Discipline State of The Discipline Curricular Area Form Total Number Per Year

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Discipline State of the Discipline Curricular Area Form Total number per

English Language Compulsory Language and Communication 8th 68


Date Specific Competence Indicators (SCI) and Sub Competence (SC) Nr. Content

Term 1
Unit I Everyday Life
1 Lesson 1 My Daily Programme
Spoken Interaction 2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and Talking about the
producing responses to simple direct questions, repeated or students'daily programme:
reformulated by a cooperative interlocutor. Ex.1,2p.5
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages .
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Text:'Mary's Diary': Ex.3p,5
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
Written Interaction 4.1. Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, Writing a letter about a
places, real and imaginary scenery. weekend: Ex.2p.7
2.Knowledge and respect of the norms of written communica-
tion on the topic referred to the students’ everyday life.
Grammar Using verbs 'do' and 'make'. Verbs 'do' and 'make':
Using Introductory ‘ it' and 'there', Ex.5,6p.6 Introductory 'it' and
'there': Ex.7p.7
Culture 1.Identifying and respecting the norms of verbal and nonverbal Writing personal letters:
communication while interacting in written form. Ex.2p,7
Integrated Skill 6. Comparing interests and hobbies of teenagers from English- Cultural Note: p.6
Speaking countries and Moldova..
1 Lesson 2 School life
Listening 1.2. Understanding the genera! meaning of an oral Ex.4p.10

Spoken Interaction 2,2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Talking about school life:
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects. Ex,1,2p.8
2.4. Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Ex,6p.10
and producing responses to simple direct questions,
repeated or reformulated by a cooperative interlocutor.
Reading 3.1 .Identifying certain details of simple texts (letter] on Text:'A Freshman's
the topic referred to the students’ immediate Experience': Ex.3p.8
3.3. Identifying relations among the characters of various
texts {familiar, friendly, official).
3.4,Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
Grammar Using prepositions. Prepositions: Ex.7p,10
Culture 1 .Identifying and respecting the norms of verbal and Info Box: p.9
nonverbal communication while interacting orally and in Writing a personal letter:
written form. Ex,2p,10
2.Knowledge and respect of the norms of written
communication on the topic referred to the
students'everyday life (personal letter).
8.Describing teenage interests and hobbies.
Comparison Area 1 .Comparing structures and forms of texts referred to Writing a personal letter:
everyday life (personal letter} from English-Speaking Ex,2p.10
countries and Moldova.
1 Lesson3 Handicraft Lesson
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a Song: 'Unhappy
current situation. The message is presented clearly. Housewife': Ex.6p.12p.
1 2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral
1.6.ldentifying key words and expressions, related to the
topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about Handicrafts
topic referred to the students'immediate environment. Lessons:
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Ex.1,2,3,5p.11-12
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.

Reading 3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the Ex.7p.13
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of Writing a description of
objects, places, real and imaginary scenery. one of the lessons:
4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Ex.2p.13
activities and personal experiences. Writing a detailed
explanation of actions:
Grammar Using Collective Nouns. Collective Nouns: p.13
1 Lesson 4 On Vacation
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Text: 'How 1 Went White-
situation. Hie message is presented clearly. Water Rafting':
1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Ex.3p.14
Spoken Interaction 2.1. Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic re- Talking about vacations:
ferred to the students'immediate environment. Ex.1,2,5p,14-16
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences,
events/undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.3.Describing personal objects, people from the students'
immediate environment, life conditions, familiar places, using a
set of simple familiar phrases and expressions.
Reading 3.3.ldentifying relations among the characters of various texts. Text: 'Unde John's Farm';
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, Writing a description of
places, real and imaginary scenery. summer or winter holidays:
Ex. .2p,16
Grammar Using SimpleTenses Simple Tenses
Culture 4 . Knowledge of literary texts which belong to the culture of Text:'Uncle John's Farm':
English-Speaking countries. Ex.4p,15
1 Lesson 5 Computers in our life
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about computers
topic. in our everyday life:
2.3.Describing personal objects from the Ex, 1,5, p. 17,19
students'immedi- ate environment, using a set of simple
familiar phrases and expressions,
2,5.Producing short announcements on a predictable
familiar topic.

Reading 3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various Text: The Fun They Had':
texts (familiar, friendly, official). Ex.2, p.17
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
Written Interaction 4.1.Editing certain logically structured descriptions of Writing about the
objects, places, real and imaginary scenery. advantages and
disadvantages of a
mechanical teacher:
Ex.6 p.19
Grammar Using Introductory 'it' and 'there' Introductory if and 'there':
Ex,4,5, p.19
Culture 4,Knowledge of literary texts which belong to the culture Text: 'The Fun They Had”:
of English-Speaking countries. Ex.2, p.17 Info Box: p. 17
11 .Knowledge of famous people {theatre, science) from
E-S countries.
1 Lesson 6 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Evaluation -Testing the knowledge and skills acquired in this Lesson 7 Test-Paper Nr.1
Unit II Lifestyle
1 Lesson 1 Heroes of our time
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a Text;'The Century
current situation.The message is presented dearly. Heroes”: Ex.6p.24
1 2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral
1.3.Identifying the logical order of passages in an oral
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic re- Talking about famous
ferred the students' immediate environment. people of the world:
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Ex.i,2,3,p,23
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.3. Describing people from the students’ immediate
environment, using a set of simple familiar phrases and
Reading 3.2.Defming the form and logical structure of a non-literary Ex.4p.24

Written Interaction 4.3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken activities Writing a description of a
and personal experiences. person: Ex.5p.24
4.4.Editing logically structured biographies of real Writing a biography of a
characters, using a set of familiar words and expressions. famous person;
Culture 11. Knowledge of famous people from English-Speaking coun- Ex.6p.24
Integrated Skill 1 .Correctly writing and pronouncing units of measure. Info Box: p.25
Community Area 3. Identifying the main features of the target language society Cultural Note: p.24
and certain important aspects of everyday life in English-
Speaking countries
1 Lesson 2 Cut from the original
Spoken Interaction 2.1 Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about Clothes:
referred to events and situations from the students' Ex.1,2,7 p.26,28
immediate environment.
2.4.Participatпng in oral conversations on a familiar
topic and producing responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Ex.3p.26
literary text.
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of Writing a description of a
objects, places, real and imaginary scenery. Moldovan national dress:
4.2. Editing functional texts.
Culture 2. Knowledge and respect of the norms of written Info Box: p.28
communication on the topic referred to the students'
everyday life (personal letter )
Comparison Area 3.Comparing objects and ways of expressing feelings and Ex.2p.28
emotions, preferences, tastes and intentions.
1 Lesson 3 A Model Millionaire
Listening 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral Ex.5p,31
Spoken Interaction 2.2.Describing persona! experience, events, undertaken Talking about being rich,
activities, intentions and projects. poor and charitable:
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken Ex.1,2,6 p.29,31

Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Text:'A Model Millionaire':
literary text. Ex.3p.29
3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various
texts (familiar, friendly, official).
Grammar Using proper Word Order in Special Questions. Word Order in Special
Culture 4. Knowledge of literary texts which belong to the culture of English- Text 'A Model Millionaire':
Speaking countries. Ex.3p.29
11. .Knowledge of famous people from E-S countries. Info Box: p.29
1 Lesson 4 Lots of Zeroes
Listening 1.1.Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Ex.5p.34.
situation. The message is presented clearly.
1.2. Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the
topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, events, Talking about being a millionaire:
undertaken activities, intentions and projects. Ex.2,4p.32-33
2.4..Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and
producing responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.3.ldentifying relations among the characters of various texts. Ex.3p.32
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, Ex.7p.34
real and imaginary scenery.
Grammar Using Indefinite Pronouns, Indefinite Pronouns: Ex.6p.34
Culture 1 .Identifying and respecting the norms of verbal and nonverbal Do You Know That?
communication while interacting orally and in written form. p.33
6. .Describing national holidays, customs, traditions specific to
E – S countries.
Community Area 2. Identifying cultural and historical symbols from the English- Info Box: p.34
Speaking countries.
Lesson 5 Body Image
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message reiated to a Ex.6p.36
current situation. The message is presented clearly.
1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral
1.4. Identifying the subject of a discussion between
native speakers.

Spoken Interaction 2.1. Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about self-
topic referred to the students' immediate environment. acceptance: Ex.1,2,4p.35-
Reading 3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the Ex.3p.35
Written Interaction 4.3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing about strengths
activities and personal experiences. and weaknesses:
4.4. Editing logically structured biographies of Ex.5p.37
imaginary characters,fusing a set of familiar words and Writing a short description
expressions. of an ideal personality:
Grammar Using Reflexive and Emphatic Pronouns Reflexive and Emphatic
Pronouns: Ex.lp.37
1 Lesson 6 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Evaluation Testing the knowledge and skills acquired while studying this Lesson 7 Test-Paper No. 2
Unit III At Leisure
1 Lesson 1 Cinema – the 7th Art of the
Listening 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Ex.5,6p.42
1.5.Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conver-
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic.
2.3.Describing familiar places, using a set of simple familiar Talking about cinema:
phrases and expressions. Ex.1,3p.41
2.4..Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and
producing responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.1. Identifying certain details of simple texts on the topic re- Ex. 2 p.41
ferred to the students' immediate environment.
Written Interaction 4.4.Editing logically structured biographies of real characters, Writing about the students’
using a set of familiar words and expressions. favourite actor or actress:
Grammar Using Relative Pronouns. Relative Pronouns: Ex.6p.61,
1 Lesson 2 “Truly, Madly, Deeply”

Listening 1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the Song: ‘Truly, Madly,
topic of immediate importance. Deeply': Ex.6p.46
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic. 1 .Talking about music:
2.4..Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and E x. 1,4,5 p.44-45
producing responses to simple direct questions. 2.Presenting favourite
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable familliar kinds of music:
topic. Ex.1p.46
Grammar Using the Simple and Continuous Tenses. The Simple and Continuous
Ex.2,7 p.46
Culture 1 .Identifying and respecting the norms of verbal and nonverbal Cultural Notes: p.44
communication while interacting orally and in written form.
9. Identifying and describing musical genres.
1 Lesson 3 A Sound Mind in a Sound
Listening 1.2. Understanding the general meaning of an oral message. Text: ‘Sports in British Schools’:
1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to Ex.4. p.48
the topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic re- Talking about sport:
ferred the students' immediate environment. Ex.1,2 p.47
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences,
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.3. Describing personal objects, people from the students’
immediate environment, life conditions, familiar places, using
a set of simple familiar phrases and expressions.
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Ex.2 p.47
literary text.
3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various
texts (familiar, friendly, official).

Grammar Using Tenses and Passive Voice. Ex.6,7,2 p.49

Culture 6. .Describing national holidays, customs, traditions specific to Info Box: p.48
E – S countries.
Lesson 4 Travelling to the World of
Spoken Interaction 2.4..Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and Talking about the Universe, stars
producing responses to simple direct questions. and planets: Ex. 1,2,7 p.51 - 52
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.

Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Text: ‘To the Moon’:
text. Ex.3 p.51
3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-
literary text.
3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various
texts (familiar, friendly, official).
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of Writing an essay about a planet:
objects, places, real and imaginary scenery. Ex.2 p.52
4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken
activities and personal experiences.
Lesson 5 Great Explorers
Listening 1.1. Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Text: 'Christopher Columbus':
situation. The message is presented clearly. Ex.5p.54
1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic
of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.3. Describing great eaplourers, using a set of familiar phrases Talking about great explorers:
and expressions. Ex.1,5p.53-54
2.4..Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and
producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Reading 3.1.Identifying certain details of simple texts (letters, brochures, Text:'Magellan':
short articles from the press) on the topic referred to the Ex.2p.53
students' immediate environment.
3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary
Written Interaction 4.1.Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, Ex. 4 p.53
places, real and imaginary scenery.
10.Describing important events which take place in English- Ex. 5,6,8 p.54 - 55
Speaking countries.
11.Knowledge of famous people from English-Speaking coun-
1 Lesson 6 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Evaluation - Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in the course of Lesson 7 Winter Term Test-Paper
this term.
Unit IV Pulse of Life

Lesson 1 Folk Songs
Listening 1.6.Identifying key words and expressions, related to the Ex.6p.61
topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Talking about folk songs
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects. and their multinational
2.3.Describingpersonal objects, people from the students' character: Ex.1,2,3p.59
immediate environment.
Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing a letter: Ex.2p.61
activities and personal experiences.
Grammar Using Attributive and Predicative Adjectives. Attributive and Predicative
Using The Present Indefinite Tense. Adjectives:
Culture 9. Identifying and describing musical genres.
Lesson 2 Folktales
Listening 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral Listening to a poem:
message. Ex,6p.64
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about myths,
topic referred to events and situations from the students' legends and folktales:
immediate environment. Ex.1p.62
2.2.Deseribing personal experience, school experiences, Ex.5p.64
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.2.Defming the form and logical structure of a non-literary Text: ‘Prometheus’:
text. Ex.1 p.64
3.5. Identifying details from functional text.
Written Interaction 4.1.Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, Ex.1 p. 64
places, real and imaginary scenery.
Grammar Using Participle Adjectives. Participle Adjectives:
Ex.2 p.62
Lesson 3 Art is Power
Listening 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral Ex.5 p.67

Spoken Interaction 2.2.Describing persona! experience, events, undertaken Talking about Art and various art
activities, intentions and projects. techniques:
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken Ex.1 p.65
messages. Ex.2 p.65
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable familliar
Reading 3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various Text: ‘Art for Heart’s Sake’:
texts (familiar, friendly, official). Ex.3 p.66
Written Interaction 4.2. Editing functional texts. Ex. 1,7 p.67
Term II
Lesson 4 Photography
Listening 1.1. Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Ex.5 p.70
situation. The message is presented clearly.
1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral message.
1.3. Identifying the logical order of passagers in an oral message.
Spoken Interaction 2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Talking about photography:
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects. Ex.1,2,4,6p.68-70
2.3.Describing personal objects, people from the students'
immediate environment, using a set of simple familiar phrases
and expressions.
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and
Producing responses to simple questions.
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken
Reading 3.4. Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the context. Ex.3p.69
Written Interaction 4.2. Editing functional texts. Ex7,2p.70
Culture 8. Describing teenage interests and hobbies. Ex.2p.68
Comparison Area 6.Comparing interests and hobbies of teenagers from English-
Speaking countries and Moldova.
Lesson 5 The Right to Know
Listening 1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral Text: 'A Beginner on the Paper':
message. Ex.2p.71
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions.

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about the Mass Media:
topic referred to events and situations from the students' Ex.1,3,4,7 p.71-73
immediate environment.
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable familliar
Reading 3.1 .Identifying certain details of simple texts (letters, brochures, short Ex..5 p.72
articles from the press) on the topic referred to the students' immediate
Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Ex.8p.73
activities and personal experiences.
Culture 7. Describing various kinds of the Mass Media. Word Guide: p.71
Comparison Area 4.Comparing various kinds of the Mass Media in English- Speaking
countries and in Moldova.
Community Area 1. Identifying and describing various kinds of the Mass Media in Word Guide: p.71
English-Speaking countries and in Moldova.
1 Lesson 6 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Evaluation Testing the knowledge and skills acquired while studieng this Lesson 7 Test – Paper No.4
Unit V Celebrations
Lesson 1 Holidays
Listening 1.1. Identifying the main ideas of a message. Text: ‘The Vase':
1.2.Understanding the general meaning of an oral Ex.3p.77
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about holidays and
topic referred to events and situations from the students' presents:
immediate environment. Ex.1,7 p.77-79
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken

Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Dialogues:'A Street Incident':
literary text. Ex.6p.79
3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various
texts (familiar, friendly, official).
Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing a paragraph about a
activities and personal experiences. festivity:
Grammar Using Sequence of Tenses and Reported Speech. Sequence of Tenses and
Reported Speech: Ex. 6 p.79
Culture 6.Describing national holidays, customs, traditions specific to Ex,4 p,77
English-Speaking countries. Info Box: p.78
Comparison Area 2.Comparing specific vocabulary, verbal formulas of politeness Info Box: p.78
for oral and written communication used in English-Speaking
countries and in Moldova..
5.Comparing traditional holidays in E – S countries and in
Community Area 2.Identifying cultural and historical symbols from the English- Info Box: p.79
Speaking countries.
3. Identifying the main features of the target language society
and certain important aspects of everyday life in English-
Speaking countries.
Lesson 2 Mother’s Day
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about celebrating
referred to the students' immediate environment. Mother's Day:
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences, Ex. 1,3,4,5 p.80-82
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken
Reading 3.3.ldentifying relations among the characters of various Text:'How We Kept
texts (familiar, friendly, official). Mother's Day':
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the Ex.2p.80
Written Interaction 4.2. Editing functional texts. Writing a personal letter:
Ex.1 p.82
Grammar Using Articles Articles: Ex.2p.82,

Culture 4.Knowledge of literary texts which belong to the culture Text: ‘How We Kept
of English-Speaking countries. Mother's Day': Ex,2p.80
6.Describing national holidays, customs, traditions Cultural Note: p.82
specific to English-Speaking countries.
7. Describing various kinds of the Mass Media.

Comparison Area 5.Comparing traditional holidays in English-Speaking Cultural Note: p.82

countries and in Moldova.
Lesson 3 Presents and Wishes
Listening 1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the Ex.3p.84
topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about buying and getting
referred to the students' immediate environment. presents:
2.3.Describing personal objects, people fron students’ Ex. 1,2 p.83
2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Ex.6 p.85
3.4.Deduting the meaning of unfamiliar words from the con-
Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Ex.7p.85
activities and personal experiences.
Grammar Using Conditional Sentences. Conditional Sentences:
Ex.3,4 p.84
Culture 3. Identifying and using the formulas of politeness {verbal and
non-verbal) according to the interlocutor's age, position and
social status in the course of social and cultural activities.
Comparison Area 5.Comparing traditional holidays in English-Speaking countries Cultural Note: p.85
and in Moldova..
Lesson 4 School Traditions
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Ex.2p.86
situation. The message is presented clearly.
1.5. Identifying relations between the interlocutors of a conversation..
1.6. Identifying key words and expressions, related to the topic of
immediate importance.

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to Talking about school traditions:
the students'immediate environment. Ex.1,3p.86
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages. Role playing:
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable familiar topic. Ex.4p.87
Reading 3.4.Deduting the meaning of unfamiliar words from the con- Ex.5p.88
Written Interaction 4.2. Editing functional texts. Writing a modem version of a
Ex.2 p.88
Culture 11..Knowledge of famous people {theatre, science, literature) from Ex.5p.88
English-Speaking countries.
Lesson 5 City / Town / Village Day
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about city /town / village
referred to the students' immediate environment. and countryside traditions:
2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Ex.1,3,4,5,6 p.89-91
and producing responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.1 .Identifying certain details of simple texts (letters, brochures, short Text: '’The Village Museum’:
articles from the press) on the topic referred to the students' immediate Ex.2p.89
3.5. Identifying details from functional texts.
Written Interaction 4.2. Editing functional texts. Making up a programme of
events: Ex.7p.91
Grammar Using Conditional Sentences. Conditional Sentences:
Ex. 2 p.91
1 Lesson 6 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Evaluation Testing the knowledge and skills acquired while studieng this Lesson 7 Test – Paper No.5
Unit VI My Home Country
Lesson 1 Do You Know Much about
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Ex.5p.97

Spoken Interaction 2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Talking about Moldova, its politi-
and producing responses to simple direct questions. cal structure and symbols:
2.6.Applying the strategies of producing spoken Ex.. 1,6,7 p.95-97
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Ex.2p,96

Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing a letter to a pen-friend:
activities and personal experiences. Ex.2p.97
Grammar Using Impersonal Sentences 'one + modal verbs’
Culture 10.Describing important events which take place in English- Speaking Info Box: p.97
Community Area 2. Identifying cultural and historical symbols from the English- Info Box: p.96
Speaking countries. Cultural Note: p.96
Lesson 2 Economic and Social Life
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to Talking about natural resources
events and situations from the students' immediate environment. and economic development:
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages. Ex.1,2p.98
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Text:'Britain of today Is
text. Wealthier, but More Miserable’:
Ex.4 p.99
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, Writing a story about recent
real and imaginary scenery. changes in Moldova: Ex.2p.100
Grammar Using Inversion. Grammar Focus: p.98
Using Passive Voice.
Integrated Skill 2.Understanding the general meaning of an informative text referred to Ex.4p,99
Combinations the natural riches of E –S countries.
Community Area 3.Identifying the main features of the target language society and Ex.4p.99
certain important aspects of everyday life in English- Speaking
1 Lesson 3 National Heritage
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Ex,4p,102
situation. The message is presented clearly.
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions.

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to Talking about cultural
events and situations from the students' immediate environment. monuments and historical places
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages. in Moldova:
Ex. 1,3 p.101, Ex.1 p.103
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-literary Text:’Reminiscences of an Old
text. Teacher’: Ex.2 p.101
3.4.Deduting the meaning of unfamiliar words from the con- Ex.8 p.103
3.5. Identifying details from functional texts.
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, places, Writing a description of a historic
real and imaginary scenery. place:
Ex.2 p.103
Grammar Using the Complex Object. Ex.7 p.102
Culture 5. Describing monuments of E – S countries. p.112
Lesson 4 Home Sweet Home
Listening 1.6.Identifying key words and expressions. Ex.6 p.106
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about museums and
referred to the students' immediate environment. their exhibits:
2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Ex.1,2,3 p.104
and producing responses to simple direct questions. Ex.1 p.106
Reading 3.3.ldentifying relations among the characters of various Text: ‘A Family Affair’:
texts (familiar, friendly, official). Ex.5 p.106
3.4.Deducing the meaning of unfamiliar words from the
Written Interaction 4,3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing about a museum and its
activities and personal experiences. exhibits: Ex.2 p.106
Integrated Skill 4.Editing an informative text referred to historical monuments Ex.4p.105
Combinations from English-Speaking countries.
Community Area 3. Identifying the main features of the target language society p.112
and certain important aspects of everyday life in English-
Speaking countries.
Lesson 5 East or West – Home is
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Text; 'A Chippewa Tale':
situation. The message is presented clearly. Ex.5p.109
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions.

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic re- 1.Talking about family
ferred to events and situations from the students' immediate traditions in Moldova:
environment. Ex.1 p.109
2.3.Describing personal objects, people from the students' 2.Talking about cultural
immediate environment, life conditions, familiar places, using a riches and beautiful
set of simple familiar phrases and expressions. 2.4.Participating landscapes:
in oral conversations on a familiar topic and producing Ex.1,2 p.107
responses to simple direct questions.
Reading 3.3.Identifying relations among the characters of various texts. Text:'A Family Affair':
Written Interaction 4.1 .Editing certain logically structured descriptions of objects, Writing a composition about
places, real and imaginary scenery. Moldova:
4.4.Editing logically structured biographies of real and imagi- Ex.2p.109
nary characters, using a set of familiar words and expressions. Writing a critical review:
Unit VII Save Our Crowded Planet
Lesson 1 Friends of the Earth, Unite!
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a current Song:'What Have They
situation. The message is presented clearly. Done to the World?':
1.6.Identifying key words and expressions. Ex.5p.115
Spoken Interaction 2.1.Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic Talking about
referred to the students' immediate environment. environmental problems
2.4.Partidpating in oral conversations on a familiar topic and nature protection:
and producing responses to simple direct questions. Ex.1,2p,113,
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Ex.4p.114
literary text.
Written Interaction 4.3.Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Writing an essay about
activities and personal experiences. environmental problems:
Grammar Using the Present Perfect Tense. Cultural Note: p.113
Culture 12.Ecological education.

Lesson 2 Let’s Protect our

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talkingabout nature

topic referred to events and situations from the students' protection:
immediate environment. Ex.1,2,5,6p.116-118
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic
and producing responses to simple direct questions,
repeated or reformulated by a cooperative interlocutor.
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable
familiar topic.
Reading 3.1 .Identifying certain details of simple texts (letters, Text:'MidlifeConservation':
brochures, short articles from the press) on the topic Ex,3p.117
referred to the students' immediate environment.
3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-
literary text.
3.5.ldentifying details from functional text.
Written Interaction 4.2.Editing functional texts. Designing a leaflet:
Culture 12.Ecological education. Info Box: p.116
1 Lesson 3 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit
1 Final Evaluation - Practical application of knowledge and skills acquired in the course of Lesson 4 Annual Test-Paper
this year.

Lesson 5 Protect the Beauty of

the Countryside!
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a Ex.7p.121
current situation. The message is presented dearly.
1.6.ldentifying key words and expressions, related to the
topic of immediate importance.

Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about the Green-
topic referred to events and situations from the students' house effects and nature
immediate environment. protection:
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Ex. 1,4,6, I p. 119-121
and producing responses to simple direct questions,
repeated or reformulated by a cooperative interlocutor.
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable
familiar topic.
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Reading 3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non- Ex.2p.1l9
literary text.
Written Interaction 4.2.Editing functional texts. Writing a letter to a Nature
4.3. Editing simple descriptions of events, undertaken Protection organization:
activities and personal experiences. Ex.2p.121
Writing an essay on nature
protection: Ex.3 p.121
Grammar Using Modal Verbs.
Culture 3. Identifying and using the formulas of politeness (verbal and Ex.2p.121
non-verbal) according to the interlocutor's age, position and Info Boxes: p.120
social status in the course of social and cultural activities.
12. Ecological education.
Lesson 6 Today “Green” means
Someone Who is
Concerned about the
Listening 1.1 .Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a Ex. 7 p.124
current situation. The message is presented dearly.
1.6.ldentifying key words and expressions, related to the
topic of immediate importance.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar Talking about nature
topic referred to events and situations from the students' protection organizations
immediate environment. and their aims:
2.4.Participating in oral conversations on a familiar topic Ex. 1,2,5,6,1 p.122-124
and producing responses to simple direct questions,
repeated or reformulated by a cooperative interlocutor.
2.5.Producing short announcements on a predictable
familiar topic.

Reading 3.1 .Identifying certain details of simple texts (letters, Ex.3 p.122
brochures, short articles from the press) on the topic
referred to the students' immediate environment.
3.2.Defining the form and logical structure of a non-
literary text.
Written Interaction 4.2.Editing functional texts. Making up a poster on
nature protection: Ex.4
Grammar Using the Future Perfect Passive Voice.
Culture 12. Ecological education. Cultural Note: p.122
Lesson 7 Let’s Do Something
About it!
Listening 1.1.Identifying the main ideas of a message related to a Text:'King Rat':
current situation. The message is presented clearly. Ex.2p.126
1.2.Understanding the genera! meaning of an oral
1.6.ldentifying key words and expressions.
Spoken Interaction 2.1 .Producing an explanatory message on a familiar topic referred to Talking about pets;
events and situations from the students' immediate environment. Ex.l,3p.125-126
2.2.Describing personal experience, school experiences,
events, undertaken activities, intentions and projects.
2.6. Applying the strategies of producing spoken messages.
Reading 3.5.ldentifying details from functional texts. Text:'Flora and Fauna’:
Written Interaction 4.2.Editing functional texts. Writing an advertisement:
Grammar Using Reciprocal and Demonstrative Pronouns.
Culture 1.Identifying and respecting the norms of verbal and non- Cultural Note: p.125
verbal communication while interacting orally and in
written form.
12. Ecological education.
Integrated Skill Understanding the general meaning of an informative Info Box: p.127
Combinations text referred to some water species of animals and plants.
1 Lesson 8 Round Up
Practical Application - Testing the level of written and /or oral knowledge and
of Knowledge skills acquired while studying the current unit


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