Antifungal Activity of Cassia Alata Linn
Antifungal Activity of Cassia Alata Linn
Antifungal Activity of Cassia Alata Linn
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Ermac, Rinest
Rama, Jenissa
Satera, Monalisa
shrub is named for its flower buds which grow in a column and look like fat
yellow candles each complete with a flame. Its leaves, which fold together
at night, are bilateral and symmetrically opposed. The leaf extracts of the
have been widely carried out for Cassia alata Linn. Fuzellier et al. (1982)
found that aqueous extract from the leaves of Cassia alata and some of its
(Candida albicans).
people who are not immunocompromised. Very rarely, the infection may
membranes may enter into the bloodstream and cause systemic Candida
infections. Candida infections can affect the esophagus with the potential
of becoming systemic, causing a much more serious condition, a
branched shrub found in a cool climate like near rivers. It can grow up to
15 feet tall, and has green alternate leaves, with even, pinnate leaflets.
The flowers are on a long pedicle with yellow color and bloom from the
bottom to the end. They have 4-5 petals. It is used worldwide as a cure
The juice from the leaves has been used as a cure for poisonous
bites and venereal eruptions. When mixed with lime juice, it has been
used for ringworm and other skin diseases (Quisumbilg 1978). It is used
as a remedy for skin diseases, like herpes and ringworms because of its
Its therapeutic efficacy against tinea versicolor was tested for the
indicating that the leaf extract can be reliably used as an herbal medicine
showed that 35% ethanolic extract from Cassia alata Linn leaves
Sylianco, 1992).
lotion in 1994.
Like any drugs, the Acapulco extract was also tested for its side
effects. Dr. Xenia Tigno and Dr. Angelica Francisco found that excessive
use of lagundi, akapulko and damong maria can cause diverse effects.
The plant extracts consist of different chemical components which may not
be needed to treat a given disorder. The haphazard use – just to facilitate
could adversely promote other body activities. Such scenario may lead to
side effects. For instance, frequent and excessive use of the akapulko to
treat a skin disorder can cause itchiness. This side effect can be
the Philippines (NRCP) explained that the side effects are caused by other
components which are not needed to treat skin disorders and avoid
an”. Clinical trials have established its efficacy and safety in comparison
thiosulfate. Akapulko lotion is estimated to cost about 67% less than its
foaming ability have been employed as soap for bathing and for treatment
Lamikanra, 1981; Oliver, 1986; Ayim, 1987; Akinde et al., 1999). These
plant materials are either used alone or formulated into local soaps,
ointments and creams which are often commercially available. Due to lack
the local communities in the past. But interestingly, the popularity of herb-
investigate these soaps to validate the claims and also establish other
Russel, 1983).
comparable to those of the standard soaps, which are salts of higher fatty
acids. Crude preparations of soapy plants are able to soften the skin
other soap related properties. In previous studies, Cassia alata has been
and K.pneumoniae.
The acetone and ethanol extracts showed high activity against
nearly all test microorganisms. The inhibitory effects are very close and
increase the movement of stool through the bowels. The U.S. Food and
and poor quality of life for those who are affected. Prevalence data are
lacking for many countries in Africa, but recent estimates indicate that
the ability to extract such benefits from plants, our traditional system
and flowers is used to treat asthma in Congo. The torrified seeds are used
The study of Pieme et al. has been designed to evaluate the acute
another study, rats fed dried ground leaves of C. alata in their chow or
has shown that some of the plant’s secondary metabolites are toxic and/or
degenerative diseases. The risk from long-term use of such remedies has
the comet assay is a very sensitive test for the quantification of DNA
damage. Although DNA damage as revealed by the comet assay may not
on genetic alterations.
that radical scavenging antioxidant activity was reported from the aerial
year human study was published in India which indicated that a Guajava
Research Design
Research Subject
Research Environment
in Southwestern University.
Research Instrument
The study will use vernier caliper to measure the zone of inhibition.
I. Acquisition of plant
The leaves will be shade dried and at room temperature for 7 days
Abdulrahmanet al. (2004) will be adopted for the study. The stock extract
A. Culture Media
Memorial Hospital.
B. Antifungal Discs
A. Preparation
B. Plate Inoculation
swab against the side of the tube above the fluid level. Streak the
swab evenly in three directions over the entire surface of the agar
inoculum. Make a final sweep to the agar rim with the cotton swab.
Allow the plate to stand on the flat surface for 3-5 minutes.
Gently press all discs onto the agar with forceps or with an
Within 15 minutes after the discs are applied, the plates will
16-18 hours.
C. Reading
vernier caliper.
REFERENCES Accessed on
29, 2014.