Hausser Case Solution

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Case: Hausser Food Products

Brenda Cooper said “Our current methods of selling products just are not adequate and the
people in the field don’t seem interested in coming up with new ideas or approaches to selling”.

Question 1: Why do you think this is the case?

This is so because Brenda Cooper (Regional Sales Manager) observed that the company
products are at the matured stage of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) and that sales growth are
slowing down and the Sales team of the organization needs to come up with new plans of
selling the company products. Brenda Cooper also realized that a particular district (Florida)
was always coming up with their numbers by exceeding expectation consistently by 10%, while
other districts struggle to meet set targets.

From the case passage, I believe that the Florida District Team refused to share their knowledge
with Management for the following reasons.

i. Poor Remuneration System in Hausser Foods

The Florida team refused to share their information with Management because the
salary structure of the company does not favour sales reps and their district
managers. The remuneration of the company is designed towards performance
reward. The base salary is quite low, but the bonus is high only if you could achieve
the set targets. Therefore, the Florida sales reps believe if the information to their
success is shared with Management, then every district could achieve their targets
and new targets would be introduced by Management that might be more difficult
to achieve.
ii. Poor Promotion System
The sales reps also believe that Top Management of the company does not have
their interest at heart, since over years of hard working, they are not promoted.
They feel they do not really belong to the organization and therefore, worry less
about the organization.
iii. Poor Target Setting Process
The Top-Bottom approach to target setting by Top Management is also limiting the
initiatives of employees. Sales reps feels they are not part of the decision-making
process of the organization, and therefore they feel less important.
iv. Lack of Top Management Trust

The Florida sales reps also does not trust the top management of the company. They
believe that the Top Management have formed a habit of increasing targets yearly
when the team meets prior years target.
v. Micro-Management of Employee
Sales reps at Florida hates to be micro-managed. They want to be autonomous and
have a degree of freedom. They dislike supervisors and super-ordinates breathing
down their neck.
vi. Poor Incentive System for offering ideas to Management
The sales reps don’t also like the incentive offered by the Management for divulging
vital information. The amount offered is too small when compared to what the
organization would earn in return.
vii. The guys at Florida also prefer spending time chasing targets and making sales on
the field rather than sitting in the office while trying to send numerous reports to
headquarters. They believe that report sending is a waste of precious time that
could be spent making sales in the field.

Question 2. How would you go about addressing this, if you were in her

If I were Brenda Cooper, I would ensure I gain the trust of the Florida team. Most especially that
of Boyar. It is important that I ensure I have trusted associates that I could get feedbacks from
on the field. I would then ensure that the company implement the following;

i. Better System of Remuneration

ii. Better Organizational Design and Architecture that aligns and motivate employees
iii. Ensure that Sales Reps are not Micro-Managed
iv. Ensure that the organization adopts management by objective (MBO) when setting
performance standards.
v. Ensure that all ideas from employees are welcomed are adequately compensated.
vi. Reduce the administrative tasks expected from sales reps so as to avoid distraction
from primary duties.

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