Performance Studies of A Biogas Fueled Diesel Engine Operating in A Dual Fuel Mode
Performance Studies of A Biogas Fueled Diesel Engine Operating in A Dual Fuel Mode
Performance Studies of A Biogas Fueled Diesel Engine Operating in A Dual Fuel Mode
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3 authors, including:
M Z Haq
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
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ABSTRACT The present paper reports the experimental and modeling studies of a 4-cylinder, 4-stroke, direct
injection diesel engine. Study is carried out for two modes of operations – one with straight diesel fueling and
another in dual-fuel mode using natural gas and biogas of two compositions with a fixed amount of pilot diesel
injection for the ignition of the charge. Both experiments and simulations are carried out for different engine
speeds at different loading conditions. The results obtained from the simulations are in reasonable agreement with
the experimental results; however, neglect of detailed combustion in the model resulted in higher rated power
estimate of the engine. Lower cylinder gas pressure and higher bulk gas temperatures are obtained in case of
fueling by natural gas, and these quantities decrease with increase in the carbon dioxide content of biogas.
Keywords: Diesel engine, Alternative fuels, Heat release, Natural gas, Biogas.
from the compression of the air inside the engine cylinder is
not sufficient for the ignition of the charge [6]. A schematic
40 diagram of the engine setup is shown in Fig. 4. All
30 measuring instruments are calibrated using relevant standard
procedures. Experimental procedures reported in [7] are
used as general guideline for experimentation. British
10 Standard BS-5514, equivalent to ISO Standard 3046 and
0 SAE Standard J1349 [8], has been used for ‘de-rating’ the
Gasoline Diesel Methane BG30 BG50 engine brake power and fuel consumption rates. Details of
the experimental procedure are described in [9].
An engine model, with similar configuration to the
Fig. 1. Heating values of diesel, gasoline, methane and experimental engine, is also simulated using commercial
biogas of two compositions. engine simulation software GT-Power [10]. A schematic
diagram of the important components of the model is shown
in Fig. 5. In the present modeling, direct injection Weibe
3.0 combustion model is used to impose the combustion rates
using a three term Weibe function as outlined in [10], and the
SE (MJ/Kg of Charge)
superposition of three functions make it possible to model
pre-ignition and larger tail present in the typical diesel engine
heat release profile [11]. Chen-Flynn friction model [12] is
2.0 used to calculate engine friction and Woschni heat transfer
correlation [13] is used to estimate the heat transfer from the
1.5 Gasoline Diesel Methane
cylinder, while Colburn analogy [14] is used to predict
BG30 BG50 convective heat transfer coefficient in ducts and pipes
1.0 forming the intake and exhaust manifolds. Various
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 parameters required in the modeling are selected as per
φ guidelines presented in [10]. In all cases of the modeling,
ambient air is assumed to be at BS-5514 standard condition
(0.1 MPa pressure, 300 K temperature and 60% relative
Fig. 2. Specific energy of fuel-air premixtures.
humidity) and modeling is carried out for the same
conditions as those of the experiments. Details of the model
and the simulations are reported in [15].
Shown in Figs. 6 and 7 are the cylinder gas pressures
2.5 and bulk gas temperatures, respectively, of the diesel engine
generating approximately same amount of output power
when it is fueled by diesel, natural gas and biogas of two
1.5 Gasoline Diesel Methane compositions. It is seen that, peak cylinder gas pressure, Pmax,
B30 B50
is the highest for diesel fuel that is followed by natural gas,
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 BG30 and BG50. However, in case of bulk gas temperatures,
φ natural gas produced the highest peak temperature and the
diesel operations produced the lowest one. In cases of both
temperatures and pressures, biogas produced lower values
Fig. 3. Energy density of fuel-air premixtures. than the corresponding natural gas values and the deviations
increase with increase in carbon dioxide content of biogas.
The lower pressure and higher temperatures generated in
3. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP AND ENGINE MODEL case of natural gas operations are in line with the
experimental observations made in the present study [9].
Experiments are carried out in a 4-stroke, 4-cylinder Shown in Fig. 8 are the indicator diagrams for the same
direct injection diesel engine, specification of which is conditions as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. It is seen that, indicator
presented in Appendix-I. Diesel has been feed to the injector diagrams are very close to each other because of the fact that
pump under gravity, and gaseous fuels are supplied to the similar amount of heat addition with different fuels produced
intake manifold of the engine by fumigation method. In case similar amount of brake power, and thereby estimated brake
of fueled by gaseous fuels, a fixed amount of diesel (2kg/hr) thermal efficiencies are also close to each other.
is injected directly into the engine cylinder as a pilot fuel to
ignite the charge and the engine loads are varied by
Fig. 4. Experimental setup showing the major instrumentation.
7 1600
Bulk Gas Temperature (K)
Fig. 6. Cylinder gas pressures for similar output power for Fig. 7. Cylinder gas temperatures for similar output power
different fuels used, engine speed is 2250 rpm. for different fuels used, engine speed is 2250 rpm.
brake thermal efficiency is employed in the analyses of
8 engine performance when the engine is fueled by alternative
Fuel Qin Pb ηb Pmax fuels such as natural gas and biogas. In the present analysis,
Cylinder Gas Pressure (MPa)
with increase in the brake power until the brake power 290
reaches the rated value where the bsfc is minimum and any 280
N (rpm) Vp (m/s)
further increase in brake power results in higher bsfc. The bsfc (g/kW-hr)
270 2100 5.74
values of bsfc for the slower engine operation shows lower 260 2200 6.01
values at part load condition, and the situation is found to be 2250 6.15
reversed at overload condition. It is also observed that the 2300 6.29
rated power increases with engine speed, within the speed
range considered in the present study. This behavior of bsfc 230
vs brake power can be explained by considering the different 220
5 10 15 20 25
components involved in frictional losses: a significant
fraction of total frictional loss is directly related to the engine Pb (kW)
speed, a fraction of the total is directly related to the peak
engine cylinder pressure while a fraction of the total loss Fig. 9. Brake specific fuel consumption of diesel for
remains essentially constant [15]. At low load conditions, different engine speeds.
the effect of engine cylinder pressure is not significant,
rather the frictional losses are dictated by the energy
consumed in moving the shafts, valves and pumps, and these Figure 10 shows the brake thermal efficiency plotted
losses increase with speed. Therefore, at low load conditions, as a function of bmep for straight diesel operation. Brake
bsfc is low for low speed operations. However, at higher thermal efficiencies, as shown in Figs. 11-13, have trend
load, the effect of peak cylinder pressure becomes more similar to the diesel fueling as shown in Fig. 10, when the
significant and peak engine pressure for slower engine diesel is substituted partially by natural gas, BG30 and BG50.
operations are higher for the same power generation and Both the experimental and modeled results are plotted in
hence higher frictional losses. Moreover, at higher engine these figures. It is seen that, in case of pure diesel operation
speed less heat is lost through the cooling system. Therefore, as shown in Fig. 10, the experimental values of the brake
at high-speed operations, values of bsfc's are lower for rated thermal efficiency increases with increase in bmep until it
power conditions. However, beyond the rated power, supply reaches its maximum value at the rated brake power of the
of air is not sufficient to ensure complete burning because of engine corresponding to that speed. Beyond the rated power,
the heterogeneous mixture of air and fuel, and in case of brake thermal efficiency is reduced because of the decrease
overall stoichiometric mixture some portion of the charge of combustion efficiency resulting from the shortage of
starve from oxygen to complete the combustion. Therefore, oxygen required to burn the fuel completely. In case of
at rated load, average mixture is always lean and beyond the natural gas fueling, as shown in Fig. 11, the efficiency
rated load conditions, combustion is not completed and some continues to increase even beyond the rated power for the
of the energy input is lost in the form of incomplete diesel operation. It is because of the increased combustion
combustion products and results in higher values of bsfc's. efficiency resulted from the combustion of premixed natural
Brake specific fuel consumption, bsfc, is also a gas which is inducted into the intake manifold by fumigation
measure of engine overall efficiency, generally expressed as method. It is possible to significantly overload the engine
brake thermal efficiency, ηb, and theses quantifies are when fueled by natural gas, however with a potential to
inversely related, so that the lower the bsfc, the higher the damaged engine caused by overheating. Engine efficiency is
efficiency of the engine. However, for different fuels having slightly reduced in case of biogas fueling, as shown in Figs.
different heating values, the values of bsfc's might be 12 and 13. Moreover, the modeled results show the reduction
misleading in indicating engine performance. Therefore, of power for higher carbon dioxide in biogas which is due to
the presence of carbon dioxide that does not supply any
energy but absorbs some heat when exhausted in the form of 40
raised temperature. 38
In the results plotted in Fig. 10-13, it is seen that the 36
modeled values are within 2-3% of the experimental results 34
up to the rated engine power and the modeling predicts 32
ηb (%)
higher thermal efficiency in all cases considered. Moreover, 30 N (rpm) Model Expt.
28 2100
in case of straight diesel fueling the modeling also failed to
26 2200
show any noticeable decrease in thermal efficiency beyond 2250
the rated power because of its limitation to model real 22 2300
combustion that causes the efficiency to be reduced beyond 20
the rated power because of the heterogeneous nature of the 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
charge. However, for gaseous fuel operations as shown in bmep (MPa)
Figs. 11-13, slight reduction in thermal efficiencies beyond
some higher rated powers can be anticipated. Practically Fig. 12. Brake thermal efficiencies for different engine
negligible engine speed effect is observed in the results speeds when the engine is fueled by biogas BG30 and pilot
shown in Figs. 10-13, where brake thermal efficiencies are diesel fuel.
plotted as a function of brake mean effective pressure.
Hence, these plots emphasize the importance of the uses of
bmep rather than brake power in engine data representation
which provide a more useful basis for extending the results
for engines of different sizes and speeds. 38
40 32
ηb (%)
38 30
N (rpm) Model Expt.
36 28
34 26
32 24
ηb (%)
30 22
N (rpm) Model Expt. 2300
28 20
26 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
24 bmep (MPa)
22 2300
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Fig. 13. Brake thermal efficiencies for different engine
bmep (MPa)
speeds when the engine is fueled by biogas BG50 and pilot
diesel fuel.
Fig. 10. Brake thermal efficiencies for different engine
speeds when the engine is fueled by straight diesel.
Major conclusions of the present study are:
38 1. Diesel fuel can be partially substituted by natural gas
36 and biogas in diesel engines. The conversion to
34 dual-fuel mode by fumigation method demands only
32 simple modification of the engine intake system.
ηb (%)
30 N (rpm) Model Expt. However, pilot diesel injection is required to ignite the
28 2100 charge as methane has higher auto-ignition temperature
26 2200 than that of diesel.
24 2250
2. With modest efforts, it is possible to use GT-Power code
22 2300
to model diesel engines with gaseous alternative fuels
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
such as natural gas and biogas. Results thus obtained are
also in reasonable agreement with the experimental
bmep (MPa)
3. Modeling and simulation using GT-Power provide
Fig. 11. Brake thermal efficiencies for different engine valuable insight into the complex inter-relationship
speeds when the engine is fueled by natural gas and pilot characterizing diesel engine operations. Once the model
diesel fuel. is verified against the experimental results, it can be
used to study the effects of various engine operating
parameters for optimum engine performance.
4. Modeling with the neglect of details of combustion
processes results in higher rated capacity estimate of the
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5. Lower cylinder gas pressure and higher bulk gas 16. Lumley, J. L., Engines – An Introduction, (1999),
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decrease with increase in carbon dioxide content of the
Engine Specifications
Model : Kubota V1502B,
Type : Vertical, water cooled,
The authors are grateful to Dr. Syed Wahiduzzaman of 4-cylinder, diesel engine
Gamma Technologies for providing the GT-Power software Bore x Stroke : 76 mm x 82 mm
to Department of Mechanical Engineering, BUET. Total displacement : 1487 cc
Compression ratio : 21
Rated power : 17 kW at 2250 rpm
Fuel injection pump : Bosch K type
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