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BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 1 1 0 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 6 6 –17 4

a v a i l a b l e a t w w w. s c i e n c e d i r e c t . c o m

w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / b r a i n r e s

Research Report

Childhood poverty: Specific associations with neurocognitive


Martha J. Farah a,⁎, David M. Shera b , Jessica H. Savage a , Laura Betancourt a ,

Joan M. Giannetta c , Nancy L. Brodsky c , Elsa K. Malmud c , Hallam Hurt c
Department of Psychology and Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Division of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Department of Pediatrics Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Department of Epidemiology and
Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Division of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Pennsylvania and Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA


Article history: Growing up in poverty is associated with reduced cognitive achievement as measured by
Accepted 21 June 2006 standardized intelligence tests, but little is known about the underlying neurocognitive
Available online 1 August 2006 systems responsible for this effect. We administered a battery of tasks designed to tax-
specific neurocognitive systems to healthy low and middle SES children screened for
Keywords: medical history and matched for age, gender and ethnicity. Higher SES was associated with
Socioeconomic status better performance on the tasks, as expected, but the SES disparity was significantly
Prefrontal cortex nonuniform across neurocognitive systems. Pronounced differences were found in Left
Development perisylvian/Language and Medial temporal/Memory systems, along with significant
Executive function differences in Lateral/Prefrontal/Working memory and Anterior cingulate/Cognitive
Memory control and smaller, nonsignificant differences in Occipitotemporal/Pattern vision and
Environment Parietal/Spatial cognition.
© 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction concerning future life trajectory. However, they do not

correspond in any straightforward way to the current scien-
Beginning as early as preschool and persisting throughout tific “parse” of cognitive function into underlying components.
childhood and beyond, individuals of low socioeconomic In the present investigation, we attempt to characterize the
status (SES) perform below their middle class counterparts cognitive outcomes of childhood poverty in terms of the
on tests of intelligence and school achievement (e.g., Bradley framework of cognitive neuroscience.
and Corwyn, 2002). Measured in standard deviation, SES How and why might a sociological construct, SES, be
gradients for cognitive achievement are even steeper than associated with brain function? The answer lies in the nature
those for physical health (Duncan et al., 1998) and are likely to of SES itself. Although SES is generally estimated by measur-
play a role in the persistence of poverty across generations. ing parental education and occupational status, it encom-
Little is known about the underlying mental systems that passes far more than these simple indices, including
mediate the SES disparities in cognitive performance. IQ tests associated differences in physical and mental health (Adler
and school achievement are valuable in that they have well- et al., 1994) and in physical and psychosocial aspects of the
understood psychometric properties and predictive power environment (Evans, 2004). Important psychosocial factors

⁎ Corresponding author. Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, 3720 Walnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Fax: +1 215 898 1982.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M.J. Farah).

0006-8993/$ – see front matter © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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include the presence of both parents in the home and parental assessing Lateral prefrontal/Working memory, Anterior cin-
stress and depression. Physical factors include nutrition and gulate/Cognitive control and Ventromedial prefrontal/Reward
exposure to pollutants. Any of these is, in principle, capable of processing systems.
influencing brain development and function. In addition, Our study of kindergarteners found that language ability,
some of the variance in an individual's SES has been attributed including vocabulary, syntactic ability and phonological
to genetic factors (Lichenstein and Pederson, 1997), which awareness, is associated with SES, consistent with a body of
could also be manifest in the brain. literature on language development in poor and middle class
Given the multiplicity of potential influences on brain children (Whitehurst, 1997). In more recent work, we have
development, it is possible that the SES gradient in cognitive found that the relationship between phonological awareness
achievement would have a broad and uniform neurocognitive and reading ability is modulated by children's SES (Noble et al.,
basis, affecting all components of the developing mind and 2006), as is the relation between phonological awareness and
brain to a roughly equal degree. Alternatively, some compo- brain activity in reading-related areas (Noble et al., in press).
nents may be more sensitive to SES than others. In a The present study focused on comprehension of single word
preliminary study of low and middle SES kindergarteners lexical–semantics and sentence-level syntax.
(Noble et al., 2005), we found evidence of an uneven profile of Another system that will be examined anew in the present
differences between low and middle SES children. In that study is the memory system of the medial temporal lobes.
study, language and executive function were most strongly This system underlies learning in the classroom as well as for
related to SES. The goals of the present study were to virtually all real world activities, and its identity as a localized
characterize the neurocognitive profile of SES in a new sample and dissociable neurocognitive system is well established on
of older children, using a more fine-grained parse of neuro- the basis of both functional neuroimaging and patient studies.
cognitive systems, particularly prefrontal systems, as well as Although the previous study of kindergarteners included tests
to rule out medical problems that could account for the SES of memory, they were in effect tests of immediate memory as
disparities in cognitive performance. each test was inadvertently administered immediately fol-
Prefrontal/Executive function is of interest for several lowing exposure to the memory material. The present study
reasons. This brain region undergoes prolonged postnatal addresses the relation between SES and the acquisition of
development (e.g., Casey et al., 2000; Fuster, 2002), as does its more enduring memories.
functional connectivity with other brain regions (e.g., Malkova In all, seven neurocognitive systems were assessed using
et al., 2000), providing maximal opportunity for the different pairs of dissimilar behavioral tasks, as described in greater
life experiences of lower and higher SES to influence the detail in the Experimental procedures section. These com-
development of this region of the brain. Second, regions prised three Prefrontal/Executive systems, Lateral prefrontal
within prefrontal cortex have been associated with “general cortex/Working memory, Anterior cingulate cortex/Cognitive
intelligence” of the kind tested by IQ tests (see Gray and control system and the Ventromedial prefrontal cortex/
Thompson, 2004, for a review), which is robustly associated Reward processing system, and four other systems, the
with SES (Smith et al., 1997). Third, sociologists have Occipitotemporal/Pattern vision system, Parietal/Spatial cog-
attempted to generalize about socioeconomic status and nition system, Left perisylvian/Language system and Medial
cognitive style, with some suggesting that increasing SES is temporal/Memory system.
associated with increasing tendency to resist impulses and The final goal of this study was to assess the neurocogni-
delay gratification (e.g., Banfield, 1968; Lewis, 1965), character- tive correlates of SES with minimal confounding by health
istics associated with prefrontal function (e.g., Miller et al., factors. Given the higher prevalence of prenatal substance
2003). Fourth, earlier studies have found evidence that exposure, premature birth, illness and injury within low SES
executive function differs as a function of SES in children. families (Adler et al., 1994), neurocognitive disparities could
Mezzacappa (2004) assessed the sociodemographic correlates result from larger fractions of children with undiagnosed
of performance on Posner's Attention Network Task (ANT; illness and injury being averaged together with healthy
Rueda et al., 2004) and found the strongest relations with SES children at lower levels of SES. The low SES participants in
in what he terms “executive attentional” processes. The study the present study have been followed since birth by a
of more general neurocognitive correlates of SES in kindergar- pediatrician (HH) and have no known history of neuropsy-
teners, mentioned earlier, also found a large difference chiatric illness or neurologic insult. They give us a unique
between the low and middle SES children in executive opportunity to study the neurocognitive profile of SES in
function (Noble et al., 2005). healthy children.
What is unclear at present is which specific systems of
prefrontal cortex might be involved with SES. The executive
functions of prefrontal cortex are a complex assemblage of 2. Results
distinct (though highly interactive) neurocognitive systems.
For example, the prefrontal subsystems associated with To reduce the effect of outliers, data from each task were
intelligence and with delay of gratification are different. The Winsorized, that is, the two most extreme values at each end of
set of tasks used in the previous study of kindergarteners was the distribution of all 60 children's scores were replaced with
heterogeneous, including working memory, cognitive control, the third most extreme value at each end. Performance in each
set shifting, theory of mind and delay of gratification. In the task was then reviewed for ceiling and floor effects, defined as
present study, we attempt to discern with greater neurocog- mean performance less than one standard deviation from the
nitive specificity the prefrontal correlates of SES, by separately minimum or maximum possible. Performance on the Shape
168 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 1 1 0 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 6 6 –17 4

Detection task was found to be at ceiling and was therefore

excluded from further analysis.
In order to express performance in each task on a common
scale for purposes of analysis, the data were transformed to z
scores defined relative to the distribution of all sixty children.
Composite scores for each neurocognitive system were then
created by averaging the z scores for the two tasks of each
system (one task for the Occipitotemporal/Pattern vision
system). Multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA)
with factors SES, age and gender was then carried out on the
7 composite measures.1
The first question addressed by this analysis was whether
there was a reliable SES disparity in performance of the task
battery overall. This was confirmed by a significant effect of
SES, F(7,49) = 3.63, p = .003. This finding is consistent with the
large literature already reviewed showing better performance
Fig. 1 – Effect sizes, measured in standard deviations of
on a wide range of cognitive tests with higher SES.
separation between low and middle SES group performance,
The next question was whether children's age or gender
on the composite measures of the seven different
had a significant effect on their performance or modulated
neurocognitive systems assessed in this study. Black bars
the effect of SES on their performance. No such effects
represent effect sizes for statistically significant effects; gray
were found. Neither age (F(7,49) = 1.17, p = .335) nor gender
bars represent effect sizes for nonsignificant effects.
(F(7,49) = .55, p = .791) influenced performance nor did these
factors interact with SES (SES by age F(7,47) = .96, p = .471;
SES by gender F(7,47) = .97, p = .464); or with each other (age
by gender F(7,47) = .66, p = .704. p = .013, as well as a borderline significant trend toward the
We then asked whether the effects of SES were uneven predicted SES difference in the Anterior cingulate/Cognitive
across different neurocognitive systems, in other words control composite, t = 1.91, p = .062. In contrast, the effect of
whether they were greater for some systems than for others, SES on the Ventromedial prefrontal/Reward processing com-
and whether this unevenness was more than would be posite was not significant, t = .43, p = .668.
expected by chance. Because all measures were z scores, we Turning to the neurocognitive systems about which
were able to answer this question by testing the interaction specific hypotheses had not been framed in advance, sig-
of SES with neurocognitive system in a mixed effects model nificance levels should be evaluated in light of the number of
with random coefficients for each composite score. This comparisons being carried out. Children's performance on the
interaction was significant (F(6,339) = 3.00, p = .007) indicating Medial temporal/Memory composite was very significantly
that the SES disparity in cognitive development is not related to their SES, t = 3.39, p = .001. The other two systems,
uniform across different neurocognitive systems but rather Parietal/Spatial cognition and Occipitotemporal/Visual cogni-
is more pronounced for some neurocognitive systems than tion, showed trends in the same direction, but these were not
for others. The nonuniformity of SES effects is represented significant at even the uncorrected .05 level, t = 1.9, p = .062 and
visually in Fig. 1, which shows the effect size for SES on each t = 1.21, p = .231, respectively. Of course, with a larger sample,
of the neurocognitive systems assessed. these differences might also reach significance.
The pattern of SES disparities across the different systems In summary, the neurocognitive abilities of healthy, age-,
was then assessed using structural equation modeling. Model gender- and ethnicity-matched children of low and middle
fit indicated that the effect of SES on language and memory SES were analyzed in a variety of ways, with the following
was statistically different from the effect on other systems, conclusions. The association between SES and neurocognitive
which were not different from each other (Chi-square = 5.95, development is highly significant and varies significantly in
df = 2, p = .051). strength across the neurocognitive systems tested. SES dis-
SES disparities in specific neurocognitive systems were parities in language and memory ability are most pronounced.
then examined individually using t tests (df = 58). We begin Working memory ability also differs, along with a weaker
with those systems for which there were a priori predictions of trend toward differing cognitive control ability. Visual and
SES disparities: the three Prefrontal/Executive systems and spatial cognition were not found to differ significantly in this
the Left perisylvian/Language system. On the basis of previous sample.
research showing SES disparities in language ability, we
expected to find a significant difference in this system and
did, t = 4.96, p < .001. We also found a significant SES disparity 3. Discussion
in the Lateral prefrontal/Working memory composite, t = 2.55,
The present study was an attempt to bridge two traditionally
1 separate fields of study, cognitive neuroscience and sociology.
Analyses were carried out both with and without imputing
missing data and produced similar results. The statistics reported Although one might not expect that a construct as complex
here are based on the original data set, i.e., without imputing and imprecise as SES would yield any systematic generaliza-
values for missing data. tions concerning brain function, our results indicate that
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childhood poverty does have reasonably specific neurocogni- factors such as prenatal care, nutrition and lead exposure;
tive correlates. That is, cognitive ability is not depressed psychological factors such as stress, parental availability and
across the board among children of low SES. Rather, abilities childrearing practices; and genetic factors. Previous studies of
that have been linked to specific neurocognitive systems are SES disparities in cognitive development have either mea-
disproportionately affected. We found SES disparities in sured none or at most a few of these factors.
working memory, cognitive control and especially in language The children of the present study were healthy and offered
and memory. In contrast, reward processing and visual the advantage of an unusually thorough screening for prenatal
cognition were not significantly different between the low exposure to illicit substances. We nevertheless cannot rule out
and middle SES children of this study. physical health factors as contributing to the neurocognitive
Among our a priori predictions were disparities in Pre- profile of poverty reported here. Although the children in both
frontal/Executive systems. In contrast to previous work, the of our samples were healthy, it is likely that the middle SES
present study enabled the separate assessment of three children on average had more varied diets, were exposed to
aspects of prefrontal function. Two of the three assessed less in utero and second-hand smoke and enjoyed countless
showed SES disparities in our sample. Working memory other health advantages.
ability and cognitive control both appeared better developed A common misunderstanding regarding the neural bases
in the middle SES children. This is consistent with, and of cognitive phenomena is that neural bases imply genetic
expands upon, the finding of Mezzacappa (2004) concerning bases. This error is understandable given the use of “hard-
what he termed “executive attention,” which is operationa- wired” as a synonym for “innate,” which seems to connote a
lized in the Attention Network Test as the ability to resolve physical basis more generally in addition to a specifically
response conflict and is hence closely related to what we term genetic basis and given the classification of both genetic and
cognitive control. The consequences of SES disparities in neural influences on behavior as “biological” influences.
working memory and cognitive control may be substantial, However, any difference in cognitive function, whether
given recent research showing relations between these genetic or environmental in origin, reflects a difference in
systems and general fluid intelligence (see Gray and Thomp- brain function, and evidence of specific neurocognitive
son, 2004 for a review). It is worth noting that language, which correlates of SES is therefore neutral with respect to the
also differed between low and middle SES, depends on a genetic versus environmental causes of the SES disparities.
distributed system of left perisylvian brain regions that As mentioned earlier, SES is correlated with numerous
includes left prefrontal cortex. environmental factors that could influence brain develop-
In contrast, the low and middle SES children performed ment. Furthermore, there is evidence from a number of
about the same in tests of reward processing of the kind that sources that at least part of the SES disparity in brain
depend on ventromedial prefrontal cortex. This was true of development is environmental in origin. A cross-SES adoption
two tasks, which tapped reward processing in substantially study indicated that about half the SES disparity in IQ is
different ways, in one case by requiring the children to genetic in origin, with the other half attributable to some
unlearn a series of initial associations between stimulus combination of physical and psychological aspects of the
properties and reward value (known as “reversal learning”) environment (Capron and Duyme, 1989). Additional evidence
and in the other by requiring children to delay their actions in for environmental influence comes from the study of when, in
pursuit of rewards. The previous study of kindergarteners a child's life, poverty was experienced. Within a given family
included a different measure of ventromedial reward proces- that experiences a period of poverty, the effects are greater on
sing within its prefrontal composite, the future discounting of siblings who were young during that period (Duncan et al.,
reward. The children were offered one sticker immediately or 1994).
multiple stickers following a delay. Low and middle SES Future research can seek more specific causal factors in the
children were identical in their preference for larger future environments of poor children that are responsible for the
rewards, with 23 of the 30 children in each group preferring the neurocognitive correlates reported here. Indeed, knowledge of
larger future reward on average (Noble et al., 2005). the specific profile of more and less affected neurocognitive
If ability to resist impulse and appreciate the value of future systems facilitates the search for causal factors. Unlike
rewards does increase with SES as has been suggested disparities in IQ or school achievement, disparities in the
(Banfield, 1968; Lewis, 1965), our results suggest that this performance of tasks that tax-specific neurocognitive systems
correlation emerges after childhood, perhaps as a pragmatic suggest hypotheses concerning causes.
adaptation to the contingencies of adult life rather than as a Decades of neuroscience research with animals have
result of childhood SES influences on prefrontal cortex. elucidated two major experiential influences on brain devel-
Indeed, Fuster (2002) points out that the ventromedial regions opment: stress and environmental complexity. Stress is
of prefrontal cortex mature earlier than other regions and typically produced in the laboratory by prolonged separation
might therefore be less sensitive to childhood experience. of animal pups from the mother and has a negative impact on
Our results add to the literature on SES disparities in anatomical and physiological measures of hippocampal
cognitive achievement by showing that childhood poverty is development and on memory ability (McEwen, 2000). Stress
associated with a particular profile of neurocognitive is more common within low SES families (Dohrenwend, 1973),
strengths and weaknesses. The present study was not and low SES children tend to have higher levels of the stress
intended to identify the causes of the SES disparities found hormone cortisol (e.g., Lupien et al., 2001), which is damaging
here. Given the complex nature of SES and its correlates, the to the hippocampus. The SES disparity in memory perfor-
list of possible causes is long, including: physical health mance found here is consistent with the effects of stress on
170 BR A I N R ES E A RC H 1 1 1 0 ( 2 00 6 ) 1 6 6 –17 4

hippocampal development. Specifically, it suggests a new The low SES participants had normal neurological exam-
mechanistic hypothesis concerning SES and neurocognitive inations at age 6 years and were screened for blood lead levels
development, whereby the inverse relation between early life above 45 μg/dl (home lead reduction initiated if between 20
stress and SES causes the SES disparity in memory ability. and 44) with normal physical growth as measured by height,
Environmental complexity is typically manipulated in weight and head circumference. At the time of testing, none of
animal studies by providing one group of animals with the participants had been diagnosed with any psychiatric
ample perceptual stimulation, social interaction and oppor- disorder nor did they appear to the project staff to have any
tunity for varied activity and confining the other group to undiagnosed psychiatric disorder. The children's mothers
barren individual laboratory cages. Animals reared in complex were on state and medical assistance at the time of birth
environments have better brain development by a variety of and were of low SES by the criteria of the Hollingshead (1975)
criteria (e.g., van Praag et al., 2000; Rosenzweig, 2003). Given Inventory. Although this inventory is 30 years old, which
the well-documented differences in amount of cognitive limits its applicability for contemporary SES measurement,
stimulation available to low and middle SES children, includ- especially for job types created since then, the families in the
ing the number of books and toys they possess, the amount of present study were sufficiently distinct in their SES that there
adult attention they receive and the variety of locations they was no ambiguity concerning low versus middle SES classifi-
visit (Bradley et al., 2001), it is possible that some of the same cation. Since birth, the children have been evaluated at regular
mechanisms may be at work to produce SES disparities in intervals (annually or semi-annually) for measurements of
neurocognitive development. The steepest SES gradients in growth, development, language and cognitive and social–
cognitive stimulation concern language, specifically the emotional development (e.g., Hurt et al., 1995, 1997, 1998) and
amount and nature of parental speech to children (Adams, remain of low SES (Hollingshead parental occupation score of
1998). This suggests a working hypothesis for explaining the 6 or 7, corresponding to semiskilled labor or unskilled/
other large SES disparity found here, namely language. The unemployed, respectively, and no tertiary education). The
hypothesis that differing amounts of linguistic stimulation mean Hollingshead employment score at birth was 7 and at
received by low and middle SES children cause the difference time of testing was 6.1 (SD = 1.0), corresponding to jobs such as
in language ability found here can now be tested. hospital aide and nail technician. Mean length of education
Knowledge of the neurocognitive profile of poverty may was 10.3 years (SD = 2.0).
have practical benefits as well, even before the causal factors Thirty middle SES African American children, matched for
have been elucidated. It provides more specific targets for gender and age (17 girls, mean age 11.7, SD = 1.0), were
intervention programs, allowing us to more precisely address recruited from public schools in Philadelphia and Swarth-
the neurocognitive vulnerabilities of at-risk children. Finally, more, Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Department of Recrea-
by characterizing the effects of childhood poverty in terms of tion Summer Camps. Criteria were the same as for the low SES
the brain systems affected, the public health dimensions of group, except that medical history was obtained by parent
poverty are revealed. This may renew and expand our sense of report and results of tests including urine screens and cranial
societal obligation to poor children by reframing the problem ultrasound were not available. Note that the effects of
as more than mere educational and economic opportunity, unreported medical problems in the middle SES mothers and
extending to the physical integrity of children. children would serve to underestimate SES disparities. The
SES criteria for this group were Hollingshead parental
occupation score of 4, corresponding to jobs such as secretary
4. Experimental procedures and bank teller, or lower (i.e., higher status) and a minimum of
2 years of tertiary education. The mean Hollingshead employ-
4.1. Participants ment score at time of testing was 2.8, corresponding to jobs
such as owner of small business and surgical technician
Thirty low SES African American children (17 girls) between the (SD = 1.0). The mean length of tertiary education was 5.3 years
ages of 10 and 13 (mean age 11.7, SD = 1.0) were recruited from a (SD = 3.1).
cohort of children followed since birth as control subjects for a
study of the effects of prenatal cocaine exposure on child 4.2. Procedure
development (see e.g., Hurt et al., 1995). They were born of
native English speaking mothers with no major psychiatric Neurocognitive functioning was evaluated using a battery of
illness reporting no use of illegal drugs (including barbiturates, tasks designed to assess seven key neurocognitive systems.
benzodiazepines, cocaine, marijuana, opiates) during preg- These systems were defined jointly by functional and
nancy. This was confirmed by negative urine tests of mother anatomical criteria. For example, the Lateral prefrontal/Work-
and infant for metabolites of barbiturates, benzodiazepines, ing memory system is assessed by tasks that are functionally
cocaine and opiates. Children were born at or near term, with a face-valid for working memory, that is, they require informa-
mean gestational age of 39 weeks (SD = 2, none earlier than tion to be actively held on-line in order to perform the task and
34.5 weeks' gestational age) and no asphyxiation. Their for which there is independent anatomical evidence from
average birth weight was 3.14 kg (SD = 0.58). Apgar scores at imaging or lesion studies that lateral prefrontal cortex is
1 min averaged 8.3 (SD = 0.84) and at 5 min 8.9 (SD = 0.43). The centrally involved in the performance of these tasks. For most
children were free of significant abnormality on cranial of the tasks, there is localizing evidence in child and/or
ultrasound and without fetal alcohol syndrome or any other adolescent subjects as well as in adults. Rather than validate
syndrome known to be associated with developmental delay. the localizations with neuroimaging of our participants, which
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would require on the order of a dozen scans per participant, Number Stroop. In adaptation of the Stroop task,
we chose tasks for which there is clear localizing evidence, subjects sort cards that bear between one and seven instances
cited below. of a digit from 1 to 7 (e.g., five “7's”). In the congruent condition,
Of course, a child's whole brain is working as they perform they are timed as they place the cards as quickly as possible in
all of these tasks. Our strategy was to select tasks that seven wells labeled with the numbers 1–7 on the basis of the
disproportionately tax particular systems (Temple, 1997). For digits. The incongruent condition is the same except that the
example, the assessment of syntactic comprehension cards must be sorted according to the number of digits (e.g., five
involves semantic vocabulary knowledge and visual pattern “7's” goes into the 5 well). The Stroop effect is the additional
recognition too. However, only widely known words are used time needed in the incongruent compared to the congruent
and subjects' understanding of these words is verified prior to condition. Functional neuroimaging studies have shown that
administering the task. Visual recognition is required because the incongruent condition of the Stroop task activates a
the task involves matching a picture to a spoken sentence, but network of prefrontal and parietal regions that includes the
the pictures are clear and easily recognized and are presented anterior cingulate cortex (Bush et al., 1998). The same network
for inspection at a comfortable viewing distance with no time is activated in children, adolescents and adults, with a
limitations. developmental trend toward better performance and greater
As a compromise between extensive sampling of each anterior cingulate activity with increasing age (Andleman et al.,
system's functions with multiple tasks and an assessment 2002).
that can be carried out within a single session (to minimize
no-shows and drop-outs), we selected two representative 4.3.3. Ventromedial PFC/Reward processing system
tasks per system. These were chosen to be as different as Ventromedial PFC/Reward processing system underlies our
possible from one another in terms of stimuli and ability to resist the pull of reward stimuli. In laboratory tasks, it
responses. is operationalized by pitting the pull of a reward stimulus
against the need to withhold or delay a response to avoid loss.
4.3. Prefrontal/Executive systems The systems of reward-related brain circuitry develop with
age but include ventromedial prefrontal cortex in children and
4.3.1. Lateral PFC/Working memory adolescents as well as adults (May et al., 2004).
Lateral PFC/Working memory plays an essential role in
many activities that are not tests of memory per se. The Delay task. This task, drawn from the Gordon
ability to hold the present context or goals of a complex Diagnostic System (Gordon et al., 1996), requires the child to
task in mind requires working memory. briefly withhold a response in order to earn points. Originally
used in the animal learning literature, this task is sensitive to Spatial working memory. This task is part of the ventromedial prefrontal function (Mobini et al., 2002).
computerized CANTAB battery working memory assessment,
normed for children (Elliott et al., 1997). The subject must Reversal learning. The ability to “unlearn” the pre-
search a set of locations, holding in working memory the vious association between a stimulus and reward is assessed
locations already checked. In functional imaging studies, by performance in the intradimensional shift condition of the
spatial working memory tasks with similar displays reliably CANTAB ID/ED Shift task. Reversal learning is impaired in
activate lateral prefrontal cortex in children as well as adults humans after damage to ventromedial cortex (Fellows and
(Thomas et al., 1999). Farah, 2003). Two-back. This task involves monitoring a series of 4.4. Nonexecutive systems
letters for a repeat “two-back.” Letters are presented for
500 ms each, separated by a 1 s interval. Subjects must 4.4.1. Occipitotemporal/Pattern vision system
continually update their working memory in order to compare Occipitotemporal/Pattern vision system subserves the seg-
the current letter to the one presented two letters back. mentation and recognition of shapes.
Imaging studies in adults and children find lateral prefrontal
activation with this task (Casey et al., 1995). Shape detection. Adapted from Warrington and
James' (1991) Visual Object and Space Perception Battery, the
4.3.2. Anterior cingulate cortex/Cognitive control system task requires detection of an x in visual noise, displayed on the
Anterior cingulate cortex/Cognitive control system plays a computer for 2 s followed by a pattern mask. Visual agnosic
crucial role in monitoring for conflict between the indivi- patients, who are not blind but have damage to higher level
dual's responses and the desired response and summoning visual association cortices in the occipital and inferior
additional attention when needed. temporal regions, are impaired (e.g., Milner and Goodale,
1995) even when the lesions are sustained early in life (Kiper Go–No-Go task. Children push a response button as et al., 2002).
soon as possible when any digit appears on the screen, except
for the digit 4. The ability to maintain quick responses yet Face perception. Adapted from Mooney's (1957) test
avoid responding to the 4 depends on conflict monitoring. of visual closure, faces depicted with shadows in high contrast
This task activates anterior cingulate, in both children and black and white are presented on a computer screen until the
adults (Casey et al., 1998). child responds whether the face is upright or upside down.
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The ability to perceive Mooney faces is particularly compro- 4.4.6. Left perisylvian/Language system
mised in visual agnosia following inferior occipitotemporal Left perisylvian/Language system is the most complex system
damage (Farah, 2004), and this region is activated during face studied here. The pair of tasks included here taps the two
perception in both adults and children of the age tested here main and distinct cognitive components of language ability,
(Aylward et al., 2005). lexical semantics and syntax. We assessed these with well-
known and age-appropriate instruments. As in adults, in
4.4.2. Parietal/Spatial cognition system children. these abilities depend on a network of areas
Parietal/Spatial cognition system subserves the representa- spanning left perisylvian cortex (Sachs and Gaillard, 2003).
tion and manipulation of spatial information. In contrast to
the pattern recognition functions of the visual system, which Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT). This is a
are localized in ventral visual areas, the spatial functions are standardized vocabulary test for children between the ages of
localized more dorsally in the posterior parietal areas of adults 2.5 and 18. On each trial, the child hears a word and must
and children (Johnson et al., 2001). select the corresponding picture from among four choices.
Similar word–picture matching tasks used in functional
4.4.3. Line orientation neuroimaging studies also implicate fronto-temporal cortex
This test, adapted from clinical neuropsychology, requires the (e.g., Thompson-Schill et al., 1998).
subject to judge the orientation of pairs of line segments,
selecting the corresponding orientations from a response Test of Reception of Grammar (TROG). In this
display of 11 labeled, radially arranged lines. This is a sentence–picture matching task designed by Bishop (1982),
relatively pure test of spatial perception, with minimal the child hears a sentence and must choose the picture,
demands on pattern recognition, and it is most impaired by from a set of four, which depicts the sentence. Its lexical–
lesions to the parietal cortex in humans (Walsh, 1978). semantic demands are negligible as the vocabulary is simple
and a pre-test ensures that subjects know the meanings of
4.4.4. Mental rotation the small set of words that occur in the test. The syntactic
Pairs of geometric figures from the Ekstrom et al. (1976) kit of abilities tested here localize to perisylvian frontal and
factor-referenced tests were presented by computer, and the temporal cortex (Just et al., 1996).
subject's task was to determine whether they are the same
despite orientation differences or different. Cardboard mani-
pulatives were used in explaining the task. Mental rotation is Acknowledgments
strongly linked to the posterior parietal lobes in children as
well as adults (Booth et al., 2001). This research was supported by NIH grants R21-DA01586, R01-
DA14129, R01-HD043078 and P30-HD269-04S2 and NSF grant
4.4.5. Medial temporal/Memory system 0226060. We thank the participating children and families for
Medial temporal/Memory system is required for one trial their time and effort.
learning. Most standard memory tests are sensitive to both
medial temporal and prefrontal function because perfor-
mance is influenced by the subject's ability to organize the
material to be learned and apply mnemonic strategies. We
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