Reinforcing Dietary Program': Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Pemkab Jombang Program Studi D-Iii Keperawatan 2017 / 2018

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1. RANI RIZKYANAWATI (151702026)





2017 / 2018
Hypertension or high blood pressure, is increased blood pressure or force of
blood pressing on the walls of the cavity where the blood was. High Blood Pressure
(hypertension) is an increase in blood pressure in the arteries. (Hiper means
Overrated, tension means pressure / t egangan; j adi, hipertensi is p system disorders that
cause blood eredaran rise in blood pressure above the normal value.
For example, blood pressure 120/80 mmHg mean systolic pressure of 120 and
diastolic pressure of 80 mmHg.
Blood pressure is the pressure generated by:
1. Strength buds urgent cardiac left ventricle to insert the contents of the blood into
the arterial trunk.
2. Resistance in the arterial blood flow.
3. Autonomic nerves are made up of the sympathetic and the sympathetic system.

5 Vegetables For a Healthy and Fast Diet Slim

Vegetables For Diet One of the most powerful ways to lose weight is to consume more
various types of vegetables are known for the content of vitamins, minerals and
generally low in calories, so that vegetables become the best intake for your diet every
day. Vegetables are not only very helpful in diet programs, but also provide other
benefits to maintain health and also to cope with various diseases. Vegetables will make
blood circulation smooth, improve the performance of the digestive system, boost the
immune system, increase detoxification and other benefits that can be obtained by
consuming vegetables. With so many benefits from various types of vegetables, then
consume vegetables will make your weight loss process goes well.

Type of Vegetables For Diet

Here, we will give you some of the best vegetables you can consume while on a diet.

1. Broccoli
As green vegetables in general, broccoli has a lot of vitamins and minerals such as
vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B6, folate, manganese, magnesium,
potassium, phosphorus and calcium. Broccoli is very good to consume to lose weight
because it contains fiber, complex carbohydrates and low calories are very good to
balance blood sugar and improve the detoxification process. In addition, broccoli is also
a type of vegetable that contains lots of water that the body needs to keep the arteries
clean and prevent high cholesterol. Other benefits you can get by eating broccoli is to
maintain bone health, prevent cancer, slow premature aging, protect liver, maintain
better dental and gum health, detoxify blood, prevent skin irritation, maintain eye
health, improve cognitive function, reduce levels cholesterol, increase fertility and so

2. Spinach
Spinach is also the healthiest type of vegetables and has many benefits in it. In spinach
there are many types of antioxidant flavonoids and also very low cholesterol levels.
Some types of antioxidants that exist in spinach include carotenoids, beta carotene,
lutein and also zeaxanthin. In addition to having high antioxidants, in spinach also
provides essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, vitamin C, manganese,
zinc, selenium, protein, folate, vitamin K, calcium, iron, fiber, carbohydrates, potassium
and magnesium. By eating spinach leaves, there are many benefits that you can get
especially when undergoing diet programs such as helping the detoxification process
that will support the liver to prevent overgrowth of bacteria and also prevent
inflammation by lining the digestive tract, prevent diarrhea and constipation. In
addition, the content of vitamin A and vitamin C in spinach is very good to fight
damage because of UV rays that cause skin cancer as well as supporting the production
of collagen which will make skin look younger and various other benefits for the body.

3. Asparagus
Asparagus is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients such as folic acid and sources of fiber,
potassium, vitamin B6, vitamin C, thiamine and also vitamin A. Asparagus became one
of the best vegetables to counteract free radicals that cause cell damage. Not only as a
source of antioxidants, asparagus also has anti-inflammatory properties, helps maintain
heart health, improve digestion and so on. High fiber content in asparagus will improve
digestion, which makes various foods can be absorbed in the intestine well while
preventing the risk of liver disease, eliminating the accumulation of fat, bacteria and
also toxins stored in the body. While the content of thiamin or vitamin B1 in asparagus
is useful to keep blood sugar levels, energy sources and also very important in your
body's metabolism. The content of glutathione in asparagus will also help in the
destruction of toxins that cause bone cancer, breast cancer and some other cancers.

4. Celery
Celery which is often added in various dishes such as soup, meatballs, porridge and so
on is also a source of high antioxidants and excellent source of enzymes. In celery
contains minerals and vitamins such as fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6,
potassium, folate, calcium, protein and also has no fat content at all and very low
calories. Consuming celery will help you maintain high cholesterol levels, reduce
inflammation caused by various diseases such as liver disease, cancer, arthritis and so
on because of the content of phenolic acid, caffeic acids, ferulic acid and also flavaols
such as quecetin. Another benefit of celery is to prevent high blood pressure, overcome
various digestive problems, maintain liver health and certainly help lose weight due to
the various mineral content, vitamins and high antioxidants contained in this vegetable.

5. Carrot
Not only has the color orange, it also has a variety of colors such as yellow, purple and
red. The color contained in carrots is obtained because of the high antioxidant content
called carotenoids ie beta carotene. As we know, carrots have a very high vitamin A
which is useful to enhance the body's immune system, protect skin and eye health and
also prevent various free radicals that are the source of dangerous diseases such as
cancer and liver disease. In addition, consuming carrots regularly will also maintain the
balance of blood sugar in the body, improve blood health, overcome inflammation,
cleanse the kidneys, maintain brain function and also prevent leukemia or blood cancer.
For the complete nutritional content present in carrots are vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin
K, potassium, manganese, vitamin B6, thiamin, niacin, folate, protein, omega 3, omega
6, fiber and also low in calories and fat.

How To Diet For Safe Diabetes Patient Super Powerful

More Intelligent With Sweet Intake

The way the diet should be done diabetics does not mean avoiding the use of whole
sugar, but that must be considered is to eat with a portion of the nail and not excessive.
What is meant by jelly with a sweet intake is to consume sweet foods or drinks at meal
time as dessert and then no longer consume snacks or snacks outside of the meal.

In addition, reduce the portion of the main meal if afterward want to eat a sweet dessert,
because the sweet intake to be consumed afterwards also contains high carbohydrates.

Causes of hypertension
There are 2 kinds of hypertension, essential and secondary.
1. Hypertension Essential hypertension is the most not known cause. There are 10 -
16% of adults suffer from high blood pressure.
2. Hypertension Secondary hypertension is a known cause and why. Hypertension
kind is only a small part, which is only about 10%.
Some of the causes of hypertension, among others:
1. Because hormonal, for example, from the adrenal glands.
2. The use of drugs.
3. smoking because the nicotine contained in tobacco.
4. Alcoholic beverages.
5. Abnormalities in the kidneys.
6. Intracranial Abnormalities resulting in increased intracranial pressure or because of
its location near the center of persyarafan that affect blood pressure.
7. Abnormalities of the large blood vessels (aorta) that koartasio aorta where the aortic
arch aorta is continuous with decendens.


Adjusting diet is recommended for patients with hypertension to avoid and
limit foods that can increase blood cholesterol levels and increase blood pressure,
so people do not have a stroke or cardiac infarction.
Foods to be avoided or restricted are:
1. The food is high in saturated fat (brain, kidney, lung, coconut oil, lard).
2. Food was prepared by using sodium salt (cookies, crakers, chips and dried foods
are salty).
3. Food and drinks in cans (sardines, sausage, korned, vegetables and fruits in
cans, soft drink).
4. Preserved foods (jerky, pickled vegetables or fruit, shredded, salted, boiled,
dried shrimp, salted eggs, peanut butter).
5. Milk full cream , butter, margarine, cheese, mayonnaise, and other sources of
animal protein are high in cholesterol such as red meat (beef / mutton), egg yolk,
chicken skin).
6. Condiments such as soy sauce, maggi, shrimp paste, tomato sauce, chili sauce,
tauco and other flavorings generally contain sodium salt.
7. Alcohol and alcohol-containing foods such as durian, tape.
How to set up a diet for people with hypertension is to improve thetaste by
adding sugar fresh red / white onion (red / white), ginger, and other spices kencur
are not salted or salt contains less sodium.Food can be sauteed to improve the
taste. Put salt at the table above can be taken to avoid excessive use of salt. It is
recommended to always use iodized salt and salt use no more than 1 teaspoon per
Increasing potassium intake (4.5 grams or 120-175 mEq / day) can give the
effect of a mild decrease in blood pressure. In addition, administration of potassium
also helps to replace lost sodium and low potassium result. Can generally used
medium size (50 grams) of apples (159 mg potassium), orange (250 mg potassium),
tomato (366 mg potassium), banana (451 mg potassium) baked potato (503 mg
potassium) and 1 cup skim milk (406 mg potassium). Adequacy of calcium is
important to prevent and treat hypertension: 2-3 glasses of skim milk or 40 mg /
day, 115 grams of low-sodium cheese to meet the needs of calcium 250 mg /
day. While the needs of the average daily calcium 808 mg.
In pregnant women food enough protein, calories, calcium and sodium are
associated with a lower incidence of hypertension of pregnancy. However, pregnant
women are especially hypertension accompanied by swelling and urinary protein
(pre-eclampsia), other than medicines recommended to reduce salt intake and
increase food sources of Mg (vegetables and fruits).


Despite antioxidant supplementation still require further research, but today
many supplements are sold and consumed by the public. As medical personnel
should be careful giving advice supplement drink to avoid overdose.
1. Vitamins and Decrease Homocysteine
Folic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12 and riboflavin are enzyme co-factor
essential for the metabolism of homocysteine. Various studies have shown that
elevated levels of homocysteine in the blood increases the risk of coronary artery
disease. Low levels of folic acid are associated with an increased risk of coronary
disease and low vitamin levels are also associated with an increased risk of
atherosclerosis, although the risk of atherosclerosis associated with low levels of
vitamin B6 was not associated with a high concentration of homositein. while
vitamin B12 is not associated with vascular disease.
2. Soybeans and Isoflavones
Soy contains many isoflavones are estrogen-Phy, which have weak estrogen
activity. Research meta-analysis in 1995 concluded that isoflavones from soy protein
more significantly reduce total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides, without
affecting HDL cholesterol levels. So it is recommended to consume soy protein (20-50
grams / day) and dietary modifications in patients with cholesterol (total and LDL) is
high. Tempe is the result of processing soybeans fermented with better nutritional content
than soy. So that tempeh is recommended for consumption by people with hypertension
as a source of vegetable protein.
3. Tempe
Tempe is one of the traditional food of Indonesia, fermented
fungus Rhizopus ohgosporis or rhizopusoryzal on soybean seed that has been
boiled. There are various kinds of tempeh, tempeh discussion is made of soy, which
is a compact product, wrapped flat by the mycelium fungus that appears white in
color, and when slicedpiecesseem pale yellow soya beans, among the
mycelium. Fermentation mold produces a change in the texture of soy, are soft and
nutritional value of tempeh better than soybeans.
Nutritional value Tempe:
1. Protein
Enzymes produced molds, producing free amino acids, so the level isincreased to
85 times the levels of soy protein.
2. Carbohydrates
Soybeans contain carbohydrates in the form of sakrosa and stakhiosa and rifinosa
(the latter two led to the formation of gas in the stomach). Fermented soybeans into
soybean producing carbohydrates.
3. Fat
Enzymes in the mold can reduce the total fat content from 22.2% to 14.4% and
increased free fatty acid levels from 0.5% to 21%.
4. Mineral
In the soybean contained phytic acid which is a compound forfose, which can not
be utilized by the body. With fermentation, molds produce the enzyme phytase
which outlines the phytic acid, so it can be utilized forfosenya body.
5. Vitamin
The fermentation process can increase levels of vitamin B2 (Riboferum), Vitamin
B6 (pyridoxine), folic acid, panthotenat, and nicotinic acid. While vitamin B1
levels decreased due to the growth of mold and also vitamin B12 formed by
bacteria that do not exist in other vegetable products.
Benefits Tempe:
Tempe is a good source of nutrients, especially for patients with hyper
kolesterolemia. From various studies it turns out tempeh can lower cholesterol
levels in the blood and prevent blood vessel constriction, because tempeh contains
polyunsaturated fatty acids. So that hypertensive patients are encouraged to eat
tempeh every day, in addition to a diet low in saturated fat.
Tempe also contains antibacterial substances that can inhibit the growth of some
gram-positive bacteria as well as cause diarrhea (Salmonella sp
and Shigella sp.) Therefore, tempeh is also recommended to be consumed under
five with diarrhea.
4. Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Eating one serving of high-fat fish (or fish oil) per day can be the intake of
omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) of approximately 900 mg / dl, and has been
reported to lower cholesterol and prevent coronary heart disease.
5. Fiber
Although sharing of studies show an association between some types of
fibers with decreased cholesterol or LDL and total cholesterol, but there is no direct
evidence showing the relationship between fiber supplements with decreased
cardiovascular disease.
Name the dish, main ingredient, processing methods, and tools fooddiet
hypertension and dyslipidemia.
MenuIngredients :
Food Processing Equipment Method Supplementary Material misstatement :
a) Soft rice
b) Sauteed Chicken + Rice - Boiling + steaming porcelain dish
skinless chicken stir-fry dishes porcelain salt
c) Carrots Carrots
d) Boiled Nutmeg Bowl
e) Coffee Milk Glass Milk Sugar Water +Sugar Pudding Fruit
f) Jelly boiled Saucer
g) Mango
h) Milk cups low fat Milk
i) Rice Boiled Rice + Plato steamed
j) Fish Pepes Fish Plato saffron steamed
k) Soy chicken sauteed chicken red sugar Plato
l) Glass Milk Skimmed milk powder
m) Sugar
n) Watercress Oseng + carrots + green beans stir-fried salt Plato
o) Carrots
p) Watercress
q) Beans

Diet :
Breakfast Menu :
a) Nasi software
b) Sauté chicken + carrots
c) Soy milk • Coffee
(E: 225 Cal, KH: 30 g, L: 6.5 g, P: 30 g
Interlude 1 and 2 :
a) Mango Pudding
b) Low fat milk
(E: 330 Cal, KH: 59 g, L: 7 g, P: 7 g)
Lunch Menu :
1) White rice
2) Pepes know
3) Soup beans + carrots
4) Papaya fruit
(E: 325 Cal, KH: 44 g, L: 7.5 g, P: 18.5 g)
1) White Rice
2) Sauteed Spinach
3) Pepes Fish
4) Fruit Papaya


Diabetes is a serious disease. It affects almost every partof your body. That
iswhy a health care team may helpyou take care of your diabetes.
Many people avoid the long-term problems of diabetesby taking good care
ofthemselves.Work with yourhealth care team to reach your ABC goals. Use this

Use your diabetes food plan. If you do not haveone, ask your health care team for one :

a) Eat healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables,fish, lean meats, chicken
orturkey without theskin, dry peas or beans, whole grains, andlow-fat or skim
milk and cheese.
b) Keep fish and lean meat and poultry portions toabout 3 ounces (or the size of
apack of cards).
c) Bake, broil, or grill it.
d) Eat foods that have less fat and salt.
e) Eat foods with more fiber such as whole-graincereals, breads, crackers, rice, or

Get30 to 60 minutes of physicalactivity on most days of the week :

a) Brisk walking is a great way to movemore.Stay at a healthy weight by making

healthy food.
b) Choices and moving more.
c) Ask for help if you feel down. A mental healthcounselor, support group,member
of the clergy,friend, or family member will listen to yourconcerns and help you
feel better.
d) Learn to cope with stress. Stress can raise yourblood glucose. While it is hard to
remove stressfrom your life, you can learn to handle it.
e) Stop smoking. Ask for help to quit.
f) Take medicines even when you feel good. Askyou doctor if you need aspirin to
prevent a heartattack or stroke. Tell your doctor if you cannotafford your
medicine or if you have any side effects.
g) Check your feet every day for cuts, blisters, redspots, and swelling. Call your
health care teamright away about any sores that won’t go away.
h) Brush your teeth and floss every day to avoidproblems with your mouth, teeth,
or gums.
i) Check your blood glucose. You maywant to test it one or more times a day.
j) Check your blood pressure. If your doctor advises.

Get Started With This 3-Day Sample Diabetes

Diet Meal Plan

Still wondering where to get started? To begin with, we highly recommend that
you take into account your activity level. We have pre-designed 7 Day Diabetes Meal
Plans for Sedentary, Moderately Active and Highly Active Lifestyles.
But for those who are already feeling overwhelmed with their diabetes diagnosis
and don’t want to try on too much too soon — here is a simple, basic 3-day sample
diabetic diet plan. It offers around 1,200 to 1,600 calories per day. Once you get started
on the right track, you can delve further into activity levels and eating right for your
activity level.

Day 1 – Diabetes Diet Plan

1 portion Oven Baked Eggs with Tomato Salsa
1 cup unsweetened Tea/Coffee

1 portion Easy Greek Salad
1 Apple, with peel

1 portion One-Pan Baked Chicken with Vegetables
1 slice Whole-Wheat Bread

Day 2 – Diabetes Diet Plan

1 portion Oatmeal with Chia Seeds
1 cup Coffee/Tea, unsweetened

1 portion Grilled Eggplant Panini
1 glass freshly-made Lemonade

1 portion Vegetable Stir Fry
1 cup Brown Rice, cooked

Day 3 – Diabetes Diet Plan

1 portion Courgette, Carrot & Tomato Frittata
1 cup of 1% Milk

1 portion Stuffed Peppers
1 cup Blueberries

1 portion Sole Fillets With Oranges
1 cup Tossed Mixed Green Salad with lettuce, spinach, cucumbers and tomatoes
Choose between a piece of fruit, a cup of carrot sticks or a handful of nuts if you must

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