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Darkening Sky0 End PDF
Darkening Sky0 End PDF
Translated by
schools for his elementary and high school education. After graduating
from high school, he entered the Maritime Academy and worked as a navi
gator for a few years. He did not feel very happy with this job, so he
literature was virtually unknown. Even those whose habit~ include reading
literary journals did not see his name until November, 1967, when his first
short story Bintang Maut appeared in Sastra, one of the literary journals
in Indonesia. It is not unlikely that those who did read this particular
issue found that Bintang Maut was not significantly different from any
other story regularly published in Sastra. His second short story ap
peared in the same journal six months later. Entitled Domba Rain this
story also passed Virtually unnoticed. Not until October, 1968, did his
name become nationally known. This was due to the publication of his
third short story (actually the first part of a longer work) Langit Makin
Mendung in the August issue of Sastra. Barely two months after its ap
reacted angrily to the story. This reaction was then picked up in various
The pressure from the community was so strong that on October 22,
of this story, Hujan MUlai Rintik, which he had sent to Sastra. Langit
Makin Mendung may, therefore, be his third and last story.
The controversy over this short story is obviously not a simple
issue as it involves not only religious matters but also variables found
manner. The dialogues between God and Prophet Muhammed, God's wearing
Muhammed's vehicle and the Russian sputnik, plus some other points in the
story were consideren an insult to the Moslem religion in general and the
One author, Nazwar Sjamsu, went even further. He doubted very much
Nazwar proved that Langit Makin Mendung was oriented more toward Christian
thinking than tlmt of Islam. The question to be answered is, lIDid not
imagination of an individual. To seek truth or accuracy in a work of art
The variables found in the society may have contributed to the con
like Iangit Makin Mendung would create very little. if any, reaction. The
sensitivity of this story may have increased when real names such as
Muhammad a.a.w., Soekarno, Bill Palmer are used as they make it more
Despite the fact that the story has been officially retracted, the
stain of the spilt milk remains. Two books, from which we gather our in
formation here, have now been published. The first, Heboh Sastra 1968.
ture, Nazwar Sjamsu presents his case from a completely different angle
All in all, Langit Makin Mendung and the ramifications which it has
literary point of view as from the sociological impact which the story
has created.
Translator's Note
ment and for their generous and p~tient assistance. I would also like
to express my thanks to Nurdin Yatim and Joesworo~ for their kind assistance
and to Professor Walter Vella for his continued enthusiasm and interest in
for men who are used to fighting. We are not angels or turtledoves.
Our lips are already weary and stiff, praising your greatness hundreds
Golden apples, silver citrus trees. Little platinum deer, birds with
"In truth, there is more than enough happiness, plentiful and full
to overflowing.
"Look at the silk carpet you're stepping on. The Cashmere robe
and turban you're wearing. The Aladdin sli~pers that can fly. I gave
Muhammad lowered his head, thinking that the life of man was only
rattan woven together to catch alms from Allah. How undignified were
they who endlessly hoped for pity. He remembered that when he first
"Concerning what?"
"Oh, that's only normal. Most of them are from tropical areas, if
"The dry season is too long in those parts. The heat of the sun
has baked their dull brains too long." He placed His old-fashioned
die outright."
"It is puzzling that they have never asked for asylum here."
"The troops of hell have chained their feet to their own gravestones."
"What can their sins possibly be? What a miserable fate for my
people, Lord: ll
"Their souls are said to reek of Nasakom. They are poisoned by
Nasakom:" ,.
"Nasakom? What poison is that, Lord? What cursed devil is poisoning
their souls?" Muhammad s.a.w. appeared very disturbed. His fists were
clenched. "Usman, Umar, and Ali: Sharpen your swords:"
"Find out the real facts yourself. As for the swords, I think they
HOf course. Ask for a travel permit from Soleman the Wise in
the secretariat. You should know that, according to Botes S , the police
and the civil guard make a nuisance of themselves, and relish fussing
"No, they're not like police on earth. Take Gabriel along with you,
* * *
The moment before the departure, heaven was astir with activity.
in heaven had already been signed. Abubakar was named as the receiving
"Hail. Your Grace. which route has Your Excellency chosen?" the
want to count the travelle._ on pilgrimage. Here we only know two kinds
All the denizens of heaven saw them off at the airfield. Touching
desert songs were sung, though there weren't any lovely women belly
dancing. Who knows how many millions of hands Muhammad s.a.w. had to
Muhammad s.a.w. would mark a new epoch in the history of mankind. Great
was the hope that a dee.: ';:nderstanding would soon be woven between the'
on-the-spot observations of Muhammad (may the Lord bless him and give
him peace.) Yes, brothers and sisters in holiness! As those who made
it to heaven, we must not forget the struggle of our brothers and sisters
We must help them with prayers and constructive thinking, so that they
may all be drawn to the side of the Lord. That's all I have to say.
and Earth! II
quickly climbed onto the back of the buroq, a winged horse which had
the buroq flew toward earth, and Gabriel, who was getting on in years,
"People on earth call it sputnik. There are three men inside it,
Apostle of Allah."
infidels on earth. Followers of Marx and Lenin, who deny the Lord.
"What unfortunate men; may the Lord forgive them," he prayed. "I'd
The winged horse flew SWiftly across the sputnik's orbit. With
his fiery sword, Gabriel signalled the sputnik to stop for a moment.
"We hereby report that the Russian sputnik has succeeded in making
problem ••• " (So it was heard over a Radio Moscow Broadcast.)
"Oh dear, oh dear, Hell will have three more residents." Muhammad
whispered sadly. For a moment he cast a glance below. His heart suddenly
leaped in horror.
of a country with a hundred million lazy and stupid citizens. But all
"Oh! Isn't that greenish area over there the color of hell-flames?"
"No, Sir! That's the men's and women's volunteer force intended
Beloved Muslim men and women! But I don't see any mosques of decent
"How strange!"
"Well, let's go, Gabriel, and leave this accursed place behind us
"But the people below there have already made a prophet of some
one else."
prophe t, Nasakom!"
The prophet gazed upward. "The Word of Allah will never fail.
Whatever the state of Islam, it is and forever will be, though earth
be destroyed!"
and whirled across the open sea. The echo rose even to heaven, and
and trembling devils held their ears closed. The rumble and crack of
heart was doubtful and sorrowful. His countenance was dark, as dark
* * *
The rainy season stili hadn't arrived. In Jakarta, many people
Only Chinese pharmacies and insiders with connections could get their
thousand people had died of flu, but about the Jakarta flu, the Minister
"We hope for a rapid recovery. With this the Chinese people
neglect to give thanks to the Lord who had blessed him with such a
seats. For a while the host forgot his religion, and polished off the
patters of pork and frogs ' 1egs. . 14 who were present smi 1 e d
The k ya~s
claimed that Soekarno was seriously ill. Even near death, they said.
(There was tumultuous applause, and the Chinese physicians felt obliged
to join in too.)
(more applause.)
The informal program began. With his old bones, the President
15 16
danced the Zenso with girls specially invited from Menteng. The
patihs and Ministers didn't want to seem less stylish. So only the
about like a little boy just told he didn't have to get circumcised.
His personal doctor wnispered, "It's all right. Good for his
kidneys; that way His Excellency's kidney stones won't act up again."
"Oh, all right, But you join me, okay?" He had the airs of an
smell of champagne.
They parted.
The clouds were thickening in the sky, and a few stars shone
"praise be to God."
The ministers left later with the girls, to look for rooms to
the leftover food to take home to their children and wives. The
outside the palace wall gazed in sadly, blaming fate for making them
* *
Rumors that Soekarno was paralyzed and close to death spread
and Gabriel, who had changed themselves into a pair of hawks. They
"But his doctrines are not. Nasakom has even blemished the souls
of the soldiers. It has already infected some of my kyais," he snorted
with disgust.
"Why did you choose for us to have this hawk shape, and not to
"For this earth aff air we are obliged to become a part of the earth."
"What for?"
"So that truth is not completely bare before us."
"But we still can't appear as humans?"
"I know!"
"And in this present manifestation, our eyes are sharp, our move
ments fast!"
"Yes, you're right. May Allah bless you, Gabriel. Let's circle
filling their lungs and noses with the smoky exhaust fumes of a
thousand cars. Above Senen market 22 hung the odor of garbage heaps
iron roof, while Gabriel made a perfect circle over the freight cars
of Planet District. 23
and now they had syphilis. Their crotches were covered with boils t
and flies gathered to suck the pus. Twilight sank into night, with
stars splotching the clouded sky. A young man entered the bathing
area, which was enclosed by a chest-high bamboo wall, to wash off his
come. A fat girl whose back was covered with a rash followed him in t
rose up. Her armpits had a sweaty ammonia smell, from her acrobatics
In another room an old goat was busily pumping away on the belly
protection money.
"In a country where Muslims are the majoritYt they are so openly
Haven't Abubakar, Umar and Usman conv~yed my commands to the kyais here?
"Stones. are expensive here. One cubic meter for two hundred
his foot.
"Allah forgive you! Has the devil already gotten hold of you,
Prostitutes of Jakarta,
a pickpocket had been caught red-handed. Beaak drivers led on the crowd
to beat him up. The pickpocket was knocked down. stood up. and was
knocked down again, asking for mercy, while inside he was laughing at
civilian clothes. Unlucky days always meant fist fights, kicks, and
derision, which wasn't very pleasant. But that was just routine. The
Senen police didn't pay any attention to the daily spectacle; people
attacked each other for the fun of it. Suddenly a soldier appeared and
pushed forward. The pickpocket was dragged away and taken off somewhere.
"He's a big tough in Senen; one of Sj afii 's gang, the king of
the pickpockets!"
"That man was stealing. wasn't he!" (The Prophet's observation
was astute.)
"Why did they only beat him up? The thief's hand should be cut
"Yes, and some are from America. A country of people who worship
thing's wrong."
"A document."
If Document?"
Palmer's house. 1f
Below them Togog was jumping for joy. This time he was really
ing it. His thoughts were lost in daydreams. and suddenly he smiled
to himself.
"History will record in golden ink: Sang Togog successfully
exposed the plots of the rebellious knights of his }1ajesty the King."
future king!"
Once more he smiled to himself. The old king was about to die,
and young King Togog would ascend the throne, as soon as the generals
were cornered.
He kicked the door of the intelligence headquarters heavily three
Understand?" he snapped.
"Why so 10ng?lI
I must toss those copies before the nose of the commanders at the
briefing with the Great Leader of the Revolution tomorrow. Can you
"Togog straightened his uniform, which looked like a god's. He
took out a wad of tens of thousands of rupiahs from a back pocket.
After Togog left, the magic formula was read in turn by wild
demons and stupid devils, worshipers of the great God Mao. For
years now they ha4 been secretly haunting the headquarters of the
of the party!"
were way off. Soekarno wasn't paralyzed, but only a little lame.
gave one the energy of a horse. Sang Togog was disappointed to see
great zeal~ dancing vigorously and leaping into bed with who knows
Togog were both perplexed at Bogor. The briefing with the commanders
"The usual--'the best-known are always released from custody' ••• !"
"Oh, him again! I've already emasculated Nasution with all the
trivial tasks of playing Minister for Security and Armed Forces Chief
of-Staff. He's no longer dangerous."
"Yes, but the jailangkung says that it's the CIA that's pulling
in it?"
"It's like this, pak. They've all plotted. It's all because of
our taking Comrade Mao's advice and opening up a new front in the
"Why is that?"
America we're hurting; they have to split their navy in two. One
threatens us!"
"To h~ll with the middle of the nightt Take all the guards i f
you're afraid. 1I
the cold night. His hopes to share a bed with his mistress in
Cibinong were shattered. Two hours later a Chinese who looked like
a meatball soup vendor was led in. He was only wearing pyjamas, his
Chinese envoy spoke Indonesian well. And the Great Leader was
country of your ance8tors. And don't come back here before you get
"Come on. what is the atom bomb for?" The Chinese envoy knew
Maybe it will end up as scrap iron and be sold to Japan. Ah, friend
of Chairman Mao, it would be better if you formed a fifth force.
Sharpened bamboo spears ~¥ould be more suitable for your people."
"What do you mean?" asked the Great Leader, and the Chinese
envoy simultaneously.
empty talk!"
frontation, go ahead."
narrow eyes.
"As soon as the Americans land, I'll order all Chinese foreign
of religionl ll
attack Malaysia?" .
"I'm sorry, Your Excellency, the matter isn't yet clear. The
"Then what do the CIA and their 'local army friends' want to do?"
CIA method."
"How is that?"
Soekarno, Subandrio, Yani, and the Communist Party will have to go!"
proof in the hands of His Excellency the President and Great Leader
revolutionary people from the face of the earth. These three men
in the name of the President and Great Leader of the Revolution and
body and soul. Once more, be on guard, because those executioners are
among you."
while they forgot their hungry stomachs, feeling instead anger and
figures resembling the Tengku. English and American flags, sewn with
great effort by their women at home, were trampled and torn with an
talking politics. While in Russia, Lenin had said that cooks too
"Oh, shut up, what do you know?" a hoarse voice spoke up.
"Sure, he's had his fill, hasn't he? How many girls has he
normal for a Minister to play around with girls and other people's
"Comrade of the axis. Please pack off the atom bomb quickly,
"But brothers, I know of many foods other than rice that are
you think I eat rice every day? No! It's only occasionally that
your Great Leader of the Revolution here eats rice once a day. It's
even been a month since I've eaten meat. Just ask General Saboer!
"There's Pak Leimena over there,ll (he pointed to a man who was
thin and wasted.) "He prefers sago to rice. Look at Pak Seda with
his sturdy body." (He pointed to a man whose body was about as strong
as a beoak driver's.) "He can't work if he hasn't had his corn for
avoid meat. He was forced to eat only an egg fried on one side
he pleased.
Their hearts are like the sun; however cloudy the skies are growing,
. '* '*
him and give him peace. Thp expression is generally spoken by Muslims
after the prophet's name. Here, the author uses the abbreviation s.a.w.
to it!"
and streptomycin
11. Generally, wearing the hat reversed is associated jokingly
18. The four line verse was composed by Soekarno in the early
Mari kita bergembira: "Let's enjoy ourselves ••.• " This is the opening
19. General Nasution was at the time Minister for Security, and
23. A district in Senen near the railway station known for its
25. This must refer to the Istiqlal Mosque in Jakarta whose con
struction was started in the 50's but not finished when this story was
26. These lines are quoted from W.S. Rendra's famous poem
mentor of both the Kurawas and the Pandawas. but favors the Pandawas
man who simply happened to be on the wrong side. During the communist
the Durno of Peking. Soebandrio was also head of the Badan Pusat
of the Kurawas. His brother Semar serves and advises the Pandawas.
In a contest, Togog lost and was obliged to take the Kurawas' side.
emphasize once more to our local friends in the army that the strictest
Soekarno to show him the letter which had reached the Central Intel
ligence Bureau through the mail, and which was supposedly found in the
of Togog.
34. This phrase is taken from the above quoted Gilchrist letter.
sit around the jailangkung, burn incense, and summon spirits. When
the spirits arrive the chalk writes answers, on a board held up to it,
and the communist plan to arm workers and peasants. In 1962, he was
force in addition to the army, navy, air force, and police. Commanders
to Mecca. The author uses this word to show the Chinese envoy's abrupt
42. Yani was the general who succeeded Nasution as Army Chief
his policies, but like other military commanders, General Yani was
themes became slogans for tn~ year. 1965 was Tahun Be:r>dikari, or the