Snake Plant Insecticide
Snake Plant Insecticide
Snake Plant Insecticide
Chapter 1
Over the decades, antimicrobial agents are one of the most essential
synthetic drugs (Bhalodia, N.R and Shukla, V.L, 2011). With this, it is supposed
that the investigation of new drugs with lesser bacterial resistance is essential.
In fact, in the developed and developing countries in the world, the increase
treating health problems. As a matter of fact, 10 out of over 1,600 herbal plants
in the Philippines have been approved by the Department of Health through its
Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD) following the guideline for drug registration.
aromatic essential oil that kills photogenic bacteria. The Philippines is a country
with diverse flora and vast number of species, said to have curative properties.
the Philippines.
is known for its dark green compound leaves consisting orange rachis with
plant wherein its leaves contain chrysophanic acid which is used in treating
leaves also contain saponin, used to treat intestinal parasites. Moreover, its
flower is associated with its antifungal properties. Acapulco is the plant used in
this research in order to further discover if its leaf extract is effective in treating
bacteria that can be found in human skin. It can be the cause of some human
such as ointment, cream and soap provide a wise alternative to the expensive
available in our surrounding, especially in the rural areas. Its main medicinal
value is primarily for the management of fungal problems like athlete’s foot,
medical usage and has a long list of benefits. Acapulco is an erect, shrubby
legume with dark green compound leaves. Acapulco leaves have orange rachis
that 16-28leaflets. Acapulco produces an axis of golden yellow flower that has
The leaves contain chrysophanic acid. The leaves are reported to be sudorific,
diuretic and purgative, being used in the same manner as senna. The leaves
are commonly used for ringworm and other skin diseases. The leaves in
concoction are also used to treat bronchitis and asthma (Healing Wonder of
throughout tagalog. The plant is one of the family of leguminosae, along with
the expand about one to two yard extra tall. Its heavy twigs along with the
utilized to handle fungus infection, just like ringworm, scabies, as well as tinea
infection. Acapulco also contains saponin, any healthy laxative that attractive
Theoretical Framework
also, mainly due to the failure of modern medicine to provide effective treatment
parasites. The current emphasis of new drug discovery process from plants in
(Jachak, 2007).
Fabaceae. Its flower buds appear like yellow candles, each complete with a
flame thus, making it also known as Emperor’s Candle or Candle bush. In the
its flower buds which grow in a column and look like fat yellow candles each
complete with a flame. Its leaves, which fold together at night, are bilateral and
symmetrically opposed. The leaf extracts of the plant have been reported to
possess medicinal properties and used against ringworm, scabies, ulcers and
other skin diseases such as pruritis, eczema and itching. The leaves contain
pathogens have been widely carried out for Cassia alata Linn. Fuzellier et al.
(1982) found that aqueous extract from the leaves of Cassia alata and some of
Senna Alata, grows well in full sun in a wide range of soil, which remain
moisture adequately. The plant grows in waste places, often along ditches
between rice-field. The plant usually propagated by seed and distributed all
over the country up to 1,500 m above sea level; sometimes they are cultivated
Conceptual Framework
Acapulco leaf ethanol extraction and measurement of the Acapulco leaf using
well-diffusion assay
This study determined whether the Acapulco (Cassia alata Linn) has
2. What phytochemicals are present in the Acapulco leaf extract that shows
Research Hypothesis
This study aimed to find out the antimicrobial activities of Acapulco leaf
extract. The outcome of the findings in this research paper may provide insight
Community. This study may give knowledge to the community who are using
Acapulco leaves. Results from this research may provide insight on the benefit
Students. This study may provide preliminary study from the Acapulco leaves.
It may help them to develop ideas that enhances the present study and may
give other methods to strengthen its analyses and results. The methodology
used and other insight and from the collected citations had in the paper.
Tropical Medicine Researchers. They can use this study for any further
confirmations to clarify the outcome or otherwise use this for any related
Preliminary laboratory test and proper analysis of the study were done
Definition of Terms
Acapulco. The plant use to make extract for determining its antimicrobial
this bacterium in the human body may pose threat to the health.
chemical indicated in the standard protocol. color indications may confirm the
anticancer potential.
bacteria often cause skin infections but can cause pneumonia, heart valve
well as the control were placed in the hole in the agar; this study used agar-
Zone of Inhibition. The clear region around the assay with an antimicrobial
agent on the agar surface. The clear region is an indication of the absence, or
Chapter 2
present study.
Related literature
Otto (2007) Acapulco or cassia alata, especially its leaves is widely
on; bacteria, fungi and amoeba. Though it has been used blindly in treating
syphilis, the specific bacteria against which the leaves have been found to be
Escherichia coli.
Sennas act as purgatives and are similar to aloe and rhubarb in having
most of the year. The shrub grows up to 3–4 m tall, with leaves 50–80 cm long.
The flower looks like a yellow candle. It begins blooming in October and it has
a long blooming season, from autumn almost throughout the winter. The fruit
shaped like a straight pod is up to 25 cm long. The seed pods are dark brown
yellow flowers. Cassia alata is easy to grow from seed. It is a fast grower and
flowers in the first year. The plant is suspected of being poisonous to livestock
leaves found in the Western Ghats of India. The plant grows quickly to a height
of 6-12 ft and can live for many years. It has waxy yellow spikes on the tip of
each branch for which reason they are also known by the name candle bush
and seven golden candle sticks. The spikes elongates as the period of blossom
migrating butterflies feed on this plant. The entire plant has both internal and
external medicinal properties. Application of the crushed leaves is used for skin
diseases and the boiled one for treatment for high blood pressure, snake bites
internally the plant is used as remedy for asthma symptoms, weight loss and
most of the year. The shrub grows up to 3–4 m tall, with leaves 50–80 cm long.
The flower looks like a yellow candle. It begins blooming in October and it has
a long blooming season, from autumn almost throughout the winter. The fruit
shaped like a straight pod is up to 25 cm long. The seed pods are dark brown
yellow flowers. Cassia alata is easy to grow from seed. It is a fast grower and
flowers in the first year. The plant is suspected of being poisonous to livestock.
The above mentioned literatures are related to the present study since
a rod shaped and can form a tough, protective endospore, allowing it to tolerate
aerobe. B. subtilis is considered the best studied gram positive bacterium and
Prior to the process of sporulation the cells might become motile by producing
commonly found in soil. A member of the genus Bacillus, Bacillus subtilis has
though recent research has demonstrated that this is not strictly correct. It has
wounds, on extremities of the human body, in livestock and in soil (Earl et al.,
for human consumption, animal feed, fertilizer and an antibiotic substitute. The
The above mentioned literatures are related to the present study since
al., 2010; Klevens et al., 2007; Otto, 2010), is found on human skin, digestive
tracts, nares, livestock and surgical instrumentation (Iwase et al., 2010; Otto,
bona fide pathogen that has developed significant resistance against a variety
of antibiotics and is the cause of more fatalities in the USA than HIV/AIDS
proliferate in the host. The study described herein reveals that B. subtilis, a
niches and therefore a common but transient skin microbe (Ara et al., 2006),
can inhibit the growth of an epidemic S. aureus isolate and possess the ability
properties. Ultimately, the study indicates a utility for IMS in dynamic analysis
and in other animals. They the most cause of hospital acquired infection and
country causing major health issue. In addition the incidence of new strain the
MRSA staring are emerging in agricultural and domestic animals. In the race
a bacterium can only do what its genes allow. The publication of the first
staphylococcal whole genome sequence in 2001 paved the way for a greater
spread among S. aureus strain, also associated with certain clonal lineages.
while other have identified certain clones in more districted area. In order to
important to know and what are the carries of these bacteria to immediately
like cluster. It is belong to the family Staphylococcacae which affect human and
Forms of transmission are through direct contact with objects infected by this
nose, throat and skin. This type of gram-positive bacterium is one of the most
common causes of skin infection especially after surgery and injury. They are
They kill infection-fighting called phagocytes and survive within these cells.
children. Most staph skin infection are treated with antibiotics; however there
are some kind of staph that are resistant to particular antibiotics which make
ranges from mild to life threatening. It tends to contaminate the skin, frequently
causing abscesses and eczema. This may also go through the bloodstream
and infect the endocarditis and other sites of the body (Stanway, A., 2015).
The above mentioned literatures are related to the present study since
These are active compound which form colloidal solution in water that
of lipophilic sugar at the end gives them the ability to lower surface tension. It
On the other hand, there is no clear relationship between the plant origin
and the type of saponin, nor is there evidence that specific saponins are
associated with particular plants part (Vincken et al., 2007). But studies show
that saponins are stored in plants like vegetable, beans and herbs as a form of
chemical defense (Kathiruel 2016; Van Dyck et al., 2016). And yet saponins
are other soursce of saponin and these because a potential interest for the
body health and food industry (Elbandy et al., 2014). Triterpene saponins are
The above mentioned literatures are related to the present study since
Related Studies
aureus, the organism most widely encounter and undesirable of the human skin
flora. At a reduction time of 5 mins. The herbal soap made a 94.78% reduction
leaves are also known to be sudorific, diuretic and purgative, used to treat
the Philippines. The Philippine Council for Health Research and Development
(PCHRD) has helped develop the technology for a Akapulko herbal medicine
The essential oils, tannins and other compounds in senna possess anti-
microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and parasites. Chewing senna leaf like
tobacco can cure mouth infections and gingivitis. It also possesses mild
inflammatory properties, which can soothe internal and external swelling (Saba
Naaz, 2015).
The above mentioned studies are related to the present study since they
epithelial wound, on extremities of the human body, in livestock and in soil (Earl
et al., 2008).
substitute. The molecular mechanism by which these products work are poorly
The above mentioned studies are related to the present study since they
cultures. Since the most frequent bacteria isolated from acne patients were
suggested since the beginning of the last century( Shaheen, et al. 2011).
acne patients.
between two groups (P=0.3). In patient group, most of S. aureus isolates were
al. 2012).
role for S. aureus in acne vulgaris. This is in contrast to some studies which
pathogen (Mertz D., et al. 2009), with mortality rates ranging from 6% to 40 %
fast to the different environmental conditions (Onanuga A., et al. 2011). The
patients who were undergoing evaluation for acne, showed that 43%
The above mentioned studies are related to the present study since they
Chapter 3
population and sample, data gathering procedures, list of materials, tools and
frame, cost and production, research instrument, and statistical treatment used
Research Design
conducting a study with maximum control over factors that may interfere with
plan that describe how, when, and where data are to be collected and
against Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis and find its antimicrobial
Laguna. The said bacteria’s were used to determine the antimicrobial effect of
Acapulco leaves.
Before the proponent arrived at the stated subject of the study, the
Construction Procedure
for preparation of the plant extracts. Fresh or dried plant material can be used
as a source for the extraction. The basic principle is to cut the plant material to
finer particles, which increasing the surface area for extraction thereby
increasing the rate of extraction. The cut plant material were put in ethanol in a
volume double the weight of the cut leaves and left for five (5) days.
After the incubation time, the extract was filtered. The filtrate then dried
under rotary evaporator and redissolved in the ethanol determine and adjust
distilled water in a test tube and vigorously shaken for 10 minutes. Formation
Formation of foam
distilled water in a test tube and vigorously shaken for 10 minutes. Formation
The 40µl of broth subcultures of the test organisms were inoculated for
every 50ml LBA. The inoculum suspension were poured in the plates and
placed in a laminar flow hood of room temperature for extract against the two
aerobic condition.
Preparation of Planting/pouri
ng of the Drying of
the inoculum
inoculum plates
Time frame was used to have a good result in preparing the Acapulco
total 700
Table 4 shows above the cost production which included the quantity,
Research Instrument
In order for the researcher to gather and fulfill the information in the study
Statistical Treatment
The mean was used to know the average Measurement of the zone of
T-test was used to know the significant effect of Acapulco leaf extract
Chapter 4
In this chapter the result of the study from the experiment are presented,
analyzed the relations between each data collected and are interpreted to fully
Acapulco leaves.
Abbhi et. al (2011) for phytochemical analysis. Results were based on two
Saponin + + + + + +
(Froth Test)
2 21.3 14.33
3 22.3 16.67
(Zone of Inhibition)
ZOI ≥16mm. Susceptible
11mm. ≤ ZOI ≤15mm. Intermediately Susceptible
ZOI ≤ 10mm. Resistant
aureus 1582. The first trial has a mean of 22.3 and interpreted as
“Susceptible” for its level, the second trial has a mean of 21.3 and interpreted
as “Susceptible” for its level, the third trial has mean of 22.3 and interpreted
as “Susceptible” for its level, and have a final mean of 21.97 shows that the
indicator strain Bacillus subtilis 1679. The first trial has a mean of 19.67 and
interpreted as “Susceptible” for its level, the second trial has a mean of 14.33
and interpreted as “Intermediately Susceptible” for its level and the third trials
has a mean of 16.67, interpreted as “Susceptible” for its level, and have a final
mean of 16.89 shows that the mean level of antimicrobial property of Acapulco
leaf extract against Bacillus subtilis is beyond the range of zone of inhibition.
of inhibition.
Remarks Verbal Interpretation
(Zone of Inhibition)
ZOI ≥16mm. Susceptible Effective
11mm. ≤ ZOI ≤15mm. Intermediately Susceptible Moderately Effective
ZOI ≤ 10mm. Resistant Not Effective
Table 7 shows that the first indicator strains Staphylococcus aureus
1582 has a mean of 21.97 and standard deviation of 0.47, and interpreted as
“Susceptible” for its level. The second indicator strain Bacillus subtilis 1679
The weighted mean of 19.43 and standard deviation of 2.99 shows that
Bacillus subtilis.
Table 8 shows the computed t-value of 3.96 is beyond the critical t-value
Therefore, the null hypothesis stating “Acapulco leaf extract has no significant
Chapter 5
answer the following question; (1) What is the process of Acapulco leaves
extraction; (2)What phytochemicals are present in the Acapulco leaf extract that
conducted. Well diffusion assay method was used to assess the effect of the
The results reveal that the Acapulco ethanol extract can inhibit Bacillus
indicator strain Bacillus subtilis has a final mean of 16.89 and interpreted as
weighted mean of 19.43 and standard deviation of 2.99 it shows that level of
Bacillus subtilis
3.96 for its computed t-value which is beyond to its critical t-value of 2.92 with
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusion was drawn:
4. Use Acapulco leaf extract in making a product that can cure skin
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Published Studies
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selected herbs, 2016 ”, Laguna State Polytechnic University Sta Cruz
Main Campus.
Request Letter
I am hoping and patiently waiting for your participation. Thank you very
Respectfully yours,
Raquel P. Idian
Lot9 Blk9 Lynville East gate Phase 3
Camia St. Brgy. Calios, Sta. Cruz Laguna
Contact number: 09269222494
Email address: [email protected]