Name: Adnan Niaz Roll No: 206 Subject: Business Research Deparment: BBA (Hons) HUMAN RESOURCE Submitted To: Miss Sonia Shams Date: 22 April 2019

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Name : Adnan niaz

Roll no : 206
Subject : business research
Deparment : BBA (hons) HUMAN RESOURCE
Submitted to : Miss Sonia Shams
Date : 22 April 2019
Research paper : Partial mediating effect of job stress between glass ceiling-
gender discrimination and organizational commitment: A study of banking
sector of Pakistan
(Abeer imam, Aiman raza, Hasnain raza)(2019)

Problem Statement
Glass ceiling restrict the career progression of female employees in the hierarchy. The glass ceiling and
gender discrimination cause employees to experience job stress in any working environment. As
reported by Ragins et al. (1998) employees in many organizations have accepted the importance and
significance of shattering and destroying the glass ceiling and removing barriers and hurdles that
prevent women from excelling in the hierarchy and to utilize its full potential and strength. Banking
sector is considered to be the more stressed sector as compared to any other sector.

Research question
Does mediating effect of stress between glass-ceiling and gender discrimination exists in the banking
sector employees of Pakistan?

Research objective
To identify and help solve the problems arising due to glass ceiling or gender discrimination.

Scope of Research
This research was mainly conducted in the banking sector of Pakistan although its effects and
applications can also be traced to different industries.

Literature review
Following paragraph will list the literature regarding study variables.

Glass ceiling

It is the era of managing the human capital better. Organizations employ workers to achieve their
objectives and goals. So, there must be equal employment opportunities for both the genders. It is
important to provide equal employment opportunities for women to remove glass ceiling. It will help
attain development and economic stability.
Gender discrimination

Gender discrimination lowers the job satisfaction and commitment. Women are less committed and
enthusiastic toward job if they are discriminated on the ground of gender. Gender discrimination and
stress level is highly positively related. If there is gender discrimination then women are more likely
to do work under stress.


According to Topper (2007) stress is a “person’s psychological and physiological response to the
perception of demand and challenge. Stress can cause employees to show a high or lower
performance for an organization (Mufti et al. 2012).

Organizational commitment

Scott-Ladd et al. (2006) investigated from their research that organizational commitment is consistent
in enhancing a powerful attitudinal response in employees. Powerful attitudinal responses enhanced
because of increased organizational commitment, which help employees to perform well and improve
productivity of the organization. Organization can benefit from this powerful attitudinal response,
because when employees have a sense of belonging with the organization, they will work hard to
make their organization more successful and productive.

Theoretical framework
As found by the research conducted by Khatibi et al. (2009) job stress has negative impact on the
organizational commitment. Increased stress decreases the organizational commitment. Employees
cannot perform better when they are in the state of stress. Stress depicts a negative relation with the
organizational commitment. Employees cannot show commitment with the organization and its goals
(Figure 1).

Research methodology
This study is done to explore how stress mediates the relationship between glass ceiling, gender
discrimination and organizational commitment in the banking sector employees of Pakistan. This
research was made effective through questionnaire survey. There were 17 questions measured on a
5 point Likert-scale.

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