held by the community a
culture is still monotonous because all schools maximum of 50% of the total BOS received.
without taking into account the situation and From the regulation, the average school pays
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

teachers and non-PNS education staff The population in this study were
honorariums of 350,000 per month. This elementary school teachers in the Gajah Mada
amount is certainly far from the Regional group at the UPTD Education in Pegandon
Minimum Wage (UMR) of the region. Even District, Kendal Regency, which consisted of 7
though their education qualifications are already schools. Namely Pegandon Elementary School,
undergraduate level. Penanggulan Elementary School, Gubugsari
Even though honorary staff, the teachers Elementary School 1, Gubugsari Elementary
have a work spirit that is not much different School 2, Pucangrejo Elementary School and
from PNS (Government Civil Servant) teachers. Fawatikhul Husna Islamic Integrated School.
Even the reality in the field of honorary teachers The variables used as the object of this
gets more work assignments outside their main study are four variables, two independent
task of teaching. variables, namely school culture (X1), prosperity
The teacher is the most influential (X2). The dependent variable is the teacher's
component in creating quality education performance (Z). Satisfaction (Y) is a mediating
processes and outcomes. Therefore any efforts to or intervening variable between school culture,
improve the quality of education will not prosperity, and teacher performance.
contribute significantly without being supported The measuring instrument that can be
by professional and quality teachers. With the used in testing the validity of a questionnaire is
hope that the teacher is able to show that he or the number of correlation results between the
she is able to produce good performance in order scores of each statement item with the total
to create quality education. score which is the number of each item score.
The objectives of this study are: (1) The technique used is the Correted Item Total
Analyzing the influence of School Culture and Correlation Method using SPSS 21. The value
Prosperity on Teacher Job Satisfaction. (2) used is in the Correted Item Total Correlation
Analyzing the influence of School Culture, column, the value is the calculated r value which
Teacher Prosperity and Job Satisfaction on will be compared with r table. Criteria in testing
Teacher Performance both Directly and validity if r count > r table, then the
Indirectly. It is hoped that this research will questionnaire item is declared "valid". If r count
produce a thesis on the Influence of School < r table, then the questionnaire item is declared
Culture, Prosperity and Job Satisfaction on the "invalid". The table of critical values for the
Performance of Elementary School Teachers. correlation product moment for a sample of 62
This research is expected to benefit institutions respondents with a significance level of 5% is
and the development of science. As input and 0.250. Validity test results show that the
contribution to the mind for schools in questionnaire items are all valid.
improving teacher performance, culture of In this study the reliability test was carried
school culture creation, prosperity and job out by the Cronbach Alpha method. In general,
satisfaction so that the learning process can run it was considered reliable if the Cronbach Alpha
smoothly. value was 6 0.6 (Nunnaly in Ghozali, 2009: 48).
The reliability test of the instrument in this study
METHOD was conducted on 62 respondents. Test
requirements analysis with normality test, using
This research is explanatory research that P-Plot that data spreads and follows a diagonal
will prove the causal relationship between line so that it can be stated that the data is
independent variables, namely school culture normally distributed.
and prosperity, while intervening variables, Multicollinearity test that it is known that
namely satisfaction and dependent variables, school culture, prosperity and satisfaction have a
namely teacher performance. tolerance value higher than 0.10 and the results
of the calculation of VIF values are smaller than
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

10. Therefore it can be said that there is no be explained by independent variables of school
multicollinearity problem in the model. <10 so culture (X1), prosperity (X2) and job satisfaction
that the data is stated free from multicollinearity. (Y1). While the remaining 31.9% is explained by
Then heterocedasticity test that data other variables that are not proposed or
spreads and does not form a certain pattern so explained in this research model.
that the data is declared free from
heteroscedasticity. Test the relationship linearity RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
using Scatter The data plot spreads and does not
form a certain pattern so that the data is declared The results of the regression analysis with
free from heteroscedasticity. Job Satisfaction variables to test the influence of
Regression analysis was carried out in the school culture and prosperity on job satisfaction
first two ways, namely direct regression to are as follows:
determine the influence of principals' academic,
education and training (training) and teacher Table 1.Regression Equations With Dependent
professional competence on work motivation, of Job Satisfaction Variables
and the second was regression analysis with
mediating variables (path analysis) carried out
with the aim to determine the influence of
school principals' academic supervision and
education and training and teacher professional
competence on teacher performance by Dependent Variable: Job Satisfaction
mediating work motivation. The coefficient of
determination (R2) or adjusted R square is used Based on table 1. the regression equation
to find out how the influence of independent can be as follows:
variables on the dependent variable (dependent Y1= β1X1 + β2X2
variable). The coefficient of determination is Y1= 0.297 X1 + 0.506 X2
between zero and one. The greater the value of
the coefficient of determination shows the more School culture has a positive influence on job
dominant influence of the independent variable satisfaction.
on the dependent variable, which means that the Prosperity has a positive influence on job
model used in this study is getting better. The satisfaction. From the magnitude of the
results of the analysis obtained the coefficient of regression coefficient it can be seen that school
determination as follows: culture (X1) changes by one and the value of
a) The results of regression estimation other variables remains, then the variable value
calculations obtained by the value of the of job satisfaction (Y) will change by 0.297 in the
coefficient of determination (Adjusted R square) same direction. It shows a positive influence
of 0.439 means that 43.9% changes in the between School Culture and Job Satisfaction
dependent variable job satisfaction (Y) can be (Y), so if School Culture is improved, it will
explained by independent variables of school increase Job Satisfaction.
culture (X1) and prosperity (X2). While the If the value of the prosperity variable (X2)
remaining 56.1% is explained by other variables changes by one and the other variable values
that are not proposed or explained in this remain, then the value of the variable job
research model. satisfaction (Y) will change by 0.506 in the same
b) The results of the regression estimation direction. It proves that there is a positive
calculation obtained by the value of the influence between prosperity (X2) and job
coefficient of determination (Adjusted R square) satisfaction (Y), so if prosperity is increased, it
of 0.681 means that 68.1% changes in the will increase job satisfaction.
dependent variable teacher performance (Z) can
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

The influence of school culture (X1) on teacher job satisfaction such as the principal
teacher job satisfaction (Y), based on table 1 the managerial performance factors, motivation,
value of school culture significance of 0.006 is and knowledge of communication.
less than 0.05 and the beta coefficient is positive
at 0.297. Table 2. Regression Analysis Results
From the results of the data analysis (Influence of School Culture, Prosperity, and
proves that the school culture has a positive and Satisfaction on Performance)
significant influence on teacher job satisfaction
in the Gajah Mada group in the Education and
Culture UPTD of Pegandon District. Teacher
job satisfaction will increase if the school culture
can be run well.
The influence of prosperity on job
satisfaction, based on table 1, the significance
value of prosperity is 0,000 less than 0.05 and
the beta coefficient is 0.506. So the second Dependent Variable: Teacher
hypothesis which says "prosperity affects teacher Performance.Based on table 2 it can be
job satisfaction" is acceptable. concluded that the regression equation is as
Influence of School Culture and follows:
Prosperity on Job Satisfaction based on table 1 Y2 = β3X1 + β4X2 + β5Y1
the influence of prosperity on job satisfaction, Z = -0,356 X1 + 0,191 X2 + 0,461 Y
prosperity significance value of 0,000 less than 1) School culture has a negative influence on
0.05 and beta coefficient worth 0.506. From the performance.
results of hypothesis testing (t test) the value of 2) Property has a positive influence on
school culture significance to job satisfaction of performance.
0.006 is less than 0.05 and beta coefficient is 3) Job Satisfaction has a positive influence on
positive at 0.297. performance.
The results of these studies are in line with If the variable value of job satisfaction (Y)
Ahmad Sholekhan's (2014) research that changes by one and the value of another variable
Prosperity or prosperity and job satisfaction remains, then the value of the variable teacher
affect employee loyalty. Similarly, the Robirodia performance (Z) will change by 0.461 in the
(2016) study that prosperity (school) and school same direction. This shows a positive influence
culture (school culture) on job satisfaction between job satisfaction (Y) and teacher
teachers have positive determination. performance (Z), so if job satisfaction is
Seeing that the school culture has a increased it will improve teacher performance.
positive and significant influence on teacher job As the Miftahudi (2011) study of
satisfaction, it is necessary to try the school to organizational culture (school culture) proved to
maintain and create a positive school culture, have a positive influence on job satisfaction,
especially those related to the social organizational culture proved to have a positive
environment, because the social environment influence on employee performance, and job
such as the relationship and treatment of the satisfaction proved to have a positive influence
principal with the teacher, the teacher's on employee performance.
relationship, committees with school personnel, From the magnitude of the regression
and the relationship between the surrounding coefficient it can be seen that the School Culture
community and school personnel are still less variable (X1) changes by one and the value of
than the expectations of the researcher so that other variables remains, then the value of the
they need to be improved. For further research, teacher performance variable (Z) will change by
it is expected that other factors that influence -0,356 in the same direction. This shows that
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

there is a negative influence between school says "prosperity affects teacher performance" is
culture (X1) and teacher performance (Z) so that acceptable. This means that if the prosperity
if the school culture is improved, it does not variable increases with the assumption of school
necessarily improve teacher performance. culture variables and permanent job satisfaction,
The value of school culture significance the teacher's performance will increase.
for teacher performance is 0,000 less than 0.05 The results of the analysis prove that well-
and the beta coefficient is -0,356. So the third being has a positive and significant influence on
hypothesis which reads "school culture the teacher's performance in the Gajah Mada in
influences teacher performance" is acceptable. Education and Culture UPTD in Pegandon
Means that school culture influences teacher District, Kendal Regency. This is because most
performance. teachers in the Gajah Mada Group in the
In the field of business management that Education and Culture UPTD in Pegandon
can be adopted by the world of education, the District, Kendal Regency, although most have
strong influence between corporate culture not been certified but can obtain other income
(organization) on performance is expressed by beyond the basic salary of the School
Heskett dalam (Wibowo, 2013: 364) that Operational Assistance (BOS) while the private
corporate culture can have a significant impact teacher gets a salary from BOS funds and fees
on long-term performance. Opinion Wibowo from the Foundation . Most female teachers
(2011: 376) "Organizational culture can (66%) who only earn a living are only for
influence the performance of human resources in additional purposes and most teachers have
a better direction." The above opinion explains worked for more than 6 years. They work
that teachers who have good performance will already familiar with their respective main tasks
contribute more to achieving school goals and functions.
towards a better direction. If the organizational The hypothesis that tests the influence of
culture will be a driver in improving teacher job satisfaction on teacher performance, based
performance. on table 2 the significance value of job
Employees in this case the teacher who satisfaction of 0,000 is smaller than 0.05 and the
has understood the overall values of the beta coefficient is 0.461. So the fifth hypothesis
organization will make these values as an which reads "Job satisfaction affects the
organizational personality. These values and performance of teachers" is accepted. It means
beliefs will be manifested into their daily that job satisfaction variables affect teacher
behavior at work, so that they will become performance.
individual performance. Supported by existing Job satisfaction can be defined as a
human resources, systems and technology positive feeling about someone's work which is
strategies and logistics, each good individual the result of an evaluation of its characteristics
performance will lead to good organizational (Robbins, 2009). While performance is job
performance. Thus the school culture supports shows. Performance can also be interpreted as
teacher performance work performance or implementation of work or
The results of this study support previous results of performance.
studies by Moh.Kholil (2014) who found that The results of the analysis prove that job
school culture had a positive influence on satisfaction has a positive and significant
performance. When the school culture is good, influence on teacher performance in the Gajah
the performance will be better. Mada Group in the UPTD of Education and
The next hypothesis examines the Culture in Pegandon District, Kendal Regency.
influence of prosperity on teacher performance From the presentation of the results of the
based on table 2 the significance value of analysis supporting previous studies, conducted
prosperity of 0,000 is smaller than 0.05 and the by Silalahi, Daharnis, & Alizamar (2016) which
beta coefficient is 0.044. So the hypothesis that showed a significant influence of job satisfaction
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

on teacher performance. That is, the higher the The results of the analysis prove that job
job satisfaction, the higher the teacher's satisfaction mediates the influence on teacher
performance. Likewise in the study of Hellen performance because the indirect influence of
Vera Simanjuntak (2018) which showed school culture on performance is greater than the
satisfaction giving a positive and significant direct influence of school culture on
influence on performance. performance. School culture directly influences
It shows that without an increase in job teacher performance. This proves that the
satisfaction, for example the provision of performance of the teachers of the Gajah Mada
salaries, rewards, gifts or rewards, still teachers Group in the UPTD of Education and Culture
of the Gajah Mada Group in the UPTD of in Pegandon District, Kendal Regency is better
Education and Culture in Pegandon District, by mediating work satisfaction as a result of
Kendal Regency showed good performance. school culture. Job satisfaction creates a sense of
Influence of School Culture on Teacher security and pleasure in the work environment
Performance Mediated at Job Satisfaction. The so that teacher performance increases.
mediation influence test in this study uses the If β2 x β5> β4, then job satisfaction (Y)
Path Analysis method, the path test is used to mediates the influence of prosperity (X2) on
determine whether there is a mediating influence teacher performance (Z). The results of testing
between the independent variables on the the mediation influence are shown in Figure 2
dependent variable and the mediation of the
third variable.
If β1 x β5> β3, then job satisfaction (Y)
mediates the influence of school culture (X1) on
teacher performance (Z). The results of testing
the mediation influence are shown in figure 1

Figure 2.The Influence of Prosperity on Teacher

Performance with Mediation of Job Satisfaction

The analysis figure 2 explains that the

direct influence on performance is 0.044. The
indirect influence of prosperity variables on
performance through job satisfaction is obtained
Figure 1. The Influence of School Culture on by prosperity calculation results of 0.506 X 0.461
Teacher Performance Mediated by Satisfaction = 0.233. From the results of the calculation, the
direct influence of prosperity on performance
The analysis above explains that the direct (0.044) is smaller than the indirect influence of
influence on performance is -0,356. The indirect prosperity on performance (0.233). The
influence of school culture variables on conclusion is that job satisfaction does not
performance through job satisfaction results in mediate prosperity towards performance.
the calculation of 0.297 X 0.461 = 0.136. From The results of the analysis prove that the
the results of these calculations the indirect direct influence of prosperity on teacher
influence of school culture on performance performance is greater than the indirect
(0.136) is greater than the direct influence of influence of prosperity on teacher performance.
school culture on performance (-0.356). The From the results of the job satisfaction analysis
conclusion is that job satisfaction mediates the mediating prosperity on the performance of the
influence of school culture on performance. teachers of the Gajah Mada Group in the UPTD

Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

of Education and Culture in Pegandon District, indirect influence of school culture on

Kendal Regency. The indirect influence of performance (0.136) is greater than the direct
prosperity on performance is better than the influence of school culture on performance (-
direct influence of prosperity on performance. 0.356). The conclusion is that job satisfaction
It proves that the performance of the mediates the influence of school culture on work
teachers of the Gajah Mada Group in the UPTD performance and satisfaction mediating
of Education and Culture in Pegandon District, prosperity toward performance.
Kendal Regency is very good because of the The results of this study indicate that
prosperity of each teacher without direct measured through satisfaction with salary,
influence of job satisfaction. prosperity in the self promotion, coworkers, superiors and work itself
and environment of the Gajah Mada Group in has been able to encourage employee
the UPTD of Education and Culture in the performance as measured by the quantity of
Pegandon District of Kendal Regency were able work, quality of work, knowledge of work,
to improve the quality of teacher performance. cooperation, completion of tasks, responsibilities
This is due to the teachers of the Gajah Mada and quality of personnel . Performance can arise
Group in the Education and Culture UPTD of from various factors in the organization,
Pegandon District, Kendal Regency, many of including because of the job satisfaction of
whom are undergraduates, group IV, certified employees and high organizational commitment
and have a long working period so that they are (Robbin and Judge, 2007).
responsible for their respective tasks without
direct influence of job satisfaction because CONCLUSION
educating is a heart call.
The conclusions from this study are: If the
school culture and prosperity are high, the
teacher's job satisfaction will also be high. If the
culture of the school is high but prosperity is low
then the teacher's performance will be low too. If
the school culture is low, but prosperity is high
then the teacher's performance will be low too. If
the school culture and teacher performance is
low then job satisfaction will also be low.
If the culture of high school, high
Figure 3.School Culture, Prosperity, Job
prosperity and high job satisfaction, then the
Satisfaction Affect Teacher Performance
teacher's performance will be high too. If the
culture of high school, prosperity is low but job
Based on the flow of the picture above can
satisfaction is high, then the teacher's
be obtained direct influence of prosperity on
performance will be low, If the culture of high
performance of 0.044. The indirect influence of
school, prosperity is high, but job satisfaction is
prosperity variables on performance through job
low then the teacher's performance will be low.
satisfaction results in the calculation of 0.506 x
If the school culture is low, but job satisfaction
0.461 = 0.233. From the results of the
and teacher prosperity are high, the teacher's
calculation of the indirect influence of prosperity
performance will be low. If the school culture,
on performance (0.233).
prosperity and job satisfaction are low, the
Direct influence on performance is -0,356.
teacher's performance will be low.
The indirect influence of school culture variables
Suggestions from this study should be the
on performance through job satisfaction results
Gajah Mada Group in the UPTD of the
in the calculation of 0.297 X 0.461 = 0.136.
Education and Culture Office of Pegandon
From the results of these calculations the
Subdistrict, Kendal Regency, starting to reduce
Anisa Kusuma Wahdati, Achmad Slamet, Noor Hudallah/ Educational Management 8 (2) (2019) 141 - 149

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